BBMWBBM3fl ?w if THE HEM) BULLETIN, IIEXI, ORE., AVEDNESPAY, FEBRUARY 2.1, 1010. PAGE 3. i. f- - iiaiStesscr"- A ' ' tecs - - - -K ) -- - r- i ",41 tW . H fcA l w CENTRAL (Special to The Bulletin) TUMLAO, Fob. 21. Over 150 peo ple attended tlia lnstlttito Riven liore Inst Thursday by Miss Anna A. Tur ley and L'rof. J. E, Larson or the O. A. G. At tlio morning session Miss Turloy gave n ilomonBtratlon of tiro uses of a flrolcps cooker. In the af ternoon I'rof. Larson Bpoko on how tc select seed potatoes nnd potato dis eases and remedies for same and on nlfalfa culture Miss Turley's sub jects of tho nftornoon sessions In cluded methods of homo canning of montn, fruits and vegetables nnd tho Blrl'H canning clubs which aro being organized throughout tho stato. Live ly Interest was shown In the day s program by tho Intelligent iiuostlons asked by ti number of those present. A E. Lovott closed tho meeting with n brief survoy of the work ho expects to enrry on during tho coming year with tho co-oporatlon of the Crook county farmers. Tho children from tho Falrvlow, Tunialo and I'lnuhurst Bchools nil ut tonded tho Institute. As a number of tho school girls showed Interost In tha subject un offort may bo nindo to organize canning clubs. A short business meeting of tho AV. S. L. Club wns hold Thursday of temoou. A mugnzlno exchnngo was lnnugurntod with Mrs. Ada Lund burg oniioluted llbrarlun. A mooting of tho stockholders of tho farmers nnd Merchants lolo ))hono compnnv wns held Snturday nftornoon. Messrs. Elllngor and Mil ler of Redmond were In nttendnnco. A plnn Is being mndo to consolidate the Hovornl rurmers telephono lines in Crook county. Miss Molly Nlchol. Mrs. .1. AV. Sny dor, Mrs. II. C. Cody, Mrs. T. 0. Becker and "Uncle" Frank Nlchol Hpont W'ndnoKdny nt tho J. N. II. (Jerking ranch. Miss Turloy. Prof. I.nrson nnd Prof. Lovott woro luncheon guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. J. Mock on Tuosday. Special service will bo hold In the church on Tuesdny In honor of WrshlngtoirH blrthdny. MomberH of tlio congregation nro plnnulug n ban ket dinner lo lio given In the hull at noon. Mrs. R. V. Flleklngor, Mrs. J. V. Knydor. Mrs. C. .1. Mock. Mrs. II. C. Cody. Mrs.-Mlldrod Tnylor. Mrs. T. (1. llerker, Mr. Agnes llnbbltt nnd Miss Mnrgiintt Mock spent Frldnv nf tornoon nt tlio homo of Mrs. C. P. Becker. Htnto Engineer I.owls and John Dti Iluls or HiiIiiiii spent Friday hero on IiuhIiihw connoftod with tho Tumnlo project. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Conn, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hob Sturgeon nnd Mrs. J. V. Snydor snout Sundny nrtnrnonn t thH homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. V. Brown. .Mrs. Agues llabbltt and daughter nnd W. N. Ray were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. .1. Mock on Sunday. Miss Ettn James left Monday ulgiit for Coiiiilllo, Coos county, whoro sho was milled ru account or tlio Illness or her mother During her absence her clnssiw will ho tnught by Miss Pcyno or Prlnevlllo. Miss Roso Lll Ho will ' ns prlnclpnl. Mr. nnil Mis. Fred X. Wallnco on oitnlneil John II. Lewis nt lunch on Friday. Mr DiiHiiIh has been vis iting thorn during his few dny'u stny hore. .Mr. nnd Mrs. N. (J. Wnllnco cmnn over from Prlnovlllo S'ludnv to siionil the lav with Mr. and Mr. C. P. Puck er. Thov brought little Elmorlne with them. Mr. nnil Mm. Hlnko Hooker spout the woek end with tho Paytons. The Missen Howoll mid llnrry Mc (lulro Hput Saturday evening nt tho Dickenson home. A dealrnble btead knife freo with ovory Kiiuunl subscription to Tho llsnil Bulletin. LOST CHEEK. fSriedn' to Tho Hullotln.) LOBT CltKKK. Fob. 11--Wo mndo n mistake in last woek' Items. Jim Snlth wUHml for Hend mid got n fur as llHBtletnnie but owing to the licnii snow ho was forced to roturn homo. .lamas MeKwan. Howard Folker aon, and Edgar Llvawv took their hnrttts over to the nr ratieli whurH they will have thorn kept the rust of th winter. Tom lliittuu urn! Iirlilo passed throuah tha vally on thwlr way to their boniH at Kail. While. In th vatlny tluy Hero Kiiosts at tho Stuuf far home. Lloyd Forhea t nipped n wild cat ttm firn unit of tlm weok. Mrs. HulsHlii nnd Mr. Host vlslt od lliH school last WmlnesdHy. Tlm ehlnook wind haa hen n vory weleouiH visitor In our valley for ev eral dayu past and wo aro in hopes It will stay a few days longer. A dpslrnhlo broad knlfa fro with every annual mibverlpllon to The liend lltillutlu. HAMPTON Ill'TrK. mnerUl Tlm Hullotln.) HAMILTON Ul'TTIC. Fob. 9. Crls Mniier vlalliul with (lo. (ielaor of Ur ljk aevernl days this woek. MoMra. Dsunlng and Salsiiian. who ware snow bound ut HrooklnuH for n week, minted for (lend on Monday morning with tholr onrs. (1. A. Johnson hns B"o out to Und. Hornre Hrooklngs took n ear out tu lltuid Moudav mirouto to Portland Jliniiile llrlekuv wns u visitor In thN iielahborUond Monday. Jim Smith of lit Creek pnssml Sumgh lmro today on his way to ltoad. Mies Carrie Drown U stopnlng nt the Brooking hotol this woek. Hurl Meaks wa a Hampton visitor today. Norvnl Ilrown wns up Monday nnd made loniH purehnsus nt Brookings Kti.rj. J M HrPki la fowling his stock at the Frame rmi'li uoar lUmpten. OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. (Special to Tho nullctln) HAMPTON Iil'TTE, Fob. 1G Mrs. Rooks, of Pleasant valley, was up last week for supplies from Hrooklng store Mr. King of Profilers passed through here Monday on his way to visit his father who lives near Gap ranch. C. J. Stauffer of Stauffer was a visitor at tho Hrlckey ranch on last Monday night. Roy Fouts was a visitor In this vi cinity InBt Tuesday. Horace Hrooklngs, who underwent an operation In liend last week, ex pects to return soon. Chos. Royor of Rivers is a guest at the Meoks home Wednesday. Norval llruwn was a business vis itor onu day this week. The paBt few day's sunshine and warm weather has melted most of the snow which Is appreciated by the rango horses. A destrablo broad knlfo free with ovory annual subscription to The Bond Hulletln. PLAIN VIEW. (Special to Tho Hulletln) PLAIVIEW. Feb. 20 The literary tho 10th was well attended and the question of jiroparodness scttlod In tho nlllrmutlve. Tho formers nro very busy prepar ing ground for spring crops, tail sown grain is in good condition. E. W. Olllott is in tho Yakima country on buslnoss this week. Snturday evening tho Plninvlow Improvement Club will glvo a pro gram and supper tit tho Plninvlow school house. Evorybody Is Invited. On Wednesday or this week, A. E. Lovott nnd R. A. Ward will at 2 o'clock address the citizens or this vicinity on general farm topics. A good nttemlanco Is expected. Miss Rachel Knickerbocker Iris been on the sick list for tho past week, hut Is much bottor nnd will ro tum to Ilond high this weok. MIbs E. M. Gibson visited homo folks Saturday nnd Sunday. Henry Pnr.son's son nnd daughter of Redmond, visited Edgar Parsons of this vicinity Sunday. I. O. McKlunoy, who has been in Washington on business, tottirncd to his homo the lust of the woek. Guy McCnlllster lost somo chick mis by poisoned grain. All utock has wintered well in this vicinity and farmers nro feollng lino over prospects for a good crop .his yonr as a largo acreage has beon put In than iiHiinl and In much bettor condition. Tho Snow Creek Irr'lgntlon Co. will hold Its nnnual meeting Saturdny, tho 2Gth, at tho Plninvlow school house. J. AV, Gibson hns boen on tho sick list tho past weok. liny Is scarce nnd pretty high this Mrfring. GLASS IIL'TTE. (Snoclnl to Tho Hullotln) GLASS 11UTTE, Fob. 19. Fred Donovan af Honjiunln Lnko has been In this vicinity for tho past weok, Robort Whltofildo of Surprlso val loy has been helping J. II. Hasch movo u houso from Chicago vnllov. J. 11. Homier mndo u trip to Chi cago volley Weduosdny. Robert McLouth was over from Mfe lost week and sold IiIb pnrontH expect to movo homo soon. II. T. Knsspohl of Chicago valley bna linivoil nn tu litu ItfitnnHtftrwt ntnl exnectH to leovo In tho near future, i V. I). Harris mode proof on his homestead o few dns ag . I Blneu the snow Is n'lout gono peo- R. CENTRAL OREGON FARMER: Tho tlmo for spring plnlitlng la nnnr nt hand. Ilnvo you con rblered tho variolic of seod you will u iw this spring- Tho Hend Flour Mill Company has mndo a careful Investigation Into the most favorable kind or reed ror spring sowing, which you will find below. It la thoroughly cleaned nnd of tho bU'liost quality for sowing. TV.parrUnino'd07"v MoumTUMUimcutr TltlS NEW rANCYj'ATCNT TITZXTJ3, OI3. an0QSte DON'T lot your crocer talk you Into buying outsldo Inferior Hour. Evory snek of Hour ninnufncturod by tho Bond Flour Mill Company la milled from tho highest eVado Central Oregon wheat. EVERY SACK GUARANTEED. If not satisfied your money refunded. INVESTIGATE. THE APEX LAND PLASTER. Bend Flour Mill Co. A. J. KROENERT, ' Prosldont-Mvingor HEND, OREGON pie nro reporting finding dead rob- bite in large numbers. P. Doncer. the Stauffer mall car rier. Is making his scheduled trips again Tho farmers of this vicinity nre preparing Tor spring work. MILLICAX. (Special to The Hutlettn). MILLICAX. Feb. 21. A large crowd enjoyed the dance given at tho homo or Mr. nnd Mrs. P. P.. John son Saturday night. At midnight a two course luncheon was served to tho following guests: Messrs. and Mesdames John Holland, narnev Conoway, A. D. Norton, L. H. Sohmorl. A. L. Henkle, Egbert D--er, Geo. Powers, It. It. Keller, J. L Cllngan and Cliff Evans, the Misses Selma Hraun, Altn Cllngan, Opil Conoway, Coral Hates. Melbn Henkle. and Messrs. Horace White1, Eric His teland, Lewis Hall, Wra. Spencer and Clifton and Thomas Ream. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Mnokoy were Hend visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Geo. Powers returned Monday from Hend whero she spent the past month. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Roberts and Mrs. Wm. Hates nnd daughter Coral or Hend were weok end visitors In Mllllcan. Frank Spencer Is the proud pos sessor of a now Ford car. Mrs. Oaks returned to the home stead Monday nfter having spent n weok In Hend visiting Mr. Oaks. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. E. Smith have returned to Pino Mountain ranger Btatlon nfter a month's stay In Uend. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clifton Mnckey en tertnlnod the following sucsts Sun dny; Mr. nnd Mrs. Arch Popin, Mr WHY IKE BEST OF CHEWS IS "SPEAR HEAD" Its Rich, Sweet, Mellow Flavor Has Deen Famous for a Generation v MADE OF CHOICEST RED BURLEY The secret of tobacco satisfaction is known only to the man who chews plug tobacco. The reason is that a good chew gets right next to your taste, while the leaf in plug tobacco is in a state of fresh, juicy richness that is not possible in any other form of to bacco. There's no tobacco in the world that ca"n c'vc you the hearty, wholesome flavor that you get from a delicious chew of Spear Head. Spear Head is made exclusively of rine. red Kentucky Burley the most richly-flavored chewing tobacco that i crows. Still more, only the very chole- ' est red Hurley leaf is used for Spear Head. Tiiis choice leaf is selected with the most painstaking care, is stemmed by hand, is thoroughly washed free of all foreign matter, and is prcst:d into Spear Head plugs so slowly that not a drop of juice or an atom of the nat- j ural flavor escapes. i Try Spear Head, and youMl get a ' sweet, mellow, luscious, satisfying chew that cannot be obtained in any other tobacco. In 10c cuts, wrapped in wax paper. " tv BEARDLESS 1IAULEV BANNER OATS SPELT, KHARKOV AVIIEAT IILUESTEM .AiARQUlS EAItLA' 1IAAIIT GOLDEN CHAFF EARLV WILBL'K KORTVFOL1) CI.l'll JENKINS EARLY SPRING ItYE UTAH SPR1NO UYE J and Mrs. A. 0. Allen and Ralph i-epin. Miss Emma Roberts was a Ilend visitor Saturday. Ernest Dyer and L. R. Roone-y ' hauled wood for Barney Conoway the first of tho week. Howard F. Dyer visited his son Denzll Dyer In east Mllllcan Wednes day. Railroad surveyors have been working In Mllllcan valley the past week. Frank Hurwitz hauled out mer chandise for P. H. Johnson last week. Horace White of Hend is visiting Mllllcan friends for a few days. Vernon Clevenger and Mr. Powers were In Bend last of the week. Mrs. Louis Gloss Is expected out to the Gless homestead the first of March. Abe Evans nnd family were Bond visitors Saturday. i Mrs. Barney Conoway was n visitor att the Hraun homo Tuesday. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. H. Schmorl were visitors In east Mllllcan Wednesday. Wm. Todd wns n business visitor at Goodmnn's Wednesday. Mrs. Geo. Powers nnd Miss Selmn Hraun visited Mrs. A. D. Norton on Wednesday afternoon. Among those who visited school tho past week are Selmn Brnun, II. F. Dyer and Glen Mnckey. POWELL BUTTE. fSnorlal o The Hulletln) POWELL BUTTE, Fob. 21. Geo. Morgan returned from the Ochoco mines on Tuesday of week after an absence cf two months. Mrs. Enrl Saunders nnd children, Mrs. Grndv nnd Mrs. Saunders. Jr., spent Wednesday with Mrs. J. E. Warner. On Tuesday of last week MrB. Ros3 Hussett entertained nt dinner Mrs. Wnlter Foster and son, Mrs. Joo Shearor nnd daughter nnd Mrs. Reaves WHIcoxon. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. H. Bnyn enmo out from Deschutes tho first of last week to remnln for sovernl dnvs visiting M-. and Mrs. A. AV. Bayn nnd frlcnd3. of STOP! And Investigate our prices before buying your groceries. AVo can wave you money. P. B. Johnson's .Mllllcan, Ore. Telephone isfc J PINELYN kef? & ':- ;iJaQafcM ?s-..k m t-r-;i. Pinelyn o- Tho fnrmors havo been enjoying several dnys of spring weathor nnd several are plowing nnd sowing rye. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bussott nnd Lloyd Hussett nttended tho high school ontertnlnment In Prlnevlllo on Wednesday night. Mrs. N. P. Alley served dinner to tho road crow, Allen Wlllcoxon, C. C. Montgomery, Fred Brown nnd N. P. Alley on Wednesday. George Hnlley from tho Ochoco mines Is visiting at tho Georgo Hobbs ranch. Mr. nnd Mrs. Reaves Wlllcoxon visited In Prlnovlllo on Thursday. George Hobbs and Dowey Johnson went to Hend on Wednesday, return ing Friday. J. F. Rico mado o business trip to Prlnevlllo the first of last weok. Miss Iversrti w'10 "nB ',Pcn visiting her brother E. L. Ivorson loft for her homo In Washington last Thursday. Guy Sears purchnsed Bomo thor ough bred Poland Chlnn hogs nt the McCnll ranch Inst week. Mrs. Ida Morse visited hor daugh ter Miss Ada In Redmond sovcral days last week. J. A. Rlggs. Mrs. F. B. Bayn and Mrs. A. W. Bnyn mnde n trip to Prlnevlllo on Friday ovening. Miss Hnzel Bayn nccompnnlod them on their roturn to Bpond tho week end at home. Miss Helen O'Nell spent Saturday evening and Sunday nt tho Allen AVlllcoxon home. Mrs. Alma Hall went to Redmond on Saturday evening to visit soveral days with MIbs Ada Morso nnd at tend evangelistic meotlngs. E. A. Bussott visited his fnmllv In Prlnovlllo on Sunday. Grandma Brown returned with him after a several weokB visit with Mrs. E. A. Bussott. Tho Powell Butto Sorcsls mot with Mrs, Allen Wlllcoxon on Friday for nn all day meeting. .Alias Turloy. of tho O. A. C, demonBtrntcd tho fire less cooker nnd gnvo Interesting tnlks on other subjects. Besides 17 club numbers thoso presont wcro Mes dames J. Shearer, Wm. Wilson, Geo. .Wolls F. B. Bnyn, Geo. Havens, R. RIGHT BUYING Just Mump this deep on jour memory tablet iv rcmmI quality of urocerles nt n low price combined with fjood i.erlco mokes posy buying when you buy your kto torlcs from us. You con do so Knowing that wo have tlio Itooris ami that tho piicos nro light down to luinl pun In fact under today' mailcct Icud, to an extraordinary extent. w. c. IIEXD'S BEST PARK, FROM EAST SIDE OF DESCHUTES Park On the River Front Pleasant Location and Building Restrictions which insure only high class development. For Prices and Terms address Pinelyn Park Co., Box 1 1 5. L. Mooro nnd Miss Montgomery. A commltteo meotlng wns hold at tho homo of Guy Searo on Tuesday ovening of last woek to decldo on tho plans for tho community hall. Mrs. A. W. Bayn nnd Mrs. F. u, Bayn were dlnnor guosts nt tho home of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. A'atcs on Sunday. Geo. Hobbs has contracted for tho clearing of 80 ncrca for Dr. Mnnn of Linton. (Continued on pago 11.) np" "' "' "' "' '" ''' '" ,u IH ll! M M " i Early Planting Gives Finest Flowers 1916 CATALOG Home Collection G Fint listing the finest Spencers SWEET PEAS. K' FLOWER nnd Sf&l GAKUfcN SttD, ROSES. VINES, DAHLIAS. CANNAS, m Perennial Plants and the belt of everything lor Home gardens MAILED FREE k AiWor Catalog Ao.-23 i;i!i!riiL"ii'.iri!i,ii:"H"!5iiiiMi'?r;i cCUISTON UROCEUV.