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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1916)
TUB I1KNI) HUIiliKTlN, I1KM), OUR., WKDNRSnAV. MAItCH 22, 1010. TAR 3. i i REPORT OF THE COUNTY AGRICULTURIST FOR 1915 (Continued from lnat wcok.) Through n careful invcBtlcntloh and parronal observation County Ag riculturist A. B. Lovott, In his nn nuol roport, 1ms Klvon out Informa tion regarding his findings for tho t i-st season. Mr. Lovott mndo a. can vass of tho farmors in Clio county nnd rcnort 0B follows regarding sultabla grains to plant: GilAIN DEMONSTRATIONS IN CltOOIC COUNTY. In our reconnaissance of agricul tural crops In Crook county during tho season of 1914, wo found varloua varieties of wheat, oata nnd barloy prnwn by tho farmers In nil BcctlotiB. Not only was thoro a largo numbor Early llaart. Through porsonnl vis its to fluids of this wheat, although wo found some failures, wo nro led to concludo that tho yield of grain from tho Early llaart variety of wheat Will exceed tho yield from moat othor spring varieties. Positive con clusions nre, however, Impossible through ono season h uso of n variety. Miimiib) Wheat Only 4 written reports wore receiv ed from farmers orowlnir HiIh vnrlntv. N W. Ktilcltorbockor near Gist, states ns follows: "I grow both tho Mnrqtils and Knrly Ilaat wheats nnd bellovo that I prefer tho Marquis wheat for spring sowing as It seeniB to mnko a moro vigorous growth than tho Early llaart wheat under tho Barao condi tions." C. J. Mock noar Tumalo, - .mriot'm of each grain cron nrown states: "This wheat was thinned by but In ninny Instnucos wo found that spring frosts and only part of It was unknown vnrlotles mid mlxturos of irrigated. I think It a good wheat vrrletlcs woro plnntod. Upon an In- for this locality, but would rccom- vestlsatlon of experiments nt Eastern menu sowing larger amount oi soou Oregon Exporlmont Stations nnd up-1 Per aero, on account of tho frost on a slimy 01 muni bucccbhiui varie ties within tho county wo concluded If I that It would provo profitable to tho formers of this section to select ono to threo varieties of each crop, bo curo tho best Bced of theso varlotlos and thus prevent mixtures nnd "run ning out of soed materially. Tho following varlotlos of each crop woro rclccted and rocommonded to tho far mers: Early llaart and Marquis wheats for spring planting nnd Khar kof wheat for fall' planting; Ilanuor oats for Irrlgatod or oub-lrrlgntod land and Sixty-day oats for dry land; Wisconsin No. 9 barloy for Irrigated land and Ilannchcn or Swnnnock bar loy for dry Innd. Besides theso va rieties, seed of which was obtained from outsldoa ources, llluo Stem wheat for spring sowing nnd Turkoy ItO'J wheat for fall sowing woro nl- rcady found In bo mo localities and woro recommended. This was njso truo of Shadoland Challenge oats nnd Odorbruckor barley, llecauso of tho newness oft ho Agriculturists work In tho county and tho largo territory to bo covered, wo woro not as suc cessful as wo had hoped to bo In es tablishing demonstration plots vJlth theso grains. Through our efforts, fp liowovor, thoro was shipped Into Crook county this year 10 tons of Early llaart wheat, 4 tons of Marquis wheat, 20 tons of Kharkof wlicat anil 10 tons of Ilannor oats. Somo dllTl culty was oncountorod In procuring this seed becnuso of tho neccsclty of purchasing It In larger quantities In order to obtain It nt roasonnblo prices. Tho llend Flour Mill Co., of Ilend, Oregon, boenmo Interested In our offort, partly bocauao they woro endeavoring to Introduco tho snmo seeds Into tho territory through which thoy workod. Through co operation with this compnny wo Woro nblo to locnto nnd purchaso tho noovo cimounts of seed, Tho Flour Mill Co., purchasing tits Bced In carload lots nnd selling to tho fnrmors'nt n very small margin of profit. Tho results obtnlnod from the planting of Hicbo seeds varied great ly, most especially with tho whoats. lloport blanks wero sent to all pur chasers of theso needs. Only 24 flllod out and roturned them. Tho growth nnd ylolds ofhoso cropB was watch ed carefully by tho County Agricul turist personally whoro over jiosslblo for him to visit tho Holds. Itesults obtained with oach crop during tho season of 191B woro ns follows: Enrly Ilnnrt Wheat. Twelve farmors roported rosults In writing: A. 8. Fogg near Hampton, Bays: "Crop was killed by JacV rab bits boforo fully maturing. Think It Is tho boet wheat yot tried In this section. I am of tho opinion that this varloty can bo prolltably grown hero, If planted about May lGth on well prepared ground." J. O. Young strom nonr Culvor In Jefforson coun ty, says: "I consider this variety-of wheat a little bettor than any other variety of spring wheat for this lo cality." E. A. iiussott, near Powell Butte, Bays: "I think the Early llaart whent is tho best spring wheat wo linvo over had In this country." Of the remaining 9 who reported, 3 re ported n very satisfactory crop; 3 roported failures of frosts or rabbits and 3 prefer other varieties than tho thinning wheat in tho spring hero, Tho 2 othor men reporting, consider other vnrlotles bottor thnn tho Mar quis. Personal visits to Holds of this variety of wlicat provo H to be nt least equal, and In sovoral Instances, superior to tho llluo Stem wheat. Tho Marquis being a beardless variety Is iiroforablo over tho Early Hanrt whoro tho crop Is to bo UBOd for hay, but oxporlonco this year Booms to show thnt tho llluo Stem vnrlety will mako moro hay thnn either of tho othor two montlonod. ltitmier Onts, Nino fnrmcis roported on thin crop. In writing. W. F. Mason near rrmo- vlllo, states: "I think theso onts nro what wo wont for this pcctlon of tho country." iLowls ElllngBon noar llend, Btntcs: "Needing liny, I cut it whon tho grain was In tho milk. If It had Btood until It matured, It ap pears to mo thnt It would havo been first class," W. I). CInrk near Tum ftlo, Btatcs: "Considering tho dry season, It mndo a romnrkablo growth, doing much bottor than othor varlo tlos I linvo tried, 'i harvested 4G bushots por aero." Of tho othors re porting, all Btato that tho Ilannor Oats ylolded ns woll as other varie ties. Upon personal visits to fields I found this varloty ns good or bot tor thnn othor varieties planted with the Bhadoland Challongo Vnrlety giv ing practlcnlly tho samo yields and satisfaction. Sixty-liny Oats Only 100 pounds of this varloty of oats was availablo for demonstration purposes and this amount Is all of which wo nro Informed was planted In tho county. Tho Deed was given to domoiiBtrntors on dry land nnd vis its to theso fields show 3 obtaining satisfactory results and bottor ylolds than from'nny other varloty. Ono lost his crop by rabbits; one obtained n poor stand and crop on tho "High dosort" tho crop did not fully ma turo. Mr. Fogg, ono demonstrator on tho "high dosort" says: "This groin was woll filled but not fully matur ed nt tlmo of harvesting, as Jack rab bits had begun to destroy It I bo ltova this variety can bo successfully rnlsod In this section." WiM-onnlii Number t) Hurley. Seed of this varloty was furnished to William Hondoraou near Tuinnlo bv tho Agricultural Colloga In 1912. From this seuij ho has obtained ylolds of 70 and 80 bushels per ncro res pectively In 1914-1S. In spring of 191G ho Bold scad to 3 farmors at 3 conts per pound. Those three men this year obtained ylolds of 00 to 80 b shels por aero. Other barleys on Irrigated land this year yielded from 30 to GO bushels por acre, tho Odor bruckor and tho White Irish Six Row barloys, being tho 2 varieties near est approaching ylolds of Wisconsin No. 9. Ilaiinclion nnd Hummock Hurleys. Hocnuso of tho success obtained through tho growing of theso 2 va rieties of barley nt Eastern Orogon Exporlment Stations, thoy wero rec ommended to dry land farmors for trial. Sixty pounds of each variety was obtained for demonstrators. Tho teed was given to domonstrators on the "high desort" where alt of tho crops were destroyed except on tho farm of A. 8. Fogg at Hampton, Hotn vnrlotles grew woll In this Bectlon nnd woro headed hlcely when rabbits appeared. Seed was planted May 22, lloth Mr, Fogg and myself aro of tho opinion that had theso barleys been planted 2 or 3 weeks earlier, and had not tho rabbit post appeared, a good grain crop would hnvo been obtnln od from theso barleys. Spring Emmor plnnted at tho samo tlmo ns tho bar leys gave a better growth early In tho Benson but was destroyed by rnb blts hotoro thoy attacked tho othor grain crop. Klikrkof Wheat. Ilqcauso of tho results obtained nt tho Experiment Stations of East ern Oregon, and becauso this wheat was especially rocommonded by the Agt (cultural College, It hns been rec- omjnondod to tho farmers of this sec tion for fall planting. Good Minne sota seed was olitnlncjl and sold to tho farmers by the llend Flour Mill Company for planting in fair of 191G, Itesults obtained from this varloty of wheat will bo reported after noxt Boasons harvest and threshing. Helm holts llroo., living west of Redmond, planted 20 ceres of Kharkof wheat In tho fall of 1914. Tho crop obtain ed this yenr Is conoldored better thnn any other wheat thoy hnvo grown, by those men. Tho yield was 40 bushels por aero. Corn Varieties. No corn, excepting In vory small plots was grown In Crook county producing varlotloa woro Minnesota No. 13, Northwestern Dont and natlfo corn In tho order named. In other districts whoro these" varieties wero not planted, a whlto flint corn dis tributed by tho O.-W. R. & N. Co., did very well this yoar generally. 1915 was a much mioro favorable year for growing corn than wes 1914. These trlnls will bo continued noxt season. Results obtained through tho uso of varieties t)t crops recommended by tho Agriculturist In this county nro ccnernlly very favorable, and hnvo proved generally slightly su perior to most othor vnrlotles grown., Wo aro of tho opinion that results obtained In 191C-17 will further provo tho superiority of all of theso varieties for Crook county, Results i obtnlncd this year eecm to Indicate that fall grains nro profernblo on dry land. Results obtained thus far do not warrant a definite cholco between fall or Bprlng grains for Irrlgatod lands. In tho spring of 1915, most of tho spring grnlns woro plnnted a llttlo Into for the season encountered. Tho average dato of planting was About May lGth. For this goason grain planted about May 1st mndo tho best growth and crop. Wo aro not, however, inclined to stalo definitely that theso crops should bo planted at this dato this season. A definite de cision as to tho best tlmo of planting ' " '. Lots at Half the Price prior to 1914. In tho spring of thlsl'n Crook county will roqulro moro yoar sovoral small plots of corn woro planted In mnny sections but, except ing n vory llttlo sweet corn, It wn3 practically nil killed by frost north of tho Terrebonne district. In this district and around Lowor nrldgo, Bomo corn was matured this season, 1 In 191G several demonstrators un dertook tho raising of corn nnd many of them tried moro than ona vnrlety. Prof. Scuddor of tho Agricultural College recommended tho Minnesota No. 23 for grain r.nd tho Minnesota No. 13 for forage in this county and theso vnrlotles woro rocommoml"d to tho farmors by tho Agriculturist Thoro bolng In tho northorn portion of tho county several fnrmor who had succeeded with a so cnllod "na tive" variety, thoy woro not dlscour nged In the plnntlng of this variety but woro encouraged to try tho pure bred vnrlotles In comparison with tho natlvo grown corn. Also, with tholr shipment of alfalfa pood In tho spring tho Dakota Improved Seed Company sont six varieties of corn for trial un- dor Crook county condltionc nnd this so id was given to two demonstrators near Lowor Ilrldgo for trial. Tho results obtnlnod this year through theso trials wero as follows: Tho best gram producing varieties woro Disco Ambor Flint, Disco Prldo. "nntlvo" corn nnd Minnesota No. 23, In tho order nnmod, tho best fodder CARUSO World-famout Ttnor, Say$t "Tuxedo completely satisfies my tobacco taste. Most important of all, from a a "rigor's standpoint. Tuxedo does not irritate J my throat." Yisr -S l&fi "Tuxedo Does Not Irritate My Throat" That's what the world's greatest tenor says about Tuxedo. That's what you will say about Tuxedo after you've given this mildest and pleasantest of all tobac cos a week's trial. . Emporium Specials: Dress Ginghams- 12c yd. OLD ENGLISH GRAY ENAMELWAUE BAKED ON IRON FRAME Berlin Sauce Puna Jc BftkinR Pans 5c . Milk Pans 10c SPECIAL FOR WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Heavy Brooms 25c 5F5wcedo Th Puf'ti TtUif fit Pipt end CltwMt The trU'tnal "Tuxedo Process" of refining mild Kentucky Hurley, mellowed by 3 to 5 years' ageing, ttitivtly removes every particle of harshness and "bite". Put Tuxedo to the pip tat. That will show you why, to millions of men, Tuxedo is the only "just right" smoke. Read the guarantee in the top of every tin. You can buy Tuxedo everywhere Pouch 5c Famous green tia 10c 77 -piiJirt, iOt and 80c. In Glan Humldtrt, SOad90t, BBka BjIbtHf r jbbV thnn ono year's cxporlcnco, nnd ns tho seasons vary somewhat. It will probnhly ho Imposalhlo to designate any certain dny of tho month when crops should ho planted. Noxt Meek: "Demonstration l'nnns on tho "JIIkIi lK-crt." rfenxon 11)15. (Continued noxt week.) Tho American Uakory announces that It has begun to mako lco cream nnd from now on will havo It for solo nt all times to hotels, restaurants nnd private families. adv Asked in other additions of Equal Distnnco from the Business Center. Lots 40X105-. $75 for Inside, $100 for Corners Lots 50X125. $100 for Inside, $125 for Corners REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Central Oregon's Leading . INSURANCE AGENCY Fire Aulomoble Life Accident Surety Bonds J. A. EASTES OREGON STREET. DEND. OREGON Member Portland Ilcnlty Iloniil. True Economy means the wise ipcndlog of one's money mating every dollar do full duty and getting la return an article that will uthiy you In every way. The WHITE, Is a real bargain because it Is sold at a popular price t because it elves you the kind of sewing you delight in; because It will turn out the work quickly and thoroughly and give you a life time of satisfactory service! because its Improvements will enable you to do things which can't be done on any other machine t because it will please you with its fine finish and beauty of its furniture. In short you will find the White reliable and desirable from every point of view. Be sure to see the White dealer who will be glad to show you bow good a machine the White Is. If there is no White dealer handy, write us direct for cat alegs. We do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines. WHITE SE WING MA CHINE CO. CLEVELAND, O. WWwT fBiA EVERY DOLLAR YOU PAY FOR BRICK THAT IS MADE IN BEND STAYS HERE Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is. AH who have used our product are satisfied. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. BROOKS SCANLON LUMBER CO. DEALERS IN LUMBER LATH, SHINGLES, Cement, Lime, Plaster and Brick. BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS Fir Flooring and all kinds of Finish Lumber BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Call, or phone us, at mill office (Red 1481) or see our representative in Bend Company Building, Wall and Ohio Sts. "f . T I" :? ,U 4: W5 1:1 ' Wl ( t'Hi . i Li OUR NAME IS OUR GUARANTEE OUR NAME IS OUR GUARANTEE TKX AM1RICXH TOBACCO COMPANY 1 , CJb Hswwsjiw im WWMRMNMWMW)' 1Vk BBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBJBBiBBBBBSFjJMMBBBW .-