-J thi; ii;x nuu,iynx, imxn, oitn., wkdntsday, khhucaiiy r, mio. I'Aon .-. t EKUAIl OF 00 AIM I SS ION ISSUE'S LETTER Detailed Statement Made Showing When Payments l.ie, Wlicn Delhi- ltient nml Penalties Which At- tiicti Kirst Half Duo Aptil fi. SALEM, Fob. 5. Tho state tax commission has Issued n letter to tax collectors, assossors and all othors In terested, explaining tho sections re lating to the time when taxes shall bo paid, when delinquent and other features of Interest. "Tnxes become pnyahlo in two sep arate Installments," says tho lottor, in part. "If tho first hnlf is not paid by April 5, Interest Is charged there on (but not on the second half) at tho rato of ono per cont for each month or fraction of a month until linlil. If tho second half is not paid by October 5, Interest then boglns thorcon at tho samo rato. No robnto or discount Is allowed for nilvanco payment of cither installment. "All taxes not paid in full on or before October C becomo delinquent After said data nnd until tho tnxes nre paid, or ccrtiflcnto of delinquency is Issued, interest continues to run at the rato of 1 per cenffor ench ninntli or fraction of n month. Delin quent taxes not pnld boforo Novem ber 5 aro on that date subject to a "malty of C per cont In addition to tho Interest specified. As Am Illustration. "For example, wo will assume that tho tnxes on a cortaln propnrty, ns charged on tho roll totnl $100: "Tho llrst half (JCO) mny bo paid on or boforo April G, nnd tho second hnlf (?G0) on or bofore October :, without interest or penalty on cither amount; but, "If said first hnlf Is paid on any day from April C to Mnv G, both dates Inclusive, there should bo added an interest charge of 1 per cont ($0.G0) : from May C to .luno li incltiRivo. 2 July D inclustvn. .1 nor rpnt Ctl.GO): per cent ($1.00): from Juno C to from July 0 to August 5 inclusive I nor cont f$2.00): from AugUBt C to to September G Inclusive, 15 per cent ($2. GO): from September C to Oc tober G Jncluslvo 0 per cent ($3,00). "If tho critiro tnx of $100 Is paid on any dny from October C to Novem ber -1 Inclusive, tho Interost charge would bo 7 per cent on the first half ($3. GO) and 1 per cont on tho second half ($0.50). "If tho ontlro niiiou,t is p"ii "n Nqvcmber G, tho Interest chnrgen should bo 7 per cont on tho first hnlf (S3. GO) and 1 icr cent on tho sec ond hnlf (SO GO) plus a penalty of 5 per cont ($G.00). When 1'alil Last Month. "If tho entire amount Is paid on nny dav from November C to Decem ber G Incluslvo, tho interest charges thould be R per cent on the first half ($4.00) nnd 2 per cent on tho pecond hnlf ($1.00) plus n ponalty of G per cent ($G.00). "Interest tlnues on nil delin quent tnxei. ; . onld rate of 1 per cont for ench month or nnrt or a inontu, until pnymont or the Issunnco of n ccrtiflcnto of delinquency. "All interest nnd penalties go to the county, and no part thereof rn nny municipal corporation or district for which taxes nre collected." This May Interest You. If you miffer with pulns In vonr bark or side, stiff mid soro mu'e'en or Joints, or rheumatic nchoa. or 'm"o svpiptoms of kldnev tronblo such fcs puffy swellings undor tho r os or sleep disturbing hlnddr nllmnets, vou should know thnt Foley Kidney Pills havo benefitted thousands In like condition. Sold everywhere, ndv A desirable bread knife free with every annual subscription to Tho Bend Dullotln. IIKATj I7STATK TRANSFKRS. IhsiiciI by Crook County Alwtrnct Co. Coleman Donnett to Drooks-Scon-Jon Lumber Co. bw 11-19-11. $100. John Steldl ot nl to Rend Woter Light & Power Co. water system In Rlvorsldo. Wlestorla, Lytlo Acre Tracts, etc, $8,000. Knthorlne Dwyer to Huron Tim ber Co. sw nw, YtVt bw, so sw 11-17-10. Thos. Fitzgerald to Huron Timber Co. bo 12-17-10, Glen M. Gould to Huron Tlmbor Co. aw 9-19-12. D, E. Hunter Realty Co. to P. R. Rrooks, F. W. Sulllvnn tract In lot 3, blk. 1, Rond, $20.ouu. Alfred Hansen to Ada E. Lundborg Its. 4. 5, blk. 28, Laldlaw, $300. Almus Kelt patent for no bw 20-21-11. Helen A. O'Knne to Hugh O'Kano Its. 11-12, blk. 10, Dend. R. R. Howard, ct al nnd ninck Rutte Land & Livestock Co., agree, to enlarge Irrigation ditch. C. A. Ailnms to C. M. Redfleld Its, 8-9. blk. 17. Redmond. Tho Rend Co. to Catherine Wood R. 7, blk. 29, Center add, Rend. DwIehfM. Davis to J. Rynn &. Co, Its. 3-5, blk. 3. Terminal add. Dend. Albert T. Shaver to Otis C. Henkle Its. 14, IB, blk. 3, Kenwood. Henry Linster to Tony Zahner, It. 1, blk. 11. Aubrwy Heights, $126. La Pine Townslte Co. to Harriet E. Dunham. Its. 10. 11, blk. 30, It. 1, blk. 1C, La Pine. Same to same It. 8, blk. 19, 1st add La Pine. Job. H. McMennmln redeems It. 1, blk. 3, Dend. Patronizo the Dend Flour Mill Co.. and make Dend the milling center of Central Oregon. Adr. Shearings Tlio Biiowfcll on tho Little Des chutes river near the Jones runch '3 reported to hnve been 108 Indies this year as against !)C Inches for 1 QU ID. This should be good news to farmers In the Bund country ns It ; will assure them amplo water for all purposes during tho coming season, During the coiujng month much more snow will fall and as tho ground was well soaked before a good crop Is assured all over Central Oregon. Crescent N'ows. Tho snmplu bricks made from PHnglo Falls clny stand tho various tests und nre tho only western niado bricks which do. Tho demand for western made 'vltrlflod brick that can bo marketed at a lower figure than is now asked for eastern brick Is ro pronounced that the I'rlnglo Falls Co. will Install machinery nnd begin tho mnnufneturo of vitrified brick In tho spring. La Pino Inter-Mountnln. Tho Increased voting strength of Mend Is putting a now look on tho situntlon. Just how strong this vote will be, and Just what It will decido to do is a question In the minds of tho county politicians and tho rumor, which seems to bo woll formed and Is no doubt true, that Dcnd will hnvo a complcto tlckot which will receive solid support from that community, Is surely worth tho consideration of tho wisest or them. Crook County Journnl. Alfalfa liny In this section last week Bold for $1C por ton, and oc I'nwoll Itutto fnrmor, Win. Weill, sold 100 tons to parties at Uond for thnt prlco. The prediction has been mndo by thoso In n position to know, that hay 'will go to $20 per ton bo foro summer. Even nt $10 per toil, fsn't that a pretty fnlr prlco for nl falfn. Redmond Spokesman, During them onth of January Fort Koek had a snowfall of 28 Inches and the total preclpltntlon was 2.43 inches. This Is mora molsturo than Fort Itock hns had In nny ono month slncu 1910. In November of thnt year there was a rainfall of 3.40 In ches. Fort Rock Times. On tho first of May nuto mall eor vlco will bo established out of Cul- vor to tho Lamoutn country. This sorvico will requlro a doparturo from Culver early In tho morning and will tovor tho routo .known ns No. 1 nnd Bonio nddltlonnl territory, tho nor thern part of tho course being' cov orcd first. Returning to Culver tho carrlor will carry mall to tho coun try to tho west nnd southwest of town. Somo question wns rnlsed ns to tho discontinuance of tho Lamou tn office but tho Department never bad such a plnn under consideration. Deschutes Vnllcy Tribune. Tbnnk your gods for Leap Year, tdo, for It gives you old, drled-up, crabbed, worthless bachelors n chnnco to accept a proposal. If tho right girl docs not como at first, all you will need to do Is to uso tho Icy staro, affect tho frigid features and uwult tho "edging" of tho girl on whom you hnvo your covetous eyo. Oh, that blessed old Leap Ycarl And you old slnglo stags who fall to bo out to tho Leap Year Rail may miss tho only Miss. Tho affair will beat politics to a frazzle, and nfter Its over you will know you havo been cc' ting with respectnblo peo ple Silver Lako Lciulor. Speaking of tho location of the Tnffarann lnitnti' onni t'A firm It Itn. ovo thnt wh(.n UlQ '8moko rog awny In tho fall, and tho result an- A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Which NETS $300 PER MONTH ON AN AVERACE For Bale at half prlco. Moving picture road outfit, first cliiBu and complete, In cluding at 40 horso touring car with Dclco lights and starter. 3G Amp. genorntor with sliding gear connection. Powers picture machlno with motor. 12 reels and all oth er equipment. Everything runs perfect. Cost new, $2,800, Used 4 months, will sell for $1,400. Full operat ing Instructions. Address Dox 2, Decklcy Oregon, Har ney County, TO THE RESCUE W will un oar linen, but you rouet Dot wula much Urn ajettlos our rwcut band t work LOW PRICES, BETTOR SERVICE Bead Steam Laundry. AND DRV CLKANINQ Put Your Duds In Our Suds' WHO ffiO 11(01 1 SrU .. SBVVQMMBBMaaaninBnaBttaMaMHMl Somebody asked: "WIIK1U2 1JOKS THN WHST IlKdlXV" When you nre In New York, they call Detroit West; in Detroit, Kansas City is West; In Kansas, It Is Denver, and lnDcii"vor, West Is beyond the Hodden. The following Is n reply to that query by Arthur Chapmntt. out wiu:iti: Tim wkst iikoixs. Out where tho hnndclasp's a little stronger, Out where tho smile dwells n little longer. That's where tho West boglns. Out whore the skies are a trifle bluer, Out where friendship's a little truer, Thnt's where tho West begins. Out where n fresher breozo Is blowing, Where there's lnughter in every strenmlot flowing, Where there's more of reaping nnd less of sowing, Thnt's whero tho West begins. Out where tho world Is In tho making, Whero fewer hearts with despair are aching, That's whero tho West begins. Whero tnero's more of singing and less of sighing, Whero thofe 'i moro of giving nnd less of buying, And a man makes, friends without half trying That's whero tho West boglns. Tho Commercial Cub, On son City, Oregon. nounced, It will be found that tho de cision has been mndc, not from per sonal friendships, not because nny ono group of business men or city residents deslro it, but for reasons thnt havo for their foundation the deslro for tho greatest good to tho greatest number, greatest conven ience for tho transaction of public business, and a selection thnt will cause no regrets, to those with whom tho responsibility rests tho voters of Jefferson county. To relievo tho minds of nny who havo been In doubt wo violate no confidence when wo say that Metollus will bo In the raco very much so, wo hollovo from start to finish. Jefferson County Record. Tho Doy Scouts gavo tho pcoplo of Paisley a practical demonstration of what thoy could accomplish by con certed action, on Saturday. They went nil over town with shovels, hoes, etc., nnd donned nil tho snow nnd Ico from tho wnlks. It wns no easy matter ns thero wero drifts drifts across the wnlks In places nnd everywhere tho 'snow was frozen fast. Their work Is certnlnly appreciated. Chowoucan Press. Ono of tho principal laws of tho organization Is to prepnre tho ne cessary petitions to hnvo tho ".Mad ras for County Seat" Issuo placed on tho ballot as an Initiative measure. Tho lnw plainly states that after tho governor appoints tho county court, "thoy slinll meet and select tho tem porary county scat until tho next general election." At that tlmo tho peoplo' nro presumed to settle thn question, and thoy will without tho least shadow ot n doubt- Glvo tho pcoplo of tho county a chnnco to vote on tho question and let tho majority rule. It Is right and Just thnt It should bo so, If only for ono reason, thnt Is, tho grcntcst number of peo plo who will voto for ono town goes to show thnt tho grcntest numbor of peoplo nro sorved, and thnt It will bo tho grcntcst numbor of peoplo to ro eclve tho bqnoflts, Is the natural so lution of the problem. Howovor, THE TELEGRAPH OPERATOR f juoc I Aior I SEN JUO THE BOYS MOMS. THE LINE SENO YOU A SAC.C OF TWArJKJ, A l KNEW THEY MouLrTN 1 IVHEN.IPUT THCM J I REAL TOBACCO P ) ALL around you men aro talking about W-D CUT ChevrinJ the Real Tobacco Cbiw, ml, ltt tkrti. You. youraclf irt probibly tllio yoor friiodt about It. Gt m pouch from your tlcaUr. Set bow catHy and ivcoly tba real tobacco tl como-bow it laliabca without JrioJiu. "Nolle bow tb aalt brtnn out U rich tobacco tut" Mta by WEYMAN-BRUTOH COMPANY, SO Ualon &jw., Hew York Cll NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth and Waihin&ton Sliecli PORTLAND, OKKGON Centrally Located Room Rates $1.00 per diiy, More if you wyh to pay. Excellent Restaurant in connection. Breakfast and Luncheon 25 cents. Dinner 85 Cents. Continuous service at very moderate prices. Madrna dcsi.s to state that her hat Is In tho ring rlt'iit now It haa boon since tho day after anoMior town vi selected nnd It will lie until she elthor wins or loses. Mndras Pioneer. Thero to purity In eory trek of Deschutes Spray nnd Truo Iliuo Flour mrnufactured by tho Ilcnd Flour Mill Company. Adv. A desirables bread knife free with every annual subscription to Tho Dcnd Bulletin. Insist that tho Hour you buy Is con tained In Tho Saxollno Sanitary Sack. It will Bave you monoy. Adv. For sign painting seo Edwnrds. Adv. SPECIAL MEETING GALLED Potato (.'rowers to Gather In Red mond on I'cliruiary II. (Dy A. E. LOVETT County Agriculturist.) Tho Deschutes Valley Potato Grow ers' Association will hold n special all dny meeting nt Redmond, Febru ary 14th for the nurposo of discuss ing potato varieties best adapted to this section, best methods of culti vation nnd Irrigation and tho harvest ing and mnrkotlng of tho crop to gether with a detailed discussion of potato diseases and their prevention nnd cure. Prof. J. E. Lnreen will be present at this meeting nnd assist In the discussion. All Interested In tho growing of potntocs whether n mombcr of this association or not nro invited to at tend. Meeting begins nt 9:30 nnd will laBt until 4:30, with ono hour for lunch. Miss Turloy, fipeclnllst lit domestic economy will meet with thn farmer's wives nt tho samo hours for discussion of homo cooking nnd tlmo nnd labor 'saving dovlces for tho home. Every ono Invited. AND THE GOOD JUDGE The Hotel for YOU 1 1 wise o the r 'A BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. llOIlKUT It. GOULD Civil Demi Oregon Knglncer W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. D K X X I S T OfTlco Over Postolllco Dend, ... Oregon DR. J. C. VANDEVERT Physician mid Surgeon Phono Red 271 Hours 0-12 n. m.i 1-5 p. m.; 7-9 p. m. Snthcr llullrilug W. G. MANNING, D. M. D. Dentist, OfTlco In First National Dank Dulldlng Tel." il 1 Uend, Oregon WILLARD H. WIRTZ h A W Y K 11 rrlnovllle, Oregon. C. S. DENSON Attorney At Lnw Benson Building, Wall Street Dend, Oregon. VERNON A. FORBES Ij A W Y 13 R First National Bank Building Bond, :-: :-: Oregon GEORGE S. YOUNG Civil and Irrigation Engineer. U. H. Mineral Surveyor. Room G First National Dank Building J. B. Boll A. W. Sims CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to Tho J. II. Hnnor Abstract Co., Prlnovlllo, Oro. Abstracts Insurance 1JICXD PLUMBING AXD HEATING COMPANY' Sanitary Plumbing Steam and Hot Water Heating WALL STREET DR. J. R. BARR Physician and .Surgeon Deschutes Stato Dnnk Building Phone Black 711 J L Hoofing of nil kinds. Kejmlrinp promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices nnd Skylights. J Jk& Plumbinp;, Roofiiifr, Furnace Work, Sheet Metal Work of All Kinds. Central Oregon Plumbing and Healing Company PHONE RED II J. E. ENGEIlKETSON. MCK. TIXKrllO.NIi lll.ACK 661 BEND HAULING CO. K N I'AI.MHRTON TRANSFER AND STORAGE. HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVED. COAL AND WOOD. O'DONNELL UNION MARKET H. C. ELLIS Attorney-ut-Lmv United States Commissioner First Nntionnl Bank Dulldlng BEND, OREGON II. H. Do A R M O N D IjAWYHR Oregon Street. Bend, Oregon DR. J. H. CONNARN I) K X TIST Omco In Snthor Building. Houru 9 to 12, 1 to G. Sundays nnd overlings by Appointment. O. P. NISWONGER, Bond, Oro. UXDKItTAKER Licensed Kiiilinliucr, Funeral Director. Phono Red 121. Lady Asst. DR. R. D. STOWELL Xnprapathle l'lij hIcIiiii OfTlco ovor Miller Lumber Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to G Pliouo Rod 01 DR. A. A. BURRIS Xaturopatli Diseases cured without tho uso of drugs or surgery by tho nat ural incthodB of healing. OIllco SATIIER HU1LD1NG BEND, OREGON Fraternal Socie'es I. O. O. I Rend Lodge No, 218. Regulnr meeting every Mon day night nt 8 o'clock In Snth or'B Hall. Visiting brother cordially welcomo. If. I McKlM. N. G. N. P. VJfclDBH, Secretary. T. R. McCLINCY Tho Arcoiiiiuoiliitlng OinIi (i'rm'i'r Staple ami Kjuiry Groceries Our Ktock Is Clean and Complcto Wo Do only ciinIi IiiinIiicnn and consequently our IU'Iccn (ire loner. Wo niti a market for your butter, osi;s ami trxclahlcH Auto Dellvuiy PIIOXi: BLACK 211 1 POLK'S' OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory A Directory of each Clly, Town nnd Village, slvlns deacrlptlva nkolch ot each place, location, population, tele, crapli, alilpplns ami banking point alia Claaaltleil Directory, complied by uuiineia ana proieaaion. II. I. I'OIJC CO., HKATTLB KTKAM III.'AT CIIAKKH WINTKU. Why not onjoy tho comforts ot tho moat uyBtntnatlo.autl econom ical wny of hsntliiK. Tho coat of Installing Htonni lioitt Is pnld for mnny Uiiiob hy tho comforts do. rlvod. Plenty of lient whon nna wlioro you want It at loss cost Until stoves Hafor, cloai.or, moro Hiuiltnry. ki:h. 1'iioMt lll.ACK in llIHMMll BROTHERS J 1 H ft' .! --- w "