The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 19, 1916, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    iwur, ,
Tin: iinxn m'M.nxix, nnxn, onr., wi:xi:sdav, jAXUAnv o. ma. - "
..- ----" -..--.
(Special to Tlio Hullctln.)
TUMAI.O, Jn 17 A good fllzvl
rrovvd nttuixlod tlio Hulmrrlptlun Club
ilnnce Saturday night Itcfrouli mums
Yijio served by the UiIIbh during tlio
The Jnini uy meet In if of tlio Tllll
Oillil Utcnirj Club will be held next
Saturday aftoitiooii, Jannnrv zsiiii,
lit the homo of Mm I'reil N. Walla.-e.
Answer to roll fall ttlll be ejiotatlr in
from Oregon poet. Tlio entire pro
gram of (Ik) afternoon will be devot
tiri to the (iltidy or tlio Ilfo nnd works
of wverul of Oroon noted people.
3drn. J. M. Orlllln and Mrs ArtlMr
IJIchuiiwo will nilBt In untortnlnlng
The W H I. Club meeting called
for lam I'rldj) afternoon has been
postponed until iHiinnry 28th, on ir
lOlint of (Iih bad weather.
A meeting ct the Mocklioliiern ot
the Merchant and rarntora Tele
phone Conipanv hum bold at the hall
Salt Monda) The following dlroc
loni were o'eitod for the cnsuInK
jroHr .1 M (Irlllln, Hubert SooKKlnit,
Frank .Swlithw, .Joh llariei and
Frank liavt en
The illtnitorH of the Agricultural
Hall Aatonlatlon held n blittlmjffS
mu'llng iih Saturday afternoon.
The cnhlent Inniperntura recorded
till vvlntm at tho Kovurnuieut thin
inutiicler at the I. V, llrown nncli
wan onrly Tliumilav niornliiK when
llio inerciir dropped to 15 degree
below jeto
Clarence .Sandal of Port land arriv
ed .Monday morning to upend a few
day vlslthi: IiIr brother, (Jeorae and
Will Sfltulnl.
illita l,enorn Mock left on Sunday
lilfc'ht for I'ortliuid to remain for ev
unil mouth.
Hob atiirceon liaa received word or
the aerloiiH IIIiibah of hla mother who
Uvea near I Can dad City.
A ilealrablo broad knife frco with
wroxy annual Htilincrlptluu to The
Iluml llullfltln. See r.ihertlaeiuent on
twgo 10.
J. L. Olbaon mado a business trip
to I'rlnovlllo on Wednesday.
P I, Hnjloy and Oeo. Morgan left
for the Ochoco mines on Thursday
Mr Morgan expects to remain until
Owing to tho long sot ere cold spell
the pcmii) are frozen solid and man
of the farmers are feeling the short
nge of water.
(Jeorge Hayn of Deschutes Is vlgit
Irt? with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. tlnvn.
J K. Wurnor line purchased 20 ton
of hay from Ouy Sears.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon and i
daughter Harriott, were dinner'
guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Dajnj
on Siinda
Walter Poster has been comtielleil
fonre his hay alack, owing to the ar-1
my of rabbits that has been working
on It H leaving a trap guto, tie,
corralled and killed 10" rabbits. Th
sninc evening (hat ho put tho fence
up. George Hobbs alto lost nbojt
two ton of hoadliigs that have lie?n
oaten b) the rabbits during the heat
MIm Ada Heart, Norman and i:iva
Hlllott took the eighth grade evamln-
atlotiH on Thursday and Friday. Lev
It Miirson. Itudolph Johnson, Leonard
Oeborn, Wade Logan and Uuth I'os
tor of the seventh grade also took tlio
eighth grade googrnphy examination
on Krlda)
Heaves Wlllcoxon traded bis two
vear old mule for a work mare of
T I) Osi.orn
I'rldav night was the coldest night
tills winter, when the thermometer
registered at 15 below zero. Manv
of tho ran client have put their buj?-
gios nu runners nnd are enjojlng the
sleighing while It lasts.
Miss Uuth 1'ostor Is very III with
I J. A llusrett and Ceo. Ilnireo de
livered lings in Itedmond on Saturdn
which had been sold to Mr McMlrkle
tho Kedmohd lumber and nmiln.-o
A number of farmers attended tho
hearing he'd before tho Public Ser
vice com mission hold nt Ilend on
Mondav. Among those from Powell
llutto were .1. A. Itlggs, Allen Wlll
coxon, Oeo. Ilrareo and .1. L. Gibson
hln blrthptaco In Missouri In 1847. i
nnd settled n the Willamette valley
in 1882 the ratnliy moved to CiooK
county and settled first oft Crooked
River, n rcw miles west of Prlnevllle.
They have resided In this county
since that time.
Mr. Cyrus was 71 years of age, and
Is survived by n widow nnd six chil
dren, Hnrvoy, Omor, George and
Dean Cyrus, Grace Cyrus and Mrs.
Wolse, all residents of this community.
fSpoclal to Tim riullotln)
C'LOVMItDALK, .Inn 17.- Owing
to the deep mow the limll was cur
ried on hoiMlmck Sunday, only let
ten being delivered
Thiiradui night a conimiitiltv din
ner wan given at tho Plalnvlew
eltool houim. The rarmeiM organized
Slid had a tnhhlt ilrlve Haturdav.
Clnverdale school did not open thla
morning mid will remain eloed until
h change 1. 1 weather Clarii lohnson
frcme her lingers cine day last week.
A llternr) club was organised at
I'lHlnvlow to meet everj two weeks
tin Satin din ulghrls Carrie llurgess
a elected prosldent and Hubert
Stimulus, secietarj and treasurer
At the Council meeting on Trldiy
night the ciiiPNtlen. ltisolved, "that
disarmament la miire conducive to
peace Hutu piepareiluctiH." was debut,
ed I.) Mr .Hlelloii and Klvln Van
lntrc on t lit alllrmntlve mid Mr Mil
ler and loli ti Getter on the negative.
The Jmlnes were Mosdtiliios Grebe
Mil Puali and Mr Tucko. The alllr
mntlve wiiii Ml mi (IIIimoii gavi a le
trt iliiteipitia to Irrigation con-
rnm. ItecltMii-n Mrs Wnldnin, Tat
tler by Vein Skeiton, iiiiislf bj chor-
Hniinli d'ed Ttiniliy night.
.Imiuary loth, at the home of his
tlitiiHlitoi, Mrs. Kred Welne Mr. t'v
rni was 71 years old and hnd lived
In this coiintv nenrlv i'R veiirs. a
Widow, font sous and two datiKlilers
survive nun Tim remains were tak
M to Prtaovllle for Interment.
POWCLI. IMTTK. .Inn. If, ;Xain.
iiauoiis were iieiu at the llutto vnl
ley school house Thursday and I'rl
clay. Kleven pupils took It In one ir
more subjects. Mrs. A. I). Mot rill
coiducied the examination.
L. W. Illalr camo home from Ilend
J rlduy evening, returning Mondnv
He has work at cnrpenterlng there
I) A Peterson dressed steers for
locnl markets last week
The want of water Is behg fell
moHt Koonh. M.inv having to melt
Ice or snow for all their Block. In
some ItistnnceH as much as six and
'ikiii iienu or came and horses.
The snow this morning Is about 10
Inclioa i eon and the miii ..ii.,o
Those who tried poisoning the rnb-
.iin uy me loruiiiia given bv Messrs
l.ovett and Ward, have had some sue-ces-4.
though the snow tins hindered
the rabbits (Incline the poison.
Itiuei Thai Bring Joy to the Heart of
tha Philatelist.
One of the iueslluus uslied us must
fieiiui tidy H, Which Is the miest of all
the Kt.imps? There me not u few claim
ants Tor this huner. all of which nle ex
ceedingly tare, st.uups of which but u
ilngle copy Is I. noun to cxlt. Indeed,
there Is evidence which leudi us to be
lieve l lint Mime stitmpi vveie printed
tiud used of which no copies ut all are
known to he In existence
Of those stamps of which only one
topy Is Lnovvu, the llrst Is n post
mnster'ti i nivNIoniil Imued ut lies
'avven. N. II. Anollier Is u stntup from
llrltlsn (Jul inn. Only one copy of this
Is known mid Is In u cclchiiiied collec
tion In Put Is. prob.ibly the largest col
lei t Ion In the world.
In ISUa the Niger Const Protectorato
Issued a seilos of surchargeil stamps.
all of which ure s arte, mid somo of
them are In the ranks of the vvoild's
greatest rarities. This refers .especial
ly to the twenty shilling values. Of
the "0 shillings, surcharged In violet,
only live copies vveie ever printed: of
the vermilion surcharge, only two
copies, and of the blntlc Lurcharge, only
one copy.
As there Is and can lo only one copy
of this last stamp. It Is Justly entitled
to be considered the r.uest of all
stamps It prob.ibly would not sell ua
high na the better known mid mora
popular "postulate" stamps of Man
rltlus. Yet of lliwo theie ure known
I fourteen copleu of the penny mid twelve
of the twopenny. St, Nicholas.
All CenU.n Moi.turo or They
Would Ge Ujc!c.
,.; for all bell s.v-te.
1 aad private telephone lines and were
rU rrn v . :-
"Hypoent." Was On:, the of m;ke Mf -uwuieu... ",;,".,..,
Pantomime Actor. I rrU "UiT the ly U mlslo.H
Ho aou know what a tt.rp-rl!c l" 0)t. tBf l s,K"h mw " '
Why. ho Is a person vvtw u tbf -j,,- tattttj. Thw wvr wits, uur
ihiinh us a iliKtL to covir jcraft awlj wyj tjf,. t.rr b
greed m J nil ma liner ur evlkloini. A I ,f m, dry no tmnt woiliu
lciit th.t I- what he wu in ! vy jornuft It renl'v "l'"re ,0 l,ru
or our fathers More re eiiiiy e Ba i , rwmKMwtnc activity when
taken ou nuolher color, a dltTeieot luU vr1,jt , ,vOr?'l froB' ,B0 ll"'
of tlouk He iiihhI nut l a dt-sHU . u br Ullntt elriusil.
bler merely In the matter of religion j Tw iJlW drJr lottery Is really an
Hlpotrlsy may be pmcthnl tti frteuit ( kU0 rf, t-y.- which retains
hIiIh. In culture. In nhlluiithrviiT It ... ..,t-. u limit ot life, w nctll
goes n degree further eien tluiu tha. rf )Q ,1 or not- TV limit 'f life
for the hi puerile may deceive buneJt j tbe -lorwl cupsiclty. how
as well as his fellow man ffuiotly to circuit ts apl'Cd to It.
Itut how did the mini, wtjhd ' pjnuitfn doe h & tleti'rtora
vmusiy u toiii"hiiiiiui n.i"". mmii" i fL... f tbe votMianin: ewineui
A destrnhlo hi end knlfo frco tt,t(i
mcry iinnunl Biiliscrlptlon to Th0
Ilend Iltillottn. Sou ndvortlsomont on
ptlRO 1
Whoro do you trade?
Cllncy's Utoccry. Adv .
At Mc-
A desirable bread knife frco with
overy auniinl subscrlntfon m ti.
co advortlsoment on
Ilend 1 1 ii Met In.
(uigo 10.
A cliwlrable biend knife free with
ivrjr MNimal HiiiMtcrlptlon to The
Uwtd Mh I let I u See advurtlteiiient uu
twin 10.
PiMiiii use.
'ftewlsl to The Ilnllotln)
IINIIHI1II8T. Jim 17 Miss Ma-v
Ulvtrieb, who litis bwn visiting her
parent, lefl 1 ndav for Portland
F II. Ils ton has been pinning lum
ber for H H llavlei flu. past week
Mr. V II Iteed was u Tiiiiialii
viiir Friday.
L. . Hoot wnt o Tilinalo i n
bualaeM Wednesday.
e V HwUher was a Pend visitor
Tmohiim Lewis left Thuradav nlg'it
0. W Hnyder and It II llavlny
W Tmualii visitors one dav last
I'. V. HwUher called at the Snvder
e on buslntNW Tbuniliiv
Mr. and Mrs fliover McAllster nnd
Me and Mr I. II Itoot were gueata
W la f! H. gpaugli home Wtdnesduv
I II limit we-it to Tilinalo
Mr. and Mr. (Irnvor Mc Mister
VMfit t Tiiuuibj one day last week.
A 4wlrahl biead knife free with
rv aunual suImm-UpIIou to The
M llullotlM. See advert I wnient on
lt le.
l.'nocli Cjnm '?M.H (y , KS,,.,N
Was 71 Veins Old.
(Crook County Journal.)
The death of Knoch Cvrus oretir-
rjiil at the Inline of his daughter, Mrs.
Noise near Slaters oarly yesterday
Mr. Cyrus ciinio to Oregon frcm
When the Famous Singer Albanl First
Went to London.
The curious story of Mine. Album's
llrst Loudon engagement Is us follows:
Colonel Mupleson heard of hor singing
at a theater ut Malta, mid. thinking
that she would be successful, he made
her an ofTer thtough mi ngent of a con
tract to sing In Her Majesty's theater.
Sho ngreed to It nnd went to London,
hut on arriving (hero she told Hie cab
man to drive her to the Italian opera
He. Iiisicnd of going to Her Majov
ty's,( took her to Covent Harden, which
was also devoted to Italian opera. She
was shown up lo the manager's olllco
nnd staled that she had come to sign
the contract which Mr. Miiplcsou had
offered her.
Mr. dye, thinking to piny n Joke ou
his rival. Mupleson. made out a cen
tral, t. nnd Albanl signed It. Mr. Oyo
then told her that lie was not Colonel
Mnplcson, hut that ho could do much
better by her. ' He offered to tear up
the commit tf she liked, but told her
that NIIkhoii vvns singing nt Her MnJ.
csty's and would brook no rival.
Albanl decided to let the contract
Kdind nnd thus hecmno cine of the stura
or Covent Garden, eventually marrying
the son of Sir. dye. Westminster tla
powci.i. nrnr.
(peol: to The Iiulletln )
W)WKU. HUTTK Jan li. o V
Pftrtfwtfll, fmiu Hend was out In this
action the Bret or last week. loiMnr
OR, Mraw and tiav
Ulat lla Charlmu fiom Pertl.tmi.
Buatai nmki w,,it i h,.r par
wit. Mr, a-id Mi C M Charlton
Mw Charllou la n Mined nurse in
H of the uoiltl In I'tcIhikI
UovJ Ituwetl spent UhI v,,v. ln
PflMVllW lilt la uh,
Mr and Mis. Claim.-.- firKukoii
fci to Wader K.wtei i,m. h uit, ua-
t COUri tft frittvti U.t work
A. ' W. II vii made a cie to it .ml,
P Wfl-ie..,,ly for mii.Mi whuii!
ke will t In puilitc up I,,. i
A itwrlal UHSHlna or the oilier.'
f4 jWrirt of the pii iiutte,
nrmiiint CN wM held ,t . M
Vlmm M U-4eci4aj afternoon
The Saxoline
(in your flour
in:.i ri.(H'it uti.i, niMi'vw
IIUAft rrlll, KlVi.
I.I.N li SAXITAItY .SACK as u container for all iloui-a
?v ?1L '.-.ID1.1 . ""' ll0,,ra mnlnlnoU In TIIK K.0-
i'';N :.S)X nAUY SU'KS ,,eca,",e ,hu- 8a ' "
a cents lo 10 cents on ovory suck ou buy. No waste.
IIH.I I'l.Olll MILL COMPANY Is behind every snok
or (lour leaving Us mill with Its guarantee. Nothing
sacrlllcod to keep Its products up to tho highest Bland
n'fi'mV1'01'". MI,;U ""H'AXV would make Ilend
the milling center or Central Oregon. Uno Its produets
nnd ) on will help to do this. , '
forrelii01'" Ml1,1' (X,Ml'AXV W I' I'rleo
IIILMl I'MH'H MILL n)MlA.V has tho latest ma
ohlunry lubtalbul In Its mill.
IV.VV .?r.k..?J.,M,r )ou ,,uy from HltNl FLOCK
.Ml LI. (OMI'XM joii help to boost tho Central Qro
Btin runner and build up Its resources.
Bend Flour Mill Co.
iu:.d, OIIKCO.N
under." mid the verv f lUilllir "crltk'
come to mean n person vIhi deceive i
either hlm-elf or other people? Tub
ipiestlon suggests a wuud uov Wttt!
Is a critic
The I J reck verb from which the wot
was derived meant orl.-1ii.nlv iu an ',
al.vzo. separate ur Jmlae ."hi the irltV
came to be one who bud leeu apart
ur Judged worthy to plead a ..iu-e or
present mi tirgumeiit. At one miui t
his evolution the ultlc was a ier"0 ,
who recited the works of the stmi
nut act. The gestures were upflHI
b.v ii mail trained for that purpi. wto
went through a sort of iwntomltne
while the real Interpreter of toe part
gave the melodiously Intoned word-..
The pantomime nrtlst was a "Uypo
crlte" because he played uu under ift
to tho "critic." Later, when the mmvu
lug nnd acting were done by the -mioe
person, he was called the ' byjiwrite '
Vow any one who plays a part n"t bl
own Is nruulclng hypocrisy. St. Looli
Ti.- Mttprt c-oo-wi of a aloe cylln
der ccotatalns a carbou In the
renter, the laterveahu J.sne 8l'ed in
i'b a MHir cocupouuJ of oue jmrt
tluc oiWe. or.- rt fl anitn-liliii. ,
three part p.ter of parts ""' ,(ul
part ater The miantldes are grout- i
r a the eaHrity of the battery Is in-
A cx t drrolt I completed m
cbemkal comWastlon Is starteil. mid
U rnrrest 8or from tbe Intern il
. - h. riM f. tlia .itImiii thin
He was an aiior-wbodklt " ' ,. u, ... .h- senlisino
and retarno to toe tine. The extern. il
teraUatJs ef tbv lattery are tho re
vere of tbe Internal
Koea the battery U exhausted it can
te recbafTitl by sending current luto
It froa a ch Hrcuit lattery, such as
altric of -ulphorlc and cell Pour
bb: iraier taruust a small ho'e at the
tnp of tbe idttery ' su a 1,1 to the re- i
tnrti of It- life bul neither this nor
tie fner rl I rest.te tbe battery lo
its e2Sl(K-y New York
We will probably make
in about TWO
WEEKS. Please
let us know at
once what you
will have to ship
in a mixed car.
We Buy Everything.
(Farmers' Warehouse)
Redmond Warehouse
Anil Invest Igato our prices
bcfoio hiijltig jour groceries.
Wo can mivo j on money.
P. B. Johnson's
Mllllrmi, Oic. Telephone
Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is.
All who have used our product ere satisfied.
The Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
wine ouyers!
Last year Mr. Law-son imported into the county choice
hogsof a number of breeds, the best that could be
bought , the United States. The progeny of these im-
TS V rey fr S6rvice- The gilts ad boars
ange from ten months to a vear nlr! l' k....: .u
desire to give the small ranch
out his scrubs and
U-vc It- ... IVT.. I
llurja 1L wets ivir. iawson s
owner a chance to weed
bred stock.
get pure
The gilts and boars will 1. cnlri ..
that the county bas pXd! "' "''
PRICES: Gilt or boar $20.00
1 w gilts and oneBoar $5000
L- UEKI)- MKer, Prineville. Ore.
... mc ;, rt,,u :; t,a: , ::, r?k!: Da
K that
nly '- buy at a 10 per cent discount.
Crook County