The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 15, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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tiii: iu:ni m'LLKTix, nnxn, oni:., wi:im:sday, MAitcii in. nto.
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(Published Kcry Wednesday)
ABSoclnto Editor.
An lndopondont newspaper stand
ing for the square deal, clean busl
nosB, clonn politics and tho host in
terests of Hend and Contra! Oregon.
Ono Year 1C2
Sir Mnntlix 75
Thrco Months
All subscriptions
subscriptions are ra
sre duo and
It renewal is Utniade TwirhlnreMon -
ablo tlmo tho paper will be dlscon-
Pleaso notifv us promptly of any
chango of address or or iRiiurn w ir
celvo the paper regjlarlv. Otherwise
wo will not bo re.,"nslhlo for copies
Make nil checks arid orders Py -
nblo to Tho Hend Bulletin.
Tho State-aid conference Hcems to
Jinvo bMtt unsatisfactory from all
MandpolntH. unless It perhups ileas
ed those who hope to hue the pres
ent order of things continued Indell
nltoly. Kor the truth Is that nothing
forwnnl-looklng wn accomiillslied.
Thoro was so much squabbling and
so much sectional J-nloim. that It Is
fair to say the delegatfH wont homo
pretty well soured on every proposal
oxcept the solitary uno in which they
woro illrcrtlv Interested. There
wasn't enough glvi-and-tako co-operation,
lefs-Hll-pull-together-bo.VH sturf
to be wot th menttoutiiK.
Tho rural credit exponelits went af
ter what they wanted and then seem
ed preprred to throw everyono olso
overboard. Tho Irrlgatlnnlsts mid
drainage people, wh.i nlso favor rural
credits heartllv (and state aid for Ir
rigation and drainage Is really rural
credits i left the conference miffed at
tho treatment accorded thuni by the
majority That majority, say tlioy,
was rural but not creditable.
Wo all hoped to see a tangible re
sult from tho conference. Wo expect
ed united backing for a renttoiinblo
and safo scheme whereby tho stnto
would bond itseir moderately for tho
yiurpose of making agricultural loans
nt low Interest. Wo hoped It would
bo arranged to utlllo tho stato'H
credit to guarantee, and so ninko sale
able, Irrigation mid dralungo district
bonds, thoBo dlstrlcta to bo only of
absolutely llrst class character nnd
tbeliowii lands to b3 the llrst basis
of credit and simply relnforcod by tho
(date's backing.
Wo believed that sound conservn
tlvo plans along these Hues, thresh
ed out and endorsed by the confer
ence, would meet with very general
popular appioval. Had tho confer
ence accomplished tho purpose for
which It was called, tho lultlntlvo
measures would havo gone upon tho
ballot with excellent promise of re
ceiving n favorablo popular verdict.
Hut tho conference did not accom
plish Its purpose. It did nothing hut
muddy the water. It him material
ly wonkuned tho prospects of each
progressive measure. It iiiuv be that
despite the unpropltlous start the)
will waathor the scrutinv of (he elec
toral) and receive popular approval
In Xovomber. Wo eiirncstlv hope so
Thu opposition which developed ut
Hftlom Is as sin prising In Its person
nel ns It Is shortsighted In Its mo
tives. Tim only logical thing for the
conference (o Imve done was to give
tho proposed irixtsureH a fair stmt,
nnd later let tho people kill them off
if they saw lit. Hut the very birth of
tho measures was an abortion, and
tho product of the legislative labor
threatens, alas, to be deformed and
"Those reforms, these forward,
steps, are not needed now : let us
wait until they are demanded." Such I
in effect, declared the opponents of I
htate aid. And In tho face of such
h tomlMttouo policy some have wou-
dennl what would have become of i
Central Oregon, for Instance, If tho!
railroads hud waited until the coun
try was developed before they en me
Don't go Into tho wnter-Miutil you
cull swim! Don't mend tlm leak In
)ur roof until It rains! 'f I
It Is distressing to see n normal-1
!v able mlnduil cltlreus engaged In
digging community graves and mer
rily winging til their task, (iod knows
that one reason Oregon todav Is leiM
developed, piopoillenHtely to her ro-'
MiurccM, tlisn mo other state In the i
Villon Is the superabundance here of I
nvruy Innovation. prgre-not-t j
my price gentlemen fully equipped to'
oxcavntH iMiinfi'rtable sepulcher for
thw vuiHinonwealth Mid premimiitdy j
K H h 1 ly tmlltld to place a tHutuful'
epitaph unun tlie limtdtpne.
III m poll of 11ih"pu of the nation
regarding our needs f national de
ftmra. the Lllomry Digest gives the
following suuiitutug u for Orego.i
"The Portland Oragoiil.ui. whiih
comuiftllds President Wilson's stnnK
Uud for prepurfdnesi.. hut regri-ts
that be has been so imdv in w lilu
this stwte of uilud. says ufUiis ne li
es ! tbo Mldtlle Wastr thst 'he has
found that, Uowvtrar profound the
symimthy of tho puilo with one jwr
ty or tho otJioxlMlio war. thev are
hound to tho oor when Vmertcun,
rights, honor, nnd Interests are con
cernusl. Thay hno applauded his
f i.u ,., y.) of prop.rod-
ncss and Have siiouteii uieir ruiiuinroo i
to respond If lie should call tuem to
arms. Tlie isugene uunrn ;! mui
the spirit of the American people will
not ho chnnged by tho fact that 'as
a puro matter of business we nro ndo
riuatoly propared to defend oiir shore
line and our world wide commerce."
TJils Journal would have 150.000
regulars In sonlco In the United
States, besides regular troop'j necos
sarv to garrison thu Philippine Is-
Irnds, tlis Ilnwallan Islands, rnd our
other possessions. Purthor, It pio
poses n constantly Increasing reserve
until we liovo 2,000,000 mon nvall
nblB. As to out ntny, It should be
" !oii a par with the hirgeat navy in tho
world by 102S, and by 1UI0 should
, . ,,rge M th(, inrgw,t European
led.' Moreover. should have one
fleet in the Atlantic and ono In tho
Pnclfic. Tho Hoseburg Ilevlew pro-
pones a nnvy large enough to defond
OMr coasts, unu isvors universal inn-
lury tx-nliiltifs along tho lines of the
3wgl iy,lelnL Thele u no ,imger r
militarism wun snrn a piugi'iuii, mi
. journal thinks, r-nd tho Pendleton
Rn((t 0l.OKonl(n Rli tl)e Astoria As-
torlBii view thi matter In a somewhat
similar light. The Corvullls (Inzutt
Tlmes considers tho army and navv
Increases asked for as 'unreasonable.
but the Allinnv Heuld scouts tho
iden of mllitarlsui and ndvocutcs an
army 'largo enough to lick tho world'
and n nnvy 'largo enough to keep the
world licked.'
"Tho La Grande Observer, how
ever, while It would have a navv
equal to that of any othor nation and
believes in n paid State mllltln double
the present fclzc, with a material In
cieaso In military sclunls- for train
ing ofllccrs and in training high
Fchools, sots It dovii ns n principle
thnt vvo can not expect to umlntnln n
hugo ntnndlng army, for 'Amerlcnns
nro not ndnpted to life ns It must be
lived with n standing army during
ponco-tlmcs.' So thin Journal snys
that reasonable preparedness Is what
vvo should neok, and It speaks warn
'ngly of the present seemingly bound
less agitation thnt 'to a largo extent
Is apparently Inspired by munltlnn
makors nnd manufacturers of other
military supplies.' Ab a corrective,
tho Mcdford Mail-Trlhuna suggests
thnt wo should tnko private profit out
or wnr by giving the Industry of mu
nitions over to tho Government, nnd
It would havo n navy only for defense
consisting of many submarines, ado
quato Bhnro-defeuses, n vnut number
of mines, nnd few bpttleshlps. As to
our army, If wo follow tho course of
our American traditions tho present
army Is lnrgo enough, hut 'If wo seek
world empire,' vvo need a hugo one."
If tho rnllrdiidH box tho compass
nnd come to us fro mi every point vvo
won't mind n hit.
Thero Booms- to linvo been- moral!!11'80 f
Irritation than Irrigation at that con
ference.' '
Tho "Columbia State" says It likes
Wilson hut IlooMivolt Is better still.
When Is thnt Commercial Club
membership campaign going to start?
This will bo remembered ns tho
rnllrond edition of Tim Bulletin.
VlllolnouH Villa!
Higher Costs
This Store Stands
Between You and
Higher Costs of
During the present
season we will main
tit in on r regular
selling prices on
practically every
one of our 0,000
ilillerent items of
merchandise that
we carry.
This is Your
You can do HETTEK at
To tho Directors of the Hand Com
mercial Club.
The following Is n report of the
mnnnger of the club covering the per
iod from January loth, to March 1,
Ilalnnco on hand Jan. 15. ,
Collections for December
Collections for Jnntitiry . .
Total receipts $18(5.90
.SUmps $ 5.00
.Tanltor work
unv . ., m.uij
Manager's snlnry 32.50
I uinber . . . 0 16 '
Telephoilo Co." !!!!!!!! '. . '. '. '431'
D8i,e8 10 "i0
Prlnllnir n Kd !
- r j
Crenm ... 2.10
Mmr jo
aiana o's5
'Q Ijtlllrarcl ".'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'..'. 2500
Manager's salary and stamps
.LAV. Hamilton
4 2.00
Total disbursements $lfiS."C
Ilalnnco on hand Mnrch 1", 1910
It will be scon from the above that
then; Ib not n large balatico In tho
treasury, hut considering the fact
that thoro aro but foV bills out stand
ing against tho Club tho smug Is In
fairly good flunnclnl condition.
The membership remains about
tho samo iib when tho last report, was
submitted, viz: nbnut ono hundred.
Sumo fow liavo dropped nut nnd
about fifteen now members have been
added to tho club.
A membership campaign Is to be
launched within tho next vveolc nnd It
is Hoped thnt a great ninny or tno
, ., ,. ii, i S .
of tho city 11 hailrt l-i
rsh lp. Mr. Edward Lnr-i
new residents
their mombe
son nnd Mr. It. V. Polndoxtor nro tlie
captains of tho two teams that hnvo
tho campaign In hniul, and they no
doubt will bo very successful In their
attempts to Increnso tho membership
ns thoro nro n great many mon who
hnvo Rlgnlllcd their Intention of, be
coming members of the club. -"
Durfng tho period covered by this
report tho mnnnger hns received nnd
nnsvyorcd on tho nvorngo of ton let
tors a day, ninny hundred pieces of
literature have also been sent to dlf
forcnt people who hnvo made Inquir
ies regnrdlng our town and country.
The grent majority of tho letters nro
rerolvi'd from people seeking lnnds,
either homesteads, deeded lnnds or
Carey Act lands, a groat mnny letters
hnvo also bcon received from porsotiB
who contemplate starting some busi
ness hero. Wo hnvo been nnsworlng
ieoplo and Informing thorn that
tlie toMn Is fairly woll represented' Id
nil classes of business, we tell thntn
that now business would not And suc
hore nor yet fnlluro, and ndvlso thnl
boford they nmko any doflnlto decis
ion, they should "como nnd sco. and
decldo for yoursolf." So mnny let
ters como from thnso who wish Ini
niedliito work In tho mills hero, vvo
ndvlso them thero will bo n grent
amount of work to bo dono bore hut
that thev should not como oxpoctlng
to find employment nt nnco.
In tlie innttor or ronds, tho club
has labored constantly for thOklm-
pravoment of roads In this commiiu
i this comiQiiu-
overnl hiuUred
bscrlbod vMch
n like nmQunt
liv, nun us n resiiii soy
dollars have been sub
will ho matched with
from tlie county, nil of which will bo
used to improve the rond from Hend
to Powell llutto nnd from Pond to
Sisters. A committee hna beeirnp
pointed to confer with, tlm county
clerk and tho Commercial Club of
Prlnevllle, to paint road signs along
tho main traveled roads of this
county, tho signs to be similar to tho
highway ninrkl-igs used along tliq Pn
clilo highway nnd the main traveled
A fool them vwis urn! lie iiuido
his prn)er
(ICu-ii iih ou noil I!) f
To n rag nnd a bono nnd it liank of lialr
(Wo culled Iter tho uomiin mIio
did not fine)
Hut tho foul ho ciiIIim! tier his lady fair
(lft en as jo ii null 1!)
A Pool There Was
------- ---- -f
an adaptation from
Rudyard Kipling's
A Powerful Picture with a Sharp StingR&
enb Sbcatuc .
Admission 15 and '25 cents.
roads cf tho east. These signs are
to start from Wasco and extend from
there south to tho southern boundary
of Crook county. One of the main
trunks will pass through Hend.
The club has taken an active part
In tho matter of llenliam Kails sog
legntlon extension, having submitted
resolutions to both tho Desert Land
Hoard and to tho General Land Of
fice in Washington, D. C. against tho
extension of time on this segregation.
Ah yet wo lme no definite results to
"Port '' It ' thought that In n or
sliort time we win ne in a punuum
,0 maK0 lne nnnouncempii ,,..i. ...v
I . A. ...Ill .. nlilnll.l ll( llllllk
. . . - . K !.,.
iKOveriiiiieut win urn bmuiih m .
undor t'ii' segregation
Tho club has tnkoli an acthe pari
i . .
n an a"mP l0 el loumnv ,..-
Hsl'ert hero and from the present out-
IooU u woul(1 FC,;m tlmt we were R0"
'lnB ,0 ,)0 ""ccessful In our ntton pt.
There being several men who now are
looking tho situation over with the
purpose of establishing such a busi
ness hero.
Tho commltteo nppdlnted bv tlie
dub to Investigate and report on the
Strahorn toruilnnl grounds have been
successful In getting options on nil
the terrltorv thnt will be needed for
thnt purpose. They were successful
In assisting tho City In passing the
amendment to the City Churtor which
provided a $30,000 bond Issue for
tho purchnse of lands necessary for
this Terminal.
Slnco the tlmo of tho last report a
Ladles Auxiliary to the club has been
organised with n membership of
about thirty. This fills a long needed
deslro of tho club, as the work of
tills auxiliary will bo nlong lines thnt
ciinld not be possible for tho club to
engage In.
During all tho tlmo the club lias
held n luncheon each Saturday to
v'hlch all tho members nnd others
have been Invited, and which always
have lioen well nttended. Many
ouostlons of public Interest hnvo been
ouostlons of public Interest havo boor
,, , t thewj ,nnclleon8. Tlll
, , n,so , f , , ,
benefit to the club as It has been the
host monnB of getting tho niombers
nnd tlie public together for the dis
cussion of various matters nnd It nl
so tends to hold tho membership of
tho club up.
Generally tho club ,1s liuexcellent
condition both financially nnd from a
standpoint of membership and Inter
est. Respectfully submitted.
' An open meeting of the Parent
Teacher Association will bo held on
Friday nfternoon March 21, at the
Held school building. ,A special pro
gram for tho occasion will ho planned
nt, which speeches by locnl business
and' professional mcu will bo given.
Light refreshments will ho served.
At the regular monthly meeting
hold last Saturday nfternoon tho as
sociation rjccelvedaj' letter from, the
Oregon Child Welfare Commission to
tho effect thnt if child welfnro ex
hibit would be shown In Hend In tho
near future. Tho exhibit consists of
ten ttr twclvo panels In which such
subjects ns, dependent nnd neglected
children, child hygiene, girls Indus
trial schools will ho shown. Tho dnto
upon which tho exhibit will bo r.hown
will be set later.
Having recently formed connec
tions with some of Jhe lnrgo (Insur
ance' companies of.1 the country
nwlght M. Davis .has announced his
Intontion to Btnrt uVdnsurnnco agen
cy hero tinder tho nnmo Dwlght M.
Davis Company. Mr. Davis, who for
merly hud chnrgo of the IJond Park
Co. Insurance department, will hnvo
an olllce temporarily In tho Central
building opposite The Ilulletin build
JtiK on Ohio streot. H. B. Smith,
tpcclal ngont of the Commonwealth
ltisurnnco Co., spent Tuesday with
Mr. DnvlH going over Jnsuranco mat
w lint ton I
7rASfc HI b 1
'SS k'fcV nave many loBow-
1 1 i '! i ifll ers among discri"
1 1 W1 M'wiw mmataig men.
MvJfJ Every GRIFFON gar-
Willi III ment hits the "knack"
II lPff of making a man look
' 111 V 11 well dressed.
Will Just What You
Wi Want in a Suit
HJIf 0ur sl,ri"B shipment
MS If has just arrived. For
""'I ' Mil m the season's latest of-
ISr vzk. ienngs make your se-
fl wSt lections while the
' liWv "" cveain is here.
(Port Hock Times.)
Hem! certnlnly showed Its truo
spirit and Interest In what It now re
fers to as "our railroad," otherwise
known ao tho Oregon, Callforn'n nnd
Eastern railway, when It voted by an
overwhelming mnjorlty to Issuo bonds
In the sum of about $30,000 for tho
purposo of purchasing terminal
g-ounds for that road.
For a good clean shnve, n good
hnlr cut, facial massage or a chine,
visit tho Metropolitan, on Oregon
street. Adv. tf
Dates for tho Hend Chnutauoua
hnvo been definitely (hod. according
to announcements received here this
week, the dates solectcd being July
A to July 9, inclusive. In tho near
future the guarantors will bo called
to select n committee on arrange
ments. Commorelnl photography of nil
kinds can now bo sttondpd to by tho
Ellto Studio. Dost of work guaran
teed and delivered promptly. Kllto
Studio. Adv.
Snappy Spring Shirts
Dress, Golf and Negligee
In Soiesette and Madras. Striking
stripes. Our spring shipment ar
rived yesterday.
$1.00 to $2.00
FINE HOSE-'-Pure Silk, Fibre Silk
and Silk Lisle, in Black, White,
Smoke, Pearl, Champagne and Navy
at the pair . 25c, 35c and 50c
sUntiiil line in light Halbriggan
ttmi ,u $i.uu,
A. L French
IMl'KIW." (Crook County Journal.)
Tho Ilond Mullotln has finally fol
lowed tho lead of tho Journal and"
other metropolitan papers nnd their
lesuo of last week appeared without
advertising on tho llrst pngo. Wo be
lieve that thoro mr.y yet ho hopo for
Tho Ilulletin becoming n real newspaper.
Photographs of homes, Interiors
and oxtoriors. Wo hnvo nn assort
ment of mill pictures, and scenery
around llend, both largo and small.
Kllto Studio. Adv.
Tho Juniper Rooms nnd board.
Tho best liouso service Everything
now. On Lnko street, between Hpnd
and Wall streets. 2p-
Writes Fire Insurance
Phone mck 451
!pi.25 and $1.50j
1 ' X
t '
Jnrf'Wi ,-Jk