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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1916)
(IMARQUIS WHEAT rruniiumnvYcoi HAS PROVED ITS VALUE BY TESTS 1'iof. Tims. Hluiw HajH Farmers Should Gho 1 1 cod to Cliiiiius .Mmlo For It Five Points nro Listed Jn Which It Kxcclls Others. 11V I'KOI TIIOS. SHAW. This wheat has tlono bo vory wall ,n the American Northwest alnco Us introduction that tho farmers In thobo ureas should give much heed to tho claims niauo lor it. it Hrst camo prominently Into public notlco at the Dry Farming Congress hold at Leth- brldge, Altn., Canada, In 1912. It excelled nil othor varieties shown, both in ylold and quality, and was awarded highest honors at tho exhibit held In connection with tho Congress. lnrp that tlmo It has been crown in various areas In tho Northwestern unites, and tho results obtained have , generally boon of a gratifying char acter Marquis Wheat Lends. It has boon grown under tho direc tion of tho wrltor in various plnces since that tlmo, and somo of tho ro r.ults obtnlnod should provo Interest ing, Tho work was conducted moro cspcclnlly under tho direct supervis ion of my nsalstnnt, Mr. K. A. Wilson. It was grown nt Klein, N. D., In 1913, jjii nnu nun, nnu also somo othor plnces. In 191 a tho ylold on tho Kl ein Demonstration Farm was 19 Imshols whllo tho avorago from othor iwhcnt in tho vicinity was 9 bushels. In 1911 tho ylold at Klgln wns 33 bushola against 17 Jof llluo Stem grown under slmllnr conditions. All tlio Marquis grown on tho experiment farm nt Klgln In 1914 wns sown on other station farms in 191G or sold for seed to farmers In thnt part of Pakotn. In 1915 nt Klgln tho ylold wns 3C bushols against 23 of llluo Stem. At Halllday nnd Ooldou Vnll ley tho ylolds woro 44 and 38 bushols respectively, from tho Mnrquls. Tho nineteen farmora nonr Klgln obtain ed nn nvorago of 19 IiubIioIb In 19 1C against nn nvorago of 13 nnd 10 of Mluo Btom nnd Red Flfo. respective ly Tho gront valuo of this wheat viewed from tho standpoint of ylold la not to bo questioned. flood ropnrts aro also received re garding Its behavior In Montnnn and places fnrthor west, but those areas nro not so distinctively In tho spring wheat bolt, henco tho growth of Mar quis is not so Important rolntlvoly as In Westorn Dakota. Whoro wo tried It In Central Oregon, tho rosults woro encouraging. Cood Point Named. This wheat Is characterized by sev eral oxcollont proportlcs among which nro tho following: (1) It ma tures from G to 10 days onrl or than otnor whont. This tonds to protect It from tho ndvorso Influences of In Jury from hot winds and drought. (2) It does not shatter nearly so. readily ns llluo Stom or Hod Flfo during tho harvesting process. This is truo of It oven whon ovor-rlno, (3) Tho straw Is shorter and stlffor than that of llluo atom, henco In n dry yonr It suffors lesa from drought nnd In n wot yenr it suffors lets from lodging. In ono of our oxnorlmcnts near Prlnovlllo In Centrnl Oregon In 1913, tho yield wns 10 bushols por ncro against I bushols of tho vnrloty usually grown thomo, though pro duced undor tho sanno conditions. 'I ho Fummor thnt yoar wns abnormal ly dry nt I'rinovlllo. (4) It does not rust nearly so readily as llluo Stom. Tills was r,hown vory cloarly In soutli westorn Dakota, in crops grown un der similar conditions. (5) It is fill ip cqunl to If not superior to th-i Dluo Stom and lied Flfo In Its mill ing properties. I'i dry nrens tho into of seeding should bo about four pecks por aero 1'iid It Is vory Important thnt tho sood Hhould bo sown early nnd prelorably on corn land. If sown on stubblo tho best results will usually bo ob tained from fnll plowed land. If 'spring plowod, tho work should bo dono qulto early and tho land should then be packed as soon as plowed. On looso soils tho aim should bo to r .v tho seed with a press drll, bury ing It to tho dopth of 2 to 3 Inches. Those who Intend to bow this variety of wheat should sccuro tho seod In nmplp tlmo. In order to nld tho fnrmor tho Uend Flour Mill Go. hns this yoar ob talned Apex .Lend Plnotor, a scien tific fertilizer. Adv. Wl PRINCEJLRERT WINS: Patented Process Im HesiMinslblo for IIh Interiintloiuil Popularity. Smokers so much npproclato tho uavor and coolness and aroma of Prlnco Albert plpo nnd clgarotto to lmcco that they often marvel that this ono brand could bo so different from nil othors. Tho nnswer to this question Is to Ijo found on tho reverse sido of every Prlnco Albort packago, whero you "will read "Process Patented July 30th, 1907." That tells tho whole etory. Prlnco Albort Is made by a patented process that cuts out tho llto and pnrch, which makes tho to liacco so mighty agreeablo and sat isfying to men of overy taste of every civilized nation on the globe. Smokers should realize thnt this patented process cost three years' c ntlnuous work and study and a lortuno in money to perfect. Put the result has proven to be worth all that was exnended unon It. because It has set frco men who believed thsyj clgVa0rrottoUl(1 0"JOy a Plp r n mnltln'a 1'rlnco Albort mnkos It possible for ovory man to smoko a pipe or to roll his own cigarettes. And, no mat ter how tondor tho tonguo, Prince Albort cannot bite or tmreh. Timt to cud out by tho patented process, loaylng for tho smoker only tho joys of tho fragrant tobacco. U.'8 1 .fac.t thnt 81C0 Prlnco Albort arrived, Just about six years ago, it has mado three men amqJco pipes whero ono smoked a plpo boforot ndv. STRAHORN SURVEYORS PASS PfllBLEV, NOWATSUMMEn LAKE Three- Lines Pun by the Town In Kn. (Icavor to llrlng Road Closer In lloguo Supervises Worlc. (Chownucan Press.) Tho Strahorn survoylng party mov ed to tho north ond of Suimnor lnko last Saturday morning and will mako their noxt camp nt tho Carlln ranch nnout rour tulles onst of Anna river. Tho survoy nt prcsont has been complotcd Jto tho Mlddlowny Iluttes which It crosses about whoro tho wagon road now goes. From there tho survoy will follow tho rim nround tho oast nnd north sides of tho lako mnklng a gradual climb to tho sum mit betwoon Summor Lnko and Sti ver Lnko. Throo survoya woro mado past Pclaloy boforo tho crow doparted. Tho first ono passes about ono nnd ono fourth miles oast of town nnd follows n Btrnlght lino from tho Narrows to wards Flvo Mllo Ilutto. Tho second ono leaves tho first a fow miles north of tho Nnrrows and from thoro comes In a straight lino towards town nnd crosses through tho onstorn portion of town. Tho Inst survoy mado was run undor tho direct supervision of Chlof Iloguo who wns horo at tho tlmo. This runs between tho othor Fjnopul of lir Annual Stirtrmrnt of (ha Mercantile Insurance Company of America of New York, In tho stnto of Now lork, on tho 31st tiny bf December, 1015, mado to the Innuranco coinmla doner of tho stnto of Oregon, pur law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital pulil up. 51, 000, 000. 00 i.nco.mi:. Net promlui... rncolved . clurlmr lliu yonr. I 777,380.01 IntarpHt, dl vlilondii and rent roct"ctl Muring tho your 91,129.06 Incomo from other RourcoH iccclvod durliiK year.... 41.23 Total Incomo S 8C8.JC3.30 ltlNIIlJItSKMIiNT.H, Not louse paid Uurlnir tlio year S Dividend paid on cnpltal stock during yonr ConimlHHloiiH nnd imlarloH pnld during yoar Taxe. llcenHCB nnd fcit 227,551. ID 20.000.00 240,153.81 25,092.47 32.GG8.3t iiiiKI durlnir your. Amount of all other ex penditures . Total oxpondlturoH .. . .1 55I.GC1U1 AN.1I.1.N. Vnluo of ronl entutu owned tmarkot vnluo) Valuo of stocks nnd liondu Nona owned (mnrket vnluo) .12, GtO.IOO.OO L.o.inn on muriBOKCB aim collateral, etc Tasli In tmnks nnd on hand J'lemUiiiiH In course of collection written slnco September 30, 191E Interest and rents duo and accrued Nona 93,C2l.l 137.CC3.UI ' 31,411.74 Total nsnets :2,913,m.8t Lena speclnl dcpoiilts in nny Mate, (If any thoro ho) Nona Total nssettf admitted In Oroh'ou 2,913,19C.8I i.iAiiii.riiii.s. Gross claims for losses unpaid I 59,918.80 Amount of unearned prc- inlums on ull outstand- Int.- risks CC3.7U.S7 Duo for commission and brolturago $.021.27 All othor liabilities 2S.S21.00 Total liabilities, cxclu- .slvn of capital stock of 11.000,000 S 7S7.I72.70 Total premiums In force Docrmher 31, 1U1B 1.2G7.SI0.33 llualnrss III Orrguii fur tlio Yenr. Total lnsurunce written during tho year S 57,700.00 Uross premiums received durlnir tho year 1,351.33 Premiums roiurneu uurinp; tno year Nona None Nono losses paid durlnir yonr.y Losses Incurred durlnir tho yoar Total amount of Insur- anco outstanding In urctron ucc. 31, lai.i. S7.700.00 lly 11. O. IlICIIAItOH. rrosldcnt. Rlatufory rrsidont iencfal ncent nnd ''"iinrn.u tnr anrvlro' I ..ttnrnnv for sorvlcot 11. li SMITH, Portland, Orceon. Hotel Benson PORTLAND, 1W We believe that there is no Hotel in the entire United States more handsomely furnished or that offers more to the traveller. RATES 31.50 and up without bath. $2.00 nnd up with bath. A. T. LUNDBORG, Manager tub niixn hullktix, hkxd, our, two nnd crosses tho Moss ranch nnd tho western ond of tho Townslto Co , marsh eighty, it crosccs tho river nbovo tho lowor dam, nnd lnsldo of tno Moss Hold, It Is porhnpa, tho most ldenl route coiiBldored from nil points. To those financing tho road It offors a route nearly as cheap as tho direct lino first run whllo it Is not so far from town ns to bo Inconvenlont. Of corso It Is ImposBlblo to say which lino will bo chosen until tho report Is iniado from tho Portland offlce. Tho American Unkery announces that It has begun to mako Ice cream and from now on will have It for sale at all times to hotels, restaurants nnd prlvato families. adv For sign painting seo Kdwnrds. Adv. POWELL BUTTE (Continued from pngo 2.) W. M. Pottlgrow, fnthor of Mrs. Win. Wolls of this vicinity, purchased tho llodmond Spokesman last week and expects to enlnrgo tho paper and mako It a credit to tho town. Guy SoarB nnd G. C. Truosdnlo haulod logs to Iledmond ono day last weok to bo shipped to Portland. Tho Powoll Ilutto Improvomont uiuu noiu a meeting at tho Wilson school houso on Saturday night. Tho plans of tho hall proaontod to tho commltteoaworo unanimously nccept ed nnd it was voted that tho board of directors tako entlro chnrgo of tho building and begin work at once. Z. T. Gideon roturncd to Powoll Ilutto Inst weok for n short stay, aftor several month's absence Tho old dog of Allon Wlllcoxon'a died Inst weok aftor bolng run over by a car. Frod nnd, Dob Montgomery spent Thursday ond Frldny In Pond. r W. .McCaffory nnd Dr. Mann woro dinner guosta at tho Win. Wil son homo on Friday. The rurnl mnll rputo has been ex tended ns far south as tho Ilutto Val loy school and will begin carrying mnll March first. Prof. Larson hold n meeting nt tho Wilson school on Friday. IIo deliv ered a splendid tnlk on ngrlculturo methods which was onjoyod by nil thoso who attended. G. F. Havens bought n horso of Jim Grcon last week. POWELL UUTTK, Fob. 20. Horn to Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. Davis, of Pull ivun, Oregon, on Fobrunry 3, a 10 pound boy. Mr. nnd Mrs. Davis for merly lived hero. Snlo bills aro out announcing a public salo at A. D. Morrill's placo on Thursdny. Mr. nnd Mrs. Morrill and family expect to lenvo soon for their now homo nonr Portland. Mrs. D. A. Pnttorson hns boon on tho sick list tho past weok. L. W. Illalr Is homo for n fow days irom ma wont m liend. W. A. Fostor hnd thrco Bheop dlo from getting rnbblt poison. J. P. Ilowmnn wont to llcnd Inst Friday to work. K. F. Archer Is expected homo soon, nftor mnklng n business trip to Frcowntor, Washington. It. K. Davis nnd Roland Ilowmnn will go to work ropalrlng tho box lltimo this weok. Pond parties linvo bought nil of N. P. Ponchos' hay, paying $10 por ton. , Mrs. A. D. Morrill returned homo Frldnv aftor spondlng Bovornl days with Mrs. W. A. Pates of Pond. Mr. nnd Mrs. Allon Grnnt vlsltod Mr. nnd Mrs. D. A. Pnltorson on Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Klvort Hooch woro through horo Sunday, going from Prlnovlllo to Pond. When you buy n enck of outside flour you hinder tho dovolopmont of Centrnl Orogon'o farm resources. Mako It n prnctlco to buy tho homo product. Kvory suck guarnntoed. adv CLOVKIIDALK. fRpeclnl to Tho nullotln.) CLOVKIIDALK, Fob. -21. Llltlo n" Arnold i ob ucon quito 111 lor n COlmlo of WOOkB. Sisters basket ball team was do- OKEGON Z wkdxkbpay, fkiiiiuaiiv 2.1, 1010. fcatod In Iledmond last Friday night, whllo tho gamo Saturday night be tween Pond and Sisters resulted In tho visiting team's dofont at Slstors. A gamo Is on for noxt Friday night to bo followed by nn nil night dance and supper at Slstors hotel. Messrs Lovett nnd Wnrd nro book ed for Plnlnvlow next Wednesday. Mr. Itlvott drovo to Iledmond on Wednesday with Mrs. George Itlvott. Sho goes to Join her husband '.n Ilutto. Ada Illvett camo out Satur day to keep houso for her fathor. Miss Gibson nttendod tho debate nt Plalnvlow ou Saturday night. jurs. ueo. uyrus visited at Arnold's Thursdny. Mr. nnd Mrs. Pugh drovo to Sls tors Thursdny. A few neighbors gave Mrs. Kdg Ington n surprise tho, evening of Feb ruary 14th. Mr. Kelly mado a trip to Iledmond Saturday. Mr. Van Mntro ,r.nd two small children drovo to Pond Sunday to spond a fow days with Mrs. Van Mntro who Is still 111 thoro. Mr. nnd Mrs. Duckott nutoed to K'tlmond Saturday and report tho roads as vory unsettled. Two men from Washington hnvo boon looking at farms In Clovordalo tho past weok with a vlow to locating horo. Mr. Renrd nnd Mrs. Miller drovo to Pond Friday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnld"on woro dlnnor guests at Grubos Sundny. A houso nnd yard full nttendod tho nil day picnic nnd henrd Miss Turley and Messrs. Lovott nnd Lar son Inst Wednesday at tho school houso. Clovordalo Council mcots next Fri day night. After Lngrlppe Vlint? F. G. Prevo, Pcdford, Ind., writes: "An attack of lagrlppo loft mo with n sovoro cough. I tried everything. I got so thin It looked as If I novor would get well. Finally, two bottles o: Foloy's Honoy nnd Tnr cured me. I mn now well nnd bnck to my nor mal wolghf." A rollablo remedy for coughs, colds nnd croup. Sold every where. Adv. A deslrnblo bread knife frco with ovor,y nnnunl subscription to Tho Pcnd Pullctln. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICK I'OIt PUIILICATIO.V. Department of tho Iutorlor, U. S. Lnnd OIllco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, Jnnuary 31, 191C. NOTICK Is horoby glvon thnt Dan lol W. Peeler, of Pond, Oregon, who on August 12th. 1912. mado Homo- atoad Kntry, No. 010C14, for WV4 Section 31, Township 19 South, Ilango 1 1 Kast, Wlllamotto Morldlnn, lino lllod notlco of intention to mako Flnnl Thrco Year Proof, to establish claim to the land nbovo dcscrlbod, beforo II. C. Kills, U. S. Commission er, nt Pond, Oregon, on tho 9th day of March, 191 C. Claimant names as witnesses: John D. Slovens, of Pond, Oregon; Ilownrd F. Dyer, John 13. Johnson, Dnvld C. Rogers, of Mllllcan, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 49-lc. Register. NOTICK IS IIKRKHV OIVKN that tho undorslgncd petitioners whoso nnmes aro signed to tho following nnd nttachod petition nnd who nro moro than fifty (fiO) of tho holdors of title to lands Buscoptlblo to irrigation from a common sourco which llo within tho proposod Squnw Creok Irrigiitlon District ns described In said potltlon hereto attached will bo presented to tho County Court of Crook County, Orogon, on tho 2nd dny of March, 101C, at tho hour of 10 o'clock in tho forenoon nt tho Countv Court room of tho Bald coun ty, snld dnto being tho tlmo nnd plnco llxod by snld court for tho hearing of said petition, nnd ull porsons nro hereby notified to bo present nt snld time nnd plnco to mako objections thereto, nnd to othorwlso consider said potltlon. This notlco Is published ouco onch week for tho porlod of four wcoks, tho publication for tho first tlmo bo lng tho 20th day of. January, 1910: is tiik cor.vrv coi'itr of tiik COl'XTV OF CROOK, TIIK STATU of mi;;o.. In tlio mutter of tho orgiinlntlon of tho Squnw Creek Irrigation DIs. tilit. To tb.. Honorablo Tho County Court of Crook County, Orogon. Wc tho undorslgncd holdors of ti tle to lands within tho Stnto of Oro gon nnd within tho Countloa of Crook and Jefferson respectfully petition tho Ilnnornblo County Court of Crook County, Orogon, ns horolnnfter Bet forth and onch nlgnor theroto for himself Bays that ho Is tho holder of title to lands suscoptlblo to Irriga tion from tho sourcos horolnnfter de scribed and set out and situated with in the bnundnrlos of tho proposed Squaw Creok Irrigation District liorelnaftor doscrlbod; nnd snld peti tioners whoso namos aro hereinafter slgnod and subscribed to this potl tlon hereby proposo to orgnnizo said irrigation district, nnd said slgnorH horoby doolaro that It is tho purpose of said signers to organize snld Ir rigation district undor nnd by virtue of Chapter 7, Title CI, Lord's Orogon Laws as amended by Chapter 223 Laws of Orexon for 1011 nnd ns amended y Chapter 197, Laws of Oregon for 1913, and as nmondod by Chapter 189, Laws of Orogon for 191S, and othor acts and parts of acts amendatory thereof and con fnrmatory with tho provisions of tho law providing therefor, potltlon said court for tho purposo horoln prayed for. i Tho proposed boundaries of said Irrigation district aro sot forth and described ns follows: Peglnntng nt tho northwest cor ner of Section flvo (5) Township Fifteen (IB) South, Rnngo Ton (10) K. W. M., within Crook County. Oro gon. running east to the Intersection of Squaw Creek with the township line on the north bMo of said Town ship Fifteen (IS) South, Range Ten (10) Kast, thenco in a northeasterly! direction down Squaw Creek and fol lowing tho mcandorlngs of said stream along tho editor of said stream to tho boundary lino betweeif Jefferson nnd Crook counties; thenco following on down said stream with in Jefforson county to Its Junction with tho Deschutes river; thenco In n southeasterly direction up tho Des chutes river and following the me nndorlngs of said river within Jeff orson County to tho line between Jefferson nnd Crook Counties; and thenco following on up said Des chutes river to tho Intersection of said stream with tho section lino on tho south sldo of Section Fourteon ti4) Township Fourteen (14) South, Kongo Tweivo tii) linBt W. M. In Crook County, Oregon; thonco wes terly to tho southwest corner of snld Section Fourteen 1141: tbnnco smith. orly to tho qunrtor corner on tho cast sitio of Section Twenty-two (2S) Township Fourteen (II) South, uango twoivo (12) K. W. M In Crook County. Orecon. thenco westnr- ly to tho southeast corner of tho southeast quarter of tho northeast quarter (SKtf NEH) of said Sec tion; thonco southerly to tho south west corner of tho southeast quarter or tno Boutncnst qunrtor (SE SK Vi ) of Bald Section Twonty-two (22); thenco westorly to tho qunrtor cor ner on tho Bouth sldo .of Section Twenty-two (22): thonco southerly to tho southwest comer of tho north west qunrter of tho northeast quartor (NW NKVi) of Section Twenty sovon (27) of anld township nnd rnngo; thonco westorly to tho south west corner of tho northeast quartor of tho northwest nuartor (NKi NW Vi) of Bald Section: thenco souther ly to tho Bouthcnst .corner of tho southeast quarter of tho northwest quarter (SKVi NWtt) of said Sec tion Twonty-sovon (27); thenco wes terly to tho qunrtor cornor on tho west sldo of said Section Twenty seven; thenco southerly to tho south west cornor of tho northwest quarter of tho southwest qunrtor (NWVJ S Wtt ) of said Bcctlon; thenco westorly to tho southwost cornor of tho north east qunrter of tho southeast qunr tor (NEVi SKU) of Section Twenty eight (28) Township Fourteen (14) South, Rnngo Twoivo (12) K. W. M.; thenco Bouthorly to tho southwest corner of tho southeast quarter of tho southeast quarter of said Section Twenty-eight (28); thonco westorly to tho southwest cornor of Section Twenty-eight (28); thonco southerly to tho southwost cornor of Section Four (4) Township Fifteen (15) South, Rnngo Twoivo (12) Kast W. M., thenco westorly to tho southwost corner of Section Thrco (3), Town ship Flftoon (lli) South, Rnngo Klovcn (11) Kast; thenco aouthorly to tho southwest cornor of Section Thirty-four (31) of snld township and rango; thonco westerly to tho northonst cornor of Section Flvo (fi), Township Sixteen (10) South, Rnngo Klovcn (11) K. W. M.5 thonco south orly to tho southeast cornor of Sec tion Sovontcon said township nnd rnngo: thonco westorly to tho town Bhlp lino on tho west sldo of said township; thonco northorly to tho southeast corner of Section Twoivo (12), Township Slxtcon (1G) South, Rnngo Ton (10) K. W. M.; thonco westorly to tho southwest cornor of snld Section Twoivo (12); thenco northorly to tho township lino on tho north sldo of Township Sixteen (10) South, Rnngo Ten (10) K. W. M.; thonco westorly to tho southwost cor nor of snld Section Thirty-two (32), Business is Good, WHY? PKCAUSK WK OIVK YOP VALl'K. VK HAVE THE KXPKRIKNCK AND TIIK KQIMPMKNT. YOU'RK A WIDE AWVICK I1USINKSS MAN YOU LIKE WIDK AWAKE IIPSINKSS METHODS. THAT IS WHY WK ENJOY Ol'lt PROSPERITY. WE ARK GOING AFTR THE REMAINDER OF THE GARAGE 1IUSI NSS ALONG THE RIGHT LINES -WE HAVE 11KKN THROUGH TIIK .MILL AND KNOW WHAT WE ARE DOING. Bend Garage Company Motto: SERVICE AOKNTS I1UIC1C VALVK IN TIIK HEAD. GOODYKAR TIRHS. WK HAVB A Nl'MllKR OF GOOD USED CARS FOR SALE. 8KE US AND SAVE MONKV. u If you want Genuine Prices on Genuine HIGH GRADE FURNITURE Stoves, Rugs, Carpels, Reds, Springs, Matresscs, you can obtain them from us. From our carefully selected assortment you can furnish your home to suit your taste and do it economically E. F. Logan Furniture Company LAWItKNCi: IIPILIM.VU Wall .Street Near Ohio Sticet. PAGE 11, Township Flfteon (lfi) South, Rnngo Ten (10) Kast; thonco northerly 'o tho point of beginning; excepting howovor, from sold district nil and nny land embraced within tho boun dary and limits of tho town of SIstorB In Crook County, Oregon, nnd lying within tho proposod Squnw Crook Irrigation District, tho lnnd embrac ed within tho said Irrigation district lying within both Crook nnd Jefferson counties, tho mnjor portion thereof lying within Crook County, Oregon. Tho designation of said proposed Irrigation district and tho nnino un dor which It shnll bo known Is tho Squnw Creok Irrigation District; tho sourco of Biipply. from which tho water to bo used within said irriga tion district shall bo taken Is Squaw Creek and Its trlbutnrlos and Fall Rlvor .ml its tributaries within Crook county, Oregon. Tho signers of this potltlon who are more than DO of tho holders of title of lands susceptible to Irriga tion under tho proposod Irrigation district from tho snmo common sourco or sources furthor potltlon this court thnt flvo directors bo elect ed as directors of snld Irrigation dis trict; that said irrigation district bo divided Into flvo divisions nnd thnt ono director bo olectod from each di vision; and thnt tho proposed cost of tho organization of tho nforcsnld Irri gation district Is tho sum of flvo hun dred dollars ($500.00) and your pe titioners nccompany this potltlon with n good nnd suITIclent bond In tho sum of ono thousand dollars ($1,000.00), this sum bolng doublo tho nmount of tho proposed cost of tho organization of tho said irriga tion district. WIIKRKFORE Your potltlotfora pray that said Irrigation district bo organized ns provided for by lnw nnd particularly as act forth and requir ed by tho statutes horoln nbovo re ferred to; nnd that said potltlon bo henrd as rcqulrod by law and that snld county court shnll do nny nnd ovorythlng noccssnry and rcqulslto to effect tho organization of snld Ir rigation district and for such other ordorB ns mny bo neccsBnry nnd ns may bo provided by lnw for Uio or ganization of snld Irrigation district. lloforonco Is heroby mndo to tho notlco accompanying this potltlon, stating tho tlmo of tho meeting nt which this potltlon will bo presented to tho County Court, which snld no tice Is mado n part hereof. K. R. Polorson. A. J. Weston, El vah M. Klklns, Kdgnr W. Glllot. C. F. Chalfnn, Guy C. McCnlllstor. F. O. Powers, J. W. Gibson, Jnmoa P. Kl klna, M. W. Knlckorbockor, J. O. Mc Klnnoy, C- P. Whlto, D. P. Moffott, M. K. Purkhnrd, P. Vnn TnBSol, D. Wlnklo, C. L. Gist, J. P. Duckott. II. E. Vlncont, Linda J. Qulborg. Ellis 1! Edglngton, P. Huntington. J. D. Ilowmnn, Joo Llator, II. P. llolknnp, Will Oronthnm, John Stnpf, G. G. Rlvot. C. M. Elklns. L. A. Hunt, Julia A. Scott, Joo W. Ilownrd, Jr., Wlnnlo M. Hunt, Joptlui S. Hunt, Ettn F. Ilownrd. Emma Fuller, Mrs. L. F. Rico. L. F. IUco. Frnnk V. Chnp man, G. E. Stndlg, Donnls D. Hunt, John R. Ilownrd, CIiub. E. Hlscock. Frod Wnlter, Adolph Kotzmnn, Carl II. Houco, Mrs. Mnrtlm Chnpmnn, Rob't Nltzscho, tho ostnto of O. W. Fuller by A. J. Fullor. 8. K. West, Wnltor Ruble. Katlo Rublo, J. A. West, T. F. McCalllstor. Matilda A. McCalllstcr, Roy L. Klddor, Goo. F. Scott, Jorry Groszklngor. Jamos-Par-kor, Joo Parsona, C. A. Pnyno, K. 8. Pnyno, Alfrod Lcnthloy. 47-51o i J espwwafr""'"""