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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1916)
1 MK u 4 i , i. i , '. :i fi Kl l ,- ! S i P- L'AUK , -- -- CENTRAL 4 ----" - Tt'MAM). (Specln'. to Tlio Hulletln.) TUMAI.O, Jan. 2 1.--On Tuosdav nftaruouti Mis. II. V. Kllcklngor nnd Mrs. C. P. Heckor ontcrtalncd with n "parcel shower" anil tea party for tlio brldu-oloct, Mlsw Iny (lorklnff. The living room of tlio FHcklngcr home, whom tlio nlfnlr was Riven, vri8 decorated for the occasion in utrmuners r cuplds and lieartH. An oflectlvec olor scheme of pink and white wns used. Aftur tlio Ktiests wore assembled Ilttlo .Mildred Taylor dressed an Dan Cnplil entered tho loom drawing a sled on which was plnced a lart?o liaHkot heaped with tho "parcels" for thi bride to ho. MIbh (ierkliiK was tho recipient of ninny lioniltlfiil and tiHtrul KlftH. each of Whlcli was accompanied with n sult- liblo rhyme The "heart and dart Idea" wan uniquely carried out In thn refreshments. Hcsldcs tho Kiicst of honor others present wore: Mrs. J. N. H. (lerkliiR. Mrs. .1. V. Ilrown, Mrs. J. W Hinder. Mrs. I'red N. Wnl lues, Mih. John C'oen, Mrs. C. I. Mock. .Mrs. Albert Harper, Mrs. 0. V. Horner, Mrs Prank Dayton, Mrs. Mildred Taylor. MrH. Ilyron Cady, Mrs. Hob Stnrneon, Mrs. .Infill Marsh, Mrs. Hlake Decker, Mrs. Ida (.un born, Mr Vera Dickenson, Mrs. .1. C. Tullnr, Mih. Mlnto Howard, Mrs. loss TIarter and MIhs Mnrparnt Mock. The Tllllcuin Literary Club wns ofltortnlned at their iiionthh meeting on Snturtln i.v .mis. J. M. uriiiin, Mrs. Arthur Dickinson and Mrs. Fred VslIaco at tho home of tho latter. Tho house was prettily decorated In the club colors, crimson anil Kruy. Tlio "OieRou Dav" prom am consisted of n paper on .Ioaiiiln Miller by Mrs, 1)lckeusou, a brier review of tho his tory of Oiokoii bv Mrs. Orlllln unci a naper on 1-3 vn Kmery Dye by Mrs. Wnllnco. Kach club member iresented with a little souvenir in the shape rf book murks In crlms'iu mid urey Dinned bv Mrs. Dye. Tho guests weio also served with apples picked by Mrs. )u and Klvon to Mrs. Wnllnco on a recent visit In the nutli or'n home In Oregon Oltv. A motion Wis tuailo anil can led to entertain tho liiiHbandH and woctho:.rts of tho club members some cvoiiIhk In tho ))onr future. The pieNbleiit nniioint,'d n eommittee or ,irs. ic. i-. rurKiiiKer, Miss Kotw l.lllln and Miss Margaret Mock to make arrniiKeiiieiits for Willie. A Hiib-cominltlee of Mrs. 0. 1. Heckor and Mrs. Mildred Taylor whs appointed to prepare a program Tor tho men's pleasure. After tin luminous hhh disposed of n social half hour wiw enjoyed iluiinK which tho "hostess served delicious refiehments. A Jnilv crowd went on a sleiitblnK p'trty out hi Hie Coon ranch Wednes day eveulliK. Those who enloed tho hospitality of Mrs Cnen were Men ilniiMW PllckliiKer, Taylor. Heritor. L'mlv, Hooker nnil Miss (lerktiiK. Tho Piiretil-Twicher Association of the l'"alrvlew district will meet at the school house on Tuesdav afternoon, 7'Vhriiiiry I. Mrs. C P. Decker Is m the piOKr.iiu for a paper i.n "A talk wllb the lloiiie Toucher." VoikIh1I Tliouipson returned on S'Miditv l"-imi I lend wheio he has been attending reboot. Melvlu I Imp'!' has gnno to Hod inoud to tii''n the commercial courso In tlio IiIkIi school tboie. Tho Tunidlo Development l,eauo oMernilmito Ilia rabbit pest. A lurK" evtrirnilua'e Iber nb'dt pest. A Inrnii nniouut of poisoned Kr'iln has been prepared bv this orvHiilKntlon which Ims been distributed hiiiouk the far l it i r. On account of tbe snow sloris otilv fair suci-'oi bin bee'i the lesuK. A In run number of rabbits have beti CMiiKht In pens then killed with clubs 111 one iilKhl 110 rabbits wero tnn ped In R ien on the Dietrich ranch Mtantithor THO have been killed tit tills pluce within Hie past week r two J. I.. Cinch fin ko them a few butter as 710 ueie trapped nt his is tub. Met Condi lepoiloil :'ini k ii led, Cih. c-ouch over :tno. .1 N li OarkliiK 87f. mid Fred Wilson fis HAMPTON lU'TTIJ. (Spe-nlsl to The Hullstln ) HAMPTON lU'TTK. .Inn l't m tlolnT lit hnulliig lu (rem llunipin today. Chile NlrotlcnitiM and I'red tll.r hnullnv wood for the schnnl ttiU wtxk. Pago StHiiHfi'i- wns a sltor at the Mtteks home seerul dn this week ShvowI rMnahen fnnu Huck CreoK Undo wimo iiiuiin' at the Hrook lugs mom today. jtsit Mp(iIm inmle a 'nislncM trip to m Cieok last Thnrsdm Owing to the deep snow there was nnlv mm mall this week. Tom Dunn whh onr on iulness mm da this week John Curio and (lrtrwle .li.uies took tho Slh grade examination Tom O. KwIiik wan n guest nt the llriinklHieM llotMl todas. Mlw llellin tlralmm. Cecil. I)nroth and Amy llluniiiii culled at the Meeks liomu Sunday. UI.OVIHtDAI.i:. (Sneelnl to Tho HulletliO Ol.OVUUUAl.K Jn. -M Mr. nnd Wr. WdldHin nnd Mlsn (llbsou wore EUtfitH of th Vn Matre fnmll Tiion- 4. .... , - w t -t-t T ...... . dfty, OluvanUI nrliool rwsunied Wed uluv with hair In uitewlnme Klvlll Vim MHtl made a liiiHluets trill to ttolld Thurdu, lelhiuUiK u TVtr, Uiw len no Siila scnoi lu riuvardftl th pat to 8uiuIiih Mr. nnd Mr. Uwrn l'l' '"r UI WbIsp home unda. A wH ltndd dime wim len lu Sltw Frldu nUht W. U. Wnldrun nnd John (inter uwdtf " uualnww trip to Prlnevllle in "Wednewltiv lu the tiiterem of the vtr urii nwrlntlon Ml Vtohit McKlnuey and Robert (ir'uiulnll woio iimrrlml nt tho lioino if Um hrido hut 1'rldav ovenln. On It mi)t Intlninto frlonda bolng Hi nt tundnnce. . .... , Tho SUUu basket Itall tonm has OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. been reorganized nnd will practice tonight. Newt Cobb boilBht 30 head of cat tin nf O. DobEon of Hcdniond and hrouglit them to Clovordalo to win ter. Tho staRo went to Sisters on thn north road today. The other road Is Impnssablc by auto. J.OST CltKHK. (Special to Tho Hulletln) LOST CIIKUK, Jan. 11. Movd Forbes, who has spent Eovernl nionllis with relatives and friends In Penns.I- vanla, has returned to his claim here, (1. II. Yoiiiik had the inlafortiino io lose one of his horses ono day lint week. Mr. and Mrs. C O. Ashbv entei- tnlned a number of relatives and friends hist Thursday. K. A. Yeck wns a business visitor In l.akovlow n short time aso. .1. II. Smith has been hnulliiK wood for tho WleKut family If the amount of snow that has fnt Icn hns any offect on the hay crop we ought to have a bumper crop this J'enr. IIAMP'IO.V. fSoeclnl to Tho Hulletln) HAMPTON'. .Inn 1L Davo Hpiir beck has returned from his Christ inas vacation. lllggs returned Thiirsdnv rrom Powell Ilutto wbero ho hud been vis iting his brother. Miss Uthol Fogg roturnod Satur day from a three weeks vacation spent In Portland and Dundee, Ore gon. (Jeorgo Wolls left Saturdav for Oreton, on account of serious Illness of his wife. Thomas Harrison returned from lleud .Saturday where he had been visiting his parents during Christmas vacation. M. !. Crow Is upending ti fow da'8 with home folks. Mr. nnd Mrs, If. A. Parsley took Sundny dinner with Mis. Nelson Crow. Mrs. King visited Willi tho Misses Streoler last week. Phil Dencer, our mall currier, spent Siinda night at Imperial on account of the deep snow, Rolng on to Held Mondsv, returning Tuesilav, niakl'iK our mall a di.y late. School commenced Monday after a tlireo weeks vacation. M. L. Crow and Hugh Crow left for Ilunil Wednesday. The former will work In llend while tho latter will go on to Montesnno, Washington to work In a logging camp. ICverybodv has declared war on the Jack uibblt since the deep snow. N'QWton Wells Is looking after Mr. Fogg's slock since (Jeorgo Wolls was called away. A ileslrnlile broad kulfo frco with ovary annual subscription to Tlio lloud lliillctl'i. Sec advertisement on page 10. Mllil.UW.V. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) MIM.ICAN. .Ian. 21. Raliih Coon or of llend spent several days tho llrst of tbo week visiting Mllllcnn friends. Mr. Cooper formerly lived bore. MrH. (loorgo Powers loft Thursday for llend for nu uxtended visit. Chostor A. Smith of Hlvurs was n guest at the (Miff Uvans homo Tues day and Wednesday. Deputy Sheriff Then. Anno of Howl was In Mllllcnn on olllclnl buBlnos several dais last week.' I,. II. Schiuorl ami family visited at Not ton's Saturday and Sunday. Mr mid Mrs, Cliff KvaiiH and fam I -mtiurnn jiwiKt natcr X TKI3 HIW 1 BnrtlD LOURMII fi FANCY PATENT ' A ... nut. A 73 A fis "ND- " , lir.Mi I'LOfU MIDI, CO.MP.X uses TIIC'SAXO I.INi: SANITARY SACIC as a container for nil Hours icuMng Its mill., Huy Hours contained in i'lli: SAXO I. INK SANITARY SACKS because thoy save you from fi cents to ID centH on ovory sack you buy. No waste IIKNI) Fl.Ol'lt Mild, COMPANY Is bohlnd every sn. k of Hour leaving Its mill with Its guarantee. Nothlin; Kuurlllced to KeP Its pioducts up to the hlghost stand ard. HCND l'l.Ol It COMPANY would make Hend the milling center of Central Oregon. Uso its products and .Mm will help to do this. IU:X FI.OIR COMPANY pays top cash prices for groins. HUM) FI.OIR Mlltlt COMPANY luiB the latest ma ehluury liibtalled lu Its mill. Uery wick of Hour you tu from the WIND CLOCK Ml I.I. COMPANY ou help to boost the Central Oivi goii fanuur and build up Its resources. Bend Flour Mill Co. A. J. KROKNKRT. Pre8Ulent-M innger 1IKXI), ORRCOX tup. nuxii iu'm.ktix, nusn, onu., wkiixksday, jantauv go, irun. ily wercg nests at tho Smith homo Wednesday. Mrs. A. A. Clllmoro spent several days with her friend, Mrs. P. I Johnson before leaving for her now home In llend. Ocorge Mllllcnn wnB a business vis itor at tlio Powers homo Sunday. XJeorge Barclay of Uond Btoppod ff at Johnson's Thursday enrouto from Hurns to llend. Mr. Hnrclay had con sldorable trouble getting through tho snow drifts east of here. Fred Klgor Is expected homo this week. Mr. Klger hns spent the past two months visiting his parents at ilbntiy, Oregon. Miss Solum llrnun came out from Howl Friday for a short Btay on her homestead. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ollmoro left Thursday for Hcnd, whoro they ex pect to reside. Mr. and Mrs. Ij. Goodmnn were visitors nt. the home of Mr. and Mrs. ueo. Powers Tuesday. Mrs. U. II. Kooney called on frlonds In tho vnllcv Tuesday. P. It, Johnson wns conllncdyto the liouso last week on account of tho grippe. John (lllmoro of 121 Paso, Toxns, who has been visiting his brother. . A. Ollmoro nnd family, left for Chi cago, Illinois, to visit friends. The dance given by Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Renin wns poorly attended on account of the wenther. Frank Hurwltz was n visitor In cast Mllllcnn Frldny. Miss Alta Cllngnn wus n week end visitor nt tho homo of Mr, niid Mrs. 10. Dyer. Tho entertainment to bo given .it llorso Ridge school has been post poned for a month on account of bad ronds. Miss Kinmn Roberta wns an over Sunday visitor at the homo of her parents noar llend. J. j. Cllngnn hauled wood to Hcnd several days last week. Cliff Kvnns and i.ovi sniltn wore visitors In east Mllllcan Wednesday. John R. Johnson was u guest at tho Dyer homo Thursday. It Is reported that consldornblo barbed wiro has been taken .rrom va cated hoinestcnils north of Jlorso Ridge. Joseph Mosher hauled hay from Alfalfa last of the week. (ieo. Powers Is helping Mr. Mllllcan this week. A son wns born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Harney Conoway of llend Jnnunrv 13. Tho Conownys formerly lived hero Win. Siicncer wns n Sundny lsItor nt tho home of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D. Norton. After tlireo days of wind nnd rain most of tho snow Is gono. Ronds are la fairly good condition again and trnlllc resumed. U. Van Clenvo hns filed on the Cleveland relinquishment and will uiovo his family from Chehalls, tnsliliiKlnn. to their Mllllcnn vnlloy houiestoad about April 1. Miss Opal Conoway Innves ton ly for llend for nn oxtonded visit with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harii'iy Conowny. , m A dcslrnblo brend knlfo freo with every annual subscription to Tho Hend Hulletln. Seo advertisement on page 10. IIAMIMON. (Special to Tho Hulletln). HAMPTON, Jan. 10. It lias been storming slnco tho llrst of tho year Snowing mom ovory day until tho snow Is now ir Inch oh on the level, Mr. Thompson of Chlcr go. Illinois, tinived Thursday to visit his sxia. At the special school clec'lon held Saturday, January li, In Dlst.ict Ha Mrs. C II. Harmon was olected clerk Tie Saxoline Sanitary NO DUST )NO DIRT NO ODOR I IN YOUR FLOUR t " to nil the unexpired term of V. I. Wnrinoiith. Tho l.ltornry Scclcty of Hampton pcitponed their meeting on account if deep snow. Mr. Stnuffor of Str.uffor and Hert Meeks of Hrooklngs pr.ssed through Hnmpton Saturday on their way to Prlnevlllo. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Whlttnkcr visit ed Wednesday nt Hurr Hlncks. A. Couch Is spending the week with tho Crows, A desirable brend knlfo frco with ovory annual subscription to Tho Hend Hulletln. Seo advertisement on page 10. I'OWI.'Iitt iictti:. (Special to Tho Hulletln) POWHId. IJUTTR. .Inn 25 Owing to the deep snow Mnt Carllno mndo the mull run from Redmond lu n sled on Monday of last week. Mr. Ilreese, who has been feeding sheop In the neighborhood of tho Hutte vnlloy school has moved them to Hill Davis' ranch wiiore ho has purchased liny nnd will feed them there tho rest of the winter. Mr. nnd Mrs, Ross Hussett, Mr. nnd Mrs. .Too Shearer nnd daughters Ruth, were dinner guests at the homo o, Mr. nnd Mrs. Renvcs Wlllcoxon on Wednesday evening, Rabbit hunting nas been a much enjoyed sport slnco tho heavy snow nnd somo record breaking shooting hns been done. The greatest number killed nt ono time Is reported by Ed Frost who succeeded In killing 17 rabbits In G shots, by finding thorn hunched undor n tree. Dewey Johnson loft for the Ochoco mines on Frldny nnd expects to re main there somo time. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jess Shobort moved BRICK THAT IS MADE IN BEND STAYS HERE Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is. All who have used our product are satisfied. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. UH""' ' !! I ! ! I I Hi! I IM IKr " -A' ?; - -.,- rl&frTtkt ''. PINELYN - ti.i ,ntiilt nnrl nro now llv- irg on tha Frank Kelloy homestead which they have rented for tho com- " Thei o' has not been any school In tho Wilson dlstilct tho pnst week, owing to tho dcop snow and cmisld ernblo sickness ninong tho pupils. L. W. Van Dnron and Ueo. (j. Truesdalo were business visitors In Prlnevlllo on Tuesday of Inst week. It wiib uccoBBiirj to Biispcnd school In tho Sheppnrd district oil Frldny The snow drifts In tho rond making It Impossible for Mr. Fostor to hnul the children. School will cominouco as soon as tho roads are passable. John Tlngman entertained nt a party on Saturday evening, Mr. nnd Mrs. S. D. Mustard. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pauls and children, .Miss Nancy Cudd and Mr. Jack Myers. Robert Moore hauled between 10 and SO hogs to Redmond on Saturday to be shipped to Portland. (1. C. Truesdalo hns purchased a Hue Jersey bull of J. Alton Tompson. Tho animal Is eligible to rcg stor which Mr. Truesdmo expects to hnvo done nt once. .Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hussott nnd Movd Hussott went to Prlnovlllo on Satin-day to visit with Mrs. K. . Hussett and dnughter Fay. for Bovoral davs. Miss Horthn Ooodscll Is nursing Miss Ruth Fostor nt present. Midi Ruth's ninny friends will bo pleased to learn she Is slightly Improved. Orn Foster was obliged to mako tho It. F. I), mail run with a team on Saturday ns the enow drifts wero en tirely too deep for tho car. Miss Mini Monro visited with homo Tolks on Saturday and Sundny. Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Smeed who hnvo been visiting with Mr. awl Mrs. Wal ter Foster, returned to their homo nt Post on Sundny. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Hrown wero dinner guests of Mr. K. A. Hussott on Sundny. A desirable bread knlfo free with ovory nnnunl subscription to Tho Hend Hulletln. Seo ndvertlsomont on pngo 10. EVERY DOLLAR YOU PAY FOR ,& vSMI - ' r vrw -.t - Lf PARK, FROM EAST SIDE OF Pinelyn Park On the River Front Pleasant Location and Building Restrictions which insure only high class development. For Prices and Terms address Pinelyn Park Co., Box 115. A desirable Menu kmho ireo wuu ovory annual subscription to Tho Hend Hulletln. Seo advertisement on pago 10. 7 Where do you trade? Cllncy's Grocery. Adv . At Mc- We will probably muke' another Community Shipment in about TWO WEEKS. Please let ns know at onee what you will have to ship in a mixed ear. We Buy Everything. ( Farmers' Warehouse) Redmond Warehouse Company BF 1 STOP! And Investigate our prices bcfoio buying your groceries. Wo can save you money. P. B. Johnson's Mllllcan, Oio. Tclcphono hz zM !5Pa DESCHUTES u i ol'