,Vi J L -i5!-l? P4 Tin: HKxn pui.lkti.v, pknp, oki:.. vkpni:spay, mapcii i, into. l'AOH 2. r I CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. ;-'j 1 , -4 !"V.l f f M.I -nt.- ".fc y-m MTT- ' ; &m Q Y ' ft, HM ra "Titf J rsn kj w LI. ' -- TL'.tliMiO. (Special to The Pullotln) TIJMAI.0, I-Vli. :'s The monthly inoctltiK of the Tllllcum Uternry Club wna hold Saturday ntfornoou at the homo of Mm. J. N. Provvn. Mr. John Mnrah ntnl Mrs. J. A. Thomp Hon attstHtcd dm hoHtt'Hs In entertain lni?. Snturda wag Tonnjuon day, roll cnll IicIiik answered with (juo tatlona from Ills poctiiH. Mrs. Ilrown liml propaiod aif excellent pnpor on tlio llfo of Tcnti) son, wlilcli vviih road liy Mrs. Mildred Taylor. Mrs. Ilyrou Cady gave 'Crossliin the llnr" and Mrs. Piank Da) ton road "Enoch Ardan". Tlio program closed with "Swoot and il.ow" hiiuk liy Kovornl of thu club inumbera. Mrs. Frank Pnv ton, Mrs .1 M. Griffin, and Mrs. Ar thur Dlckeimm wore appolutod to niaku out the program for tlio next fl h year which will liogln In Sep lomlior. On Wednesday evening a crowd of HlliiOHt 40 Irlcnds tendered Mr and Mm. T. 0 linckor n surprise, sonio of tho old fashioned stunts furnliilied dlveialon for tho nvp ilng. KefieHh lnonta of Icoc ream and cake worn nerved to those present who include I Moadampa Clerking. Coon, rilckeiiKir, Pucker, Monk, Sturgeon, Cady, Wal lace, Snvdei, Hoi tier, llnrter, I. un bar. Taylor, Pecker, llowatd, Plelc clison. a id Miss Mock, Messrs Decker, l-'Ileklnaer, (Icrklng. PlrkPiiwon. Stur geon, Hurler, I'oen, Wallace Miller, Wilson. I).yton, Gerkfng. Norcott, Horner, and Ilrown. John Duliuls, who has spent home time here inspecting the Tumalo pro ject, loft for Salem on Saturday night. Tho Parent Tencher Association of Iho Kalrvlnw district will have tholr regular monthly meeting nct Thurs day. Mrs. C. J. Mock and Miss Margar et Mock wem guests of Mrs. John ltyan at Ion on Wudnosday aftornoon. T. (?. Ileokor has accepted n posi tion with tho project as hendgnto keeper. Ho nnd Mrs. llecker will ninvu to tho huadgnto this week. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Stiles ox pool to return to town whom thov will llvo In tho Iioiibo now occupied liy tho Talons. Fifteen f i lends of Mr. nnd Mrs. Walker motored over to Alfalfa 'in Sunday to spend the dav with them. Among Iho pnrtv were Mr. and Mrs. John Cnen, Mr. and Mrs. II. V. Kllclc nrmor. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. 11. finrklm?. Mr. and Mrs. T. (1. llecker, Mr. md Jim. H. 0. Cady. Mr. and Mrs. Unit Sturgeon and daughter, Mrs. .1. W. Mnytler, Mrs. Mildred TnIor nnd daughter and Huv Corking. Mr. and Mrs. C, J. Mock and Mlns Margin et Mock spent Sundav at lloud ns tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilonry Hinder. Tho usual crowd attended tho club dance on Saturday ovoiilug, John Mai sh took a load or porkers to I tun il on Saturday. Miss Mullia linker who has bon nvvny for aeveinl jnnrs leturned on Satin dav inoiiil'ig. She was accom panied hy a brother of her father 's TIich. Ilaxos of lllg Lake. WiihIi liigti'ii, who owiih a contract tindir tho Tiniialii project was In last Hit uidav n inking arraiigemeutH to havo i.) ncius cleared and the entire tract fenced. A rofi tract for this work wmh hit to T. I.. Collier. Mr. llayoH lu tendH making this country his homo lifter next spring. Ilepalts on tho leaks In tho Tum alo loHotvnlr wore begun last week nnd the roaulla obtained so far hiivo 'boon ery MitlaTurtnry. This work will cnnlitiito uiul all leaks will ho puddled us same uru developed. It Is hoped that the Trouble niav be overcome In time by this method. In in dnr to aid tho fanner the Up ml Flour Mill Co. has tills year ob tained AMx Ij-nd Piaster, a scien tific rrtllliti'. Adv. I.O.ST CltKIIK. fSpeclal to Tho Hullotln) I.08T CHICKK. Fob. Ill Hobeit WhltMldo sold his cabin to J. Ilusch and Mesir. Hatch, Rhodes, Helms and Whiteside moved it up on the llasoli claim last Thursd.i. (i. It Young sold his sheep to C J. SI u (for last Friday. C. (I. Dnvls has gone out to llend for a luad of supplluM and C. O. Ash ley Hroonipiiuied him. Mia. J. O. Perry was n guest of Alia. .1. Ilaarh lust Thursduy. 8. W. I lent purtdiusoil a load of h.iv and Brain at Slher Creek the fore part of the wtwU. i'agt) StHiiifer haa been huultiiK hiy for N. lliowu during the past two weeks. We understand that Mr Ilrown lost eleven head of stock, owing to the luuk of feed. Marvin Perry was a business vis itor in our valley last Thumday. J. K. Ktulth was HXpected home from llend this wwk. hut owing n the bad roads he haa fulled to put In bii apiMwrauce. A tUwIntbla In nail Itnlfo freo with verv sniiual auuaeilptlou to The llend ltulUtln. IIAMITON. (Siieclal to The llulletln) IIAMP'I'O.N". I'Vh. IT Madiimes M. It, Crow and II. A. Purlo ls lipil with Mra. B. M. Peck Thurd. aftaiuuun. Thii llamiitun Vnlley Utemrv So nt Ut Friday night at Mrs. lllcks, after a uumlior of ptKiutmeMts There waa not a very big turnout as tha toad are still In hI condition Mr aud Mih. C. A. llurrls and fam ily silent Thursday at Nowtou Wells on l.Uard creek. Mlsa Parle llurton vlsttod lrlda Might with Miss Kthol Fogg. V. T Harrison Htnrted for Hend Monday nftur n load of supplies for toe llampton store. K. M. Peek and J. P Wllipiot are In llend this week on business . Mrs. W. T. Ilurrlson Is stayliiR with Mrs. Illaok on il.lxard Creek while Mr Hurilson la In town C. II. Ilurmou spout Monday night with U. Ilennett on Hampton Uutte. A gooil time Is ropqrtcd by thoso v ho nttondpd the dance nt Imperial on Monday night A. S. Fogg and Miss Kthel Vogn took suppor at C. 11. Harmon's Wed nesday evonlng. MII.MCAN. fSpeclal to The rtulletln.) MIM.ICAN. Feb. 28. The ladled of Mllllcnn valley will meet at Jack- ton's Saturday, March Itli, and servo lofieshmer.is tot ho niombers or tno Developini'iit League. Miss Seltnn Ilrnun entortalned n pmall company of children ut her homo last Saturday f.fiernoon. Ile refreshmeiits to the members of the lowing guests: Opal Conoway. Mal ha llenklo, Hazel and Gladvs Norton, Unn Powora, Glenn Mnckoy nnd Ot ta' Conova. .Mrs. Georgo Mllllcai roturneil home from J'rlncvllle Mondnv. Mrs. Mllllcan was hostess to tho Women's Club of which she Is n mom he r dining her stay nt the county seat. Mllllrnn school report for month ending February 26lh. Number of pupils enrolled 18, average attend ance, II, cases of tnrdlnoss 11, pu pils neither absent nor tnrdv during tho month are Walter Goodman, .lav Good mini nnd Oscar Conoway, Fnu Poweis was ubseiit but one dav. Washington's birthday was obervd by the school with appropriate o erclsos. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Kvuiib nnd Ilnlph Pepin were busl-iess visitors In Prlno vlllo Mcnday. Thoy drove over In Pepin's car. Owing to tho lllnegc of Mrs. Geo. ttoborts, tho Hoberts' will not move out to their homcatend the 1st of March as Intended. Air. and Mrs. Cliff Mackey Iunvo today for llend where they epect to reside. Mr. and Mrs. llarnov Conownv en tertained a few friends ut dominoes Sunday evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Hurwitz wore dinner guests nt the Goodman home Wednesday. Among thoso who wore Pond vis itors tho pant week were Frank Hur wltz, P. 11. Johnson. Vernon Clovon gor, A. 0. Allen and Abo ICvnns. 11 10. Smith and wife of Pine Mountain- rimger station visited Mr and Mrs. A. U. Alien Sunday evening Miss ICmma Hoberts Is staying ut homo now and rides to and from her school each day. Joe Moshor of Hemstad was a Mill lean valley visitor Thursday. Rod Cooper of llend and A. G Al len woro Prlnevlllo business Isltors Wednesday. A number of the ladles of this community took advantage of the pleasant weather of tho past week and spent their time In visiting their trlunds. Among those who wore out enlllug are Mrs Goo. Powers, Mrs, A. I). Norton, Mm. I.. R. Ruonoy, Mrs. Ilarnoy Conoway, Mrs. Vernon Clov ctiKcr, Mis P. II. Johnson nnd Miss Seliuii llriiun. Win. Spencor seeded twentv ncris JSr MR. CENTRAL OREGON FARMER: The time for spring planting In nonr nt hand. Havo you con rldorod tho varieties of seed you will sow this spring- Tho Pond Flour Mill Company hns mndo a careful Investigation Into the most favorable kind of need for spring sow lug. which you will 11ml below. It Is thoroughly donned and of the hlshost iiunllty for sowing. usonmiuviimrwucr Titi: rrosw if fANCY PATCNT 33EWIJ. OX.13. y JJJ-iXNOJ, UJ.tJ. PON'T let your gtocor talk you Into buying outsldo Inforlor Hour. Kvory sack of Hour jnunufocturod hy tho Pond Flour Mill Company Is milled from tho highest grudo Central Oregon who.it. 1-JVBUY SACK IIPARANTIUCR, If not Batlsllod your money ro-fundod. iNVRSTitiATi: tiii: api:x laxu rrasTint. Bend Flour Mill Co. A. J. KROENERT, Prestdont-Mnuager HKXP, onudox of rye for h. Goodman Inst of th" week. Mr. and Mrs. Harney Conow n wore dinner guests at the Egbert Pjer home Tuesday. Abe Hvans has taken n position n Hend nnd will movo his family the the coming week. Nick Mulkey of Albany, Oregon was In Mllllcan valley Inst week look ing for a homestead location. Mr. and Mrs. George Powora will move to their homestead this week Melba Henklo was an over nle'it visitor nt tho home of Selmn Ilraun Friday. CliOVKItPAIii:. fRnecIn: to The Pnlletln.) CLOVBRDAM:, Fob. 28 Mr. Itooily of Ambov visited nt the Cutllp homo the first of Inst week, x red Welse made, n Imflness trl to unnvsldo. Washington, last wee'. The estnte of the lite Knocli Cyrus was appraised Satnrdnv. Mr. Templeton drove to Hend Snt iirdav for Mrs. Toinnloton who has been visiting her daughter. Mrs. Spoo. Mr. Grill of Portland hnB hnng'it the Hondryx fnrm. Mrs. Ilnndr.x end children are going tho last of Mio week to White Salmon to visit her mothor, Mr. Hfcndrvx will go to Bouthern Oregon where ho Is Interested In some mines. Later tho fnmllv v'll movo to Portland, whoro they hnve a home nonr the Jefferson high school Calvin Hurnsldo mndo n trip to Hend Frldnv with a load of grain. Ir, Hoover nutoed out from Hend Sunday bringing Mrs. Van Matre homo. Rnv A'div a hauling grain to Rend the nnst few days, Clyde Johnson made a business trln to Amhoy, returning Friday. Mr. Tucko took n load of men to tho sale nt Lower Hrldgo Friday. B. L. Waldron Is hauling wood from Hondryx tho past week. J. Skclton Is getting nut Iocs nnd will hnve them sawed nt tho Wilson mill nnd build n ham In the early summer. Supt. Mycra visited our Bchool on Thursday. An Important business meeting -f the Council Club was followed bv a burlesquo given bv Miss Gibson. J Skolton and II. Mlllor. Friday night A gamo was then iiartlclpatcd In bv tbo crowd. Recitations by J. W. Gl'i- 8011. Arthur Orubo hns returned fro-'i Antnlnpo whero ho has been nt work for tho winter. The friends of Fnv MUlpi" pnve her x niirprlpo nnrtv on hor birthday Sat nrdnv, 2fi being nrosont. M. Lnrscn Is hauling grain to llend. K. L. Wnldron nnd W. W. Van Matre aro In Pond todav on business Blvln Van Mntro wont to Redmond this morning. Mr. Ilcsso sent n load of hogs to Pond today. Clovordalo lieoplo find a rendy mnrket for nbout ovorythlnR thoy havo to soil In llend. Anker-Holth tiii: Monnitx separator. Self li.ihimlug bowl. Self oiling de lice. Kiivi jo run. Knsy to clean. (Jets tho butter-fat. Seo It ut X. P. Smith's Hiiiiluaio htoie. in:.iun,i:ss parlf.v IIAXXBIl OATS SPKl.TZ kharkov wiihat ui,ui:sti:m MARQUIS KAItlA' 1UAIIT (JOLPKX C'lIAFK HARIiV WILPUK 1'ORTV'KOIil) ri.rn .IHXKIXS KARIA'SPIUXO itvi: ITAH SPRING UVi: , PIXHIIl'RST. (Special to The Hnlletln) PINHIIFRST, Feb. 2C Among the Pinehurst pcoplo thnt attended tho inecting In Ttininlo Thursd.i) wero Mr. nnd Mrs. L. II. Root, Mr. and Mrs. C. II, Spnugh and children Mr. and Mrs. I). W. Dietrich. Mlsso 1 Ruth Hayley. Esthor Dietrich. Alv hlld Romtvodt nnd Ethel Snvder. P. V. Swisher nnd mother wore Hend visitors on Thursday. Mrs. G. W. Snyder cnlled on Sirs McAllister one dnv Inst week. John Styles called at tho llavley ranch Inst Thursday. li. v. snxier went to nonu inur3 day. Ruth nnd Reginald Pnle were calling In Tumalo Sunday. C. 11. Spnugh hauled hay to llend ln?t week. Mrs. Hatch of Tumalo called nt tho Pnydor homo one dav last week Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Spnugh a id children and Miss Ronitvedt were guests at the Snyder' homo Saturdi night. The evening was spent in music nnd games. A desirable broad knife free with every nnnunl subscription to The Hend Bulletin. PLAIXVIEW. I ames N. P. Alley, R. L. Mooru, A. W. (Special to Tho-Pullptlnl I unvn, Allen Wlllcoxon, Mrs. J. R. PLAINVIEW, Feb. 2S P. G. I'ovv- Riggg, Dowoy Johnson and Lloyd Pus era was In Pond Saturday on husl- ?tt attended tho high schol plnv In noss. Prlnevlllo on Wednesday ovenlng of Clyde Gist gave n dance at his iBgt weok. homo Friday night. Bvcryhodv ip- M. C. Logan pold ino hend of shonp ported n good time. , I to Win. Wilson last weok. This nnjkos The f.irmera are very busy putting n dock of 1200 sheep for Mr. Wil li! spring crops. Superintendent Myers was visit ing tho schools In this part of the county tho Inst of ho week and re ports our school ns making good pr--grers under the olllclont management of Miss Burgess. A. E. Lovett nnd R. A .Wnrd gavo us a ver Instruc tive talk on the selection of seeds and how to light tho rabbit and other pests. Jnmcs Elklns Is hnullng liny from Clovordalo this wceK. Miss Elphn Gibson !s homo from hor school over Saturday and Sun-1 day. Attorney Do Armond of Hend was hero Snturdav to ndlust sonio matters In tho Snow Crook Irrigation Co. Tho progrnm to bo given hy tho Plnlnvlo'vv Improvement Club w is pwag I ri ftj rJp HE Dumbest Oyster can make a better pearl than the brightest man. The oyster uses Natures methods. fZFA m n. I II 1 1 III 1 1 II J; ,.j yagffu"'''''' RIGHT BUYING Just .(amp this deep on jour inenioij- (unlet good iiunllty of ujuioiies nt " '""' l"',rc combined ultli pmd servlie innkes eaty hujlii,' when ou liny jour gro icilcs from us. You can do so knowing that we have (lie KiimN and that tho prims mo light down to liiuil pan In fMlt under todaj's niaiket level, to an extraordinary evtent, W. C. McCUISTON PEXP'S PEST OROCERY. postponed to .March tho Ith n blgi suppor and a good time Is oxpected. I Henry Parsons enmo out to his ranch Saturday, returning Sunday. Rev. Towne lllled his rogulnr nn-l pointment nt Plnlnview school houso Sunday. A desirable bread khlfo free with every nnuunl aubscrlptlon to The Petal Bulletin. POWELL PITTE. (Special to The Hnlletln.) POWELL Hl'TTU, Fob. 28. Mad- son and no win senu ineni to mo rungo for the summer. Mndnmea C. II. Foster, Goo F. Hockman, J. Shearer and Allen Wlll coxon were cntorfnlned at Mlsa Por tha Goodsoll's on Tuesday of last week. Eail Saunders recently purchnBed In head of sheep from Mr. McCor mlck of Prlnevlllo. Mrs. A. W. Hnyn nnd Mrs. F. II Hnvn worb dinner guosts of Mrs. S. T. Mustard Tuesday of Inst week. F. I). Pavn returned to Deschutes (he llrst of Inst week after sovernl days visit with A. W. Uayn and fam ily. Miss Helen O'N'oll and Gen F Ilohhs woro guests nt tho Allen Wlll coxon homo on Thursday evening Georgo Kendall arrived from Okla- Kb: uli, THE i'iii'ii"'n""iiinmiignmq SMOKINU vodacco I ; A. I - WHEN I'm maturm tobacco for VELVET, I take a page from old Mother Nature's Book. Nature says smokin tobacco don't arrive at its full, hearty maturity until after two years' maturin. Some folks may say: "Why wait on Nature? PFe can do it quicker." I'm strong for Nature's way the VELVET way--two years' mellowing in big, wooden hogsheads-'ageing in the wood." What do you say? Well, fill a pipe with VELVET, an draw in the ooo , mild smoke that's so fragrant an rich that but what's the useof twngtodescribeaAwte? Take my word for VELVET long enough - . . . -- ,-mjuu nun i UCCU word after that Qfcjlft&f 5ceH.u,.n,dB4g. vfyutek On. Pound GU Humidor. Copyright 1913 II I II 1 1 luTmT'""' homo tho fit st cf last voek and will work at tho Guy Sonra ranch. Mr Kaiidnll visited this section nbout two yenrs ago and slnco thou Is not sntlsflcd with his home stnto. Grandma Ilrown returned to Prlne villo on Saturday ovenlng and will hnvo hor cancer trontod which Is hoped to help hor oyo night. Tho Foster brothers, hnvo traded tlolr 10 acres nt Povoll Hut(o Tor a. 10 ncios of lnlgntod land wcb. if Uedmund. Allen Wlllcoxon nnd Ora Foster nt lo'idod the Mngonlc Lodgo in Prlne vllle on Saturduy night. Ross llussott dollvored a lond of hogs In Redmond on Sntunlny. Mrs. F. P. Pnyn roturnod to Dos. chutes on Thursday nftor soveral d-ys visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. P?vn. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilonry Young and (Continued on pngo 11.) "f STOP! Ami Investigate our prices before hiivliie; jour (,'iocoilcs. AVo can wivo j ou money. P.B.JohnsoiVs Mllllcnn, Oio. Telephone :jS i .11 .) y iiiiiiiiimjjjjiiJiiiF