The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 19, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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I'AOI-' f.
tiii: iu-m.ktin, iikxii, oin:.. urnxi "im, ,iiiniJ
(I'ubllslied K.cry Wednesday)
FRED A. woelflex
Assoclato Editor.
An Independent newspaper stand
ing for tho B(imre dunl, clean ImibI
1 ness, clean politics and the best In
terests of llond nnd Central Oroson.
soincono will!) and think of a few countv unices, district and Justice of
of the "very beet
glocteil, we'll lie delighted to hear
which we've no-..1"6 i"-'""-- . , . ,, ,
.Mny iu rrinwry election., rum
yce Edwards :'i ft' id '
In. Adv.
iii.-t 1 .1 J
' Hon
June I Last day for candidates to
flip statement of expenditure of
primaries. ?'
September 2S l.ast day to file
cksini:i AI.Vl.HTISINU
1011 KENT.
One year
8lx tnotiths
Three months SO
glocteil, we ii .e u.iikiuc. u .... 0 fron, s R , tl1 s Pi ,n , ,
from him or hur and jirlnt those Mn. 2o-Reopening; of resist
gllgrlietl lilies luriimiui.
A 'id Jnst for the fun of It. The
bulletin will give to a hoy and a
Klrl In Central Oregon, who Is six
iiuiii tmtr nf nre or under, a first
,.... , -- ....- ... i sepio uuor ;, i.bri nay to uie i ,,., t iB,t house kve
class copy of any book mentioned nomlmttloii f.y political i " Tm .1 o T ta-BuVt n.
above who satisfies us that he or she I ....,.,.. , ... ...i .ti.i- inquire me uuueun.
. . ..... i .i v f .v. .i .'ii iiBwniit.1, .. ii"j u. -
hub renu nut inw ninu b.a .. ... .... ihm
mm .we're listed The book go to , 0tobtr- :Uant ,,,. to rosIater
TTrt I" . wn ",'"'"" ""V ."" . " for general election.
i.v i ooy wno applies mat. twiu u mi.'ur
.SO 1 1- Interested, we'll try to do better
TO RENT -Small Iramo ' liU'tn.
pnrty furnished. Suitable tor ''
Light house Roe ms i i'--
next time.
All subscriptions nro due nnd
expiration nro mailed subscribers and
If renewal Ik not made within reason
able time the paper will lie discontinued.
county division.
I'ndor the caption, "The Cam
paign." the Crook County -Journal
flirts with the county division ques
tion in Its latest Issue. Accord ng to
I'loase notify tig promptly of any the Journal something should be
change of address, or of tallure to re ' decided aliout it right away In the In-
October 13 I,nat day to file cer
tificate of nomination by Individual
electors for county, district and pre
, clncts.
November 7 General election.
Polls open from S a. m. to S p. in.
November 22 Last day for can
didate to flle statement of expenditures.
This Is letter writing week In Ore-
FOR RENT Forty acre ranch one
mile and a half out of town. Innuirc
Royal Cafe. ':
FOR RENT Furnished rom-.i
with or without board. Innuite
letin. ,v
FOR RENT One three room
one four room house. J. Lan .
Co. 3T'f
FOR SALE or RENT IVrtv .ere-
of first class Irrigated land at Powell
., celvo the paper regilnrlv (',8r'e ' teresta of the candidate for olflce ai goit anil the Portland Clmmbar oflnuttes P O All Irrlg.itid Kneed
' 'missel. " r""""""Ue for copl"Btbe coming election. Commerce has sent out a series of j ",",1 m.ltimcd. P.rt'.l stand of al-
! Mnke all cherks nnd orders pay
able to The Mend llulletln.
The hooks thut a lmv or girl read
havo li very great deal to do with hie
entire odiicnlion. Certainly they go
u'loiiK way In inlliipnclng his tastes,
lltornry mid otherwise, and ofteM
they vitally affect the child's entire
career. Therefore It Is Very Import
lint In help youngster, so far as wo
limy, Kt't the right books.
Thero nro thousands of children's
lKHikx In our Mores, our libraries and
our Iioiiiph which are neither good
we that the people wno are form letters to be used In attracting i fnir. Terms Howard Spinning
Interested In the dhislun phase of tourist travel to Oregon next sum- Wilbur, Washington. l'-49e
county politics nre not so anxious mor. One begins, "We know the mu stiRnf TUtDE Wbthn.
about the fortunes of the candidates suffering In wind-swept Chicago ml ! ,., - t-j 1. 1 mil. fmm',-
for office a. to lead then, to get erv snow-covered New York. Our news-' , 7 ' ac WJ J J nl " RiJ '!l
Undoubtedly the time , daily toll us of the extremes ' f'"' . """.: ''"..,?. V.','
:..... r or narLiruirrs laaroFn mm- .
in wastern weiitnor. as wo read or ,.,. .... ., rt.
the storma In your locnllty, otc." It
looks as If the Chamber picked n
poor year to send that sort of luttor.
nor bad. Thero nro hundreds whlchJ desired to make. Old Crook county,
nro distinctly bad. And there arc
f-coroH which are very, very kooiI.
Parents, llbrarliuiH nnd teachers
would render u service of far-reach-InK
vnlue If they would give as much
publicity ns possible to lists of such
books as are preeminently desirable
for youiiK rolks. Ami the children
and boys and girls so advised w 111 be
grateful, for in young people's lit
eratiiro that is worth rending there
Is n wonderful treasure of fascina
tion. No one run list n score, or n hun
dred, or live hundred titles, either
"Juveniles" or books for adults, and
my "Tliesn nre the best." Hut any
one with some knovi ledge of general
rendlnt; and u wllllngnoHS to Investl
gntn n lilt, can pick' out u list of
books for b8 nnd girls which will
prove mi unending dellghi lo the
youngsters and n real Inspiration and
aid to them They will love what
they road, even better than they
would enjoy the trash which too of
ten falls to their hands. And. tin-
nctlve now
will come when we shall hnxe to de
cide between division and removal
of the county seat and the decision
will then lie made.
If It Is for the Interests of the
dldalus to have the matter settled
now perhaps they will bestir them
selves to get It settled but shoit or
that we believe that nothing will be
started on this side of the county for
some weeks to come. It would be
very proper, however, for the east
side to come forward with any propo
sition concerning division which it
so-called, at the last election, showed
a majority against division. Ilcforo
the west side takes another chance
It should be nssured by the aid
ers who opposed the move before
that this time they would favor It.
The Journal's editorial said:
"With the now year como nn
uouueoments of candidates tor tho
vi'rlous otllces, and within a few
short weeks the county will be teem
Ing with their supporters of various
"Thete Is a feature however that
should be fulrly well settled In tho
minds of the voters especially before
the primary, and for the best Inter-
iistn of candidates from the western
half of the county It should bo set
tled soon.
"The instance Is well Illustrated In
the candidacy of llurvey II. l)e Ar
mciid for district attorney. De Ar
mond Is n man who will receive
strong support from his party wher
Governor Wlthycombe hag lxcn In
ofllce Just one year. We bollove n
great majority of tho citrons of Ore
gon nro woll satisfied with his ad
ministration, and supremely grateful
for tho contrast Its buslncssllkq san
ity and dignity affords to the methods
of the proceeding four years.
Snow Is sometimes disagreeable,
but It In u Godsend to the country.
For the summer It means more grain
on Uie dry-fnrm acres, more gruES on
the ranges and more water In the
Wo nre now fully convinced thnt
the man who Inst fall prophesied a
cold winter knew what he wns tulk
Iiir nhout.
Now that wo'vo caught our breath,
how nhout a woolen mill?
Don't forget the hungry birds.
Christiansen, Hend, Ore.. 'p
FOR SALK-Run about car In :ood
condition, late model, impure Th
llulletln. 'ii'
FOR SALE Good workl c nut e
I with foal. Will weigh 13u pounds
(when fat. Good heavy double I ar
tless. Price reasonable. Impure The
llulletln. K'trc
FOR SALE Teom, harness and
wagon. Iniptlre Royal Cafe. -Htf
FOR SALE or TRADE One 1912
Ford car. See or write P. B. John
son, .Mllllcnn, Oregon. ltr
FOR SALE At Lewis ranch. Jan-
unry 1 1, one stray yearling steer, no
brand, for pasture and feed bill. 41-13
FOR SALE 160 aero deeded
ranch on Tnmnlo project. Water
nvnllable In 1010. Tenm of mares
weight 1350 ench, harness nnd wag
on go with It. Price $1150. Address
Ilox 2, Tumalo, Ore. 41tr
FOR SALE House nnd lot. Price
right. Terms reasonable. Inquire
A. E. Edwnrds, Rend Sign Co. 3"tf ,
FOR SALE Saddle and cooking
range. Inquire Uiillotlu. J."-)p(
II.... I..1 tt.v, .. .
.i. .M-linhcfoiiio lo U" ' iiim-'I".-' iiiiioj-, can.
I. r.trr "" " " . :. .l,rVi-rl,..i...r.,.f "
Htllls-o rnn.i .. v ii t ri'u
TO FIT iimleiM'iii' rorwl(li tlnlnty pntteiiiM r
i,'n Hiitiii'ii mid clillil-Hlkolliii', nidi Iwini,.,.
i (.ii, Sall'.facloi, m'r-,Ml edge of plnln colis
tlio mid III Kiuii-ioileeil.Koft ""! iiiin.
..,.li.t fo
,.' .. - ,
sns pine dycii m u"
,Hd iliilliHW. I'l,ls
kplciiilld llni" of cloth
Itii; ule- iib-olute -nl-ufniMon
weal' nnd HP-
IHtnance and we scll
,m iiiodeiatciy. . P$9 M-,si'
SB51JlUV-r c,iT.c.Hl-. Wy lf.l .,.
LI1UILJ UlUlfll uu.iu loiiei-s
MACKINAWS 60c, V, $ i m
liriiuli"' Oieii made.
,;"" "'"; 60c. 80c. $1.50
rme uo'ii. iii-, ....... - -.
plain I'uiiM, ami bliu
W(i WY
iyUtJJ billed iisoiliiieiit In
Heavy jri1 oy Oicgon
wool lilanUeiM, fun S((
iti.AtK m:it Miui'i-
ui lii phihN and
Mtlpev Pun1 wool,.
mcj, white. Mil. pnlr
Heavy fleece cotton
blankets in (an, nicy
mill ulilte lai'Ku sle
$7.50 35c, 50cWr $L35
General Merchandise.
Cotton Bats
25c, 90c
W. M. Knickerbocker, (Ilbt, Ore-
gon. 4 1-2G p
WANTED Ciena rag3 r.t Thy llul-
h .in ofllce. Good price paid. tf
fa. Ore.
L, J. Scoberfior, Alfal-IC-'Dp.
TO LEASE Lota, cIobo In, water
connected, $1.00 pur month for us
ing. See S. Murnsnkl. -ICttc
Let mo flgureyon that new home.
If In-
TAKEN I'P llr.y mare, about I I
vears old. llrand. liar over PC on i Work by dm or by contract.
right shoulder. Owner may obtuln terested uddreKS IlnnH 1.. Chrlstlan
snmeb y paying feed bill nnd this nil-1 sen. general doll very, llond. 4Gp.
consciously, they would benellt
Even In such a town as llentl. and
In smaller communities with less In
the way of educational and library
facilities, this Is worth remembering.
Libraries should have such titles on
their shelves before cluttering them
with- cheap trash, and should en
courage young renders to seek nut
the volumes which havo delighted
loys and girls for a generation and
more as doubtless most of them do.
Even n small-town newspaper may
venture to list a few choice titles for
young folks, now and then, with the
hope that Homo boy or girl, through
Its Interest, mny get acquainted with
heroes ami heroines who otherwise
never would have been met
If you have n boy of girl, and are
uncertain what books to get experi
ment with this list: II IS very Incnim
plete scarcely more than notes from
Ihe memory of one who obtained last
Ing enjoyment from every title men
tinned. And we venture, the Inn
er girl, like Oliver TwlBt. will come
back for more.
''Hob, Hon of llattle;" "Run nnd
Ills Friends." and "llhick llenuty."
are nnlmnls stories unsurapsftMl. De
foe's "Robinson Crusoe" Is the most
popular young folks adventure story
ever written. Jules Verne's "Twentv
Thousand Leagues I'ndor the Sea"
Is n gem, and If any boy knows u
ever he Is known and should It bo the. ",-!, " u'r-v !W w,s'1'' concerning
Intent to leave Crook county ns It Is ""'-'' couuiitliig iniru-s nre nun. The
today, without n division at tho cotn-l "'"-' '"""l "l!" hl'l''"' 'o ue ceiinin ii
Ing election.-thlH candidate could ex-1 lmt "", 'udluiix left the eagle ,ps
rteet siinimrT from nil nnrln nf Ihn '"' '" "u """p A hundred years
east side of the county which support
Curious Ancient Monument Left to Ui
by the Indians.
On the luoad tun of n stone rain
gullied bill in middle Georglu tlieio ' (low trimmer and card writer, hnndv
with tools, no bad habits. Can, will
WANTED Position. Young man.
nent appearance, married, good edu
cation, varied experience, -I years
practice in drug store, 1 ear In gen
eral store, good salesman, fnlr wln-
ennnot be expected In case of u ill
IhIo:i Issue that Is generally con
ceded to carry.
"Thero are a number of candidate
In the embryo who nro In exnetly tho
seme position. It seems that It Is
to the Interests of thesn candidates
and their political ambitions that
this matter be considered, and the
sooner the better."
Agnln. or rnther, still tho hulln
bnloo about Rural Credits Is abroad
In the laud. It Is an eminently de
sirable reform, and one as Inevitable en do. hilt the work must have proved
as direct primaries nnd equal 8utT- "M laborious, fur the diggers gave up
from now It will prob.ibly be found
lying on lit Inn k. with oiitxprpiid wings
and tall, even ns ll lies today. For It
N made of quartz roeks mj cunningly
placed that'll would require n pick In
n strong man's hands to displace any
one of them. The rocks lap nnd over
hip In mu h a manner as to represent
feathers .No i-euicht holds lliem In
position, ami the stones vary lu'slze.
weighing from u half pound to three
or font1 pbuiids. .The lilinge' rests on u
very llrm foundation for jlie'siono
work extends severnl feet Into the
ground. ' '''', '
Once, pcrhnpt twice, treasure seek
ing initials dug Into the breast of tho
nnd not afraid, to do any kind of
honest work. Wants to come to Hend.
E. T. Phillips, 30r. Lyons street. Al
ii ny, Oregon. 4fi-J7p
woman wishes position as mnturnlty
nurse. Will assist with housework.
Terms, $2.00 per day. Inquire X,
llulletln. 4Ctfc
WANTED A first class dressmak
er to work on comnil-slon or rent
spneo In my shop. Inquire Mrs. S.
Mcintosh. -I Ctfc
WANTED Five or six horses to
winter. Alfalfa hay and good barn.
rage. Hut while politicians rant oer
It let s not forget a species of Rural
Credits which have been In opera
tion since Oregon wns bori.
We refer to the Rural Credits of
the local merchants--the everlasting
credit which tho businessmen of
every Oregon community hae ex
tended, at one time or another, to
customers, and without which ninny
a farm would never have been tnmetl
by the plow, many a forest would
have remained uncut nnd Its timber
uuiniiiiufiictured nnd many n band of
cuttle, horses or sheen never could
before tlu-y hud reached Ihe bottom
la.M r of overlapping stones.
Ilpiigh but falily accurate m en sure
men tn or the bird show the Iciiglh'of
the eagle from the middle of the lull'
lo the bend to be 102 feet and' from
tip to tip of outspread wings 111) feet.
The length of the beak is toil feet,
nnd the height of the body at the ren
ter nf Hip brenst Is ten feet. Thecugle
lies with Its bead to the west
Tmdlilon does not give any satisfac
tory explanation of the age Or the
nuMiilug of Hip great stone mound. It'
may liuve had religious slgulllcnnco to
the red men who built It. mid It limy
hnller mm Intn llin Mi.iui. I. ........ i have found find
...' '"" n, ,,,.. ............ .-., .l.l.
KBBV." iv t'nnln n Mm mu I i ,l...,'t IOW (ilten. Iiiul I lie innrplinnl nrna ' ' "" " r.vv. ii-miiMuri
' - ...... ... .....iv -- ,......- . , ,.,,. ,t. ..... . . . .
I his account, would tho man on' " V ' , . ' "'""-'" ""
recall It unleiw It bo Dana's "Thru sed
Years llofore the Mast," which Is for ,n" ,n', '" Hi" timber or on the
older bojs. from H to SO, a range have gone under. Hut
FeuliMore Cooper wrote s doien tatlntly the merchants have waited
storliw of Indians and the sea; "The ,or ,b'r PXT and b wi doing made
Last of the Mohicans" will make a " Possible for thalr customer to hold
hoy's blood inn as tsHt as It did Bftyi0"- W1t" "e tide turned mid he was
yiwrs ago. and "Wing and Wing" Is ,', ' 'e hta profit and p his
as tlno a eleiiti-cut adveutureeomei ,,!'
oeean going arn ak ou could wish I ''"untlsea thousand of dollars
and there are ihh oiheni about ha bn, and are, tUd up In this
entertaining. lo try tVwiwr. -n of Kara! Credit, and many have
men there are "Kip Van Winkle" bMn " to a siMtaliid by the imir
and "Tom llrown's Hehool Daya." j"htetiMjr, who must accept the
"IvhhKih-' and all of Walter Hcott's j ' -cou.t along ltb the good
dqllghtful creatlous. and Dleken. rsnal rleka of their eommer
tft). of rviiriM. And don't forget1''') reiivtttea. But without thwin -"Uncle
Tom Cabin " Then. loy or without th often loug-.uffering ia
gr, man or woumn. Hhere, oh where 'iie-iv of the meirhant- every rural
will you rind belter red-blood stnrir, 'and axbaa. tool conniuulty would
than "CaptatH Courageous" and aj'eel the alarh, and many of the
doien olhwr wonderful works of Kud- 'rlgti-et Mateocea In Oregon's hook
yard Klidlug. or a book you'd rather t develoanieot never would havu
t up night with than tstevoaaon ta wrtttea.
"Troeaure Island." or Kidnapped 'i Honor m Uiue w bo form the back
or "The Muster of HMllantnie?" Audlimuv of wr liumt firruiit. -,..,.,.
most Interesting of prehistoric inoiiii
incuts in the United States. Youth's
The Head of the Firm.
As he appears to
The olllco iKiy: A large, fat being
wtioxe grumble Is worse than .love's
thumler mid whose comuipudutory nod
U worth iilniiMt any amount of' iht-
. somil Inconvenience.
Hend iHKikkeeper; A good man. with
i no bortd fur llgures. who lias arrhisl
' at his present exalted position py a
coniuinatlon or luck mid pull.
The stenographer: A pleasant old
jwrty with singular weakupiwes nml
n strange eaiwclty-mrely eiircUed,
however to mnke one cry.
His wife: A buby.-Llfe.
don't lot Ike 'older jouugatem forget
our own western llret llurte. whose
shorter stories, like "The Luck of
Roaring CaiUP." have a "pull" that
Is hard to resist
WUoro to mid the list. Indeed T Cer
tainly wo oan't stop the linotype en
this random column without remind-
Ing you of Mark Twain ami his liter-
On the train "gfllns out Subhuhs got
Into conu'rwitlou with a stranger, who
"1 mo vnn nrn tmttlti ,,. a n...i
I...I.V ...... i....... .... ..... I " .".."' . " - fcvw
w.m nnivMinim i.jr iaw, unny now tiulldlugs,"
uur-.nfahfcd.bjr CongrOM and often "Yes." answered Subbubs. -new
enough anfhoHght of where It I do- lulldlng me the only kind wo put up"
lag the meat good. -Kmumi City Jiwjnial.
the Cold
Just Remember that
When This cold
snap Is over You will
Ho thinking of
Spring. And A, I,.
French will lie one of
the first persons you
will to thinking of.
Hut while winter is
here be sure thnt you
nro prepared for It
from head to feet.
You'll have no cause
to to be uncomfort
able If you will let
French fit you out for
every so..son.
So cull In today.
You can stand a
long winter siege
Overshoes &
Wool Sox
Stag Shirts
R. M. Smith Clothing
General Merchandise
This, i to be a yenf of ivolltlcal TWout on eiirtn utvvou Joint? snont.
event and. th following 'dates are 'S around lu the room that war. M.v.
oiimi In tti. r4tnAfih.iA,4 I... ..u ai.i I rl.s ivlu.ii v.,iLt,,R. i .... ...... ... i.
nry vault of sense and luinsonso. v. lib in.-,iwN4 imtwiDw
wim? 7,.i.,.,,"i,,,, ,.,.,ueklll,orr' "Aprliat-eLMt daV.'to xcgUter forj "I ld forka'egg to make"
Finn' and "Tom Sawyer." on tho ton nrlmnrv lA.-.ln llhe raklelnwliKM' -
i?LUJ86-p .--..... prllVSUstdaytofllopetltlonaS. rw ltr
t day to Mo netltlonaS . rWrf, ' ltr llalllmore Atnerl-
School Shoes
Rest for Hos and Girls
Foot-ShuUe Dress Shoes lleit
For Men
All kinds of Shoe Repairing
R. H. Loven
Art Exhibit
Sbc JSlson Hrt jxb(btt
' (itven bfi tbc
Public $cboolo
anO tbc
ibiflb school
Of 30CII&
Commercial Glub iRooms
Wc8ne89a, Cbmedav ana S tl0aB
3mumrv! 20, 27, 2S
Aiteinoons from a to 3.
Single AduUsslon.,, 10 cenu
"""""S J '. M Cents.
s 4
At . . .
.let i'
ii auyonu reaus tun (perhaps or
leclarallons fwn"oni16nrKnfaH,'- ... - .
, . isv' tm.