'n(lmHi&&'r- '? jmft"'1-'1 w tb" "Wv, TIIK I1ENII. nUMKTIN, nKS?),. OJIK., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1010. PACK COUNTY COU T PROCEEDINGS Claims January Term. Hlj-li School. Tho following claims wore allowed. .? 21.00 3.90 9.35 20.90 1.00 1.(10 . 21.30 S.10 100.00 3.70 m 1 J. Mlnger, Plutuhlng, etc. J. B. Stewart St. Uo aidao . . . Crook County Journnl, Cards, etc Jlrfl. I. Michel, nidsc, Domes tic Science , I'rlnovlllo Meat Market, clilcken and oyslors Win. S. Ayors & Sons, Milk and cream Collins W. 13lklnn, Mdso '. l'ortlnnd Much. Co., Mdso. . . H, C. Uaughman, debnto exp. ,'' II. C. Ilaiifihman, postage, ctp .1. K. Olll & Co., payment on Mdso 110.10 Clifton & Cornot, M(1bo 1.13 Noah Vllihert, Janitor ad In terim 0.2.-. .1. Wesley Smith Carpenter work 3. 50 Pnclllc Coast Sales Co. mdso. Ti.on J, W. Horlgnn, mdse 3,12 A. H. Mppmnn & Co., choirs, etc 01. 34 Y Hamilton Stables, uso of horse nnd wagon . , .' 1.00 Dnvo Still, lcrtthor' licit 1.70 DecchutcB Power Co., light nnd water 41.00 O. T. Perrln, sawing wood.. 1C.00 ,owman & Hnnford Co. mdse 11.0 Itemlngton Typewriter Co., mdse 20.00 (Srong Pub. Co., mdso 4.77 A. Flanagan Co. mdso 37.09 Spencer Pub. Co., mdao C.1G General Fund. Tho following claims were allowed. Owl Pharmacy, Itx. for In digents $ 13.30 Pilot Dutto Inn, meals for pris oners 0.80 (1. II. HiiRscll & Co., rent for Mrs. Prlsco in. 00 lrwIn-Hodson Co., mdso. for sheriff G.Gl Irwin-IIodson Co., mdso. for Dlst. Atty 34.00 A Gladys Ilnyn, work for Supt.. 19.2R V J. K. Myers, traveling expenso and stamps 45.20 Stntlrn Hlggs, sec. county Ct. 17.40 Clifton & Cornott, mdso. ror.ds nnd Indigents 130.10 K. H. Knox, board of prison ers '. 37.C0 Crook County Journnl, mdso. Dlst. Atty 4.00 Crook County Journal, mdse. for Supt 7.7G Crook County Journal, printing proceedings 00.00 Crook County Sheriff, mdso, for sheriff C.C0 Crook County Journal, mdso, ab stracts, brlofs 101. 25 J. H. Hosenborg, county puy- slclnn, 1C0.70 Mend Hardware Co., dynamite, etc C9.13 Crook Co. Abstract Co., bond, assessor and survoyor .... 32.00 Ooldlo Wngnor, dep. nssessor 75.00 1. W. Wright, romovlng slgno, 2.G0 H. A. Kolloy, surveyor's feos, . etc 302.04 H. H. Clow. Janitor's salnry . 80.00 lloss Fnrnhnm, acting Dlst., Atty 1C'00 Hend Ilullotin, mdso for clerk 12.08 Hend Hullotln. irulso. for Supt 10.00 Mrs. O. Springer, oxp. Do Ar- mond girl I"-37 Deschutes Power Co,, light and water 00.20 Prlnovlllo Machine Shop, gns for Dlnnchnrd 19. CO Prlnovlllo Mnchlno Shop, gns, .etc. forBhorlff 108.00 H. A. Fostor, stamps, otc ... 4.00 nohcrt Mooro, work on road tools 19-1" A. H. Mppmnn & Co., burying Hamilton & Douglas 08.00 A. II. Mppmnn & Co., cork enrpot 77.00 nobort n. Gould, deputy sur voyor 212.85 Belknap & Edwards, Streeter In- guost, etc 120.00 n. M. Doty, work on road tools Prlnevllle Mec. Co,, mdso. for Jail (1. Kennnrd, water mastor . . II. a. Konnnrd, extending tax rolls GC.00 Homo Hospital care of poor. . 231.20 P. n Polndoxtor, coroner's fees, Streoter Inquest , 24.05 Edward O. Logan, Juror Streeter Inquest I-00 i.nrry Purcloy, Juror Strtotor Inquest 1-0 Elmer M. Peck, Juror Streeter Inquest i-00 J. P. Wllquot, Juror Streeter ' Inquest ..- I-00 Edward D. Street, Juror Streoter It. II. Loven,, Juror Shulz In quest 1.00 A M. Stewart, Juror Shulz In quest 1.00 O; Creson, witness Shulz In quest 1.G0 Theo. Anno, witness Shulz In quest i.go J. M. JucoIib, board of Huntlng IngtonB GS.0O Mrs. A. Agostlnl, laundry . . . 4.50 A. W. Grater, care of Fleet wood GO. 00 E. L. Itosc, freight for Dlst. Atty 0.30 Chas. W. Ersklnu, deputy Dlst. Atty 12.75 N. V. Smith, recoidlng." 00.00 Norrls Ulxby, woik in Clerks olllco 05.00 C. Ij. V. Marker, haul. Icae8 .50 Warren Urown, ntnmps, exp.. 4.30 Mrs. 1. Michel, mdse 1.30 Paulina Stage Line, exp. acct. Paulina brldgo 70.00 Ed. Morrltt, road work 75. 00 John Van Allen, rond woik . -.00 Nelson Ilruco, road work . . . 2.00 Allen Oaks, road work 2.00 Ernest Gregory, road work . 2.00 Fred Hoover, road work . . . 1.00 Manna King, road work .. 11.00 J. P. Montgomery, rep. brldgo 3.28 Skuso Hdwe. Co., nails, etc.. 10.50 Coo and Ferrell, operation on Haliy Drum 10.00 C. P. Nlswonger, builal Mrs, Strand 38,00 M. J. Main, sharpening drills, 30.70 H. L. Hopkins, fare as delegate to Mcdford 23.00 J. C". Vanduvert, Eunices Strand family 15.00 F. Doment & Co., sup. for WIenecho 7.15 Itoboit Smith, mdso for Walter May l'O.OO Hrboks-Scanlon Lbr. Co. lum. 5.40 Prlnovlllo Mnch. Shop, gas etc, . sheriff 31.50 Leu and Hughs, repulr springs for sheriff 11.25 F. H. Gloyd, paper fnatoner for Clerk 5.00 C. P. Nlswonger, burial Thelmn Drum 30.00 J. C. Vnndovert, services Drum family 39.20 Theo.Vune, dep. sheriff.... 20.83 Kendall & Chapman, mdse. for roads 47.00 C. F. Porrln, sawing wood for Jail 75 Prlnovlllo Drug Co., mdso for as sessor ........ ', .550 Prlnovlllo Drug Co., tndoo. for Indigents 31.70 Hunsacker Stago Co., oxp. for Supt 1.95 Glass & Prudhommo Co., election supplies 31.50 GlaBH & Prudhommo Co., prohi bition supplies 35.55 (Unas & Prudhommo Co., onv, for clerk 13.25 Carl Uvenley, rond work . . . 10,00 Aldon Leach road work .... 19.00 W. C. Van Cleave, road work 5.00 T. G. Garrison, road wk 17. 03 W. L. Palmer, road wk 18.50 C. A. Jackson, rd. wk. ...... 13.00 Jack Cartor, rond wk. ..... 2.00 W. P. Gift, rood work 24.75 Hans T. Mlkkelson, rd. wk.. . 19.G3 Grant Conway, rd. wk 18.00 rd wk. G.G2 5 50 14.00 12.00 4.00 4.00 8.00 2.12 10.00 14.50 12.00 70.58 320.30 29.G0 33.01 21.29 19.90 00. to 22.75 10.87 4G.4G 23.35 2.98 20.38 J. Horry, rd. wk. Anton Alilstroni, Olo Hanson, rd. wk Andrew Nelson, rd. wk. . . J. Gerber, rd. wk Alex Duvnl, rd. wk W. Duval, rd. wk Earl Woods, rd. wk L. A. Urandenburg, rd. wk Henry Hewlns, rd. wk. . . . Andrew Nelson, rd. wk. . . J. O. Jewell, rd. wk Allen Wlllcoxon, rd. wk. . James Forrester, rd. wk. . Sylvester Faulknor, rd. wit, Clifford McKenzle, rd. wk. C. I). Clendenln, rd. wk. . . Henry Faulkner, rd. wk. . . Cecil McKenzle, rd. wk. Walter N. Coly, rd. wk. . . A A. Fostor, rd. wk Frank Showman, rd. wk. . Hoy Morris, road work . . . C. D. Morris, Toad work . . Dnvo Jones, rond work 49.48 Pcrloy Pointer, rd. wl: 24. GO C. M. Ilragg, rd. wk 180.25 Illrd Lowell, rd. wk 1G.75 Harney Lowell, rd. wk 3 1.50 A. Moore, Yd. woik 30.50 Jack Wright, rd. wk 22.50 Tom Merchant, rd. wk 10.50 II. J. Ovorturf, rd. wk 177.00 J. F. ninnchnrd, Vd. wk 113.80 Central Oregon Gnrngo, nuto storngo G. Springer, exp. to Com. con vention Tho following claims woro lowed: Wm. Stroud, rond work . .. . $ 24.50 Hodson-Freennughty Co., mdse, for roads J S. Ireland, enre of Jack Cadlo 100.00 Clifton & Cornctt, mdso roads and Indigents 20.91 Thoo. Auno, deputy Bhorlff .'. 10.00 Kendall & Chapman, mdse for roadB S5 Dave Jones, road work .41 Tho following claims woro con tinued: T II. McCIIncy, mdse. for Hunt- tngtons 31.70 It. A. Amnions, lum. for rds. 301. G7 1.00 7.00 dlsal- 3.20 Buy your groceries nt McCllncy'fl. Adv. Don ii on Ills Itaclc. "About two years ago I got down on my back." writes Solomon lloq uotte, Flat Illver, Mo. "I got n GOc box of Foley Kidney Pills nnd they straightened mo right up. I recom mend them to nil who have kidney trouble" Itheumntlc aches and pains, Boroness and stiffness, sleep disturb ing bladder trouble, ylold quickly to Foley Ktdney Pills. Sold everywhere Adv. Clean up nnd wards. Adv. paint up. Sco Ed- G.90 8.G0 G5.00 HEPOIIT OF THE CONDITION OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND no oiioa. At Hend, Oregon, in tho State of Oregon, nt the Clone of Ilufclncss Dec. 31 st, 1MB. Resourced. Loans and discounts (except thoso shown on b) . . .$24G,34G,00 Total loans 24C,2rHx Overdrafts, unsecured, $3859.00 3.8G9.50 V. H. Ilonds: U. S. Ilonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) $12,500.00 ., Total U. S. Uonils 12.G00.00 HomK Svcuritlert, etc.i- Ilonds other tbun U. S. Bonds pledged to securo postnl savings deposits . . . .' $ 1,035.4 t Securities othor then V. S. bonds (not Including stocks) owned unpledged 13,477.01 - Total bonds, ttecurltles, etc 14,5146 Subscription to stock of Federal Itcservo Uank $2,000.00 Less amount unpaid 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 Value of banking house (If unencumbered) 24.C08.G7 Equity In banking house 24, "08.57 v umiiuro nnu nxiurea 'Xi 3.309.10 12,000.00 .$ 1,000.29 Itenl Estate owned othor than banking houso Net nmou'it duo from Federal Reserve Hank Net amount duo from approved rcservo agents In New York, Chicago and St. Louis Wt nninunt dun from nnnroved reserve ngentB In othor reserve cities GO, 787. GO Net amount duo from banks nnd bankers (other than Included In 10 or 11 ) Outside checks and other cash Items $404.4S Fractlonnl currency, nickels and cents 24G.70 Notes of other national bonks I.'Aiinpnl Ifnunri'tt nntflQ .. ...... ......... Coin nnd certificates 2o'2S?'nn Legal tondor notes ............ J,70t.ju Redemption fund with U. a. Treasurer nnu uuu irum u. o. 00,853.80 20,404.13 051.18 4,005.00 28G.00 Troasuror G2G.00 1.00 Inquest Harvey Wlnslow, Juror Streeter Innuest David A. Ames, witness Streeter Inquest " Mable Orn Streeter, witness 8tr'eeter Inquest ....... Ethel Streeter, witness Streeter Inquest llG0 p n Pntniinxter. coroner's fees. Shulz inquest 13,15' A. A. Burrls, Juror Shulz In quest ' C. M. nragg, Jutpr Shulz In quest ' A. Raper, Juror Shulz In quest .,.,.... J. WT Mahaffcy, Juror Shulz In quest 1.00 1.50 1.50 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL ' r t $44l,10G.G5 Liabilities. Cnpltnl stock paid In """ Surplus fund iiiWa'hk 25.000.00 Undivided profits $13,259.08 Reserved for .... , $13,259.08 Less curront oxpenses, Interest and tnxes pnid 10,482.91 2,770.77 Circulating notes outstanding 12,500.00 HeiiiuiKl Deposit: ,.,..,., Individual deposits subject to check 3j",0.n Certificates of deposit duo In less than 30 days JrV'nS Cashier's chocks outstanding JrJ'an Postnl savings deposits :",',; IiD.hu Total demand deposits, Items 32, 33, 34, 35, 3G, 37, 38 and 39 $3GG,031.2G Time Deposits (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice) Cortlflcato of deposit ; ! -.7J8.n. Total of t me deposits. Hems -u, ti nnu u.. j, ,... TOTAL ,$441, IOC. CG STATE OF OREOON 1 , V88. , County of Crook J I E M. Lnra, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solomnly swonr that 'the abovo statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. M. iLARA, 'Cashier. Subscriber) and Bworn to before me this 13th day of January, 1910. J. A. EASTES, Notary Public. CORRECT Attest My Commission Expires Feb. 10, 1916. C. 8. HUDSON, U. C. COE. II. C. ELLIS, Directors. Cleaning and Pressing SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. NORVAL L. SPRINGER Up Slain- Dean Building Call lor and Deliver All Woilc. Ordris taken by "Sonny" the Mewcrger Doy UUY YOUR Grocerie AT TUG NEW A1GAT mAPKGT. FREE DELIVERY Gilbert b Son DR. RILEY VETERINARY li located at The Pioneer Darn, Bend, and will care (or your Monet and Cattle at your call, or Phone 22X Alio kIIi BEST RHEUMATIC-REMEDY ON MARKET Varney & Gates Dray Co. DRY JUNIPER AND PINE DODV WOOD FOR SALE. OFFICE IN McCANN'S SIGN SHOP Phono Red 1101 American Adding ;and: Listing Machine (EIGHT COLUMN CAPACITV) PRICE $88.00 F. O. D. MAYWOOD, ILL. Sold credit on one years or 3 o dis- count for cash, MAIL COUPON TODAY American Can Company Chicago, 111. Please send booklet descrip tive of American Adding and Listing Machine. Nam Additit Clipped from The Bend Bulletin If you want Genuine Prices on Genuine HIGH GRADE FURNITURE Stoves, Hugs, Carpets, Beds, Springs, Matresses, you can obtain them from us.' From our carefully selected assortment you can furnish your home to suit yoijr taste and do it economically E. F. Logan Furniture Company IjAWUUNCK IILMIjIHNU AVnll Street Near Ohio Street. 1'OLICIKS THAT I'ltOTHCT. The Oldest Insurance Agency in Central Ore. WE WRITE INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES It's the way we write our policies." Our companies pay 100 cts. on the dollar. We have over 400 satisfied policy holders. The largest insurers in Crook County are our leading customers Bend Insurance Agency Bend, Oregon , l'OMOIIJS THAT PROTKCT. Buy More for Less We have opened a bijj line of staples in groceries and canoffer you more for less money. We have new and stan dard lines of groceries carried by no others in town. We will be glad to put them up for your approval, We also can quote you economy prices in shelf hardware. H. E. BAKER Wall Street, Near Ohio SAVE TIME and MONEY i I JI r &f ywym iJU J ff.' Wyjj Why I'lirry ukmm! nnd iihlicN ulioii yiui mil kuo nil of tint iinm-o tsMiry labor liy iiMur a Itoynl llluo Jiih I'm ilucer. I tut us PIN llllllltlflir turt'il irum roul oil iIIh. tllluto ut n nuvIiik of fioin it( lo !i( oer ooil or coal. I'rco Dciiioiistrntlon, r. di:.mi:nt'H OltOUKIIY. m BRIDGES & UTTER Sales Mgrs. J6-49-P I RIGHT BUYING Itlght ImyliiK nccoiintH for our IncruaRlnc IhihIiikhh. Wo havo novur mulntulni'il Unit people ought to triulo with iih simply liocuuuu wo'ro liuru. Wo olfur our niorcliunilleo In competition with nil inarkutH U tho mall order Iioiibuh can uoll choupor than n do )ou huvo a rlBht to Bond uwuy for kooiIh hut If you 'n tond to Bond uwuy for unythlnt; In tho Rrocory lino, all we nsk Is thut you glvo us a cliunco to compotn. Wo ara meutluK mall order prices under tho uamo condltlonu and wo know our cuatoniora can ht liottyr BntUfled whoa they can neo what they uro KettliiK. W. C. McCUISTON iu:m)'8 iujst aitoccitv. k H