The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 15, 1916, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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l'AOB 7.
- - ',;
Your Fancies Will be
Favored at Our Fountain
We will be the coolest place hi
town no exceptions. Our foun
tain will satisfy your desires for
the best of cooling beverages
Everything Always Fresh
Victor Hkcoros Magazines
Victholas Eastman Kodaks
bend The jR&T&aMi Store oreqon
,T C. Thorp was up from Tumalo
Mrs. F. Domont wont to Portland
Sunday night .
Fred U. Wilson was up from Turn
r.lo on Mondny.
T. A. McCimn returned Saturday
from Mldiy, Montana.
Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Uondorsou aro
mn Portland this week.
A. M. liru and N. A. Southwlck
went to Hums on Monday.
Frank Sullivan mado a business
I trip to Portland last night.
Mrs. A. 0. Allen, of Mllllcan, was
a visitor In llend on Saturday.
F. X,. Young of Paisley, lias boon In
lliend this week on huslncss.
Miss Ilazol Archibald Is visiting
friends In Prlnovlllo this week.
A St. Patrick's day dance will lio
lield In tha hall at Tumalo on Fri
ll ay.
Miss Thco Crutty, of I.a Pino, was
fci town yesterday on nor way to
Mrs. Chas. Illndnian, of Sisters,
nn visiting wlthf rlends In llend last
G. H. Fullenwldor, of tho stato
hro food department, was In llend
I A. 0. Walker, n well known far
ter of Alfalfa, was In llend last week
Tho Dspot Hotol has bullt'nn ad-
Jon In tho shape of a modorn car
f cottago.
3lnudo ond Arthur Vandovort of
rtland aro visiting rolatlvos In
id this week.
ioscoo Howard camo up from nes
tles on business on Monday mid
iiln yesterday.
IBijrr Ulack and W. E. Searcy camo
InlKrldny from tholr homesteads. In
thelHanipton country.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. McCann, .1. II.
Haner and Miss Esther Mooro went
jBKflnovIlIo today.
0Mh Mao Hawkins, or tho Pilot'
BjUta Hotel, returned Monday night!
froliTa visit to Portland.
HpMJ. Jennings, of tho Itogors Ho-.
"Company, returned sunuay iram .
Uw to I.lbby, Montana. ,
frj ana Mrs. c. w. kikms. or
IWwyille, woro in town last murs
awISiid visited with frleilds.
M Episcopal Guild will meet to-
row afternoon at tuo noino oi
M. Lara at 3 o'clock.
IP. Morrison, of Ilomedjl, ono of
Bowyors for Tho Shoylln-Hlxon
CfcBHMny, nrrlved on Sunday.
flMtayor Enstes, who was taken sor
iSfiAf., Ill last week and confined to
hBTtomo, Is able to bo out again.
XgF; and Mrs. J. Upton, of Prlne
vJHilWero guests at tho homo of Mr.
awljllrs. V. A. Forbes on Monday.
3(Jm Myrtlo Chapman, of tho Pilot
JvSjjH Hotel, returned on Monday
frSjt three weeks visit to Portland.
flftei Montollo Harvey arrived on
,SuMy from Christopher, Washing-
! tako a position with Tho Ilond
Hudson went to Portland on
mb Saturday night, returning
nfTuesdny. Mrs. Hudson accomp-
H VV Mlllor. who has loen hore
llor the i5it 'ew weokB, roturned to
Portland lluesday night to bring n:s
lor the fa-jt
Portland lluei
t'nnly hcr.'
J. C. Thorp of Tumalo, and A. It.
(iorthon of llend this week purchas
ed Ford automobiles from tho Uni
versal garage.
A number of tha high school pu
pils .went to Deschutes Friday oven-
lug wnera tnoy attended a dance ai
the Deschutes Hotel.
Tho Methodist Ladles Aid hold Its
monthly social meeting this afternoon
at thu homo of Mrs. W. C. McCuls
ton in Park addition.
D. 1,. Wostfnll, a Spokano attorney,
was In Ilond on Monday nnd Tues
day looking over lcial conditions. Ho
left this morning for Portland.
Row II. O. licndrlckson will con
duct sorvlco In tho Norwegian lan
guage at tho Presbyterian church on
Sunday, March 19, at 3 o'clock.
F. A. Eborhart, of tho Coast Ilrldgo
Company, arrived in Ilond on Sunday
evening. Up will lmvo charge of tho
construction of tho bridgo across tho
Deschutes river.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Johnson and
tholr daughters, of Prlnovllle, visit
ed rolatlvos hore this week, Mrs. II.
D. Ketchum returned to Prlnovlllo
with thorn for a visit.
Mrs. A. D. Morrill, formerly of
Powell Hutto, was horo yesterday.
Tho Morrill family loft this morning
for Gaston, Oregon, whore thoy will
mnko tholr future homo.
Tho Sophomoro nnd Junior classes
of tho llend high school under tho
Instruction of Miss Nanny and Miss
Mabel Irnncoi gavo an Interesting
program; last Friday afternoon.
Tho Ilaptlst women's union will
meet with .Mrs. II. C. Kills Thursday
afternoon at 2:30. This will bo tho
regular business mooting and nil
momhors aro urged to bo iiresont,
Tho local lodge of Modern Wood
men will hold nn oystor supper on
tho ovonlng.df March 21 in Bathers
Hall to tho mombo'rs and Invited
friends. Tho local lodgo Iiob -H ac-l
tlvo inonibors.
Mrs. C. II, Warner and her daugh
ter Miss Ada Wntrlng, of Alttln, Min
nesota, urrlvod In Bond Inst Friday
nnd aro guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clydo
McKay. Mrs. Warnor plans to open
n millinery storo' hero.
"W. II. Wlrtz, John Combs and Mrs.
E. S. Dobbs wero guests on Sunday
of Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Rlklns. Miss
Dobbs, who has been visiting her sIb
ter, Mrs. Elklns, during the last
week, returned to hor homo In Prlne
vlllo. An Informal dancing party was
given at the Emblem Club Saturday
evening In honor of Miss Ado Wat
ring, cousin of Mrs. Clydo McKay,
who may pass tho summer here. Tho
patronesses woro Mrs. Clyde McKay
uud Mrs. C. JI. Wnrner.
County Clerk Warren Drown, ac
companied by D. II. Peoples, woo hero
on Friday, driving over from Prlno
vlllo in his car. Whllo here Mr.
Drown announced hlo candidacy for
tho Democratic nomination for coun
ty clerk at tho coming primaries.
Tho annual congregational meeting
of the Presbyterian church will be
See DICK TEe Tailor
All Kinds of
Phono Mack U SI
"ni ,MMMM8iBBBatrMaM8
Buy or Rent a Sewing Machine
sine, White, Singer and other
17.00 and up. SI. 00 down sends
ine to your home $1.00 a week
t yours.
Th' furniture man
trad) with us we both lose money.
held at tho church tonight. A re
sumo of tho church wbrk for tho past
year will bo givon, nnd announce
ment of pluns for tho coming yoar
will bo mado by Roy. II. C. Ilartrnnft,
Don Alsup, , n taxidermist from
Monroe, Oregon, nrrlved last week
with his family nnd will llvo In Ken
wood. Mr. Alsup has worked with
tho Northwestern School of Taxi
dermy, of Otnnha, and also at tho
University of Idaho. Ho will open n
shop In llend. ,
Mrs. Perry Clinse entertained tho
following "Htisy llcos" at her homo
on Friday afternoon: Mrs. T. Rob
erts, Mrs. W. Johnson, Mrs. A. O.
Hodstrom, Mrs. A. R. he Grand, Mrs.
Robldeaux, Mrs. T.' Kolstcnd and
Miss Zold'n Robldeaux. Tho after
noon was spout socially and a dainty
luncheon wns served. Mrs. Robl
deaux assisted tho hostess.
At tho Piosbytcrlnn church. Wo
nro having cervices every ovonlng nt
7:30 and wish to extend n cordial
welcome to nil to attend. Wo are
having good music, idiort se'rinuis
and u profltnhlo time. Next Sunday
services will he as follows: Sunday
school at 10 a. in Preaching sor
vlco nt 11 a. in. Thome: "The Sat
isfaction of Christ." Evangelistic
services in tlio evening nt 7:30' when
the piiBtor will speak from tho theme,
"The Unavoidable Jesus." 11. C.
Ilartrnnft, pastor.
A special call meeting of tho Pres
byterian Guild was held Thursday af
ternoon nt the church. Mrs. 1,. S.
Perdue, tho now president, outlined
tho work for tho coming yoar. A
pamphlet was suggested to glvo tho
unmes of hostesses for ench month
and that a program consisting of mu
sical numbers and readings ho given
nt each meeting. A map of the town
is to bo obtained and divided with a
division mnnnger for each district.
Tho next meeting will bo held nt the
homo of Sirs. Perdue on April 5.
Will Have l.ocii! Sales Agency for
Slielln-llion Company.
H. A. Mlllor will have tho exclusive
local sales agency for The Shevlln
Hlxon Company, according to an an
nouncement made by T. A. McCann.
superintendent of tho company ji'
torday. An arrangement to this effect
has boon concluded by .Mr. Mlllor and
Mr. McCann In tho past few days.
Mr. Miller's plans are to start a
yard on Wall stieet on the railroad
spur whore be will assemble 11 stock
as fast as possible aftor tho Shevlln
mill begins operation. He was for
merly in the sumo business hero un
der tho name of Miller I.uuHicr Co.,
selling out bis yard last fall to The
llend Company. After the sale Mr.
Mlllor went to Salt l.ako City for the
winter, recently toturnlng to Ilond.
Sco J. Ryan & Co., for farm1 land
loans. Adv.
Iluy a menl ticket at tho Altn
mont. Adv.
Go to tho Royal Cafo for your
dinner. Adv. 4-1 tf
11EEF iiri:i:di:hs meet.
Stops were tnkon last Saturday by
hoof breeders In tho vicinity of Sis
tors toward tho organization of a lo
cal association for the coming year.
Supervisor W. G. Hastings of tho
Deschutes National Forest, and his
assistant, V. V. Harphnm, wero pres
ent nt the meeting neld at Slstors
whore discussion was hold regarding
n permanent organization. Another
meeting will be held next Snturday
r.t which tho organization will bo effected.
Consult Dr. J. G. Turner, or-
giniorly of Lowo & Tumor, oyo
specimen!, at niuruon h jew
elry storo, Tuesday and Wednesday,
March 28th. ono da only. Head
aches relieved, cross eyes straighten
ed, No'chnrge for consultation or
exnintiiatlon. Satisfaction guaran
teed. Ho Biiro to let Dr. Turner bIiow
you the now bifocal Ichb without lines
or senilis to catch dirt, strain the eye
or coino apart. Ono light, solid
pleco of glass which looks like n
singlo pair, yet answers the purposo
of two, enabling you to read or do
closo work and sco distant objects
perfectly. Free doiuoiiBtrntlon. adv
Straight from America's largest
factory, will arrive at our store
These hats were ordered to be made during the
first fifteen days of March, of the styles considered
the very best for Spring wear. Then they came
across the continent by express. And will be
oflered to you at
It Will Pay You to Wait.
You Can Do Better at
ii i
Bend's Economy Center.
It Will PA Y YOU
to investigate the advantages
of making your spring pur
chases HERE.
Every woman who thinks
as well as style really ought
to come to this store for her
garments. We frankly ad
mit that she may pay a dol
lar more for the garment
here than for the same style
elsewhere but the most im
portant thing after y o u
have selected the style you
want is to secure the wear,
wo&i m y i
M "" s)7
Gives more satisfaction In nctunl service than any gnrment ever
mnde. Como nnd see how they nro mndo try them on the better
you satisfy yoursolf tho better you satisfy us.
HIT ITS $UI..10 to
SKIKTS 9.1.01) to .1(8.00
61 MC lM)lSi:S . . '. S'7;i to S.1.7.1
Tho largest showing of Spring wash materials, whlto goods,
trimmings and accessories can be seen here.
We have been busy the past week
thefmajor portion of which was ordered
before the recent price advances, and
when the dye situation was not nearly so
acute as now. We, therefore, tire able to
place, at your disposal, new materials at
practically old prices and assure you of
fastness of colors as heretofore.
New Ginghams
Now Percales
New Suitings
New Linens
New Sheetings
New Silks
Iything SATHER'S
5 ool
, (JUL
United States
Tsres and Tubes
is complete in every dtail. Tlioj
art "iMightierthan the road." Come
I in and look them over.
The Skuse
nr -