j3iuaaK3 thi: HHSn hvllktiv, urtxn, orf;., Wednesday, mauoh 22, mm. pa or n. i R. SPfi I'ort, 1 fee . car th". to? ii 81 m CI If) THE BEND BULLETIN (Published Every Wednesday) GEORGE PALMER PUTNAM Publisher RORERT W. SAWYER Editor-Manager. FRED A. WOELFLEN Associate Editor. An Independent newspaper Btnnd Ing for the square deal, clean busl ness, clean politics and tlio boot In terests of Uend and Central Oregon. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1310. A MESSAGE TO GARCIA. Hair (ho Silver Lake Losdor: "It will b Him fniit'nr now of only n few weeks when M. Utrnh'jrrj will be tell ing us wliHt lie wuiitH, mill that vvb It'll he wants Is Ills at ntiy tlnu." k. Ifow lp that for tlio proper spirit? And remember, It echoes the sen timent of ull Central Oregon. The interior Is united. It jnsnns busl nesH. It Is ready, and willing find .-waiting. A great big country bigger than Massachusetts Is pulling to getfiorV J'""' JcBlounlen are wiped out. Community dlfforencos arc for- gotton. That which "leagues and efforts from within and from without could not tlo 1im hviiW done. Anil It Is tho accomplishment of a nlnglo lian and a, single Idea. ' Thft ninn lii Unherl E. Strnlioril His Idea Is tho Centrnl Oregon rail road system, linking hp the loose ends of rail transportation In our half BOrvod territory. Mr. Strnhorn Is "putting It over." It Is a fair guess that no other man living could do It could do It, at least, In the way he Is doing It. Ho Jins won the confidence of Central Oregon. He has the country's united backing. And It Is not Just paper promises ho Is receiving; the right of way, tho terminals mid tho sup port ho expected nro his. Robert K. Strnhorn hni carried n iiussago to Garcln. If that statement doesn't convoy to you n full measure of mcnnlng. read what Elbert Hub bard wrote about that other messngo, back In 1898: "When war broko out between Spain nnd tho Un.teil Statee, It wns very necessary to communlcato quick ly with tho leader of tho Insurgents. Garcia was somewhere In tho moun tain fastness of Culm no olio know whore. No mall or telogrnph mes xago could reach him. Tho president must sccuro his co-operation, and quickly. "What to do! "Soma ono said to tho President, 'Thero Is a fellow by the name of Jtownn who will llnd Garcia for you, If anybody can.' "Rownn wns sent for nnd given n letter to bo deliverod to littrcln. "The follow by tho iiiiinu of Rownn tok tho letter, senled Is up In nn oll-sklu pouch stropped It over his heart, In lour days luniloil by night off the const of Culm from nn open boat, disappeared In tho Jungle, nnd In three weeks enmo out on tho oth er sldo of thii Island, having travers ed a hostile country nn foot and do Jlvered his letter to Gnrcln." Of courso all that Is moro pictur esque and spectcular than wo nro wit nesslng today. This Is n matter of business, minus heiolcs. Hut It takes tlio samu kind of n man as delivered the niessago to Garcia to deliver such n niessago as Strahoru Is delivering 1o Oregon and to get It over as ho Is doing. AUNE ISMMTE ' Well Known I lend Cltlcii to Run for County Omiinls'-loiicT. , Theodore Aune, of Uend. this week nnnounced his randldarvf or tho of flco of county commissioner on the Republican ticket, subject to the pri maries to be bold May 19. Mr. Anno bus been n resident of Rend for the lmt 13 years and has boon ongngei In the Hvory nnd enn trnctlnr business. Mr, Aune served three pnrs on the city council, his term expiring In January. man In ehnrgo of Installation of ma-'point where tho finished product Is chlnory, the Uend factory Is the last loaded Into tho cars. This applies to word in sash factories. Evory nin- the lumber going through tho vnr chlne Is of the InteGt model made, , lous dopartmonts, nnd not that go ar.d ninny of the mnchlncs nro of a Ing Into the yards for air drying, kind never tried out In any other This nlso distinguishes tho Shevlln factory of lis kind In. tho United Hlxon plnnt from all others which States. Efficiency li tho keynote of preceded It. No delays through this this particular part of tho entire method of handling tho lumber will plrnt. Hy the use of conveyors the be occasioned In bad weather, and number of men necessary to employ tlio lumber will bo fully protected has iieon reduced to tho minimum against exposure. TIip snsh fnctorv v.1 Ill manufacture The lumber yard, which will nc- nbout 1.000 sash and 2,000 openings commodate about 3C per cent of tho dally. Tho door department of the cut of the mill, will cover npproxl factory will not bo put In operation ! mately 80 ncros. Tho details In re mit) a Inter date, but when this do- gnrd to tho layout of the lumber While you are Cleaning House examine your REND UA.VD IV NEW QTARTURM. The room In the old Lam building which the Uend Concert Rand linit been using to huhl rehearsals In Is hgl)B remodeled for other purposes wjji j.cgln about April ?. nnq we unitii nps secureu me use ui tile old llro house east of the city Jnll. A m pnrtment Is In operation It will turn1 out about 1,000 doore dally, The j snRh factory will employ about 120 ' men nnd will operate ono 10-hourl nhlft. ft Is exnecteil that onenHliiiia i yards hnvo not been completed, but they will lie to tho southeast of the mill arid auxiliary factories, To Employ BM .Men. Considerable speculation has been rife rolntlvo to tho number of men Rov Factory Opens In June. , that the Shcvlln-Hlxon Company will Tkn linv fnntni.1. tlrtvlKft font 1 a 1 ... tl . .1.ah ll .!. .lnn.tmMnla .. ..... I...I.I ,!,.., T.., a ii3 uua mv,uwr -v.vv icgi, if I uillfiuj 1, HUH till Ul Wl Ul'pui Itliyiua eetlng was held thoro Tuns- ,. ..... , ,,, ..,, i- ..i .. i ... .. . '.n .- ,, , ,, , .. ni,, ' iiiuj ui me iiiumo iii iuiui. ui . me in mil vpcnuiun. becoming 10 day evening but owing to some slight mmnintinn. As thi. fnpJa...i.i. t a vnn i. 7nv tory will not begin operations until bo conservatively said that 323 men early In Juno Installation of machln- will be employed In tho sawmill, mis ery and the completion of tho build-, Ulary fnctorles, tho yards and tho Ing have not been rushed as In theiofllce, and. 200, upon an nvorngo In case of ether departments. Tho fac- tho lOEglriB cuh.bs. Just to what tory, When III operation, Will employ extent this number will bo Increased ivboUt 75 m;0. after tho mill nnd other departments TllO tV0 tlry sheds, ono of which . are In full operation cannot now bo Is completed, and tho othor under definitely determined, construction, hnvo a combined area Tho Shevltn-Hlxon Company begins of 140, 3G8 squaro feet. Tho larger operations with an order for 50 Bani shed Is situated Just west of the 'pie cars of lumbor which will go to misunderstanding many of the mem bors did not learn of the arrange ment In time to nttend. Several new musicians reported and n good At tendance Is looked for nnxl Tuesday evening, Probably you will need some New Ones, Look over these. They are attractive. Rugs IS In. by 33 In Sf.on ' Rugs 27 In. by 5 1 In 3.2? Rugs 3d In. by 72 In l.HI.UO Grass Koklo rugs 27 In. by 51 In $1.00 Puritan rugs 27 In. by 5 I In . . .$2.r, Rag Carpet Rugs "Oc, OOc, 9100 Axmlnster Rugs 9 ft. by 12 ft $20, ljl22.no, $21 Rath Hugs 75c to $2.23 Mits iioti.Ni: HAUiir i)ii;s Aflor n lirlef llllIMS fo!l(VUifl: II hlroke df npoplexy. Mrs. Rflidnu Hal-1 loy Uled ot thii honiB Of her daughter! Mrs. Ashley Forrest last Friday I mornlhg. Tho funeral services were, hold Frldny afternoon and tho re- mains wore taken to her homo near' Des Moines, Iowa. The late Mrs. , Halley hnB been visiting with her daughter for Bovoral months, coming hero for her health. HROOKS.SCANI.OX NINE I1EATEN. Tho Sliovlln-Hlxon nine got ro vnngo last Sunday for tho defeat by tho Rrooks-Scanlon Company's nine two weokB ngo, defeating tho latter by a scoro of 2 I to 9 on the proceeding Sundny. Tho Shevlln-Hlxon nlno was defeated by a score of 8 to 3. In Sunday's gnmo Ilaker, Mitchell, Hill and Ilosmer were batteries for the victors nnd Johnson, lluddoll and Zlezor were bnttcrlen for tho Rrooks Scanlon nlno. Bid SHEVLIN MILL (Continued from Pngo 1.) tnti1 rnllrnfiil irnrftt Tlift 1nirrnn t1i ' shed Is C32 feet by 124 feet and tho smaller 500 feet by 124 feot. Tho finished lumber and tho surplus stock of the sash and box factories will bo stored In these buildings. In point of construction tho Shov-lln-Hlxon plant occupies a unlono position In the country. Tho mill and the auxiliary plants have been built ns a unit complete from tho g-ound up. Other plants have been built plcco by piece nt various times during operations. Ry Juno every department will bo going up to Its full capacity. Lumber to bo Protected. When a log loaves tho pond It will bo completely undor covor to tho widely distant nnd separate markets In tho United States. Tho Bash fac tory hns a standing order for 20 cars ot sash and window openings. Thnt tho central Oregon timber, which will bo known as tho Califor nia Whlto Pino, as It 1b n species of the plno cut hy tho large mill nt Weed, California, will bo popular In lumber mnrkots, la tho opinion en tortnlncd by Mr. McCann. Equipment Is tho Latent. Tho equipment for handling tho timber Is unoxcelled In nny logging center In the country. Tho latest logging machinery has been obtnincd. The Shovlln-Hlxon Company Is cut ting about 200,000 feet dally, and this will bo considerably Increased Oh, SO CROOKED. Recently The Iliilletin commented upon tho outcome of tho Astoria rate light. It was extraordinarily help ful to Astoria, and hurtful to Port land. And, bccmise tho I'ortlnud nf tornnon papers howled lustily on Ah torlu'ii behalf throughout, wo ventur ed the opinion that In time Portland people might thank thoiu appropri ately for tho boomorniiK they had helped to throw. Now counts tlio Portland Journal, fllcloncy, nnd hnvo unique fenturcs which tho engineers In ehnrgo do not wish to dlvulgo until thoy hnvo had n trial In operation. Tho boiler room hns 11, 72x20 feet boilers with Dutch ovon flro Iwxos fed by auto matic saw dust and shaving feeders. Tho 21(1x24 foot sorting shed Joins tho mill with tho stnekor. All thol umber going to tho yards mid tho Btncker Is graded. Ten men will bo ongnged In sorting tho cut of tho mill. The stneker nnd un-Btnckor will handlo nil tho lumbor going to nnd from tho dry kiln. Although tho stneker and tho tmstacker system In vented by D. A. Tnnncr, of I.a Grando Is now In iiso by Bovernl western mills, no othor mill has It In tho com plntoncss thnt exists nt tho Shovlln-. Hlxon plnnt nt Ilond. In tho Btockor nil tho lumber Is automatically stack ed on cars preparatory to going to tho dry kiln. According to men who hnvo neon stackers oporato this de partment works with nlmost human Intelligence. Dry Kiln Ih Larue Tho dry kiln, 222x100 feot In con structed of brick? tile, mid U stnted to bo tho largest kiln in tho I'nltod States fed by u two bnnd sawmill. Owing to tho fact that C per cent of the cut of tho sawmill will hnvo to bo kiln dried boforo going to tho auxiliary factorlos n dry kiln of 20 openings has been necessitated. Tho dry kiln will nccommodnto 120,000 feet nt every drying. Tho tompor aturo of tho kilns nt drying will bo ISO degrees fnronholt. After tho lumber Is dried It Is conveyed to the un-stneker whero by nn operation tho couverso of that of I JSttf. & &5eteMfAfflEmiWjSliOS. w .vi r i-i tvi . i ""i ,-. . i v-w " . i ten i New Spring Footwear Has arrived. We are now showing the New Styles for MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Mary Jane Pumps In Patent nnd Dull; Chllds Misses Ladles $1.65, $1.30, $2.50 White Canvas Oxfords For Mou, Women mid Children. A special ventilated Incr-solo for tennis wear for men for $ 1 ,50 White Rub. Sole Pumps With Spool Heel. A dovlded favorite for grown tips or $2.50 Ladies' Pumps WITHOUT STRAPS, AXKLK STRAPS, INSTEP STRAPS, IN PATENTS, KIDS AND GVS .METALS. Women's 85c Misses' 75c Child's 65c SATHER'S villi tin, tiuMnrllim that IliH "linnv peeled leuKth of tho doulslon" is ttut , Btackvr the lumbor Is unloaded j rnol mmuu-e mid not the Astoria vie- irm mo cars mm uinpuiciii'.i m mu tory per so. "All of which," eon- auxiliary factories for innnufacturo. ttnuiM tlit Journal. "Is fully admit-1 Tin lumbor going to the sash nnd tnd by all iiHwmmnrn oxeent thiMw!lox factories and tho planer will bo nrn&nlciilly mid Intentionally crook ed." Tho Journal "tore It Hhlrt," odl torlally NpimkliiK, to aid Astoria In getting rate. Identical with Pnrt- Iiim.I'm Tin, rniMi. ivurn uruuteil. Pn- iloqlalily the outcoiuo of tho contro-Jod with two Nersy Is vastly Injurious to Portland. , poolty of tlio S Thereforo. rogardlng the matter from Hit entirely disinterested viewpoint. It still seoms as If tho estlumblo af ternoon organ of political and eco noinlo rootltudo hnd helped prepare a most bitter pill for Its own commun ity to swallow. Just at present, for Instance Port land Is trying to got rntoa on lumber to Idahq-Utnh territory equal to those, onjoyod by Rend. Wouldn't The Iliilletin iimko nn Intelligent ppectaolo If wo campaigned to this end. at tho expense of Industries which ate building up our commun ity? ij.vniiv ti nno'n community may miii unprofosslonul to our Portland contnmpnrary. H may appear to It bigger and bolder' to light for sonio competitor than for one's solf. And perhaps those who view tho matter differently r.ro really orgaulcally and Intelligently crooked." Only wo don't bollovo it. For In stance wo don't think n papor Is real lv worthy of such n characteristic JournnleMi trlbuto until It has en larged the scopo of Us transgressions to Inoludi), Bay, tho faking of a. u jtromu court decision. conveyed through the unstneker, From the unstneker tlio lumber will bt iikuIii graded for the two factories mid the planer. The planer has a smnllor capacity than the one that usually nro operat- bnud mill of tho en- Shovlln-Hlxon sawmill. The small site ot this planing mill Is due to tho fact that only a small percentage of tho lumber goes through It for finishing, tho pinners are, however, ot tho latest models manufactured. SaMi Factory Is Modern. Tho sash factory Is tho Jumlio man ufacturing building of tho entire plant. Tho Shovltn-HUnn Company has entered Into nn operating agree ment with tho Rend Whlto Vino Sash Company to take n cortaln grade of lumber for tho manufacture Into sash and window frames. Tho snsh factory Is 210 foot wldo and 270 feet long. Uioklng nt It one might off hand think It a green houso on ac count of tho area of tho building oc cupied by wlndov.s. An abundance, of light is necessary for this bul'd Ing owing to Its gro-t n'o. Tho walls have been whitewashed, afford ing hrlgtitnu! to tho Interior. The sash factory Is motor driven Each piece ot machinery being a unit driven by one or 'more motors. In all there are 75 motors In the entire factory. Thuro will bo only 30 feot of bfl.lt used In the entire factory. According to Harry Swamon, fore- The Metropolitan Store of the Metropolis of , Central Oregon will henceforth close every evening at 6:30, except Satur day and pay nights New Curtain Scrim Just Arrived The most complete nnd ngreeablo lino of plain mid fnncy curtain scrims over shown In Rend. Wo have a wide rango of patterns to select from. Por ynrd H'e to 50c Spring Suits Como In and look over our now lino of mou'ir and Indies suits. For ladles, skirts, houso dresses and even ing dresses. R. M. SMITH CLOTHING COMPANY when the mill Is in full operation. Tho equipment In the woods Includes ono four lino Clyde ground sklddor, a McGlfford loader, nnd a Lldgorwood overhead bkidder and loader. Tho compnny will operate CO, 10 foot logging cars and will employ a 71 ton Baldwin rod locomotive of the Mikado typo "whloh Is now on tho rend. This locomotive will hnvo eight drivers nnd 41 Inch wheels Awaiting tho arrival of this locomo tive tho compnny is using tho (10 ton Lima locomotive, which soon will bo used for switching purposes in tho woods. Tho Ohio crnno Is n 20 ton crane on a 21 foot boom and will bo used In the woods nnd tho yards for handling heavy equipment. Twelvo miles of standard gungo track hns beon built Into tho, timber to tho point where tho mon nro, now cutting. Thero are soveral miles of branch track built and this will bo extended ns tho timber Is penetrated. There is cut now nbout IB.000,000 feet of logs of which 5,000,000 Is In the logging pond for lmmcdlato saw ing. Taggers AVell Cared For. Provision for men In tho camps nnd the mill, bo far as living conditions are concorned, hnvo been given care ful attention. Through n contract with the Rogers Hotel Company of Portland nil tho men who nro em ployed In tho plant at Rend, and tho logging camps, and not living at their homes, will bo provided for nt the Rogers' boarding houses. Ono board ing houso will bo Bltuntcd In Rend nnd two boarding campB In the woods. In nlL UiIb company Is equip ped to care for nbout 400 mon. Tho lwardlng houso In town is a model' for conumlenco and sanitation. The hunkhousiu nro olectilc lighted, havo hot nnd cold wntor and hnvo commod ious stebplng rooms, shower bathrs nnd aro well ventilated. Tho dining, room will bo oporntod on modern lines nnd everything has boon dono to mnko for cleanliness. The log ging camps, although not bo elabor ately arranged, will bo situated to afford tho best convenience nnd com fort for tho mon o in ployed In all kinds of weathor. Frank Jennings, who Is superintendent of tho Com pnny, will bo In ehnrgo of tho board ing houses hero. Photographs of homos, Intorlorp and oxtorlors. Wo havo nn assort ment of mill pictures, nnd scenery around Rend, both largo nnd small. Ellto'Btudlo. Adv. Commercial photography of all kinds can now bo attended to by the Kllto Studio. Rest of work irunrnn- ised and dollvorod promptly. Ellto Studio. Adv. C. E. HAMILTON Writes Fire Insurance Phono Bl.ck 451 DRY WOOD EOR SALE. If the Question is CLOTHES the Answer is OURS Brandegee-Kincaid $15.00 to $27.50 FOR ECONOMY SAKE SHOP AT WARNER'S Hrnd's Economy Cbntuu JU rctwSsl I M M-iVt iJtfi N C A I D CO. MB Ott "summery comfort" plus seasonable style you need not look far when In search of good clothes to find It, niuxi)i:oi:i:-KixcAin CLOTHES combine the best In stylo with unsurpassed quality. Spring Is fast coming upon you Do you find that your last season's apparel Is becom ing shabby? You doubtless have a desire to be up with the times. The Rrandegee-Klncaid clothes will enable you to be a well dressed man at less cost. Wo will be happv to show you our recent arrivals In this line because we ourselves are proud of it. fl. L. F iCnCll Furnishings 'e'ran?efleV-AaT Si- .AiteL x -te-jjg -""STar jU'V.MHiiMlllHltaMHHK bWBBlHMHMHjH