The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 26, 1916, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Tin: jinxi) ijulletin, hend, ore., Wednesday, January ho, mm.
Drugs and Medicines, Domestic, Im
ported, Simple Drugs, and Rare
Chemicals, Toilet, Hath and Nursery
Needs, Surgical Supply and Sick
Room Comforts, Home Remedies
and Private Formulas, Sundries, and
Specialties. Cigars, Candies, Per
fumes, Kodaks. In fact there's noth
ing missing in tins very Complete
Stock Drug Store. Whatever you
want from any drug store you can
lind here and if we haven't got it
we'll get it. "
Out large Wtathtt Chatl CahnJut now allout Jlspmai.
The 3feo2 Store oreqon
1 H. Ppindetcr ot 1'rlnovlllp, wnsi Walter II, May, who was formerly
a business isitor In Hend on Tues-la Crook county rood supenJsor, Is
day. , now with tho V. H. Forest Senlco
engaged In building n load between
RosebuiK nml Cintor Lake, Ho has
Wedding and Anniver
sary Gifts at the
Art Shop.
. 51Mi
2K990 SXrJl Oaiv7 :2WJ HwPFi if?i A D iimewi WaPNrHf iwfr I flBF4
W. D. Darnes canio up from Turn
nl yesterday.
C. A. Hurnslda was over from Sla
ters last week.
. A. 7.. "owninn, of Prlnovllle, Is In
town on business today.
Mrs. Frank Sullvnn arrived
any evening iroin soniuo.
Miss Noll Markel returned on Fri
day from a visit to Portland.
Pcculll St6af rjs' of Prlnovlllo was
In lleud Saturday on business.
Mrs, J. W. Dlmlck Is confined to
tho house by Illness this week,
. T A. McCann Is moving today to
his now house In Park addition.
Hay Wilkinson wont out on Mon
day night's train on a.bfislness trip.
Mr, nnd Mrs. Charlos Mason have
" I coiuo In from Orescent (or tho winter.
W. C. Itolllnshcad of In Pino was
a business caller In Hcud on Thursday.
Best of y. &? y Cf J AH Work
Oak Tan N0T WfAIRHj Done I
Leather W BY I Gick and 1
Used- L5L1 LJ Neatly. I
Workmanship r. I I I ill i Workmanship I
Guaranteed. w J U U kJJ Guaranleed. I
.... i .. n Vjj VtjjX - I
aitctimc murir cuai? di7daid ounn I
auoiiii o tjuiuy. ohul, iter am onur 1
- rWW7T. Jis&ZfioL
MAYS Sagless Springs are
guaranteed for 25 years. Just received
a shipment of these famous springs. We will sell
them for the same old price. Owing to the sharp
advance in steel the manufacturers have advised us
that on Feb. 1 the price will be advanced on these
Springs. Buy now at the old price and protect
yourself. -
The furniture man
if If vou don't trade with us we both lose rrionev.
County Treasurer Hnlph L. Jordan
Is over from Prlnevills on huslne3a
A. L. French was confined to his
homo a few days last week with tho
The Commercial Club .luncheon
will bo held on Saturday nt tho
J. P. Koyes went to Portlnnd on
business last week, returning Sunday
Mrs. V. A. Forbes returned Sunday
morning from a threo week's Alslt In
Miss Coleman 'Is assisting at the
Ilend Water Light & Power Co. olllco
this week,
Mrs. John E. Ryan entertained In
honor of Mrs. T, A. McCnnir yester
day nfternoon.
Denton Hut dick nnd A. A. Ander
son of lledmond were visitors In
He ml last Saturday.
Tho Episcopal Guild hold n busi
ness meeting at the homo of Mrs. L
M. Lara on Msndny.
N. A. Southwick Ltt Monday on
business for Sl'.vo.' L.iko ond other
Contral Oregon to-.v tr.
J. H. Minor nnd family loft Mon
dny for Centrnlla, where they will
remain about ten days.
Mrs. Fred Estes expects to leavo
on Monday to Join her husband at
El Centro, California.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Clnronco Mannholmor
left Sundny morning for n visit to
Chicago and New Orlcnns.
Tho Oregon Trnnsfer Company will
move to Its now quarters In tho Log
Cabin building on Sunday.
Mrs. Agnes Suttong has been suf
fering from a severe attack of grlppo
and abscesses In the head.
Moro.than 40 couples nttendod the
Leap Year Danco given nt tho Em
blem Club last Friday ovcnlng. ,
Mrs. II. L. Hopkins returned Sun
day from' n three weeks visit with
friends In the Willamette vnlloy.
Edward Hrooks, of tho Hrooks
Scnnlon Company, arrived on Sunday
morning on a Bhort business trip.
Carl Lolimnn of Seattle builder of
tho dry ktlnk at Tho Shovlln-Hlxon
Company's plant, arrived Sundny.
Mrs. Mnry Canada moved Into her
now houso In Hlver Torrnco, Just
built by W. E. Shanks, on Monday.
Mrs. Ouy McKoynolds gnvo a show
er for Miss Elizabeth Davis at her
homo In Kenwood Friday afternoon.
County Commissioner Ovorturf
wns In Prlnovlllo to nttend, n meotr
Ing of tho county court on Thursday.
Paul C. Garrison lenves tonight for
Honners Ferry, Idaho, on business
and expects to bo nway about threo
Tho Oregon Trnnsfor Company will
move Into Its now quarters In tho old
Log Cabin saloon building about Feb
ruary 1.
J. F. Popo of Prlnovlllo, mnnnger
of the Pioneer Telephono & Tele
graph Company, Is In Ilend today on
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. IP. Warren who
have boon visiting with Mr. nnd Mrs.
Fred Wilkey loft Tuesday morning
for Portland.
F. S. TranclB, who will have charge
of tho Commercial deportment of tho
high school, arrived Inst Saturday
from Portland.
Mrs. K. F. Storer, of Crescent, left
Sunday for Iloston, being called
nwny on account of tho serious Ill
ness of her mother.
G. P. Pntnnm, secretary to Gover
nor W'ltliN combo nnd nubllsher of
Tho Hullotln spent Sundny and Mon
day horo on business.
Owing to the Inability of farmerB
to bring hay to tho local mnrkets tho
prlco of hay has advanced materially
during tho Inst 10 days.
Georgo Guimont and Miss Edith E,
Courtnoy, both of Hand, were mar
sled Mondny evening by Justice of
the Ponce J. A. Kastos.
Phillip. Hrooks, who Is assoclnted
with Frank Sullivan In tho ownership
of the Pilot HuUo hotel, was hero
for a few da) s last week.
Flovd Domont Is attondlng tho con
vention of tho Oragon Retail Hard-
waro & Implement Dealers Associa
tion In Portland this week.
II. E. Heach has taken nn Interest
In tho grocery nnd bakery business
formerly conducted by Holscher nnd
Hopkins. Mr, Hopkins remains In
tho firm.
Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Laughlin, of
Minneapolis, who hno been visiting
with Mr. and Mrs, Paul Hosmer for
sovcrnl weeks, left Jast night for
C. W. need of Wellsvlllo. Missouri
a stockholder In the It. M. Smith
Clothing Company, is expected In
expected in Ilend somo time tho lat
ter part of this week.
The students of tho Rend high
school were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Harper Skuso at a leap year
dancing party held Saturday evening
at the Emblem Club,
The Presbyterian Ladles Guild will
hold its monthly meeting at the home
of('Mrs. Quy Mqlteyjiolda, lb Kenwood
Wednesday" a'fternoon, February 2.
dtrajJEen Jir irelcgjue
a crow of 30 moa under him.
Presbytcrlnn church: Senlccs not
Sunday will ho as follows: Sunday
school nt 10 a. in. Preaching ct 11
n. in. Thome: "Unspoken Objections
to Chttst." Preaching at 7:30 p. m.
Theme: "Tho Civil Trial of Jesus."
The public Is most cordially" Invited
to nttend those services. 11. C. Hnrt
rnnft, pnstor.
Special senlco at the M. E. church
Sunday eenlng at 7:30. A oermun
lectin o will bo delivered on "Tho
Hulldlng of King Solomon's Tomplo."
To tho .Masonic order and Eastern
Star lodge. Tho public Is coidlally
Invited. A silver ottering will bo tak
en towflid the church debt. Special
music will bo rendered. Franklin W.
Kengy, pastor.
Plans for tho gymnnslum to bo
submitted to tho shareholder ate
now Hearing completion nnd, will bo
picscnted at a meeting to be called
soon, according' to a statement made
by H. A. Stove, general chnlruinn,
yesterday. This time ropiplcte plans,
with oxnet estimates will be ready
and the confusion bnRed on Insufil
clcnt Information will bo avoided,
Miss Frances Steldl, tho daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Steldl, may re
ceive as n present two vnlunblo lots
In HemidJI, Minnesota, from the'orlg
Innl townnlto company of that town.
When Hem Id J 1 wns platted tho com
pany 'said It would give two lots to
the first child born In HemidJI. When
Mr. nnd Mrs. Stoldl moved from He
midJI to Hcnd this fact wns lost sight
of until recently wnen It was learned
that theso two lotB had boon deeded
to another child thought to liavo been
the first bom In that place. It has
slnco been conceded by he company
that Miss Stcldi was tho first child
born In HemidJI nnd sho Is soon to bo
tho recipient of a deed for Minnesota
Frank Kcsllng, an eniplojec nt Tho
siiQViin-iuxon pinni, nroio ins left
leg Friday afternoon whiles working
In tho ynrds. Sovcrnl men wore
hoisting luiubor by menus of n gin
polo. Tho pole foil upon Mr. Kcs
llng, pinning hlin to a pile of lumber.
Tho broken -leg wnB sot at the UutuI
hospltnl by Dr. U. C. Coo and tho pa
tient is reported to bo resting easily.
i -
Charles A. Carroll, of Hend, has
announced himself ns n candldato for
tho Kt'puhllcau nomination for as
sessor Jo Crook county nt tho prl
mnrlcs'tq bo hold tu May. Mr, 'Car
roll (s n native Orogonlau, having
been born in Linn county. He enmo
to Crook county In l&So and since
resided in this section, Ho is nt pies
cnt engaged In business In Hend.
All kinds of men, women's nnd
chlldron s woolen mlts and gloves at
reduced prices at Williams and Heath
second hand store In old Lnrn build
ing, Hend. 47-lUp
Drop In nt tho North Pacific Fish
Market nnd sco tho differont vnrietles
of fUh on sale. Adv,
Go to tho
dinner.! Adv.
Hoyal Oafo
for your
44 tf
See DICK TEe Tailor
All Kinds ot
Phono Hlack 1481
Guess Who?
illfll lib i 'Was 1
J IfflisMiBsly
PM, l' ' ' t
h' ';
H-tl w;
rsfee Gftt
SrS1 . ri
v " SM. ,rff "S-W
mi&L tzii&Hi
For the Best Values in
and for TRUE ECONOMY we
urge you to come to this store.
CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS that wear nt 1! for IMc, A! S!.1e
INDIES' HOSIERY, In Lisle. Silk and nil weights,
Styles, at pair 2 for a."5r, SMc, !Wc, r((e, ft
MEN'S HALF HOSE In Silk, Wool and Lisle, nt
pair i fur u.Sc, 2."c, ri)o
l'llOENIXSlLK HOSIERY, at pair.
nr, .St, (Ml
(Crook County Journal.)
Hob Wahnor, who escaped from
the county Jnll somo time ugo when
assisting tho Jnnltor with work nbout
tho building, wns tnken Into custody
Inst weok In Portland on n chnrgo
with tho thort of a bicycle. Ho Is
sorvlng a tonn ot UO days for that
offpiiso, nnd when released from tho
county Jail tlero, will be returned to
Prlnevillo'., Hu wus being held hero,
on n charge of larceny of nn auto
mobile which fnny bo more sorloua
than tho nluYe theft of u blcjcle.
Depot Hotel. Tho homo of tho
homesteader. 44-47n
Mid- Winte
Values That Will Save You Money
A Limited Number of Suits. Prices Hint were
Slfl.OO to 20.00 are (ill marked now f f C
to go at tyl.$J
A Few Lute-Style Overcoats. Splendid values nt
S12.00, $25.00 and '$20.00, all will (PJf QP
Huekingham & Heeht Shoes. Stylish, .servicahle
shoes that were Sfl.OO to go at the (l 5 O C
sjiecial price , .. CpJ0
Various Sizes and Styles in Hats. tf C C
Hig values, that were $!1 00, now.. . S S 3
On every one of these offerings you will save
money. Make your purchases early as only a
limited number are left.
Men's Furnishings
ffBSfU Protect your
J$hr Horses from
ml -HmBII while the ground is
M vWpjKw slippery. A "Never-
awk J Jma s,i') WILL D0 1T-
Una Skuse Hardware Company
. t