-v ---Y fZ TIIK HKXI 11ULLKTIX, HKXI), ORK., WICIIXUSDAV, .IAXUARY uo, lt)10. PAOE B. Shearings ' Tho Governinent thermometer reg istered 8 ilogreea below zero Wed nesday night, which will probably bo tho low limit Cor tho winter nt least wo hope so. Quito n llttlo Bnow fell during the night, which wan un usual considering tho low temper nturo. Jefferson County Record. rising market. A carload Is now on tho Hide track billed for Chicago, Deschutes1 Valley Tribune. Wastlnn people tiro busy these days killing rabbits. As neur as tho writer knows there have been at least 900 slaughtered. Saturday Is another doy sot for rabbit day and tint prospects look vety favorable. Fort Ror.k Times. Tho thermometer registered 20 degrees below zero on last Monday morning. Pipes were frozen, tho city pumps wouldn't work, and the town was practically without water for several hours. Madras Pioneer. T.ast night the record was eighteen degrees below and Indications today seem to point to tho fact that tho maximum low record for this storm was reached on Tuesday. Snow is reported In varying depths from nbout a foot deep to as much as thir ty Inches In somo partH of tho coun ty. Tho frozen ground beneath tho snow hns mado slolghlng possiblo nil over the county. Tho malls nro be ing carried on most of tho lines In this manner. Tho. trucks nnd pas ppngor cars nro making tho regular trips between this point nnd ltcd mond, however. Crook County Journal, Tho creamery meeting last Sat urday was small owlhg to tho had wcatho", and tho making of n per manent organization was postponed until next Saturday, Tho present olllcers wore retained until perma nent offlcers can be elected, which will probably bo at tho next meeting. The permanent organization will ne cessarily Have to ho mado nt that time In order to transact business. La Pino Intcr-Mountaln. S. Grazier of La Pino was In town over Tuesday, being onro to to KlnniH'h Marsh with tho Moroon horses whore they will ho fed dur ing the remainder of tho winter. The horses will be returned In tho spring upon tho resumption of work on tho Morson project. Silver Lalio I.oador. Thoro Is purity In every trek of. Deschutes Spray and Truo Hlue Flour mrnufacturcd by tho Hond Flour Mill Company.; Adv. A Great Military Feat. Nonzn, in Corsica, Is very proud of the story of n great military feat per formed there long ago. It Is told In "Itomuntlc Corslcn." by Ueorgo Ren wick. The French In 1703 had subjugated nil the northern cape with the excep tion of the tower of Nonzn, which for n considerable time 'sustained n close siege. Attni'klng parties were -driven back by n fierce lire, hut ut Inst the garrison ngreed to surrender If nllow cd lo march out with nil the honors of wnr. This wns conceded, and old Cnpiulu Cnscellu appeared, staggering under n load of muskets and pistols. "Why is the garrison so long in com ing out" nuked the French com mander. , , "It Is here, sir," replied Cascclla. "1 am tho garrison." A desirable bread knife free with ovory annual subscription to Tho Bend llullotln. Sao ndvortisoment on pngo 10. Insist that tho flour you buy Is con tained In Tho Saxollno Sanitary Sack. It will save you mouoy. Adv. For sign painting sco Edwards. Adv. Dr. J. O. Turner of Lowo & Turnor, oyo specialists of Port land, will bo In liend ngaln on Thursday nnd Friday, Jnnunry 27-28, at Thorson's Jowolry storo. Don't fall to consult Dr. Turner about your oyes and glnsscs. Headaches reliev ed, cross oyes straightened. Satis faction guaranteed. Adv. His Plan. 'Tie's one of our must micccsful bnsl. ties men." "Tlmt so? What's his net-ret?" "Well. In I he first place In- Insists upon his clerks spiling hm customers what they want, not what the clerk thcniFelres wenr."-I)ctrot Free 1'rcin What men wnnr l not talent. It Is purpose nut the powers to achieve, but the will to labor Hiil wer I.ytton. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. ItOUHUT 11. GOULD Civil Engineer "AH A liend Oregon Mnko Rend tho milling center of Central Oregon. Uso Deschutes Spruy and Truo llluo Flours, A guarantee with every sack. Adv. .MILS. MYItTM-: .1. .SCIILAPPI. Will glvo Instruction In elocution, oratory, jibyslcal culture nnd dramat ic art, private or class lessons. Grad uato of tho Western Academy of Portland and hns had 12 years teach ing experience. HcBldcnca second Plval houso north sldo cast end. ndv During tho pnst week, snow hns been falling nlmost continually In the Crescent country nnd nt present about two feet of tho "beautiful" covers tho ground. On nearly nil stngo lines In Eas tern Oregon thoro Ib a congestion of mall, duo to tho heavy shipments of tho holidays nnd tho condition of tho roads. Tho lino between La Pino nnd Crescent has, however, main tained Its schedulo or bettor nnd boon nhlo to handle nil malls coming this wny. Crescent News. Tho price of wheat raised to ono dollnr on tho local market this weok. Thoro has been n largo amount of tho wheat held for higher prices. Now that tho dollnr mark has been reach ed It Is a question whether thero will bo much marketed. Tho possibility of higher prices alwnvs looks good to n wheat ownor; and thero Is ununlly only n limited amount let looso on a f THE OLD TIMER. IS OH TO THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW) (HOLD ON SAVE MC A LITTLE .' THE VCH0ICT IS AIM yc Juoqc.casc is OlSPOStO Of 7 " MZ 1 "- DON'T take a big chew just a nibble ofW-B CUT Chewing the Real Tobacco Chew, new cut, long ihrtJ will utility you. Taite It, imell it ice how different it it how it tatitCei you, "Nolle how the ih bring out the rich tobtcto tula" Ktit 6y WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, 50 Union Sqwe, New YotV.Gty BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. DEALERS IN LUMBER LATH, SHINGLES, Cement, Lime, Plaster and Brick. BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS Fir Flooring and all kinds of Finish Lumber BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. ORKfiON TRUNK THAIN Arrives 8:30 n. m. Loaves 7 p. 111. o..v. II. & N. TRAIN. Arrives 7:4D p. m. Leaves 7:25 a. m. AUTO STAGH LINK SOUTH. Leaves S : 4fi a. m. Arrives 5 p. tn. AUTO LINKS. - Cars to Hums, Kort Klamath Kort Hock, Silver I.ako and other points south and south east. POST OFFICIO IIOUIIS. General delivery open dally D:1G a. 111. to G p. m. No mnll distributed on Sundny Night train mail closes G p. m. Day train mall closes G:30 n. m. tklkghaph nouns. Western Union dally 7 a. m. to - 7 p. m. Sunday and holidays 8-1U, 4-G. TKLKPHONH HOURS. Pioneer Co., twenty-four hour service, Including Sunday. W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. I) K X TIST omco ovor roBtonico Bend, ... Oregon DH. J. C. VANDEVERT Physician mid Surgeon Phono Red 271 Hours 9-12 n. in.; 1-5 p, in 7-9 p. m. Snther Untitling H. C. ELLIS Attoniey-nt-Lntv United States Commissioner First National Hank building BEND, OREGON II. II. Do A It M O N D LAWYER Oregon Street. llond, Oregon W. G. MANNING, D. M. D. Dentist. Offlco in First National Hank Building Tel. oil Item!, Oregon DIRECTORY OF OFFICIALS. United Suites. President Woodrow Wilson Vlco President. .Thomns R. Marshall Secretary of Stato ..Robert Lansing Socrctary of Navy . . Josophus Danlols Sccrqtnry of War . .'. .L. M. Garrison Sccrotnry of Interior . . . .F. K. Lano Sdcrotnry Agrlculturo D. P. HouBton Secretary of Treasury .W. P. McAdoo Secretary Commerco . ,W. C. Rodlleld Secretary of Labor . . . .W. D. Wilson Attorney General T. M. Gregory Postmaster Gcnoral .Albert Burleson State. Qovornor James Wlthycombo Secretary of Stato ....11. W. Olcott Treasurer Thos. B. Ka Atty. Gcnoral Geo. M. Brown Superintendent Public Instruction . . J. A. Churchill Stato Printer Arthur Lawrence Commissioner Labor Statistics . . . . 0. p. lion Gnmo Warden . . .Carl D. Shocinnker State Engineer ,Jobu 11. Lou it united Stales Senators Gcorca E. Chnmhorlaln Harry W, Lano Congressmen C. N. McArthur N. S. Slnnott W. A. Ilawloy Crook County. Circuit Court Judge. . T. E. J. Duffy District Attornoy W. II. Wlrtz County Judgo O. Springer Clerk Warren Brawn Sheriff E. D. Knox Treasurer Rnlph Jordan Assessor 11. A. Poster School Supt J. E. Myers Coroner P. B. Polndoxtor Surveyor II. A. Kelly Commissioners J. P. Blunchnrd II. J. Overturf WILLARD H. WIRTZ L A W Y K K Prlnovlllo, Oregon. DR. J. H. CONNARN I) EXT I ST Ofllco In Snther Building. Houru 9 to 12, 1 to f. Sundays and evenings by Appointment. C. P. N1SWONGER, Bond, Ore. UNDERTAKER Licensed Kinlmlmer, Funeral Director. Phono Red 121. Lndy Asst DR. II. D. STOWELL Naprapatble riijxlclan Ofllco over Miller Lumlor Co, Wall Street Hours 9 to S Phoeo Red Gl C. S. BENSON Attornoy At Law BonBon Building, Wall Street Bend, Oregon. 1 lie Court. Circuit Meets first Monday In Soptomber and Dcccmnor and second Monday In March, Probate MootB flrat Mondny In each month. Commissioners' Meets first Wed nesday In Jnnunry, Maxell, May, July, Soptembor, Novembor nnd Decomber, Bend School District Xo. 11!. Director J. N. Hunter, Chmn. It. M. Smith J, Edward Lnrsou Clerk II, J, Overturf City of Ilend. Mayor J. A. EaBtcs Recorder II. 0. Ellis Treasurer Mary E. Coloman Chief of Pollca S. E. Roberts City Attornoy ...II. II. Do Armond City Physician U, C. Coo Councllmcn John Stoldl C. M. McKay C. V. Cilvls L. C. Rudo w E. P. BrostorliniiH S. C. Caldwell VERNON A. FORBES LA WYJ2K First National Bank Building Bond, :-: :: Oregon GEORGE S. YOUNG Civil nnd Irrigation Engineer. U. 8. Mineral Kimeyor. Room 0 FlrBt National Bonk Building J. B. Bell A. W. Sims CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to Tho J, II. Hanor Abstract Co., Prlnovlllo, Oro. AbstrnctH Insurnnco Chiropractic, Mechano-Thrrapy Electricity, Diet nnd Hygiene Chronic Disorders n Specialty Dlt. R, D. KETCIIUM Tho Only Licensed Druglcst Physician in Bend 0111 co Hours: 9 to 12; 1 to C Or By Appointment SATHE(t BUILD1NU DR. A. A. BURRIS Naturopath Diseases cured without the uso of drugs or surgery by tho nat ural methods of healing. Olllco ovor P. Dement & Co.'h Grocery BEND, OREGON Fraternal Societies BEXI) PLUMBING AND HEATING COMPANY Sanitary Plumbing Stonm nnd Hot Wntor Heating WALL STREET DR. J. R. BARR Physician nnd Surgeon Deschutes Stnto Bank Building Phono Black 711 I. O. O. V. Bend Lodge Xo. 21 H. Regular mooting overy Mon day night nt 8 o'clock In Snth er's Hall. VlBltlng brothers cordially wolcomo. L. II. OLESS, N. 0. QEO. P. GOVE, Secretary. f feg2E35JS5sS3: J L .TiiHtlco of the Pence. Bend Precinct J. A. Pastes TO THE RESCUE Roofing of nil kinita. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY I TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. OiTAtf0, 0X6W VACATION In Tortlmd, with nldo trips outsldo, will glvo you mi enjoyable occa sion. Mnko tho .Multnomah your headquarters. Service better. Itntoa consistently lower. RATES TO YOU HO Rooms $1,00 100 Rooms with bath. ,$.SO 100 Rooms with lmtli. .If '-.) 200 Largo otifeldo roouw, Until $a.oo Extra person in room, $1.00 additional Tim Unvritltin Kntiltnrv Mrwb (u iiuml -."- "" ' "" --" ny tun iienu r lour .Mill company uh u container for till Mourn leaving Itx No dirt. No dust. No odor. mill. No wnHto. Adv. who $y ill IS if jS&gk ; HHBIBuMBnMKaaaaul STI:AM HEAT CHASES WINTER. Why not enjoy tho comforts o( tho most syHtotnutle and econom ical way of hunting. Tho cost of limliilllnK tttoum heat Ih pnld tor many times by tho comforts de rived. Plenty of hat when and I HhIWMI l 4.NHJWi -s ""0r0 -VOU w"l II 111 I OHM COHt -W adl than tovun sufor, cliiiu.or, more SH "nlt.ry. riumbinpr, Roofing, Knrnaee Work, Sheet Metul Work of All Kinds. Central Oregon Plumbing and Heating Company PHONE RED 11 J. E. KNGKHKKTSON. MGH. ,HS-I1I W will (ay your linen, but you muil Tl t.M'IIONi: UI.AI.K 61 BEND HAULING CO. R,J,.iK TKANSFER AND STORAGE. HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVED. COAL, AND WOOD. 1 - 1 (vl 1 I .1 ill not -wat much Urn cutting our rtucui bend t work LOWPRICGS, BETTGR SERVICE Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRY CLEANING MWMWIIWilWi UMlWWI sm O'DONNELL BROTHERS 1 UNION MARKET j Put Your Duda In Our Suds" IMMMW t s$i