The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 23, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    ,!.,. A .TjSs
VAC.V. 0.
(Published Kxery Wednesday)
AiMocIate Editor.
An Independent newspaper stand
ing for the squaro doiil, clean busi
ness, clean politics and the best In
tersU of Hcnd and Central Oregon.
Ono Year
Blx Months . .
Three Months)
V ! :
, .$1.50
. .75
. .SO
The Crescent New says:
"Vernon A. Forbes, of Bend. ha.
announced his oandidacy for the re
publican nomination for representa
tlve la the state legislature at the
primaries to lie held Ma lth. Wh-n
I The Bend Concert Band eomaao
1 ed JU season last Thursdcy night t. V.
1 the first pracke of the year. 0
Tuesday night there were elen
members of last rears orpaaltat -out.
and many tc.-e have slgnif .
their Intention to enilrt soon. Pn -
M m b held every tc
SK- . . .AaAABAAK-. 1 M ..Bk aw illlll
!1F""1T k. r.VT-TV .V T'! a Illlll
5HKfi..TS5.,'5iKi i I J i hft I . .'.
r i" w
I .'I
,we Veinenffcw the ontlrtnf etorts of i evening la the Lara bulldiag. Dir.
Mr. Ftrbm !n the test lej.slature to
jwcnra the teasing of Alwrt and Sum.
Bur laXes; his effort to score state! an1 propu, members are ur
tor Ashley r orrest has ordered a c
slderabl. amount cf new tnwslc '
thee omin reason, and alt asmb
aid for Irritation and the bar worn
In general for nny meacure which
would help Central Oregon ana tne(
to attend rehearsal Tuesday ven:
July 5 to July loth are the da
State, we are compelled to admit that , .eBUtlrer a,' for the ehanuu ,
he Is entitled to the support of hls'thig summer, sccordlcg to a le"
nrtv at the Drtmanes ana to me , received from th rnautannua c
All subscriptions are duo and, v()tM f,f both democrats and repuMl I nanr this week. The talent list
PA YAIIM5 IN ADVANCE. Notices of c,ng jn November " the Chautauqua include the foil,
expiration nro mailed subscribers and i which Is altogether tru. Mr. n;: music, Witepki's Htjnpar
If renewal Is not made within reason- j.'ori merits re-election and his dl- Orchestra. Lyric Opera Compa
able tlmo the paper will be discon- trlc, )g eatitled to the good ork i oullotta Trio. Ionian fcrenad
tlnucd. wh!fh Mr. For on accomplish 'or j Kekukus Hawaiian Quintet. El
Ploftso notify us promptly of any u at the next legfilntur j beth d Barre GUI. entertainers
There wr- not nair a mien '. lecturers, Bitot A. Boyi. Krede
In either the 1"18 or the 115 Houm vininp Fisher. Mm Harriett G'
of Representatives who made tholr Rolrson. E. J. Slas. A. A. Franz
presence felt as strong!) as did the rU(? pathette. Victor Murdock, -representative
from thla district He piatt Jones, and others.
and WmI O Bnilth of Klamath
county won th reputation of leing, For the beet shave and hair ft
two of th ai.iest. ni't airiv , ,own , tne j,- CaWn jj,,., ,r
cbanKo of addr'.ss, or of tallure to re
ceive thu paer retfilarly. Otherwise
wo will not bo rehponslblQ for copl
Make nil ohf-Vs and orders pay
able to Tli Ufinl liulletln
rWfcriVfli (fE&?f.
Wiua-iijf vjiwsyy !ir
a -ya-
general orncca
and hardest rkln ol the . SooAdr
it. .-. t.i.ui m til afi has i " " ...
Tlio first Issufi for 1916 of th re
Juvornntud "Orron Sportsman," the
publication IkhikkI under the auspices
of tlio Htato FIhIi anil Oarne fomimr
ijlonor, lias Just appeared. The ma
m'wj Is now (luar'fiy, and undur
the new ndtnlnlHtratlon has liccomu a
Kizcniiiu urfnir. Thuro ar 7; paxs
of live romllriK iiiHttur, i-vcry bit of
It directly iIoiiIImk with tbiiiKs of In
tercut to OroHori SpurtMnen. AmonK
tho mnltnrs trnuted are reports from
vnnoiiH WHnlniiK and roil hiii kiiii
clubs, HmIh HhowinK lines c-ollcctcd
find what fur. ftlie total, b the
way, over $7,000 . and a complete
llnnricliil Hliiti'iiictit roverltiK all tho
cornrnlHfllori'H uctlvliloN.
AltOKOtli'T tlto publication Is most
orcdltiibli) and doservlriK of tlif at
tuntlon n ml Hiipport of siikNts and
liunliTH throiiKhoiit tho state. And
a more competent tram carina; for Its
representation. And next year, re
inforced bv the experience of to
sessions, their services will I e of
oven more value.
The re-tlectlon of ernon A.1
Forbes and Wtilev O Smith meant!
able and experienced representation!
for this district. i
t- :
- tutr-zzz.
(Continued from Page 1.)
whether or not I am In favor of Irs
Isiatlon that will permit the State to
guarantee payment of drainage, irrl-
In this Isaue The liulletln puMlsh?s' grtion and rural credits, I will say R
th miinmcnu of the G'.vern'r, At
torney General, State Treasurer and
Ststo Engineer settlnK forth their
vlows rewarding the proponed consti
tutional amendment and sutiseijuent
loKlHlatlon for state aid to Irrigation,
drainage, and rural credits.
This Is tho first expression of the
kind which has appeared, and we feel
rorttmnte In the opportunity to give
liulletln readers this Initial knowl
edge of what Oregonfs leading oftl
clala think on this Important nui.Jert.
No doubt the constitutional amend
ment and the proposed enactments
will forn the backbone of political
dobiito during the corning state cam
paign. So In this connection It Is
especially worth while to know the
vlewH of those whom ihe people have
elected to high olllce.
That there will l,e a hot fight on
the (mention Is assured. And that
not tlio least Interesting f enure Is ' Mr. Kay Intends to fight tho proposed
tho fact that the magazine now has a
bonn-fldo circulation of over 3,000
copies, ii h contrasted with about 500
eoploH ii few mouths ago. Not con
tent with this notable gain. Carl D.
Hhoumakur, the KtHle Ghihh Warden,
lina sot it in ii r I; of 10,000 by the
of Ihn year.
Hvon If the warden falls far short
of that iittiiltiment. lie will havo thn
measures bard is iiKewiso certain.
Whatever the outcome and whntevor
the hopes and beliefs of this com
munity, It Is henlthily Interesting to
get the subject started now for dis
cussion and urguincnt.
"(Jprninnv did not tiermit her clt-
MitlHfuctlon of knowing that OrnKon 1 1""" ,0 s"" armH c,r ""nltlonB of
now boiiHtH proliiibly the most com- "r to spam nuring
prehinslvo and Imiiortant otllclHl fish
and giiini) publication In tho country,
nnd ono with nhlch the sportsmen of
the stato urn glad to nsslst'liltii.
Eluvon days ago wo clohrnted the
baulvormiry of Lincoln's birth. Ho
Miut tho rrownlnit oxunplu of the
world'H noblost "comuion elt!.:in. '
"Tho lird," said Lincoln, "imvor
would havo ininln so nut ti ccminnii
peoplu If bo hiuln't loved thoui," and
Hiiroly (1ml loved this e.trnorilliiiir
"cniiiiiion" Amurlcan, Just hh tho
world caiiio to lovn mill revere him
Washington. wIidkh lilrtbduv ns
hotioroil yos'itrilay, was mi arlstociaw
H landed Kelitleiiiun. to the iinnilrti
burn. An Amtii'k'iiu nobleiiiau ly
birth, wlilclil s to hhv enohled iv ln
. iinci, (iiliii-ttion and (italumenis mill
mil u shallow I1'", vet h u.s
truly of mill for thu people of Ills
time, mid a patriotic lowir of tlio
country ho did so iniirli to croate.
KiiiiilaiuuiitHlly Waslilimtou was u
farmer a tiller of thu will. That
appealed to him mure than did stutet-
tmuiHiiip, miiiinry inniiiitut mm tin
uotleM of oil CO
WnslliliKtou cilltUiileil niralra, per
frmeil leul uxrlcultural experiments
mid practiced soil cousorvatloii. Al
so, lie vsiih the II rut American to ral
liiilloH. And until he iimched iiian
IhmiiI he hud never seen a town of
over 5000 Inhabitants.
,, Jlnw many of Dim greatest men of
nil t Imos Imve sprung from the farm.
the wnr with
that nation" declares a great petition
to Congress presented by tho "Orga
nization uf American Women for
Strict Neutrality," which would hno
exportation of munitions from thla
co'tntrv to tho Allies stopped.
Which Is n bare-faced examplo yt
u pro-Gorninu offort biiEt'd on an un
truth. Germany did Hiipply Spain with
n ins mill munitions. A nil row D.
Wliito was our AmbaHsador to Ger
many nt Hid time of tho Sjianlsh
Amorlcnn wnr, and thU hu Htutes
positively: "During thu entire war
vessels carried lunmunltlon from Ger
man ports both to Spain mill to the
I'lillod States, and neither cf the bel
llgeraulM niadi) nny remonstnince.'
Germany fold munitions to Spain,
to the Hnlkan Htates, to Russlnll dur
ing thu Uuiwo-.lnpnnete war: nnd lo
Great liritiiln during the llcir war
(lormnny herself has ' plontr of
prceedentii for tlio presuct sltuatlpii.
Hut then thu aliou w;ih on tho other
"If tho people of tho stnto boo lit
to repeal or amend said section of
tho Constitution In order that n Htnt
utn mav bu enacted placing the
'Stnto of Oregon behind rural crodlta.
drnlnnge nnd Irrigation bonds, I nm
favorable to an net If such statute, la
so framed that tho snmo Is safe anil
Is bused upon Hound principles. Oth
erwise, If any bill or proposod meas
nr Is such thnt Hs chief tendency
Twloo In the mist 10 lliontlis tlio
At far back as 17(10 people of lltind linvu had an opiior-
i (unity to Hliow wnat tnoy womii uo
I on liulmir of now Inilustrlos In lltind.
i llrsl. whn thoy rained over f ft.OQO
I to buy land wniitiul by the saw mills,
'and second, whun they voted what
iimiiiiiitinl ' to u giiarniiteu to tlio
i liriHiks-Scnnlon company that It
would not have to pay city taxos.
On Monday tlmy will be cultuil on
ml r,,u,,l rnrmlliv lliu tllAMl ilu. I HlSill til VII til Hill tl) III! IllllUStry II1HI
tdrahlH of Hll callings! proiaiw to ceiitiir Itself huri', tho
, 'Struhoin ronds. All of Central Ore-
I ifnii Ii.mLu furu'iiril In lliu lillillllllU Of
And oacli part Iookh
Editors Hie pretty good Matured
which Is one reason wbv so Trw aie
pMHiporouH. Thu chief coniinniltt
lliwy have to sell Is mlveitUIng space.
lid Ion often that Is swureil grutls
uiiilar one pretext or miotlier. Just
now It Is thu dltlre-seeker who has
til Itch for free publicity.
Wo far as Thu llulleliul m coiicwrii
d wo II nil our pulltlcal friends In
dium! to bo fair minded and to re
alise that ii newspaper is untitled to
lMty for Its space, nut even at mai.
the rullroads
to evr other to sou that Mr. Stru
horn's reiiilruniunts nn met In each
Wo me conlldont that llunrt will
do its part.
Tlio otlior day In Portland nioni
tierii of tho Ad Club wore stumped at
tliulr luncheon when nskod Hlmpl-J
nuostldiis about Oregon resources,
geography, scenery ami such Bitb-
iwts. Aftor all. fuw of us Know nour
tho follow Inn tnken from the Mai- ly enough about our own stnto nnd
lioiir ISnterpiiso. Is worth leprlntliiK. ur own country. Could you, for
liisiaure. iininu lliu i-oiiiiiivw i.i wi-
Kitii and their county seats' Or tell
It Hindi often enough
"Tlio Enterprise has receded the
atiniiiliHfiueiit or one of tlio man)
caiulldstes fur Public Utilities Com
nibMloiier. with thu request that It
be published as a matter of uows
Thle KutlniMn Is asking to be elect
ed to an olllce that pa" a er con-
how much of the stale Is torost re
serves Or who was the nm gov
ernor? Or wlion mid h"w Oregon
became a stato Or approximately
what iIihni th,o "Orogon System" menu
and now uuee u worn- vve uouo
will depend altogether upon the sort
of measure submitted to the people,
or proposed in the legislature, as the
case may be. Before the state can
guarantee the payment of any sii"h
bonds, It Is necessary to amend the j
"It should be remembered that .
Oregon's credit Is unimpaired; not-1
withstanding the State, has been
.reckless In handling Its school.
swamp and tide lands, Its credit is
as good as that of any Stato In tho
Union. Among other things, this Is
probably due to Section 7 of Article
XI of Oregon's Constitution, which
originally prohibited creation of a !
state debt of over $50,000. I
"Tho people of the Stnto by Inl-
tlatlve, at the November, 1912j-elec-
tlon, amended the prohibition ngsHnst'
dsbt In excecs of $50,000 eo that it
further read as follows:
"And the leElslnt'va
shall not lend the credit of tho State I against It
nor In nny manner create any debt I '" ""J" Objects,
or liabilities to build and maintain' Stnto Treasurer Kay goes Into the
pcrmnnent ronds which shall singly subject In detail. Ho Is opposed o
or In the nggregato with provlous I state aid for irrigation nnd dralnngj.
debts or liabilities Incurred for that His statement follows complete, ox
purposo exceed two per cent of thoiceptlng minor portions:
assessed valuation of all the proper-' "In answer to your request for an
ty in tho State; nnd evory contract ! expression bb to the proposed inltint
of indebtedness entered into or as- Ivo bill to amend the Constitution,
Hiimed by or on behalf of tho State In which will provide for the bonding
violation of the provisions off this of tho Stato for irrigation, drainage
section shnll bo void and of no effect 'I'nnd rural credits, not to exceed two
"Tho amendment wnBjndoptod by per cent (which would mean $18,
ri9,4ri2 votes cast for tho amendment! 000.000), havo to say that 1 nm op
and 13,117 cast against tho amend- .posed to tho proposed measure for
The new MIna Tatlor Dresses are now In Block, and wc Invito every wo
man in this vicinity to come and see them. It Is not n question of wheth
er you need a ncsv dress or not come anyway and seo these exceptional
Mina Taylor Dresses
Are Sold by us at Prices Ronging up from $1.00 $2,50
Hero is real economy. These dresEes are so pretty that you will take
pride In wenrlng them. They are so sturdy thnt you will recognize their
economy nt a glance. They are so perfect in lit, and so comfortnblo In
design, that they will be your favorite homo garb, once you try ono on.
We have your size, In several styles and colors. It will be our pleasure
to show them to you nnd prove their economy.
Hlderable salary, and aka the news-1 whether von count: otie-i ei lougn we
7."..... ,ni.u i,i. iiiu iiwuimn ean't Aftor nil. vvouldn t It bo u ronl-
iiui.lloltv free of charge. If he will ly wise thing to htvxe more local hla
work for (ho people without a sularv
we will feel Inclined to do his ml
vurtlsliig gratis; but Mince he Is out
nlfnr tho Job on account of the sal
ary, ho must pnv for hi ndvortUltiK
or got none. Tho Kntorprlno will
certainly not boost, a niun Into n fat
wilarlml Job who tiles to hlllc the.
wpaco It takes to- publish his tin
nouncomouL" Jr
"Konr God nml'-tnko your part.',
doclnroa Roosevelt In his now liooW
Wo. Huaw the, Colonql ujwnya does tho
latterTbut It's hard to say whnt ho
tory and loonl government and local
geography placed before us whon wo
go to HCllOOlt
This continued firing back nnd
forth of notes between Washington
nml Rerlln comes pretty near being
u Heron of paper.
i i
Three hundred nnd sixty ilvo
"cloan up" daya a year Is an ndinlr
nble civic motto.
Is the now hearso n 'sign of a grow
ing town?
Compare Our
with any other f
gingham in
You'll Buy
i '
Is to exploit the credit of the State to been back of tho Cmev Act nrniocm
assembly I Rs ultimate Injury, put me down In the past it would hove had to pay
iiuiu iiruicijiui ami interest, inas
much as practically all of them have
been failures,
"There nro three acres of tillable
land today In the .Mate of Oregon for
every aero In cultivation, not count
ing desert lands, so whnt demand Is
thero for the Stato bonding Itself and
spending large sums to reclaim mora
lands, with all these tillnblo lands
lying Idle nnd thousands of acres of
Irrigated lands on tho market?
"All subdivisions of the State,
such as counties, cities nnd school
districts, can bond themselves and
ninny of them are now bonded to tho
limit, tiiororore, to provide for state
bonds would simply amount to re
bondlng the snme property nnd add
ing to tho already excetsivo burden
of taxation.
"Tho Stnto of Oregon Is ono of the
few states which has no bonded In
debtedness. In enso the Constitution
Is amended whorcby we can bond for
one purpose It will not be long until
It Is bondod for many other purposes
"Section 20, Article of tho Stme
Constitution provides that "Every act
shall embrace but one subject, and
mutters proporly cinnected there
with, which subject shall bo express
cd In the title.'
"This Constitutional provision was
Intended to protect the public ngalnst
combining sovornl subjects in one
bill, ob Is being done In this proposed
"Irrigation nnd drainage, bolng the
two methods of reclaiming wnsto
Innds. could proporly be Included In
ono measure, but rural crodlts. hnv
Ing nothing In common with the
ether two subjects, should not be In
cluded In tho same bill u would bo
absolutely unfnlr to the farmer .ib
well as to tho general public, to com
blno thorn nnd compel people favor
ablo to rural credits to vote for the
other propositions '
Lewis Approve.
Stnto Engineer Lewis issued the
Bevernl reasons
"The proposition to Initiate this
amendment first came from tho Ir
rigation Congresa which met In Port
land In December, nnd, therefore,
came, from people particularly Inter
ested In reclaiming desert lands. A
similar measure, w'hlch came from
tnu snmo source, was put on tho bal
lot two yenrs ago, which provided for
bonding the Stnto for Irrigation and
road building; tho lattor bolng tho
more popular Issuo of tho two, yet
tho amendment d'd not carry In n
'jdnglo county in tho stnto, It being
'dofontod lSB.OOO ngalnst 40,000 for.
"There in n populnr domand for
some system of rural credits nnd the
people Interested In Irrigation havo
tnkun ndvantago of this, and propose
to nmond tho Constitution, which will
link together tho bonding of tho
bonding of tho Stnto for Irrigation,
drainage and rural credits, thinking
tho lnttor Issues will enrry tho for
mer ono through.
"Now, In my opinion, thero la ab
solutely no domnnd nt this time for
tho stnto bonding Itsulf for Irrigation
purposes, Inasmuch as thero nro now
on tho market thousands of ncres of
retinlniud lands ready for settlement,
for which thore Is absolutely no sale.
(Hero Mr. Kay lists In detail unsold
lauds undor Oregon irrigation pro
jects. Including about 14,000 acres
on tho Tiimalo which ho says nro
exceptionally desirable 7.000 open
for snlo on tho Central Orogon nnd
about 9,000 unsold or uncultivated
on tho Umatilla.)
"Now, this being tho case, then
whnt legltlmato domand is thoro for
bonding tho State for reclaiming
"Soma claim tho roason thoso lands
nro not sold Is because tho tonus nro
not llborul onougn. Tho tonus nro
ten per cent down und ton per cont
paid onch year for nine yenrs with
Interest nt six pur cent, nnd thoso are
what I would consider llbsrnl tonus.
Again, sonio people maintain thnt
thoso lands enu bo Irrigated for $15
per ncro, which contention Is not well
founded, ns nono of tho Cnroy Act
projects havo over boon reclaimed on
the original osllmntes. The Colum
bia Southern Company originally
flgurod It could reclaim nnd sell
thoso lands, nt n profit, for $14.75
por ncro. which was the 'nmount
charged for thorn. This companv
failed nnd tho Stnto reclaimed the
lands, nt a cost of nearly $40 per
nVre. that bcl-g the State lien price
for water. The cost of tho Oovorn-
iiiont projoct In V'matllla county Is
$(10 por acre nnd this project Is fav
orably located. The valuo of tho
land when sold by speculators Is ad
dod to tho Hen cost.
"I understand this proposition has
received cons'derable encouragement
from Boino large bankers, who stated
that In case tho atate would guaran
tee tho bonds they would sell llho
"hot cakes.
'1 will venture the assertion that
none of these bankers would invest
a dollar In Irrigation bonds, at any,
rate of Interest., nolsjsjhe tate was
bact Of them ond-Mr the state had
following statement to Tho liulletln
"I bellovo somo form of stato aid
must eventually bo provldod, if our
largo Irrigation nnd drnlnago projects.
aro over to bo complotod. Other
countries havo found it necessary to
assist In this class of development
"In our largo cities, wo do not
leave each lot ownor to build the
street In front of his property. This
Is dono by tho municipality at public
expense. Long tlmo payments and.
low Intorest enn bo hnd by tho own
er for paying off tho city lien. The
stnto system for irrigation nnd drain
ago should bo somowhnt annlogojs
to this woll known plan for commun
ity development.
It this work could ho carried out
by the stato In co-opcrntlon with tlio
United States wo would divide the
risk, mid Bocuro tho benefit of mi ex
perienced organization Independent
ol locnl politics or Inlluonces. Ily util
izing tho superior credit of tho I'nlt
od States, tho Intorest rnto could 'ie
"Tho plan adopted ohould bo con
servative nnd businesslike. Tho i o
ple must know that tho money ad
vanced will bo returned with Interest.
"We should thoroforo tnko up on!
one, or porhnps two of tho most feas
ible projects nt tho outset nnd nrko
n succosn of theso boforo proceeding
to others. With n woll trained nd
experienced organization, tho larger
and more expensive projects could ul
timately bo built ns tho domand for
laud Increases.
'Railroad construction In Central
Oregon Is dopondont on irrlgntlon If
this section of our stnto la to develop,
wo must thoreforo sot In motion the
necosBnry machinery whereby mon if
limited means can establish homes -m
Irrigated fnrms, Tho more ndoptl"i
of n comprehensive development po
grom would ercourago railroad d -velopment.
and this In turn would
create n demand for land of rens n
nble price and terms".
an application for Life Insurance in any other company
by examining the new low rate contract o
Does Duress Exclusively in Healthfl Oregon
IvlSJo Dor v,,.i
-o per vearj
Now Pays For $1000.00
Life Insurance at the age of 29. Older
ages are only a trifle higher.
Home Office: Corbett Bide rnr r-.u ,.
A-, .M,r,c ,dg"Cor'F,.ftha"dMorrisonStS..Poriland
a: l'Mills
I o....
- ..., Ss;ss;s,,v,