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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1916)
THi: HEXI) Il'UiETIX,JiEXI), OHK., WF.DXESIlAY, FEIHtl'AKY 2.1, HMO. 1'AOK 7. ft The KODAK Buy Your Kodak Now With Spring coming on all outdoors invites you. A pic ture today is a record tomor- row. Exclusive Agents for EASTMAN Kodaks and Cameras. We do develop ing and printing. New goods just received. REED & NORTON n bend The 3fea6 Store oreoon . LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Dr. U. C. Coo bus licen In Portland tlilo wcok. C. II. Hatch was up from Tumalo yesterday. J. O. Thorp was up from Tumalo yesterday. P. 11. Johnson was In from Milll can on Monday. Alox. Mackintosh loft Friday night on business for Portland. Prcsldont Fred Stanley of tho C. 0. I. Co., was horo on Saturday. Christian Sclonca services every S-nilay 11 a. m. at Sathors hall. H. II. Do Armoml and It. D. Kot chum went to Prlnevlllo yesterday. C. M. Hcdflcld of DcschutCB was n, huslncss cnllor In Hcnd on Saturday. J. W. Howard, Jr., was a huslncss visitor from Lower lirldgo on Mon day. Father Sheohan of tho Catholic church, loft Tuesday morning for Seattle. II. I), Chess, of Redmond was a huslncss caller In Ilend on Tuesday. Tho Commercial Club will hold Its weekly luncheon on Saturday at Tho Louvre. V. D. Dames and J. A. Thompson, of Tumalo, woro hero on business Monday. Carl Hoolschor and family arc planning to leave for another location In tho near future Ooorgo S. Young Iiob been confin ed to tho house this week with an at tack of chlckon pox, Judgo T. E. J. Duffy, of Prlnevlllo was n visitor among Ilend friends on Sunday and Monday. P. C. Garrison returned Friday from a thrc'o week's business visit to lionnors Ferry, Idaho. Dr. J. U. llarr returnod Monday from Eugana whoro ho was called on professional business.' Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank W. Sullivan returned Monday morning from a week's visit In Seattle. Mrs. Horry Stevens, of Los Ango lr J, who has been staying at tho Al;it, left on Sunday. Mrs. 15. M. Larn entertained at Air. nnd Mrs. II. E. Smith have re turned to tho Pino Mduntnln ranger brldgo on Monday afternoon In honor Btntlon. . i. .. i ol her nunt, Mrs. Wpllaston. LIST YOUR PROPERTY rURING the next HO days I expect a number of par ties coming here from the out side who will be interested in farming lands. F YOU want to sell, rent or trade, list your property with me. I will give same r my personal attention. HAVE money to loan, small or large amounts, on improved or unimproved farms Come in and talk it over. I F. M. McCAFFERY REDMOND, OROflON REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE J, X. Masten, of tho Maston Lum ber Company of La Pino, was a busi ness caller In Hcnd on Saturday. Tho Uonil high school Vocelved n now microscope this week as n pres ent from W. I). Dames, of Tumalo. A, II, Horn nnd fnmlly returnod Thursday night from liny City, Mich igan, whoro they have spent tho win tor. II. A. Foster, county assessor, was nmong thoso attending the stnto as sessors convention at Sulom Inst week. Two'of tho heifers .belonging to H. J. Suttong, that was bitten by a coyoio several weeks ago, died last week. Tho cafeteria dinner hold on last Wednesday night under tho auspices of tho Presbyterian Guild was well patronized. Mrs. S. Mcintosh returned Satur day morning fromi Portland where she spent a week making purchases of spring millinery goods. II. O. Perry, district superintend ent of tho Mothodlstc hurch, who has been at tho Altamont during his stay horo, left this morning. John Dubuls, who enmo up from Sr.lem InBt week on work ,ln connec tion with tho Tumalo project, spent Sunday at the Altamont. 10. M. Mills, of Chicago, a repre sentative of stockholders In tho Ilend Wntcr Light & Power Co., Bpcnt Frl dny hero, studying local conditions. Tho Ilend Company has moved Into Its now odlccs at tho corner of Wnll nnd Ohio streets, formerly occupied by tho Ilrooks-Scnnlon Lumber Co. A largec rowd attended tho Wash ington's birthday social given last night in Sr.thcr's Hall under tho aus pices oft ho ladles of tho Mdthodlst church. Deputy Labor Commissioner Win. A. Dnlzlcl spent Tuesday In town In specting locnl plants. Ho was ac companied on his trip by Commis sioner O. P. Hoff. 11. II. Do Armond nnd Superintend ent II. iL. Hopkins woro Judges Inst night at tho dobnto at Prlnevlllo be tween tho Crook County high school nnd Tho Dalles high school. A largo number of Knights of Pythlns and Invited friends attended tho meeting of tho lodgo InBt Wed nesday night upon tho occnslon of tho fifty second anniversary of tho ordor. Mr. and Mrs. Ilarpor Skusc, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Stanley, Misses Loulso Hnlvor- son, Hazel Archibald and Georgo Stanloy wore guests of Mr. nnd Mrs, Tom Dames of PrlnovIIle over Sun day. Itov. and Mrs. Frederick W. Cnr steiiB, of Modford, have been spend ing somo time hero studying conditions. Mr Carstcns purchased Bovernl pieces of real cstato hero which ho plans to develop. N. D. Beach, a well known fnrmor of tho Powell Butte country, was In Bend Saturday. Mr. Beach reports that tho farmers in this vicinity nro optimistic regarding tho prospects for lino crops this coming season nnd that many of thorn hnvo begun spring plowing and seeding. Preliminary organization of the Women's auxiliary to tho Commercial Club wns effected rt tho meeting hold In tho Commercial Club rooms Sat urday aftornoon, Mrs. E. P. Brostor- hous being elected temporary chair man, Another meeting will bo hold next Saturday at 3:30 which all nro urged to nttond. To tho following sorvlces nt tho Presbyterlnn church, wo most cordlal ly Invito you. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Theme Tlio Relation of tho Holy Spirit 'o tho World." Preaching at 7:30 p. m. "A Commondnblo Choice." On Wednesday cvonlng nt 7:30 wo will begin to hold a mid-week Rervlco to which yon aro cordially Invited. II. C. Hartranft, pnstor. Tho girls of tho Baptist church met at tho homo of Miss Daisy Davis. last Saturday nnd organized under tho nnmo of tho World-WIdo Guild or Worth While Girls. Tho officers olocted woro: president, Xelllo Sny der: 1st vlco president, Orpha Hnuck: 2nd vlco president, Vedn Brown; 3rd vlco president, Golda Cnrmnn; 4th vlco president, Fern Itoff; secrotnry, Floronco Wlntors; tronourer, Coral Bates. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Fen- District Attorney. I" hereby announce myself as a can didate for tho Hepubllcan nomination for District Attorney for Crook coun ty nt the primaries to bo held May 19, 19.1C. Htfp II. H. DE AIIM0XD. For Sheriff. I horcby nnnounco my candidacy for tho ltepubllcan nomination for Sheriff of Crook county nt tho pri maries, to bo held May 19, 1910. 4Sp. S. K. KOBKRTS For County Assessor. I hereby announce mysolf as a enn dldnto for tho ltepubllcan nomination for County Assessor for Crook coun ty ot tho primaries to bo held May 19, 1010. 17tfp CHAS. A. CAHROLL. I hereby announce my candidacy for tho Hepubllcan nomination for nsscssor of Crook county at the pri maries to bo held May 19. 1010. adv., U. D. K15TCHUM. For Shi'i'lir. I hereby nnnounco my candidacy for the Democratic nomination for Sheriff of Crook county nt tho pri maries to bo held May 19, 1U1C. iSp. P. 11. P01XDEXTEU For I'll cult Judge. I hereby announce myself as n can didate for the Democratic nomination as circuit judge at the primaries to bo held on May 19. , T. E. J. DUFFY, Pol ndv. 47 tfc (Presont Incumbent.) For Shcrlir. I hero' y nnnounco my candidacy for tho ltepubllcan nomination for Shorlff of Crook county at tho pri maries to be held May 19, 1010. ISp J. II. STAXLEY. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce my candidacy for tho ltepubllcan nomination for County Commlslsoner of Crook coun ty at tho primaries to bo held on May 19, 191G. H. J. OVEBTUHF, 48.p Present Incumbent. For County School Superintendent. I hereby nnnounco my cnndld.tcy for tho Republican nomination for schiiolosuperlntendont of Crook coun tv nt 'tho primaries to be held May lfl, 1010. J. E. MYEItS, 49 tf Present Incumbent. For County School Superintendent. I hereby nnnounco my cnndldncy fr the ltepubllcan nomination for school superintendent of Crook coun ty nt the primaries to bo held Muy 19, 1910. 51 tf J. A. THOMPSON. LOST 5xiH U. S. smooth tread tire casing, on rim. Suitable re ward for return to. Bend Garage Co. FOIt YOUR XEXT SUIT See DICK TiTo Tailor All Kinds of CM5AXIXC1 AND PRESSING Phono Black 1481 C. E. HAMILTON Writes Fire Insurance Phone DUck 451 DRY WOOD FOR SALE SPR1NGT1 ME SPRING TIME IS HOUSECLEAN1NG TIME. Certainly you will need a few pieces of New Furniture. You can find no better place in Bend than this store to make your selection. We are always glad to show you. COME IN AND SEE. E M- THOMPSON The furniture man If you don't trade with us we both lose money. , ANNOUNCING Pidorial Review Patterns Our goods will arrive about March 1, and we will carry a full stock. See this space next week ?' ; ih:st values always at WARNER'S BEND'S ECONOMY CENTER A COMPLETE Stock of Here for Your Selection. Lowest prices and expert fitting. We stand back of every pair. Men's Loggers $4.00, $5.50, $6.00, $7.50 Men's Work Shoes from.. $2.50 to $7.50 Men's Dress Shoes from... $3.00 to $6.00 Ladies' Heavy Ranch Shoe, durable and com fortable, specially priced at $2.25 Ladies Shoes- Patent Leather, Shoe Soap Kid, Gun Metal; button or lace; priced at from - $2.50 to $4.50 Children's Shoes at a saving if you buy them here. Priced from 75c to $2.50 STOP AND SHOP AT PSBHSTO- For County Clerk. I horohy nnnounco my candidacy for tho Itopuhllcan nomination for clerk of Crook county at tho primar ies to ho held on May 19, 1910. adv 49'tf. J. H. HAXEIt. For Shcrlir. I hereby nnnounco my candidacy for tho nomination for shorlff on the Domocrntlc ticket nt tho prlmnrleB to ho held May 19, 191fi. E. II. KNOX, 49 tf. Present IiiciiinboiiL Ouy n meal ticket at tho Alta mont. Adv. Try tho Al&nmnnt or menla, Dining room inndo lnrgor and pleas nntor. Adv. Try our fresh hrond nnd pastry, Cnrmody Drothors. Uond street.. Adv. 3G tt Pool and billiards nt tho Metro, polltnn. Just tho thing for n llttlo relaxation In tho ovonlng. Adv. tf. For sign painting sco Edwards. Adv. Host of shaves and hnlr cuts nt tho Log Cabin Harbor Shop. GALLON FRUITS at Saihers IN THE GROCERY DEPARTMENTA special purchase of Loganberries, Huckleberries, Strawberries, Italian Prunes, Peeled Peaches, Apples, Blackberries, Rhubarb, Tomatoes, Cherries, etc. Apples .... 40c Tomatoes . . 45c Strawberries 70c Raspberries 70c Prunes .... 35c Peaches . . . 45c Loganberries 60c Blackberries 50c White Cherries 60c Apricots .... 50c Plums 35c Pumpkin . . . 35c Catsup 50c Rhubarb . . . 35c Gooseberries . 50c Huckleberries 65c These are all first class fruits, SOLID PACK, and make splendid pies and sauces. YOU POSITIVELY SAVE MONEY BY TRADING AT SATHERS n Wood ool OUR STOCK OF ' United States Tires and Tubes is complete in every detail. They are "Miglitier than the road." Come in and look them oer. TiTe Skuse Hardware Company 1 -Jte. . mx