I'AGK 4. thk ijkxi) nt'MiKTix, iinxi), oui:., vj:xi:si.v, .taxcauy imi, joio. ,.! i. i ,. w . I" ' t 1 ! I ; 1 '! : ) I" CENTRALOREGON FARMERS HAPPY MAGIC 8tory of the OF jRRIGATION. of Southern FALL SOWN GRAIN BENEFITTED IS titocU on tlio ItanRCM Itcportcil ( le SulTcrliiK s a llesult of Alternat ing 1'liiutliiK ii ml FiccIiir All Konils aru lllockmled. Tlio Central Oregon farmer Ih wearlnK n big, liroml, hniiy smllo theso days, llo Ih tlio ona mnn wlio Welcomes tlio lienvy snow fnll. Tlio heavy precipitation nnd tlio long pot loil over wlileli It Ikih extended Ih provlns n Krcnt boon to tho fnll sown Krnln nnd Is gettltiK tlio ground In fine condition to receive Hip sprliiK fcrnln. This general nood feeling nrnonK the farmers Ih reported to liu prevalent throughout this Ruction There linvn hern years when tlio Know fnll In Control Oregon line heen ns heavy no It hns boon tills your, lint not in tlio memory of ninny pioneers litm the unow inmalned on tlio giounil ho long nnd koiio off no slowly. This, the farmers say, Is of ureal lieneflt to tlio fall sown grafti. Tlioro linvo been more farmers In Central Oregon who linvn sown tliolr grain In tlio fnll than In nny pnst your, nnd It Is expected that the crop will linvo n good boost by tlio tlmo nprlng comes. Tlio snow fnll In the mountains Is reported to bo tlio heaviest known In years. This condition will provide for n big supply of water for Irriga tion purposes next year. ItniiKe Stuck KiifTer. Conditions, howevor, In tlio Htock licit are reported nt present to bo mifnvorahlo. Tlio alternating thnw lug and freezing Is damaging to the stock on the ranges. Reports snv thnt hnrrcM, cattle nnd sheep nro In need of feed. Tho crusted snow Is ranking It dllllcult for stock to obtntn grass feed. Tho stock thnt was rounded up hits been provided with miffclent feed to carry them through a long rold period. Prices for lmv nnd grnln are reported to linvo nd va tired materially In tho stork belt In tho Inst two weeks. The conditions on the ronils out of llend linvo not been Improved as n TORiilt of the change In tho wentlior. Mull cnrrlers llnd It Impossible to operate with sleds nnd much of tho mall Is being carried on pack horses to post oltlcoH.pn tho rurnl routes nnd ftngo lines. Many automobiles which left llend nt dinorent times during tun month linvo been abandoned by their owners who found It Impossible to operate them through tho high drifts. Rice Fields Louisiana. In I8S3 lowlands In southern Louisi ana near tlio bilious unliable for grow ing sugar en no. corn nnd eotton could be purchased for $3.fi0 an uerc. nnd tlio prnlrlo lauds back from tho bayous (ould bo bought for SI nil uvtc. With almost tlio drat crop under Irrigation, however, the values showed a marked rise nod have continued to Increase. In tho llrst live .ears the value of tho best lice land rose to $10 an ncie, and soon after that It rose to &!U and oven JCO nn acre. The first people to plant rice In south ern Louisiana, nccoidlug to the Unit ed Slates geological survey, were tho AcadlniiM, who, after their expulsion i from .Nova Scotia by tho English in !", settled In considerable number;) In Louisiana. Their cultivation of rice, almost prluilthe lu Its methods, was con lined to the lowlands along the bayous, (ho prairies affording paHttir- .ago for the Aendliiiis holds of cuttle IViv of the lowland areas admitted of satisfactory dialiiugc. and they ucto too small for ptolltiihlc cultivation. The crops frequently lulled In years of deficient rainfall Attempts wcte niado to create additional water supplies by i building Uncos ueioss low sngs or coulees nt points higher than tile cul tlvuted areas, but generally either tlio i rainfall proved dellelent or tlio reer I volrs were too small I Little ndvamo was made over the Acadian method!) until recent years i Experiments In unusually wet years hud shown thnt the soils of the prairies were ndnptcd to the growth of rUo If Hiilllcleut water was at hand. This led to tho trial of pumps us a menus of raising water from the bayous to the rice fields. So successful wns the test that pumps were at unco Installed at many points, and lu a few years tens of thousands of neies of previously al most useless land, lying ten to seventy feet nbove the bayous, were put under cultivation. The tlrst large pump was Installed lu 1S!U on the llnyou I'laque uiluo, In Acadia parish, near Crowley. DATE FOR CONFERENCE TO PREPARE LAW TO-BE SET Committees nte .Valued to ltepicsent Vni'lous Organisations Meeting to be Meld In February. (Oregon Joiinml.) Tho date for tho conferenco of tho joint committee to prepare a measure I for state guarantee of Irrigation nnd drnlnngo bonds nnd for n system of rurnl credltB will bo set prohnbly next Thursday, when a meeting of tho committee nppolntcd to represent tho Oregon Irrlgntlon Congress will be held. Tho committee from the Oregon Irrlgntlon Congress consists of J. V. Hrewor nnd K. 0. Cnllvcrt, of Port- Innd; !'. X. Wallace, of Tuntnlo; A. 1!. Thomson, of Echo, nnd .1. 1). Dell of Kugenc. Tho plnn to hold such n confor I onco wns developed In tho recent meeting of tho Irrlgntlon Congress. Delegations from the railroads, far mers' union, grange, bankers nasocln- tfon, drainage nssoclntlons nnd other Important state organizations will lie named to participate in tho work. Tho meeting will bo held probably in the middle of I'ebrunrv. Ilesldes the delegates named from tho Irrlgntlon Congress, tho Univer sity of Oregon hns nuined tho follow ing: 1. L. Campbell, president; V. la. Young, H. I). Miller, V. K. New ell and James D. Harnett. Tho com mittee nnmed by the Portland Cham ber of Commerce consists of C C. Colt, Itobort Struhom, A. L. Mills, .1. X. Teal .and Franklin T. drlllln. Other organisations have not et an nounced their committees. The plnce of meeting lins not yet been determined, but It Is thought thnt It will be either Portland or Salem, COUNTY GETS PAY of Ol ltecehes Oicr 1000 "s SI""" National Koiext lleciiue. SAl.i..... juii mi. oet-ieiu.y uiO.OO . uaU l.tmt.u J.uili Hit) icu- ,U1 (Ul, 11...1111 WUl.l 1C.HU", " ot iimuui iwiu uulei bUllittta wuiu " WU.1..1 10H.il iwim i i"0 J"' .mliu ov, IJIO J UluK! eUiwu.ea lu 111.I lilt) WlfcSl It.Olt)B l 61IU liicu, Hi iiiOi.oiiioli 10 mo eumo 101- ut. uicu 01 mo euiie. I ilo I""'" .ULUIVLO Oi- lilU CUUtniOB umak unmt'U ueirtttm tiiu bv.hooi ami louu mini una e.iie.iuu us oluor moii:..o 111 me liiuOa mo oxpoiiUeil. ino uniunnt pujuoiu to Crook coiuwj is t,03s.-u, WHICH la int. loiutn iargui. amount paid, 'int L'ouniy men is Btnieil to bo o.4l,-J" acies, 01 whiLli l,0i'7,i uuies national forobt. &u Groceries We can take care of orders of any description Large or Small We carry a complete line of fancy and staple groceries Hardware uro OUR UNRULY SUN. A deslrnblo hrend knlfo free with every annual subscription to The llend llullctln. Seo advertisement on page 10. Hlv-Ycai- Old Had Cioup. "I linvo n llttlo girl six yenrs old who litis n good deal of trouble with croup," w-rltes V. R. Curry, Kvnns vllle, Ind. "I linvo uesil Foley's Mon ey nnd Tar, obtaining Instant roller for her. My wife and I nlso use It nnd will sny It Is the boHt euro for n bad cold, cough, throat troublo ntul croup that 1 ovor saw." Sold every whoro. Adv. iiKAL kstati: Tit.xsri:ns. If-Miisl by CkhiU County Abstrnrt Co, 11. M. Abbott to Jennie M. Fowler It. 4, blk. 13, llend View add. llend. Dorothea Abbott to sumo Its. !, 10, blk. Ki, Kenwood. Tho llend Co. to llend Park Co.. It. Id. blk. L'7. Cented add, llend. llend Park Co. to J. A. Wilght Mine. Kdw. P. l.uthy to It. .1 McCnnn Its. 1, 2, blk. 111. Center add, llend. Rtntu to Mary K. Colomnn 8,i 32-14-10. J2I00. The llend Co. to Imml Park Co., It. 3, blk. 37, Center ndd. llend. DoscliutcH Fine Wool Co. to Thos Sbnrp, Jr., till 27, nH. tie 3I-H-1I. Bnmo to II. L. Corhett nil 23-14-1 1. Rami! to Bantu trustee -wd 110, no so 13-11-13. VS. II. ltoss to Chn. J. l.evorett It IK. blk. 18, Koiiwfod. C. S. Hudson to K. T. Logan ot al It. 10, blk. I. llend, $2750. 1 A doslrnblo lirond knlfo free with every annual sulnwrlptlon to The llend Hullotlu. Heo iidvurtlnniuunt on pngo 10. It Beems to Do Trying to Dilate to the Bursting Point. Tho French astronomer Pulseiix hns been busying himself with the consti tution of the sun. He llnds that. In stead of condensing and shrinking lit tie by little. 11s was formerly supposed, tho sun Is constantly dilating more and more and reaching tho isitut of burst lug. And ir the sun blew up there would be 110 more need for us poor mortals to uoiry ubmit worldly af lairs. Ilig suns every whit as Important In their own constellations us ours are freipiently victims of 1111 explosion There wns one in the constellation of ' Perseus early In tool, mid since then two nt least hao occurred lu other celestial groups. Observation hns shown long since that the-givut orb which Is our till lu all Is u most uncertain character. Sun bpots, lire blasts and such llko phe nomena nro by no mentis the most of which he Is tapnhlc. The manner In which the sun throws off atomic ener gy nnd transform the heavy Into light elements, bjdrogeti. helium, nebullum. iirchonlnm nnd what not hkIIs nothing good for this world, and n mere noth ing might lead to a disaster any day. In short. It Is bound to conic at some time or other. Unfortunately science etui give us no Idea us 10 when (Yn turles nnd even hundreds or cetituiles nro ns hat a moment In the history of the universe, says Professor I'liunmii rloii. and for nil we know the sun nuiv hnve millions of years more life before It No than can tell, IIioul'Ii. mid. Just us the strongest of us are struck down in a moment, so the nil isiwetful plan et limy give out at any lime mid when It dees It will make but shoit work of nil of us here below. Huston Trim script. Argentina' Natural Bridge. Ill Argentina there Is a natural bridge that Is one of the must wonderful lu the world It spans the Itlo Mcndo7..i anil U known as the I ma tirldu'e Hut It Is the wotk or liatuie, mi.s the Set entitle American, and not, us a pup illnily supposed, or the Incus The roud on which It occurs wns probably a colonial highway made by the IVru vhiii Incus, who took advantage of the phenomenon by leading their roud over 1 his natural viaduct. spy I m?zj iTAVJtf I '. JllK'i-.t &i)en if IJou doiiotPlay Golf the round of pleasure in CALIFORNIA" holds every known sport and amusement. For real rest nnd recreation go via the Oregon -Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM to the Land of Sunshine, Fruit and Flowers. You'll find it there. STOVES RANGES and BUILDERS HARDWARE PAINTS OILS WINDOWS and DOORS' F. DEMENT i CO. fes OS '0 4, v V J) Pr ZtSlxlTr. v f. til .! .. -I ,ITii.V60 l -V1 C I ' AknnyO.W.R.&NeAKent,orwrltetheaenera!Ptt- j OiVc Ttrf iitl Ii mnar AecnL PnrfUnrl. fr lltrsturA and full tnfarmAtlon ri tt 91 J? Mil- X -W m& Urn Oregon Transfer Company OFFICIO 1.00 CAI1IX COUNKH I'liono lllnck -151 Moving Household Goal nnd Wood Goods Our Specialty Unlit and Heavy Freight KXI'HESS AM) 11AOOAGK Al'TO TKUCK .MOVING ANVWHRUK YOL'lt IIAGGAGK CHKCKKI) AT 110MK Bend Contracting: Co. "No Job too Hie, No Jolt too Small." llrldgo Construction Excavation of all Kinds SI'KCIAMA' CONSTIIUCTKI) SHPTIO TANKS 7oams for all kinds of heavy hauling at all times. Land clearing II. O. CJaik, Munnner riiono Hlaek 1.11 G. I). Chirk Olllce with Honieseokcrs Land Company. For n good oloan havo, a pood hair cut, facial iuhhbuko or a china, vlult tho Metroiiolllaii, on Oregon Btroot. Adv. tf 7 Where do you trado? Cllncy'B Orocory. Artv . At Mc l'ool nnd tillllardu nt tho Metro politan JtiHt the thtnK for n little relaxation In tho evening. Adv. tf. (ld Weather Arluvt and I'iiIiin. Many aohea and pnlna, aoro inus elen, Ktlff jolnta nnd much rheuma tism attributed to cold weather have their tlrst cause In failure of tho kid. iieyn to properly ollmlmvto waste mattor from tho systom. Foloy Kid noy I'llls toao up weak and diseased kldnovH. kIvIiik prompt rollof from &choa and pains. Origin ol Spoon. Two natural objects m-i-ui to have furnished the model for the mhooii to prlmltUe mnn-tlie river or vea shell and the leaf of plants. In southern China nhell spoons are still used that ate elosoly reproduced In the familiar porcelain hkmiii uf that country, while aieial spooim uru found In India ou uhkh are reproduced even tho veins uf tho leaves, from whlih thev were Mplwl, Faint Hops. Doctor (cuttlimiyi-Are jou to to al ("owed to drink beer, ehT nidn't I tell you Just n week nuu to let tho MulT alone? Patient I Unow. doctor; but. ;ou cee. I thoiiKht tlioro might have been some progrcst In medical science since. New York I'osL WWWWW BUILD NOW! For a short time we will I sell residence lots well located, city water and lights and lumber with which to build for Mn Fellow, "Your wife has a muscular affection which renders her speechless I can cure her, but It will tako time." "Take all the time you want, doe." responded tho meuu man. Kansas City Journal. $10 CASH AND $10 MONTHLY Too Fond of Thtm. "Is he fond of outdoor sports?" "Yes. His wife complains that be rven Invites them home to dinner." Cleveland Plain Dealer. J. RYAN & CO. Lots at Half the Price Asked in other additions of Equal Distance from the Business Center. Lois 40X105.. $75 for Inside, $100 for Corners Lois 50X125. $100 for Inside, $125 for Corners REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Central Oregon's Leading INSURANCE AGENCY Fire Aulomoble Life Accident Surely Bonds J. A. EASTES OREGON STREET. BEND, OREGON .Member I'ortland Itealty Hoard. K3 mi ill a 7'jm.Hpf vtjr mm EsjnAus "SPEED UP!" to GO minutes an hour by taking the "grind" out of typewriting I wl AND s?e I For here at last is the master machine that makes it easy for any stenog rapher to turn out MORE letters with LESS effort in the ordinary working day. The new Royal Master-Model "10" speeds up the day's work and sets the pace that pays I Built for "Big Business' and its Great Army of Expert Operators These new features of the Royal add to the sensitive fingers of the typist, the one vital thing that the old-style typewriter subtracts speed! The speed with brains behind it the all-day speed of the expert typist in the day's work. Errorless speed is the kind of speed that counts. Commonsense has punctured the illusion of the other kind. Get the Facts! Send forth. "Royal p,. $jqq uiuu mm iisic ior DEMONSTRATION. Or write us direct for our nw bro chure, "flat rr Servlct," and book or facts on Touch 7pinff-snt free to typewriter users. bwwwwwBiB m IiBjIj $i2s I , , in Canada H 3' B; RUDELIi, nEND, OUEQON. 4 p ' ) I. mattr' Tfci i ! ""