The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 22, 1916, Image 1

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The bend bulletin.
VOI;. '
Auxiliary I'ncturloH nro ."Models of Ef.
llclcncy, Out) tho Host of Mactilit-
cry IJcIiik Uscil Timber in lllrfi
(Initio IiUKKl"K In Full Suing
Tho droam, Bend, Uio sawmill and
lumbering contor of Control Oregon,
Is now nn actuality.
Aftor years of "watchful waiting"
liy men who woro possessed with
faith that ono day saws would lio
, ImnnnlnR and that tho vast area of
. DosclnitcH tlmlior would ho cut nnd
manufactured nt Bond thoy have to
day to toko a 10 mlnuto walk from
thec cntor of town to eco tho reali
sation of tholr dreams.
I'ndor u full hoad of steam and
tv 'tli ovcry department In readiness
Tho Sliovlln-Hlxon Company's saw
mill will bogln operations tomorrow
morning. Ilcforo tho end of tho wook
It Is expected, tho mill will boo ut
JMlng up to Its capacity of 300,000
feet of lumber for two shifts of 10
Ilond Mill Is Tho Host.
In Its essential features tho saw
mill at, Ilond Is not different from
Any twp' hand mill In tho west, hut
Jt lias many Improvements ovor othor
mills which havo procoded It In con
struction, combining many of tho
boat features of tho largost mills In
the United States, According to ex
liorlenccd sawmill raon the local mill
da tho best of Its typo In operation.
The Shevlln-IIIxon mill operates
two nlno foot bond jihh whldj oro
l larger than tho hands used in (no
East nnd othor Western mills by tlio
buoylln companies. This enlarged
foaturo lino bcon adjusted to suit
local timber which Is Iargor than In
other sections whoro Shovlln mills
are sawing. Tho mill Is bolt driven,
propelled by ono 800 horsopowor Cor
liss cnglno, has 33 Individual parts
and operates on tho clutch system.
Tho clutch system Is a big timo sav
or in that when there Is a break
down In ono or soveral parts of thn
mill, these parts neodlng repairs may
lie shut down -without stopping any
other part of tho mill's work. '
In tho mattor of flro protection
tho greatest caro has b,oen oxerclecd.
I'ndor every bonrlng and shaft tin
cups havo been fitted to catch all of
the wasto oils which would other
tIso bo absorbed by tho timbers. Tho
sprinkler system Is considered to be
tho most complote of any over. In
stalled n a sawmill. A sprlnklor
head may bo fourd within every eight
squaro feet. In event of fire, wator
Is automatically turned on when a
j room reaches a certain temporaturo.
Workmen nro Safeguarded,
Nothing has been sacrificed to
make the lntorlor of tho mill an
agreeable place to work. An abund
ance of natural light Is affordod
through tho mnny windows. The
walls havo all been whitewashed to
brlghted the interior of the building.
Electric lights havo boon convenient
ly arranged throughout tho mill to
ld tho workmen and to lessen dan
gers at night. Anticipating a long
period of operation at Ilond, tho
lullders lmvo provided for perma
nence. Whtlo the mill is operating
there will bo scarcely any vibration
as the building stands on concrete
pillars, All electric light wires In
conduits Is another evidence ot a
long time operation.
'Safeguards for workmen have not
been overlooked by thQ company.
Dangerous machinery which Is expos
fed In many plants has been carefully
jcuarded, Together with complying
rlth state regulations in tho mattor
f safety appliances for the employ
ees The Shevlln-Hlxon Company baa
taken the lnltlatlvo In supplying
many safeguards not required by law,
which will minimize the liability of
Vnctorles arc Motor Driven.
in contradistinction to tho sawmill
(he auxiliary factories will be motor
driven, power being provided by three
turbines with a combined power of
1,350 kilowatts or approximately 2,-
OA ft lina AalAnrn..
The brick power houso and boiler
(' Voom are models of engineering ef-
(Continues on page 6,)
General View of The Shevlin-Hixon Company's Mill at
Showing Auxiliary Factories of the Plant,
Will Not Dictate 1'ollclen of Local
Interest, Hut AVIIl Help When It
Not to dlclato In any mattors of
community lutorest but to co-oper-nto
In any mannor It pan for tho de
velopment of Ilend will bo tho nttl-
tudo of Tho Shovlln-IHxon Company
bearing upon local affairs.
"It will bo tho policy of Tho Shov-lln-Hlxon
Company to nssumo a lot
alono attltudo relatlvo to local af
fairs," said Superintendent T. A. Mc
Caun, whan asked what relation the
company would bear to tho commun
ity. "It has boon found that any in
trusion by a largo and Influential
company Into local matters has more
often proved dotrlmontal to a com
munlty than It has bonoflttod It. In
no particular will tho company oxor-
clflo a dictatorial attitude, but tho
employees will bo at liberty to par
ticipate In local activities, oxcopt of
fice holding, bo, freo to choose tholr
own living conditions, soloct their'
places ot trading, and bo at liberty to
do what they chooso without any dic
tation from tho company. This has
boen tho expression ot tho Shovlln
Interests olsowhoro and I can sco no
roason for an exception to the rulo
"Tho company and the omployces
will, no doubt, bo called upon fre
quently for contributions for com
munity needs. Thoso calls for var
ious purposes will bo Judiciously at
tended to and contributions will bo
made liberally whoa deemod legiti
mate "There Is ono Iron clad rulo boar
Ing upon political octlvtttos by tho
company's employees. In no sense
will any .employee of Tho Shovlln-1
Illxon Company bo pormltted to hold
public office, and In turn no aspirant
for oirtca will bo nllowed to soloclt
among the men on tho grourds of
tho company. Thoo ompany will loo
lato Itsolf from politics as far as It
Is poHslble.
"I havo no doubt hut that the com
pany will do everything It can to
help the community to meot tho
noods which It Is called upon to meet.
The spirit will bo that of co-operation
and helpfulness, but without any
thought of Intimidation or dictation
to tho community."
Portland Man fllven Site lly llrook.
Scanlou For Building.
With the donation of a site 150
fost by 300 feet by the Brooko-Scan-Ion
Lumber Company, It. E. Ruff-
schtridt and O. J. Dugan, both of
Portland, will begin soon on tho orec
tton ot a 40x100 foot building near
the Urooks-Scanlon Lumbor Cos.
round houso In which they will In
stall machinery for n foundry.
Messrs. Iluffschmldt and Dugan
have boen engaged In the foundry
business, formerly being associated
w th the Independent Foundry Com
pany. They have machlnory and
equipment In Portland, awaiting ship
ment to Bend Just as soon as the de
tails ot the site and building can be
arranged. Hoth men como highly
recommended by-several large Port
land Arms.
nnoiSTiiATioy is slow.
There Is an ovldence of lack of In
terest, according to registration of
ficers In Bend, among the voters.
Only Bio voters have registered ac
cording to latest reports. Of this
number a large proportion live out
side of Bend. Little Interest Is be
ing shown by the voters In town. The
registration books close April J8 for
the primaries. I
r : .
Above North vlow of Tho Shovlln-Hlxon plant which will bogln saw
ing tomorrow morning. Uolow Tho four line skldder In oporatlon In tho
whlto pine bolt south ot Ilend.
Facts About theShevlin-Hixon Company Plant
Tho name of the company U The
Shevlln-Hlxon Company. ,
Thel nyout cofprlscs:ofnco, barn,
pump houso, onglno and power houso,
sawmill, machine shop, barn, water
tank, stacker, dry kiln, unstackor,
planer, sash factory, box factory, two
dry sheds, two locomotives, CO log
ging cars, two sklddors and ono loc
omotlvo gear crano.
Tho total area covored by tho
buildings Is 328,608 oquare foot or
7.G4 acres.
Tho largest Individual . building
covors 78,368 squaro feet. This Is
tho Iargor dry shod.
The mill Is a two band mill.
Tho sawmill will operato two 10
hour shifts.
Tho bands are nlno feet.
Tho mill will havo a capacity ot
lf0,000 feet of lumber on oach shift,
or n dally total ot 300,000 foot.
Tho mill will omploy a total of 65
man on tho two shifts.
Sixty-five por cent of tho cut will
bo manufactured Into either sash,
windows' box material or finished
The dry kiln has 20 Individual op
enings. Tho kiln will dry approximately
720,000 feet at a drying, a dally dry
papaclty of 120,000 feet.
The temperaturo of tho kilns at
drying will be 180 degrees faren
holt. Tho mill Is a belt driven mill.
The Lldgerwood skldder Is tho lar
gest type of this machtno made.
The stacker and unstacker auto
matically load and unload all lumbor
going to and from thed ry kiln.
The logging railroad Is standard
The sash factory Is a motor driven
plant. There will be only about 30
foet of belt In the entire sash factory.
Tho box factory machinery will be
motor driven.
The hugs blowor to the east of the
sash factory will blow shaving's" flvo
miles If necessary.
The smoke stacks are 197 feet
The burner Is 14 4 feet high and Is
34 feet In diameter,
There are three turbines with a
total of 1,350 kilowatts, or approxi
mately 2000 horsepower, to drlvo the
auxiliary plants,
There are 33 Individual parts to
the saw mill, any ono o( .which may,
bo stopped without shutting down
any other part or oil of thamlll.v
Tho mill operates on a clutch sys
tem. There are two C4 Inch carriages
In tho mill.
There will bo manufactured 35,000
lath dally a by product of the mill.
The average woge of workers In
tho sash factory will ho about 12,75
a day.
Th'oro will bo 7G motors In tho sash
Qqj) standard guago llaldwln Loco
motive Works locomotlvo, will, haul
logs to tho logging pond.
.Tho ski ciders are four lino skld
dors. Thoro nro 11 boilers In tho onglno
Tho fires will bo fed by automatic
In ovory building thora will bo a
sprinkler hoad to every eight squaro
Water for flro extinguishing may
bo forcoi from tho pump houso un
der 80 pound pressure,
Thero will bo approximately 80
acres in ma yarns.
The tlmbor cut by Tho Shovlln
Illxon Company Is tnkou from an nl-
tlt de or 4,200 feet.
Tho Shevlln-Hlxon Company nnd
allied Shovlln interests own about
213,000 acres of timber lying south
and east of Bond.
Chief of l'ollco llohertfl, Master of
Ceremonies nt Ikwtmctlon of Larxo
Quantity of Liquor.
A scene, upon which Bacchus him
self would doubtless havo feasted
was enacted last Monday morning
when no loss than 300 gallons of the
choicest of Imported wines woro pro
miscuously poured Into the gutters
to run their course Chief of Police
Roberts was roaster of ceremonies at
the destruction of a largo part ot the
stock of Bllvertooth and Brtowdejr
liquors which has boon storod In a
building on Fir street, and which on
ly a weok ago catiBeil a Billy Wil
liams to fall victim of a burglary
For several months Chief Roberts
has been attempting to get rid of
tho stock,' because of Its presence In
the building which could bo easily
entered and, from which liquor could
easily be taken. Sim Ilrowder of
Shanlko rame to Bond on Saturday to
look aftertbe stock, and saw that the
best way target rid of It was to pour
It Into tlufwgutter.
tnis was uono,
without much deliberation
The liquor has proved to be an
enticing spectacle to soveral men In
thel nxt two years. Three men have
served terms In Jail for unlawfully
removing various quantities. Wil
liams, who is awaiting trial before
the grand Jury,. Is the most recent
Wearing Completion
Superintendent of Tho Htioilln-Ilhoii
Company lk'Kii Career In Yimls
At IlcmiilJI, Minnesota,
T, A. McCnnn, superintendent of
Tho Shovlln-Hlxon Company nt Bond,
has had a rapid rlso In tho lumbor
business, Graduated nlno years ago
from tho Georgetown university ot
Washington, D. C ho began woik
for tho Shovlln tntorosts nt IlemldJI,
Minnesota, whoro ho worked In tho
lumbor yardc. Lator ho sold lumber
on tho road and was promotod to the
position of maungor of tho company.
At Llbby, Mr, McCann wis super
intendent of tho Shovlln plan and
vlca prosldont. Tho Mill at Llbby
was well under oporatlons bofdro Mr,
McCann wns sent to Ilond to tako
charge of Tho Shovlln-Hlxon plant.
Before tho death of tho lato Thorn
as u. uiioviin, Air. flicuann wns a
closo associate ot tho woll Laown
atbloto and lumbormnn. Mr, McCann
Is aggreaslvo, koonly enthusiastic
about tho prospects of tho Bond plant
of The Shovlln-Hlxon Company, and
although retlcont, displayed a keen
intorest In tho dovolopmont of tho
community and tho tlmbor resources
which abound In Central Orogon.
F. A. Brown, a contracting archi
tect of Portland, arrived Monday
night to go ovor the lot recently pur-
chased by Lang & Co., and consldor
plans for a building. It Is under
stood that Mr, Brown consultod lo
cal contractors to obtain tontntlvo
prices on the building which Lang &
wo. proposo to orect nnd will lator
decldo to let the Job or to havo tho
building put up tho company Itsolf.
The Shevlin-Hixon Plant at Bend
. P. Dion's Biggest Achievement
"Sho's a daisy," said J P. Dion, of
Dion & Horskotto, bulldors of Tho
Shovlln-Hlxon sawmill and auxiliary
plants, when askod how everything
was working at tho mill. It was with
no insignificant degrco of satisfac
tion last Wednesday that ha stood by
and watched the powerful 800 horso
power Corliss engine turn ovor for
the first time. A broad smllo that
bespoke his pride was evident whn
he went through the mill and saw
everything movo off smoothly as
could be expected on tho Initial ap
plication ot power preparatory to a
long llfo ot production.
It Is said by tlioso who watched
him that he had llttlo. to say, but
seomed to have his eyes and atten
tion directed In many channels whllo
the pulleys and bearings wero find
ing their proper groovos. Ono per
son said ho looked like a proud fath
But It must be born In mind that
building sawmills and watching thorn
begin operation Is no new sensation
to Mr. Dion, for this Is tho 28th mill
that has been completed under tho
direction of this veterun builder of
17 years experience Tho Shovlln
Hlxon plant Is, however, his lurgost
and nrobnhly most difficult undor-
taking In this line,
Dion, u .Mini of Action.
Mr. Dion la not a desk mnn. Ho
Is a man of action. Havo you over
attempted to locate him on the
ground since tho mill began to rise?
Havo you oyer found him sitting
around? One In search of him fre
quently to elicit, a bit or Information
will testify that to locate Mr. Dion
no. a.
GIN ' v
Itcpieientntlvo of Stnto Commission
CIioohvs Ilouto for Stnto HlKliwny.'
-SilO.OOO to bo Spent Thli,; (
Sunuiicr Local Man Named. ,
rrollmlnnry work on tho construc
tion of tho Btato highway south from
Bond will begin at onco. J. II. Scott,
locating engineer ot tho State High
way Commission, nrrlvod on Thurs
day and other membors of tho par
ty como In Sunday night.
Mr. Scott's first work Includod an
Investigation ot tho posslblo routes
on tho two sides of tho rlvor as a
preliminary to making a doclslon as
to tho routo to bo choson. Aftor
going over tho ground, nnd taking
Into consideration tho mattor of the
acquisition of rights of way, Mr. Scott
has selected tho oast sldo and will
establish hta camp and begin work at
According to Mr. Scott, tho High
way Commission tins ostahllshod rig
id stnndnrds to which tho highway
must conform. No grades can bo
over flvo por cont and only caBy
curves aro pormltted. No monoy
will bo spent for other than perma
nent work.
Tho sum of 20,000 Is nvnllahlo
for tho highway during tho prosont
yocr, $10,000 having boon appropri
ated by tho Highway Commission'
from tho stnto road fund conditioned
on the oxpendlturo ot a ltko sum by
Crook county. This condition tho
county court has votod to meot. Tho
appropriation from tho stato resulted
from tho trip taken through his soc
lon by tho advisory board to the com
mission last July,
At that tlmo Deputy Engineer Can
ttno took up with Commissioner Ovor
turf tho matter of investigating
routes on both sldos of tho river as
a preliminary to tho location. to bo
mado by tho state. Mr. Ovorturf re
ported oir'tho routes tq, Mrl IiwIn
whon ho was horo In February and In
tho past fow days ho has boon over
thorn with Mr, Scott In tho soloctlon
of tho final course.
Expenditure of thn fund will bo
under tho Joint supervision of Mr,
Scott, representing the stato and Mr.
Overturf, representing tho county. It
Is oxpectod that tho road construction
will bo carried well up to tho Vando
vort ranch.
Mr. Scott has bcon ronowlng old
acquaintances horo slnca his arrival
last week, having boon horo In 1910
and 1911 In charge of construction
of tho Oregon Trunk lino from near
Iledmond to Bend. Ho also li'art
mado preliminary aurvoys for ,tho
railroad from Wot Weather Springs '
to Shonqulnts and is thoroughly, ac
quainted with tho country.
In a mlnuto, or In si vera) minutes,
while hu has boon on tliu Job, Is no
easy matter Ho Is hero and then
there, I To has a doteu men at his
heels all tho tlmo. Ho answers the
questions of the many men under him
with dispatch, and boin never to
be at a loss for mi adequate respouso
tn any question that might hu put to
him regarding the construction ot
the plant.
Hu has ovory answer nt his
tongue's end whan callod tipoji, H.
knows every detail of tho plant 'from
(Continued on last page.)
3. 11
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-- SSKm .