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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1916)
' . -.rAqRugriiyy i '1FWtoWmtmto9mim. v K KX,, JKM-. S"""'" Jgr lV V p ( , v f(V f- I Nettle M. Auot it iu mi ' TIIK IIKXI) Itl'IililCTIX, IIBXI), OKK., wkdxksdav, .maiicii 1, tout. PAOK 7. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Rexall Remedies Victor Records and Victrolas Edison Phonographs Liggett 6c Guth Chocolates f ' . Violet Dulce and 'r . Harmony Toilet Preparations - Eastman Kodaks and Photo Supplies Maximum, Monogram . and American Beauty , Rubber Goods. REED & HORTON bend The jfefleq(L Store oreoon LOCAL NEWS ITEMS W. W. Howard wok up from Dcs- ') CIHIIL'H uu runny. i it, II. Jinyloy, or Tiuualo, was in town on Tuesday. .Mrs. Nettle Shulz, of Ln Pine, was In Hend 011 Mondny. It, II. Conway litis Htnrtcd n black smith shop nt Mllllcan. It. M. Smith was n business callur In Prlnovlllo on Tuesday. Miss Lucllo .McKny Is reported to bo vory 111 with tonsllltls. Ocorgo Mnyhold, of Ln I'lne, was 'visitor In llend on Monday. IL C. Window, of liifo, trnnsneted business in lienu on Saturday. Dr. V. G. Manning wns In Prlno vlllu on Monday and Tuesday. J. M. lloberts, of Alfalfa was n business caller In llend on Monday. Dr. J. It. llarr lins left for SjirliiK lleld, Oregon, whero ho will resldo Mrs. F.-O. Minor Is reported to lie confined to her homo with tho grippe. H. II. Pout lias a contract for building sldo walk for The Iloud Co. A Ufa of Abrahnni Lincoln has been added to tho library collection. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Couch, of Kife, were In llend trailing on .Mon day. ' Father Luko Shechan went out on Saturday night's train for a short stay. Mrs. Tom Hnrncs, ' of Prlnovlllo, visited Mrs. II. K. Hrooks early this week. ' . C. II. Hntch, poBtinaster at Tuin alo, was a business visitor In llend on Saturday. Halph nckley. n real cstata man of Portland, was In Head on business early this week. II. II. Parsons, of tho Redmond Wnrchoubu Company, was In llend on business Monday, Douglas Lnw-Bon Lnwson came over irom rrineviuo Sunday night lor a visit with friends. Mrs. Hugh O'Knno roturncd Satur day from n three week h visit with friends in Portland. Dwlght W. Davis 'returned to town Saturday morning after n visit In Portland and Seattle. Horn, on Thursday, to Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Ocrtsou, an olght and u half pound daughter. Tho llend Steam Laundry expects Hoon to offer automobile dollvcry service to Its patrons. Mrs. II. K. Allen nud daughter Jean left on Sunday ovcnlng to visit with friends fn Portland. LIST YOUR PROPERTY rjUHING the next HO dnys I expect a number of pur ties coming here from the out side who will be interested in farming lnnds. IF YOU want to sell, rent or trade, list your property with me. I will give same my personal attention. I HAVE money to loan, small or large amounts, on improved or unimproved farms Come in and talk it over. F. M. McCAFFERY REDA10ND, OROUON REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE FURNITURE You can measure the merits of Thompson's Furniture with a nice new yard stick to each lady or gentleman caner FREE You are cordially invited to call and get one given E M. THOMPSON The furniture man If .you don't trade with us we both lose money. Miss Hnzol Archibald, who has been visiting nt I'rlnovlllo for tho last wo-k, returned on Mondny. Mrs, T. W. Trlplctt- and her son and daughter lene tomorrow lilgnt for Lonolr, North Carolina. 13, M. Thompson returned Thurs day morning from a week's business trip to Portland and Aotorla. Mrs. .1. W. Pay left on Sunday morning for Kellogg, Idaho, to visit with relatives for two weeks. Cort Allen cunio down from his up river ranch on Saturday. lie was ln Prlnevlllo on business yesterday. A number of her friends surprised Mrs. S. 12. Huberts Inot night, helping hor colebrnto her ninth birthday. Dr. and Mrs. II. C. Clark of Mad ras wore callers In llend on Mondny. roturning to their homo on Tuesday. Hnrry Walther, of Witltlfer &. Wil liams, of Tho Dalles, was n business visitor In Hend a fow dnys lnBt week. A. L. French Is reported to bo Bor lo sly 111 with bronchitis at his home. Mr. French suffered n relapse on Fri day. Oeorgo S. Young, who has been confined to his home for the Inst 10 dnys with chicken pox, Is able to be out. Miss Myrtlo Chapman, of tho Pilot Hutto hotel, left on Thursday for a two week's visit with friends ln Port Inndi , Chris Ivorsen nnd son Harold, re cently of Seattle, nre building a new 14 room npnrtmoat house In Des chutes nddltlon. Miss Hcrthn Dlshon, who was call ed to Wnlln Wnlln two weeks ago on account of tho Illness of n sister, ro turncd Inst night. A. J. Marlcle, who has been em ployed In tho Sanitary Harbor shop left on Monday morning for his homo iu Woodburn, Oregon. Mrs. Ooorgn M. Mnyflold who has been nt the llend Hospital for several weeks was able to return on Monday to her home In La Pino. Tho Presbyterian Guild moots this afternoon nt tho resldcnco of Mrs. II. C. Hartrauft. Tho annual olcc tlon of olllcors will bo held. Fred S. Stanley, president of tho C. 0. I. Co., returned to Portland on Mondny night nftcr n visit nt tho otnnloy ranch east of town. Miss Hazel Loronco. who has been visiting with her sister, Miss Mnbol Loronce, left on Sunday evening for her home In Monmouth, Oregon. Hev. II. C. Hartrauft will hold n scries of special meetings at tho Pres bytorlnn church every evening for two weeks beginning March 12. (Icorgo A. Dchorty, of tho Central Oregon Plumbing & Heating Com pany, returned on Mondny from a week's business trip to Portland. U. A. Snther this week purchased n now six cylinder 191fi model Ilulck from tho llend Garngo Company, it will bo delivered to hint this week. Charles Hinges of Portland, for merly a jeweler of Salem, was In llond on Monday and Tuesday. Mr. Hinges Is looking for n location hero. Chns. Carroll Is erecting a building Just north of Tho Ilrooks-Scnnlon mill In Deschutes addition, to bo oc cupied by iv pool hall and barber siiop. Tho icgular missionary meeting if tho Ilaptlst Women's Union will bo bold In the church Thursday after noon nt 2:30. All ladles aro cordial ly Invited. Mrs. John 12. Ryan this week pur chased a now six cylinder 1910 model Ilulck from tho Hend Gnrago Com pr.ny. It will bo delivered boiiio tlmo next week. .Tho Lndlos Library Club will hold Its regular monthly business meet ing next Tuesday afternoon at 3 o' clock In tho library. All the ladles nro invited. H. G. Klop of tho Whlto Pino Snsh Co., of Spokane, who will have chnrgo of tho sash ' factory at the Shevlln plant, nrrlvod from Spokano yestorday morning. Tho Wesioyan Guild of tho Meth odist church will glvo n food sale ut the O Donnoll Pros, meat market on Saturday. March 4, beginning nt 10 o clock In tho morning. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. 12. Hodgson re turned Monday morning from, a threo week's visit nt ProBser, Washington, whero Mrs. Dodgson was called on account of tho Illness of hor mother. G. 12. Ln Folletto, mannglng edi tor of tho Helena Independent of Helena, Montnna, passed through nond on Monday from Crescent whero ho has been visiting relatives. County Commissioner Ovorturf wont to Prlnovlllo yestordny to at tend n mooting of tho district boun dary board nnd tho regular BeBslon of tho county court rhlch begins to dcy. W. R. Riley of Ln Pino came to llond on Monday with his large auto truck. Mr. Itlloy is tho first to bo nblu to make tho trip from La Pino with an nuto since tho recont snow fall, J. F. Taggart, manager of Uio Pil ot Hutto hotel, loft on Thursday for Portland nnd Seattle. While on his trin Mr, Taggart will visit with a brother In Seattle whom ho has not seen In tho last 30 year3. Special sermon Sunday morning nt tho M. K. church. Subject: "Hoys of tho HIblo and History." Kvonlng eermon "Voices of tho Soul as E nreBsed Through Religion." Tho public cordially Invited. Fred HorBkotte, of Dion & Hor- skotto. builders of Tho Shevlln saw mill was an arrival In Hend on Tues day morning. Mr. Horskotto Is look ing over boiiio of the final details In connection with the Shevlln plant. The Christian Science Reading room will be opened tomorrow aftor noon In rooms over tho Central Ore gon Hank. New furnlturo has been pirchafiod nnd literature will bo available for reading and Sale at all times. . The 15 months old baby of Mr, nnd Mrs. Ray Cleveland died on Mondiy evening of pneumonia. Tho baby hai been critically 111 for soveral weoks. The funeral was held today and the Interment made In tho Pilot Hutto cemetery. Miss Mabel He Vler, a deaconess, enruote from Cleveland, Ohio, to San Francisco, spent Sunday -with her sis ter, Mrs. FranKiin w. ueagy. mbb He Vler gave an interesting address M.'.I. Dnnlelson hns this week com pleted the construction of n now foot bridge over the liver at Mill nddltlon. Tho bridge Is alu ut at the location of tno old logailiiK boom of The Hend Company. The bind on the west side of tlm river is now lining platted. Tho school and police authorities nro co-operating to put nil end to tun dangerous practice of Hailing after nutos nnd ngonn which has been prevalent among tho children of the city. .All nuto owners nro urged lo forbid tho practice on their mnchljies. ' Dr. W. W. Knulknpr returned last etinesday night from Snn Francisco whero he wns cnllod on account of the serious Illness of his father. Dr. i-nulknor received word yesterday morning oi ins minor s death which occurred Mondny, but he will bo un nblo to go to Snn Francisco to nttend tho.fuuernl. W. K. McCormnck, of Crescent, Is n business visitor In Hend this week. Mr. McCormnck recently disposed of his interests in tho Ln Pine-South ern Telephone Company to George Wyntt. The new company will be known ns Lake County Teluphono Company, nnd will offer day nnd night service. Sunday services nt the Presbyter Ian church will bo ns follows: Sunday bchool 10 a. m. Preaching nt 11 u. m. Thome "The Pro-Eminent Ilo- Ing.' Preaching nt 7:30 p. m. Thenio "Kointlon or Christ to Present Day Governments." Prayer meeting every Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. II. C. Hnrt rnnft, pastor. The children of the grade schools will glvo an entertainment nt tho Hend Thcr.tro Friday afternoon nnd ovonlng, the proceeds of which will bo used for the of children's books tor tho library. A inntluee will ho given nt four o'clock nnd two performances Iu tho oventng. Regu lar prices will be charged. The first monthly banquet of the Christian Ilrotherhood wns held last night nt the Prcsbyterlnn church. About 23 men wore present. A for uinl tnlk was given by president II. L. Hopkins and responseo to tonsts were given by C. S. Henson, Roes Fnrnhnni, L. D. Wlest nnd Rev. II. C. Hnrtrnnft. SovcrnI musical numbers were nlno bo given. Tho next banquet will bo held out he Inst Tuesday In March. Neck Huy a meal ment. Adv. ticket nt tho Altn- Tho Log Cnbln Harbor Shop can nt tend to your tousorlnl wnnts. Adv. A most ' complete list of seed -for Spring sowing hns been obtained by tho Hend Flour Mill Co, Kvory sack thoroughly elenned so ns. to leave nothing but tho large plump berry. See our advertisement. Adv. FOR YOUR NEXT SUIT See DICK The Tailor All Kinds of CLKAXIXfJ AND PRIISSIXO Phono Ulnck 1481 New Arrivals Ripjpletles Crepes 7 Zephyr Tissues Frolic Clotlv Flaxon Batiste Pique Long Cloth India Linen Poplin Swisses I to a large congregation at tho item-1 1 odlst .church on Bunuay evening, Fancy Waisting Voile Khaki Shirtings AND .MORE ON THE WAY t You can do BETTER at Warner's BEND'S ECONOMY CENTER The NEWEST thinss in Laches' Wear are here belter neckwear than you'll find elsewhere for the same money. LADIES' COLLARS from 25 c to 75c NEW BELTS in all col. Cf) yc ors, in kid and suede, at. . . JUC DC Specially Priced Hand 3ags, filled with mirrort, at $1.25 Crepe de Chene Waists at $2.75, $4.00, $4.50 NEW THINGS arriving every day. STOP AND SHOP AT m Inncfl and Henson will he glad to meet their old patrons nt the Log Cnbln Darner Shop. Adv. v For a good clean shave, n good hntr cut, fnclnl innssago or n chine, visit tho Metropolitan, on Oregon atreot, Adv. tl For tho best shnvo mid hnlr cut in town, go to tho Log Cabin Harbor Shop. Adv. Huy mont.- n meal -Adv. ticket nt the Altn- Try tho Altttinont for inenls. Dining room tnndo larger in id ploas anter. Adv. Try our fresh bread and pastry. Carmody Hrothers. llond street.--Adv. 3G tf Pool and billiards n't tho Metro, polltnn. .lust tho thing for n llttlo rolnxntlon In tho ovonlng. Adv. tf. For Adv. sign painting' seo Edwards, - Host of shnves and hnlr cuts at the Log Cabin Harbor Shop. SATHERS We now have received our new line of samples of Spring Clothing from the J. Capps & Sons TAILORS TO THE TRADE This is an old established line of absolute ly 100 Wool Clothing and we know we can please you, having upwards of five hundred patterns for your .selection, ranging m price from LET US TAKE YOUR MEASURE $15.00 to $30.00 We are just now receiving the following New Spring Merchandise: HATS SHOES CAPS SHIRTS SATHERS m ooc m w ooq OUR STOCK OF United States Tires and Tubes is complete in every detail. They are "Mightier than the road." Come in and look them over. The Skuse Hardware Company k Lfi &L,