JM VOTE "YES" ON BOTH CHARTER AMENDMENTS AT NEXT MONDAY'S ELECTION. SHOW BEND'S INTEREST IN THE STRAHORN RAILROAD THE B ULLETIN Vol. XIII. 1)13X1), OREGON, WEDNESDAY' AFTERNOON, I'EBRl'ARV U:J, l"t. -K No. ni. END PLANS MADE FOR irons MUCH BRICK ALREADY SPOKEN FOR A. II. Horn Looks For Itusy Season Has Bought Now Mucliinc For Lo cal Yard AVlilch Will Increase Cupnclty Begin Work Muy l. That tho coming summer will seo tho biggest doninnd for brick nml othor building materials ever known in Bond, la tho opinion ot A. II. Horn of Iho Bond Hrlck & Ltimbo'" Co., who returned ltiBt wook from Michigan, whero ho spont tho winter. "Already," Mr. Horn said, In talk ing with a representative of Tho. Bul letin, "half of my next season's out put of brick Is spoken for, and It Is cortaln that thoro will bo sovoral not- nblo additions to tho business build ings of Bund." Mr. Horn did not fcol nt liberty to givo the names of thoso who wero planning business build Ings. Ho said, however, that thoro wore nt present flvo structures under consideration, as well as an addition -to a building now In uso. To meet tho demand which will bo in ado by this construction, In addi tion to tho largo amount of house "building which Ib anticipated to pro vldo for tho workers at tho now mills, Mr. Horn bought, while In tho cant, n now soft mud brick machine, of tho Inrgcst slzo mndc. Only 20 of those nro In operation In tho Unit ed States today. Tho machine hns n dally capacity of 00,000 brick. It will arrlvo and bo sot up in time for the opening of tho ocason's work. Work nt tho company's brick yard nbout two miles west of town, will bogln nbout Mny 1, according to Mr. Horn, although If weather conditions nro satisfactory ho may start In a few -weeks earlier. In tho meantime- ho will entlroly romodol tho yard to pro "vldo for tho Increased capacity. From 30 to 3D men wero employed nt tho ynrd last summor. This year few moro will hnyo to bo addod. This wlntor thoro Jvjk boon Uttladono beyond gottlng in a supply of wood tor tho summer run, 300 cords being on hand with 200 yet to bo hauled In. TO FACE GRAND JURY 31111s Bound Over to Answer Charge of Forgery. Floyd Hills, charged with forgery, was bound over by Judge Bastes last Friday to tho grand jury to answer n forgery charge, alleged to have boon committed on February 9. Hills Is chargod with calling for tho pay roll chock of R, Sunnrud, omployed by tu Brooks-Scanlon iLumber Com pany, which ho Indorsod nnd cashed. Hills was apprehended by pollco authorities In Portland last wcok as ho was calling for his baggage. He wa3 returnod to Bond by Shorlft E. B. Knox, and being unnblo to furnish SfiOO bonds was tnkon to Prlnovlllo -whero ho will bo hold to await tho flosslon of the grand Jury. rP W. T... COBB, Fros. THOS. COBB, Cashier. II. THE CENTRAL OREGON Capital $25,000, ABSOLUTELY nec essary for present existence a n d future protection is the making nnd saving of money. Our business is the safe custody of the people's money, and the pay ment of fair interest in our Savings Depart ment. A solid, well established bank nt your service. DIRECTORS THOS. COBB W. L. COBB V, L. O'DONNELL INSPECTION OF TMMLO IDE BY LEISjNJECENT TRIP State Engineer Insects Project nnd Takes L'p Itmtil Matter When Hero Friday Dnlmls With Hint. To Inspect tho Tumnlo project and to got In touch with nffalrs hero In connection with tho state's expendi ture of road money In tho coming spring, Stato Englnoor John H. Lewis spent Friday in this section. John Dubuls, of Mr. Lewis' office, nrrived on Thursday and accompanied him on his trip. Tho greater part of tho day was spent at Tumalo. Returning to Bond with F. N. Wnllaco nnd W. D. Barnes of Tumalo, In tho afternoon the pnr ty went over tho new saw mills. Mr. Lowls loft on tho night trnln. Ho found the project in good shape. So fnr as road matters wero con cerned Mr. LowIb said that all ques tions would bo settled when his rep resentative camo In, In nbout a month to lny out tho work. V. P. Vandovert, who was ono of tho resolutions com mittee of tho La Pino Commercial Club, oxplalned La Pine's position nnd was assured that whon tho tlmo came all routes would bo taken into consideration, before n final selection was mndc. Mr. Dubuls will probably bo locat1 cd In this section this summer to re check seopngo losses on tho C. O. I. Co. project and aloo to collect figures on tho Tumalo project. UNO BOARD ASKS FOR S0N EXTENSION GRANT Interest in" tho liil l'urclm.sers of Op tions Involved Influences Members In Seeking to Aid Project. SALEM, Fob. 21. Tho Desert Land Board at Its meeting last week considered a statement from J. 12. Morson of tho La Pino Irrigation pro ject, and nftor consideration again urged tho Department of tho Interior to grant Morson's request for nu ex tension of contract. Tho lengthy communication to tho Department contained tho following paragraph, which nets forth what is probably tho most Important consid eration Involved, In tho eyes of tho members of tho Board: ' In urging favorable action on this matter, your petitioners havo given duo. consideration to tho welfare of the SJato at largo and moro especial ly to that of tho' 211 purchasers of options which Mr. Dixon's (tho De pnrtmont's special agent) roport shows rcprosonts a full contract prlco of M44.7-M.94, of which $200,077.12 was paid and covered an area of 17, 597.30 acros." No objections to tho extension nought havo been filed with tho Board, nnd many settlors havo earn estly recommended It on tho ground that through such oxtonslon lay their only hope ot gottlng tho watorcd land for which they havo paid, In tho niod lum of options. ROADS BKINfl REPAIRED. A crow of men has been ougaged for the' last sovoral dayt In grading Wall street betweon Kentucky and Washington strcots and botwoen Wall and Front streot on Kentucky Btreet. Sidewalks nro being built between tho Lawronco building and tho cornor of Wall nnd Kentucky streets. A con B'dernblo amount of repair work on tho roads will bo dono In various places about town. D. R. HUNTER, Vice-Pres M. STEPHENS, Asst. Cashlsr Fully Paid D. E. HUNTER ROSS FARNHAM VOTE ON AMENDMENTS MONDAY One Authorizes Bond Issue of $30,000 to Purchase Property for Terminals of Strahorn Road Other .Would Permit District Binding for Improve ment of City's Street and Sewer Systems - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOW THE PROPERTY WILL BE USED "The intention is to use this for u right of way through the city, necessary tracks for passenger and freight terminals, passenger and freight stations, shops sufficient to handle the business for such an important terminal as Bend should be, fuel storage and loading facilities, roundhouse, stockyards, and for other strictly railway purposes." ROUT. E. STHAHOHN - - - - - - - - The question of voting $30,000 in bonds with which to purchnso term inal proporty In Bend desired by Rob ert E. Strahorn for tho Orogon, Cali fornia & Eastern railroad will come before tho voters at a special election to bo hold on Monday. At tho same tlmo tho voters will pn3s on tho ques tion of amending tho city chnrtor to permit bonding for ilio Improvement of roads and sewers by districts. No bond issue, is involved in tho latter question. Tho Commercial Club commltteo, appointed last fall to nrraugo for tho acquisition of tho torralnnl property, roported at tho club luncheon Inst Saturday. As stated In Its roport tho commltteo, on Its appointment, con ferred will Mr. Strahorn to lenm Just what proporty ho wanted nnd has slnco obtnlned options un tho greater part of this. The bonds which will bo votod on Monday nro to tnho up thoso options. Tho lands desired by Mr. Strahorn pnrnllol tho Oregon trunk right ot way on tho cast extending through Center addition from tho southern boundary of tho town. A consider able portion, owned by W. D. Chonoy and tho Bond Park Co., Mr. Cheney Id giving outright. Tho uso to which Mr. Strahorn In t mis to put tho property Is Indicat ed In tho stntoment from tho railroad builder, printed nbovo. Campaign Committee Appointed. At Saturday' meeting n commltteo to campaign for tho passage of tho bonds was appointed, cotiBlBtlng of J. A. Enstos, II. II. Do Armond, C. E. Short, n. M. Smith, W. L. O'Donnol. Tho following appeal for support of the measuro hns been prepared oy tho commltteo and waB approved by tho dlroctors of the club at a meeting held this noon. "To tho votors of Dejid "On noxt Monday, Folirunry 28th. you will bo called upon lo voto upon two Important measures, upon tho success of both of which lnrgoly do ponds tho futuro prosperity of our city. "Tho first, nnd most Important, Is nn amendment to tho City Chnrtor authorizing tho Issuance of bonds against tho city for tho pitrchaso of rights of way, easements, tormlnaU and othor real property to aid In tho building and construction of tho Oro gon. California & Kastorn Railroad. "Tho building of this railroad sys tem will plnco Bend In n position to become tho greatest inland city of Orogon, for it will bo tho headquar ters of tho system1, with tho attend 5$52&32fc22 1 iiu raoat nn LEJaDc We carry a complete line of goods FOR THE HUNTER Looi over our stock of Rifles, Shotguns and Ammunition HiaHllUKHKIMWHIIMIIIHIllllljmilffl Bend Hardware Co. IF YOU DID NOT GET A CATALOG CALL FOR ONt m&1i?i - - - - m.-m-4. " - " - ----.-.. .. J ant termlnnls, shops, round houses, etc., which will requlro the residence here of a largo number of mechanics and operators. "It w'll greatly Increnso tho vnluo of our real estate, nnd otherwlso odd to tho attractiveness of our city. It will mean moro business for our mer chants and moro work for our lnlmr. ers. It will open up larger fields for tho mnrltotlng our products of our mlllB, nnd will mnko possible tho es tablishment of other Industries, tho success ot which largely doponds up on convenient transportation. It will Increnso tho domnnd for tho devel opment of our unlimited wnter pow er, and will nttrnct capital fronv all parts of tho country. "A commltteo of our follow towns men, consisting of A. J. Kroenort, T. II. Foloy. J. N. Hunter, V. A. Forbes, nnd II. W. Sawyer, appointed by tho uoBimcrciai ciuii, nas learnod from Mr. Strahorn tho proporty ho desires nnd litis nlready secured ontlons on tho greater portion of this, (n largo portion noing donated), and has found that tho entlro nrea required can bo purchased at less than $30 000. "It Is proposed to purchase this property and to donnto it to tho Oro gon, California & Eastorn (familiarly; known as tho Strahorn lino) under such restrictions nnd guarantees as will assure Bond tho enjoyment of the promised advantages this mat ter being loft to tho City Council for disposition. "Only such portion of tho bond Is suo as Is required to mnko tho pur chnso will bo usod. "Wo rccomniond that you voto: 300. x YES. Opinions Favorable. That tho bond Issuo will carry Is tho gouernl belief n tho city, bused on ii fooling that everything possible should bo dono to nsslst Mr. Stra horn nnd that Bond will bonofit ma terially from tho road. Following nro tho opinions of var ious business men of tho city, Inter viewed by n represontntlvo of Tho Bulletin: Mayor J. A. EnstoB. "I bollovo St Is up to cvory votor In tho city of Bond to seo that tho Strahorn rail road svRtnm has right of. way and terminal facilities. Tho bonds should carry." E. A. Snthor. "I think tho bonds should bo votod." T. A. McCuhn. "Tho Shovlln-Hlx-on Company Is glad to co-opernto (Continued on Inst lingo.) 5g!r & g5& i FORMER SEATTLE REALTY OPERATOR HERE ON SATURDAY ('. I. Illlliiiiiii nnd Puity Puss Through Town on Wny to Inspect Lands lu Interior. C. D'. Hlllinan, a former Soattlo real cstato operator, now living In Pasadena. California, passed through Bond Saturday on his way to tho Intorlor to Inspect Bevornl largo tracts of real estato which ho contemplated buying. With him wero Kny McKay, J. L. D. M rrlsun. Frnnk Ilnmlpn nml Frank Johnson, of tho wagon road grant land company. Mr. Hlllmnn. In conversation. RnM that ho expected to make large In vestments in central Oregon real os tato In tho next few months. Ho was looking particularly, ho Bald, for big cheap cattle ranches nnd might pos sibly purchase tho romnlnlng hold ings of tho road grant land rnmnnnv. Tho Strahorn railroad ontorprlso was ono of tho things Hint drew his at tention to tins Bcctlon. Beforo coining bore Mr. Hlllmnn purchnsed somo 22,000 acres of Con trnl Orogon lnnd, according to the Oregon Journal. Tho Journal roport said: "Tho lands llo In Crook, Hnrnoy nnd Lnko counties, and wore bought r.t nn nvorago prlco of $15 nn ncro. About 13.000 acres wero procured from tho Hiram Goddard estato. 4T.00 acres from Thompson of Cns- couo locks and tho roninlnder from Kny McKay of Soattlo. It Is report ed that Hlllinan hns ovor $1,000,000, to Invest In Orogon lands." Tho party loft for BrooklngH onrly Saturday afternoon, John Collins driving the cnr. High Hihool llnxo Bull nnd Trail; Tennis Start Work. Baso ball and track candidates of tho Bend high school woro culled nut this week to bogln spring practice With' tho nrrlval of now equipment, and a plnco solcctod for work lu Park addition, teams will bo organized un der tho direction of Prof. It. a. Whlto. As yet nothing of n doflnlto char acter has boon dono regarding n baso ball schedule but It Ib cxpectod that games will bo nrranged with vnrlous high Eclmols throughout Central Oro gon during tho spring months. Efforts nro being mndo to obtain n mnn to handlo tho track work, In or der to glvo tho asplrautM for track honors tho best tralnli.gvfoj tl &:ot to bo held nt Iledinoud In May. REPUBLICAN LEAD LinilT. SALEM, Fob. 21. In tho regis tratlon figures thus fnr filed with tho Secretary of Stnto. Crook county bIiows up with only IfiO registrations or which 75 nro Republicans nnd 70 Democrats. This establishes Crook county ns having n hlghor jiorcontngo of Domocrnts tbnn any othor coun ty In the state oxcopt Bnkor, at limit so far an present figuroB Indicate, Tho total stato registration to dato Is 40,403, of which 30,982 nro Ro publicans and ll,00n DomncratB. Tho per contngo of Itopuhllrnns to tho total registration Is over CO por cont. REDMOND SPOKESMAN SOLD. Tho Ilodmond Spokesman Iuih changed linnils, according to an an nouncement in Inst wecok's Issuo. Tho now ownor Is W. M. Pottlgrnw, who was formerly lu the nowspnpor business In tho onst. Mr. Puttlgrow hns bcon In this section nbout "n year, living with rolntlves at Powell llutto, E. L. B. oyioy o?y oy oj) oy oy ol) oy oy oyoioy SjjV ' ' -- -r -f &? CWi O. B. Hl'DSON. President E. M. LARA. Cashier ffSwwl hJ' it n nni? ,ir. !.ui.init rffc E, A. SATHEIt, Vice Pros. L5M The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON I upitul full) paid Surplus All National Banks are Government Institutions. They nre subject to the same strict rules and regulations in force in all departments of the Government, and required to live up to its high standard, NATIONAL HANKS must belong to the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM, and are entitled to all of its advantages. We will be pleated lo explain to our friends and cus tomers the many advantages of this system and the practi cally limitless protection It offers lo depositors, ire FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND taryp K&yp tcs3' '"SSr !?' 'VZZ' '!&?' ci"2 "hotp' y P5 rv f$ nfr n? n$ rifc ry rf wjgyjy 'iUyi'iJy kvtJU mm Nil I ALL. IN FAVOR OPINIONS DIFFER ON PROPOSED LAWS Bulletin Obtains Htntcnients From Stato Oltlcers (JIvIiik Tliclr Views on Irrigation mill Drnlnngxs Mean- in es to Bo Considered Soon. What do tho chief officials of tho Stato of Oregon think nbout tho pro posed legislation for stato aid to Irri gation, dralnngo nud rural credits? With n view to nnsworlng question Tho Bullotln requested stntuniontB from tho flvo niombors of tho Dcsort Lnnd Board. As thoso big questions will bo discussed at tho contorenco nt Salem commencing on March 0, It Is interesting to know tho opinions of tho llvo most Important clectlvo olllclnls of tho stato, and os peclally In this Irrigated country. Governor Wlthycombo favors rural credits but Is doubtful as to tho eco nomic wisdom or Imtnodlnto desir ability of stato backing for Irrigation nnd drainage districts. Howovor, If tho oloctornto approves workable and coiiBorvntlvo bills, ho will suppoit them. Attornoy Gonernl Brown snys ho Is favorable to n stotuto for stato aid, assuming tho required constltu t'onnl nniondmont fiist carries, pro vided "It Is Bafo nnd bnsod upon sound buslnoss principles." Secretary of Stato Olcott alono re fuses to express nn opinion. Ho pre fers to remain non-committal nt this t.m. Stnto Tronsuror Kay Is flatly op posed to stato aid for Irrigation or dralnngo districts, declaring it Is pour business and that as matters stand such nctlon Is entlroly uncallod for. State Engineer Lowls Is earnest ly supporting tho plan for stnto nld to Irrigation and dralnngo develop ment. Ho especially fnvors co-opora-tlou with Fodornl organization nud division of tho llunnclnl guarantee of bonds betweon Stnto nnd Nation. The (Joveiiior's Statement. Govornor Withycorabo's stntomont f Hows: "I entertain considerable doubt .a to whether tho Stato should nssutno flnnnclat responsibility for bonds In volving Irrigation and dralnngo work. Dovolopmout along this lino Is vital ly doslrnblo, but I am not yet con vinced that tho entire commonwealth should hack local projects, which, if commercially renslliie, should ho ahln to finance thoiusolves on tholr own security, "However, If tho constitution Is nmondod to penult such statu guar antee, nnd an equitable and safe plan Is approved by tho legislature, such would rocelvo my support. "Rural credits would bo n wondor ful boon to ngrlcultural Orogon tho backbond of tho state nnd if a conservative and workable plan Is evolved I shall support It eiltliuslns tlcally." Attorney GiuhtiiI Biiiwii'h Vlmvu. Goorgo M. Brown, tho Attorney General, gave Tho Bulletin tho fol lowing expression of his Htnnd, "In answer to your question as to (Continued on pngo 0.) M. LARA. Cashier (1. MREYNOLl)8, Asst. Cashlor, A. STOVER, Astat. Cashier 2',000 WO.tXW eK: if w --. -tK . .ifcr' jt .v tt, ,&