The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 08, 1916, Page PAGE 10, Image 10

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    Tim iiuxi) nur.i-RTix, nuxi, oiti:., wedntspay, maiu h h, mm.
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(So many Inquiries have been re
ceived by Tlio Hullctln na to tho turrns
of tho so-called 010 ncro homestead
'hill now hofure Congress that n copy
of the hill Iiiih hecn ohtnlncd from
Congressman Slnnott and Is printed
holow. In this form tho nut has pas
sed tho IIouso of Jlopresontatlvos. All
Interested persons should undorstaud
that tho hill is now pending In tho I
Senate nnil thnt It Is possible that
nmeuilmcutH will ho mndo by that
body bofore passage. It should bo un
derstood, also, that tho bill may fall
In tho Senate. No action based on
Its terms should ho takon until nil
thorltatlvo Information Is received
that it has passed tho Sennto nnd
been signed by tho president. Ed.)
An passed by tho House tho bill Is
ns follows:
"An Act, to provide for stock
raising homesteads, and for other
"Ho It enacted by tho Semite, and
House of Representatives of tho Unit
ed States of America In Congress as
sembled, That from nnd after tho
passago of this Act It shall be lawful
for any person qualified to make en
try under tho homestead laws of tho
United States to tnnKo n stocK-rms-lng
homestead entry for not exceed
ing six hundred and forty acres of
unappropriated unreserved public
land In reasonable compact form:
Provided, however, That tho laud co
entered shall theretofore nnvo been
designated by
Interior as "stock-raising lands."
"Sec. -'. That the Secretary of tho
Interior Is hereby authorized, on ap
plication or otherwlso, to designate
ns stock-raising Innds subject to en
try under this Act lands tho surfnro
of which Is, in his opinion, chlolly
vnlunblo for grnzlng and raising fo."-
ngo crops, do not contain merchant
able timber, nro not susceptible of Ir
, rigntlou from nny known source of
water supply, nnd nro such character
that six hundred and forty acres nro
reasonably required for tho support
of n family: I'rmlded, That whoro
any person quiiimcd to luiiko original
or additional entry under tho provi
sions of this Act shall make applica
tion to enter any unappropriated pub
lic land which has not been designat
ed ns subject to entry (provided said
application Is accompanied and sup
ported by properlv corroborated nfll
davlt of the applicant, In duplicate,
showing prima fnelo that tho laud
applied for Is of tho character con
templated by this Act), such appli
cation, together with tho regular fees
and commissions, shall ho received
by the register and receiver of the
Innd district In which said laud Is
locntod nnd suspended until it shall
have boon dotornilned liv tho Secre
tary of tho Interior whether snld
Innd Is actually or that character.
That during such suspension the land
described In tho application shall not
ho disposed of; nnd if tho sntd land
shnll be designated under this Act,
then 'such application shall he ,il
lowed; otherwlso It shall ho rejected,
subject to appeal.
"Sec. It. That any qualified home
stead entrvinan may make entry un
der tho homestond laws of Innds so
designated by tho Secretory of tho
Interior, according to legal s'ubdl
vlplons, In areas not exceeding alx
hundred nnd forty ncro3, and In con
pact form so far as may bo subject
to tho provisions of this Act, nnd so
clue title tnereto uy compliance witn
the tcrirn of tho homestead laws1
I'lovldcri, That a former homostend
ontry or land of tho chnractor de
scribed In section two hereof shall
not ho a bar to tho entry of n tract
within n radius of twenty miles from
eucIi former entry iindor tho provis
ions of this Act, subject to tho re
quirements of law ns to resldonco
nnd improvements, which, together
villi tho former entry, shall not ex
ceed six hundred nnd forty ncron:
Priildcd fin tlier, That instead of cul
tivation nB required by the home
slo'id laws the entrynmn shall bo ro
'tulied to mako permanent Improv
micnts upon tho land entered boforo
Until proof Is submitted tending to
Increase tho vnluo of tho same for
stock-raising purposes, of tho value
of not less than $1.25 per ncrc, and
at least one-half of such Improve
ments shall be lilnced utinn the land
the Secretary of tho.w'thln three years after tho date of
rived at tho ago of tweity-ono ycara
nnd Is n citizen of tho United States,
who lias entered or acquired under
the homestead laws, prior to the pas
sago hereof, lands of tho character
described In this Act, the area or
which Is leas than six hundred and
forty acres, nnd who Is unable to
exercise tho right of additional entry
herein conferred hecnuso no lands
subject to entry under this Act ad
join tho tract so entered oi acquired
or Ho within tho twenty nillp limit
provided for In this Act, may, upon
submitting proof that ho resides up
on and hns not sold the land so en
tered or acquired and which
land there nro no encumbrances, re
linquish or reconvoy to tho United
States tho Innd bo occupied, entered,
or acquired, vanil In lieu thereof,
1 er and occupant cf the land mu
qulied may puichnso from the Inlttd
States not exceeding three hundred
nnd twenty acres of stock-rnlslng
Innds, ns designated by this Act. or
unappropriated and unreserved lnnde
valunblu only for grazing contiguous,
to his said homestead, upon paying
to tho lulled State the fuhi of $1.""
per aero for such lands, under such
rules nnd legulntlons ns may be prc
rerllied liv the Secretary of tho III-
Inrlnr. which snld Innd. U KetllOr W'tll
the men theretofore acquired undo
the homestead lnws, shall not exceed
six hundred nnd forty acies.
"Sec. 10. Thnt all entries made
nnd patents Issued under tho provis
ions of this Act shall be subject to
nnd contain n leservotlon to the Unit
ed Statos of all the c(al and other
minerals In tho Innds so entered nn.i
within the snmo land-office district, patt,ntPrt together with the right
nmt' nnfrn nnil nnmilfn ll f otv ' . - .
entry thereof.
"Sec. -I Thnt nnv homestead on
tryman of lands of tho chnractor
herein doscrlbed, who has not sub
mitted final proof upon his existing
entry, shnll have the right to enter,
subject to tho provisions of this Act,
such ninotint of contiguous lands
designated for ontry undor tho pro
visions of this Act ns shall not. to
gether with tho amount embraced In
his original entry, exceed six hundred
nnd forty acres, and resldonco upon
the original entry shall bo credited
on both entries, but Improvements
must bo made on tho additional entry
cqtinl to $1.25 for each acre thereof.
"Sec. 5. Thnt persona who have
submitted final proof upon, or re
ceived patent for. lands of the char
acter herein described undor the
linmcstoad laws, and who own nnd
reside upon tho laud so nrqulred,
may, subject to tho provisions of this
Act, mnko additional entry for and
obtain patent to contiguous lands
designated for entry tinder the pro
visions of this Act, which, together
wmi uio area tnorotororo acquired
undor tho homestrnd ln. shall not
oxeced six hundred nnd forty itcres,
an proof of tho expenditure required
by this Act on account of permanent
Improvements upon tho additional
"Sec. li. Thnt any person who is
tho head of a family, or who has nr-
inny enter nnd ncqulre title to six
hundred and forty acres of (ho hind
subject to entry under this Act. but
must show compliance with nil the
provisions of this Act respecting the
now entry nnd with nil tho provisions
of existing homcBtond lnws except as
modified herein: Provided, Thnt tho
lends so relinquished or reconvoyad
ns heroin provided shnll thereafter
bo subject to disposition only on such
terms nnd under such rules nnd reg
ulations ns tho Sccretnry of tho In
terior may prescribe.
"Sec. 7. That tho commutation
provisions of tho honicstyaad laws
shall not npply to any entries made
under this Act.
"See. 8. That any homestead en
tryman or pntenteo who shall be en
titled to additional entry under this
Act shall havo. for ninety dnvs after
ilia dosiNuntlon or lands subject to
ontry under tho provisions of this
Act and contiguous to those entered
or owned and occupied by lihn, tho
preferential right to nrako nddltlonnl
entry ns provided In this Act: I'm-
vldcd, Thnt whoro such lands con
tiguous to the lands of two or nioro
cntrymen or patentees entitled to ad
ditional entries under this section
nro not sufficient In nroa to onnblol
such entryinen to soctiro addition ill
ontry tho maximum amounts to which
thoy are entitled, tho Secretary of the
Intorlpr Is authorized to mako an
equltablo division of tho lands nmong
me several ontryinen or patentees,
npplylng to oxerciso preferential
rights, such division to bo In tracts
of not less than forty acres, or other
legal subdivisions, nnd so mndo ns to
equnllzo ns nearly as posslblo tho
area which such cntrymon nnd pat
entees will ncqulro by adding tho
tracts embraced In additional entr!c
to tlio lands originally hold or mviit.l
by them: I'loildcd further,
whoro but ono such trnct of viennt
land may adjoin the lands of two (r
nioro ontrymen or pntcntees entl'icl
to oxorclno preferential right hrr
undor, tho trnct In question mnv bo
ontored by tho person who first sub
mits to tho local land ofllco his ap
plication to exerclso said preferential
"Sec. 0, That nny person who has
herotoforo acquired title to laud of
the character deslgnntod In this Act
under nny of tho homestead laws of
tho United States nnd who Is tho own-
prospect for, mine, and irnuo the
same. The coal aid oilier mineral
deposits in such lands shall be sub
ject to disposal hv tho United Stni
In nccordnnce with the provlsh in (tf,
tho coal nnd mineral land laws in
foice nt tho tlmo of such dlspojal
Any person qunllflcd to locate and en
ter the coal or other nil.iernl deposits
or having the right to mine and re
move tho snmo under the lnws of the
Lmltod States, shnll have the right u
nil times to enter upon the lands on
tercd.or patented, ns provided b.v this
Act, for tho purpose of prospecting
for coal or other mineral therein,
provided ho Bhnll not Injure, damage,
or destroy tho permanent Improve
ments of the entrynmn or patentee,
nnd shall be liable to and shall com
pensate tho entrynmn or pntenteo for
nil dnmnges to the crops on such
Innds by reason of Biich prospecting.
Any person who has acquired from
tin United States the coal or other
mineral deposits In any such land,
or tho right to mine, and removo the
Bnnie, mnv re-enter and occupy so
much of tho surfneo theieor as mav
ho required for nil purposes reason
ably Incident to tho mining or re
moval of tho coal or other minerals.
first, upon securing the written con
sent or wnlvor of tho homestead on
tryman or pntenteo: second, upon
payment of the dnmnges to crops or
other tangible. Improvements to the
owner thereof, whero agreement may
bo had ns to tho nmnunt thereof: or,
third, In llou of olthpr of the fore
going provisions, upon the evecutlon
of n good and sufficient bond or un
dertaking to the United States for
tlio uso nnd benefit of the entrynmn
or owner of tho Innd, to secure the
prymont of such dnmnges to the
crops or tangible improvements of
tho ontryman or owner, ns mnv be
determined nnd flxod in nn nctlon
brought upon tho bond or undertak
ing In n court of competent Jurisdic
tion ngnlnst the principal and sure
ties thoreon, such bond or undcrtaK
Ing to bo In form nnd In nccordnncp
with rules nnd regulations prescribed
by tho Sccretnry of tho Interior and
to bo filed with nnd approved hv the
register nnd rccolvor of tho local
land ofllco of the district wherein the
Innd Is sltunte, subject to nppoal to
tho Commissioner of the Ueneral
lU-uil Office: I'nMliIcd, That all pat
ents Issued for tho coal or other
IF you want to really live, get close
to nature. If you want to really
smoke, get close to VELVET
Nature s best tobacco,
naturally cured.
. i.'ti'QiififKvue-'ra '.f;x'BbxjMt
....r..-..-..- ,.r.-7.:.v,-......:r,iTTWj
I jalinnniii
Ifin """"
mineral deposits herein resorved I
shall contain appropriate notations'
declaring them to be subject to the
provisions of this Act with reference I
to tho disposition, occupancy, and ino
of tho land ns pormltted to an entry-'
in nn under this Act.
"Sec. 11. Thnt Innds containing,
water holes or other bodies of water
needed or used b.v tho public for
watering purposes shall not bo desig
nated under this Act but may bo re
served under the provisions of tho
Act of June twenty-llfthi nineteen
hundred and ten, nnd such lands
heretofore or hereafter reserved shall
bo kept and held open to tho public
ufo for such purposes under such
general rules nnd rcgulntlons ns tho'
Sccretnry of the Interior niny pro-1
scribe: l'loUdcd, That the Secretary j
mn.v. In his discretion, designate nsi
stock drlvewavB and withhold from '
entry under this Act lands not over
one-fourth mllo In width needed for,
use In tho movement of stock to sum
mer nnd winter ranges or to ship
ping points.
"Sec. 12. That tho Secretary of
the Interior Is hereby authorized in
mpko nl necessary rules nnd regula
tions In harmony with the provisions
and purposes of this Act for tlio pur-'
pose of enrrying tho same Into effort.
"Unseed tho House of Representa
tives January IS, 191 IS. I,
"Attest: SOUTH TIUMM.E, Clerk.
. ONE CENT A WOKD is nil a little
Vnnt Ad will cost you.
A dcslrablo brend knife froo with
verv annual subscription to Tho
end Bulletin.
I wnnt n man who Itnot-J
mini, wix-Kiiii, nun its vlclnltr-l
to hnndlo n popular,
,i 1 II . "V'J Ail
iuiubuii iiuu oi eignt cvllnif
motor enrs. I havo an cxcelle:'
prupuBiuoii lor nn a-1 sal,
man; nn opening that will I
nblo a thoroughly cnpahlo m
to mako big monoy. I want,l
man who knows himself, n .,l
who can nnd will stand on h
owl icoi, a man who can r
mu iim.Miiiiiin (uiiomoi)iio ml ,
out of his territory. Wo .
glvo such n man every posslMiJ
nssisinnco in developing I
buslnoss. Ho must own ld n-
nnd bo nblo to produce resiibl
ns our direct representor
This lo nn oxcoptlonnl opportun I
Jty for tho right man. There
siicn a nvnn hero In town, I r
suro. i am Hopeful thnt ho V
rend this advertisement ni
then sit right down nnd writ
mo fully about himself nnd hn
qualifications. I don't want a
professional Job hunter- I Wnnt
n Mini! Address your letter i
Factory representative, "Ji
Nortliwestom Ilnnk Ilulldlnj
Portland, Oregon.
i !-;.
This desirable Bread Knife, indispensable in every
home, will be given free to subscribers to The Bend
Bulletin in Crook County. A KNIFE WITH EVERY
exactly as shown in the cut above, but without any
advertising. Flexible blade, curved edge, wooden
handle. Just what you want. Get yours while the
supply lasts. tflTo old subscribers in the county:
Renew for a year and get a knife. tJTo everyone in
Crook County: Subscribe for a year and get a knife.
ONLY $1.50 for a Knife and THE BULLETIN for one year
nr -- . . . A