The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 22, 1916, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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Iharney county men
Ncnily J? '." i"1" ," Homilies
Since liuiiiniy 1, 11)15, mill Still
fj-liey Ciiiiio Comity JuiIko Ijov-
Cns Thinks System Is Hud.
IllIlNS, Or., March 18. Slnco
January 1, 191G, Ilnrnoy Comity has
jmlil bounty 01 nvo cents a head on
ucjrly 1100,000 Jack rabbits. Tho
tool exponso to dnto Is closo to $1G,
OuO Onltiloii Is divided as to whether
or not tho bounty law Is a wlso one.
In view ot tho agitation In favor
or 1 Wiclns n bounty on Jack rabbits
In flier Central Oregon counties tho
cMicrtunco ot Harney county with tho
bounty law is of especial Interest nt
tiu.i nmo.
The bounty lnv was adopted by tho
it people of Ilnrnoy county on an ini
tiative petition at tuo general elec
tion In 1911. Tho low bocamo effec
tive on January 1, 191G, tho bounty
provided being Hvo cents per rabbit.
Tho vote on tho measure was 1.15G
In favor and 793 opposed.
ruder tho law It Is tho duty of the
county court when setting tho tax
lovy to mako a sufficient levy to
meet tho estimated oxpendlturo for
bounties In tho onsulng year. Under
this provision tho court levied a tax
. ?f threo mills for 1915, producing
rorcnuo amounting to 32,000. Tho
1 whole amount wac exhausted boforo
tho cud of tho year and $10,000 In
warrants Issued. According to Coun
ty Judgo II. O. I.ovens, In splto of tho
number of rabbits killed, thcro Is no
diminution in tho supply, tho claims
for tha bounty nt tho latest term of
court having been as great as nt any
term In tho past year.
.luilno I.cicns Opposed.
Judgo Lovons Is ono of thoso who
think thnt tho Harney county boun-
r ty law Is bad. His opinion is that a
bounty Is only temporary In Its ro
HiiltH and that tha county would bo
hotter off If It bought rabbit wlro In
car load lots to turn over to ranch
ers, instead of paying tho bounty,
hvon assuming that a bounty is do
slrablo ho believes It a bad thing un
less nil counties in which rabbits aro
found havo tho snmo bounty law. At
present ha Is satlsflcd thnt Harney is
paying bounty on rabbits ovon from
Nevada, which bordors -his county, as
well ns from tho neighboring Orogon
counties. Theoretically this situation
is guardod against by tho require
ment thnt n bounty claimant mako
aillldnvlt that his rabblt3 woro klllod
In Harney county, but tho judge's
fr'th in human nnturo, at lenst on
this pnrtlculnr subject, Is weak. Proof
tiiBt rabbits woro killed out or liar
-noy Is Impossible. Tho court can on
ly nccept tho affidavits and pay tho
bounty, but it often has lto doubts.
Judgo I.ovens nlso bellovcs thnt If
county Is to havo a bounty, flvo
conts a head Is too hlgn. Two and a
half conts would bo nearer right In
his opinion.
Anothor olllclnl, who does not wish
Ills nnmo to bo used, favors n bouti-
tylaw , but ngrecs with Judgo havens
that It is undeslrahlo for u single
county to bo pnylng bounties. In his
opinion, If It camo to a voto, Harney
county would today enact tho bounty
law by a larger majority than In
For tho current yonr tho lovy for
Tahblt bounty in Ilnrnoy Is two and
n hnlf mills, tho total levy for stato
and county purposes bolng 22 mills.
Ask yourself tho question somo time. It Is not purely
for miikliiK money but to lender a service. Tho world
must CM mid tho grocer cnu rentier 11 high service to this
community. ft jt )ctlcr lo 4L.,.,, thlnjts moving, nmk
Ing on eery dollar a smnll profit nnd turning your goods
slv times n year, than to turn the siiino dollar hut once In
11 year at a larger proUU You will Unit tho following!
prices hind to match:
1 Pound Can Germnn-Aiuerlciin Steel Cut ColTeo . . .$).(
SI Pound Can Germnii-Ainericiin Steel Cut ColTeo. . . .85
f! Pound Can (Jcnnuii-Aiiiciican Steel Cut Coffee . .
1 Pound Can Ajiicrlcan Club Steel Cut Coireo :i
!l Pound dm Aincrlcnii Club Steel Cut Colfco 1.1)0
5 Pound Can American nub Steel Cut Coireo 1.50
1 No. liJ Can Apricots tr
1 No. 2 H Can Icnion Cling Pcnchea 13
1 No. 2)4 Can Muscat Griics 2f)
1 No. 2 54 Can Illnckberrlos 20
1 Gallon Can Peaches lo
1 Gallon Can Apples :J3
THE Elite
X Studio is now in
cluirge of Mr. E.
L. Jenks, who hits been
connected with the lar
gest Studio in Portland.
He will quote special
prices on portraits to
all who visit the Studio
this week and next
Elite Stuoto
cobcs nro on record, which clearly
show that bounties fail to accomplish
any permnnont rollof, and thoy qulto
often fall to afford oven tompornry
rollof unless by tho oxpendlturo of
largo BitiiiH.
Vory truly yours,
Chief, Illologlcal Survey
Two Casks Wcro Filled From Iiko
nnd Sealed in Presence of Three
Witnesses Prollt in Enterprise
at Present Pi Ices Snys Voutig.
Spring will soon bo hore, Mr. Far
mer, and you should bo thinking of
tho seod you will sow. S60 Tho Dond
Flour Mill Compnny's list of suitable
seed for spring sowing. Adv.
In connection with tho foregoing
tno following letter from tho United
Stntes Illologlcal Survey Is of Interest.
Washington, D. C, March S.
Mr. J. V. Mooro,
Sey. Redmond Commercial Club,
Itedmond, Oregon.
Dear Sir:
your loltor of Fobruary 28, In re
gard to tho practicability of tho boun
ty system In controlling Jnck rabbits,
Is received. In reply it may be stat
ed that tho Illologlcal Survey has
mado n study of tho bounty system
Tor over twenty years and, as far ns
can bo learned, extermination of nnl-
inol pests has never been accomplish
ed by bounties. It Is a general ex
porlenco thnt tho administration of
bounty laws Is attended by much
fraud. Also, the oxponso connected
with this method of controlling rab
bits Is out of all proportion with the
benefit gained and nearly always re
sults in the exhaustion of county or
Stato funds long boforo any perma
nent good can bo accomplished. As
an example, It may be cited that Har
ney county, Oregon, during tho per
iod from January 1, 1915, to Janu
ary 31, 191G, has paid bounties of
five conts ench on 952,537 rabbits.
The destruction of this enormous
numnor of rabbits has materially re
duced tho total number of rabbits,
according to tho county officials, but
owing to tho heavy drain on county
funds payment of bounties will soon
have to bo discontinued. As there
are still a great many rabbits left,
they will soon multiply to their pre
vious number. Many other similar
For sign painting seo Edwards.
Value of an Inch of Rain.
Every inch of rainfall nbuve four
'nehes In the Pnlcotns, California,
Washington, Knusns ::nd Nebraska In
May and Juno menus an Increase of
J 15,000,000 in tho wheat ciop. Every
'ncli of rnlufnll nhovo threo Inches In
inly In Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Iown.
Ohio and Nebraska Increases the value
of tho corn crop by ?lo0,000.000. Theso
figures nro compiled by E. J. Cragoo
for tho Joumnl of Geography.
Hollow Shafts.
By careful experiments It tins been
proved that n solid column subject to
bending strains Is no stronger than a
hollow ouo Consequently nil Iron
shafts are mndo hollow, and the steel
shafts which drlvo the screws of steam
ships have 11 hole bored down the cen
ter so that tho weight may bo reduced.
Penny Weddings.
Ontll 1C43 marriage feasts. Known ns
"penny veddlngs," wcro held in Scot
land. Each guest paid n penny or a
smnll aura of money to defray tho ex
penses of tho feast. If any money was
left over It wont toward tho furnishing
of tho new humo.-r-Exchango.
Idleness wastes a fmtuno In nair the
timo that Industry make It Samuel
(Silver Lnko Lender.)
Tho waters casket! under sonl, by
tho chemists sont horo from Now
York by tho financial backers of Jn
BOn C. Mooro, havo arrived in Now
York City and aro now In tho hnntls
of private chemists of tho financing
corporations. It la reported that tho
casks arrived thoro with tho seals
Intact, in fact tho casks woro under
tho scrutiny of dotoctlves from tho
timo thoy loft Lakes Abort and Sum-
mor until thoy reached Now York.
This groat precaution was taken In
order to cntlroly bnfflo tho erroneous
roports which would othorwlso hnvo
boon circulated by tho Interests try
ing to undermlno tho Interests of
Vr. Mooro and thus sccuro tho loaso
for thomsolvcs.
In securing tho waters fro mi tho
lnko, a boat was used to tho dlstanco
of 300 yards from tho shoro, whoro
tho waters woro dipped up In their
purest stnto and put In casks and
scaled In tho preaenco of tho follow
ing locnl men, Louis Ilonham, A, Dim
Ingor nnd Virgil Conn. Tho two
chomlata presont sealed tho casks
with tholr nnmo Imprint, and Mr.
Conn Informs us that thoro was no
posoihlo chnnco for ndultorntlon bo
tweou tho timo of tho Healing of tho
wntors of tho lako nnd tho reaching
of tholr destination In Now York.
Mr. F. iL. Young of Palsloy, prin
cipal ownor of tho soda mlnos north
of Abort Lako, has a knot of caution
ns largo ns on ostrich egg, nnd
through nil tho controvorsleti of tho
past threo years regarding tho lakes
has not rendorod nn opinion, until
rocently, whon ho said: "Tho prosont
prices of chlorlda of potash and caus
tic soda, mlnorals which may bo so
c rod nnd manufactured from tho
products, of thoso lakes, mako tho
enterprise of Mr. Mooro an entirely
foaslhlo ono from a commercial
standpoint. Caustic soda at thin
timo Is $300 per ton, and chlorldo of
potash Is ?G00 por ton, both products
of which aro In thoso waters."
Latest information Is to the offoct
thr.t no plpo linos will bo construct
ed, hut thnt largo manufacturing
plants will ho established nt the lakes
and tho mnnufneturod product ship
ped out by railroad.
Mammoth Cave.
"To mo the Mnuiinotii invo of Ken
tucky Is simply u iMirtlun of the Grand
Cnnon of Coltiintlo underground,"
siiys George Wharton .litmus, the trav
eler nnd author, In "Our American
Wonderlands." "Almost nil the phe
nomena or tho great envo are revealed
In the Grand canyon region, anil, given
time enough. It Is nut liK'iiticclvnbla
that tho Aluuniioth cave might develop
Into a Urund cunyou region ot its
Cannot Praise Them Enough.
Many sick and tired women, with
aches and pains, soro muscles nnd
stiff Joints do not know that tholr
kldnoys nro out of order. .Mrs. A.
U. Wolls, Box 90, Ilouto G, llocky
Mount, N. c, writes: "I am taking
Foley Kidney Pills and ennnot prnlso
them enough for tho wonderful ben
efit I derived In such a short while."
Sold everywhere. Adv.
A doslrnblo bread knlfo frco with
ovory annual subscription to Tho
Bend Bulletin.
Rodent Poisoning
and Game Birds
(It. A. Waul, Illologlcal Assistant.)
In connection with tho poisoning
of harmful rodents In Crook county
numerous inquiries havo beon receiv
ed in regard to the ofTect of tho pois
on on pheasants nnd other gamo
Tho sportsmen of tho community
need hnvo no fenr of tho destruction
of gamo birds from this cause. Pois
oning operations on n largo Bcalo
havo been conducted by tho U. S.
Biological Survey for u number of
years on ninny National Flrcsts and
on large areas ot Government rnngo.
No authentic record Is thus fur ob
tainable, of tho killing of nny grouso,
quail, sago chickens, pheasants or
other gntnu birds by tho grain poison
used In experiments by tho Biological
Survey. Tho writer has poisoned
areas which woro visited within for
ty eight hours utter tho distribution
of tho poisoned grain, by Inrgo flocks
of sago hens nnd California quail,
but no birds were found dead nl
tnough n caroful search of tho sur
rounding country wns mndo. Humor
to tho ofTect that grouso nnd sngo
hens hnvo been klllod by poisoned
grain, when trnccd, proved unauthen
tic In every Instance. All gallinace
ous birds, and this Includes groupo,
quail and partridges, aro porhaps tho
least susceptible to poisoning of nny
Good Buying Sense
hA J if hi 1 " ti
You never BHwJvVl
know the peifecl flE'Kfv il
comfort of a full fit- VMJ H ( XS
ting gatment, or the JIM (jjBBJ l J
BfMtwt overall vt!u fJBluCTOBl f3
that you can get (of jjMHHfl Wl
I you have Worn the KVlBv""' R
overslla and Work- fifwf wfU
you your money griZl $ H
will be exercised when trad
ing with
Spring Goods Just In
Wright's cotton union
suits por suit . . .$1.1)0
Complcto lines of II. V.
I). nnd Porosknlt union
II 1 n c k Boar, dross,
sport and work shirts.
Hero nro batter values
for you.
Khaki coats . .. .$l.r,o
Khaki trousers . J?I.H.
Khaki overalls . .$1.00
And $1.10
Your grocory wants
will always recolvo tho
best attention nt nil
times If you glvo thorn
ot tho common birds ot tho western
United States.
To thoso who aro especially Inter
ested I would suggest they rend tho
entitled "Tho effect' of strychnine sul
phnto on California vnlloy quail," by
C. C. Plorco, Sonlor Surgeon, and M.
T. Clogg, Bnctorlologlst, United
States Public Health Sorvlco, which
nppenred In "California Fish and
Oninu" for January. In thoso ex
periments tho amount of strychnine
reckoned by body weight which was
fatal tor quail was from 10 to -10
times grantor than that which pro
duced convulsions and death In
ground squirrels. Whon tho quail
woro fed our rogulnr ground squirrel
poison which Is poisoned hnrley In
tho ratio of ono ounco ot Btrychnino
to 1G quarts of harloy, no symptoms
rcsultod. The conclusions nrrlvod at
from this most Interesting article nro
as follows:
(1). California vnlloy quail mny
ho fed under natural conditions rel
atively lnrgo amounts of Btrychnino
sulphnto without showing toxic symp
toms. (2). Tho minimum lothal doso by
subcutaneous Injection Is four milli
grams por 100 grams of hotly weight.
(3). Tho California ground squir
rel (Cltellus becchoyt) Is very nus
coptlblo to stryclinlno sulphnto; .09
milligrams per 100 grnms ot body
weight produced convulsions.
(4). Nlnotcon grains of harloy
containing 2.7 milligrams of Btrych
nino sulphnto, whuu retnlncd In tho
pouch of tho ground squirrel, proved
(ti). Poisoned hnrloy as used for
ground Hqulrral orndlcatlon does not
cniiBQ tho dentil of California valley
qunll utitlor natural feeding conditions.
A dcslrnhlo bread knlfo froo with
ovory annunl subscription to Tho
3ond Bulletin.
The Only Company "Exclusively Oregon"
Discriminating Buyers Give Us Preference
Best for Oregonians
Home Office; Sffi Portland. Ore.
Crl Muecr
Itesident Agent, IScud.
For the man who
wants to own his
own home
Let us show you, for your selection, some of
the prettiest lots in Bend. They are level and
free from rock and are spotted with lovely shade
trees; they are within fifteen minutes walk of
either of the big mills and are close to the bus
iness district. These, lots may be had on terms
that are within the reach of all and every assist
ance will be given our buyers to enable them to
build a comfortable home. We will be pleased
to show you.
We write insurance in all its branches in world
known companies and will gladly accept the
smallest risk.
Bend Park Company
PHONE 381.