The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 09, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE fl.
tiii: hexo dclletix, iiexd, out:., wedxesdav, ikiircarv i, mm.
ajiiuuilslictl Every Wednesday)
v ARftnnlntn llrlltrii'
Itlunnniltlnnt nnutminnnc otnrwl.
. rt j. w... via h IIVIIDHV1 DkUUtl
k or tno Bquaro deal, clean bus!-
C68H: rlnnti wtittinr. .i i. i.-.. in.
y J iunm,o tutu Ltiu uuv in-
'., Agitata of Dend and Central Oregon.
i M Ono Year ' ."T777. Sl.fiO
,-T-... BIy jrnn(ilc, --
fhrco Montlis 50 j
JX'AII subscriptions nro duo and
expiration nro mailed subscribers and
Ifrrenewnl Is not mado within reason
able time tho paper will be discon
tinued. PloaBo notify us promptly of any
change of address, or of lallnre to re-
.talyo tho pnpor regjlnrly. Otherwise
we'wlll not bo responsible for copies
.(Make nil checks and orders pay
able to The Ilend Mullctlii
paper with n shovel! Or somo Pin
head Percy wonder why tho editor
doesn't learn how to eet typo! No
doubt you think It excruciatingly de
licious when nn Item announcing that
Mien Merry Morryvnlo Is to bo led
to the niter gets Into tho paper .is
"led by n hrlter!"' Funny. Isn't it? i
Yes It Is! It depends oti tho point
of view. Wo nro nil apt to make nits
tekos. Don't forget that. Wlmt
would you think If the editor put
some of your mistakes Into tho
pnpor? Remember when ,
who nhnvca hlniBelf. came to church
with a lino patch of whiskers on his
chin which he hntl ovei looked? And
when Miss let the shoo
string on her switch hang down hor
bnck? And how Elder caught
tho (nil of his long coat over the
neck of tho bottle In his pocket and
went down tho street showing that
eometimes tho strongest l'i faith are
weakest In Hip llcsh Hut we hnvo
no intention of telling these things.
As nn editor we wouldn't bo much of
a hairpin if wo were bent thnt wnv.
Just remoniber, though that wo are
oil prone to errorB, and the next
tlmo you see something lu the paper
which you regnrd ns a puro sign nf
the editor's feeblo inlndedncss, Just
n.v the devil did It, and, by heck,
we'll back you up."
Ancient Use of a Kiss. '
A Itoinnu woman In the ancient tiJio
was not Allowed to drink wine except
It were sunplo raisin wine, and, how
ever she might relish strong drinks,
blie could not Indulge even by Menu b
first, boeniixo she wim never lutiut
ed with the key of the wlno cellar mid,
second, because she was obliged dally
to greet with n kiss nil tier own a wcil
as her husband's male reprcetitntlw.M,
down even to second cousins, and in
she knew not when or where she
might meet them she was forced to be
wiir.r iiiul abstain altogether, for liml
she tinted tint a drop the smell would
have betrayed her. So strict were the
old Romans in this respect thai a cer
tain Ignutliis Momirlus Is wild to have
slain bis wife because lie ciillglit her lit
the wine cask a punishment which
was not deemed excessive by Itouiuliis.
who absolved the husband of tliu crime
of murder.
For Rlstilet Attorney.
I hoieby nnnounce myself ns a can
didate for Ilia-Republican nomination
for District Attorney for Crook coun
ty nt the primaries to be held May 1!,
Htfp 11. II. DE ARMOND.
Tho report In tho corrospondenro
from Powell Ilutto Inst week that a
fanner had lost a number of hogs
from poison put out for rabbits
proves to lie Incorrect and It seems
to bo worth whllo to mnko tho cor
rection as public as possible The
work of rnhblt eradication Is a good
one and should not bo projudlccd lv
crioneoiiH leports of dnmago to stent.
Tho moil who are xiverscelng this
work nro careful and too deeply in
terested In tho wolfnro of tho fnr
iner to want to hnvo nny loss cnusf;!
hint. Wo bellovo thnt If their dic
tions nro cnrefully followed tho stork
damage will ho little or none.
Pnrt of tho Bottlers demnnd Mint
Pntent Lists !) nnd 10 lio held up.
Another fnctlon Insists thnt they bo
passed. Somo of thorn agree with
tho Company on ono head, somo on
another, and most of them dlBngree
with It always. Somo members of
the Desert Lnnd llonrd think one
thing, somo stnnd for something else.
'In short, about tho only group con
nected with our Irrigation problems
which really hnngs together is the
company crowd. Which Is probably
why they UBimlly mnnnge to get prot
ty nenrly what they wr.nt.
Recently a farmer tied a stick of
dynnmlto to a. captive eagle's tall,
lit tho fuse nnd rolenncd tho bird,
expecting n diverting aerial comedy
when the poor benst was blown to
atoms. However, tho engle lit on
the gentleman's bnrn, nnd when tho
bird wnB torn to pieces n goodly part
of the bnrn went with him. No doubt
the owner appreciates tho Joke, not
to mention Its moral.
President Wilson Is temperament
ally a pnclllBt. Ills Mexican policy--or
nt least his action and Inaction
which hnvo 'been dignified with the
title "policy" nnd his vnclllntlng
dealings with foreign powers which
seemingly have permitted tho term
"American Rights" to become u bnck
number In International procedure,
('u'l hIiow lilm as having little funda
mental sympathy with milltnry pre
paredness. Rut be ho pacifist or mllltnrlst.
Wilson certainly is a politician. And
Just at present ho hns set about play
ing politics with a cleverness and
boklncBH that is enlightening nnd
Now tho country Is being t rented to
the spectacle of a pnclllst president
with nn Inherent aversion to force
nnd n habit of sibstltutlnjt rhetoric
for notion, pnradln,; nbout lu tho very
front rnnk of tho iiurrnh-for-prepnr-cdness
Tho explanation for this pollticnl
phenomenon Is not lmrd to discern.
'PreparedneBB Is popular, nnd when
ono Is up for re-olectlon popularity
Is quito tho correct thing.
The Medford Sun nuta tho nintter
rfrW.clnctly as follows:
r lOo (lon-'t know precisely when It
Mrs. Ined, hut not very long ago
13, tlont Wilson realized thnt two
ttrrmldnhlo political forces were ser
iously threatening his return to the
Whltn House. Ono force wns repre
sented by W. J. Ilryan, tho ultra-pa-clllst,
tho other wns represented nv
Theodore Roosevelt, tho ultru-mlll-
"With thnt cool detnehment of
ilnd for which he !c Justly noted.
The president set about to determine
ihlch force wns tho more dnngoroui.
tin undoubtedly concluded thnt while
(Aryan hud n Inrgo following, It wns
porsonnl, while Roosevelt wns con
tlnunlly nccumulnttng n lnrger fol
lowing, which wns nntlonnl. It wns
tho Roosevelt thunder, therefore,
thnt must bo stolen; party loyally
could bo depended upon to nt least
dlVlde tho Ilryan forces.
'And so tho country Is now being
tnlnted to the unusual spectacle of a
rnitlrmod pnclllBt who a year ago, In
'& midst of war, derided military
preparedness nnd after the Lusltaula
disaster coined the historic phrase,
"too proud to light," whirling from
state to state, as tho leader and
rpnkcsmnn of those who n few
months ago were cheering our mili
tant Theodore nnd cursing tho wnteh-ful-wntllng
policy at the White
Without n doubt the President is
plnvlng good politics from IiIh stand
point. Preparedness Is both proper
nnd popular, lulrlutdrnllv It Is n lie
publican doctrine, adopted for the
occasion by the wily Democratic
And tho question nt Issue, bo fnr
nB preparedness Is concerned. Is not
whether a Democrat or n llenuhllcin
rnn mnko the most noise with It as a
platform, hut whether the peonlo of ,
tho United States consider thnt n 1
mnn of WIIsoh'h character nnd record I
Is the right man to put a platform cf ,
preparodnesH Into effect during the
mutt four years, we woniu Bay mat
what ho hns. done nnd left undone ! '" Mutual Sociability Among
The Nice of Austria.
"The Nlie of Austria is the name
by which Uorlzln, or Corltz. Is knowu
among Its linhllucs, owing to Its mild
clliuuto Curiously enough, the city
itiruisiics u link with tho French Hour
bons. for In u Franciscan content there
lie the i villains of Charles X. of
France, the lust or the Duurboiis; or
the Duke or Aiigotilemc, his sun, and
of i lie Due de Chnuibord. who died aa
recently us 18S3 Oorlzln. under Aus
trluu rule, was tho capital or the crown
laud of Gore Oradlsca and llrst appears
In history towmd the eloso of the
tenth century, when ic was bestowed
on the church. It Is still the scat or an
imhblHhop, and Its special Industry,
significantly. perhnw. has lung peon
the printing or Hebrew books for the
east. London Spectator.
For Shei 111'. ,
hereby nnnounce my candluncv
for tho Republican nomination for
Sheriff of Crook county nt tho prl
murlea to bo hold May 19. 19 IC.
48p. S. E. ROHERTS
For County Assessor.
I hereby nnnounce myself as a can
didate for the Republican nomination
for County Assessor for Crook coun
ty nt the prlmnrles to bo hold May
19, 1910. l"tfp
For Sh'MllV.
I horohy announce my candidacy
for tho Democratic nomination for
Sheriff ot Crook county nt the pri
maries to bo hold May 19, 1010.
-3p. P. 11. POINDEXTER
Ingenious Rimes.
Sir Owen Senninu Is to be congrat
ulated on bis Ingenuity In riming
"Itngdnd" with wag. dad." hut the
pnhu fur audacity In riming must re
him In with Drowning, who matched
"ranunculus" with "Tommy make
room ror your uncle us." or the (.even
tcchth century bard who wrote:
Tlio Duke of York n cluuchtor had
lie gave the I'rlnce of Oranxo her;
Bo now your majesty will see
I've found a rlmo for porlnger.
Loudon Stnndard.
For Circuit Judge.
I hereby nnnounce myself ns n enn
dldnto for tho Democratic nomination
us circuit Judgo nt tho primaries to
bo held on May 19.
Pol adv. 47 tfc (Present incumbent.)
Tho other day tho "fluard," a dolly
paper at Kngeno, went Into tno
hnnds of n receiver. Another indi
cation that even In good sized pros
perous towns newspapers hnvo n hard
row to hoe. Very few papors lu the
Btnto are really making money, nnd n
goodly number nro doing the roverse.
isouspnpcrlug Is not a llnauclnl bod
of roseB.
The railroads are having n hord
time these dnyB. , Perhnps Colonel
(loothals might bo perunded .to
tncklo our slides when he Is through
nt Pnnamu.
"Irrlgntlon or stagnation" Is tho
slogan of some of those backing tho
nroporod state-guaranteod bonds. Il
has a good sound to it.
T-. 1
Do not bo nlormod If vnu read that
the county agriculturist gave poison
Tho llend Parent-Teacher Assocla
Hon will hold a meeting on Satur
day afternoon nt 3 o'clock In tho
Commercial Club room. Tho chnngo
from tho Rold school to tho Commer
cial Club room Is mado on nccount of
the more contrnl location of tho Int.
tor. Tho work of tho nssoclntton Is
ono of holpfulncss for tho children
nnd It Is hoped thnt nil Interested will
attend tho Saturday mooting.
Huy your groceries nt McClIncy.'s.
For Sheilir.
I hero' y announce my cnndldncy
for the Republlcnn nomination for
Sheriff of Crook county nt tho prl
mnrles to bo held Mny 19, 191(1.
For County Commissioner.
I hereby nnnounco my candidacy
for tho Republican nomination for
County Commlslsoner of Crook coun
ty nt tho primaries to bo held on
May 19, 1910.
48. p Present incumbent.
For County Clerk.
I hereby nnnounco my cnndldncy
for tho Republlcnn nomination for
dork of Crook county n( tho primar
ies to bo held on May 19, 191G.
ndv 49 tf. J. II. IIANER.
Tor Sheriff.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for tho nomination for .sheriff on the
Democratic tlckot nt thb primaries to
bo held May 19, 191G.
49 tf. Prceont incumbent.
For County School Superintendent.
I hereby nnnounco my candidacy
for tho Republican nomination fnr
school superintendent of Crook coun
ts nt tho primaries to ho held May
19, lfllO.
49 tf Present incumbent.
A 1
I iiyStin I I 3sV nV3
! HM W
sum mik
I 0ooe iBflfanf D s4w A J $ 1
I f I iiflr I ( i Wlkf If I
Do You Know
that the R. M.
Smith Clothhig
Company car
ries thebest and
most complete
line of
Brown 's
White House Shoes
The merit of a shoe is determined by style,
comfort and durability.
Style is sometimes a matter of personal
preference but comfort and durability arc
built in by the manufacturer. That's why
you should select White House Shoes the
reputation of the maker insures the quality.
Duster llrown shoes
for children per pr.
$1 to :i
Men's flno drosB
llr.own and Foote
Schulzo shoes per
pr :i.rso to .so
Work shoes, Chip-
pawn brand
Sii to S7
Now Bprlng dress
goods and ginghams
Wo invito you to
look thorn over.
R. M. Smith Clothing
General Merchandise
to n rancher,
He hnnds It on to a
When you get right down to enses
has the Collfomlnn Rlvlerla anvthlug
on North Dakota ns a winter resort?
Its n long, long way to victory
Europe, however you look at It.
There are good oetorB and bud
actors and Carey Actors.
Have those notes about the Lust
Inula come due?
Shuey's Cut Prices
A few Odds nnd Ends of the Best in Our
Stock, Drop in and Satisfy Yourself.
(The Oregonlnn.)
PRIXEVILLE, Feb.. C (Special)
Formation of the Ochoco Irrlgntlon
District was favored by a vote of 51
to 17 at a special election yesterday.
Directors chosen nre: John Grimes.
F. Fred Holsher, T. II. Lafollctte. D.
T Stewart and E. L. Slnyton. It Is
proposed to Issue bonds to reclaim
17,000 acres In tho vicinity of Prlne
vllle. The result of the election gives
encouragement to Crook county men
who hope to see early construction of
a railroad to this city.
Our llrst lino of defense Is type
written. i j
during his administration brands him
ns emphatically 'uiuiuulillod (or such
in task.
, ,
I Here I what a country ovcuhuim
has to nny about tho trouble of an
ttveij tH)k thb paper, unil everv paper in me ciiuiiiry, i n,,,.- ... i... i.-i.i ....,i .i
number of orron--lypoiiraphlenl anil ,. n ,i.., ...
.Men of Tmn,
The Presbyterian llrotherhood w.ts
orgunlied last Friday night at the
I'nwbytorlmt churrh, The purpose of
the orgauUatlon Is to offer n mcdlut"
for sociability between men of the
town. The membership Is not lim
ited to niembors of the Pretdiyterlnn
church or to men who attend churU
ArrnuKcnumt have boon made for
1 IBS imwMfe Om
I MkMKma f '4'?y.-'JM'WZX?2: s! ..'''.-
": wr?pis
m w mm
I V 1 a 1 fll ,. ...... .. l,n a. ...a(. j MlWIIIHt 11T t VV IITVII41Hb "in
m , oiuerHi. '"'""'"""'-"" be sttt hsUIo for ilUciiwIon of current
(i I !t,.!::,.?., """M.?""'8 !t. .r1 " !"- ?' ': Mia.Mk ...e...
- ' wh. of tho edUors Uoupolnt? If ' e" ' ', , n
r -A' tlioio. one thin letter calcuUted to 1 ' H $lmiA for t,u
The ortlcers elected at the Frtdn
night meeting vro: I'ronldent, 11. 1.
Hopkinn. loo pretildeut. L. S. Pi
duo; socrtry-tnnsurer, C W
Long: rhulrumu social eopimlttee, W
II. Corner; chairman program com
mittee. C. 8. lletiMm: melubrshli
commute, L. S. Porduo.
OXE CENT A WORD Is all a little
Want Ad will cofct you.
turn iimv youth to dodder-oia ago
thnu, for lustuuo, to got tin dtmth
notlcoti and weathor prediction mix
ed so that tho darned thing com
out in the pnpor "Mrs. William Wll
llaum died last night. She has gon
whom It Ib-IK" degree In the
shade with rising tompemturo to
morrow, wen, we u iikp i" ixuuw
wlmt It Is. Mavbo you thluk It ploas-
Irnt to walk down the street and lnar
Ihonto grinning Idiot with a hend like
H Gorman pnnenko and a brain Ilka
an addled egg nniuing. i mo 'i
to a cuustio criticism nnd tho editor
to cousclouBlesi ecprn! . Maybo you
.V; m,a venum family remark that I T "e Jo you trade? At Mc
'ino American Hnkery announces
thnt It hns begun to. make Ico cream
and from now on -will havo It for
snlo at all times to hotels, restaurants
and private families. adv
Is expected that flnnl hearing beforo
the Court will bo sot In a few days,
probably to occur In about two
(Special to The Itulletln.)
SALE.M, Feb. 8. Attorney Gen
eral llrown filed with the Supreme
Court on Frldny a demurrer In the
case Involving tho Central Oregon
Irrigation Company and the Btnto
Public Servlco Commission. Tho
Company seeks to restrain tho Com
mission from Interfering In Its af
fairs or conducting nn investigation
of Complaints of settlers on tho
ground that It has no Jurisdiction
In a Cnrey Act project. The Attorney
General Is now prepnrlng his brief
on behalf of tho Commission, nnd It
(Oregon Journal.)
SILVER LAKE, Feb. 7. A peti
tion signed by n majority of tho land
owners asks tho county court to or
ganlzo tho Sllvor .Lake unit Irrigation
district. This petition will go be
fore tho court on Mnrclt 1, and In
sures tho Irrigation of tho Sllvor
Lako unit, and Is a mooting of tho
covenant between Robert E. Struhoni
nnd tho. people of tho north Lake
county. Tho ownorB of tho Fort
Hock unit o? tho great Irrigation pro
ject will proceed Immediately to tin
work of organizing their district ami
tho Paulina and Horning liond units
will follow. Rnllroad construction
nnd Irrigation canal building nro go
ing hand in hand In tho north Lnlte
Ruy your groceries nt McCllncy's.
For tho best shnvo and hair cut
In town go to tho Log Cabin Barber
Shop. Adv.
Innes nnd Honson'wjll' bo glad to-
meet their old patrons' nt tho Log
Cabin Ilarber Shop. Adv.
Armor Plate Hosiery for Father,
Mother, Sister, Itnitlier mid the Da.
by, too. Tlio ery iK'ht made.
Ladles' Hbro Silk ribbed top hose
black and white .10c
Ladles' Mercerized lisle hose rib
bed top, whlto and black, pr. iMe
.1 pair $1.00
Ladles' outslzed ribbed top hose,
black and white ittte
Ladles' Lisle ribbed top hose,
black and whlto -Xc
$2.00 Wool Shirts S,;r.
$1.78 Wool Shirts .Sl.U.T
SI. Oft Wool Shirts .,,, St.l.T
J 1.25 Flannel Shirts 8 .lit)
$3.50 Wright's Fnlou Suits ...S-.'..T
$2.60 Wright's Union Suits . ..S1.II5
$1.75 Wool 2-plece suits per gar
ment KI.'Vl
$l.R0' Wright's Fnder Shirts . .$1,111
$1X"0 Wright's Dirtwers SI. 1(1
$3.00 Corduroy Troukers
$2.00 Pants 81.J.T
CTc Coverall aprons ..."Jc
ti.'c Apron and cap
$1.25 House dress and cap tine
Wo will he better
ropared than
A dtolrahla bread knife fwo with
every annual' subscription' to The
Ueml llulletln.
Everything the best in Groceries Complete and Fresh
line. Look over our stock of Shoes, Hosiery and
Men's Furnishings.
ever to offer you t'jo'best thnt tho
reason and fashion affords. Par
ticular pains havo been tnkon In
selecting our Spring and Summer
goods to meet tho demands of
men who have flnounsto for good
Our samples for Spring nnd
Summer Bults hnvo arrived from
AXDERSOX of Chicago and the
of Portland. They will glvo you
an idea of tho styles that will bo
wonn this soason.
Our spring lines in ready in.,,! ,ia .,
wlXueC an? "7 " Z, The"
111 "le "eMt nnd sappiest you Will geo In Bond this vPnr.
51 lonX? ? Sl-U.S HMd vercoats which sold for
M5 to i-.). Special price of R7 05
llnckinplmm & Hecht shoes thnhuCr"' Zi'hi
$!.()0 Hats, speciti
hoes that sold for So. now S3.85
price $1.95
Men's Furnishings
tho edltpr must havo mado up uUCllucys Grocery. Adv