OT4nH 4 A rrttt. ttvn nrt t wrrtx ., VAOK 12. thI' i'i i'Mii:tiv, hi:xi, qui:., avi:ixi:siuv, i-nimruv p. " Urn, IV I L lfekc EC life 14 lt i ! r 1 Hi Ml n i li SETTLERS HAVE I ACTION ON PATIENTS MAKES SPLIT l'imt'll Undo llc-dilonts I'pbinlil C. O. I. Water Iters' AvsiM'Intlon for ticekliiK ((i Hold l'p lilsts I) unit JO, ,Siilng Tlic.v Alone Sillier. REMOVAL SALE AH This Week Special to Tim DuHotln.) HAUCM, February 7 .Settlors In tho l'owoll llutto country, ns repre sented by tins I'owhII llutto Improve liient AHHOclullon, don't nlvus agree with tliolr neighbors tin represented by tlio 0. O. I. Co's. Wntor Users' Association. At loaBt, It Is ho inti mated qtiltri forcibly In a communi cation Just received by inomborH of the Desoit Iiuiil llonnl. Tlio l'owoll llutto Hi'ttlcra objort to tlio notion of tlio Wntor I'sers' As sociation In Reeking to block Ishii--hiico or patents under llHtH !) and 10. They inaluliilii Hint they tlioninolvos, nn tliolr Inn (Ik coiiiu liudor those IIbIh, would bo the chief snfferon. The communication Is, In part, hh follows: "Wliciciis, It has been culled to our attention that the ho called Central Orngon Irrigation Compi-io's Water Users' AiwoRiiitloi), mush-tlng of a wmnll cotcrlo of m:i moHtly located In tlio linmod'nta vicinity of Ilend, mill who am In no w-iy representa tive or tlio entire 'rrlgntpd district under tlio abovo inciti'ined company, hr.vo pntwod a resolution mid for wi tried HHiun to jour llonornblo body with tlio i'piosB purpoHo of hindering or preventing tlio Issiiiinro of patoutH lo lists nl'io anil trn, and "WIhtwih, All of tlio laiidH In the Immediate vicinity of Ilend arc al ready patented and I lie owners there of Mart and serum In their titles and who In coiiHeiiioiicH are not vitally li'lerontdl In soctirliiK pntcutH In lint nine Mild ten, rk llioxi or iih who are now IIvIiik on thli "iipntonted land mid who have Invested oven dollar Me own In the world In Improve ments of oim kind or another, to All of which we now hnvo no legst! title r'hoiiKh wo have rully and falllifullv porforuuid every ro(iilreinont do ir.riided or im iih settlers ellhor by the Irrigation rompnny, the State or OreKon or Hie United States (lovorn maul, and deeply reel that It Ik now up to the Slate of OrcKon and the Hulled Slates (invoriiiiioiit to keep Hood faith with us ami comply with thHr part of the contract which wo have entered Into with them nud so cure for tin the titles which we ho Justly deceive without ftirtlier delay, nnd "WlieiiMs, Thin nppearH lo bo an uToit lo Htrllio at the Central OrcKon Irrigation Cnmpanv through tlio muT fnrliiie or the settlors directly nf Tecled by such a move, who arc In ni way ranoiiiido Tor any retroinlR mIoiir on the part or the mild com iihiiv. If any, and who would be lu lu red una hundred fold imirn than tlio CompRiiv or it n v of It olllclnt "uld poHMlhly bo th rough Hiich tic tlrn. nnd "Wbeiims, K thepe IntnlM are pnt enled iiiulHr the action taken at n recent meelliiK or the I Insert Ultld l'l'unl, the Central Oregen Irrigation Co., w'll In no wh bo relieved or anv oblKntlon or liability which tliv nmy owe lo the helller or to the Htete of Oregon and further more llieie In nlm-ilnielv nothiiiK to be coined bv wlibhobll'ig these hind from patent nud miicli mifferinK and tlnnnrlal Inli'n will be minted to the vettler liv furl her1 delnv In thin nwt tor belde what they have alrendj Uttered In (lie ml. "He It Ittwolved, llv the l'nwell Hitttt Improvement AraoHnllo'i that we ilo heiebv petition mid prny-Jhe liiHiiibera or the Deuel I Land Hoard i mo every meaiui In their power to further the liHiiauce of pntontH to the It ud under lUU nine mid ten at the vory earllet date poimlble." TliOM who wlgiied the ooniiiiiiul 'Ciillou uie: 10. 1". It Ice. prtiHldeut, Kurl ttnundAni. ncrrolnry. A. II. lthoile. H. P. Muilaid. .1. XI. TniKinnn, 14. 1. lvanwti. H. I'. Chose. Iura l.en ihiii. John Tuek. I'Vnenl N Hull. A. llayn, W. M. Wlleon. ('. I. Wor ill, I'. W. McCmlei). K. II. Anee, Qeo. 0. TriieiMUle, .Irtiue I.. Mclbiti lul, .1. T. lloiiHlmi. Ada Morne. M HtriMier. It. 1.. Mooro. Oc. KlMler. N, 1. Alloy, Oiiy, ni, Krr.nU Kl- lor. i The AmorliMn Hukr nniioiineen that It 1ih begun to nuho Ice cream hiiiI from now on will have It for . i. m uii iimiM to hoteU. restaurant uuil iirivalo fninllloH. adv t All UliulH of tnen. women' and ohlldron h woolen mile and glove" at rIiioed prloe at Wllllama ami lleuth veaoud hand nturo In old Aura build ing, Jlaml. 7-'yl' . Druu In ut lh North HtU Iwkef'aud'to the different nrletloi ol DbU 1 83li Adv. OUR NAME IS OUR GUARANTEE ?BS? OUR NAME IS OUR GUARANTEE TO HAVE REPUBLICAN CLUB When 101) Sinn Orpiuiatlon Will be ICIVcclcil. When 100 Ilend Hopubllcans have nlmiod up an organization of tlio Ilend Republican Club will bo ef fected. L'p to now thoro hnvo been about 10 adherents to tlio principles of tlio O. O. I', who have signified ( hold May 19. their Intention to become members of the club. Tho membership Is limited to Re publicans who hnvo attained the age of 21 years nnd of good moral char acter. Tho purpose of the club will ho to fostor tlio success or tho party In national, state and county poll tics at tho general election. The club will, howover, not bo active In tho campaign rr tho primaries to 'ie L AD IS SEEKNG F. ASKS COMPANY FOR STATEMENT . (). I. Co. Settlors Piotest ARiilnit l'liither i:tenslons anil Ask Recall or I'nlent MsIh Xow l'ondltiK Ilcfoic Department or Interior DVrinSMHTj "gog - ffizg?. You Can Get What You Want Here Adverllsenicnl.M Inserted under this beadliiK at the rntii of OXIC CKNT A WORD eacli Insertion. Cash must accompany nil orderN from persons not liiulnu u remilar nrcoiint ullli Tim Riilletlu. o iiihertlsement tak for less than 1." cents eacli insertion. I'ou i:.nt. VOll RICNT Ono thrco room and ono four loom house. J. Ryan & Co. 37tf TO I.UASU 80 cros or Irrigated laud, fy inllo rrom Toriobonno. IIoiibo and barn. L'B hcioh In alfalfn. 70 acroH tuider cultivation. IikiiiIio Hugh O'lCano. intfc for sam: FOR HAM: Young mammoth lironzu turkey Tom, weight 2.'l His. J. K. Warner, l'owoll Ilutte, Or. -iOp FOR SALK Twenty cords dry I foot Jilulper nt $l!.i0 por cord at ley place. JoHoph C. V3mttli, near (Iran 40 ball, Tol Rural 111. IOp FOR SAI.K Pool room and con fectlonory ami tobncroH. (lood lense. lmiulre Tho llulletln. -lOlfc FOR SAMC Light envorod wagon. Inquire American llakery. -lUtf FOR SAMC Now and second hand owing inachlnos, oIIh anil iieodleH at Mih. .McInlonh'H Millinery Htoro. IDtfc FOR SAM-: -Lots 1.1, 11. IB. 111. 1 1 of I Hock ', Kenwood. Inquire -if R. II. Welili. I'eutwator, Mich. rnRa. Torins. Howard Spinning, Wilbur. Washington. iC-ISc FOR-SAI.K-Run about car In good condition, lato modol. Inriulre The Hiillotln. .ictrc run ham-, icam, Harness ami nngon. Imnilro Royal Care. 44.tr FOR SAM: or TRADE Ono 1912 Ford car. Sco or wrlto P. U, John Hon, Jllllicnn, Oregon. lltr FOR HAM-: House, nnd lot. Prlco right. Tonus roasonnblo. Inqulro A. :. Kdwards, llond Sign Co. 37tr FOR SAMC Whlto onnnioled dro3 ser. As good as now. Inquire llul letln. IS-49c FOR SAMC Carrots at reasonable price. Tekiimpo Ilros., near Grlllln mill. 4S-I9p FOR SAM-5 U. S. Cream Separ ator. Almost now. Cost $K. Soil for $18. Gnrrntt ranch 3 miles HoutheoHt of Ilend. Ilox IC.1 -IS-Dlp FOR SAM-: $100 plnno, good as now, $175. Easy terms. Inqulro nt Tho llulletln. - .1-1 4SUc 'II -I I -1Mte WANTKD. WANTICD Position as cook or hoiiHokoopor, Hon 1) years, good ror erenco. 10 years or ago. Address C. 1-:. IC. 1302 S. Mnln street, Poca tollo, Idaho. lO-BOp Gl-.'c W A NT I-: I) Middle nged lady wishes work ror widower or bachelor. Mary Shandy, Ilox 171. IOp WANTISD A llrnt dais ilrossiimk or to work 011 commission or rent lU-BUoispaco In my shop. Inqulro Jlrs. S. FOR HAMS 10-100 ncrtm Irrigat ed laud, proved up, no liiciimborance. SiiihII onsli down, balHiice your own terms, or will take some (dear Puget Sound. Sonttlo or Tacoma iiroperty In tmde. Inquire Ilend lliillotlu. 17-4011 notr FOR SAM! or HUNT Forty ncroa of ili-Mt oIiihh irrigated laud at l'owoll Unties P. O. All Irrigated, fenced and cultivated. Partial tttnud of nl- Meliitoith. WANTKD lf.In olllce. IGtfc -Cioan rnga r.t The Uul Oood prlco p.ild. tf LOST AND FOUND. TAKKN I.'P Hnyi7inre, about 4 yours old. llrand, bar over PC on right shoulder. Owner may obtain smiieb x palng feed bill nud this ad vertisement. Ij. J. Seoborger, Alful ra, Ore 4C-19p (u to tho Hoywl HiiMr. n.Vdv. Cafe for your 4 1 tf Boo Ud Clonn up and patut up. wrtl. Adf. (lit TliU utr-lt I- Woilli Money Don't wlw Ul. Cut out this slip. wlc wttlv ountH to Foley Co. tlhtmRO. Ul.v wrltl yo'" " ,,tl Sin? irlF. You will revive In Yeturii trlil paokHiio eontilnlK V. lox'n Houey ami Tar Compound. VolHV?inilWW'IMllB. il VoW Oa th" rile TabloU. S' everywhere, adv. Hotel Benson POKTLAND. OKEGON "JriSSL,'-l . Mr. itltiiKSfffiSl We believe that there is no Hotel in the entire United States more luuulsoinely furnishetl or that oilers more to the traveller. KATES 81. 50 ami up without bath. S'J.OO and up with bath. A. T. LUNDHORG, Manager SAI.EM, Fob. 2. (Delayed In transmission.) Resolutions nnd pro tests Irom tlio Central Oregon Irrlga Hon Company Water Users' Associa tion wore tho order of the day nt tho Desert Land Hoard meeting hero on Tuesday. The Association protested ngnlnst furthor extension of time on contracts between the State and tlio Company; It requested tho recall by uie iioaru or patent lists 9 nnd 10, now pending beforo the Department of the Intorlor; it protested ogninst further extension of contract on list 20 (tho Ilonham FnllB unit.) In connection with the last protest tho Association advised tho Hoard that it had nppolntod a committee to prepare a suitable nrotost to submit to the Department of the Interior nnd the Hoard. Also a letter from A. O. Walker of Alfalfa wub read and filed ponding receipt of th0 committee's stntotnent. The association nlso requested that no further lists bo npproved for pat ont until tho land has actually been fully reclaimed, nnd also that the company ho permitted to moko no further sales until tho cannls have been enlarged and rcpnired. Along this lino tho company was Instructed by tho Hoard to furnish Information oh to tho nctunl condi tion nnd cnpoclty of the Central Ore gon canal, In accordance with its own contentions. The resolution on this bend was as follows: "Wlieiens, Tho ability or tho Con tral Oregon canal to servo nil lands to which It is now obllgntdd hns been n question or much controversy be tween tho State Engineer nnd tho Central Oregon Irrigation Company, and "Whereas, Tho Control Oregon Ir rigation Company Wntor UHors' As sociation rccontlv protested ngalnst further snlos undor tho above canal, clnlmlng biiiiio to ho nlrcndy over sold. It was therororo "Oiilei-eil. Thnt tho Central Oregon Irrigation Company bo requested to submit In writing their contentions ns to the ability or the abovo cannl to norvo all the land which It Is now obligated to norvo and that this In formation bo submlttqd at tho ear- Martin & JS$$gL Clemens llpfr' erne DEALERS IN FURNITURE STOVES RANGES ZVBUW3' ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS TRIPLETT BUILDING BEND, OREGON AjrE-"?grJ' ."L 'lltsWj AMI vii jL vJ. 1. lvvi i vu We can take care of orders of any description Large or Small We carry a complete line of fancy and staple groceries Hardware STOVES RANGES and BUILDERS HARDWARE PAINTS OILS WINDOWS and DOORS F. DEMENT & CO. ltcst (Into pnssiblo in order that name may he chocked and same definite conclusions drnwn prior to tho ap proval of furthor salco." For a good clean shave, a good hair cut, facial massago or a chine, visit the Metropolitan, on Oregon street. Adv. tf President. Wilson is now wisely advis ing us to make preparations to Safeguard our Country. How nbout preparedness nearer home. Have you secured a desirable lot in one of the best residence districts (Park or boulevard Additions) for the nice home you intend to build this spring, or later? If not you should be prepared by buying one or more of these choice lots before the spring rush comes and advances prices. A small amount down and a few dollars a month pays for one of these lots. It's the ideal location for those em ployed at either one of the mills. These Lots range in price from $75 up. Choice Lots, with nice trees, ensy walking distance from Shevlin-IIixon Mill and Fac tories, $125.00. Now is the time to get your lot, Come and see us about it. D. E. HUNTER MANAGER THE BEND COMPANY ii 4 V at Office corner Wall and Ohio Streets. i w Vi w F Urn