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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1916)
awfrw" y - .J&LLeiz - THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY H, 1010. page n. 1 1 t 1 1 1 Si 1 & tf J & - Shearings Tho directorate of the Madras Am ntour Athletic Club met cm Monday night to mnko arrangements for tlio repairing and llttlug up of the San ford block for their qunrtors. Thoy hnvo engaged Mr. Shutt to do the work, nml hope within n Bhort time to It ready for occupnncy. Wo would like to sue every man In town nnd from the adjoining coun try become a member of this club. It will do them till good in moro wnyH than one. And now Is tlio tlmo to Join, before tlio next regular meal ing, while tlio charter Is still open, as It will cost less now than after tlio chnrtcr closes. Applications for membership mny bo handed or sent to the secretary, Ora Vnn Tassel, ac companied by the present mombor shlp fee of three dollars. Don't de lay, but got In "on tlto ground floor." Madras Pioneer. At tho meeting of tho Commercial CI b Saturday night, sovornl moro now members wero taken In, nnd con clderablu business of Importanco was transacted, tho most Important of which was In the ma'tor of tlio res olution which was sont to tho High way Engineer, In connection with the resurfaclngof tho road from La I'Ino to Ilend. Tlio resolutions committee was authorized to tako tho matter up with the llend club, explaining in de tail, the plan of this body In regard to tho road La Pino Intcr-Mountaln. While clothes don't make the man, whiskers hnvo n lot to do with tho Identity. Hlr'om Gibson, who Is wull known hero. Is now prepared to tes tify. He has worn a beard Blnco the year of the big wind nnd when ho shaved clean last week nnd wont home his son Invited him to leave tho house. No one know him. sU the bank where he had dono busi ness for 35 yenrs he met n cold gaze and his checks wero refused until tho barber who removed tho spinach from his map of Ireland made solemn nflldnvlt to tho fnct. Ho Is now won dorlng If It wns really tho thing to do, nnd figuring out how long It will tnko them to grow out again. Crook County Journal. Tho Crescent Commercial Club bold Its annual election of officers nt the Hotel Crcscont last evening. J. II. Elkins was re-elected president, J. L. Rlngo, vlco president, Fred La Follottc, secretary nnd treasurer, and E. (I. Rotirk chairman of tho Execu tive Hoard. V!' BROOKS BROOKS-SCANLON After tlio Comnmrclal Club had ad - Journed tho Ladles Civic League gave a whist party to tho mouthers which lusted until 12 o'clock, at which' tlmo a dainty luncheon was nerved. Dane Inn was then tho order until 2 o' clock, During tho evening Messrs. Ralph and Guy LnFollotto rondorcd Beveral selections on tlio mandolin with guitar accompaniment, which wero highly appreciated. Those wlio wore unable to bo present missed a rnro treat. Crescent News. Thco. Hartncglo'n well Is complet ed and pumping apparatus Installed. Mohdny the ovent was colehratod by a largo number of neighbors nosombl lug nnd enjoying n sumptuous feast. Tho well Is 07G feet deep nnd yields an nbundanco of wrtor about 401) gallons per hour. Tho Record con gratulates Mr. llartnngle's success. Jefferson County Recryd. A 'number of tho young pooplo of tho city oro trying to organize a .Jun ior Commercial Club, such ns has al ready been organized In a number of cities In the state. It Is proposed to lit up a reading room where tho young people can hold their meet ings and pass their nvonlngs. One object of tho club would bo to boost the town and local high school among tho younger generation In other places. Kcdmond Spokesman. .Tudgo Roegll officiated at tho first wedding ceremony which took place nt tho court house of Jefferson coun ty .last' Friday. Tho happy couple was from thp Warm Springs agoncy, CTHB.STAOUB Dor FCCL3 THAT ONE tOOO TOWN DCSCRVCS AMOTHF.W -J "WELL JUDGE, Ytrn iwt THAT WAS aTOOOTIp MCAqooojIP WM6N Tbu WE MV DOY J I VSU PUT'MC WIJC TO I r ZxT" JHE REAL TOOICCO CHEvVJ 1 1 3 I . IT'S a jjlnd day for a tobacco chewer when ho findi W-Jl CUT Chew ing (ha nITobceoCheir, 9itvewt,tntthJ. Gel pouch from your JcileranJ -.. ..'ir.'J' S. lunli'r Int. You cm lell-lcoe ll tottobtcco chtntrto find out Ihit GUT Chenim li ik, K,l Cktw. "Nolle bow di ll brlnn out the t Ich tobtcco tuta" W.J. By WEYMAN-DRUTON COMPANY, 50 Union Squire, New Yortc Cty LUMBER CO. DEALERS IN LUMBER LATH, SHINGLES, Cement, Lime, Plaster and Brick. BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS Fir Flooring and all kinds of Finish Lumber LUMBER CO. 1 tho contracting parties being Win. Sooksolt nnd Efllo C. Miller. Quito a number of thoso attending tho county court and nil tho county offi cials wero prcsont, tho olllclals having provided n present for tlieltrlde. Wal ter M. Eaton made a fitting speech of presentation nnd clovorly roinnrk cd that tho assumption of tho holy bonds of matrimony was fittingly consummated at tho court houso. Deschutes Valley Tribune. Last Sunday's rabbit drive was tho most successful ono that has been held so far this winter. Tho final count showed that 1054 rabbits woro killed in tho pen. Tho drlvo wna hold Bouth of tho Lakevlow ranch. Another drive Is planned for tho coming Sunday and all who In tond to go uro asked to meet n nunr tor of a nillo south of tho Hopkins ranch at ono o'clock. No guns or dogs will ho allowed. This mnkes 8000 rabbits that havo boon killed so far this fall in tho drives, and with moro drives as successful as tho last, a groat amount of good will bo dono the west side. Lako County hxam llor. Don't chnso tho rabbits with clubs or dogs, or shoot nt them, hut mnko friends with them. Pet them and make them think you are tliolr best friend, but at tho same time place tho poison whero Mr. Rabbit will get It. Silver Lnko Lender. Hccauso of tho deep snow It was deemed necessary by the etngo com ' it pany to carry the northern mall on horseback a few days the first part of the week. Tho deepest snow re ported Is nt Summer Lake station where It Is about 30 Inches deep. Chowaucan Press. Hctwcen Friday afternoon, Janu ary 7th and tho following morning, ono foot of snow fell in Fort Hock and the ontlro vnlley experienced a heavy fall though tho depth varied In different parts. An additional two niciies roll between Fntunlny morn ing nnd noon, nnd with four Inches of old snow already on tho ground, there woro in all about eighteen In ches. This Is the deepest snow Hint tho oldest residents of the vnlley can recall nnd weather records which havo been kept slnco November, 1900 show that In that tlmo tho deepest snow was on tho 17th of Jauunry, 1913, when there waB twelve Inchei on tho ground. Fort .lock Times. A desirable bread knlfo free with evory annual subscription to The Ilend Bulletin. Sco advertisement on pago 10. Insist thnt tho flour you buy Is con tained In Tho Snxollno Snnltnry Sack. It will nave you monoy. Adv. For sign painting seo Edwards. Adv. Depot Hotel tho home of the homo Btender. Adv. 39-4 4p. Graham and rye floura purchased from the Ilend Flour .Mill Company nro manufactured on n French Buhr mill. It assures you quality and pur ity. Adv. DIRECTORY OP OFFICIALS. United States. President Woodrow Wilson Vlco President. .Thomas R. Marshall Secretary of State . .Hobcrt LanBlng Secretary of Navy . , Jooephus Daniels Secretary of War . . . .L, M. Garrison Secretary of Interior .... F. K. Lnno Secretary Agriculture D. F. Houston Secretary of Treasury .W. F. McAdoo Sccrotary Commcrco . .W. C. Iledllold Secretary of Labor . . . . v. 11. Wilson Attorney General T. M. Gregory Postmaster General .Albert Ilurlcson State. Oovcrnor James Withycombo Secretary of Stnto .... 1). V. Olcott Troasuror TIiob. II. Knj Atty. General Geo. M. Brown. Superintendent Public Instruction . . J. A. Churchill Stato Printer Arthur Lnwrouco Commissioner Labor Statistics .... O. P. Hofl Gamo Warden ...Curl I). Shocmnkor Stato Engineer John 11. Louie United States SonatoiH Gcorco E. Chumhorlalii Harry W. Lnn Congressmen C. N. McArthur N. S. Sliiuou W. A, Ilawloy Crook County. Circuit Court Judgo. . T. E. J. Duffy District Attorney W. 11. Wlrtz County Judgo G. Sprlngor Clerk ; Warren nrown Shorlff E. II. Knox Troasuror Ralph Jordan Assessor II. A. Foster School Supt J. 13. Myers Coroner P. D. Pnlndoxter Surveyor '. .11. A. Kelly Commissioners J. F. Rlanclmrd II. J. Ovorturf llio Own. Circuit Meetfl first Monday In Soptombcr nnd Dccomucr and second Monday in March. Prohato Meets first Monday In each month. Commissioners' Meots first Wed nesday In January, March, Mny, July, Soptombor, Novombor and December. Ilend School DUtrlct .No. It!. Directors J. N. Huntor, Climn. It. At. Smith J. Edward Larson Clork II. J. Overturt City of Bend. Mayor J. A. Hastes Recorder II. C. Ellis Treasurer Mary E. Coleman Chief of Pollc. S. E. Itobcrts City Attorney . . .II. II. De Armond City Physician U. C. Coo Councllmen John Stoldl C. M. McKay C. V. Cllvls L. C. Itudo w E. P. Ilrostorhous S. C. Caldwell Justice of the Peace. Dond Precinct J, A. Kastea TO THE RESCUE Idocs MMii w wnmirrnni Wo will T your linen, but you mut not wit much tlmo getting our reeoue band t work LOWPRICHS, BETTER SERVICO Bend Steam Laundry. AND DItY CIJJANINO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. ROBERT 11. GOULD Ilend Oregon W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. D 13 X T I H T Offlco Ovor PoBtofflco Bend, ... Oregon DR. J. C. VANDEVERT Physician nnd Surgeon Phono Red 271 Hours 0-12 n. m.: 1-C p. 7-9 p. m. Snthct- llulldlng m. W. O. MANNING, D. M. D. Dentist, Office In First Nntlonnl Bank Dulldlng Tel. nil lleud, Oiegon WILLARD II. WIRTZ L A W Y K It Prlnovlllo, Oregon. O. S. BENSON Attorney At Law Bonson Dulldlng, Wall Stroot Bend, Oregon. VERNON A. FORBES L A W Y i: K First National Bank Building Bond, :-: :-: Oregon G E O It 0 E 8. YOUNG Civil anil Irrigation Engineer. U. S, Mliicml Him o)tr. Room 5 First Nntlonnl Bnnk Building J. B. Belt A. W. Sims CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to Tho J. II. Hnnor Abstract Co., Prlnovlllo, Ore. AbstractH Insurance. BEND PLUMIUNd AND HEATING COMPANY Snnltnry Plumbing Steam nnd Hot Water Heating WALL STREET DR. J. R. BARR Plijslclaii nml .Surgeon Deschutes State Bank Building Plume Black 711 J L Koollnp; of nil kinds. Repairing promptly dono. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor I Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. i J 'I cull ZjN v Engineer Ml 'i ii II M' Plumbing, Roofing, Furnace Work, Sheet Metal Work of All Kinds. Central Oregon Plumbing and Heating Company PHONE RED II J. E. KNGEI1KETSON, MGIt. ZW? KENI) HAULING CO. K,m.CT K N IMI.MI'KTON TRANSFER AND STORAGE. HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVED. COAL AND WOOD. Ml H. C. ELLIS Attorncy-nt-Lnw United StatcH ComiiiKsloiier First Nntlonai Hank Building IJEND, OREGON II. II. Do ARMOND LAWVI3U Oregon Street. Dcnd, Oregon DR. J. II. CONNARN I l3 N T I 8 T OfTlco In Sathor Building. Houri, 9 to 12, 1 to G. Sundays and evenings by Appointment. O. P. NIBWONGEIl, Bond, Oro. UNDERTAKER Licensed Kmhnliticr, Funeral Director, Phono Red -121. Lndy Asst DR. R. D. STOWELL Nnprapatlilc Physician OfTlco over Miller Lumlor Co. Wall Strcot Hours 9 to G Phoro Rod til Hygienic, Dietetic nnd Natural Therapeutics Chronic disorders a Specialty DIt It. I). KI3TCIIUM OfTlco hours: 9-12; 1-5 or by Appointment Bonn bldg. DR. A. A. BURRIS Naturopath Diseases cured without the ubo of drugB or Biirgcry by the nnt ural methods 6f healing. Olllco over F. Dement &. Co.'h Grocery BEND, OREGON Fraternal Societies I. O. O. I Bend Lodge No. UIH. Rogulnr meeting every Mon nuy night nt 8 o'clock In Bath er's Hall. Visiting brothois cordially welcomo. L. H. OLESS, N. G. OEO, P. QOVE, Secretary. wtrtM'P.omav VACATION In l'ortliinil, W sldo tripH outMldo, Mill Klvo jo ii nn enjoyable oecn hlou. Alnko tho .'MiiKiiomnli jour Iicndi)iuit'tcrM. St-nlco letter. Itiiten consistently loucr. RATES TO YOU nn itooniH $i,oo 100 Rooms ulth bath. .9t.Ro 100 Rooms with bath. ,ff2.00 UOO Largo uutMldo roiiuiN, Until $2.00 13trn person in room, 81.00 iidditlnnnl 'i'liu Saxollno Suuuury Hiieli it usud ny inn iienii iiour iu container for all mill. No dirt. No No wnste. Adv. by the Bend Flour Mill Company mi lloura loavlng Iti duut. No odor 8TI3AM HEAT CHASES WINTER. Why not onjoy the comforts of tho most systematic and uconoin Icnl way of beating. Tho cost of Installing steam bout Is paid for many times by tho comforts do rived. Plenty of hnt when nnd whoro you want it nt lews cost than Htovos safer, clout.or, moro sanitary. i v! i O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET Put Your Duds In Our Suds' tjWl