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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1916)
- J fr." tiii: bend BULLKTLVt bund, om: Wednesday, marchess, iojoj s n TAftR 7. Your Fancies Will be Favored at Our Fountain We will be the coolest place in town no exceptions. Our foun tain will satisfy your desires for the best of cooling beverages Everything Always Fresh Victor Records Magazines VicmoLAS Eastman Kodaks REED &i HORTON BEND The 5tegqIL Store OREQON LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Post ofllco box rent 1b now duo. A. D. Lowis, enmo down from his up rlvor ranch on Monday. II, A. Stovor loft Saturday evening nu a business trip to Portland. Jnmco Black of Ln Pine, was hero ri)n Thursday going over tho now dUIb. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gerry from Prlnglo Flats woro Ilond visitors this eck. Tho Hrldgo Club mot Friday af ternoon at tho homo of Mrs. A. M. Lara. FOR YOUR NEXT SUIT See DICK 1Kb Tailor All Kinds of CLEANING AND PRESSING Phono Dlnck 1481 Dement & Company havo had tho front of their storo repainted this wook. Tho Modorn Woodmen of America hold an oystor supper last night ln Sathor'a Hall. A largo number of momibors and Invited guests woro present on tho occasion. r SALE of LADIES TRIMMED Hats THURSDAY, MARCH 23 100 LADIES' TRIMMED HAT! will be placed on sale at 2 $3 $4 FOR ECONOMY SAKE SHOP AT WARNER'S Bend's Economy Center. $5 Pictorial Review PATTERNS We close at 0: 80 Except Saturday Mrs, Rohort Smith, of Sisters, was a Visitor among friends In Bend on Sunday. D. E. Hunter returned on Tuesday morning fjom n business ftrlp to) Portland, Mrs. Perry Hartoon ennio ln from Hrooklngs on Sunday to Join her h isbantl hero. W. L. Cobb, president of tho Cen tral Oregon Dnnk, Is In Roseburg this week on business. r. J. W. Day returned Inst Thursday from Kcllog, Idaho, bring ing her sou with her. Miss Hnzol Archibald returned on Sunday from Prlnovlllo where Bho has been visiting friends. The Commercial Club luncheon will bo held on Saturday at tho American Bakery. A largo party of young people at- tonded tho St. Patrick's danco given Friday evening nt Tumalo. Paul Datos, well known lnsuranco man of Portland was a guest of Dr. J. C. Vandovert on Sunday. A. C. Egnn nnd George F. Hoover returned on Sunday from' a business trip to Silver Lake and Paisley. A. M. Lara and N. A. Southwlck returned Saturday from n Inslness trip In Luke nnd Hnrncy counties. Tho Ellto Studio Is having tho up stnlrs of tho Lara Building romodol- cd preparatory to moving Into It. Tho ladles of tho Ilaptlst church will hold a cooked food sale at tho O'Donnell market Saturday, March 25. R. 13. Huffschmldt and C. J. Du gan, foundrymon of Portland, aro In llond this week nrranglng for a lo cation. L. D. Wlost was cjmpnlgnlng ln Jofforson county loBt week Hi tho In terests of tho North unit Irrigation district. ' Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Reed returnod Saturday from a 10 days trip to Hum's whoro thoy visited frlonds and relatives. A rainbow was seen In the sky about 10 o'clock Sunday night, a most unusual occurrence, especially In this section. Work was begun today on tho basement forythe O'Knno building, Tho baBomcnt will bo 7C feet long and 37 feet wldo. Mrs. J. n. Kendall nnd dnughtor Marlbel arrived Sunday morning from Grants Pnsfl, Oregon, to spond tho summer hero. A. R. Rowman, of tho Central Ore gon Tltlo & Loan Co,, of Prlnovllle, nnd Miss Ada Mlnton, of Prlnovlllo, woro mnrrlcd on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coombs ro turnod Wednesday qvenlng from Portland whoro thoy havo been spondlng tho last two months. Douglas Lawson enmo ovor from Prlnovlllo on Sunday, bringing with him Bishop Robort Paddock, who hold sorvlccs horo Sunday ovonlng. Tho meeting of tho Pnrent-Tonch- or association to occur on Friday will bo hold nt eight o'clock In tho ovon lng nt tho Rold school, Instead of In tho nfternoon ns announced last week. M. 11. Rayer, of tho operntlng de partment of tho O.-W. It. & N., en gaged In Joint facility work, spent n fow days horo last wook on business. Mr. Rayer was greatly Impressed by tho now saw mills. Tho Methodist Guild hold Its monthly social mooting nt tho homo of Mrs. W. O. McCulston Inst Wed nesday nfternoon. Progressive games woro played nnd prizes given aftor which lunch was sorvod. M. S. Miller, who formerly con ducted tho hotel at Harper, sold out recently to Potor Thompson, of Don aldson, Mlnnosotn, who will contlnno tho biiBlncsB and engago ln tho dairy and poultry business. Mr. Miller plans to visit In Portland and Shcrl dap before moving to Pino Bluff, Wy oming, whoro he will llvo temporari ly. On Saturday ovonlng, tho first cer omonlal meeting of tho Camp Flro Girls wns hold at tho homo of Miss Luclfc Mc1y. Twenty girls woro Initiated and made charter monvbers of tho Clono Otz (Three Sisters) camp. Refreshments und n social hour woro onjoyod. Saturday was the fourth anniversary of tho Na tional Camp Flro Organization. Tho St. Patrick's day danco at Tumalo Friday evening was enjoyed by a largo crowd of pooplo from Rend and tho surrounding country. Tile hall was effectively decorated with Its cheery green decorations, clay pipes nnd fish nets, duo to tho efforts of Miss Margaret Mock, chairman of tho docoratlon commltteo. Lunch wns served at twelvo o'clock by the West Side Ladles club. A i C- c tne opring o eason -J' a egins - .. -We -Feel We rare Exceptionally Fortunate in the Selection of the VERY LATEST STYLES im Coats Suits Skirts Waists Neckwear Gloves Shoes - . . Corsets Lingerie Hosiery , Underwear Silis Wash Fabrics Laces Dress Goods Embroideries r , Ribbons Trimmings u WHICH WE SUBMIT TO YOUR APPROVAL AT ,' Our Formal Spring Opening SATURDAY, MARCH 25 Ih Our Stocks of Merchandise for Spring were personally selected In Eastern Markets. 'Che main thought behind these selections Was based upon the proposition that Quality Is the first consideration mllh discriminating people; that they prefer buying up to a standard of excellence rather than hown to a mere cheapness In price. Quality Is re membered long after the price Is forgotten. Where It Is a question of Quality In Ma terial, of Rig hiness In Pattern, of Fairness In Price every single thing you buy at this Store can bedepended upon to give satisfaction. We Invite your consideration and leant you to come during our opening and express your opinion A SOUVENIR TO EVERY LADY. STOP and SHOP AT fPffiSSPEt Quality first Moderate Prices-- our Success, BRICK BUILDING TO RISE Buy a moal ticket nt tho Alta- mont. Adv. Go to tho Royal Cafo for your dinner. Adv. 44 tf Consult Dr. J. G. Turner, or merly of Lowe & Turner, eye specialists, at Thornon's Jew elry store, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 28th, ono day only. Head aches relieved, cross eyes straighten ed. No charge for consultation or examination. Satisfaction guaran teed. Re sure to lot Dr. Turner show you tho now bifocal Ions without lines or seams to catch dirt, strain tho eye lor come apart. Ono light, solid I piece of gloss which looks like a single pair, yet answers the purpose I of two, enabling you to read or do close work and see distant objects (perfectly. Free demonstration, ndv that shavo or hair cut, now ready, Adv. I' our chairs August Nelson of Los Angeles 1'iirrli- um's HuMim'nn 1'ioperty. With tho viov of beginning work next week, August Nelson, formerly of Los Ancoles. through R. I. Mintor nml .1. II. Miner, linn liurchnsed busi ness property on Ilond street Just I south of tho Bend Hardware Com pany. Mr. Nelson will erect a ono story brick building liCxGO feet nnd will occupy It himself, putting in a lino of men's furnishings. r rixcavatlng wlu begin somo tlmo next week nnd tho building will bo rushed to completion. Two other brick buildings aro ox poctod to rlso soon on property close to that purchased by Mr. Nelson, but tho owners aro not definite as to when this work will begin. Four chairs at your sorvlco nt tho Metropolitan. No wul ting. -Adv. Seo J. Ryan & Co., for farm land loniiH. Adv. BIG SALE of Newly TRIMMED HATS For farm land loans soo J. Ryan & Co. Reasonable ratos, prompt service, Adv. From now UNTIL MARCH 25. At a bar gain here you all! find some of the newest things In SPRING MILLINERY Cooked food salo by tho ladles of the RaDtUto hurch will be hold at O'Donnell's market Saturday, March 25. ' Homo made pies, cakes, cook ies, salads, etc , will bo on salo. adv No waiting at the Metropolitan for MRS. C. H. WARNER Lawrence Building, Wall Street t T '