the dend rulletin, dend, ore., Wednesday, march 8, 1010. PA OK 7. Our Economy Library1 A. . :rfr Any Reprint book in our store you may read, in exchange for 25 Cents. VICTROLAS VICTOR RECORDS EASTMAN SCHOOL BOOKS MAGAZINES KODAKS REED & HOR TQN bend The hxaSJL Store W I II I I 8B OREQON LOCAL NEWS ITEMS J. W. Drown was up from Tumalo yesterday. J. P. Duckett, of Sisters, was In town on Saturday. Horn, on Sunday night to Mr. and Mrs. liny Corliss, a girl. Mrs. Dalo Darker retrned Sntrdny evening from Tlfo Dalles. J. M. I.uwrenco of Portland, Is here on business this wcok. MrB. J. L. Hlngo, of Crescent, is nt tlio Pilot Dutto this wcok. II. M. Abbott returned Sunday from n business trip to Mcdford. County Physician Rosenberg was over from Prlnevlllo on Thursday. AV. D. Dames, of Tumalo, was n business caller In Dcnd on Friday. I l OLUUK IIIHJIUUIUI JJ. milium, Ul i'rinoviiic, was in ncnu on saiuruny. W. B. Vnn Allen, of Deschutes, was n business visitor In Dond on Mon day. Dora, to Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Smith this morning, n six nnd n half pound girl. Dr. II. Wnrren Nice, of Portland, Is In town with tho vlow of locating here. Mrs. J. R. Darr and children loft Saturday for .Sheridan to Join Dr. Darr. Tho Dond Thentro has added a new motor attachment to Irs operating room. II. A. Miller, mayor of Dond In 191 1 and 1915, visited friends hero over Sunday. Frank May roturnod Inst week from Monmouth, Illinois, whoro ho spent tho winter. Louis Vnn Ormnn, nn Insurnnco mnn of Portland, was In Dond on business Monday. Dr. Andrew J. Smith, n prominent physlclnn of Portland, was a visitor In Dond on Monday. 1'ither I.uko Sheohan, of tho Cath olic church, returned Friday night from n trip to Seattle. ------- t fancy Spring Coats A new line just received from New York. Priced at $6, $7.50, $10 & $11 t SEE THEM IN OUll SHOW WINDOWS. i ; R. M. Smith Clothing : Company Tho teachers of tho public school held their regular monthly dinner on Mondny evening nt tho Cozy. .1. II. Do .Lncoy, n well known mor chaut ol' yilvor Lake wriB In Dend on Saturday enrouto to Portland. J. F. Tnggart, manager of tho Pilot Dutto Hotol, returned Monday night from n 10 day's trip to Portlnnd. A business meeting of tho Prcsby torlnn Guild will bo held tomorrow nftornoon nt tho church parlors. Georgo Darkloy has purchased a now 1910 modol Dulck automobile from tho Dond Gnrogo Company. Tho Tumalo Deot Dreeders Asso ciation will hold n meeting nt Slstors next Saturday afternoon, March 11. U. S. Smock, who sustained n brok en log Inst week, Is reported by Dr. J. C. Vandovert to bo Improving rap idly. Dwlght M. Davis has beon appoint ed doputy assessor and has begun tho work of assessing for tho current year. Mr. and Mrs. llnrold E. Smith of tho Pino Mountain Hanger Stntlon aro visiting friends in Dond tills wcok. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Ostby of So attlo, arrived In Dend on Sunday. Mr. Ostby oxpocts to locnto in busi ness here. Work on tho extension to tho Ore gon Trunk freight houoo hns boon begun by E. P. Drostorhous, who has tho contrnct. . A social meeting of tho Motliodlst Ladles Aid wIlfTioliotd nt tho homo of Mrs. W. C. McCulston on March 15 at 2:30 o'clock. Tho students of tho high school and friends woro ontcrtalnod nt a dnnclng party last Friday evening at tho Emblom Club. Tho Altnr Society of tho Catholic church will moot tomorrow after noon ut tho homo of Mrs. W. L. O'- Douuoll In Konwood. A social will bo hold nt the Pros byterlan church on the evonlng of March IT., after tho nununl busluoss mooting of tho church. W. It. McCulstlon, n rostaurnnt mnn of Hums, was n buslnoss ctillor In Dend over Suii'ln)'. Mr. McCulstlon formerly lived In Dond. Mrs. Janet Farnham arrived Inst weok from Endorlln, North Dakota, to .uako a visit of suvornl months with her son, noss Farnham. Clyde Evans, of Portlai I, grand high priest of tho Royal Arch Masons of Oiegon will bo In Dend tonight to attend tho Initiation of a class Into that ordor. Robert II. Gould wont to Prlnovllle Friday morning to nttond to busi ness before the county court, return- i trg wltli Commissioner Ovorturf In the afternoon. I Miss Allco D, upsUUng rorhrnod Monday night from Gran. . Pass whoro she was called last week on account of tho death of her sister and 'irother-In-lnw. William A. Marshall, chairman of tho stnto Industrial accident commis sion, arrived last night for a several day's stay hero on work connected with tho commission. C. O. Jenks, G. E. Votnw, J. II. For tho purposo of ralcing funds with which to buy children's books fort ho library an entertainment will bo glvon by tho pupils of tho grade schools at tho Dend Thentro Friday afternoon nnd evening, Frank Wntklns, who hns been em ployed on construction work cast of town foil about 20 feet from a build ing yesterday morning, nnd broko his shoulder. Tho fracture was reduced by Dr. J. C. Vandovert. Claronco L. Mannhelmcr returned Sunday morning from a six week's business visit hi tho East. Mrs. Mannhetmer, who accompanied her husband, Is now visiting relatives In Now Orleans for a few weeks. District Attorney Wlrtz, with Mrs. Wlrtz, E. S, Dobbs and Miss Nora Dobba, camo over from Prlnevlllo on Friday, roturnlng Snturdny. Miss Dobiis will :)ond a month in Dend visiting with her slater, Mrs. Frnnk Dlklns. Miss Helen O'Neil, of Portland, who Is teaching at Powell Dutto, was tho week end guest of Miss Margaret Wiest. Miss O'Noll will loavo tho lnttor.part of the month for Cordovn, AlnBka, whore sho will teach a term of school. Tho Dend Parent-Teacher associa tion plnns to hold an opon meeting to which tho public wilt bo Invited In tho near future. A program for tho meeting Is being planned and refresh ments will be served. The date and further details will bo announced soon. At tho regular annunl business meeting of the Presbyterian church hold nt tho homo of Mrs. II. C. Hart ranft loBt Wednesday the following ofllcors wore elected for tho ensuing year: President, Mrs. Pcrduo; vlco GETS TOO MUCH ALCOHOL. Dccausa ho obtained more thnn tho legal quantity of alcohol nt tho two Dend drug stores, making affidavits at one of thorn that ho had obtained nono from tho other, Olllo Meyer, n negro, was arrested last weok and arraigned beforo Justlco Bastes on Saturday. After a hearing ho was bound over to the grand Jury In $200 bonds and tho bond suspended. Dis trict Attorney wirtz camo over rrom Prlnevlllo for tho hearing. Meyer's dofonso was that ho had obtained tho alcohol for tho uso or Walter Strod dor, who died last month. TO SERVE DINNER. Tho Ladles Aid Society of tho Methodist Episcopal church will servo a St., Patricks dinner nt tho Com mercial Club room, tho seventeenth of March. Service begins at 5:30. You nro requested to bo present nnd to invito your friends. Thirty llvo cents a pinto will be charged. SccrO' tary. Adv. TO SING "HOLY CITV." A chorus, a part of which will bo composed of the choir of the Presby terian cliurch, will sing tho "Holy City" on Sunday evening, May 21. Practices will begin como time next wcok. SYMONH SELLS INTEREST. Myron II. Symons, of Todd & Sy mons, photographers, has sold his In terest In tho Elito Studio to R. J. Todd. E. L. .Jenks of Portland sub sequently bought in with Mr. Todd. president, Mrs. Rosh Furnham; secre tary, Mrs. A. C. Lucas; treasurer, I l- -ngeiirotson ; nnnounqcs mat - i a nrliiklev D- l Dohorty Is no longer connected ANNOUNCEMENT. J. E. Engcbrctson nnnounqcs that Mr. and Mrs. Archlo McGownn and son nrriveu on snturdny and wero tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. N. F. Reed. Mr. nnd Mrs. McGownn have been In California during tho winter, nnd nro enrouto to tholr homo In Hums, Accompanied by Mr. nnd Mrs. Reed they loft Tuesday morning by automobile for Hums. Presbyterian church. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Morning sorvlca nt 11 a. in. Thomo: "Tho Riches of Christ vs. tho Riches of tho Dollov or." Evening servlco nt 7:30 p. m. At this servlco wo will begin n series of special meetings that will continue for two wcoks. The theme for Sun day evening will be "No Dlfforenco." Sorvlces will bo hold overy night next week at 7:30 p. m. The public Is cor dially invited to nttond these services. II. C. Hnrtranft, pastor. with him In tho business of tho Cen tral Oregon Plumbing & Heating Co. Tho business will horenfter bo con ducted by Mr. Engcbrijtson person ally. Adv. Dcst of shaves and hair cuts at tho Log Cabin Darbor Shop. Seo J. Ryan & Co. loans. Adv. for farm land For tho best shnvo nnd hair cut In town go to tho Log Cabin Darbor Shop. Adv. Innes nnd Dcnson will bo glad to meet their old patrons nt tho Log Cnbln Darbor Shop. Adv. Buy mont.- n meal -Adv. ticket nt tho Alta- FOR YOUR NEXT SUIT See DICK TFo Tailor i All KlndB of Cleaning and pressing Phono Dlnck H81 ECONOMY Pnnlln .T. A T.lnflnnf n Xf T.imfflr and J. Dickson, officials of tho Ore- gon Trunk wero In Dond on Thursday -- .looking over local conditions. FURNITURE i. You can measure the merits of Thompson's Furniture with a nice new yard stick given to each lady or gentleman caller FREE You are cordially invited to call and get one E M. THOMPSON The furniture man If you don't trade with us we both lose money. Starts Thursday, March 9, and lasts 10 Days The Bargain Event of the Season. See the large bills. They tell a partkpf the story. Then come to the Store and SEE for Yourself. Greatest Values Always WARNER'S Bend's Economy Center. Spring Styles ARRIVING DAILY. A visit to this store will reveal the Spring Style Tendencies which we are receiving daily from Eastern Markets. SKIRTS A largo display In all tho wonted cloths brimful of stylo Hero nt S.", fjl.RO, $l, 80.7.", S7..o, No Extra charges for Alterations. Tim MILK AND CREPE DE CII1EN WAISTS Fault lessly made You must see them to appreciate their merit Priced nt . . .SU.?.", 8:1.00, $:..",, I? I. fi, 85.7."J ? SILK PETTICOATS A new shipment Including tho now changcablo tnffctns to 8l.-"0 SATEEN PETTICOATS Dlack and colors uiinrnn tved fabrics nt SI. Ho, 8l.r,o NEW CREPE DE CIIIE.V ENVELOPE COMIIINATIONK Flesh color nt $:t.oo, $:t..1( NEW WASH SATIN Trimmed CnmlBolos Excel lent Values, each $1.1.1, tfl.'i.'i MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Just unpacked PotticootH Gowns, Envelopo Comblnntlons, etc., Moderntely priced. NEW CURTAIN SCRIMS AND MARQUISETTES At per yard, line, rc. i - KID (ILOVES-Dlack, Tan, Crepe, por Pair . .Sl.lM, WARNERS RUST PDOOF CORSETS A stylo for ovory 11 g nro A numbor of now spring modoln nwnlt you hdre Uunrnntecd not to Rust, Drcak or Tear per Pair 81.00, 81.30, ijW.OO, 8i!.."a, 8:1.00, $.1.00 STOP AND SHOP AT MJSSPEffi A. Sathers STORE for WORKING MEN W E A HE ENJOYING the patronage oflhe work ing men, and are putting forth our greatest ef forts to carry such merchandise ns will prove satisfactory. We know through personal experience that the man who works needs good things to eat and wear, with no particular frills nor furbelows to add ex tra expense. To this end, we oiler HIGH C,LASS MERCHANDISE AT MODERATE PRICES. We Carry Everything to Eat and Wear SATHERS GENERA L M E R C II A N DISK 114 n 000 I VM 0 ! t t J 11 ; w van OUR STOCK OV United States Tires and Tubes UUQ is complete in every detail. They AC are "Mightier than the 'f)iid."Cnuj OOQ in and look them over. Ihe Skuse Hardware Company fftTffiiiOTS yffiH fk k n m