The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 16, 1916, Page PAGE 11, Image 11

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John Htclncr mid Frank Tnvlor.
C'liiiiKCil Mitli Forgery, mo Brought
Hack From Tennessee.
(Crook County Journnl.)
J F. Blanchnrd, and deputy Aunci
of Bond, returned tlia last of tlm
; -wenk from Tennessee with .Toliu
.Stelner and Prank Taylor who are
wanted noro on a rorgory charge
Thoso two young men. ono 22 r.m
of n o unn tho othor loss, fnrtifd n.
r number of notes on llond morchants
.nnd mauo tnoir oscaiio, roturnlng to
, their former homes boforo thnv worn
An amcinvit which was furnlshod
liy a llond merchant asklnc for tlm
return and punishment of tho forc
ers, and which was sont to tho Gov
ernor ot tho stato when requisition
papers woro nsked for, furnlshod tho
ha3ls for authority on which- tho ac
tion wns taken up.
J. F. Illanchnrd states thnt con
trary to a rumor which Is abroad ho
nan no roiatlvos In tho eastern states.
The trip was mado In good time with
practically no stops, and at about ono
third tho cost at which trips aro
sometimes estimated.
In ordor to aid tho farmer tho
Bend Flour Mill Co. has this year ob
tained Apex Lrnd Plaster, u scien
tific fertilizer. Adv.
Found Near Vera Cruz, It Was Made
Over Twenty Centuries Aqo.
A Kimill Ntoiio Htntuo rou ml near
Vera Cruz, Mexico, which litis been In
the poHeiiiluii of the United 'Stntc
National' uiuscum since 11HKJ, bus been
Idcntlllcd as the oldest known dated
uiitlqulty lu America. Its undent
Mayan glyphlc Inscriptions shuw that
it uiih iniidc 100 years beforo Christ,
which Is the oldest date uuthcntlcutcd
In tbe new world
Tills tin in luiugo was found In 1002
near the gulf or Mexico. 100 mllo
Bontlioiist of Vera Cruz, mid cauio to
tho museum through It 12. Ulbrlcht
the next year It Is ot Imid grayish
green mono, curved Into u rounded
conical form, xlz and one-lmlf Inches
high and three and throe-fourths InoUes
In diameter s
The iipcr part rcpicscnts n human
head with well dellued reiumcs. The
lower part of tbe taw Is covered with
u masli. resembling the bill of u dude,
carved hi relief and extending down
-ovor the chest like ti Leant. The bird
lllco form Is further liy
tbe wlngi. covering the sides- or the
figure. Beneath the wings the outline-
of ti bird's feet npd legs arc engraved
New Yorli Times.
To Lenothen Life of Necktie.
A good tunny people who aro users of
iuur-in-hiiud tics arc more or less both
i-orcd by tbe tlu's becoming useless itftor
It has been worn u few times."
Tube the wide end of the tlo wltb
ncnm up ui;d lay It lint upon n table
Then thrust In tbe linger and seize the
lining. Tube the silk cover In the other
, tinnd ami pull It over tbe lining, about
im If of Its length. A hot lion Is then
run over the lining to straighten It out.
Popular Science Monthly.
(Continued from pa go 2.)
L'Tan llv o" Saturday and Sunday.
JiUto rnttnrson nnd fnmlly vlsltod tho Gen. Ilnvon ranch on Wcdnes
lav evening.
M!-.s Linn Mooro visited homo
foll.s on Saturday nnd Sunday.
Mr nnd Mrs. J. J. Chapman on-
ttortalned at Sunday dlnnor, Mr. and
i Mrs, J. P. Rico nnd Mr. r.nd Mrs. L.
! AV, Van Doron nnd son Raymond.
Mr. J, J. Flint, fathor of Mrs. Agoo
; lins been having a serious timo with
his eves and was compelled to mnko
ii trip to Ilodmond on Sunday to ,
Miss Ilnzol Bnyn vlsltod hor pnr-
,cntn Mr, nnd Mrs. A. V. Bayn on
iSaturdny and Sunday.
Walter Poster has succoodod In
M;llllng 484 rabbits by catching thorn
fin corral traps.
School commenced again In the
ll-dwards district last week with Miss
RTMatiol Allen as teachor.
Dowoy Johnson and Ceo. Hobbs
Ehp.vo boon working on tho hay balor
fcatt Wm. Wells for tho past ton days.
u. f. ahaw arrived from Brothers
nn Friday and will assist H. E. Alton
nth uls spring work.
POWELL BUTTE. Fob. 13. Dlod,
?TMario Blair, wife of Irvln C. Blair,
Fat tbe Good Samaritan hospital In
IToTtinna on Fob. 3rd, of la grlppo
hnd Us complications.
Mario Pederson was born in Den
mark In 1881, her parenta coming to
America when she was 3 years old.
5he leaves a husband and 4 llttlo
lioys, bcslda father, brothers and two
ulsters. Mrs. L. "W. Blair of this
nlaco nnd Miss Anna Pederson of
lllnsdnlo. Illinois.
The second spelling contest was
"held Friday between Butto valley
nnd Shepherd schools, resulting In a
"vlstory for Butto Valley in botn
matches bold In the nftomoon. ine
visitors were Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D.
Jtorrlll. Mrs. Guy Sears, Mrs. ' Lo
gan, Mrs. Geo. Wells, Mrs. Allen
Wlllcoxon and Ross Davis. A short
program was given by each school lu
"honor of Lincoln's birthday.
A. D. Morrill returned from Port-
land Thursday where ho went to
i close a deal for a fnrm near uasion.
Mr. and Jlrs. Morrill and family ex-
i pect to leavo for their new homo
f about March 1st.
N. B. Beach went to Redmond for
: load of rolled oats.
The wnter Is In the canal now, and
! 1s the first to reach tho settlers be-
low for many weeks.
L. w. Blair lost ono or ma norses
last week. ,
Jim Orlffln 13 buoy seeding his
plnco to ryo. Tho ground Is In flno
shape now for Bowltig.'
E. P. Archer nnd llttlo son, Lnur
once, expect to leavo tomorrow for
Proowator, Wasiilngton, whoro thoy
will Join Mrs. Archer, who left hero
about two woeks ngo. Mr. Archer
will soon return.
N. 0. Appol and Harold Landfaro
nro cutting cord wood near Bend.
Mr. nnd Mrs. D. A. Patterson vis
Ited In Bond on Saturday.
(Special to Tho Bulletin.)
TUMALO, Feb. 14. Community
hall was tho scene of the most elab
orato nnd onjoyablo affair ever given
In Tumalo on Fridny night whon tho
inombors of tho Tllllcum Literary
Club entortalnod their hushnnds and
u quota of tho bachelors at their first
annual banquot. The hall was elab
orately decorated in tbo club colors,
crimson nnd groy. Tho reception
room wait mado attractive nnd cosy
by tho addition of pennants, rugs and
Indian blankets. Tho stage solt'ng
wns n pretty woodland scene which
mndo nn effective background for tho
handsome costumes worn In tho
drnmntlzntlon of Tennyson's poem,
"Drenmi of Pnlr Woman" given dur
ing tho courso of tho evening. Tho
progrnm was opened with a abort ad
dress bv the club president, Mrs. C.
P, Becker. This was followed by nn
Instrumental duet by Mn nnd Mrs.
Arthur Dickenson. Miss Ettn James
gavo nn explanation of tho "Dream
of Fair Women," which wns then
nctod by tho following cast of char
acters. Tho Dreamer, T, G. Becker;
Helen of Troy, Mrs. Bob Sturgeon;
Iphlgonln, Mrs. Blnko Becker; Cleo
patra, Mrs. Byron Cndy; Jeptha's
daughter, Miss Mnrgarot Mock; Rob
nniond. Miss Itoso Llllle: Joan of
Arc, Mrs. Mildred Taylor; Mrs. Frank
Dayton reading "A Second Settlers
Story" followed. Tho remainder of
tho progrnm conslstod of n duct by
Mr. nnd Mrs. Dickenson, n monologuo
"A Morning Call," by Miss Mnrgarot
Mock, a vocal duet "Annlo Laurie"
by Mrs. John Coon nnd Mrs. C. P.
Reokor, who responded to tho encoro
with two parodies written especially
for tho occasion by Mrs. Coon. Tho
candlo lighted tables In thed Inlng
room, wero placed In tho shnpo of n
largo "T" whom covors woro laid for
48 presont. After tho threo courso
banquet each of tho gentlemen pros
cnt spoko n fow words of npprocla-
Mon for tho pleasant ovcnlng thoy
had enjoyed.
At tho meotlng of tho stockholders
nf tho Agricultural' Hall hold last
Saturday afternoon tho following dl-
roctoro woro elected for thn cnsulntr
voar: B. C, Cadv, C. P. Be'cker. F. N
Wnllaco, J. J. Coon, R. V. Fllcklngor,
.Tnni Hnrtor and Prod Wilson. J. M.
Griffin was olctcd manager. At n
meeting of tho directors held tho
snmo nftornnon Fred Wilson was
elected presldont. Fred Wnllnco sec
retary and J. J. Coon, tronsuror.
A Rhort buslnos3 session of tho
Tumalo Dovotonmont Leaguo was al
so held Saturday nftornnon. J, M.
Grlflln, J. J. Coon nnd W. D. Dnrnes
wero appointed a commlttro to nwko
arrangements for tho entortnlnment
of Pror. I irson and Miss Turloy nf
tho O. A. C, who will hold nn nil day
Institute hero noxt Thursday.
Rny Corking wnn token qullo 111
on Sunday night. Dr. Vnndovort of
Bend was cnlled to nttord him.
Mrs. Bob Sturgeon nnd daughter
wilt Monday nftomoon with Mm.
Albert Harper.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. J, Mock nnd Miss
Mnrgarot Monk woro dlnnor guoat
nf Mrs. Geo. Rrqsterhous of Bend U
Mrs. J. W. Brown Is suffering from
nn nttack of tho grippe.
Bov. Kongv and Ilev. Rngsdnto
hold services horo Sunday nfternoon.
Mrs. Prank Dayton was slightly
Injured In n runaway on Sunday.
What Children Need Now.
In splto ot tho best euro mothors
can glvo thorn this weather brings
sickness to manv children. Mrs. T.
Nojrouor, Enu Claire, Wis., writes;
"Foley's Honoy nnd Tnr cured my
bov of -n sovoro attack ot croup nftor
othor romcdlos had failed. It Is a
wonderful remedy for coughs, colds,
croup and whooping cough." It stops
lagrlppo coughs. Sold ovorywhero
Hotel Benson
SB 'n't lafi- "V"GSIMBI!
We believe that there is no Hotel
in the entire United States more
handsomely furnished or that ofFers
more to the traveller.
RATES S1.50 and up without bath.
$2.00 and up with bath.
A. T. LUNDBORG, Manager
Deschutes Actio Ktnita With Charter
ltoll of (11 Member Olllccrs for
Ensuing Year Elected.
Tho Deschutes Aorlo, No. 2043.
FrntornnI Order of Eaglos, was In
stalled Inst Thursday night by Judgo
W. L. Cooper, of Portland, doputy
grand presldont, with a charter roll
of 01 members.
Tho olllcors elected nt tho Inltlnl
meotlng hold In Snther's hnll werp us
follows: h K. Portor, P. W. P; Cha3.
A. Ca'rroll, W. President; H. D. Bi
nes, W. V. President; Donald Mc
Laurln, W. Chaplain; Chns. W. Er
sklno, Secrotnry; Hector GIngrns,
Trensuror; A. Horstmnn, W. Conduc
tor; Alex. McDonald, I. G; Frank
Sutherland. O. G.; Prod Dick, J. H.
Connnrn, J. E. EngebreUon, Trus
tees; Dr. J. C. Vnndovort, Physician.
Tho charter members of tho local
lodgo aro as follows;
L. K. Porter, Cha3. A. Carroll, II.
D. lnnes, Donald McLaurln, ChnB. W.
Lrsklne, Doctor Glngrns, A. Horst
mnn, Alox McDonald, Finnic Suther-
lnnd, Frod Dick, J. II. Connnrn, J,
E. Engobretson, Dr. J. C. Vnndovort,
Aiox is, unristorroreon, Potor Josso,
S. II. Summorond, Clarence B.
Brown, Gcorgo Mooro. Honry II.
Sutherland, Dolmor D. Grlffo. James
Golsor, Goo. 11. Corrlgan, Frnnk MI1-
H r, Don E. Stonflold, Hugo C.
Lompko, J. C. Klngsloy, Chns. 11,
Carlson, Archie Pattlo, Goorgo ICao,
Goorgo Marlor, Morton A. Plorco, Sil
via Porrns, Wm. P. Downing, Carl 13,
Burkman, Cnrl Hoolscher, A. O. Ar
mont, Irn G. Biggerstnff, Itonnld H.
Loven, Holmor Lnrson,' Clnronco L.
Stewart, James It. Itlloy, Tbos. M.
Sharp, Bort Shuoy, Nols Joranson,
Chns. A. Bengston, Bona West, Er
nest Lundln, Gus Nystrom, John Ny
strom, John II. Buchholz, Chns. II.
Hills, Clnudo T. Borders, Tony Olson,
Gus Scgar, Goorgo Prltchard, Burton
Evans, J. W.. Wright, Oscar Holvor-
son, E. G. Socly, Goorgo L. Reed,
Wm. Leo.
Whon you buy n cack ot outBldo
Hour you hinder tho devolopmont of
Central Orogona farm resources.
Mnko It n prnctlco to buy tho homo
product. Every sack guaranteed, adv
? Whoro do you trado?
Cllncy's Groce.ry. Adv .
At Mc-
Have All Seed
Before Planting
(By County Agriculturist
A. B. 1.0VUTT.)
Any ono who plants seed, tho qunl-
ity or which ho does not know, is tak
ing u chance to loso on tho crop ho
is planting. Attention hns boon call
ed during tho wlntor to tho nnnlysls
of nil farm seeds and tho Agricultur
al 'College Is not only willing but
nnxloiiD to nnnlyzo farm scods for
tho fnrmors nt no oxpeuso to tho far
mer. Tho necessity for nnnlysls of
seed Is understood by practically all
men who bavo plnntod sood, for nl
nave nt somo timo discovered thnt
tho seed thoy. hnvo paid good tnonoy
for was almost worthless. Al3o many
hnvo planted largo quantities of wood
seeds with tholr alfalfa or clover.
Somo cases aro known whoro farmers
hnvo discovered that their seed was
very poor nnd full of woods nftor they
hnvo purchased this seod. No donlor
should object to furnishing n small
samplo of tho seed which thoy pur
poso to furnish boforo purohnso Is
mndo and It Is good huslnoss to ob
tain this samplo nnd havo snmo ana
lyzed carefully boforo purchnso is
mndo. Soud your samples direct to
the Agricultural College, giving your
nnmo and nddicss nnd asking that
analysis of namo bo mndo. You will
rcolvu rottirna from C to 10 days
nftor nnd will then know whethor or
not you wish to purchase the seed.
If nnnlyses uro satisfactory and your
crop falls something othor than the
seed will have caused tho failure It
Is nlmost foolish for n mnn to waste
.. bvoii a nuni OH n IJOL Hint HIS
seed Is good whon ho can easily hnvo
this seed annlyzed nt no oxiionso nnd
overcomo onu of tho chances or gum-
uiub 111 tunning.
PEltMITS. Notice in hcroby given
that nppllcatlons for permits to graze
cattle, horses nnd sheop within the
Deschutes National Forest during the
season of 101C. must bo filed In my
office nt Bond, Oregon, on or boforo
February 20, 1910. Full Information
In regnrd to tho grazing fees to be
charged and blank forms to bo used
In making applications will bo fur
nished upon request. V. V. Harp
ham, Acting Forest Supervisor. COc
After Lngrlpiio What?
F. G. l'rovo, Bedford, Ind., writes:
An nttack of lagrlppo left mo with
n suveru cough. I tried ovorythlng.
I got so thin It looked na If I never
would got well. Finally, two bottles
o: Foley's Honey nnd Tnr cured me.
I am now well nnd back to my nor
mal weight." A rollnblo remedy for
coughs, colds nnd croup. Sold every
where Adv.
A dcslrnblo broad knlfo fren witii
ovory nnnunl subscription to Tho
Bend Bulletin.
Of Tho Bond Water, Light and
Tower Company.
Notlco Is heicby given thnt The
Bond Wntor, Light nnd Power Com
pany hns filed Supplementary Articles
of Incorporation In tho olllco of tho
Corporation Commissioner of tho
Stato of Oregon on tho 27th day of
January, 1910, nnd In tho olllco of
tho County Clerk of Crook County,
Orogon, on tho 24th day of January,
1910, for tho purposes of Increasing
tho capital stock of said corporation
and authorizing It to onenco in cer
tain now enterprises nnd pursuits us
tueroin sppciiicd.
Dated, Bend, Oregon, Fobrunry 11,
1910. . '
By T. 11. Poloy, Secretary.
Department of tho Intorlor, V. S.
Land Olllco nt Tho Dalles, Oregon,
Jnnuary 31, 1910.
NOTICE Is horoby given -11101 Dnn
lol W. Beoler, of Bend, Orogon, who
on August 12th, 1912, mndo Homo
stood Entry, No. 010014, for Vt,
Section 34, Township 19 South,
Ilnngo 14 East, Willamette Meridian,
lino tiled notlco of Intention to mnko
Plnnl Threo Year Proof, to establish
claim to tho land nbovo described,
boforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commission
er, nt Bond, Oregon, on tho 9th day
of Mnrch, 1910.
Claimant Jinnies ns witnesses:
John D. Stovons, of Bend, Oregon;
Howard F. Dyer, John E. Johnson,
David C. Rogers, of Mllllcnn, Orogon.
40-ic. Register.
tho undersigned petitioners whoje
names nro signed to tho following
anil attached petition and who nro
tr.oio than fifty (dO) of tho holdors of
tltlo to lands Biiscoptlhle to Irrigation
from n common aourco which Ho
within tho proposod Squnw Crook
Irrigation District ns described In
Bald petition hereto attached will Do
presented to tho County Court of
Crook Countv, Oregon, on tho 2nd
day of Mnrch, 1810, nt tho hour of
10 o'clock In thn forenoon nt tho
County Court room of tho snld coun
ty, mild dnto being the timo nnd plnco
fixed by said court for tho hoarlng of
said petition, nnd nil porsous nro
hcroby notified to bo present nt snld
time and place to mnko objections
thoreto, nnd to othorwlso consldor
said petition.
This notice Is published onco oacli
week (or tho period of, four weoks,
the publication for the first timo ho-
lug tho 20th day of Jnnuary, 1910;
In tho matter of tbo organization nf
tho Squnw Creek Irrigation 1)1.
To the Honornblo Tho County Court
of Crook County, Oregon.
Wo, tho undersigned holdors of tl
tlo to lands within tho Stnto of Oro
gon and within tho Counties ot Crook
and Jefferson respectfully petition
tho Honorablo County Court of Crook
County, Orogon, as hereinafter sot
forth and each signer thereto for
himself says that ho Is tho holder of
title to Iamjs susceptible to Irriga
tion from the sources horolnaftor do
scribed and set out and situated with
in tho boundaries of tho proposed
Squaw Creek Irrigation District
horolnaftor doscrlbod; and snld peti
tioners whose names are horolnaftor
signed and subscribed to this peti
tion heroby propose to organize said
Irrigation district, nnd said slgnors
horoby declare that it Is the purpoio
of said signers to orgnnlzo said Ir
rigation district under and by virtue
of Chapter 7, Title Dl, Lord's Oregon
Laws an amended by Chapter 223
Laws ot Oregon for 1911 nnd us
amended y Chapter 197, Laws of
Orogon for 1913, and as amended by
Cnnptor 189, Laws of Oregon for
191G, and other acts and parts of
acts amendatory thereof and con
formatory with tho provisions of tho
law providing therefor, petition said
court for the purposo herein prayed
The proposed boundaries of said
Irrigation district are sot forth and
described as follows:
Beginning at the northwest cor
ner of Section five (5) Township
Fifteen US) South, Rango Ten (10)
E. W. M., within Crook County, Ore
gon, running east to tho Intersection
of Squaw Creek with the township
line on the north side of said Town
ship Fifteen (15) 8outh, Range Ton
(10) East, thence In a northeasterly
direction down Squaw Creek nnd fol
lowing ttio menudorlngii of said
stream nlong tho center of said
stream to tho boundary lino between
Jofforson nnd Crook counties; thence
lonowing on down Bald stream with
in Jefferson county to Its Junction
with tho Deschutes rl'or: thmirn In
n southeasterly direction up tho Dos-
cmues river nnu rollowlng tho mc
andorlngs ot said river within Jeff
erson County to tho lino between
Jefferson and Crook Counties; nnd
thonco following on up said Des
chutes river to tho Intersection of
Bnid stream with tbo section lino on
tho south sldo of Section Fourteen
(14) Township Fourteen (14) South,
Rango Twelve (12) East W. M. In
Crook County, Oregon; thonco wes
terly to tho southwest cornor of snld
Section Fourteen (14); thence south
erly to tho quarter corner on tho cast
side of Section Twenty-two (2S)
Township Fourteon (14) South,
Rango Twolvo (12) E. W. M In
Crook County, Oregon, thence westor
ly to tho southeast cornor of the
southeast qunrter of tho northeast
quarter (SEVi NEtf) of Bald Sec
tion; thonco southerly to tho south
west corner of tho southeast qunrter
oi tno soutnenst quarter (SEViSEVi)
of said Section Twenty-two (22);
thenco westerly to tho qunrter cor
nor on tho south sldo of Section
Twenty-two (22): thenco Routlmrlv
to tho southwest corner of the north
west qunrter ot tho northeast quartor
liNWtt iNEVi) ot Section Twonty
Hovon (27) of said township and
rango; thonco westerly to tho south
west cornor of tho northeast quarter
of tho northwest quartor (NE NW
U) of said Section; thenco souther
ly to tho southeast cornor of tlm
southeast quarter of tho northwest
quartor (SKU NW) of said Sec
tion Twenty-sovon (27); tlicnco W3s
terly to tho quarter corner on tho
west Bldo of snld Section Twenty
seven; thonco southerly to tho south
west corner of tho northwest qunrter
of tho southwest quartor (NW S
WM ) of snld section; thonco westerly
to tho 80tithwost cornor of tho north
east quartor of tho southeast quar
tor wevs HUVi) or section Twenty
eight (28) Township Fourteen (II)
South, Ilnngo Twolvo (12) E. W. M.;
thenco southerly to tho pouthwest
corner of- tho southeast quarter of
tno BoutbenBt quartor of Bald Section
Twonty-olght (28); thonco westorlv
to tho southwest cornor of Section
Twenty-eight (28); thonco southorly
to tho southwest cornor of Sedtlnn
Four (4) TownRhlp Fifteen' (IS)
South, Ilnngo Twelve (12J East W.
M., thonco ostcrly to tho southwoit
cornor of Section Threo (3), Town
ship Fifteen (15) South, Rango
Eleven (11) Enst; thenco southorly
to tho southwest cornor of Section
Thirty-four (34) of snld township
and rango; thenco westerly to tho
northeast cornor of Section Flvo (3),
Township Sixteen (10) South, Rango
Eloven (11) E. W. M.; thonco south
orly to tho sottthonst cornor of Sec
tion Seventeen said township nnd
rango; thonco westerly to tho town
ship lino on tho west sldo ot snld
township; thonco northorly to tho
southeast comer of Section Twolvo
(12), Township Sixteen (10) South,
Rnngo Ten (10) E. W. M.; thonco
westerly to tho southwest cornor of
said Section Twolvo (12); thenco
northorly to tho towiiBlrip lino on tho
north sldo of Township Sixteen (10)
South, Rango Ton (10) E. W. M.;
thenco westerly to tho southwost cor
nor of said Section Thirty-two (32),
Does this Weather
Make You Want
to Go?
YES. RUT Tho old oar Is .not In shape. Her
comprosslon Is poor and tho carburetor Is out of ad
justment, .tho tear ond iiiakos n nolso und tho Htoorlng
gear hns about a turn too munli piny; out sldo of
that sho Is all right. No. Thnt front tiro has gono down,
Anticipating this, wo hnvo put on an extra crow, to
strnlghton her out lu tluo for tho rldo. 80 BRING HER
IN. Wo nro ready nnd will put her in shnpo lu gig time,
nnd n guaranteed Job nt that.
Bend Garage
Company &
If you want Genuine Prices on Genuine
Stoves, Rugs, Carpets, Reds,
Springs, Matresses, you can
obtain them from us.
From our carefully selected
assortment you can furnish
your home to suit your tnste
antl do it economically
E. F. Logan Furniture Company
Wull Street Ncur Ohio Street.
TowiiBhlp Fifteen (15) South, Range
Ten (10) East; thonco northerly .o
tho point of boglnning; excepting
howovor, from Bald district all and
nny land embraced within tho boun
dary and limits of tho town of Sisters
In Crook County, Oregon, nnd lying
within tho proposod Squaw Greek
Irrigation District, the land embrac
ed within tho said irrigation district
lying within both Crook and JofTorsou
counties, tho mnjor portion thereof
lying within Crook County, Oregon.
Tho deslgnntlou of snld proposed
irrigation district nnd tho nnmo un
der which It shnll bo known Is tho
Squaw Crook Irrigation District; tho
sourco or supply from which the
water to bo usod within said Irriga
tion district shnll bo tnkon is Squaw
Creek and its tributaries nnd Fall
River .ud its tributaries within
Crook county, Oregon.
Tho signers of UiIb petition who
nro moro than 60 of tho holders
of tltlo of lands suscoptlblo to Irriga
tion undor tho proposod Irrigation
district from tho snmo common
sourco or sources furthor petition
this court that flvo directors bo oloct
cd as directors of Bald Irrigation dis
trict; that said Irrigation district bo
divided Into flvo divisions and that
ono director bo olocted from onch di
vision; nnd thnt tho proposed cost ut '
tho organization of tho aforesaid Irri
gation district Is tho Bum of flvo hun
dred dollars ($500.00) and your pe
titioners accompany this petition
with a good nnd sufficient bond In
tho Bum of ono thousand dollars
($1,000.00), this mini bolng doublo
tho amount ot tho proposed cost ot
tho organization of the' said Irriga
tion district.
WHEREFORE Your potltloneM
pray that snld Irrigation district bo
organized ns provided for by law and
particularly as Bet forth and requir
ed by tho statutes heroin nbovo re
ferred to; and thnt snld potltlnn bo
hoard as required by law and that
Bald county court Bhnll do any nnd
ovorythlng nocessnry and requisite
to effect tho organization of snld Ir
rigation district nnd for such other
orders na tuny bo necessary and ns
may ho provided by inw for tho or
ganization ot said Irrigation district.
Roforonco Is horoby mndo to tho
notlco accompanying this petition,
stating tho tlnio ot tho mooting at
which this petition will ho presented
to tho County Court, which said no
tlco Is mndo a pnrt horaof.
E. R. Peterson. A. J. Weston, El
valt M. ElklnB, Edgar W. Glllot, C.
F. Chnlfun, Guy C. McCnlllstor, F. G.
Powers, J. W. Gibson, Jnmes II, El
kliiB, M. W. Knickerbocker, J. O. Mc
Klnnoy, C4 P. White, D. P. MofTott.
M. E. Burkhnrd, P. Van Tnssol, D.
Wlnklo, C. L. Gist, J. P. Duckott. H.
E. Vincent, Linda J. Qulhorg, Ellis
H Edglngtnn, P. Huntington, J. D.
Bowman, Joo Lister, II. P. Bolknap,
Will Grnntlmm, John Stnpf, O. G.
Rivet. C. M. ElklnB. L. A. Hunt, Julia
A. Scott, Joo W. Hownrd, Jr.,
Wtnnlo M. Hunt, Joptlia S. Hunt,
Ettn P. Hownrd, Emma Fuller, Mrs.
L. P. Rico. L. P. Rico. Frnnk V. Chap
man, O. E, Stndlg, Dennis D. Hunt,
John R. Hownrd, Chns. E. Hlscock,
Fred Walter, Adolph Kotzmnn, Carl
II. Houco, Mrs. Martha Chapman,
Roli't Nltzscho, tho ostato of (1. W.
Fuller by A. J. Fullor. 8. E. Wost,
Walter Rublo. Kntlo Rublo, J. A.
West, T. F. McCnlllstor, Matilda A.
McCalllBtor, Roy L. Klddor, Goo. P.
Scott, .lorry Groszttlngor, Jnmos Par
kor, Joo Parsons, C. A. Payne, E. 8.
Pnyno, Alfrod Leathloy. 47-51o