The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 15, 1916, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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(With thiB lusuo Tho Hullotin bo
glna tho publication of tho roport on
work in Croolc county BUbtnlttod by
County Agriculturist Lovott to tho
state lendor In county work nt tho be
ginning of tho year. Tho roport has
u great vatuo to tho public, not only
in familiarizing them with tho work
of tho agriculturist but In giving
them details of practical value in tho
matter of crops, planting, pest eradi
cation, etc. Tho roport will bo con
tinued from week to wcok until com
pleted.) (Uy A. E. LOVETT.)
Tho County Agriculturist arrived
In Crook county In April, 1914. Ho
found tho country now to farming,
tho farmers now to tho country and
tho people generally unacquainted
wltht ha work which ho was supposed
to do. Tho major portion of tho
tlmo tho ilrst year was spent In a
rcconnnlssanco of tho county as a
farming Bcctlon. A study of tho
varying conditions nml of tho varlotiB
crops and methods, together with a
comparison of namo conditions, crops
unci methods on tho eastern Oregon
oxperlmont station was mado. On
personal visits to farms, suggestions
were mpdo to lndiv'dual farmers and
received from thorn regarding Im
provements of interest to them. Somo
work along tho lines of commiunlty
oganlzatlons and crop domonetratlonB
woro undertaken during tho yoar of
On January 1, 1915, an outllno for
ono pcrmanont project and four seas
on projects woro prepared by tho Ag'
rlculturlst and approved by the stato
leader. Those projects Woro ns fol
lows: pormanont project, "improve
mont of farm business;" season pro
ject, No. 1, "organization of rural
communities;" No. 2, "crop vnrloty;"
N . 3, "animal feeding;" No. 4, "crop
-rotation." Each project nB planned
-was started early In tho season but
very fow farmers could bo Interested
In project No. 4, and only ono dem
onstration under project No, 3 could
bo started and this was abandoned
'very enrly In tho season, becauso of
tdiortngo of feed on domonstrator'B
"farm, rnd doclslon to soil stock
"Since January 1, 191C, tho Agrlcul
turlst has travoled 9732 miles, mado
fS7li farm vIbUb, hold or addressed 93
meetings with n total ntcndr.nco of
4475, 55C fnrmors linvo called nt our
office for ndvlco or Information, wo
linvo wrltton 1 157 lottors nnd 07 or
tlclcs for local newspapers and pub
llnhcd monthly n farmers' oxchango
list which 1b mailed to 550 farmors
asking for It.
A detailed report of most Import
nnt work dono under tho abovo plana
or projects follows:
Organization of lliirnl ComimmltlcM.
In our outllno of work for 1915
prepared on January 1st, tho organi
zation of rurnl communities was nam-
d project No. 1 becauBo wo consid
ered It tho work of greatest Import
ance for tho ngrlculturo of Crook
county. Whon wo arrived In tho
county In April, 1911, It had not a
-sIiirIo nctivo farmors organization
within Its present bnrdorB. Ono nc
tivo farmors grnngo was includod
within tho boundary of tho county
thot yenr, but In Novombor, 1914, tho
ccunty of Jefferson was cut off of
what was then Crook county, and this
grango wnn In that section. Tho Far
mors Union had boon organized nt
Redmond provloiiBly, had built n
warehouno nt a largo oxponBo nnd
carried on business for nearly ono
yoar. In February, 1911, this wnro
hoii80 wrs burned and a majority of
tho shnroholders lo3t n good denl of
money, In consequonco of which far
mors organizations woro looked upon
with suspicion by a largo numbor of
farmers. A grtngo had been orga
nized nt Grango hall near Ilond, but
becauso of lack of Interest, had cons
oil active work. A reconnaissance of
agricultural conditions In tho coun
ty Indicated that ono of tho most
pieselng neods of tho farnv was that
of organization.
Nowspapor articles, circular lottors
nnd personal conversations wore used
to stlmulnto Interest In rural com
munity organizations and In Juno,
1914, tho first "Improvement club"
-was organized at Prlnglo Flats, near
Ttlvers post office, 60 miles from tho
railroad. During the growing season
of thnt year farmers could not bo In
terested in community organization
nnd other work by tho Agriculturist
was necessary.
In October actlvo work toward or
ganization was again started. Uy
January 1st thero woro threo nctivo
community clubs and before tho crop
sonBon of 1915 thoro woro thlrtoon
of theso clubs organized. During tho
spring nnd summer of this year three
became lnactlvo but two have reorga
nized and only ono romnlns which
cannot be rovlved. Somo of the things
already accomplished by community
clubB In Crook county nro: improve
ment of roads, united effort In light
against farm pcBtB, clubbing orders
for best farm Bccds, actlvo Interest
In tho work of tho County Agricul
turist nnd tho producing of more
active, sociable, lntnrcstcd nnd beau
tlful farming community. Two clubs
hnvo built halls for their meetings.
Tho seriousness of tho Jnck rabbit
nn a farm pest has assisted greatly
during tho fnll and winter of 1915 In
tho organization of rural communi
ties. Tho appropriation of money by
the County Commissioners for assist
ing In tho eradication of this pest has
also assisted greatly, it being neces
sary for a community to organize and
support an actlvo "club" befora It can
receive tho bcnolUa of the county np
proprlatlon. Four nowspaper articles
for local papers and 2C farmers meet
Ings hold have resulted In tho orga
nlzatlon of 12 communities and 12
oldor communities already organized
nro taking actlvo pnrt In tho fight
agnlnst tho jack rabbit. Tho total
momborshlp of community clubs In
Crook county Ik 498 nt prosont. PrnC'
ticnlly all of tho communities In tho
county which have not already or
ganlzed nro Interested In an organi
zation of their community nnd tho
majority of thorn will organize within
tho next 20 days.
Tho prlnrary object of tho conv
munlty organizations, lntoly orgnnlz
od Is tho eradication of tho jnck rah
bit but nt all meetings whero wo linvo
been present, wo hnvo emphasized tho
need and vnluo of organized work by
n community In nil phases of farm op.
oration nnd business, and in nearly
all cases wo are conldont that the
organizations will not becomo Innc
tlvo after tho season for fighting tho
rabbit Is passed. In our opinion tho
organization of tho rural communl
tics should bo tho first step In orga
nlzatlon for tho farmer. Thoro Is
UUlo expouso attached to theso com
munlty clubs nnd tho fnrmor learns
tho requirements nnd tho vnluo of nn
orgnnlzod effort. Wo have stnrted
plnnsf ort ho organization of n "conn
ty agricultural council" through
theso rurnl community clubs. Wo
havo found thnt wo enn do much
moro offoctlvo work nnd a larger
amount of work In our county
through rural community clubs than
would bo In nny way posslblo by
working with Individuals.
Ilosldo tho rural community clubs,
wo have assisted In tho organization
of tho Doschutos Vnlloy Potnto Orow
.ora' Association whoso object is tho
development nnd Improvement of tho
potnto In this section and tho grading
and mnrkotlng of tho potatoes grown
This organization was nffectod No.
vombor 29 and, although tboy hnvo
not yot markotod any potatoes
through this association becauso tho
supply of potatoes this season is
sninll nnd tho prlco Is not satisfac
tory, thoy hnvo recolved o largo num.
her of requests for large shipments of
potatoes and will bo ablo to sell nil of
tho flrst-class and fancy potntoos
which thoy havo to sparo at Increased
prlco becauso of this organization.
Also tho farmers grango at Grange
Hall has boon revived during tho past
throe months and Is now an active
Tho rural community club orga
nization Is made as slniplo as possible
nnd without membership dues. No
cash Is required of members except
ing when It Is desired to club orders
for poisons, farm soods or othor pur
poses In which case each man wish
ing to purchase, places tho cash for
the amount ho desires. No consti
tution or by laws are presented olth
er at tho first or any succeeding
Coffee Coffee Coffee
Buys n pound of GOOD COFFEE
steel cut. We recommend it ns be
ing equal to the higher priced coflees.
Satisfaction or money back.
mootlngs. Tho farmers formulato
their own rules nnd regulations nnd
whonovor dlfllctiltlcs nrlso, the Agri
culturist assists when n request for
his services Is mado. A standard
constitution and by laws for theso or
ganizations will bo prepared nnd pre
sented to ench club this winter for
their correction nnd adoption. Hnvlng
worked for a considerable tlmo ifpon
their own Initiative, theso organiza
tions will recognize tho need of as
sistance nnd of tho standardization
of their plans and work.
Tho rurnl community organization
Is necessary for tho most successful
development of tho fnrmlng commun
ity nnd of the Individual fnrmor.
Tho rural community organization
is of great value, If not nbsolutoly
necessary, for most successful work
by tho County Agriculturist.
A rural community organization is
n safo course for starting tho larger
county organizations or tho fnrmors
buying nnd soiling organizations.
Tho prlmnry work In orgnnlzlng a
community by tho Agriculturist con
sists In: first, bringing tho necessity
for such nn organization to tho at
tention of tho community; second,
by Bhowlng to that community how
such an organization may bo obtain
ed; third, by encouraging nnd Influ
encing tho community to organize for
somo definite, primary purposo;
fourth, by assisting tho organization
by ndvlco nnd nttoudanco at their
mootlngs; fifth, by making such nn
organization independent of Its own
Prnctlcally nil demonstration work
a" d othor projects for Benson of 191G
will bo undertaken only through
theso organizations. A study nnd
use of business methods In mnrkotlng
will also bo undertaken this season.
Next week "Grain Demonstrations
In Crook County.'
(Continued next wcok.)
Tho Amorlcnn llakery announces
that It has begun to make Ico cream
and from now on will hnvo It for
snlo at all times to hotels, restaurants
nnd prlvato families. ndv
Plntnvlou- lloOy, Orgnnlrd to Exter
minate IUbbll.s, Holds Social to
Defray Expense Many Present.
Tho work of rabbit extermination
In tho I'lnlnvlow neighborhood has
beoti curried on during tho past win
tor by nn organization called tho
Hnbblt Club of I'lnlnvlow. Under tho
leadership of President Powers It has
accomplished a groat deal toward tho
eradication of tho pest.
Recently, to rnlso money with
which to defray tho expenses of tho
work, tho club gave n program nnd
Biipper which was well attended by
residents of tho Clovordnlo and Sis
terB country. Tho various numbers
on tho program wore well recolved by
tho audience nnd many encores wore
Tho progrnm was as follows: violin
solo, Orover Pulllnm; recitation, Em
mot Knickerbocker; recitation, Clau
dia McKlnnoy; rec"ntlon, Ruby Gist;
Solo, Hubert Scoggln; recitation,
Grnco GUIett; rccitntlon, Violet Van
Tnssol, solo Nelllo Cyrus; recitation,
Icnbollo McKlnnoy; Solo, James Pul
llnm; Instrumental music, G. Pul
llnm, Mrs. McKlnney; dialogue, Trnln
to Morn, Miss Burgess, Ralph GUIett,
viiuu uu iusBuii recunuon, liuneri
Scoggln; solo, Constnnco Knicker
bocker; recltntion, Maudo Muller,
Mrs. Pulllnmjrecltntlon, Mamie Mul
ler up to dato, Ralph GUIett; Instru
mental music, G. Pulllam, Mrs. Mc
Klnnoy; dialogue Getting Ready,
Mr. and Mrs. Glllott, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Melton, Miss Burgess; recitation,
Elph'a ailmon; Song, 'Yankee Doodle
by tho bunch; Dutch dnnce, I.ucllo
Pnrson, Grnco Rlggs, ChrlBtlo Sturdl
vnn, Mary GlbBon; solo, Mrs. Melton;
Instrumental music, G. Pulllnm, Mrs.
McKlnnoy; dlnloguo, Count do Runt,
H. GUIett nnd II. Scoggln; solo, How
ard Glllott.
For sign painting sea Edwnrda.-Adv.
Spring will Boon bo hero, Mr. Far
mer, and you should bo thinking of
the seed you will sow. See Tho Ilond
Flour Mill Company's list of suitable
seed for spring sowing. Adv.
That Means the Supreme De
gree of Rich, Luscious
Tobacco Flavor
Nature varies the flavor she puts into
the different grades of tobacco leaf
ami the best of all is the flavor of
choice red Burley that pleases you so
mightily when you chew Spear Head.
The delicious fruity flavor of a chew
of Spear Head is a revelation to the
man who has never chewed or who has
been chewing near-good tobacco.
For chewing is the one way to get
all the wholesome, healthful, appetizing
flavor of the tobacco leaf providing
you chew a high-grade plug like Spear
No other tobacco can compare with
Spear Head In the wholesome satisfac
tion it gives.
You get more savory sweetness in a
chew of Spear Head than in a whole
plug of ordinary tobacco.
And you get it in its purest form
for Spear Head is made amid the most
wholesome surroundings, in a great,
new factory that's kept absolutely
clean and sanitary.
Try this rich, mellow, satisfying, pure
chew. Such a chew cannot be obtained
In any other tobacco than Spear Head.
In 10c cuts, wrapped in wax paper.
Build it yourself, Tho plans
thnt accompany ono of our
"ready cut" houses nro so ex
plicit and simple, thrt you or
any member of your family can
build your homo by spending
their sparo tlmo fitting tho
numbered pieces of material
together. And that Is all thoro
Is to it.
Complete homes for as low
as 1205. In buylrlg ono of our
houses you save on Initial cost
on labor and there Is no
waste matorlal Just enough to
build a complete homo.
It's the logical way tho on
ly way to bul'd, The pioneer
"ready cut" houso company of
tho Pacific Coast guarantees
you satisfaction. Send for our
catalog today It tellB the com
plete story.
002 Drumlttny Portland, Ore.
Lots at Half the Price
Asked in other additions of Equal Distance from
the Business Center.
Lots 40X105.. $75 for Inside, $100 for Corners
Lots 50X125. $100 for Inside, $125 for Corners
Central Oregon's Leading
Fire Automoble Life Accident Surely Bonds
Member Portland Itcnlty Board.
True Economy . . .
means the wise spending of one's money making every dollar do full duty
and getting In return an article that will satisfy you In every way.
. WHITE, .
i U a real bargain because it is (old at a popular
prices because It gives you the kind of tewing
you delight lot because it will turn out the work
quickly and thoroughly and give you a life time
of satisfactory services because its Improvements
will enable you to do things which can't be done
on any other machine) because it will please you
with its fine finish and beauty of its furniture.
In short you will find the White reliable and
desirable from every point of view.
Be sure to see the White dealer who will be glad to show you how good a
machine the White Is. If there Is no White dealer handy, write us direct for cat
alogs. We do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines.
Brick is tho MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is.
All who have used our product are satisfied.
The Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
Cement, Lime, Plaster
and Brick.
Fir Flooring and
all kinds of Finish Lumber
Call, or phone us, nt mill office (Red 14!J1) or see our representative
in Bend Company Building, Wall and Ohio Sts.