wSHZiIH JS83i PAGR 4. TIIK 11KN1I IJULLETIN, I1KND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1010. . f : I V J I r: f: !f ' W ij JiK-l ! OOGUE IS STRAHORN ENGINEER HAS EXPERIENCE YTIillo Making I'lcllinliinry Survey llctnrccn Silver Lnko mill Klamnth FnlU Uxor I'ocket Lltfit to Scnro CiuiIiii" I'lntlq Route. (Tho Orogonlnn.) Besot by n pack of Indian dogs In tlio wlldornosfl lictwccn Silver Lotto nml Klamath Falls, N. II. Roguo, chief of tlio rcconnalssanco forccH working under Robert K. Strahorn in tho Contra! Oregon pioneering railroad project, might have fnrcd badly had It not hcen (or his trusty headlight. llogua had hcon asked hy Mr, Stra horn to mako a preliminary Biirvoy of tho 120 miles of sagobrush nml tlm bor nnd moiintnln Hpur as n gulda for tho surveyors who wcro to fol low him with transit nnd chain, Ho mndo tlio trip on foot, covering tho (llstnnco In Just four days, or 30 lullc a day. Mnkcm Field Notcn. Mllo hy milo ho walked, scanning tho country us ho strode and making his field notes to show general grad ients, rock formations, distances, character of soil, posslhllltlcs for Ir rigation In places whoro Irrigation Would !io roitilred, possibilities for tho dralnago of marshes, riuantltles of timber tributary which ultimately would moan tonungo for tho rallrond, nnd tho approximate cost por mllo of n railroad grade. Tho surveying parties that had been working north from Paisley nnd Houth from llnnd wcro so closo to Kcther last week Hint Mr. Strahorn decided they could continue without Mr. lloguo and so lloguo was assign ed tho hlggor task of spying out tho now land. Tho Job wns no now ono for lloguo who has been spying out now binds far years, As a mattor of fact, ho has walked several thousand miles slnro last Novomhur, when tho first Htirvoys began In tho Oregon, Califor nia & Eastorn plouoorlng railroad project So n llttlu matter of 120 miles In four days meant nothing In particular. Nil Tonus KuromitcrrMl. Hut thero wns Just a llttlo differ ence In this enso becniiso thero aro no towns hotweon Silver Lako and Klnmath. IIo started onrly In tho morning, nnd compnHH In hand, hooded for Klnmath Palls. IIo had his barom eter Iiiiiik to his belt and his (lold nolo book In his hand. On his back ivus n paok of such necessities ns hn enn, coffee and Hour. IIo trudgod ulong sturdily until nightfall, whon lio spied a house In tho distance. Vision of a hot supper nnd u com fortable bed woro dissipated, how over, when ho found It to ho an aban doned shock once occupied by n homesteader who hnd grown discour aged nt tho fruitless bnttlo with tho soil lu nu Isolated region miles upon mllen from tho rallrond. Hut thoro lloguo slept. Noxt morning ha start ed out afresh, making his notes of tho country ho passed. That night lio mot tho Indian dogs, bogs Himil nt llliu. i At his lieols thoy howled nnd snarled. Suoli words as ".S'lco dog gie" woro wasted on tholr snvnga enrs nnd to lloguo unllmJiorml his pocket tlnshllRlit. Hero and thoro ho dart ed tho beam, penetrating each dog In succession. Frightened, thoy tucked their tails between tlielr legs nnd Had. Hy this tlmo lloguo was horribly hungry nnd hud no relish for bacon anil bonus nnd c ream loss cotfea. So ho followed the dogs nml presently enmo to an Indian ramp. "Hotter this than nothing," ho thought, when ho greeted tho bravo who enmo to meet him." "I was much surprised," lloguo said Sunday In telling Mr. Strahorn about his experience, "to find myself presently sontod nt n tublo sproad with real tablecloth. A sprightly In dlan woman was presiding nnd served mo n dellulous, well cooked moal, It was n after tho desert." Noxt night Hoguo rolled up In his blanket nnd slept under tho stars. On the fourth night, however, ho found himself In n real bed In n Klamath Kails hotel, whoro he stayed until late next day. Snow two feet deep wns encounter ed on tho ridges nnd heavy drifts llneered In tho ravines. Hut ho found ti routo that would bo available for rallrond tracks on easy grades And through lands of rich soil suitable for farms nud rnnches. lloguo spout Sunday In Portland going over his notes with Mr. Stra horn. Hut when this wns ilono he started out agnln to flnlsh tho sur veys on tho Nond-to-Lakevlow lino, which U now practically complotcd. beset nr in HTHVMHVU65I --- HI HOUSES, all I III close in, in dif- ferent loculi- ! ties that I will I sell for prices ranging from $800 to $1,450 r I rii . vjuuu xuinia i can be had in most cases. KOMESEEKERS LAND CO. R.P. MINTER, M.n.gtr Clean up and paint up. Sco Ed wards. Adv. LODGE DI RECTORY POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS For District Attorney. I heroby nnnounco myself as a can didate for tho Republican nomination for District Attorney for Crook coun ty nt tho primaries to bo held May 19, 1916. 41tfp II. H. DB ARMOND. Tor Sheriff. I horeby announco my candidacy for tho Republican nomination for Shorlft of Crook county at tho pri maries to bo noiu May in, iiic. 48p. S. E. RODERTS For County Assessor. I hereby announce myBolf as a can didate for tho Republican nomination for County Assessor for Crook coun ty at tho primaries to be held Mny 19, 1916. 47tfp CHAS. A. CARROLL. I Fop County Assessor, horoby nnnounce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for assessor of Crook county at tho pri maries to be hold Mny 19, 1916. adv. R. D. KBTCIIUM. When yon buy a sack of outsldo tluur vim hinder tho development pf fntrni Oregon's farm resources Mako It a practice to buy the home product. Every sack guaranteed, adv A. F. & A. M. Moots second .and fourth Thursday nights at 8 o'clock. Mnsontc Hall. J. I). Davidson Secrotary. Visiting Mombors Wolcomo. m It. A. M. Mcota first nnd third Friday nights rt 8 o' clock. MaBOtilc Hall. Visiting Members Welcomo. lSSr O. K. K. -Meets second and fourth Monday nights at 8 o'clock. Ma sonic Hall. .Mrs. C. M. McKay, Sec. Visiting Members Wolcomo. .Wr-,. I. ( UtTJieH M. V. A Meets first and third Tuesday nights nt 8 o'clock. Bather's Hall. E. E. Hannn, Clork. Visiting Neighbors Wolcomo. IC. of P. Doschutes Lodgo No. 103, Meets ovory Wcdnesdny night nt 8 o'clock. Sqthor'J Hall. Visiting Mombors aro Welcomed. L. M. McReynolds, K. or R. & S. (). F. Ilend Lodgo Vn Mfi fn.,ta nvni-t. Vjsjy ;" -". . ""- " """ .Monday night nt 8 o clock S tbor'ii Hall. Visiting Mombors Wolcomo. H. I. McKIm, N. U. N. P. We I dor, Secretary. II. of It. Ilend Lodgo No. 208. Moets second nnd fourth Friday nights at 8 o'clock. Bather's Hall. Vlsltlngi Members Wolcomo, Mrs. Ethol M. Flomlng, Secrotary. T. !'. II Moots first nnd third Friday nights nt 8 o'clock. Sathor'a Hall. Visiting Mombors Invited to Attand, O. W. Thornthwnlto. Soc. tiaiZ'5N o. 2 0 i 3. 33& eyfsnssr siSSS v4 Moots ovory Thursday at 8 o'clock. Sath- or's Hull. Visitors always Welcomo. Chns, W. Ersklno, Secretary. For Sheriff. I horoby nnnounce my candidacy for tho Democratic nomination tor Shorlfl of Crook county at tho pri maries to bo held May 19, 1916. 48p. P. D. POINDEXTER For Circuit Judge. I hereby nnnounco mysolf as n can dldato for tho Democratic nomination as circuit Judgo at tho primaries to bo hold on May 19. T". E. J. DUFFY, Pol adv. 47 tfc (Present Incumbent.) For Sheriff. I horo' y announco my candidacy for tho Republican nomination for Sheriff of Crook county nt tho pri maries to bo held May 19, 1916. 48p J. II. STANLEY. For County Commissioner. I horoby nnnounco my candidacy for tho Republican nomination for County Commlslsonor of Crook coun, ty at tho primaries to bo hold on May 19, 1916. II. J. OVERTURF, 48.p Prcsont Incumbent. Far 'County School Superintendent. I hereby announco my candidacy for tho Republican nomination for school suporlntondont of Crook coun ty nt tho primaries to bo held May 19, 1316. J. E. MYERS, 49 tf Present Incumbent. For County School Superintendent. I horoby nnnounco my cnndldacy fr tho Rcpubllcnn nomination for Bchool suporlntondont of Crook coun ty nt tho primaries to ho hold May 19, 1916. 51 tf J. A. THOMPSON. For County Clerk. I horoby announce my candidacy for tho Republican nomination for clerk of Crook county at tho primar ies to bo hold on May 19, 1916. adv 49 tf. J. H. HANER. ; For Sheriff. . 'I horoby announco my candidacy for tho nomination for sheriff on tho Democratic ticket nt tho primaries to bo held May 19, 1910. K. II. KNOX, 49 tf. Precont Incumbent, For County Treasurer. I horoby nnnounco my candidacy for the nomination for county troas- uror on tho Republican tlckot at tho primaries to be hold Mny 19. RALPH L. JORDAN, Present Incumbent. For County Clork. I heroby nnnounco my enndtdncy fort ho Domocratlc nomination for County Clork of Crook county at tho prlmarlos to bo held on May 19. My motto: "Einclont sorvlce to tho Public". WARDEN nROWN, Prosont Incumbont. For County Commissioner. I heroby nnnounco my candidacy for tho Domocratlc nomination for CENTRAL OREGON to CALIFORNIA IN QUICKEST TIME AND AT LOW EXPENSE ss DregontrunkRy. CENTRAL OREGON LINE North Hank Road Steamer Express leaves Portland 9 00 a. in., and S, 8. "Northern Pnclflo" sails ovory Saturday, arriving Ban Francisco next mid-afternoon, FARES 1XCI.VDE MKALH AND HHRTIIS OX HTKAMKR. TRAVEL O.N THE STEEL FLOATIXtl PALACE. THE LINER WITH THE SPEED OF AX EXPRESS TRAIN. THROUGH TICKETS To Is Angolw, Kan Diego, fina Fmnrlsco nml other California points. Combination KUsuuer nml Hull mill AlMtnll Route Low One-Way Fares for Settlers From Middle Western and Eastern points to Central Oregon and all points In Oregon and Washington, DAILY MARCH 23 TO APRIL 1-1, INCLUSIVE Write your acquaintances. Folder, with sqhedulo of fares and other details, by mall or on request to agents Oregon Trunk Ry, J. II. CORUirrT, Agent, IlEXD, OREGON J. It. HARDY, Trov. Pass, Freight Agent. County Commissioner of Crook coun ty nt tho primaries to bo held on Mny 19, 1916. 2p ERNEST T. LUTIIY. For County Commissioner. I hereby nnnounce my candldncy for tho offlco of County Commission er for Crook county on tho Republi can ticket, rubject to tho primaries, Mny 19, 1916. 3tfo THEODORE AUNE. Out of the Race. When ono wakes with a Btlff back, pains In muscles, aches In Joints, or rheumatic twinges, he cannot do his best. If you feel out of the raco, tired, languid, or havo symptoms of kidney trouble, net promptly, Foloy Kidney Pills help tho kidneys got rid of poisonous wasto mattor that causes trouble. Sold everywhere. Adv, (moneyI to loan in sums from $250 to $25,000 on farm lands, to 10 years time. Rensonuble rates, prompt ser- II J. RYAN (5 CO. II If you want Genuine Prices on Genuine HIGH GRADE FURNITURE Stoves, Rugs, Carpets, Beds, Springs, Matrcsses, you can obtain tliem from us. From our carefully selected assortment you can furnish your home to suit your taste and do it economically E. F. Logan Furniture Company LAWRENCE I1UILD1XO Wall Street Near Ohio Street. BUY YOUR Groceries AT THE NEW A1EAT mAMKBT. FREE DELIVERY Gilbert (8b Son Village School Shoes Rest for Roys and Girls Foot-Shulzo Dress Shoes Rest For Men All kinds of Shoo Repairing R. H. Loven Oregon Transfer Company OFFICE LOO CA11IN CORNER I'hono Hlack 151 Motlnft Household Goods Our Specialty Coal nnd Vv"ood Light nnd Heavy Freight EXPRESS AND RAGOAGE AUTO TRUCK MOVING ANYWHERE YOUR IIAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME Bend-Silver Lake and way points MAIL, FREIGHT, and PASSENGER. SERVICE Walter Coombs, L. D. Fox, Pioneer Auto Stage and Truck Co. SUCCESSORS TO WENANDY LIVERY CO. - MORE Light for LESS Money Something Entirely New in Lamps The Mazda B Coil Lamp 40-WATT SIZE, 35c 60 -WATT SIZE, 50c It will give you belter light. It is CLEANER. It is MORE EFFICIENT. i; ??;' BEND WATER LIGHT & POWER CO. Phone 551 i .1 V & W h 1 : ) ewss;