T thi: nr.xn hullktin, iii:m, oim:., wkdm:si)AY, ixihiuahy e:i, 1010. PAOR rt. EIGHT MINERALS NOD IN GROOK COUNTY'S RESOURCES ARE DESCRIBED llullctln Issued by Stnto UnlvcisKy TiciiIn of All Mlncml Deposits In Oregon Itniigonr Pi Ice Is Kroin 81.1)0 to 7(10 Per . Ton. University of Oregon, Eugcno, Fob. 111.- Crook county minerals nro uoo fnl for many purposes, nmong which nro tho following: to mnko plaster of Paris, scnllng wax, ornaments, water Klaus, papier macho and fire works. Information as to tho locr.tlou, vuluo anil nppoaranco of theso minerals Is liven In a bulletin just IehuciI by tho Stato UnlvorBlty. The compiler 1b urahnm John Mitchell, assistant pro feasor of geology. Crook county Is credited by tho mtllctfn with eight minerals which rnngo In prlco from $1.90 per ton to an npproxlmato $700 per ton. II Is tho Trout Creek mines that produco tho $700 kind stlbnlto. Stlbnlto Is tho source of antimony, which Is used li manufacturing such things ns safety mutches, fireworks and per cussion' caps. Tho black Band region about How ard contains gold, silver, cinnabar, homltlto, ilmenlto nnd magnotUo. Cinnabar Is tho chief oro of mercury. Ilemntlto Is hard and reddish. It Is used In making chonp paint, -as a polishing powder, and ns an oro of Iron. Ilmenlto may occur In compact ransses, In thin plates, or In sand. It Is usod for lining furnaces. Mag notltc, which Is also an oro of Iron, Is named from its mngnletlc prop erty. Dlatomnccous earth Is found at Loworbrldgo. It Is whlto or cream color and lies In beds. It Is used In tho following ways: for making pol ishing powder, flroproof content, for- l. lzcr, water glass, tilo glazing, seal ing wax, gutta porcha, Swedish mutches nnd paplor mncho. Tho prosonco of gypBum beds nonr I tend nnd on tho Crooked Illvcr sup ports In a way tho theory that tho region botweon tho Cascnde and Illuo mountains was onco tho floor of an 'ninnd sea. For gypsum Is supposed to result from evaporation of tho waters of Inlnnd seas. It occurs In masses, but Is soft onough to bo scratched with tho flngornnll. It Is used in making plastor of Paris and fertilizers. Tho valuo Is about $1.90 por ton. Tho bulletin Is headed "Minerals of Oregon," and treats of nil tho mineral doposlts of tho stato. It may be secured frco of chnrgo by address ing tho Registrar, University of Oro gon. This Mny Interest You. If you suffor with pains In your back or sldo, stiff and soro muscles or Joints, or rheumatic nehes, or havo symptoms of kldnoy trouble such ns puffy swellings undor tho ovos or Bleep disturbing bladder nllmnots, you should know that Foloy Kldnoy Pills hnvo bonoflttcd thousands in llko condition. Sold ovorywhoro. ndv A dcslrnblo bread knlfo frco with every nnnunl subscription to Tho llend Ilullotln. See EdwardB for paper hanging. Adv. IMTT'S WORK PRAISED Iiiiko County Paper Sny Crook Man Im "Homo Agent." Undor tho caption, "Lovott An Admlrablo County Agriculturist," tho Silver Lake Loader has tho following to sny In a rocont Ibsuo concerning tho Croak county agriculturist: "A. E. Lovott, Crook county's ag riculturist, Ib bo mo county ngont. Articles bearing his nnmo nro ap pearing in nearly all the papors of tho stato, and particularly tho O. . C. Bulletins and papers. Such ;in agriculturist Is of inestimable valuo in putting n county thoroughly be fore tho world. When U. S. Biologist R, A. Ward went to Crook county to Investigate tho muttor of rabbit pois oning, Mr. Lovett was Immediately nt his sldo, nnd ho has romnlned his working comrade, arousing his whole county to action nnd to the extent that they havo practically ridded their municipality of tho pest. When Mr. Ward and his assistant Garlough enmo to Lake county they wero re ceived with nbsoluto coldness and In difference so far as official recogni tion wero concerned, nnd had It not been for the north Lake county news papers nnd a few wide-awake ranch ers, tho Messrs, Ward and Garlough would from any standpoint of sub stantial and practical help boon hoot, cd from tho county. Tho -Depart- K.jnt know what It was doing whan It 'sent theso experts in hero, and lo cal officials having tho interests of tho cornty nt he-rt at nil should fcrvo acted without a moment's de lay." Now Feels Entirely Well. A. H. Francis. Zonlth. Kansas, writes: "I had a covero pain In my back nnd could hardly movo. I took about two thirds of a 50 cent box of Foley Kidney Pills and now feel en tirely well." Middle aged and older men and women find theso safe pills relieve sleep disturbing ailments. For Bala everywhere. Adv. A desirable broad knlfo free with every annunl subscription to The Bend Bulletin. l Shearings Work Is progressing nlcoly on tho Hocgll grade, and tho contractors promlso tlu-t If tho woathor contin ues nice the grado will bo ready for travel tho llrst of tho week. In order to accomplish this It will bo necen- sary to closo tho road for several tinys this week, as tho upper pnrt of tho grado will require Mint a part of tho old grado bo destroyed. As the road Is being completed ho enrly In Mio season, It Is qulto likely that the road bed will bo completely packed before dry wathcr cornea on. Tho Grandvlow and Geneva people havo voted n special tax for road Improve ment nnd tho roads will bo put In such shape as to nttrnct many auto tourists dur'ng tho summer. Those good ronds will enable tho pcoplo on this sldo of tho rivers to get their wood supply from tho timber coun try west of tho Deschutes. Des chutes Valley Tribune. The farmers In tho Metollus cec- tlon nil show a disposition not to let tho thoughts of Irrigation Intorforo with their making tho most of their presont plentiful supply of moisture In tho ground. Most of them will bo In tho Hold for tho noxt few weeks, and If wa fall to have n satisfactory crop this year It should not bo for Inck of properly working tho ground. JefforHCi County Record. Tho warm rains of tho paBt week reduced tho biiow from ubout three feet to olghtecn inches. At present tho wenthor romlnds us of spring. Crescent Nows. You will bo called upon this fall to select a pormnnent county sent for Jefferson county. What will decldo tho cholco you will mnkof Will It be personal convonlotico nnd person al projudlco, or will you take n broadmlndcd view of tho mnttor and voto for tho location that will bo most economical to tho county Itsolf nnd most convenient nnd economical to tho majority of tho Inhabitants of your county? A county seat Bhould bo locutod us near tho center of pop ulation, and as near tho geographical contor of the habltablo section of tho county as possible Whon n county Boat Is thus located, convonlnnco nnd economy hnvo carried tho day. Ap pllod to Jofforsoti county, tho nbovo considerations will plnco tho pormn nent county seat of Jefferson county nt MndraB. Who can galnBay lt7 Madras Pioneer. Work will bo well under way on tho Crooked nivor road boforo tho first of March according to tho plans of Commissioner Hlauchnrd. Tho Announcement Until the ronds Miutli nro In lictter condition for auto travel our trucks mid touring cars will not nuiko tho trip from Bend. Wo carry tho mall by stngo dully, however, mid iirriingo for passenger transportation to Ln Pino, Fort Rock mid Sliver Luke when oeslrcd PIONEER AUTO STAGE LIVERY CO. A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Which NETS $300 PER MONTI I ON AN AVERACE For solo at half prlco. Moving plcturo rond outfit, first class and comploto, In cluding at 40 horso touring car with Dolco lights and starter. 35 Amp. generator with sliding gear connection. Powers plcturo machlno with motor, 12 reola and nil oth er equipment. Everything runs perfect. Cost now, $2,800. Used 4 months, will soil for $1,100. Full operating- Instructions. Address Box 2, Beckley Oregon, Har ney County. TO THE RESCUi W will un your linen, but you null not vast much time tttttnc our rescue band t work LOW PRICES, BETTGRSBRVICe Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRY CLEANING 'Put Your Duds In Our Suds" WHO fff DOES MM! hourS UUNDRW I pinna nro to got tho work Btnrtcd as soon as possible, and crowd It to completion boforo the ronds get dry and dusty. A rock crusher will no doubt bo purchased by tho cojnty 'nnd used for tho first tlmo on this road, Commissioner Hlanchard said. Theso plnns nnd n number of other Important Issuu3 were dlHCUBsed nt tho Friday luncheon which was hold by tho business nnd professional men of tho city. Crook County Journal. If Micro Is a more wldo-awako set of boosters on tho face of tho globe, for tho Blzd of tho town, than thnt nt tho little city of Ln Pine, wo would llko to bocomo acquainted with thorn. Wo would pit five certain members of tho commercial club of that town against five members' of nny othor Improvement or commercial organi zation for obtaining results In benu flclal undortnklngs. The lntcst work th't Mioso men seem to havo taken upon thonisolvos, either Individually or ns nn organization, Is to hnvo tho Oregon, California nnd EnBtern rail way build south from ricnd vln La Pine, nnd then to Fremont, Fort Rock and Silver Lake, in place of branching off toward Fort Rock no.tr Mllllcnn. In n letter to tho odltor, Robert E. Strahorn Btntes that strong pressure Is being brought to bear to run tho proposed railroad up tho Deschutes ns fnr ns Ln Pino In placo of tho route which bus been given bo much publlcltv. Mr. strahorn Btntus Mint tho Ln Pino routo will bo fully Investigated boforo tho crossing of tho Fort Rock valley Is decided upon. Fort Rock Times. Jason C. Moore, tho lessee of Sum mer nnd Abert lakes and L. O. Mur phy, of Reno, arrived In Pnlsloy on Tuesday evening and spent yestordny In obtnlnlng samples of tho waters of tho Summer nnd Abort lakes. Mr. Mooro Is securing two barrels of water from ench loko which will bo used for demonstration purposes and for testing. Mr. Murphy Is from tho Rono Light & Water Company nnd Is also securing small samples no n check upon tho work of Mr. Moore. Murphv represents oastorn capital ists who oro desirous of obtaining nccurnto Information upon tho chem ical properties which tho waters con tuln. Chownucan Press. Numerous of the fnrmora nnd ran chers of tho Silver Lake valley are sowing tho sprfng grain crops. This Is n remnrknble change over n short tlmo ubo when tho snow was two feet deep ovor tho valley. Silver Lako Leader. Tho Bend Co-opcrntlvo Croamory has written to locnl citizens who nro Interested In tho now creamery hero, asking that tho Ln Pino folks Join hands with tho Bend Creamery In making n bigger nnd better crenmory thoro rather than building ono horo. Tho letter states that ono large croamory Is better than two small ones, nnd for Mint reason they want to consolldnto tho two. Thoy ngroo to omit tho usual "4 per cont for running expenses." thoy hnvo horo toforo boen charging Ln Pino folks, nnd offor Bovernl other Inducements. Their proposition mot with nn tin kind rccoptlon among tho stockhold ers of tho La Pino Co-oporntlvo Croamory. La Pino Inter-Mountain. In n letter to Lynch & RobortB. tho Union Mont Company, of Portlnnd. congratulated them on tho ovldont growth of MiIb section ns ehown by stock shipments from Redmond for tho past year, amounting to 121 car londs. or better than 10 per month. This was n big lncronso ovor tho pre- (the plumper WHAT'S THE MATTER Dir? ( YOU DET I PIO JUOHE-A IYOU fORCET ANYTHINq? .MY POUCH OF THE J nT REAL, TOBACCO CHEW TOBACCO atlified-tliit'i why men are ld to tell their frlendi bout W-B CUT Chenim-tha licit Tobacco Ch, uimnt, hmttind. liv.rrbedf ! I" MmI Ttiu Cktw aatitSca Ibem bcllcr Ihta lb olj ktod. Htit by WEYHAN-BRUTON COMPANY, 50 Union Sqo.rt, New York Cllr NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth and Waihington Street PORTLAND, OREGON Centrally Located Room Rates $1.00 per day, More if you wish to pay. Excellent Restaurant in connection. Breakfast and Luncheon 25 cents. Dinner 05 Cents. Continuous service at very moderate prices. ceding year, but these figures will look Inslgiilflcnnt when thoso for tho coming cnr nro totaled. The Red mond district is cnslly tho best In the great Deschutes valley Redmond Spokesman. Cut This Out It Is Woith Money Don't miss this. Cut out thl3 slip, oncloso with G cents to Foloy &, Co.. Chlcngo, 111., writing your nnmo nnd addrcRS clearly. You will receive In return n trial packago containing Foley's Honey nnd Tar Compound, for lngrlppe coughs, colda and croup, Foley Kldnoy Pills, nnd Foley Ca thartic Tablets. Sold everywhere, ndv. MARKET REPORT. NORTH PORTLAND, Fob. 21 A small run or. CC0 head of cnttlo found tho market a shndo easy. Prlmo atecrs brought $7. CO with cows going nt $(.r0 to $C.7Gv A few good bulls went nt $5 with heifers and calves romr.Inlng on a steady basis. Thoro was a good run of 4C7! head of swlnp. Market was tdugglsh nt first but soon picked up nnd tops remain ed at their former prices. Two londs of well llnlshcd hogs sold nt J8.1G with the bulk nt $8. Only n hand ful of sheep nrrlved. One load of ox- collcnt lambs averaging 102 pounds brought $9.0G; n nlcklo over last week's top. Ewes nro (itiotcd at $7 nnd ycnrllngs nt $S, market strong. Spring will Boon bo here, Mr Far mer, and you should bo thinking of the seed you will sow. Sco Tho Bond Flour Mill Company's llBt of Btiltablo seed for spring sowing. Adv. Sco Edwards for good house paint ing. Adv. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Issued By Crook County Abstract On. Alfnrctta Orcutt to R. A. Dunn It. 3, blk. 2, Lytlo, $400. T. G. Feo to O. W. Tnnsey Its. 1G, to 20, blk. 1G, Kenwood, $843.90. W. II. Stnats to 11. D. Davis It. Si, blk. 4, Deschutes. II. D, Mclntyre to Jns. Brepu bond for deed It. 3, blk 27, Bend, 8G0, 2 yr. G7r. Northwest Townslto Co. to Edgar R. Mooro 1L 8, blk. 42, N. W. T. Co. 2nd add, Bond. Tho Bend Co. to Bend Park Co. It. 1, blk. G2, Conter add, Bond. llend Park Co. to Chns. II. Vlnal It. 1, blk G2, Contor ndd, Bond. A deslrnblo bread knlfo frco with every annunl subscription to Tho Bend Bulletin. NAME YOUR FARM. (Madras Pioneer.) No buslnoss man would think of doing business without a nnmo for his business. A good firm nnmo be comes nn nssct. Put tho name of your farm where It may bo seon from tho public highway: also put It on your lettcrhendfl and on tho products you sell. Ono of tho big manufactur ing Institutions in this country hna put up signs throughout Its plant, as follows: "Protect Our Good Nnmo." Nnmo your farm, make n reputation for Mint nnmo, nnd then protect It. Wlint Children Need Now. In Bplto of tho best caro mothers can glvo them this wonthor brings sickness to mnny children. Mrs. T. Nojrouor, Enu Clalro, Wis., writes; "Foloy'a Honey nnd Tnr cured my boy of n sovoro attnek of croup after other romodlcs had failed. It Is a wonderful romedy for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough." It stops lngrlppo coughs. Sold ovorywhoro Adv. qoes on a' strike) YOU DET I PIO JUDCVJEy MY POUCH OF THE REAL, TOBACCO CHEW The Hotel for YOU BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. 'ROBERT II. GOULD Civil Engineer Rend Oregon W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DENTIST OIUco Ovor PoBtofllco llend, ... Oregon DR. J. C. VANDEVERT Pli)slclm nnd Surgeon Phono Red 271 Hours 9-12 a. m.; 1-G p. m., 7-9 p. m. Snther llulldlng W. G. MANNING, D. M. D. Dentist. Ofltco In First National Bnnk Building Tel. nil llend, Oregon WILLARD II. WIRTZ L A W Y 0 It Prlnovlllo, Oregon. C. S. BENSON Attornoy At Lnw Bonson Building, Wall Stroot Bond, Oregon. VERNON A. FORBES L A W V K It First National Bank Building Bond, :-: :: Oregon GEORGE S. YOUNG Civil nnd Irrigation Engineer. U. 8. Mineral Surtojor. Room G First National Bank Building J. B. Boll A. W. SIiiib CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT CO.MPANY (Incorporated) SuccoBsors to Tho J. II. Hanor Abstract Co., Prlnovlllo, Ore. Abstracts Insurnnco HEM) PLUMBING AM) HEATING COMPANY Sanitary Plumbing Steam and Hot Wntor Heating WALL STREET DR. J. R. BARR Physician and Surgeon Deschutes Stato Bank Building Phono Black 711 J L Roofing- of nil kinds. HepnlrinR promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKBY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering-, Spouting-, Cornices and SkyliRhta. -JST Plumbing, Roofing, Furnace Work, Sheet Metal Work of All Kinds. Central Oregon Plumbing and Healing Company PHONE KED II J. E. ENOEBRETSON, MGH. 1ST BEND HAULING CO. "'ffJCT 1 N iMUIHKTOtf TRANSFER AND STORAGE. HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVED. COAL, AND WOOD. r O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNIOPTMARKET H. O. ELLIS Attonicy-nt-Lmv United States Commissioner First Nntlonnl Bank Building BEND, OREGON H. 11, Do A R MOND LAWYER Oregon Street. Bond, Oregon DR. J. II. CONNARN I E N T I S T OfTlco In Snther Building. Hourt, 9 to 12, 1 to 5. Sundays and ovonlngs by Appointment. C. P. NISWONGER, Bond, Oro. UNDERTAKER Licensed Einlmliiicr, Funeral Director. Phono Rod 421. Lady Asst. DR. R. D. STOWELL Nnprnpatlilc Physician OITIco ovor Miller Lumlor Co. Wall Street Hours 0 to G PIiopo Red 01 DR. A.. A. BURRIS Naturopath Dlscnscs cured without tho use of drugs or surgery by tho nnt- urnl niothods of healing. OIUco SATIIER BUILDINO BEND, OREGON Fraternal Societies I. O. O. I Bend Lodgo No. S1H. Rogular mooting ovory Mon day night at 8 o'clock In Bath er's Hall. Visiting brothoid cordially wolcomo. II. I. McKIM. N. G. N. P. WEIDER, Secretory. Carpenter and Builder Plant and Ettimatei Free, It will pay you to ire me before building. ALI WORK GUARANTEED Hans L. Christiansen Dcnd T. R. McCLINCY Tho Accommodating Cash Grocer Staple utiil PiiiM-y Groceries Our Stock Ik Clelui it nil Coinplelo Wo Do only cash IiiisIiii-nn mid (oiiMiiicntly our price mo lower. Wo mo a market for your butter, vzyi anil vci(iiIi1ch Auto Delivery PHONE BLACK 211 KTEA.M HEAT CHASES WINTER. ( Why not enjoy tho comforts of tho most systematic and econom ical way of boating. Tho coat of Installing Btoam hont Ih paid ror many tlmea by tho comfortH do rived. Plenty of boat whon and whoro you want It at lorn) cost than stoves safer, cloauor, moro sanitary. V J " i2!S!f8,?'fr:'i:" t