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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1916)
J&s&iTZL the liExii nriiiiirnx, bend, ore., weiixeshay, mai:ch h, mm. 1VAGE 2. 1 -it". V ' !), u w Pi, w W".l . . ' L .! CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. 4 TOIA1.0. (Special to Tho Bulletin TUMALO, March C The Sinters DruniBtlc Olul) gsvo a jvoll Htaged comedy drama. "An Irish Detective.,1' lit the local tmll Haturdcy night. The parts wure nil woll taken and the Surge'aurilouue enjoyed more thBn one Bond luugh. A wing feature between, nets by Mr. Glut made uutt s hit. A good jHirtiiui of the audience re lnelned for the dance which follow- Hd the iriav. Refreshment were mu-vhA. Mr nnd Mm Clarence Sande! nf Portland arrived Friday morning. They will remain an ltidfinltc length of time with Wm Sendel. The Tumulo Cattle Association will meet next Saturday night nt Meters. Pur the benefit of the limtu Imrs of thin organisation a weather report will lie sent in from the Gov ajrumeflt Foreet Snrviee at Portland several time a week. The secretary. C. J. Mook. will uotirj members ov JJblilie m the conditions prevailing in the ranges. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Bturgeon r-xiie'it to move to Bond thin wook to remain pwimameatly. The Misses Lunlle and Nets Howell Oliver Qerlring, Ham MeGuire and aiiurles Howell siient Friday evening X thejrueats (if Mian Margaret Mock Mr. Mints Howard wan thf guest iff Mr. John Coon on Wednesday. 1M4 Wallace Fred Wilson and R. 17. rilokinget were business visitors In Prlwevllte on Wednesday Mrs. Wallace atmoinpaniod thotu on tho trtp. , Mia BttB James arrived Sunday uight from Couutlle. Oregou. where Who wns uniiea on aucuum en i m MeM of her mother. -Win. Raker and daughter. Melba, litrvv moved out tu the 0. G. Gerk- 4ttS ranch. Mra. Oady and Mra. bunker- spent Friday nfternwm with Mra. Coeu. Mr and Mra. Albert Harper aiwnt Sunday evening at the Hownrd Wll mmi ranch. Mra. Thomtmoti and Wendell aiient the wk on their ruut-b near Keil raoitfl. The Parent -Teacher Aaaartatlon of taw Palrvlew dlatrlrt hold their inouthly meetlnf nt the acboul houae last Tbumdav. Mr. Thontuaon mad nn tataroetUiK imiwr on "Art In the Bobam." 3e latem and Cllne Full mnd hB tnmi Improved lv work done the fNMrt few weeka under the direc tion of Hie Tunmhi Iipvliiiitmiit La ue. Oradinn hat. Iieen done In piMM and a number of truer remov ed aluttc the roud aide. A water tiaora meating will he huld I Mt HnBBlor last Tueadny next Tueda evenlnp A delrnlile bread lcnlfe free with cverv Hiinual HUlworlption to Tho Bund Iillllotln The nuntlR at Bohool lmve huen learning tu )lu hasUet halt. INTERESTING MEETING HELD 1IAMITOX. iiami'tox nrirn. (Special to The liullotln) HAMPTON Kt'TTE. iNlarch I'otnto CJrowiTH AhHoclntlon JibtdihNce Puturc "Worl.. (By A. E. LOVETT, Secrotarv.) Spoclal to The Bullotln). 1 HAMPTON, March 1 Tin J ' llrldkny and Hun Jlninilc visited V etf i I neBday nlglit with IMrs. M. H. 'C'ow Uniil CarroK. who haa Iieen attending . and family. onllew nt Portland the jwat winter. Jirs. Lucy B. HlOkB Bjiunt ThurHdnj .htm returned tn thin vallev. t C. B. Harnion'H. Mr HutitliiK wan a hualniMM! visitor will Surcy returned home Frhla' here liiat TliurHdB i C. B. Harmon eommuucod hlH ( .1 Btauffr aud Mra. Florenoo Bjuinc RcedliiR Tridaj-. Leatieranee of Htuuffer ajieitt the ' The Hampton Valley i.harnrj go week end wIM Mm rtert Meek oloty met ut A. S Fogg's Rrlday w m. moisi iiBuiec "ewai ui Mr. unu mm .). u. wnittuker toeB at onoe. I'riceB Hut nre fish 'haj from Hamilton tlits week. ' etarted for Prlnevllle Sunday to got per cwt. for choice grade. $l.r0 per Ji Youi of fitauffer was liere on a load of miipllti ..., r..r n,iev crni,. nnd t" tmr ewt Wednesday looking for some horse. . 3. p. wilauet and E. M. Vvk ..... . .'!L.RL.8... ..."'. I m that atraved from his home. atartod for Bend Monday to net their "' nvuu "'""B- """V !"- "'" . Mr. V nods atoned for Bend today need r.vr ,,r P'-'iu I'" ana true to name t meet his eon who win return to a. S. Fogg called on a A. Burrls "no aineae irue. Ills hotmMrteed after helug out several Mnuday. Tllt naeoatatlDn Is not recommend- nmiiTha. Muwum Wells is transacting litisl- lng the planting of n largo acreage of CKde NlFiidenttw visited with John, no In Bend this week. Tiutntoes this season hut finds that "Williams s"-erRl days this week. ' Ulnck und Harrison have mdded a the Netted Gom Iturhank and Rural Mrs. 3 M. "rtokw wid M Jim rtBhorntaB chute to their corral at New Yorkers are most In duinnnd for Brown were guests at the MeeKs Hamilton. , T. , , . , j,, home Aiturdat Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Burrls and "op. Burlmnks are found dlf- 'Wm. Hoist, our local photographer family visited "Wuduosduy at C B. ,luult to Brow B,nt,otu n,1(1 ot f"rr wiik lniev lest week taktnc nlctures. . hirmmu ginde usually tn this Bectlon. EarM i Mhi't't.islilJ "fir he 1 nsU'J ununi l. ' uiutter. Kivins uu otinu icusii lUi that til tntiier always pruildeJ Iht birds with smne giatn or offeied thuxu u green bruii-h to reHt In The Tuct Ik Unit the b.itls bine ucto Ins nbutftur to de with th lUstoui It is puiely lellclotiH lu 1U slsulUcuuci' and enUielj menu It bud its bsgln nlug before ChrisUuiiity was luU.cteU on the biirbiirlnus or the north The gable of a tiullOlng was exposed to both wind mid ilt'htnlnu. i.o the od must be preprinted. For Wotuu there wns a sninll eiergimn tree and lor Tbor thure was h bunch of tliiw urn. If the fiMor of the god hud l.eeu mvoUeJ while the home was still Inetitnplete The Daschutcs Valley Potato Grow ers Association mat In the Count? Agriculturist's office March fall nnd rilBntiHRiul VHflntleH. tnnrhntu nnd fll- tu'-e work for the association. It wns the ceremony must be finished tne uhj agreed that nil memlierc would i-riug the house wns done by the liurutiic "t tb.itr potntoes to tho Redmond Ware- 'he llrtle tree oi the wlthennl jluwers house this week and the Bame would Then s irnneli of groin was tied to tm be gruded for table nnd seed pota-' cable m fe I rb- hue nurw "f the flentli poo. w. ne wiu nni w liln Jouniej wi'limil niiliir si thn. pnrtlftilur iniUMi.-Ht trills Ulolie-lJem iierat enclcse with C cents to Foley & Co Chicago, 111., writing your name a i address cleat! v. You will receive n return n trial package containing Foley's Honey aud Tir Compound, for kgrlppe coughs, colds nnd croup Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley Ci. lliartlc Tablets. Sold everywhere, ad . A Ueai.-thle bread ltitlfe free with every annual subscription to The Bend Bulletin. SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT The Hanover Fire Insurance Company pf Nm Tork. In Ihe Hutu of Nw Tork. on the Ut Say o( Uvtcmlxir. 1I8, made tu t lnauiaiice Coniinlimoner ot the atate ut urs.. cull, nuiauatit to law : C'upltul. Amount of capital paid up . . . $1 000.000 'W Income. Net premluma rwl durliiK . the rear J-.-oi V,B n ltitereet lvlSiifa an lerta re. mt durlns the yer .. lncatnF Irom trther aourt-ea ! celt ad during tha rr ... Total inoeme .t2.658.Snr. llUlHir-inrn!ii. Net loeeea paid durlnt; tbe far 1( IMrldanua paid on capital etock durlns the )ar ;; rMiu.tfiii. knd falnrlea nam durlnt the yr ... CT7.0TO 0 Tl. .Henaaa and paid durlnc tbe jwar ' 01 ' ' " Amount of allothep Jndlturei STJjJ; Tata, uepatiditutea l:.548.S4a ; Ae. Value of real eatate owned (mar infl,r2i tit SI SBM HO (KM i T 100,000 .s I'Tn.r.i.uo I kot a.lue) ... . i"."u..i Out This Out It i- Worth Money TVffce,!"Sflu. ""'" s.:n r. . . Don't mlSS this. Cttt OUt this Slip, cl. in Oanka and oil halili -1 Tut i . I nM.iiitma in courre of collertlnn ! written liioeorttnberJI0. 1W15 HEAL El-' lnira and rente duo and uc- crued A (htfllrniile bread knife free with eearr uuuul auiiscrlptlon to The SMltSttttatln. J'lAIXVlKW. fJHsoolal tn The Bulletin.) PLAWVIBKI'. Match 1. Bom to Tnr. and Mrs.. Wm ievureiic Jlebrn itry . a hoy. Mr. Ollleti has returned (nan 'WwdnlttRtou where he has been lor wnw time ou bualneaa . . Tbe prowsun and auppar given by like Platirvlew JnsproeeiHUiit Club wus m auaceMi beytuid mutation. Mr. Kttd Mra. Waldrou und Mr. and Mm. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Andres and hay mek Umded wltb youuc iiHople of Cloverdale attended tbe Plftiirvtew jiregram. Mra. R C. Duvi of Portland Is vlaltlug bM- many friends lu this vkilutty. Mrs. Bltta Bde'ngton visited Rst tirday night nnd Bunduy wltb Mrs Lou Pullum. Mia Btttrdlvnn of Redmond visited tivnr Bnntey wltb Mlaa Quelle 1'ai sons. Mis Mary raleerl" f O-egov C'n is vlstttag Mra. 3. V JClkius of this Xflelnttv F. O. Power and wife visited Mi tMd Mra. Win. Leverens tlunda . John Converter from near l,n' ' IKrldae vialted hi sister and J n Wktns. Quite a number of our people n' eded tbe wateir peers aimoclutlon ,u Clorerdule March 4th. emrt o pros at wm biopeful tf buvlug lots t water this rear. Miasm Ovaoe Rujtgs. I.uelle Vw mmn and Mary Olbeou of the lied WMid ta'fh acbiHil. 'id liotue folks mr iundai and returned to Rcd- Mottdey mornlug 3lHth and Idamae Btauffer Hpi'iit Baturday and Bunday with Gladys Meek. Burn, to Mr and Mrs. Churles James a daughter on FohrtiHry I'T, limn. Mr. and Mrs. Jamus are ln lleeers In the "KooseveiU dnotrtne." ns the little nils innkes tholr hth uhlld. In order to aid the farm or tho Rend Flour Mill Co. h tills year ob taJned Apes Lend Plaster, a scien tific .fertiliser Adv. LITERARY HYPOCRITES. JAIST (IHElilK. C. Here's o Writer Who Frankly Admits He's One Df the Clan. How tunny of us If we were really hoiicHt could iiuihe u list of great books Unit we bne tried tu enjoy and couldn't rise to? We buve for our own jinn n grvnter NOTICE OF SALE OF TATIC 11V flFAItlllAN. ' S7ai.l iaaala varliitlM uri' 1 dHtnmiri at K THE COHCTT COCMT OF THE .lh. imrm. rtppH. in w .. .. ...ut. .... ..a,- I. " rMam- a -r v vw-. this donumd. Growers nre advised I ln the nnt)r of the ,3,,. MttA thst some early varieties such bk the , rnlanBhlp of RsnmVfl Sellers, a l'lsh Oohlilor, Early Bohq, EarP Ohio minor. or Earliest of All varieties will proit- Notice is herebv cieen tba' pn-au- n' ly jirove profitable seed for another nnt to nn Order of tbe County Court veer. All growers ure urged to plant I t-r the Count of Crook.. State of pure seed only. The association is Oregon, ntle on the 35th djy nf Hiixlous to obtain membership or all , ?" V!LltJ!SSJ ... ..,. .t 1...11. D n., ,, cuardlan of the persntiund estate of ,.....,. ... ..v,, ..u ,.,,.., .n ...-, .. j minnr Knn.lil CaHUirs will (Mil ;RT.niiB 4; SII.BSI. l4,r,4S,Hlll.lH 3.131 i.U Tetal aeeeli admitted In Orepon.H,i-ia,437 . Llulillitlre, Ornee claim tnr lue unpaid t Hon.874 SI Amount of unearned premluma on all outaundlnr rlaKa . . 2.4R1 nil Al! other llato.lltlea r,2.1.i'U nlu thuu that 011 our conscience. There organization of this kind will prove ' gt private sale, lor ailk. gold eotn of ' fatmnial tu The Bullotln) U)BT CREEK. March 1 Mrs J. Bt suffer and Mrs. Leaperunoe cull ed ou Mrs. Mereer one day last week. Mr. MeGee s health has Iieen very poor recently V. X). Harris aud HuRli O Neal en-; 1f ,, and are a number of hooks that we bubltu ally prutend we huve rend which we lmve never rend nt ull. They ure grcut bookh, we suppose At least we've beard 11 lot about them und rend a lot about them, und people who immune to know sny they r.rv gtent boohs. Koine of tbuui we tune tried to reud mid couldn't rtnui. hu' we have pretended nt one time or nnother tu have rend ull Eere is 0111 llMt of Hliunie boneflclnl to all growors. The romilur (luurtorly meeting of 1 the association will be bold nt Red mond, April 2. All persons interest- 1 nd are cordially Invited to ntiond this meeting. "nt! llabllltlei, excluBhe nf capital iock of fl.inio non uu f s.740,iTa.c. Tow! premluma In lerce Decern- tar 11 uu 00 llunliiriw III Orreon for tlie leur. Total tmiuraiioa written uurinc the rr I 045 HOC 0i Oraae nrunlumi received durlnc the roar 13.7Si 40 Premluma returned ourinc tne the Calted Stn'es stilirjert to tbe eon-, year . . . ;w UrniKton of said rrmnrr Cm. on ! Z nTrSrfed'Sfu.nJ !h.rrear- ItL. und after Aplii 6 1P. H tbe rlgnt. Total an.nunt or limimme nu-- tttle and Inte-eet .; tbe -aid Ronald! Si'T-jf .'" c,r,",n D""ln"r Sellers lu and tr, the following par-1 -jhi. iiamiviii: nut: i.nmiiami note of real estate rtttttte to Crook I ,,'i.,,.,,,, A,.ir.,r ..-... .. - I By (Sinned) 11 KMOin V A!:PiEl.I UOUMI9, BMtiv ui uranm, uiiirr j'ui- ..., r 207 n mil tMaulllbll l.u ttlllju U-I..UH a.a4.v -..n i d...".. "'l' -'"nes " We lmve tried to reud .'W. Beet has been doing some ll r,,Ur t,n"- M,a l,llld uuvur P,!t ,VB seeoluc the psst few dava. Tlie son I'"" ,,u" H hi itMMt too wet for working. '"J'1e vlr "r Waltetloid." We bnvt, due MeLouth and sou Roliert lire ' ntieuiiiied it ut least six times und dotug some work ou tbelr clsvlm. The I tuateu Uic euuiit lu tlio llrst round fHs' 1 exeeted borne from Puck every time. Creek aoou. "Uauie's Divine Comedy." We lmve Dannie MeOouirh we n business i,,,., iii,. UL.i,n,t tin. narv n-m.-m ul-i..u ... mt, .. .. .... - ........ r....... nP. v vMuiHr hi juKiinor'r.a uif piim wees, Mra. J. E. Buvlth's health Is still very poor. lJWyd Forties has cbopned off about SO aeres of aage liruah thin spring. 3. H. Haaeh Is tnevlug back onto b1 idulm lu the hills. Thev have liv ed iu the Ben Rhodes' cabin the past Muter. MuedMnes BUuJfer, and Lesper tlou. whk'h Me hear is a pood one. nt leuet once u yvur for twenty years, and we en n't Hot Uncreated ln It. Vet up tu the preKurrt uioiimnt we huve ulwnj pretuudud ttitit we hud rued ull f It nnd liked 1L Iiuu ytikolo." We htivc rend n lit tle of It, und we know ull the usual things that ure suld about It, und Me THE TREE ON THE R0DF. An Old Building Custom to Propitiate the Pscar CdSo. Hid you eur stop u tbtuk why a nit 1 uX ornaiueiit In the lorn, uf eoi. i en tlonulUed fruR. iirutn or dower h n, uioel liiviirliilily nUdeU ti die g:ilie or u Uutbie liulltllu: aud lory frei.ieu:r. tu tlie guble uf any utbor type u uubd llig? Uu you iculw why the lurhtutiii. 1 roilH uf out ftThutirutherK wore lirsin u ed nt the unci like little trues nnd wlr. the old lusiiiuucd SvniMilutiriuu luu Uh Slid Uurinuu coiitrnctoiM conirlve tu liisten l brunch of u tree or nn t ir uf com tu tbe topmost peak of u Iioiih thut bus prngreMHsxi so lur iu the couise of coiistructlou thut the ruflctx ure tu ticuearly deserlimd as follows: I Statutor) reaiden. cent T-. ,. lll,.r,fc !... lib, , "'"V? '"' " -?'" " ' "tllUU. "n I Bend. I l4rt Twent.i - (' . Blook Be von teen 1 17 i. Bentt. I Lots One nnd Two (1 and 2). I Rloek Twenty eight (11), Center Ad dition to Bend. Urn Eighteen Is . Block Fourteen 1 i4i. un. all aenanUii i- th teorded plits bulldli.R I'urtlaiid Orreon F now on file hi tbe oBee of the V tir- f Clerk;, in nnd fur sola Count.- unci atate The terms and rnwHtlons of sn1' cash Tet ie- rent of pun hiise p-lce to he imld ot. dav of sale, imlanre ,ti euuttrniMtloti n' sale by Count v Cn"t Dated tbi Tii ila.v of Mnrrh. llili. JENNIE SE1XQRS FERRELE. Ouardlan nf the jierson und Estate of Rouald Belters l-rc ;i STOP! And linektlgute our prices before buying your grm-urie. AVe t'liu save jou niiinc.v. P. B. Johnson's Milllcnn, Ore. Telephone :fS sues and Paige, Elisabeth, Idalne and wrote suuie stuQ" ubout It otic Ned BtwuSer sixiut the week end w'th Mr. and Mrs. Hurt Meeks at Hmnptou Buttee. J. K. MuISwhii wns suRerlng from hii attnolt of the grippe during the jihsI week. Mr. MoOee had the misfortune to strain bis knee and whh laid up for several days. Opal Smith I at school again utter au slieenue of several days owing to the high wnter. Lee WHSliburn Is also Httundlng seh'iol agau. C R. Young M'as u busluee 1sltor ln Hanptnn vallet dnrlnn the weel. 8. W Beet hauled n couple of loads (if iioeis 'or L. 1'or'iei- tin lore pait ' the e-k l:uce Smith vw- oi tht sick Iih' a i ml (Ihmi ilx pm. v , Mrs. G, R Youi i. vin- u guest el thus, snyltig till the thlnus thut ure usually snld ubout It, fur -which we got f.Ti, but m e duu't reully like It It pun. us tu sleep; it seems lung drnwn out und clumsy tu uk. "Biiswoll's Life of J"ohnson.M We never reud ntiy of It, But Me lmve pre tended tu und hate tireteiided nt times to (iiiote Incidents from It und huve got uwuy with the Incidents. We have ulwuys pretundud that we were fuiultlur with Wnlt U'lutmun's poetry, Imi us u mutter of fint we neier rnO nrything thruugh, except lug "Wlieu LUiicl Lust In the poor yurd BlooueU." luu Murijuls U. -New York Hun. T'ool und billiards at the Metro po'niii Just the thing for iit'le relsMiiion lu the evening A uv t ml U 1 V . c u t un IE A flegl i Ms bread knifs free with auuual aubacrlptluu to The Bullet hi. CUtYI8ttliAl.lL aVnM: to The HutVetln.) OUOrltfAUC. Mareb r. CIikh Bard aT Band was buvtng stout, u: Cwwsvdaie lr brat of tbe wiwk R. J. SUahini mi de a trip yrtttsstOla la Mouds. A Ukratrwd from Cloverdale nnd WsvbavHew nM4kvde.d lb .ls st Bis tcjra bud TbttssMln) given l Kim ere Bbwaustle Ctteb. T, IvMeaW Made r trip to Tlend the 'A of Kte week wltb u luad of graiu SJB4 fat evttae. Mr. d Mra Wurd sud fsmlh war dfce fUMU at ihe Wuldi iu IssMM naejr. pier'nwn ' K'ater I h"V. jrdu afte been fortunute in addintr to our list of Seed Grains for tlie coming season us follows: WHEAT MAltQriC (JOMIE.V CHArF ICAULY wiiamu GAL CAMS JltVKlNS ItAltl.Y IUAIIT A'K yTll iXXH "OKTV ItAU Wl.NTElt 1CMMISK (Wo lmo onii' n UfriRed nnimb' Mf tlib. iireliu. BARLEY lllLl.l.MSs BAUhEY OOEltltrcK (SU lll.VK (Four Ron) HKAltOLKS OATS HIlAUEl.lW-s WOXIIliR (Klde Out) HAl'HKAR (Tree) HI Q WHITE OATS RYE 1UJU.V SPRING raw ii gWlUlU.Nll Wmmm -wmBrnmr- AhM a large oelr i fstajnrbsw attended the Wi ImmMtSmm 1kM BaVturi ilaUia of flbataw Uiltde s trio tlirhMrm) 'eeani to get u wed diw IbjaiBW. Mr. Dsaotiutt scmuiipuu- Cttrrts Pbehsty. after a ers e' aaee Ut returned to bl Cloterdile MVOfjb. A lata rowd of IM1! from rio-Terdah- attended tbe vnrlen entei tntem"ti i d eupper geu st P.siii view isat HaUirdSN eight Mt uud Mra. Wlene and tanl. auJ Mt iud Mrs Cyrus oiad fJuU sjieut Bw da uight u SlaVsra. Mr Heudryx aud family left this UMM-mttE The new eumer buve tak m Bburne isf tbulr new hums AU oar seed grim lmve been oleaned twice and jxhi will find ewea A-wiety excaptJonally fit Imtm turajas MW. Sow awl teau ml anetaue lUt Man4al f CaMwl OesfkHi Cesis. B paUeninii(; how mduery ymi aw Mt la bnd a Mady f h awtAsI tar vata fnsa. Aik your eaalai at vetite ua and w wttl Ut alts' s antutt all inasima. Bend Flour Mill Co. A J KROENERT. J'resldent-M nuger BU-Ml, OREGON 7 7 g.ft - ? - i - " - mSILk- Hit.MifffffKl jmmiammSmBsMmi t i atBaVTVgt4ftBBlBBlBBMsV IJJjTCvffwSsyltf ImioWfMlfffffffffl dBMlfHWB AslMlffffffffffffB' r" ITk- w; " - ' -', , w , - ' ' r Dk: i ,. .. ' fj ; (, ' - - J t . I PINELYN PARK. FROM EAST SIDE OF DESCHUTES i Pinelyn Park On the River Front Pleasant Location and Building Restrictions wnicfo insure only nigh class development. For Prices and Terms address Pinelyn Park Co.. Box !l ll 5. I ,.,it..