I'AOIC 10. PIG CLUBS TO 8E ORGANIZED EXTENSION SERVICE IS ACTIVE ). A. C Dcpjiitniciil IMiuis linpiow lnent of Conditions on I'lirm mill (o luriciivo Itojft' mill (Jills' Inter est lit I'aiin l,lfe-ltules (Jhen Tlio following announcement lins lieon imiilo ly U J. Alloii, stnto )Ib cluli neenl. of llio extension Horvlcu of tlio Oiuboii AKrltiiltiiinl CoIIobo, which will ho of interest to nil Iioh nnd gills on tlu farms of thlH section. I'Ik Clulis In Oil'Koii. 1Mb Clulii nro beltiB orfinnlzod nuiotiB Iho boys ntiil girls of Orcson by tho ICxli'iiBlon Service of tlio Oro Kon AgileitlUiml CoIIcbo In co-opern-tlon with tho lliiroau of Anliunl In (UiBtry, U. H. Department of Apicul ture, the Stnto Hiipuilntonrient of 1'iilillr Instruction, thu county school superintendents, tuurliors and par tints. The Corn Cluli nionibors mo rnls Iiir profitable yields of corn whoro It wiih thoiiKht Impossible to Krow It n lew onrs iirii. ami It In hoped tho Importuned 01 feeding crops to live Htock on tho riirm mny ho oniplinslz wil In thlH 1Mb Club work. It would liu well If nil members of Corn Chilis would enroll In tho Pork Production work and thus lend n hand In tlio'endonviir to improo tho ntinllty of swlno In Oreson, mid nt the Bniuii time learn how to ninko more rapid and ecouoiulcnl Biilns In liOK rePilliiB. There will he two dlHtlnct iIIvIhIoiis of the 1Mb Cluli project. Dlvlolon I, tho euro mul uiMiuiBomcut of n brood mow nnd lllter of pigs. DIvIhIuii II, tlio feedliiB nnd enro of one or inoro pIpH from wenntiiB tlnio for n porlod of nt leant four months. OIiJoiIh of the Woik. The object of forming 1Mb Chilis ntnniiB the boyn mul Blrls mny ho liriBlly stilted ns follows: 1, To M'muliito mi Interest In awlne piocliuliou mid to tench tho liojs mul Blrln how to rnlHe better unit cheaper Iiokh bv the line of Improved blood mid the growing of forage crops. 2. To IncrenRo tho nuinher of Iiokh rrlHod on the farm In order thai the meat for the homo nnd thnt toiiulred $ to feet tho extra fnrm labor may bs produced Instead of bolngVoughti 3. To complement tho work of tho bo)s' nnd girls Corn Clubs by bIiow Imb them how they cmi profitably sell Uiclr corn through hogs. 4. To encournge tho homo curing of meats on tho farm. 0. To tench tho hoys how to JuiIbo hogs nnd to solect thoin for breeding or Inmkot purposes. 0. To eiicouriiKo tho growing of forage crops and discourage tho use of high priced feeds. 7. To Instruct tho boys nnd girls In n practlcnl wny In tho mntinge ment. feeding, snnltntlon r.tul preven tion of diseases of swine, nil of which Information proves vnlunblo with re spect to other forms of livestock work. 8. To glo tho boys nnd slrls n means of enmliiB some money for themselves whllo nt homo. 9. To InstlU'ln tho boys nnd girls while joung n love of Animals which will result lti their tnkins moro In terest In fnrni life, nnd to furnish thorn nt the snmo tlnio somo work which will, In n practlcnl wny. glvo an Insight Into tho business shlo of fnrm Hfo nnd Incite In them n deslro to struggle for nnd nttnln success. ItuleH mid Itegiilntlons. 1. Any hoy or girl between the nges or 0 and 18 ycnrB mny becomo a moiubor. 2. Kacli niUBt secure nt lnnst one pig If ho becomes a inomber of tho club. 3. Knch inomber miiBt enro for his Btock In person nnd keep n reconl of tho feeil given and tho pasture grazed nlso grow ns much of tho feed an pos sible Ho must record tho velght of each plB when It canio Into his pos session nnd nt Rtntcd Intervals, so as to determltio tho gnlns. Tho dnto of furrowing should nlso ho recorded. I. Hecord blanks, which will bo firnlshed, should bo lilted out nnd certified by two disinterested persons. G. Eneli member must have owned nnd kept u record of his pig for nt lcnst four months In order to com pete for n prize. 0. Tho memborn of tho club must HBreo to study tho liiHtructlons mid rond tho letters, clrculnrs and bulle tins sent to them. 7. Knch momhor must, whenever possible show their pig at tho local mid comity exhibit, nnd tho winners of tho county exhibit must show their pigs nt the Stnto I'alr. Hoys nnd girls who wish to entor the 1Mb Club work but nro unnlilo to obtain brood sows or pigs will be usslsted In scouring sultublo stock from reliable breeders In their coun ty. A deslrnblo bread knlfo frco with every nnnunl subscription to Tlio Ilend Bulletin. Sco ndvortlsemcnt on pngo 10. A ONLY 4 i i i -ifit nfl JKIQFrKmB!9mS!mtWVm .!! Tin: iii:ni iiulmjtix, ijkxd, ow:., NO FARMERS' SHORT COURSE Local Meetings (o llo Held Instead. College .specialists to Visit Coin ' nihilities Intcicstcd. Tho attendance nt tho Farmers' Short courses held In this county ench of tho past two yoara has proven this method of bringing tho exten sion Staff of tho Agrlculttunl College into tho county Impracticable and unsatisfactory both to the farmors nnd to tho college. Arrangements' will ho mndo'thls year for holding Institute meetings In tho vnrlolts sections of tho coun ty where communities nro interested nnd these meetings mny bo aftomoon, evening or nil day meetings or even nil day nnd evening meotlngs as-ncli community mny choose. Prof. ,1, A. Larson, specialist In ag ronomy and Mlsn Anna At, Turloy, spccInllBt In homo economics, will compose tho staff sent by the college for thc80 Institutes, which nro to be hold in the county Februnry 12 to Fobrunry 19 Inclusive. Five meetings have nlrendy been scheduled nnd wo enn arrange for flvo more. If Inter ested nnd you wish a meeting in your community, write mo nt onco nnd I shall bo glnd to nrrnngo for It for you. Practically all of our farmers already know Prof. Larson and thoy will want to meet him ngnln. Few of our farm women have mot MIhs Tur loy hut all who have will have a moot ing with her In their community and others will bo greatly pleased If thoy can meet and talk with her. Both havo good things and things worth whllo to tnlk over with tho folks on tho farm. You don't have to go to town to meet nnd hoar theso people; get your nolghhors together nt tho school houso nnd thoy will como to you. A i:. LOVICTT, Co. Agriculturist Try our fresh hrend nnd pnstry Cnrmody Ilrothors. Uond street. Adv. 3G tf lluy Adv your groceries nt McCllncy's. Dotui on Ills Hack. "About two yeniB ago I got down on my back." writes Solomon Heu uotto, Flnt Itlver, .Mo. "I got n fiOc box of Foley Kldnoy Pills ftnd they straightened mo light up. I recom mend them to all who havo kldnoy trouble." Rheumatic nehes nnd pains, soreness nnd stiffness, sleep disturb ing bladder trouble ylold quickly to Folov Kldnoy Pills. Sold ovorywharo Adv. BREAD KNIFE This desirable Bread Knife, indispensable in every home, will be given free to subscribers to The Bend Bulletin in Crook County. A KNIFE WITH EVERY ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION. This Bread Knife is exactly as shown in the cut above, but without any advertising. Flexible blade, curved edge, wooden handle. ' Just what you want. Get yours while the supply lasts. To old subscribers in the county: Renew for "a year and get a knife. JTo everyone in Crook County:- Subscribe for a year and get a knife. $1.50 for a Knife and WIIDNKSDAV, JAM'AItV 20, 1010. A IIOMKSTKADIMt'H LAMKNT. Clius. J. Cruller. Venrs nfterwnrd, I pondered Of the fourteen months I squand ered, And tho days I went unlnundcred; On that claim. Of beans, I nto unnumbered (Hanoi, Ami of canned Norwegian fishes I compiled a feast delicious; On that claim. Hut for real feeds I had bacon, 'Til my Inwards took to aching With n pain thoro was no Blinking; On that claim. Yet when tho past Is laid nwny Hoyond our roach, llko yesterday, Memory shades tho grief to play; On thnt claim. Thoso wore days devoid of strife, No conventions bothered life, A man could cat peas with his knife; On that claim. And now, midst hlgh-llfo nnd luxuries I voice this wish on bended knees; "Olvo mo crnckors and somo cheese;" On that claim. ONE CENT A WOHD Is nil a little Want Ad will cost you. A deslrnblo ovory annual llcnd Bulletin, pago 10, bread knlfo free with subscription to Tho See advertisement on Iluy your groceries at McCllncy's. -Adv. Good Taste BREAD Once Tasted You'll Eat No Other Sanitary Bakery & Grocery HOPKINS CEl. HEAC1I Phono 1401 QUALITY, mUtil wiih COOD JUDGMENT &3&& - I i r,iaaakft THE BULLETIN for one v,vrtrxrstmsimiryrx.-rr ltinvAitn. Three strnjs, two red yearlings, one 2 year Holutoln stcor, long horns branded NL or . . 2 connected on left side. Hnngo on tho Tumalo. (I. L. Drazoe, Powell Uutte. 4G-I7 A desirable bread knlfo freo with every annual subscription to The I lend Hutlo'tin. Sco ndvortlBcmont on pngo 10. We want to IMPRESS it upon you tKat j THE EMPORIUM SELLS I FOR LESS I OUR NAME IS OUR GUARANTEE V - Martin & Clemens DEALERS IN FURNITURE STOVE$ RANGES ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS TRIPLETT BUILDING - DEND. OREGON year Sco Edwards for paper hanging. Adv. (Jet Hid of HnckliiK '" llW Coiiglk U Weakens. For tho .over, rncktn5 coitg h thnt comes with la grlppo, Koloy s Ho .noy nnd Tnr Compound Is ntlerfi tll healing and soothing. II. CI. Collliw. e-p03t nuiBtor, Harnogat, N J.i HnyBi Foley's Honey nnd Tnr Compound soon Btopped tho scvmo la R"PP0 cough thnt completely elmustcd me. It can't bo boat. Sold everywhere. na OUR NAME IS OUR GUARANTEE r 1lmMWtfrMijill 1r . 7 fl'