mmi.. ''MMW. r -j THE REM) RULLETIX, HEND, 01113.. WEDNESDAY, FERRIARY 2, 1010. PAOE B. '" it Shearings I'rlnovlllo la to hnvo two malls each d$y between this point ami Red mond Instead of one as nt present, normal notification of this fact was received by Postmaater J. W. Iloono early In the week, besldu tho people who have been prominent In working for tho Increased service. The new contract calls for Borvlco by Powell Hutto post olflco twlco ench day. Thin will bo made one trip directly from Prlnovlllt), and tho next on tho re turn from Redmond. Tho servlco on the river road will contintio as ut present, one trip each way between this city and Hedmond Crook Coun ty Journal. and are nursing bndly bumped heads an.d other parts of thoir nnatomy. Madras Pioneer. Thawing out of tho pipes caused a break In tho Inland Umpire Com pany mains Friday, but the break was repaired nt once, causing very little dolay In tho water service. Metollus has been very fortunnto In tho way of. frost troubles this winter, there hplng no Interruption during tho Into cold snap. Jefferson County Record. BEND SCHOLARS LEAD IN COUNTY Theodoro Hartnngol says that his new well Is proving qulto n con venience thoso cold dnys. A gasollno cnglno has been Installed nnd pumps n good Biipply of wnter. Tho long water haul for Mr. Hnrtnagcl Is over. Tho completion of this well Is nn lllustrntlon of tho result of keep ing nt It. Mr. Hartnagol started the woll several years ago. Deschutes Vnlley Tribune Recent shipments mndo by tho Redmond Warehouse were n car of mixed stock to Portland, two car loads of liny to llond, nnd a car of wheat to tho samo point. Tho Inclem ency of tho wonthor tho past two weeks has retarded ohlpmcnts from tho warohoUHo'o Homo extent. Red mond Spokesman. MRS. MYRTLE J. SCHLAITI. Wilt glvo Instruction In elocution, oratory, physical culture nnd drnmat Ic nrt, prlvato or class lessons. Gra'd uato of tho Western Academy of Portland nnd has had 12 years teach ing experience. ReBldcnco second Plval houbo north side east end. adv GAIN HIGH AVERAGES IN EXAMS Charles Wlnlci.s Cetn .Mark of 1)5. i And Ruth l'leiuliiK Is Close Second Koity Seven Try mid Twenty Xlno Puv.s List Ih GUcii. Tho creamery Is still plunging for ward toward nn enrly completion, every member Is working In harmony with tho other mouthers, nnd nil are enthusiastic. Work on tho Ico houso started Tuesday and will he '-completed today. A crow of men aro rushing the work along so that lea for tho creatnory can bo cut 'mid stored before tho January thaw which usually comrs tho latter part of the month. La Pino Iutor-Mountnln. U. S. lllologlst Gnrlough put out poison In corral on two nights last week on the UR nnd Fred Egll ranches, killing 275 rabbits during tho two nights. One corral was unod tho flrot night and two corrnls tho second night. If ono hundred of our ranchers In Silver Lnko nnd Fort Rock valleys were putting out poison each night for thirty nights, tho re Bult would be the kilting of 112,500 .Inckrnhblts, and It 4s estimated that that number taken from theso two valleys would thin out tho pest to euch nn extent Hint they would not bother tho crops to n damaging ex ent tho coming summer. Rut 275 rabbits destroyed In two nights pois oning Is Just nn ordinary record for ono mnn: however, It nil goes to show what might ,-o accomplished If tho.'o woro concerted action In tho poison ing mntter by all tho rancherB In tho two valleys. Silver Lnko Lender. Thero Is purity In ovory trek of Deschutes Spray and Truo Ditto Flour manufactured by tho Rend Flour Mill Company. Adv. A dcslrnblo evory annual Dcnd Bulletin. broad knlfo frco with subscription to Tho Insist that the Hour you buy Is con tnlncd In Tho Saxollno Snnltnry Sock. It will navo you money. -Adv. For sign painting boo Edwards. Adv. The following news Item was taken from tho Caro Currier, of Michigan, and Is somewhat amusing to local people when the etnttts of rabbits In this locality Is considered: "A. L. Phelps, of Mnyvlllo, deputy gamo warden , arrested W. M Graves, Lao Ponflold and Alex Fltflold for hunllns with a ferret December 28 in tho township of Kingston. All entered plcao of guilty before Justice Qiilnn and woro assessed $u nnd costs each. Thov violated Act No. 207 of tho Public Acts" of 1015, which provldon that onlv a farmer on his own land or n fruit growor may hunt rabbits with a forrot." Fort Rock Times. The Rend Rullotln nnvs that "Rend Ic a vagless town." On January 1 the pollco ordered every man "without vlslblo means of support" to leave town. Wo do not blnmo that city for wanting to do away with this eloment of society, but wo do object to Rend making a dumping ground of other communities for an olemont of so ciety which she tins, by her own of orts, brought from nil pnrts of the world. It Is not Justice to other com munities, and logallv this "ntovo en" policy has no foundation. T'm law prescribes how tho vngrnnt shnll bo denlth with, and wo hnvn fnllod tn find whore It gives any officer powor to toll n mnn ho must leave n com munity. If Rond would bo "vagless," It should follow tho law and put this lawless element on tho streets lo work, thereby deriving somo benefit from thoir unwanted presence In this wnv tho cltv officers would main tain tho law and nt the samo time not hecomo law violators., Crescent News. FOR POISOXEI) STOCK. To the members of tho rabbit pois oning organizations: Requests hnvo been rccolvcd ask ing for methods nnd antidotes to use In enso of accidental poisoning. In vlow oT tho fact that ninny of (ho Ter mors ore now actively engaged In rabbit poisoning It scorns ndvlsnblo to furnish tho avallahlo Information on this Euhjoct. Accordingly I glvo hcrowlth tho antidotes for strychnlno poisoning which wo uso In our field enmpa, where from twenty flvo to fifty sntldlo horso nro employed. In using poison en n largo scale, the truth of tho old adage, 'An ounco of provontlon Ib worth n pound of euro' should bo doubly omphnslzcd. If rer.sounblo care Is exorcised no accl donts should occur ami In tho past season's work on tho Wyoming nnd Dakota ranges whoro four field enmps woro conducted It was not necessary to unwrap tho packages containing tho antidotes. Antidotes for ctrychnlno should bo kept on hand for prompt treatment In enso of accidental poisoning. Salt or strong brine In largo doses Is U3 ually effectun! In tho enso of dogs. ns It rotnrds tho asslmllntlon or strychnlno nnd acts both as an emetic nnd a physic. After tho animal tins vomited, glvo 15 to -10 grains of chloral hydrnto (dopondlng on tho size of tho dog) in ono half pint of wnter If a borr.o Is found In the net of eating poisoned grain, slozo the tongtto nnd clean out tho mouth nnd throat thoroughly. Drench tho horso as quickly as posslblo with ono ounce of chloral hydrato, or of potassium bromide, In 1 quart of water and re neat with half this doso after half an hour. Horses so treated become 'dopoy' and mov tlo down to Bleep. Poisoned nnlmnls should not bo sud denly olarmed ns this may bring on convuMons. If tho horn hns tnken n Inrco amount of the strychnlned grain, drench with ono-fotirtlt to ono-hnl' ounco of tannic ncld In 1 qunrt of vntnr befo'o ndnilnlstP"lng tho cIiIt- r.l hvjrnto or. potassium bromide, Tannic ccld treatment should bo. fol lowed nftor danger Is uassod. with n dose of Glauber's Fnlts or Unseed oil to ovorcomo tho constipating ef fect. R. A. WARD. Pupils In the Rend schools lend tho county In the recent o'ghth grade cx- nnilnntlono, having tho highest nnd the socond highest averages of nil who passed tho test. Announcement of this result of tho examinations wns mndo by County Superintendent J. E. Mvera last week. Tho two scholnrs who lend tho rest' aro Charles Wlntois nnd Ruth Flout ing, who hnvo general avornges of 84.5 and 0l.2tf- respectively. Guy R. Davis, of. Held, is In third place with an average of 93.(59, nnd John Hnllnioyor of Hold nnd Jov .Morrill, of Powell Rtttto nro lied for fourth wlthnvcri.gc3 of 93.3"'f. A number of others gained n rank nbovo 90'r. In nil 17 took tho examination. Or Hieso 29 passed successfully and will receive dlplomns. Twelve gain ed the required nvernge but arc con ditioned In ono or two subjects nnd will bo permitted to complete the ex ninlnntlon In May. Six candidates fniled nnd will have to take the en tiro examination over. The next ex amination will be held on May 4 nnd 6. Tho complete list of eighth grade graduates Is as follows: Otto Pauls, Powell Rtttto, No. 02; Ernest Putnam, Prlnuvllle, No. 1; Edytho Wonderly, Prlnevllle, No. 1; Hlutido Rrcnnun, Prlnevllle, No. 1; Mark O'Kelly, Prlnovlllo. No. 1 ; Ruth Flomlng. Rend, No. 12; Eminott Mc Ncoly. Rend, No. 12; Charles Win ters, Rend. No. 1; Helen Albee, Rend, No. 12 Myrtlo Hoover, llond, No. I: Agnes Swatrz, Rend, No. 12; William Hunt, Rend, No. 12; Elnorn F. Hob crts, Rend, No. 12; Walter Mourlco Webb. Prlnovlllo, No. 39; Roger It. Fllcklnger, Tuin'alo, No. 53; Molvln Harper,, Ttininlo. No. 53: Francos Wllmn Hall, Tutualo, No. 53; Ada Mnrlo Dullard, Ttininlo, No. 53; Eu geno Young. Redmond. No. 59; Mnrv M. Comic. Redmond, No. 59; Ralph C. Gibson. Post, No. 25; Ednn llut lor, Prlnuvllle, No. 18; Lonn Me Dowoll, Redmond, No, 18; Mnrgarot Crum, Brothers, No. 11; Guy P. Da vis, Hold, No. 31; John Ilnllmeyer, Hold, No 31; Evn Whltlock, Rend, No. 34; Joy Morrill, Powell Unite, No. 5(1; Grant lllnlr, Powell Hutto. No. 50. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. ROBERT 11. GOULD U1VII ft Engineer dm Rend Oi egon W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. I) E X T I H T Office Over Postofllco Rend, ... Oregon THE COOP JUOC.E HELPS THE FAT rAH "OUt) I FOR.COT IT, MYN OON'T WOIivT I 0AY 13 SPOILED j J IVC .COT lT THC WITHOUT IT y H.EAU TOOACCO CHEwJ 4K? lisps HB..l.l,.ei!?-,J!,',ch 'obBCCO ovc'y lw weeks. Then n friend tfnve hlra .w?..CU.r Chewln-ih Ileal Tob.cco Chtw, nivnl. . iW. SicJy ui.r now uil lik thouiandi ol men who hv. learned het W. II CUT Chrolnl th-ia DR. J. C. VANDEVERT Pli)lc-lmi mid Surgeon Phono Red 271 Hours 9-12 n. in.; 1-G p. m.; 7-9 p. m. Satlier Building W. G. MANNING, D. M. D. Dentist. Ofllco In First National Rank Building Tel. 511 Rend, Oregon H. C. B L h I S Attorney-nt-Lntv United Stales Commissioner First National Unnk Building REND, OREGON H. II. Do AHMON r LAWYER Oregon Street. Rend, 0 DR. J. II. CONNARN 1) E N T I S T Offlco In Suthor Rulldlnfi Houru 9 to 12, 1 to r. Sundays nnd ovonings I., Appointment. J 1 C. P. NISWONOUR, Rend, Ore. UNDERTAKER Licensed Entbnliner, Funernl Director. Phono Rod 121. Lady Asst. WILLARD II. WIRTZ L A W Y K It Prlnovlllo, Oregon. better ami Ih.t imtllchtvr it plenty, v ccoia me pouca. Ttll youx dealer you want WU 9OT Chiin MiJ. by WEYMAN-BRUTOH COMPANY, 50 Union Square, Ntw Yoik City uL Pntronlzo tho Rend Flour MUI Co., nnd mnko Rend tho milling contcr of Central Oregon. Adv. Tho party of Strahorn surveyors who aro working nt this end of tho lino nro now camped In Pnlsloy and will remain hero, perhaps ton dnvs moro nt which tlmo they will move farther north along tho right of way. Thoy, too, hnvo been considerably homporod by deep snow but have not stopped work for a day. The party which Is working here nro not mere ly making a preliminary survoy but aro doing cross-section work ns well. In other words, all tho sttrvovlng ne cessary before the nrrlvnl of the grad lng crew Is bolng finished ps thoy go. Chowaucan Press. Thero has beon a vnrled assort ment of weather this week. At the beginning of tho weak there wns ton Inches of snow on tho levol but by Monday evening this had oil' disap peared undor tho Influences of tho sun nnd shower. Tuesday night tho woathor changed nnd on Wednesday morning there was a glare of Ico all over tho country, mu ci "j eastern Oregon for a variety of weather. Juntura Times. Now that Harnoy county has a railroad .at Its door comes the an nouncement of the greatest ploco of development ever attempted In the west: the colonization of the P Ranch. Only by soolng and looking ever his great area of land can one obtain some idea of the magnitude of this work, which has been accomp lished only after yearn of hard worn. Harney County Tribune. ' The boys have beon enjoying a lit tle skating of late on the Ice on Third street, formed by tho melting of the heavy snow which made quite n pond of water. As usual, many r the youngsters have come to gr - KECIP FOR GRAY HAIR. To half pint of wntor ndd 1 or. Rny Ruin, a smnll bnx of llarbo Compound anil V, oz. of Klvcerlno. Apply lo the hair twice a week until It become the dolrud sh&ile. Any (lrunnIM can put this up or ynu can mix It t hone nt ery little coal Full direction 1 t iti'ltlnir nnd uso come In ench 'box of llarbo Compoumt, It will crnduulty darken etienked, faded gray hilr, nnd removes dandruff. , It U excel lent for falling hair and will make harsh hair oft and glouy. It will not color the Ecutn, Is not sticky or mcasy, and ddei not rub off. Adv. 40,48, CO, 52 NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth and Wailiington Stretli PORTLAND. OREGON Centrally Located The Hotel for YOU O. S. DENSON Attorney At L 11 v Uonson Uulldlng, Wall Street Hend, Oregon. VERNON A. FORRES L A W Y E It First Nntlonal Rank Uulldlng Bond, :: :: Oregon DR. R. D. STOWELL. Xitprnpiitlilo Physician Ofllco over Miller Lutnlor Co. Wnll Street Hours 9 to ft Phono R"d CI Chiropractic, Mechano-Tlierapy Electricity, Diet and Hyglenn Chronic Disorders 11 Specialty DR. II. I). KETCIIl'M Tho Only Licensed DruglesHJ Physician In Rend '' . Ofllco Hours: 0 to 12; 1 to 5 Or Hy Appointment SATIIER RIMLDINO GEORGE S. YOUNG Civil and Irrigation Engineer. U. 8. Mineral Simoynr. Room 5 First Nntlonnl Unnk Uulldlng DR. A. A. RURRIS Xnliii'opiitli Diseases cured without the uso of drugs or surgery by tho nnt ttrnl methods of healing. Ofllco ovor F. Dement & Co,'b Groccr;. DEND, OREGON, . J. U. Roll A. W. Sims CROOK COUNTY AllSTKACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to Tho J, H. Hnnor Abstract Co., Prlnovlllo, Oro, Abstracts Insurance Fraternal Societies I. O. O. V. Rend Lodge No. !!I8. Regular mooting every Mon-'A'9 any nigui at s o'clock In Savi or's Hnll. Visiting brothoii cordially wolcomo. ' h. II. GLESS, N. 0. GEO. P. GOVE, Secrctnry. REND PLU.MRIXG AM) HEATIXG COMPANY Snnltnry Plumbing Stonm and Hot Wator Heating WALL STREET Room Rates $1.00 per day, More if you wish to pay. Excellent Restaurant in connection. Breakfast and Luncheon 25 cents.. a Dinner 1)5 Cents. Continuous service at very moderate prices. DR. J. R. UARR Phyrilclnu nnd Surgeon Deschutes Stato Rank Uulldlng Phono lllntk 711 mvwMMwtvimwMMvmwvwMHuuwwmuvuw 5 t s H OTEL Eat At The A LTAMONT TO THE RESCUE WHO f5CI DOES Mffl I POUrK LAUNDRW LUNCH RUADY FOR SIJRVICB AT IIH5 DINNER AT 5:30 TRY IT tVe will save your linen, but you must not waste much time ftttlna? our rescue band st work LOW PRICES, BETTER SERVICB Bend Steam Laundry. AND DKY CLEANING Put Your Duds In Our Suds" ,'WVtAtVvvVVViVW POLICIES THAT PROTECT. The Oldest Insurance Agency in Central Ore. WE WHITE INSURANCE IN ALL-lTS DRANCIfES "It's the way we write our policies." Our companies pay IOO cts. on the dollar. We have over 400 satisfied policy holders. The largest insurers in Crook County are our leading customers Bend Insurance Agency Bend, Oregon POLICIES THAT PROTECT. J l Hoofing of nil kinds. Hepnirlng promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Gutterlnsr, Spouting, Cornices nnd Skylights. TJMcQJNCY The AccoiiiiiKMlntliiK Curdi fJrooiT Staple mill I'nticy Groceries ' Our Stock N Clcnn anil (OIIIllflO W Di only casli liuslm-ss mid 'oii'.e(iiciitly our prlcrs mo lower. W mo n nun kct for your butter, tw.s nntl vi'tjihleH Auto Dclhciy PHO.VE IILACK I'll AInko Hend tho hiIIIIiik center of I C"nlrnl OroKon. Hho Doschutos Sprny I and True Rluo Flours. A fiimrnnteo ' with civorHitck.--Atlv. H ! tW" STEA.M HEAT CHASES WIXTEIt. Why not onjoy the comfortH of tho most bysfinintlc and oconom leal way of heatltiB. 'Pho cost or IiiHtnllliiK stunin hunt is paid ror many tlmeH hy the oomfortB do rlvod. Plenty of hunt when and whero you want It at less cost than stove nufor, cloni.or, moro BHiiltnry. Plumbing, Hoofing, Furnace Work, Sheet Metal Work of All Kinds. Central Oregon Plumbing and Healing Company PHONE RED II J. E. ENGEHRETSON. MGR. SKOTi"" BEND MAULING CO. K N I'AI.MI KTOV TRANSFER AND STORAGE. HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVED. COAL AND WOOD. Itl'.S 1'IIONK III.ACK hi NsafaoMBmiM O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET 5'' k '1 T ... i ia -