M L. Tin: m:xn hi'MjEtix, nr.xn, ohi:., weuxksday, pkiiiiuahy u, km a. VMIK h TiTe Vkftrola Doesn't Promise it Accomplishes. A promise is only a hope, nn ac complishment is a realization. You run no risk of disappointment with the Victrolas because you know now that it will give you the world's music by the world's masters of music. No other instrument can do the shine. NO other instrument. Conie in and let us demonstrate the Victrola. We'll gladly play for you all records by the most famous sing ers and musicians. KODAKS STATIONERY CIGARS SUNDRIES CANDIES PERFUME Victor and Edison Agents. i REED & The 3tea Store BEND LOCAL NEWS ITEMS I'dwnrd Ilrooks linn returned to town. Mrs. H. C. Cndy was up from Tuni nlo on Saturday. W. A. MoIIltt of Gist, was liero on business InBt week. W. I;. Colili went to Portland Sat urday night on business. F. Hurwitz, a Milltcan homestead .f cr wb In town on Thursday. Work lins been resumed on tho Lo gan building on Wnll street. n. A. Stover returned Friday ovea lng fron; Portland nnd Salem. Born, on last Tuesday morning to Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Hoelschcr, a sou. Mrs. Martin Kenflcld, of Portland, arrived Monday nlghtf rom Portland. II. Ilrooklngo of Brookings was in Bend on Tuesday purchasing sup plies. Tho public library will bo open horenftcr on Sunday aflomoonH from 1! to D. ., LIST YOUR PROPERTY rvURING the next 0 days I expect a number of par ties coming here from the out-, side who will be interested in " farming lands. IF YOU want to sell, rent or trade, list your property with me. I will give same my personal attention. I HAVE small or improved Come in F. M. McCAFFERY - -REDMOND, OREGON REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE l---- ROCkerS Rockers Rockers Our Rockers are the best in style, finish and design. Easy and comfortable to rest jn. Our prices are right. Come in, sit down and try one. You will be satisfied. , E M. THOMPSON The furniture man If you don't trade with us we both lose money. i HORTON OREdON Mrs. Myrtle Fox, a nurso of Itod inond, Is In llcnd on professional business. C. II. Illshop and his daughter, Mrs. K. V. Vnrco, camo In from Brothers Sunday. C. Finney has opened a restaurant In the building formerly occupied by tho Draglch saloon. Carpenters began work this week on thu residence, of W. J. Sprout In Iloulovnrd addition, Henry Tnmm, a former resident of Uend, has returned 'and Is employed at thu Metropolitan. II. J. Chenoweth, and C. I. Henllno, of Orandvlew, wore business visitors In Bond on Monday. John T. Wheeler and Douglas Lawson, of Prlnevllle, were visitors In Bend on Sunday. J I. 15. Baker, of Ilokor's grocery. liriB purchased a new Ford to bo used foriollvory purposes. Tho Prcsbytorjan Indies guild will glvo a cafeteria supper In tho Com mercial club rooms on Wednesday, February 10. Survfco will begin at G:30. money to loan, large amounts, on or unimproved farms and talk it over. Mr. nnd Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon, of Powell Iluttn, came over on Monday for a visit with friends. llov. and Mrs. Frederick V. Cnr stons of Medford nro visiting with Mr. nnd Mrs, 11. M. Abbott. A. U. French hns been confined to his homo for tho last week with n Blight attack of pneumonia. Born, Thursday morning nt tho Bond Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Mnyflold, of I,a Pino, n son. W. J. McOIUvrny, of Monroe, Washington, formerly of Bend, ar rived last week to visit frionus. C. 13. Hamilton has moved his of fices with the Oregon Transfer Com pany in the Log Cabin building. Miss Hazel Lornncc. of Monmouth, Oregon, arrived Friday morning to visit with her sister Miss Mabel Lor nnce. Miss Hnzel Archibald, of Seattle, arrived Friday night to visit Mrs. Hnrry K. Brooks for n couplo of months. Tho teachers of the Bend public schools held their regular monthly banquet nt tho Lou'vro pn Monday ovonlng. Mr. and ,Mrs. T. A., McCnnn and Miss Esther Mooro returned Sunday morning from a few day's visit In Portland. Dr. V. C. Coo wnB ono of tho Ilend people marooned in Portland during the recent storm. Ho returned Fri day night. Miss Jcnn Duswell. who has been visiting with her brother. W. A. Bus well, left Monday night for her homo In Portland. Tho Emporium will move this week from Its present quartern into tho Electric store, where n lnrgor floor spaco Is avallnble. W. D. Cheney, who arrived Friday night to attend tho fourth annual dinner of the Emblem Club, will lenvo for Scattlo tonight. A meeting of tho Uppor Deschutes Livestock Association will bo held on next Saturday In tho ofllco of tho Deschutes National Forest. Mrs. Harry Brooke entertained n fow frlendB at n cafeteria dinner at her homo Sunday ovonlng compli mentary to Miss Hazel Archibald of Seattle. On Friday, February 11, at 2:30 tho Baptist 'women will glvo n special mlBslonnry program at tho church. All ladles of tho town aro especially Invited. Tho high wlndB early on Monday morning broke down some of tho high. current wires running over tho power company dam. Ilopalra wore made nt onco. With tho recent thaw sleds from points as far as Silver Lako havo boon nblo to come through to Bond. Several freighters woro In town on Monday purchasing provisions. Special service In tho M. E. church Sunday night. Patriotic Hervlce, sub ject, "The Controlling Forces in Lin coln's lire. Tho public cordially In vited. Frankllli W. Kengy, pastor. W. W. Floyd, of Caldwell, Idaho, i.. B. Kldwoll of Portland and O. P. Holland ,of Spoknno, horse buyers, worn lii llnnil Inst SntlirdnV fllllnC OT- dors for horses to bo shipped to Eur ope Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Well, of Eur oka, Montnnn, nro spending tho week in Bend as tho guests of their daugh ter Mrs. C A. Horskotte. Mr. and Mrs. Well nro on their way to Hono lulu. Mrs. A. M. Prlnglo sustained pain ful buniH about tho fnco last WednoB- flnv ninrnlnir. rnllROll llV 1111 OXIllOBlon of tho furnace nt hor homo. Tho burns nro reportod to no not 01 a BorlouB nnturo. flonrnn 3 Vrmnir linn rnrnlved 1G copies of tho profllo mnps of tho Des chutes river survey for distribution. Tim ulntniiinnt In lnnt wprIc'b Bulletin that ho had tho latest geologlcnl sur vey publications m incorrect. A. J. Wolton, of the Henry J. Kles er Construction Company, was in Bend on Sunday enrouto to Portland. Win. Wolton nttonded tho meeting of tho board of directors of tho But tles Lnko Irrigation Project nt Grand view last Saturday. Clarence Corliss, brlcklnyorls help er at Tho Ilrooks-Scnnlon plant fell from a Bcaffold 17 feet high Monday nrtnwnnnn Ifln hnpk u'nn hadlv wrenched. Otherwise he suffered no Bi.arn Idlnrlna Tin la rnfltltll? pnsllV DVIBIU ..ju...u. . -... - nt tho Bend Hlspltnl, vhoro ho is attended by Dr. u. u. uoe. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alonzo Moore, who have been visiting hero for tho past fow weeks, loft on tho Monday even ing train for Portlnnd, where they expect to make tholr home, Mrs Mooro was formorly Miss Edith Unumgartner of Portland. They were married In Portland December 11. Presbyterian church. Services next Sunday will bo as follows: Sun day school at 10 a. m. Wo hove an adult Iliblo class to which wo will welcomo you. Preaching services at 11 a. in. This Is tho annual celebra tion for Lincoln's birthday nnd tho morning nddress will bo in keeping with the occasion. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. Theme "Asking nnd Commanding." II. C. Hartrnnft. pastor. TO HOLD RUMMAGE SALE Locul Iteiiruilt'iit Association Will Sell CloUies Siitiiiiluy. A rumimige.'sale. under the aus pices of the Bend Benevolent Asso ciation, will be held Saturday after noon and evening in tho Commercial Club rooms. Tho association has collected to gether a largo amount of wearing ap parel which It will offer for sale at a nominal cost. A consldorablo amount of the clothing has been repaired and much of it made over. The receipts from the sale will bo donated to car rying on charity work which the as sociation has in mind. TO REORGANIZE BAND itoom For Itclicni sals NVetlod Mem. boihlp Will bo l.niKcr. .lust as soon ns director Ashley Forrest Is able to obtain rooms for rehearsals, tho Bond Concert llnnd will be reorganized for the coming iicaRon, There nre many now musicians in town who linvo signified their desire to become members of the bund. A considerable amount of new music will bo purchnsed for the rogulnr weekly Fiiday night concerts. It Is expected Hint the blind will havo more than I'O menibets this year. The Log Cabin Barber Shop can at tend to our tonsorlul wants. Adv. PLANS ARjjMITTED Bids Will be IttH'cltt'il for Construc tion of Gymnasium. Tentnthe plans for tho Bend gym nrslum were submitted by W. II. Downing, architect, Monday night at a meeting of the building committee. Although tho pinna were not formally accepted they wero received faor abiy by tlioso present. Mr. Downing will receive bids on the tile, brick, stock nnd carpenter work. A meeting cf the subscribers will bo called at an early dato to ro port jib to tho action that has been taken nnd to consider further details relative to flnnucing the enterprise. Pool and billiards at tho Metro politan. Just tho thing for a little relaxation In tho evening. Adv. tf. CIIAMBKIt AITItOVKS BILL Tho Portland Chamber of Com merce has given Its approval to the deferred residence homestead bill as approved by tho Oregon Development League. The bill provldcH that the entrymnn shnll cause the cultivation of one-eighth of his laud during each of the first three years" after llltng; ho must establish residence during tho fourth yenr, and during that and tho fifth year must reside on tho land for at least seven months. Tho proposed lnw 1b Intended to aid tho homesteader In bringing his land to soma sort of cultivation before tak ing his rnmlly there to reside, n plan that must be worked out before tho millions of acres of lnnds In tho dry linlln 'of tho wpHt will nvnr be lioo- pled. It contemplates that tho entry- men shnll have three years to do that before he Is required to uinko tho place a home. In Oregon nlono thero nre 10,000,000 acres or unappropnat cd government lnnds. - For sign painting boo Edwards. Adv. Bost of shaves nnd hnlr cuts nt tho Log Cnbln Barber Shop. JFOn YOUIt NEXT SUIT See DICK The Tailor All Kinds of CLEANING AND PltESSING Phono Black 1481 C. E. HAMILTON Writes Fire Insurance Phone Blick 451 DRY WOOD FOR SALE Embroideries Laces Underwear Hosiery Silkalenes Apron Gingham Curtain Swiss Curtain Scrim AND MOHE ON THE WAY Warner's BEND'S ECONOMY - CENTER I For Spring WARNER'S RUST Jf8rms$m &im Every pair gunrautood-Wo Priced .sti.no, .si. no, .sn.iio, WARNER'S Combine Stylo nnd Fit Priced nt ."() ami .sil.oo GOSSARD CORSETS Thoy Lnco In Front Priced nt $2.00, s:i,." mid s.'.oo STOP AND FOKKKTKUH FEED lllllDS. Tho district forcstor nt Portlnnd has iBSiicd n circular letter to all for est odlcors urging thorn to feed gnmo nnd birds in tholr respective locali ties during storm periods. The .'i- ,tlonnl Forest appropriation Is limit ed to tile enro or usu mill gamo sup plied to stock tho forcstB or thu 'watero theroln, mid cannot bo tiB.id for tho purchase, of food for game nnd birds. However, tho matter Is a vorthy ono, especially during this year of exceptional Htorms,rnnd each forest ollicer Is urged not only to uso his best efforts to furnish game mil mala and gnmu nnd gong birds with something In tho wny of food, but 1.4 nslied to nppoul to ranchers and stockmen generally In his vicinity to do their part In aiding tho work. Preparedness BE READY to battle the elements, We will equip you with Storm Rubbers anil Wet Weather Foot wear. Avoid catching colds because of damp febt. We are receiving daily new shipments of jMen's, Wo men's and Children's Rubber and Leather Footwear and can supply your needs at former prices notwith standing the fact that there has been material advan ces in practically all lines of rubber and leather goods. Men's Rubbers ... $ 1 .00 ' Women's Rubbers . . 75c Misses' Rubbers .... 60c Child's Rubbers .... 45c Boys' Rubbers 80c Youths' Rubbers . . . 75c NEW P A PRING H I HATS MJm JTkm si HORSC FPIHNDS PfflW anftJafiw WITHOUT REM0VIH0-5H0E. iff am" 41 W X alONaOFFlStt TTe Skuse Hardware Company - PROOF CORSETS ! 1 ' r ,. have a model,f6 vory figure, at f- S. ' SIEkfis I N2.no, su.oo , BRASSIE SHOP AT MAtilLL BADLY ItUKNEI). Loyd Mnglll, of tho Owl Pharmacy wna painfully burned lnat Wednesday afternoon by lysol, Mr. Miiulll wna nscondlng tho Htops of tho Owl Ph.tr mncy from tho Imsomont when lio tripped, spilling tho lysol. Ills loga were bndly burned deep into tho flesh. Ho Ib Improving rapidly. Dr. Ilarr, who hna boon attending him, Bays that ho will suffer no perma nent Injuries. Try our frosh broad nnd pnstr (Jnnnody Brothers. Bond street. Adv. 3C t 'i Havo you tried that Mpporcd sa moil down nt tho North Pacific FIsU Mnrkot? Adv. -i O il Everything jJfhpV' to Eat LPUllIll aiid Wear Protect your Horses from FALLING whilr the ground is slipptry. A "Never Slip WILL DO IT. N, 7 if: . f --s 'ihvcrSZn. ar. s mmfMMg:'g "i