Tim MEND UUIiliKTIN, REND, ORB., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1010. PAGE n. j hi V M I V Shearings W "W All Piocccdlnjflj Valid. All toi18 who!l hf-vo 1,ctm taken by thi Suttlos Lake 'rrtgntlon dlitiict, t )n organisation and ltt tho bond olcc- tlon novo boon declared vnlld by iho rimilt Court of th'la county. Tho law provides tlmt n milt mny bo bi ought on boholf of tlio district In order that oil steps which havo been taken nicy bo presented to tho tourt, nnd n fu ornblo docroo by tho court eots at rest for all tlmo r.ny lrrojruhilty of ths proceedings. Vernon A. Forbes rosressnted tho district. Upon pro mentation of tho mnltor a decroo was entered validating nil proceedings. f Deschutes Valloy Tlbuno. flcti IWtcr Service, rrlnovlllo hns been allotted two malls dally each way from tho roll road, by tho postolllco department, according to a long tologrnm receiv ed by tho Journal direct from Wash ington. Crook County Journal. Tlmnk You. Tho Dond Ilullottn ontorcd upon Its $ fourteenth year. It Is ono of Crook County's best papers. Redmond Spokesman. i Io Cootl llaslncss. Tbo leasing of Abort nnd Summer ltVes to Jason C. Mooro was not a bad btiBlncsB proposition even If ho never does anything with tho lakes. Tho fact that thoro ncvor was any other party who wanted tho proper ty and that Mooro put up $10,000 In c.-.'h which wilt go to tho strto In (wte ho does nothing with tho prop erty Howovcr, wo have novor doubted his honest' or ability to carry out his contract with tho stato, and those who aro condomnlng tho Land Hoard for granting him cxten lions should romember that tho pro ject Is olthor a big ono or nothing and In any enso there aro no other por tion who desire to Invent In tho lakes Crescent Nows. Irrigation Hi'lw. j Ceorgo Russoll, of Prlnovlllo, mado tho statemont Hint In 1910 ho raised 1,206 bunbels of grain on 170 ncros, In 1911 ho raised 2,700 bushels on 150 acres, with 40 ncros of It wutor ed, and In 1912 ho raised 12.2C0 bushels on 1C0 acres, nil Irrlgatod, Mr. nussoll states thai In his opinion his land la better for grain but ours is bettor for alfulfn. Madras Pion eer. Ship Many Hide. Tho largest shipment of hldca cvor leaving hero was taken out to Bend llito week by L. Ot Ulrton from Strat- ton'a moat markets-Fort. Hock Times. (Jrmllnjf in Unmcy. It Is reported that somo thrco mllos nioro of grading into Harney hw been lot which will bring tho rooJi wen uiruiiHii uiu &ut uiiu uui mr from tho present townslto of Ilarrl man. That tho division will bo somo 'where In that vicinity ttiero Is llttlo flnuht nnd It mnv ' o the tt?rmtniift of ho rond for soma tlmo to coma as no knows what tho futuro movements of the railroad will be. That thoro will be at leant ono good llvo town at tho lower end of Harney valley thoro Is llttlo doubt and people aro watching developments with much Interest. Juntura Times. For farm land loans see J. Ryan & Co, Roasonablo rates, prompt eorvlco. -Adv. Clinngcnhle Wenther Brings filckncw. Tho cltangcablo weather of Marc'1 causes coughs, colds croup nnd grlppo. Thoro Is no such thine as a "light cold" nono that a porson can safely noglect. Folev'a Honey nnd Tar Is a safe and rollable family mod Iclno that heals Inflamed, congested air passages, stops coughs and eases breathing, Sold everywhere. Adv. Poo Edwards for good house paint lag, Adv. See J. Ryan & Co., for farm land loens. Adv. JOIN THE BROTHERHOOD ; , OF AMERICAN YEOMAN NOW ORGANIZING IN BEND. 5,000 Men and Women Join the Yeoman Every Month FEATURES Sociability Protection Fraternity ASSERS $5,000,000 Meabership'. 210,000 Membership In Oregon, 3,500 See I. N. Klees, District Deputy Mgr, MARKET REPORT. NORTH PORTLAND, March20. Tho cnttlo market started with a "hang" and everything moved rapid ly at an Incroaso of 40 cents over tho previous wrok. drain fed steers sold at $8.G0 whllo hay feds moved ut $8. IB. Cows mado n pplurse and qulto a number of head wont at $7.G0. Heifers aro to bo recognized niso as Bomo good stuff went nt 7.7fi. Hulls sprung tho market to tho SO mark. Tho hoc market was a llttla slow In starting at first but soon pick od up nt nn Incroaso In prlco. Two londa of top quality hogs sold at $9.3fi whllo tho Imlk of snlcs wont nt $9 to $9.in. A light run of 3100 hend woro received at tho yards Mon day. Market considered good and strong. Thoro wero not enough Bhoop offorod .Monday for tho buyers to tako notico of. Lamb market strong with cholco lambs quoted at $10." Ewes nt J7.2G, yearlings $9, and wethers $8.7C. ItKATj ESTATE THANHKKHS. TsNiird by Crook County Abstract Oo. La Pino Tdwnslto Co. to Thos. Richard Illed Us. 1-2, blk. 20, La Pino. La Pino Townslto Co., to Robt. Motcalf, its 7-8-9-10-11-12, blk. 14, La Pino. U. S. to Albln Petorson patent bo so 22, ew sw 20, o4 no, o'j bo, nw no 27, nw nw 35-17-16. M. S. Millar to Potor Thompson ItB. 1-5-C-7-26, blk. 2, llnrpor. Same to samo bill of snlo Ford. W. H. Staats to Emll Erlckson It. 10, blk, 9, Doschutos. U. S. to Martin Hatlmoycr patent Us. 3, 4, s nw, sw 5-20-19. F. W. Ulrlch to Alworth-WaBh- burn Co., sw 34-10-10, $100. Kenwood Promotion Co., to Mary Penny It. 1, blk. 10, Kenwood. C. S. Hudson to W. J. McGlllvray Us, 3-4, 19-18-13, 8 so 24-18-12. HazelD . Slsson to Rend Park Co., It. 12, blk. 29, Center Add, Dond. Colottn Fronk Clement to Bond Park Co.lt. 2, blk. 25, Centortidd, Bend. Eva A. Butterworth to J J. Wilt Its. 9-10, blk. C, Davidson add, Sis ters. Bond Park Co. to Kathcrlno C, Tlornoy It. 2, blk. 13, Lytlo. Jos. Zoll to O. E. Hunter It. 7, blk. 1C, Park add, Bond, $300. Walter Tollcs to Elco Eyro Us. 7-8-9-10, blk. 14, Kenwood. $1400. Oro. Tr. Dov. Co., to Ida M, Wood, It. 1, blk. 3, Grandvlow add, Bond, $500. Jos. W. Howard to M. Hosklno It. 4, eo aw 7, Its. 1, 2, oV4 nw, sw no, no sw 18-14-12. . Cnscndo Realty Co., to Thos. Hut ton It. 18, blk 4, Cascado (an add Band). FOR SALE LOTS in South Side of town, in New Hustings Addi tion, close to mills nnd close to town, price from $150 to $350 Small cash payment, balnnce on easy terms. Inquire S. Mukasaki Owner Carpenter and Builder Pltnt tad Eitimktci Free. It will pay you to ko ne before building. AU WORK GUARANTEED Hani L. Christiansen Btti (THE tflUIT CnoWErt HOW MUCH FHUtT WILUYDU SWAP FOR TUB REAL 1 .TOBACCO CHEW, YOU know, all tobacco chewert know what la tho matter with ordinary chewing tobacco. Everywhere men are laying to their fritadi that there's nothing elie to eatUfyinit at W-II CUT Chewing th Httl Tobteco Ckiw, mm tut. It' I ilnJ. "Natlc bow Um mI brtnaa out tb rfeti tobacco tut" M.Vi by WEYMAN-BRUTOH COMPANY. 50 Union Sqairt, New Ye Cttt Eat At The joTEL LTAMOW? LUNCH RBADY FOR SERVICE AT 11:45 DINNER AT 5:30 TRY IT Best of Oak Tan Leather Used. Workmanship Guaranteed. AUSTIN'S QUICK DOYD Gjs) (us Dwight M. Davis Company in s u R a N c E FIRfi PLATO QLASS AUTOMOUILB LIABILITY BOND ACCIDHNT Phone Red 1621 Temporary Olllco Opposite Bulletin Bldgr. Ism i m oot 1TB Skuse Hardware Company Q JLWJLlMiM LUC Ut Clemens DEALERS IN FURNITURE STOVES RANGES ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS TKIPLETT BUILDING BEND. OREGON KI"0W3 A THINq OK TWdJ JITN YOUF lEW S. Yoim fill juaae. THATS MORE THAhl IO CW6 FOR ANY) OTHER T48ACCO All Work Done QjUick and Neatly. Workmanship Guaranteed. SHOE REPAIR SHOP BUILDING OUR STOCK OF United States Tires and Tubes is complete in every detail. They arc "Mightier tlinn the rond." Come in nnd look them over. DUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL. DIRECTORY. IIOUUUT II. GOVhU Civil Engineer IiOIKl Oregon W. W. FAULKNKn. D. M. D. I) BST1BT Onico Over Poatomco Uond, ... Oregon Bit. J. C. VANDEVKIIT l'liyxlclnu mid Surgeon lMiono lied 271 Hours 9-12 n. m.i 1-C p. 7-9 p. m. Slither UtilUlIng m, W. Q. MANNING, D. M. D. Dentist. Odlce In First Katlonnl Dank Building Tel. 511 Ilund, Oregon WILLAItD H. WIHTZ h A W Y K n Frlnovllle, Oregon, O. B. DKNSON Attorney At ha xt Benson Dulldlns, Wall Stroot Bend, Oregon. VEItNON A. FOBBES L A W Y R It First National Bank Building Bond, :-: :: Oregon QEOnOE 8. YOUNG Civil and Irrigation Engineer. U. S. Mineral Hurtcyor. Boom C First National Bank Building J. B. Boll A. V. Sims CHOOK COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to Tho J, II. Honor Abstract Co., Prlnovlllo, Oro. Abstracts Insurance REND PLUMIHNO AND HEATING COMPANY Sanitary Plumbing Steam and Hot Water Heating WALL. BTREET TO THE RESCUE WHO DOCS in )ii LAUND vr will isr your llntn, but you must not wuli much Urns tttlnc our rou band t work LOW PRICES, BETTER SERVICE Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRY CliEANINO I'ut Your Duds In Our Suds" THE QUESTION IS: How are you going to get your plumbing done In a thoroughly offlclont raannor? Wo can an swer that by telling you whero to get good plumbing done RiailT HERD. Wo aro golns to prova our statement by rcfei rlng you to hundreds of ploasod patrons, meroly for tho asking. mm mSkWr Plumbing, Roofing, Furnnce Work, Sheet Metal Work of All Kinds. Central Oregon Plumbing PHONE RED II O'DONNELL UNION MARKET H. O, EJ.LIS Attorneyiit-Lnw United States Cotnnilsiloncr First National Bnnk Building BEND, OBEQON II. II. Do AltMOND LAWYKll Oregon Street. Bend, Orogon Dn. J. II. CONNAnN I) KKTI8T Ofllco In Sather Building. Houru 9 to 12, 1 to 5. Sundays nnd evenings by Appointment. O. P. NISWONGEU. Bond, Ore. UNDERTAKER Licensed Kmbnlmer, Funeral Director. "" Phono Red 421. Lady Asst. DR. R. D. STOWELL Naprapatlilc Physician Ofllco over Miller Lutnhor Co. Wall Strcot Hours 9 to 5 Phoco Rod CI DR. A. A. BURRIS Naturopath Diseases cured without the uso of drugs or surgery by tho nat ural methods ot healing. Olllco HAthcr Hulldlnir Rend, Oregon Tel. lllick U71 . Fraternal Societies I. O. O. P. Rend Lodgo No. 218. Regular meeting ovory Mon day night at 8 o'clock la Sath or's Hall. Visiting brother cordially wclcomo. II. I. McICIM, N. O. N. P. WEIDER, Secretary. DANCE Every Saturday Night At Knthcr'N Hall Under Now Management With Now Orchestra REND TO RROTIIEIIrl AUTO HTAtti: Leaves Bond Tuesday and Saturday!) It. D. ncorgo, Agent Odlco at George's Barber Shop Joe Rock CONTRACTOR All kinds of EXCAVATION WORK rock or dirt nASEMENTS STREET WORK, ETC. Lrtve orJtti t J. A. EASTES OFFICC Oirgon Sticct J Hooflnfr of nil kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. flacCLOSKEY TINNINO AND Furnace Contractor Guttcrlnt;, Spouting, Cornices and Skylighta. and Heating Company J. E. ENGERRETSON, MGR. MMMMM04M BROTHERS ijr I I ih! if- hi, 'If r: I i i! II ' ,1 31 ll", , i I 1 ' li I JSFS EMraniiiNWWM SUS.V