r wa: the bend npjKTiy, hesiI, onn., Wednesday, makch 22, mm. rAon 10. PUNT SCHOOL Poison Formulas for Rabbits, Gophers, etc. Hotel Benson PORTLAND, OREGON NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth and Washington Streeti PORTLAND, OREGON &A 6A 1 I ,.T- Fttf-v . -I M K ,f r V M K -v. I FIFTY FOUR PUPILS ENLIST FOR WORK Mrs. .7. 1). DntliNmi KncouriiKCs Jinny VomiKslcis in Apiculture ."May Obtain I'lot of fiioiind In (."enter Addition (Jills to lliuu Club. Moro nml bettor vegetables nnd flowors will lia raised this yonr' by tho pupilH of tlio lionil imbllc scbools If tlio plnn or Mrs. J. I). Davidson, who will again hnvo cliarfio of thq school Knrduns, in. turoH. With nn cnllBtmont of 5 1 pupils from tlio 4 Hi to tlio 8th grades, h number almost four tlmos us largo ns lrst your, planting of the gardens will coitimoneo JiiHt ns soon ns a suit nlilo plot of ground cnn bo obtained. Mrs. Davidson Is ronsldoilng a tract In Center uddltlon and tills may bo Bolcctod for tho gnrdons If tho school lionrd consents to hnto tlio ground fenced. To llntu CmiiiiIiik Club. An ndilod routine for the school RlrlB Is being plnnnod this year by Mrs. Diivldson In tho way of n can ning club. Mrs. Davidson's homo will be thrown open to the girls nnd Bpeclnl equipment will bo placed nt their disposal under Mrs. Davidson's direction. Tho girls will can both fruits nnd vegetables, and If the stan dard or work Ih i cached In this work which tho Instructor hopes for, tho canned vnrletles will be placed on exhibit next fall nt tho county nml HUito fair. Cliililicii mo Intel csled. Unusual Interest, according to Mrs. Davidson Is being shown tills jear by tho chllilron In tho gardening work which wus stnrted last year. It Is hoped that eacli pupil may have n section of ground 8 foot by 1!0 reel for cultivation. Tlio children nio permitted to reallzo on their own gar 'dons by sale of tho products. Cultivation of dowers will bo ono of tlio features this yenr. Tho chil dren will probably place nil oxhlhlt at tho annual Flower Show In Aug ust. If tho ground cnn bo fenced this week, planting will probably begin noino 1 1 mo next week. A .luck Itublilt Poisons. 14 quarts oats. 1 ounco strychnine alkalohlal pow der. 1 ounce soda-bl-carbonato (baking soda.) Place fourteen quarts of oats in n receptacle such ns n galvanized wash tub. Mix ono tablespoon of ordinary dry gloss starch with ono tencup full of cold water. Add this to n pint of hot water and boll until clear. Tills starch should bo smooth and freo from lumps. Add tho strychnlno powder nnd soda, then beat until tlio solution Is of tho consistency of cream. A small teacup of table salt dissolved In tho hot wnter previous to adding tho solution occasionally incroasoo tho olllcloncy of tlio poison. Pour this creamy mixture over tho onts and mix thoroughly until ovory grain Is contcd. It Is a good plan to lot tho grain ntnnd a few hours nnd then mix again. Dlstrlbuto in largo tnblcspoonfuls about stock yards or previously linked polcon corrals from which stock is excluded. It Is n good plan to bait theso corrals with a few forkfuls of green nlfnlfn hay n fow nights previous to exposing tho poison nnd thus get tho rabbits to feeding there reg larly. Clear cold nights, when snow Is on tho ground and tho rabbit's natural food supply scree, Is tho best time to expose poison. Evory iinrt should make from twonty-flvo to thirty-five doges. II. 1G pounds nlfnlfn liny chopped In 2 Inch lengths. 1 ounco strychnlno sulphate. 2 gallons water. Dissolve the ounco of strychnlno nnd tho two gallons of hot water nnd then sprinkle over tho chopped hay, mixing until nil tho moisture Is nb- sorbed. This poison muut be used Inside bnrrnls nnd enro must bo tnken t lint It does nor blow outside where s(ock cnn reach It. C Digger ' oiiikI Squill els. 10 quarts bnrloy. 1 ounco strychnlno powder. 1 ounco soda. Ono lirth ounco sncchnrlno. 1 quart starch solution. Ono half pint corn sirup. Prepare this poison ns in Formula Dlstrlbuto In small tablespoon- Centrally Located The Hotel for YOU Room Rates $1.00 per day, More if you wish to pay. Excellent Restaurant in connection. Breakfast and Luncheon 25 cents. Dinner 5 Cents. Continuous service at very moderate prices. fuls slightly scattered on the high dry ground near tho burrows. When used Intelligently In this manner, It will not endanger tho llvo stock. Each quart of poison should treat from 2a to 3Ii Ininows. This pnison is Cut parsnips or sweet potatoes Into cubes ono Inch long by ono fourth Inch square on each end. Wash these halts nnd plnco thorn on n screen to drain. Whllo still damp sift over them from n popper box ono eighth most offectlvo when used when green ounco strychnlno alkaloldal powder food Is Btarco, preferably when tho which has previously been trltuated A nnlmnls first como out of hibernation or before going In, lu tho fall. 1). I'iiito ('round HquiircK or .SlIRO Itllt." 10 quarts wheat. C quarts barley. fj quarts oats. 1 ounco strychnlno powder. 1 ounco soda. Ono 11 f tl ounco saccharine or sub stitute 1 cup saltt 1 quart starch solution. Ono half pint corn sirup. Prepare this poison as In Formula A. Dlstrlbuto In teaBpoonfuls scat tered nenr tho cntranco of onch bur row and exposo ns In directions for Digger squirrels. Each qunrt should treat from forty to llfty burrows. Pocket Gophers. Whore a fow pocket gophors Infost a field thoy may bo enslly controlled by tho tiBo of several makes of traps now commonly on tho ninrkot. For ridding alfalfa Holds, long stretches of ditch embankment nnd other large areas of thoin, a much moro practical method of destroying pocket gophers Is by tho uso of poisons. A poison prepnred ns follows hns given good results In experiments by tho Biolog ical Survoy nnd largo areas of na tional forests hnvo been cleared of this pest In this manner: with ono tenth ounco saccharine. Tho baits are now ready for use. Tho burrows are bes: located by means of a gopher prone. This can bo mado from nny stout handle about thirty six Inches In length. Ono edge should bo bluntly pointed nnd n foot rest aids in tho probing In hard soils. Ono soon becomes expert in locating tho gopher burrows or run ways by probing tho ground n foot or two back of tho terminal mounds, Tho runway can bo usually felt ns tho point breaks through it. Tho round ed end of tho gopher probo Is now used to cnlargo tho hole nnd bait or two dropped Into tlio burrow, tlio probo holo then being closed. Units should only bo Introduced at threo or four points In each burrow system of ton to thirty mound? ns this Is dual ly tho homo of a single gopher. In our experience, halts placed fairly In tho runwnys will Invariably kill the gopher. Theso directions apply to tho small pocket gopher of Eastern Oregon nnd tho Middle- West. It Is quite posBlblo that tho poisoning of tho largo pocket gopher of tho Pa cific const may require n slightly dif ferent method. Howovor, tho nbovo Is cortalnly worthy of trial. One soon becomes export In locating tho runs nnd assistants usually average We believe that there is no Hotel in the entire United States more handsomely furnished or that oilers more to the traveller. RATES Sl.fiO and up without bath. $'2.00 and up with bath. A. T. LUNDBORG, Manager from 300 to 500 burrows per day. bo kept plainly labeled nnd out ct All equipment nnd utensils used reach of llvo stock, children and If. .. t 1.....1.t ' i rniiiiitilli1n inpamio In tho preparation oi poieun buuuiu i iuiuuoiuiu iui Raker's (jrocery First Class Goods and Right Prices. What is not right we will make right. Our aim will be to get your Groceries to you on time. AUTO FREE DELIVERY. H. E. BAKER Wall Street. Near Ohio A! EAD KNIFE tT3"-1 This desirable Bread Knife, indispensable in every home, will be given free to subscribers to The Bend Bulletin in Crook County. A KNIFE WITH EVERY ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION. This Bread Knife is exactly as shown in the cut above, but without any advertising. Flexible blade, curved edge, wooden handle. Just what you want. Get yours while the supply lasts. flTo old subscribers in the county: Renew for a year and get a knife. tJTo everyone in Crook County: Subscribe for a year and get a knife. VJf ONLY $1.5(1 for a Knife and HIE BULLETIN for one year JUm -r i JU "fifiTiiiT n'ifilMM