4$ 1 ' lHSPWaWiaWl tJSl'WJW. 1 fWWWifl&i " . 1 ' V 4. r. ( i , f. ' 1. f- i'ji 1(W- RJ Sf. '. i -i m , v ,f'. m ica , t , rW l'AfiB 12. Tin: m:xi iu'i,u:ti. nnxn, onn., wi:ixi:siav, FnnnuAnv in, loie. TILL WORKJIUSHED Will flood Weather Cichh t Both Plant InctCHM) on "II Time. With tlio coining of good weather construction wotk has boon rosum d nt both the Ilrooks-Scnulon nnd Shovlln-Hlxoii mills with full ciews mid la bsliiK rushed as fust iih pos wlula to take ndvnntuge of tho fair days. Doth plants are now woiklin full tlino. 10 hour n day. At tlie Shevlln plant tho drv shed !h comploted. orectl n of the box fuc lory lias begun, machinery Ih bal'ig placed In the sash factoi and tho pinner concrete footing are helm Diit lu for the coieted sections be tween tho Blacker and the dry kilns and loadlwc to the planar. At the nortlnK Bhod a wide platform linn Imen built on the river Bldt and wink im the trninwnjs, oxtendlng out Into tho yard, progresses. Helta aro he lm? put on In the mill. The Drat flros wore built under tho boilers to day. , , . At tho llrooks plrnt machinery Is iminv niiirnii lii tho mill, the barn In noarliiK completion, material Is be ing nsaemblud for tho dry kllim, brick work on the power bonne in prac tically llnlHhod. and election of tho ateol fintue or the planer shed Ih com- idotod. .... ... It Ih not jot poBBlblo I ci not tho date for tho operation of olthor plant. QA - . gogj- You Can Got WhatYou Wat Mere AilwrtNonienls Insetted V'Jil'T., heading ut Iho into of OMi ( KM A WOIII) fuel i liivcillon. ('"vl' ",ust nctompimy all onlom from pcTMjns not ImtliiK " tegular iirromit with The Itiillollu. Xiniilteillsoiiieiil takoii for loss than 1." tents each Insertion. rem m:xT. Tho Amerlciiii Kakery nnnouncoB that It haa begun to make Ice cream mid from now on will liavo It for Hale at all Union to hotohs, restaurants and pilvate families. ndv All klndH of mon, women h nnu uhlldron a woolen ihKb and glovos nt reduced prlcoa at Williams nnd Month second hand atoio In old I-ara build liilT, Hand. 17-1 Dp BETTER WEKnp COMES VjiHt Week Hits llwn Hpilnji MI.e llli Ih Itouppoiir. After an iiuiiaiially protrncmd term nl winter wHtlnr, In whhii bolow aero temperatures mid fmiueiit annw Tall were roiniiiir:. Ontial Oregon waatlier madi It anpearanco list vwk and for the pint few da Iihb bean doing Ita beat to n-ko up for the ahorteomlngB of the past. Jtnlna and Chinook wlmla have tHkan the biiow awav verv fast while tho sun haa dried the road. In cer tain place, aa at tho Hold .lrhool, the graBB Is green. Sprln't birds huo appeared, and the Mshermet. Iianb liemin to think ol trout. Sixty four haa been the maximum wnptratutH leglibied ai the looul woatlier Btutlun, thlB mark having lHttn reached both .Moniloy and Tubs. (lay. -One three room nnd huttm. J. yan & 37tf rou UKXT- ono four loom Co. TO LEASH SO acres of Itrlgated Innd. mile from Teneboniu'. House nnd bam. 25 acres In alfalfa. 70 iicioh under cultivation. Inqulro Hugh O'Kane. 191'c rOH HUNT Piano. Inqulro Dny'n liiUHlc iitorc). r,nl' roil HUNT Two rooms In now liciuio. Inquire Hullotln. fiOp IOK SALE. Oo to tho dliirtfr, Adv. Uoyal Cafe for your 11 tf Glonn up and wards.Adv. paint up. 8oo Ed- Tho Amarloaii Hakery amiouncoa that It haa begun to nuke Ico o renin nud from now on will lmvo It for inl at all time to hotoli, roBtnuriinta nnd private famllloB. mlv tint Kin' Itotnihticitn N'oniliiiilliiii for (UMwr I'anilly Well Ivmmii. The lataal candldato for noiulim- tlnn for ooiintv olllee to make hla an- iHiuiicament Ib I)r It. I) Keteliuni, of Mfliiil. whii Heeka the llenublleau nom tnattou for aaaeaanr. lie la a nnt'e if Crook eounly having been bom near l'llnevtllo and haa renlded In the ominly neaih all hla life lie lived In Miwil In 1 1 a mid l'Jl'l. ie UimlliK again laat Auguat. Dr. KetoliunrH family la well Vuown In tho county, hla father hav ing llvad hare 86 )eara. Ho la a l.rotbai-ln-law of Uuv Ifollett, nnd X)t. II. 1. talknp. or I'rlncnlllo, and of Hry WhltiMUt, of luml. Innei and lleiiBou will be glad to OTt tbelr old patrona at the l.og Cblu Uarbar Shop. -Adv. VOn SALE Pool room and con fertloueiv and tobaccos. Good lease. Inqulio Tho Hullotln. 49tfc roll SAT.K "civ nnd second hand Hewing lnachlnoH, oils nnd noodles at Mrs. Mcintosh's Mlllinoiy storo. IDtfc roil SALE Uita 13, 14, 15, 10. 1 1 of Illock 2. Kenwood. Inquire nt 11. It. Webb, Pentwntor, Mich. 19-ul'c roil SALE 10-100 acros irrlfint od land, proved up, no Incuinboranco. Small oobIi down, balnnco your own torniH, or will tako somo clonr Pugat Sound, Soattlo or Taconm jiroperty In trade. Inqulro llond Hullotln. 17-10p notf KOIl SALK Second hand No. 7 Iloiiilngton tjpowilter.i Inqulro The Hiilletin. f.0-3 p. KOIl SALE Cottlo. horses nnd machlnory and Ipbho on place, 100 acroa tillable. Oood layout for right ninii. llox II, Tuinalo, Ore. CO-lp l'Oll SALE Kciiity In Improved 80 aero farm throo nillea rrom llund, on Prlnexllle road. Ulit cheap. How ard Spinning. Wilbur, Wnsh. no-lc KOU SAI.K Household furulture, couch, tables, liiHttioBS, looker, and tralght chairs Inquire Hulletlii. "0c roil SALE-Itun about enr In Rood condition, lato modul. Inquire Tho Hullotln. ) lOtfc l'Oll SALE Team, harness ana wagon. Inqulro Iloyal Cafe. 4 ltr l'Oll SALE llouso and lot. Price right. Terms reasonable. Inquire A. E. Edwards, Uond Sign Co. 37tf KOIl SALE U. S. Crenm Separ ator. Almost now. Cost $15. Sell for $18. Gorratt ranch 3VS nillea southeast of Ilend. Hox 4C3 4S-i"lp KOIl SALE $400 piano, good as now, $1715. Easy tonus, Inqulro nt Tho Hullotln. 48tfc WANTED. WANTED Position na cook or housekcopor, son 0 years, good tof oronce. 40 years of ago. Address C. E. K., 1302 S. Main street, Poca tollo, Idaho. 19-50p 51-52c WANTED Cicnn r.ig3 nt The llul lfitln oinco. Good prlco pal,d. tf WANTED To hlro single horse and hack tor wcok. Inquire Oregon llotol. T'Op. WANTED Hoom with or without board, private fonilly. Inqulro II. M. II., Tho Hullotln. TiOp WANTED Second hnnd sowing machine. Inqulro Hullotln. . !0p WANTED To buy ono hnlf dozen Whito LeKhorn.hoiiB, wilto or Inqulio II. M. Grolmer. Dup TO TKADE Oil HXCHAXUE. TO TllADE 13'ncros of land close to Seattle, for stock or small car. What hnvo ou? Inquire Tho Hiil letin. CO-i'lp LOST AXD I'OUXIK.. LOST Odd Eellous gold stone oinuloiu eliuim. Short chain attach ed. II. IS. Stewart. II. V. D. 1. f'Ol' MISCELLANEOUS. Mate vour S C. II. Island Hods with a bird or high producing trip nested slock. A fow nt $2 nnd $2.0. sottliigs In season $1, $2, and $3, uc cordliiK to feathers nnd ogg records. J. O. Williams. fiO-olp Shuev's Cut Price's TO A few Odds and Ends of the Best in Our Stock. Drop in and Satisfy Yourself. yr- u Pixio fuicAMr.itv r.ii:t"is. Iljk Pino Iiitr-M(Miiitalii l Th atacklioldera mot.ng of Co oporattva creamery, hold ut ('oininer- vial emu nan naiuranv remni.i m th alcctlou of a board of dliecloi tha following men constituting thej ard: J. J. Hug. Hm ChllderK. K i AV. Totnea, C U. Clow and r- BaaaUy. A onniiiilttea foimUtlng of A. A. Ayil. W. It. ltlley and C II Olliw waa iimiiiwI to lnk after the matter ut Incorporattns the orguulxu tjini. livmciorr a candidate. Wortl ha been leoelvad In Hand that OK-Hanalor Elmer J. Hurkett, of Mabraaka. will lw u candldato for the nomination for vice nrwaiuoni m 1'ulted Stwtoa at tho coming Kanuii llcau convoiillon. Mr Hurkott wa In Wand laat auniiner. gllug two lec ture In thu olituitauqua. THIXTING I'UWT nrilXHD. The printing plart of the nowl aatahllaliod llwrnev Couiit Trlbuno ft Buriia. wa doatnned by tlio laat TUnmday ulalit together with un ml- 1 .it,iu iianiwnre siorn. According tu lha ttnnva TtniiUerald The Tribune printing plaut waa new ami had lUBt ban InaUillad l P aJhey who hat gotten nut hut three . tallies of the llr at tho Unio. 1 waa a lad Mow to Mr Athey nnd nt vraaant Uo due not feol dlapoaad to .......... .mt.oilun The Tlmaa-llar- . Ul nffeied him the ut of Ita plant i nd aiiN aid poaalble for It to oxtoml i .it 1 li ilaruraiait. Tho plant .. insured tor JS.100 Unt In the i.mu of tho type foiuuln wUaro ho Unci i.nuhnaatl U Ho will loko about Si ono iibavo tho luauranco. A dealraliln brood knlfo trao with vverv nnuuxl subtciiptlon to The lloud Bulletin. f tWi JUM Z m sL.wm vj5-. WF M iiMW Bair9 &Li 4tft M.vjur'xr h vm ummt "vt StSrail WW mJ$ gMlWBgglMI w 0 "WE,jJF& I'ntlior, tho Ha- Annor Plato Hosleiy for Mother, hlster, Hi other nud liy, too. The ery bent iniiile. Lndlea Fibre Silk ribbed top hoso black nnd white 300 Ladles' Morcorlzed llslo hoao rib bed top, whlto and black, pr.. .Mo Three pair $1.00 Ladles' outalzed ribbed top hoso, black nnd white !)c Lndlos' Lisle rlbbod top hoso, black nnd white -3c SPECIAl, Men's. $2.00 Wool Shirts 1.75 Wool Shirts $1.CB Wool Shirts $i.2G Flannel Shirts SS.R0 Wright's Union Suits .SJ.Eft Wright's Union Suits SI. 7(5 Wool S-niaco suns per gar ment ' $1.50 Wrhjht'H Undor Shirts ..St. in $1.50 WrlRht'H Drawers SI. Hi $S.Q0 Corduroy Trouuors S-.'-3 $2.00 Pants S1.J.-S l.iidles. Otc Coverall Aprons Lie r.5c Apron and Cap I-V $1.26 House DreM nnd Cap DOc l'HIXEVILLE CLIMJ TO MEET. Following tho lead of tho Red mond nnd tho Hend Commercial Clubs tho Prlnovlllo club Is about to lnstltuto weekly luncheons nt which tho buslncsj of the club will bo dis cussed. Fnrmeis aro given nil es pecial Invitation to attend, according to an announcement In last wookr sEiiJ of tlie Crook Couty .lournol P.. L. Scfoe has been chosen manager of tho Pitnovlllo club. NOTICE TO THE PFHLIC. Dr. ... A. Hun Is, Naturopath, wishes to aniiouiico to tho peoplo of Hend and lclnlty that ho has pur chased the ollce fixtures and the prnctlco of Dr. It. D. Kotchum and will be plcaHed to hao tho people call and Beo his appliances for the" drtigleas tieatment of dlsoasc. Olllco Sathors building. Adv. COc TO Tin: PUBLIC. Mrs. Gloti Eyre wishes to announce that sho will pay no more of the out standing bills of tho lato uion uyro. ueorgo O'Nell will pay all outstand ing accounts. Hills In favor of Mro. Ero aro payablo to Hector Glng rns. C0-B1 Tho Log Cabin Harbor Shop enn nt- tond to your tonsorlal wants. Adv. POE.M XOTOK1GIXAL. The pooni, "A Homostendor'B La ment," recently printed in Tho Hul lotln pndor tho naiiio of "Chns. J. Urwllor," was not written by Mr t'r wlior. according to a lotter received from him lecontly. In the circum stances under which tho poem came to Tho Bulletin it was understood Mint Mr. Urowllor wns the author. This Is not tho enso and Mr. Urowller desires the denial to bo made. A most complete list of seed for Spring sowing haa been obtained by the Bond Flour Mill Co. Every sack thoroughly clennod so as to leave nothing but tho large plump hurry beo our iidvortlsoinent, Adv. APPBECIATIOX. "Wo bought 20 rcros of land horo nnd llko It lino and a follow can ralso moht anything hero, but wo wnnt our paper. Wo can't got along without Tho Bulletin." This Is what n for mer losldont of this section wrltas from his now homo In Atlzoun. Martin CI ernens DEALEKS IN FURNITURE STOVES RANGES ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS TRIPLETT BUILDING BEND. OREGON WHAT'S IN A XAME7 Wo want a nnnio for our new con foctlonary, Ico croam, magazine and cigar store on Orogon street. To the person suggesting the namo wo adopt wo will glvo ?2 in trade dv. 50c. CAHMODV BIIOS. HAVE YOU SEF.X THE STABS? (Portland Tolegram.) Hanging tniidoin llko n couplo of arc lights, Vonus and Jupiter have been malting n brilliant display In the wostorn hoavons and have at tracted a groat doal of attention. Venus Is tho ono nhovo, and while onl 7030 miles in diniuotor, ni against Jupltor's dlnuiotor of 80,000 Groceries We can take care of orders of any description Large or Small We carry a complete line of fancy and staple groceries ' Hardware STOVES RANGES and BUILDERS HARDWARE PAINTS OILS WINDOWS and DOORS F. DEMENT CO. nillos, Is much brlghtor because it is nearer tho sun. Vonus is a uwitter of G7.000.000 inlloH from tho sun, to the IBS, 000,000 nillos of Jupltor. For n good clenn uhavo, n gool hnlr cut, facial massago or n chin, visit tho Metropolitan, on Oregoi street. Adv. tl raBBBBBBS bsbbbbH .Sl.tti .$1.23 .Kl.t.1 .$ .1)0 .S'J.'J.t , . $1.(1.-1 Everything the best in Groceries Complete and Fresh line. Look over our stock of Shoes, Hosiery and Men's Furnishings SHUEY'S ' President Wilson is now wisely advis ing us to make preparations to Safeguard our Country. How about preparedness nearer home. Have you secured a desirable lot in one of the best residence districts (Park or Boulevard Additions) for the nice home you intend to build this spring, or later? If not you should be prepared by buying one or more of these choice lots before the spring rush comes and advances prices. A small amount down and a few dollars a month pays for one of these lots. It's the ideal location for those em ployed at either one of the mills. These Lots range in price from $75 up. Choice Lots, with nice trees, easy walking distance from Shevlin-Hixon Mill and Fac tories, $125.00. Now is the time to get your lot. Come and see us about it. D. E. HUNTER MANAGER THE BEND COMPANY Office corner Wall and Ohio Streets. i g Ti