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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1916)
4-v SKaassyi PAOI! 2. thk nnjrn hullltlv, iiknd, oiie., Wednesday, jiarch 22, ioio. 3tw-. i4eEiK(SflLVbi- m I -I ; CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. ------ Tl'MAI.O. (Special to The Hullotln.) TUMALO. March 20 The flfBt In Vltatton danco to bo given hore was a St. 1'ntrickB affair Krltlay niRlit glv m by the Tumnlo Dancing Club. It proved to bo both a social anil flnnn clnl success ns over 200 poonlo at' fnded. Mrs. Mock, Sirs. Wnllnco, Mrs. Coon anil Mrs. Howard wero the patronesses, Klvo carloads of Prlno villa pooplo motored ovor for tho hop wlillo moro than a hundred Bend ruosts woro present. Tho hall was attractively decorated In green streamers, shamrocks and English Ivy. During tho courso of tho oven lng fruit punch was served and later tho V. 8. L. Club sorvod olio of tho mippars for which It Is famous, Mrs, Nelson, Mm. Mock, and Mro. Btllos cntortnlncd tho W. 3. Ij. Club nt Its monthly moating last Wed nesday nftornoon. Bpcclnl to bu offered for school cnlluroirs work nt tho fair next fall was tho prin cipal subjoct of discussion. After tin business inoot'ns refreshments worn served bv tho hostesses. Tho Tllllcum Lltornry Club will bo entertained nt Its monthly moot ing nt tho homo of Mrs. frank Day ton next Saturday nftornoon nt 2 o' clock. Hesponso to roll call will bo "Current Kvonts." A mealing of tho Tumnlo Cnttlo Association Is called for noxt Satur day. Miss Smith, known ns tho " prlneois" of Kndlcott, Washington, spent n portion of Inst week hero vis iting Mr. iiml Mrs. John Marsh. Miss Smith loft Monday for Portland to lnvestlgnto tho wheat market. Mr. Hurry, n brother of Mrs. Zomko, has rentod tho Wm. Ilrown much nnd Is busy needing grain. liny ilrown inado a trip to Torro bonno and to Kcdmond Inst wcok to purchnso hogs for tho O'Donnell Uros, market nt Hond. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Cndy, Mr. and Sirs, Hob. Sturgeon, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Stiles, Mrs. J. V. Snyder, Noll liny, Orovor Corking and Itny Cork ing motored nut to tho Coon ranch Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Clifton of Prlnovlllo rnmo over for tho St. Patricks dnnco Friday and rouinlmul ovor to visit Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ilorkor. Rov. Kenny of Hand hold sorvlcos In tho church here yesterday nftor noon. Several of tho stockmon nro brand ing nnd dohornlng cnttlo preparatory to turning thou out on tho rnngo. Mr. nnd Mrs. L'arl Updlko nrrlved on Thursday nnd nro spending a fow dnys visiting horo before returning to tholr ranch on tho Metollus. K. N. Wnllaco returned on Tliun dny from a business trip to Salem nnd Portland. Hob. Sturgoon mndo n buBlnow trln to Portland the llrst of tho wook. Judge Thorp Is tho proud owner of n now Ford. O. W. Horner nnd fnmlly have moved to tho houso formerly occu pied by tho Mailings. They will re main hero until tho end of tho proi unt school term whon they oxpoct to mo vo to llnnd. Itob. Slurgoon nnd II. C. Qndy hnvo n contract with tho Hrooks-Scnnlon Co., for sawing wood for fuol. Thov hnvo rocmitly tiurchnsod a smnll wood sawing outfit. Uolnllvos of Mr. nnd Mrs. Caso onmo down from Hond Thursday 10 pay them n short visit. A nuibor (if tho Prlnevlllo pcoplo spent a short tlmo with Mr. and Mrs. 0. P, Hooker before coming to tho ilnnco last Krldny night. LOST CltHIMv. fRnnrlnl to Tho Hullotln) ' LOST CKHHK. March 0. J. II. Hatch has moved ovor Into Marvin I'errv's oabln nnd oxpects to do somo seed lng. Mosrn. I'orbes nnd McCoo have tmrolmed lenm and somo farm mu chlnery of Howard I'olkorson and o ict to do tholr own funning In tho future. Mrs. I.osperonce nssUtod by Mrs. Htntiffer eiitortnlnod n iiumbor of In dies Inst Tliiiisday nt tho homo of Mrs. Stiiuffer. A bountiful dinner was sorvod at one o'clock nnd tho nf tornoon wns spout In games and mu sic. Thnso prosent woro Mosdamos Morcor, Hnrtooii, Washburn. Slovens, Young. Wolgol. HuUolii, Host, Stnuf fer and I.esperance. A number of friends gathered nt tho Stauffer homo last Saturday oven lng and tondorod Haldwln Knsspohl n fnrowell surnrlse. About 30 wore present and all spout n very enjoy nhlo evening. IW !'. Rhodes wns a business visitor nt Huck Creek during tho past week Mrs. J. II. Hnsslnr wns on tho sick list tho foro part of tho week. Hubert Whiteside was tondorod a siirnriso at tho Perry homo Inst Sat' urdny evening. A vory enjoyable time wns snont. Among tho children who have Iieen on tho sick list during tho past week woro I.oo Washburn. Nod Stauf fer. Opal Smith, Mary, Nelllo and Chnrles Host. Haldwln Kasspohl loft on Sunday morning for his homo in Chicago Mr. Donovan of llenJamln Lnko, ynssod through here on his way to Hend. Hphert Whiteside left Sundny morning for eastern Washington whore he expects to be employed, I'INKIUMtHV. (Rneclnl to Thn Hulletln PINHIIUHST. March 20. Mrs. I .1. W'liuer Is visiting her daughter, 'Mrs. fl It. Snniiuli. Miss Nelllo Howell went to Tumnlo M'lMhiiMitnv. Dr. l'erroll of Hend passed through this uolRhborhood Friday. I'rnnk Dayton was n business call er it the Hnvloy homo Tuesday. Mrs. a. Snider nnd children mid Mrs. Sandlo attended tho ladls juomIIujc In Tumnlo weunesuay. Mrs. U J. Winter and Mrs. 8wlsh tr rnllod ou Mr. Uool one day last week. t--4------- IIHIIMMtm Mr. and Mrs Sturgeon nnd porothy called at tho Haylsy homo last Mon day. John Stiles and Kd. Done woro re pairing telephono poles Inst week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Snaugh. Mrs. Wlmor nnd Mrn. Swisher made a trip to HondJ Wednesday. Jess Hoot Is working for C. II. Spnugh. Mr. Minor, of Hand passed through this neighborhood lost Tuesday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoot went to Hond on business Thursday. HaBll Hayley went to Tumnlo on Sunday. Ethel Snydor spent Sunday with Until Hayley. MILMf'A.W (Special to The Hullotln) MILLICAN. March 20 Mrs. Char lotte Owon and I. Ij. Owon nnd fam ily havo sold tholr Ilcnd proporty nnd returned to tholr homesteads In Mil- Mean valloy whoro thoy expect to re sldo permanently. .. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. S. Hudson. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clydn McKay nnd n. W. Sawyer, nil of Hand stopped In Mil- llcan, Friday while on tholr way to Hums. Tho Homesteader's Development Association Is n thing of tho past no far as tho namo Is concerned. At n mooting of tho club hold at Johnson'A last Saturday afternoon n now namo was decided upon and tho club will hereafter bo known ns tho Mt. Pino Boosters. Mr. nnd Mrs. Egbert Dyer wero visitors nt tho Conoway homo Thurs day. Ceorgo S. Itoborts of Hond was n wenk-ond visitor In MUllcnn valcly. Harnoy Conoway movod his family to Hond Inst week. Tho Conowny's expect to rcsldo In Bond for n short tlmo only nftor which thoy will re-t-rn to Mllllcnn valloy. Miss Solma Hraiin left Tuesday for Hond for an extended visit. The Mllllcnn Valloy Hacholors will ontortnln tholr frlonds nt n dance and suppor nt tho Hoopoy homo Sat urday night, March 20. L. II. Schmorl enmo out from Bend Friday for an over Sunday visit with his fnmlly. Krnost Dyer has purchased Bnrnov Conowny's blacksmith shop nnd will contlnuo tho business , John (inrsko of Prlnglo Finis was a visitor In Mllllcan valley from Sat urday to Sunday. Cliff Evans was In. Hond several dilys first of tho weak. P. II. Johnson mndo several busi ness trips to Bond Inst wock. Wm. Mcllaffov of Bond wns a Mll llcnn vnlley visitor Wednesday, Mrs, Ioul Gloss enmo out from Hond Tuesday and Is living on tho Qlcss homostond. P. II. Johnson was In Prlnovlllo on business Frldny. Mr. nnd .Mrs. J. Onrv of Brothers stoppod ovor In Mllllcan Monday night onrnuto to Bond. Mrs. I.. H. Class visited nt tho Ilenklo homo sovoral days last wook. Grange lodgo was organized. Tho main featuro of tho meeting was tho very tlmoly and oloquent address by It. II, Fryrear of Culvor. A stock meeting wna held In Sis ters Saturday night. Mrs. Orubo was called to Hond tho last of tho wcok on account of the Illness of her dnughlcr Elnor. Several from Clovordale were working with tonms on tho Sisters fair grounds Wednesday. A large drovo of tho Harris cattlo passed through Cloverdalo tho last of tho wook headed for tho summer rnngo. At Pnrent-Tenchor mooting Friday Miss Oibson gavo n talk on tho health of tho child. Tho school work for tho Sisters fair was discussed by the parents. Tho next mooting will be In May. E. L. Waldron mndo n business trip to Long Hollow last week. Elvln Van Matro was In Bond Fri day. ' Sisters., Cloverdalo nnd Plalnvlew wnter ucors association mot last Sat urday nftornoon at Sisters. IIAMITO.V. (Special to Tho Bulletin) . HAMPTON, March 10. Burr Black started for Bond Thursdny to got n load of supplies for the Hamp ton store. Will Surcoy loft Thursday to got somo sood rye, Miss Ethel Fogg spent Thursday night with Miss Darlo Burton. Quito a number attended tho lit erary nt K, M. Peck's Friday ovcnlng. MIbs' Lorlnda Crow visited with Miss Darlo Burton Saturday. A. 8. Fogg was an Imperial caller Saturday evening. Jlrnmla Brlckcy apaift Saturday night with I.oo Hlggs. Tho llttlo Smith boy spent Satur day with ThomnB Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Whlttakor and Miss Darlo Burton wero entertained nt A. 8. Foggs Sunday. M. L. Crow sturted for Laldlaw on Sunday to get his seod rye. Mr. Strcetcr Is horo visiting his step daughters. A. T. Shnvor wns n Hn nipt on call er Sunday, W. T. Hnrrlson spont Sunday nt Mr. Verves. Mrs. M. 11. Crow visited Mondiy with Madamns Black and Harrison, Mlsnos Mabol and Kthol Stroetor loft Tuesday with Mr. Strooter for Portland. Leo Itlggs Is having nn attack of tho grip this wook. Miss Darlo Burton visited Wednes day night with Miss Lorlnda Crow. Thoso wishing to register for tho coming olcctlon can do so boforo A. S. Fogg Saturdays from 1 to 0 p. in., or any evening. In this vicinity Inst Monday. Jim Brown has gone out to Hend to look for work. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hagman de parted for their homo nt Wlllamlnn. Oregon, Inst Monday after spending sovoral weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Hert Meeks. ci.ovnmiAu: (Bpocln". to Tho Hulletln.) CL0VKRDALE. Mnrch 20. Mrs. Wolso nnd son Frodorlck roturned from n business trip to Portland. 11. O. Wilson nnd family havo mov ed on tho Hublo farm for a short tlmo wlillo putting In the crops. Mr. Miller mado a business trip to Iloml Thursday. Mrs. Oumport nnd Mrs. Fryrear spoilt Vodnesdny with Mrs. Kolly. At n Inrgo gathering nt Iowar llrldgo Inst Saturday n delegation from Opal City. Hedmond, Culvor nnd Clovordale woro In attendance Aftor n bountiful picnic dinner fur nished by tho Lower Bridge ladlos, n HAMPTON I1UTTE. (Special to Tho Bulletin) HAMPTON HUTTK, Mr.rch 15. Mrs. Jnko Hooks wns n cnllor nt the Brookings homo last Saturday. Mrs. J. M. Brlckoy and Mrs, Jim Brown visited at tho Meeks homo on Saturdny. Joe JohnBon returned to his homo stond Inst wook nftor bolng out sov oral months. Hoy nnd Hrnxton Fonts hnvo gone to tho Willamette valloy to bo gono sovornl months. Jlmmlo Brlckoy nutood to Lost Creek one dny this weok. Mrs. V. Schrnder nnd dniightor Ag ncs visited nt Flfo with Mrs. Mary Street lant Tuesday. Clydo Nlcodomus Is helping John Williams clear sago brush. Mr nnd Mrs. J. J. Hagman and sou niclutrd nnd Mr. and Mrs- Bet Moolts woro gnosis of Mr and Mrs J M. Hrlrkoy last Sunday Mrs, Charley Couch was a visitor I'OWELL HUTTE. (Special to The Hulletln) POWELL BUTTE, March 20 Mrs. Frod Brown nnd Will Brown visited Ornndmn Brown In Prlnevllle the flrBt of last week Joo Elliott Moved onto the Hert Wllcot ranch last week. Mr. Elliott rocontlv nurchnsod tho Wllcott farm and will make It his homo In tho fu ture. The Powell Hutto Scrolls mot with Mrs. A. W. Bayn on Wednesday and an attendnnco of 17 members was present. Walter Fostor was very unfortun nto In having his bnrn, 10 ton of hay, two calvos and a sheep destroyed 'jy flro on Thursdny nftornoon. The flro was caused by sparks blowing from a pile of trash thnt hnd been burned during tho forenoon nnd supposed to hnvo boon extinguished. Ocorso Bailey, who has been as sisting George Hobbs clenrlng land loft for tho Oclioco mines on Satur day. Mrs. J. Shearor. Mr. nnd Mrs. Al len Wlllcoxon, Dick Long, Mrs. Wm, Wilson, Max Strlinor, J. A Itlggs, nnd Paul Cook, onjoyod tho St. Pat ricks danco In Hedmond on Frldny evening. Airs. E. A. Bussott mado n visit to tho ranch on Frldny, returning Sat urday to Prlnovlllo, accompaniod by Lloyd Bussott. Frank Long nnd shtcr, Mrs. Walter Foster, attended the dance nt Grango hall near Bend, on Friday. Miss Ada 8enrs moved to Prlnevlllo the first of lastw eok to llvo with Miss Arlsa and grandmn Soars and r.ttend school for tho reninlndor of tho yenr. W. L. O'Donnell nnd fihas. A. Car roll of Hand visited this section on Wednesday. Mrs. A. W. Unyn visited her daugh ters. Misses Hazel and Glndvs. In Pilnovlllo on Saturday nnd Sunday. Miss Adn Morso Is onjoying ranch llfo ngnln after being employed nt Andorson and Tnllnferro's gcnoral store of Tlodmond for tho past yonr nnd n linlf. Mr. and Mrs. Molvln Foster moved to their homo west of Ilodmond tho middle of last weok. Geo. II. Hoo wns a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Reaves Wlllcoxon on Sunday. Hov, Lnmhort of Itodmnnd Ins boon holding evangelistic sorvlcos at tho Wilson school thop nst week. wm. Wilson lost sovoral shoon Buy or Rent a Sewing Machine TO DO YOUR SPRINU bbwirsu New Home, White, Siiifier nnd other nmkes $7.00 nnd up. $100 down sends a mnehine to your home $1.00 u week makes it yours. E M. THOMPSON The furniture man If you don't trade with us we both lose money. MSSSS ""TTSSJTS vtni Jf dlw i.,v ir mBSL MWWmmmmm' JiMt mmmmmmx m IWJRIiU UMKKKVV 1 S.HWO H1tThffJUFn,iWy- 1 SS WfifS HI iKMifcf ' "WOOD-LARK" TRA13E MABk POIS ON QUICK, CERTAIN. J- DEADL.Y- ALWAYS III3AUV, NKVKH FAILS. Destroys qulrrel, gophers, prairie doira, sags rats. Apply iriy in oi'....h ,,.).. ...w .... cry puts nwsko from Winter's sleep. Money back If It ever falls. "Wood - Lark'5 for 26 vnim linn stood every tet. It's crop Insur ance asalnit rodent pests. Manufactured, by Clarke-Woodward Oru con. uuy iroiu your I if Co., Portland,. Uaaler. ,Or- REED (2b HORTON whero they wern taken eevorul woeks ago for pasturo nnd unfortiinntcly nto polsonod hny that had been put out for rabbits. Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon tand Sirs. Walter Kostor nnd son woro dlnnor guosts of Mrs, J. Shoaror on Thurs day. .Mrs. Grady, sister of Karl Saun ders, delivered nn Interesting sermon ct tho Wll3on school on Sunday. TV 11 IVnnpTl nnrl tl TY Sntfvfit. nt Hend visited at the Karl Saunders' ranch on Sunday, Thoy woro subject to croup from ba ll s on." It Is a safe and reliable medicine. Sold ovorywhoro. Adv. A doslrnblo brend ltnlfo froo with ovorv nciiual subscription to Tho Ilcnd Hulletln. In order to nld tho farmer tho Hend Flour Mill Co. hns this yoar ob, tplncd Adox Lend Plaster, a scien tific fertilizer. Adv. Hits Light Children. Mrs. I Itheknmp, 2101 Herman 8t Covington, Ky writes; "I havo boon using toloy's Honoy and Tar f r noarly two yearo nnd can find .io bettor couch svrun. I hnvn nleM from poison down on tho l'onlnsuln children nnd give It to all of them. STOP! And Imofitlgnta our prices before buying your groceries. Wo ran Mivn you money. P.B.Johnson's Mllllcnn, Oio. Telephono zS eed Grain: We have been fortunate in adding to our list of Seed Grains for the coming season as follows: WHEAT MAHQU1S (lOH)K.V C1I.UT ICAltLY W1L11KU C1AL OAT.18 JKNK1N8 laillA' IUAnT ULUi: STK.M l'OUTV 1X)L1) WINTr.U LMMLIt (Wo linvo only a limited supply of this gritln.) BARLEY IIULLLliSS H.VUI.UV ()l)i:Ullt'CK (Six Ilovt) ULUi: (Tour How) iii:ahi)lihs OATS BHADKLKSS WOMIKU (Side Oat) lUUHKAU (Tree) IlKJ WlUTi: OATS RYE IlVItliV Sl'lUXO VTA 1 1 SWKDISH All our seed grains have been cleaned twice and you .will find each variety exceptionally free from (oirijo teeth, Sow good dean ml and raue the ittadatd ol Cenlial Orrgon Qrain, Dy patroniiioj borne indutlry you are able Io find a ready caih maiVcl for your jt tint. AiV your dealtc oi wtile ui and we will be glad Io nil wet all inquiries. ' Bend Flour Mill Co. A. J. KROENKRT, l'resldent-Minager ni:.i), oucr.oN KsHBr i. i, sLLLfllHiAC? t &, 4 PINELYN PARK. FROM EAST SIDE OF DESCHUTES PinelynPark On the River Front Served Directly by the NEW STEEL BRIDGE Beautiful Water Front and Mountain View Lots. Three minutes from the business center. Water, Light and Sidewalk. VERY EASY PAYMENTS. MOST DESIRABLE LEAST EXPENSIVE RESIDENCE PROPERTY Address: Pinelyn Park Co., Box 115, or see Any Real Estate Dealer . ,( . .'. . v3&3toA;'mjL eWSOttSriBBSESaM