The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 02, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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tiik in:.i,t'fii.i:Ti, ukxd, oiti:., vi:hxi:siay, ri:mu.vitv 2, ii.
(I'iiIiHkIiimI Hi cry Wednesday)
nopEitT W. BAWYEIt
' Assoclato Editor.
An Independent nowspnpor stand
ing for tho siiinro donl. clenu busi
ness, clean politics and tho best In-
'erests of fiend mid Central Oregon.
One Ycnr $1.50
Six Months 75
V Three Months CO
All subscriptions aro duo and
expiration aro mailed subscribers nnd
IfTonewnl Is not made within loason
Qblo tlnio tho papor will bo discontinued.
Ploaso notify us promptly of any
chanco of nddicss. or of lalluro to ro-
Icelvo tho paper rcgjlnrly. Othorwjso
wo win not bo responsible for copies
Make all checkn nnd orders pay
able to The Mend Ilullctlu.
, M 10. r
Some of us aro out to think that
o rtor "" tbls uiuttor of national pro
C'"j! (jrr0(',"-,ss doesn't affect tho Pacific
ip'lficst very much The European wur
It. A. d Its complications seem far away
10, r,, oiegon, and from a military
I Ionrv
HW j,(jndpolnt the casual observer rather
(I. W. tortnlns the notion (lint no speclul I
tp lGingcr exlBts on this side of Hip con
Lorm lij.nt. And with this notion, tho
Frank l' coast 'H Inclined, often enoiiKh,
Hon lfi'vo the problems of picpurcduoss
(I. lien nt attention.
w However, such Is not Uie case,
Aside from the New England area,
.lair there Is no portion of tho FnltPil
sr States more likely to attack than the
1 Pacific ntnU'8. And without exception
there Is no roKlou of the country that
j more readily could be subjugated and
held with ease bv a foreign Invader.
- .omo mnnt'is ago tho Army War
V' i W ":c ',wl,L'(' n pamphlet entitled
,p jgUitcinoiit of a Proper Military Pol-
O. II. ' 'or tho United States." One por
sw, sen of It Is devoted to tho defensive
Arthur, ,m()l,( from geographical, topo-
nu nu . , , , ...M..,..., i..,l.., .l.,i.. r
i...v... a...,. .,.. ...j n.i... ,..,.a, IB, u.
to iii: elected.
Exclusive of county nnd precinct
olllrers theio are 115 officials, stato
and natlounl, to bo elected not No
vember, and not oven an oxporleufod
calculator enn reckon how may can
didates thoro will bo at tho pilmnr
tos on May 19.
For the convenience of Hulletlii
readers, wo list below tho varltiiu
oillclals who are to be elected:
10 delegates of Republican, Demo
cratic and Progiesslve National Par
ty conventions.
President of United States, to tuic
ceed Woodrow Wilson.
VIco president of United States to
succeed Thos. U. Marshall.
S presidential electors.
."! Representatives In Congress, to
succeed W. C. Haw ley. C. N. Mu
Arthur nnd N. J. Slnnott.
Secretary of state, to succeed Hen
W. Olcott.
2 Justices of tho Supremo court, to
succeed Frank A. Mooro and Geo..
A. Burnett.
Dairy nnd Pood Commissioner to
succeed J. II. Mlcklo, .
2 Commissioners of tho Public
Service Commission, one from Wes
tern Oregon to succeed C. II. Altchl
boji and T. K. Campbell and one trom
eastern Oregon.
17 Circuit Judges.
District nttotney la onch county.
11 state senators.
00 statu repiesentntlves.
County and precinct olllcers.
Voters desiring to ho fully posted
on all dates and requirements should
write Secretary of State, Salem, for
copy of Digest of the Election haws
of Oregon.
There uro 100,000,000 Jieoplo In
tho United States, and 4,505.000
mules, says tho Department of AgrI
cultutc. Is duplication considered?
Slides sometimes fill up railroad
right of way as well as canals. This
Is not so bad ns tho Shanllto duyu,
lletter yet: "For you a roso In
Poitlnnd froze."
Ilrynn favors peace except In tho
Democrat paiti.
(Orogon Voter.)
Lnkoview has kept busy'dolng Its
share In tho Strnhoiu railroad. Near
ly all tho right of way for 20 miles
has been donated, us tho result of
the result of tho local committee.
Klamath Falls has not been given
any definite part to play, but Its
biggest men say they nio nt' Mr.
tjirnhom's service.
Uurns has offerod $150,000 to
hnvo tho railroad built via that city.
Gradually Ilend has been working
out tho terminal and right of way
duties assigned to It.
Nothing disunite has been asked of
Portland ns yet, but a strong commit
tee is ready to busy Itself Just as
soon as Mr. Strahorn has carried his
plans to. the point where ho can make
a definite proposal.
sdsslon ho was a member of Hie Im
portant Judiciary and lirlgutlon co-n-1
mittccs. !
I tnko this means of expressing; mv
thanks to nil my brother's friends
wno haVe given their sympathy and
assistance to members of lilt family
since Ills sudden death.
For the best shave and hair cut
In town go to tho Log Cabin Uarber
Shop. Adv.
Rest of shaves and heir cuts at the
Log Cabin Uarber Shop.
I hereby nnnounco myself cs a can
didate, for the Republican nomination
for District Attorney for Crook coun
ty at tho primaries to bo held Mny'lU,
Tho Amcrlcnn llakory announces
that It has, begun to make Ico cream
and from now on will hnvo It for
sale at all times to hotels, lostaurants
and prlvato families. ndv
I hereby nnnounco my candidacy
for the Rcpubllcnn nomination for
Sheriff of Crook county nt the pri
maries to bo held May 19, 1910.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for tho Republican nomination
for County Assessor for Crook coun
ty nt tho primaries to be hold May
19, 191C. -ITtfp
in checks and stripes in all colors.
This spring brings forth many new
patterns.' It will soon be that spring
sewing time and it will be to your
advantage to look over these offer-
We offer these Ging-
hams to you at
t mm lz
c Per Yd.
tin no most vuinuralilu ateas of
United States. Because H Is n
II. Ear
nw so
m'. A admirable and oyu-opcniiig Her
i boo" 8' " J""1 WM)' I'roiuirodnosa Is a
jB 'lilum that comes close to homo
Wnlte'r'" '" ru15("i w reprint below tho
HW Bn on Ibis part of the report con
t,,.,' ,rnlng tho Pacific slope:
nu'n "I'UKut Sound Area Wostern
jfj'iiHliinguiii h iiordured on the e.iHl
IrH V the steep and rugged Cascado
...' .oillitulliH, on tho aoiitn by tho Co
P,' ' -iiihlu river, a nil on tho north by
..... ,ii lo Fueii straight and Canada.
' '. his
Under tho nbovo caption tho Crook
Count .lournnl says of (!oornor
Wlthyi'onibo and tho first year of his
term as follows:
"The first year of tho proBcnfc ad
ministration of Governor Wlthy
combo hns passed, and so uulctly
that few, excepting some of tho news
paper men of tho Btato Beom to noto
tho fnct.
"It Is really difficult for a man In
this o 111 co to demonstrate Just what
ho can cud will do In less than 12
"Tho facts aro that things hnvo
run bo smoothly and thoro hns been
such a contrast between tho proso it
administration and the proceeding
one Hint the most fnvoralilo Impros
slnn exists regarding this adminis
"Ilrlelly, tho common peoplo nro
enjoying n well earned rest from
this quarter, nnd at tho samu time
nro approving tho administration of
a governor who Is nt oncn able, hu
man, democratic nnd dignified.
corner of tbu United States Is
.completely cut off from tho rest of
ii.,iiiu tuumij ii k i uiu iiiiiurai uii-
i iHiiciun nun iiit'HuiiiH nil umuiihiyu
n ihiiii:iuh itiiu iiii'HuiiiH
'.front for attack by sen.
While Uih
n w
jniapsHliow soiuo twenty passes across
,.tho Cascade mountiilns, comiuuiilc.i-
ilmi with the oast Is aliuost entirely
by tin eo railroads, all crossing at
y(ilii)lnts less than 50 inlliis apart and
"i fj ImvlliK til.iniilH or other Vlllllerublo
t i.miiiciuium. i ill) uiiiy praciii'iii wux
.... v. .. ..:. ...... . .
uii iiikii ih oiii'i'iiiniiy cumuli in irn:
tic for between four mill live months
,01.011 ytr by litsivy snows. Com-
"FlKt1 Willi HI" Ulllllll IB I IV 1111(1
yp.initt ii luiinmii, erumii ik me ( iiiiuii-
C. 1
I. Ill ilvei bildgtt tit Vancouver.
PikllimillllnAt lull liitluubli llila n..tloii
'I1 .ind the eiisi and south Ik iIiiih laiK
Klloiy depuudeiit upon a niiuilier 1f
, t11jinii'tunw loildlly iletui.eil by hlvh
OMiloMtvuai. mid liiiHKMlbIe if restora
tion to tralllc within a dellnlte time.
Tho two railroads iiIdiik the Columlila
river, at the point wheto It drunks
' through tho mountains, could be eas
ily wiecked ho as to require consid
erable time to repair, and the Korito
; i could bo held by a small force against
i' 'u largo one coining fiom the east.
I J'. any eneinv HiicceeilH In cntcrlm;
I 'vostern Washington nnd In seUlug
; it nil deritroliiK tho Impoituut IhIiIkh
'and tunnels, ho would be so ncciiio-
iy established as to render It extreme
Thoro Is another sort of "unpro
piiredncss." It has many of our leg
islators nt Washington In Its grip,
Pare to face with big national prob
lems preparation vs. tho pork bnr
rel. Is one of tho worst of their wor
ries they aro unprepared to act
It's going to ho n hard season for tho
peanut polltlcluus with their ear to
tho ground, their c)es on their con
stituents and such brains as they
hnvo Incnpuhlo of comprehending the
fact that patriotism Is worthier than
pork- or even Hint It makes n blgir
lilt with the electorate In tho filial
Prices on mill machinery liavo
Konreil sky high since our Demi mll.
put In thulr onleis. Prosuorlty, eon -liiK
thi war ordurs, has mado tho
eiiHtorn liiHiiururjurortf' 0 busy that
(Chewnucnn Pross.)
The 8urvoors for tho Struhorn
rond hnvo already, completed two
linos across the Chowaucnn vnlloy.
Ono is nn absolutely straight lino
from tho Nurrows to tho Chowaucan
rlvor which It crosses nt about where
the old Ed Lamb houco was located.
Tho nearest point to town on this
llnu Is 0080 feet nway. The other
lino passes through tho Dobklus
ranch a fow yards east of tho house
and crosses tho hill north of tho
rlvor about 200 ynrcls east of the
Hour mill. Should the lnttor routo
bo chosen It will necessitate unite a
cut north of Pnlsley but It will ho,
clono enough to town to suit everyono
I hereby nnnounco my candidacy
for tho Democratic nomination for
Sheriff of Crook county nt tho lit l
morles to bo held May 19. 1910.
R. M. Smith Clothing
General Merchandise
I hereby announce myself ns a can
dldoto for tho Democratic nomination
limes and Benson will he glad to
meet their old patrons nt ihi Log
Cabin Harbor Shop. Adv.
Oiegonlan Tells of Vorlics Candidacy
To Succeed Himself.
(Tho Orcgonlan.)
Vornon A. Forbes, of Ilend, Joint
Reprcsentntlvo In the 1913 nnd 1915
Legislatures from tho district com
prising Crook, (Irnnt, Klamath, Lake
and .lofforson counties, has aunounc
ed his candidacy to succeed himself.
For somo tlnio Mr. forties hots beo'i
mentioned ns n possible candidate
for Stato Senator In W. l.alr Thomp
son's district. Senntor Thompson has
decided to bo a candidate for re-election,
however, and Mr. Forbos has
definitely disposed of nil gokslp
he would opposo him by coming out
for Ills old sent In the lower lions".
Ills decision to run ngnln was mado
at the solicitation of his friends. Mr
forbor. who )s nu nttorney, Ir widely
known In Cent nil Oregon. Ho Is n
As n leglsjator lie took nn active
And More on the Way
lftti Items like lumber mill iimeliM- ,mrt ,ll1l0lll tllB lnw ,, ,,,1B gpH.
e.v new have to wait : n long lime lor fatlt010ll the ,,, npiro.
iilteiilon. In fact. If t he mills hid , ., ,111? $,-,0,000 fir tho Tun alo tr-
no t been started when thov were, It
Is safe to say tlie wuuldu't nnd
couldn't have been built th eur m'
pmiinblv, next. We're Kniteful that
that ShoWlu and Ilioo'i rolks wei
thu eii r I. v birds.
rigatton project in l!i:i, and
ni pointed n inomber of tho coiuuiIb-j
slon to Investlgnttf the Colllo power I
piolect, which reported back to tho j
leglslntuie last winter. In tho 1913
as circuit Jiidue at the primaries to
bo held on May 19.
T. E. .1. DUl'PY,
Pol ndv. 47 tfe iPiesent incumbent.)
I here' y nniintinco my candidacy
for tho Republican nomination for
Sheriff of (Took county at tho pri
maries to be held May 10, 1910.
I hereby announce my candidacy
't the Republican nomination for
County Comml8lsnncr of Crook coun
ty at tho primaries to be hold on
May 19, 1910.
IS.p Present Incumbent.
PERMITS. Notlco Is hereby given
'that applications for permits to gr.izo
cattle, horses and shcop within tho
Deschutes Natlounl Forest during tho
season of 1 DIG, must ho filed In my
olllco nt Ilend, Oregon, on or before
February 110, 1910, Full Information
In regard to tho grazing fees to bo
charged and blaifk forms to be used
In making applications will ba fur
nished upon request. V. V. Harp
linm, Acting Forest Supervisor.
JO, 17, 4Sc
Sco Edwards for goou houso paint
ing. Adv.
Want to Save
Some Money
It appears that a number of other
ho)M would luiVj) brought us lists of
books In answer to our edltoilal of
I wo weeks ago had It not been for
the fact that they learned that the)
were beaten by those who came first
Our remarks on tho subject of tho
amount of leading done by tlK
Huiiik people of this comiiiuulb seem
theier re, to htiu been somewhat nil'
The general public hns a notion
that those Insurance agents of Pint
lsnd xnt exactly what was coming to
them -only u little bit loss. If am-'
tliliiK Hereafter they will Insure
with more oaiitlou. Placing policies
Is, In the final analysis, loaning oth
er people's money, a matter some-,
what- dlffuieut from Boiling cabbages'
to hii.v customer who wants them,
ly dlllleult to dlslodgo him. Hi this I fair Tho girls are yet to bo heard!
rich region nu invader could main- from, how evur.
tain himself Indefinitely. 'Hie harbor
defenses maintained in this region
are reasonably strong. Ordlnar) pre
caution ileiiiiuuU that a mobile foiee
of roumumhlo stieugth be also maln
tnlned In this region.
"California area. There are flv
tratiscoiitliiuental lilies of railway tu
toring Csllfornla The Western Pi
olfic and Southern Puclllc by tho
pannes throuitli the Sierras northeast
of Sacramento: the Atchison. Topeka
Banta Fe. nnd the Su Podio, Los
Angeles & Salt Lake Ma DaKHott
Pans liurthi'Mst of Lou Angeles, and
the Southern Puclllc via Hit Saltun
Son and (lormuilii Puna kouthoast of
l.os Aniceles There nr no other
paw thioiiab Hie Slerrna that have
been eonsliliTcd practlcablf. There
r no rallruail iiinulUB south into
Lower California Onlv one rallroail,
tile Southern Pacific, inns mil til Into
Oregon As In the Puaet Hound re
aloii, communication with the east
Is largely dependent upon structures
rrailll detroed by oplole nnd
linpoMtlidK of restoration to traftle
wltbln a definite time. California and
The high rank gained by two ilend
pupils In the lecent eighth grade en-'
amiuatlous Is a very satlsfncto
trliuie, not only to their own uiipP
union and studlousiioas. hut to Hi.
iiiiiilitU'Mttons of their touchers a 1 1
the MiHiulIng of the local sclimils,
i J !
One good term deserves another
1 1. nd tbui applies to our state repre
, M-ntntUe,, Vernon A. Forbes, who In
t'one eKcellent good work U tho I
Islatura during two aoaalou. And i
hu experience will be aid to do .--til'
hotter u.t Him.
tho grester renters of inundation are
(Wparatml by wide epanae of sparce-1 When your man Is put out and .in
ly nettled countn. To trauaport "thei fellow Is put In, Is enlle I
prtiiuplly largo bodies of tnxiw Into ' pbn lug politics." When tho othet
Cullfornla would bo dlllleult if not fellow U ousted and j our friend get.
IhiihimIIiIo In the face of opposition . hla Job. It Is tor tho good of the se
at the pathos. The Invader would, vice.
have u rnixt fertile region at hla I ? :: .
Iiack while tho revurse would bt the! m- i... ... ... ... .,...
KltnnHnn will) us .""'" "."" "V'V h ' .u-
"The harbor defenses maintained
In this region ar reasonably strong.
Uit thuv aro n vuse unless sue
ported by a rew
force mnlutnlmArS
I Columbia last year than over before
1 but spenkH well for tho elllcltHiey f
1 the State and the (lovernmont In rnis-
lW 1 IWH .llf- t .. .i .. J. . . ..
Ktinni- mnlillA ",B aaiuiuu unu biot;hiiiB mo stream
.. I reclon. I l '
'To rely, for defense, during tho When lyour friend holds nolltlcul
first bLhf'V of n war uiiqu" inobllo ' position ho Is "serving tho public,"
forco -ii Hi .In ioi wiign It Ij vour opponent you say ha L
i l... I " "hitt Mot '.. hn iw.1.1, r
Mm ak Xui ss,,tz&&'i.-i ""-'''
w w? m 'mmyBw
BlHiWJI Jjrh . Al lAStM f.T7 "i.-S fSM:SSSA
nl Ar IvWO
71TM4C4rflu7 HIT LiuHos' Hbro s
w&iivMcr i ' uiacit nna tan
urtti i
wmn i
A Limited Numlicr of Suits. Prices Unit were
813.00 to8i'0.00 nre nil marked now tf 9 f C
to no at rp .Zf3
A Few Late-Style Overcoats. Splendid values at
SI "2.00, 82.1.00 and 820.00, all will tf rtf
fiont p.7?
JJiiekmgham & Heclit Shoes. Stylish, servicnble
slioes that were 85.00 to go at the
special price
Various Sizes and Styles in Hats, fl 1 Qt
Biff values, that were S.'KOO, now plJ
On every one o'f these offerings you will save
money. Make your purchases early as only- u
limited number are left.
Men's Furnishings
Ilk ribbed top hose
Ladles' morcerliud lisle uos, rib
lied top, white, nnd black .....itte
Three fur si.on
Ladles outslied ribbed top ho,
w htto and black use
Ladles' lisle
und.whlto .
ribbed hose bin ok
t TIiqso hoso aro -he best mnda !.
'tno Armor Plate Hiwtory Company.
Tho ribbed top. garter and welt tops
nro n dlatluctlve foatuio. Tiny will
not tear out.
Bert Shuey
A fow .rtM., tur will ,)e 8ultal)Io for yom mch
.ie 1'iniiers
-e Sauce dishes
:t."c l'ltcnera
Soup Plates . . . .
, ..USc
. ,.lSc
, ..S!."Sc
, .. c
Tllora til i.-.
Ilil. ..k o,r V - """" ' n"" (0 ou. v'
IS OUR jfSj?W.
no troU.'
'llffS MB