The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 26, 1916, Page PAGE 12, Image 12

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    I'AOK 10.
Tin: m:xi hcllktlv, iu:xi, om:, wimixksdav, January 20. idio.
- '
f '
I'AOK 12.
nMHlf U S. j
Jlentl School (Jets Second PIncc,
WiniiliiiC Fiiuii Minims nt Home by
Two to Oho beilslon Dclmlci-s
.Make Cicdltiihlc h li it I n g.
Tho Crook county high school of
"Prlnovllle won lliu right to compote
with the north suction of tho upper
Columbia rlvor district In tlio Orogon
dubnto longuu by defeating tlio Bond
u ml Mudrns high schools Inst Friday
night In tlio Intor-scholastlc trrngu
lar debate. I'rlnovlllo rccolvcd six
votes, llcnd four nnd Miulrt.E one.
.lust what aahool I'rlnovlllo vlll do-
lintc nuxt Iiuh not yot heen determin
The three schools debated tlio sub
ject: Resolved "That tlio United
States Hliould adopt tlio essential fea
tures of tlio Hwhs Military Hystoni."
l-':icli Hchool debating at homo took
the nfllrnin.tlvo of tlio subject r.nd the
Visiting teurns uphold tlio nogatlvo.
bund received tlio dccinlon at homo
Ugalnst MndniH and lost to I'rlnovlllo
rt I'rlnovlllo hy a two to ono decis
ion. Prlnevlllo defeated Mndras at
.Vndrns hy a iinaulmoiiB decision.
At homo llcnd wan roprossutod hy
Margaret Thompson and Margaret
Shrader. nnd at l'rlnuvlllo hy Floyd
Reynolds and Myrtlo Pugsloy. Tlio
.Madras team dulmtlng here was gum
posed of Arthur Irwin nnd Lydla
HtiiHsur and the l'rlnuvlllo team
which defeated the Bond team nl
I'rlnovlllo consisted of Orltlu Vnucy
nnd Oeo. l'rultL
Reports from nil threo plnccs say
thrt tlio Hiilijert, which Is a popular
one at this time, uns well handled.
At I'rlnevllhi thore won a Inrgo crowd
present and the hast of treatment
wan nucordod to tlio Hand tonm. A slzo crowd llstaiiod to the local
debate. The Judges for the bond
Madras dolmto, wero Rov. A. M. barn-
hurt, Redmond: Mis. K. Poster, Mo-
tollns and V. 0. AndeiHon. Mo'ollus.
Mayor J. A. F.nstoo presided over the
No (ibis Hhvo Read books Listed In
Tho bulletin bust Week.
Three boys rend tho udltorlal In
but week's llullutln offering a hook
for evidence that mute than kIx out
of n list of books for young people
IimiI been road. Ah yet no girls have
rupnited on Until lending. Tho bos
vuto Donald Hudson, Hugh Kulloy
nnd Dulmer Young.
The bookH which these boys have
road wero iih follows: Hugh Kelley,
has toad lllnck llenut.v, Robinson
CriiBoo, lvnuhou. Uncle Tom's Cabin,
Treasure Inland, lluckleborry Finn,
Donald Hudson Iiuh read Robinson
Crusoe, Rab and Ills Friends, black
bounty, Rip Vim Winkle, Uncle Toiii'h
Cabin, Twuuty Thousand Leagues
'Under tho Hen, Tretisuiu Island,
llurkluberry Finn and Tom Sawyer,
iiobuor Young has road Robinson
Unique, I.MHt of the Mohlraus, Ulp
Villi Wluklo, Unelo Tom's Cnbln,
TroMsuni Island, buck of Roaring
'Camp, lluokloberry I'lnu and Tom
Ah so few have replied Tho bulle
'In will give n hjnk to ouch of the
thgeo. Donald Hudson has selected
Tin "it Yearn I'.eforo the Must and
Dolmor YotuiK Midshipman Knsy,
both sen stoiles. IIiikIi Kelloy has
not Hindi his sclncilou.
lledliiond Cltleus and Funnel-, build
J." Mllos In Year.
(Redmond Spukomunn )
C. H. Iivlu nud otliora In the city
who are iiiuuh Interested bt nood
voads luniltiiK Into Redmond, recent
ly Mntvtl to The Spokesman that tho
Redmond Uouimoralnt Club and fur
niBis adjucout to RiMbiiuud had built
J ft mile of nood roads In different
Mlrtlunii during tho past enr.
This work was not all necomplUh
vil Hi on tluio. but on wverwl oiciih
luna Iwdlon of business men nnd (Uli-
r Iroin th oily, with lbs aid or
farnit-rs bnv taken n esrtstn stwtlon
r.d Iwpmxt'tt Hi rorils there, cut
tltiK down gradM, sir ilhtei lug out
ourvs. U., until thy hsd n tlrst
lrsa nlfnway.
This work baa Imoii doui free hy
' thoso tHBMOd In It, mid It Is th In
tention tU aomlnv yar to keep up
thu gooU'ltork. until all the roads
leudlns. info the olty are put In tlrst
cImss coiuUUuii.
V plMHi DO vr sunt of our ous
tomors. Myron II. Bytttuns, watoh In
vpwtor n. P. & 8. rllrod, Oron
Tiunk division. Adv.
l'or the best shiv and hair cut
In town r to the, Ljik QuUn llaiUer
Shop. Adv, , , ,
Hohcit It. O'oiihl I'icpiiuft Large Map
Showing Territory
Spends a Year on Work.
A largo wall mop of the Deschutes
valley, Central Orogon, compiled hy
City ICnglneor Robert II. Could, has
made Kb appearance within the past
week and Is a truly romnrkablo ploco
of work. Horotoforo there has boon
a marked absenco of dependable map
Information on this section of tlio
J state, all maps published being non-
(loponunuie ana meager in ueaii unu
on in small a Bcnlo as to be of small
The new Deschutes valley map, the
compilation of which has taken near
ly n year, Is approximately five by
seven feet In size nnd drnwn on a
scalo of of an Inch to the mile, tlio
land being divided Into quarter sec
tions. The territory covered Is sub
stantially from tho Agency I'lnlns
north of Madras southward to all-
ver bake and tho Klamath Indian
Reservation, and from the summit of
tho Cascade range eastward to In
cludo tho territory for six or eight
miles enst of I'rlnovlllo nnd Mlllirnn,
covering In nil nearly 7000 square
miles. The map Is exceedingly welt
drawn, showing In Una detail the
streams, Inkes, mountains, huttcs,
lava fields, marshes nnd hundreds of
other topographical features.
The map Includes portions of Jef
ferson, Crook, bnko and Klnmnth
counties, Indlcntcs over 3000 miles
of county roads, 47 towns, post of
fices, etc., the locntlon of projected
government West, 8011U1 and North
Unit canals, location of projected
rrllrpnd lines, of tlio oxlstlng nnd
proposed Irrigation projects and
canals, power transmission lines,
natlonnl forest boundaries nnd rnn
i;cr stations, tho boundaries of tho
proposed lleiiham Falls Resorvolr bo
low La I'lne, olovntlona of hundreds
of points broadcast over tho map, In
cluding that of nil towns, Indlcntos
the drainage divides, Newborry orator
In the Paulina moiintnlns, caves,
waterfalls of tho DeschutcB and other
streams, nnd hundreds of points of
general Interest. The detailing of
tho map Is so complete thnt tho
Etreots of the towns Included In Its
urea nro shown.
Huvo you tried Hint kippered sal
mon down at the North Pacific Fish
Merket? Adv.
bines and bensnii will be glnd to
meet their old patrons at thu bog
Cabin Harbor 8hop. A ft v.
A Museum' i Vort Enemy.
One of tho woi it enemies curators of
museum have o contend with Is u
tiny beetle, whl n works ho neatly that
llii'ie Is no evld -ucc of Its woeful work
until the spccl) icn Is found dismember
ed or otherwise ruined. Neither In
Ameilrn or Ihigliiud bus nn.r effectual
remedy been round. The tiny mischief
w oil;cr Is the Anthienus muxeorum,
The ii tl i lit measures only or even less
than oiiP'Clghth of nn Inch In length
and Is convex In form. The female
lays exgs In specimens, and the larvae
feed on tbcm-tlie valued lmtlorlly nnd
the magullit'cnt beetle brought from
nfiir. These larvnn are smiill. plump,
hairy grulw, and the sole nIku of their
piesence. likely to be overlooked hy
the amateur. Is n few specks of brown
dust In thoenso. Solentlllc Ameilcan.
Nsxt Door to It.
An acqutilniance of the Intc Josh
billings was one day talking with him
nhiiiii the remarkable Increase of bu
nations nnd substitutes for original ar
ticles, as oleomargarine for butler, cel
luloid for Ivory, and so forth, "and,"
siild he. "many of the HiihMltutcs go
ahead' of thu real thing. I guess In
lime there will be u Hiibstltllte fur ev
erything, though 1 don't know about
"No," replied the humorist, "up to
the present time at least there Is no
really good substitute for wisdom. Rut
silence Is tho best that has so far heen
Stow Fathers.
"Mamma, I'm nfrnld papn was pret
ty slow when he was n youuij man."
"Perhaps he was. lie always paid
his debts, nnd used good r.nullsli, nud
knew nothing about clgnrettes, nnd
never saw n taxlenb, nnd hadn't any
clubs, nnd tt'ti able to support n wife
before ho married, I guess he wns
oiettv slow," Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Supplementing Pasture
When cows aro on good pasture It
will Ixi found that they jvlll consume,
u considerable nuiount of hay. They
like some dry forugo with their succu
lent feed. C'ottoiiMvd meal Is not as
good a supplement to pasture as com
ment,' Pasture grosses are ilch In pro
tela, nud cottonseed meal Is rich In
protein, hut the cowm novd n feed rich
la ctirlHihydnttos i siippleuiunt pas
ture. Oroiiud corn or Imrley Is a bet
ter supplement to gums than cotton
ihmI uiesl. 8uij)leiiU'iittiu; the Msture
with grutm sugar An ami oats will
helii. hut. iiotwltlintsndlug tbeo fods,
It Is better lo provide bumo buy.
Heard's Dairyman.
CUflht With the Goods.
"How do you Impptm to bo In prls.
on, my poor friend?"
"because, I was a uitin of property,
VI. ilim't uuderstiuid."
"Yes; see. mum, It wus other people's sj
lroiHrtjv "iiiriuuiBuain .usiicraiu.
Ait IMilhlt Under AiiiIcch of Pub
lic Schools Will lie Opened to
Public In Commercial Club
Rooms .Innuitiy -(I, -7, UH
Reproductions of some of the
world's most famous paintings nnd
photographs will bo shown tonight,
Thursday and Friday afternoon nnd
evenings In the Commercial Club
rooms tinder the nusplcos of the Rend
public schools, Tho display hrs heen
mndo poeslhlo through tho co-operation
of the Elson Art Publication Co,
of boston. A nominal ndmtsslon
charge of 10 cents per evening or 25
cents for n Benson ticket will bo
mndo to tho public.
More than 200 Individual repro
ductions will ho on display at tho ox-
hthlt. Tho purposo of tho exhibit Is
to glvo tho public to vlow the like
nesses of famous pictures and also to
nsslst tho schools to rnlso money with
which to purchase, sultr.blo pictures
for decoration purposes In tho school
Special facilities for display havo
boon mndo so that tho public may
seo tho pictures to an advantage. Dur
ing tho evenings a special program
will bo propared for entertainment.
Tonight Bevernl of tho grades will
pnrtlclpnto In n portrayal of boiiio of
th pictures In pnntonilno. On Thurs
day nnd Friday evening tho enter
tainment will ho musical, numbers to
ho glvon by local talent.
Piles nip Offered.
In order to rnlso a culllclcnt sum to
purchase soma of thoso prints for the
schools n contest Is on In tho grades.
Two prizes iuo being; offered. The
grndo selling tho.lnrgost .uuiiilfer of
tickets will receive n copy oTrCoroUs
"Dnnco of the Nymphs." Tho second
prlzo Is n cofly of "Concord, bridge."
"Our aim In obtaining this ex
hibit," stild Superintendent . 11. L.
Hopkins, "Is prlmnrlly to rnlso funds
with which to purchaso eultnhlo
prints for our school rooms. Wo now
linvo an tnsulltclcnt number nnd tho
need of this form of decoration Is
felt. Tho prints nro roninrknhlo re
productions of the original paintings
nnd havo considerable educational
vnluo In themsolves."
Saving and Cmall Earninc.
In thu Scotch parish whole the Bar
ings hank originated u gieat majority
of the luluibltuuis were pour cottagers.
Their uverago wages did not ruu oer
8 shillings (about S-l il week.
"It seemed," wrote Sumucl Siplles,
"a ery unlikely place In which to es
tablish a hunk for savings, where the
poor people were already obliged to
strain every nerve to wirn u bare liv
ing, to provide the means of educating
their children for, however small his
Income, tho Scottish peasant almost
Invariably contrives to save something
wherewith to send Ids children to
school-und to pny their llttlu contri
butions to the friendly society of the
In four years thLs unpromising field
yielded to the Her. Henry Duncnn'H
bank at Ituthwell nenrly $r,000. Tho
hank became self sustaining, nnd all
over Scotland and Knghiud the new
savings bauk Idea spread. Chicago
Meals on a Man-of-war.
All food served on board n tnan-o'-war
Is carefully Inspected uml prepared
under the close supervision of the com
missary oltlccr. Here Is atypical Sun
day bill of faro:
breakfnst baked pork and beans,
bread, butter. CotTee.
Dinner. Roast veal or roast hoof nnd
gravy, stewed tomatoes, mushed pota
toes, bread, butter, coffee.
Supper. bologna sausage, cheese, po
tato snlnd, hrend, butter, ten.
The menus of every whip lire forward
ed to the flagship every week so that
the admiral may observe whether the
men are being supplied with (ho proper
food. New York World.
Watches Are Sympathetic
Superstition or not, 1 nm half sure
tho watch Is alive nud knows Its owu
er; that It has some sort of sympathy
with tho H!rson who carries It Do
joii not know the bitterness uf sending
your uwu watch to hospital uml bar
boring iiuother u patient lu your
pocket? It lies always. The scien
tific man reduces (lie whole matter to
rhythmic motion. To put It roughly,
the watch likes or does not like your
particular hklp, Jump, dump or deceut
WNlk. Really the scientist has nothing
much mute to say about It us a coiiclu
bluu. hut that rhythmic iiotlou. The
touch of the watch uu thu heart. Lou
dou Chronicle.
Oppoilnj Arguments.
"Whycau't those two men agree In
their dispute?"
"Well, you see, the skinny one's ar
guments are too thin nud the big fel
low's are too fatuous." baltluiore
W. I), (irilllth'.s Supremo Athlec
incnt Will ho Seen on February 8
at The llcnd Thentte.
Mnnnger L. 13. Dcdgsori,' of the
bend Theatre, announces ho has oh
talned for this city a showing Tues-
doy, Februnry 8, of D. W. Or truth's
supremo achievement, "Avenging
Conscience," which recently showed
al the Helllg Theatre, Portland, for
nn ontlro week. A special matlnco
will be held nt 3 p. in.
"Avenging Conscience" has all tho
ctars of "Tho birth of a Nation,"
with the addition of blanche Sweet.
Mr. Grimths writes regarding
"Aveng Conscience:"" It Is a greater
picture than my "birth of n Nation"
It Is my supremo achievement and
Is two years ahead of Its time.
"Avenging Conscience" will thrill
everyono who Bees It.
"It forces homo tho questions:
Does your conscience hurt you?
Where wero you last night? "Aveng
ing Conscience" Is plctulzed from Ed
gar Allen Poo's "Telltale Hoart," and
"Annabol Lea."
For many weoks "Avenging Cons
cience" occupied the screen nt the
Strand thcatro, New York. In Se
attle, at the Melbourne, It Is asserted
It was necotded lnrgor patronago'than
was accorded tho other Grlfllth mas
terpiece, "Tho birth of a Nation,"
both running nt the samo tlmo.
Mr. Grimth Is tho first man to at
tempt to mnko a motion picture pro
duclon of Poo's works. Tho word
genius of tho author has been exem
plified by a picture fully as wlord.
Tho story Is a torrlblo plcturlza
tlon of tho power of conscience. It
Illustrates the working of a diseased
mind. It shows that mind Hitting
from heaven to hell. Thee lash bo
tween Intellectuality nnd natural
omotlons results In n hypothetical
series of drnmntlc Incidents. Tho
enst speaks for tho acting.
The Log Cabin barber Shop can at
tend to your tonsorial wants. Adv.
back of water In the Central Ore
gon and Arnold canals Is causing con
siderable hardship among Bottlers
who nro dependent on them, accord
ing to reports which linvo como In
this week. In many cases, resort Is
bolng niado to molting snow to pro
vldo wntor for stock, thoro bolng on
ly enough loft In tho cisterns to sup
ply tho household needs. Somo are
haullng water from n dlstanco. Un-
less water is turned Into the cnnols
soon tho situation will he serious.
feWs!" xW
Sent to
Ileal IllK 1K7 hlgmitliics
Washington Asking Post
Olllcc Autlioiltles to Adopt Moie
Feuslblo CVuixc Club Helps.
Petitions bearing the signatures of
moro thnn 187 pntrons or tho Imper
ial, brothers, Hampton, Rolynt nnd
Snuffer post olllccs asking for n
change In tho mall sorvlco to thoso
towns wnB sent yestordny to tho
Fourth Assistant Postmaster Oenornl
nt Washington, D. C.
The present routo Is from Red
mond via Prlnovllle to Stnuffcr In
cluding Roberts, Held, Rivers, Im
perial, Hampton nnd Rolynt and from
Rolynt back to Held and Prlnevlllo, a
dlstanco of approximately 22o miles.
Tho proposed route which tho peti
tioners seek to bring Into effect
makes bend tho terminus and In
cludes Mllllcnn, RrothorB, Hampton,
Imperial, Rolynt nnd Staurfor. The
towns of Dry Lake, Ihox nnd Rivers
would bo served by a star routo out
of Hampton, and Roberta would still
ho served out of Prlnovllle.
Xcm Routo Shorter.
In bringing their caso hoforo tho
postal authorities tho petitioners ad
vance tho argument that during a
largo pnrt of tho ear the roads be
tween Prlnevlllo nnd Stnuffor aro in
bad condition which cnuscs great do
lay In transmission of tho malls, and
thnt there Is also a considerable dup
lication In routos. It Is nlso pointed
out that the roads from bend to
Rolyat mny he trnvoled by automo
biles or othorwlso dally throughout
most of tho yenr. At tho present,
thoy say, thero Is n Btur routo be
tween bond and brothors via Mllll
can.Jmt thnt there Is n 12 mile gnp
hotween brothers and Imperial. An
extension of service to cover thoso
two places is also nBked for.
Investigation Made.
Tho proposod routo 1b (njlno with
tho creation of n bond-bumB mall
routo, Investigations Into tho feasl-
i.intv r wi.trh nm now iinlnc- carried
on ,,y posti inspector Whitnoy and
Peacock. If tills bend-burns routo
We have ten new houses to offer
you at a price and on terms of
payment never equaled in Bend.
These houses are of first class con
struction, with fir floors, plastered
walls, electric lights throughout, city
water and built-in kitchens. Every
thing complete. No two alike. Prices
$800 to $900
Terms: A small cash payment down
and $15.00 a month thereafter.
You ennnot nflbrd to pny rent when you can get a
home on these easy terms of payment.
corner Wall ami Ohio Streets.
Is created It will absorb the proposed
routo between bond nnd Stnuffor.
About n yoar ngo thlo ninttor wns
brought to tho attention of tho Com.
inerclnl Club, whoso committee com
posed of George S. Young, U. C. Coo
nnd II. C. Kills completed IU report
which accompanied tho petitions to
Washington. Tho Cotuniorclf.l'aiub
report hi lugs to tho ntlent'on of tho
postal authorities tho fact Hint bond
Is a ermlnus for wo railroads which
carry mall to and despatch mnll from
bend dally nnd that bend Is the trad
ing point for the towns along the
proposed routo. It Is pointed out nl- '
so that If the proposed route wero to
becoino effective the farmers would
be nblo to do much trading hy parcol
post, saving considerable time.
Seen Year Ite-ldcnt of This Section
Passes Away Sunday.
Kdward A. Knotts, for bovoii years
n resident of bend, died on Sunday
at the family homo east of town. Tho
funernl wnB held yesterday afternoon
under the auspices of tho local lodgo
of Odd Follows, the decenscd having
boon a member of the order since
1887. Interment wnB made in Pilot
Iltitto cemetery.
.Mr. Knotts wns born in Ynmhlll,
Oregon, on Jnnuary 10, 18CB. On
March 30, 1881 ho was married to
Mary Hackott of Oregon City, who
survives htm together with four
children, Mcrlo Knotts of bond, Dr.
Roy Knotts, of Yuma, Arizona, Ivan
Knotts of Imperial, and Vera Knotts
of Moody, Oregon.
s' i
(La Pino Inter-Mountain.)
With m $20,000 to build 33 miles
of rond, It Ib an nssured fact that on
ly a stnnll portion of tho money can
bo Bpent for a lot of unnocessnry
engineering work or for arguments,
discussion or estlmntcs. In this ono
biBtnnco let us consider public good
first, nnd tho Interest of bond, or Ln
Pino, or any other community, afterwards.
rovoTH riti:siii:ifi:r.
A coyoto, feared to havo been suf
fering from rabies, nttacked tho cat
tlo bolonglng to II. J. Suttong yes
terday morning and beforo It could
be killed bit three heifers. Mr. S11U&
tong's nttontlon wns called hy nn un- ;
usual commotion among tho cattle,
which wero In a yard near the house.
On going out ho found tho coyotoj
which ho killed: Tho bitten nnl
mals havo been put by themselves
and will ho watched for signs of tho
7 S