.jiia&as- THE BEND BULLETIN. Vol. XIII. IlEXD, OHEKOX, WEDNESDAY AITEHNOOX. .LNl AltV l, 1 1) I (I. XO. 1(1. -.V lb. til ' WEATHER IKES LURE DELHI WORK PROGRESSES AT BOTH MILLS Voii-Dcllvery (if Mateilal Tumbles Work IIckiiii on IliooltN lliiruor ShcvUn Plant lleaily for Whistle to Mow Logs mo Coming In. Although somewhat iluluycd mul Intorforcd with by tho extremely cold weather and unusual amount u( snow for tho imst two weeks, operations at tho Hrooka-Scnnhm and Shevllu- llixuii saw mills lmvo proceeded, us lnigo cruwa an possible be I nt; worked on the variouB features of construc tion yot romniiilng to bo completed. At both pinna a fuw moil lmvo boon laid off, as much on account of iion-urrlvul of material as anything olso. Ah soon us tho weather gets back to 'normal again thoy will bu put back at work. Tho dolay, how ever, will make necessary luitting off for a fow weeks the opening of tho two mills beyond tho dates formerly .not. Tho present expectation la that tho Shovlln mill will begin to saw jibout March 1 and tho Ilrooks mill u few weeks later. In splto of tho miow work has been continued on tho siding at tho Ilrooks jilant, and tho dry shed which Is fin ished, has been painted. Tho com pany olllco, toward tho river from tho dry shed, in Hearing completion. .According to present plans It will bu ready for occupancy In about two weeks. It Is a framo building con t Inlng a. largo brick vault. Ueorgo Ingemann has had thee ontrnct for tho building. ' Tho dry klliiB, four in number, will bo situated toward tho mill from the olllco. Carl A. il.ohman, who built tho Shovlln-Hlxon kilns, has tho con tract for theso and will begin work 4i8 soon as tho wenthcrjiornilts. Drlck work on tho burner anil power house jilso waits warmer weather. A small brick oil house was built last week. Other construction now going on Includes tho building of a rfluad house for tho logging engino and tho erection of tho burner. This last Is being dono by Win. Ilros. Boiler & Manufacturing Co., of Minneapolis, which erected tho Shovlln burner and fiinoko stacks. II. A. Nelson has tho contract for tho brick work. Work on tho planer Is suspended waiting tho arrival of Joists. Machinery Is coming In, ono car load of structural. Iron having ar rived yesterday along with two car loads of saw mill machinery. Tho logging road 1 nil graded and ties laid. Bteol Is laid for four miles out. No logs havo been hauled In yet but crows aro at work falling and bucking logs. At the Slievlln Plant. On tho opposito sldo of tho river tho Shovlln mill is all ready for tho whlstlo to blow, according to J. P. Dion of Won & Horskotte, who Is building tho plant, whllo work lit tho I-. COM), Pros. r. K. HUNTER, VIce-Pres TUOS. COIin, Cashier THE CENTRAL OREGON BANK Capital $25,000, Fully Paid sc NOW OPEN -. ri' ,F0R ,t 7: 'n jr.i f --- - i 9C DIRECTORS Tnos. coun w. l. conn Tnos. V. -. O'DONNELL power house Is dono except for put ting In a few valves. Tho drdyd kilns nre also practically completed. Non-dellvory of matcrlnl Is caus ing delays here as on tho Ilrooks plant, work on the dry bIioiI roof, which Ir two thirds completed now bolng stopped walling for ratters to como In. Tho stneker Is also waiting for posts. The unstneker is finished. In tho Bash and door factory tho machinery Is being put In plnco. The water tower, holding 40,000 gallons, Is finished except for putting tho covor on. Tho first logs woro dumped Into the rlvor recently and .11 train loads havo now been brought In. For the time bolng this work Is being delayed because of tho Ico In tho log pond. To provide for Its employees the company has just built a boarding houso on thu river bank abovo tho railroad brldgo. This will ho run by tho W. F. Itogors Company, Frank Jennings being In charge. This com puny also runs tho woods camps. CHAS. A. ERSKINE APPOINTED Local Attorney Succeeds tl. II. Do Ai'inoml Who Itcslgiicd Itcceully Pledges Host Endeavor to Sene Commercial Club Well. Charles W, Erskltio was elected manager of tho Commercial Club by tho directors nt a meeting hold on Friday afternoon. Tho election was announced to tho club ut Its Itiuche.iu on Saturday. Ho succeeds II. II. Do Armond, who resigned rccontly in order to dovoto moro Mine- to pergonal affairs. Mr. Krsklne Is nn Mton.oy by pro fcsslon hblug ti grndunto of tho Wtl- lnmctto University haw School. Ho attended Willamette University and tho Unlovreily of Oregon, playing on tno foot hall tenm nt both Institu tions. In December ho captained n local team In two games with Prlno- vlllo. On coming to llond about three vonrs neo Mr. FrHklua wns associated with V. A. Forbes In ills law olllco and later managed tho llond Inaur nuco agency. Ho was calendar clerk of tho last hntiBO of representatives and haB rccontly been appointed as slctnnt district nttornoy by District Attorney Wlrtz. Following tho announcement on Saturday Mr. Ersklno expressed his thanks for tho honor and pledged his. best endeavor to servo tho club wolf ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY City Miii-kImI S. E. Itoberls ScoUn Nomination for Sheriff. S. E. Koltorts-has announced his candidacy for tho Republican iiomln ntlon for sheriff of Crook county at tho primaries to lo held In May, bo lng the second 'Hand man to como o t for county olllco. So far as Is known no other candidates havo yot niado theiusolves known. Mr. Unbent Is nt present cltf marshal of Hend, n position ho has held for live years. Ileforo coming to llond ho was city marshal of l'rnlrlo City for two years. Ho Is a native Oregonlan, having boon born In Was' co county, and haB lived In llond for six soars. r r j r. -".n ' - - conn d. e. hunter ROSS FARNHAM G snoi is ypi C. O. I. CO. GETS WRIT OF PROHIBITION Witter tVern' Complaint Xot Heard by I'tlllty Commission on Monday Supiemo Ciitnt to Decide Whetli it Company Comes under l.mv (Spcclnl to The Dullctln.) SALEM, Jan. 17. Tho C. O. I. Wutor Users' Association will lmvo no opportunity to air their nlloged griev ances beforo tho State Public Util ities Commission unless the Supremo Court specifically rules that Caroy Act projects properly como uudor tho Jurisdiction of tho Commission. Last Saturday tho Central Oregon Irrigation Company filed with tho Supremo Court an application for a writ of prohibition, stopping tho tho Public Sorvico Ccmmlsslon from tho hearing which was to havo been hold In lleud today, nnd reiittestlng a permanent Injunction. Acting upon this application tho court temporari ly has restrained tho Commission from proceeding with tho case, pend ing a hearing which will bo hold be foro It on Fobruury third. Tho C. O. I. Company bases Its application for n permanent Injunc tion on tho allegation that the Com mission has no Jurisdiction In tho case, hocattso a Caroy Act company Is acting as nn agent of tho state. At torney Uauoral Hrown will appear for tho Commission and will attempt to show cause why tho Injunction should not become permanent. It Is clenr, apparontly, thnt Irriga tion corporations other thnn those oporatlng under tho Caroy Act would undoubtedly bo under the jurisdiction of tho Commission. Under tho Car oy Act, however, with Its contracts Irvolvlng co-oporr.tlon of State nnd company, thoso well Informed horo bolievo sorloiis doubts exist as to tho Commission's powers. GOVEHXOU (HIAXTS ItKQL'ISITlOX -SALEM, Jan. IS. J. V. lllnnchard of Prlnovlllo, and Theodora Auno, of llehd, woro granted n rcnusltlon to day by Gov. Wlthycombo upon tho Governor of Tonnesee, limiting them tho stnto's agents for tho return of John Stolnor nnd Frank Taylor. Uoth nro wanted In Crook county. Thoy are charged with having passed checks Inlloud. REGARDS tV CXFAVOKAIILY, (Oregon Journal.) WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. Sonntor Lnno has been advUed by tho post olllco department that It doo3 not re gard favorably tho petition presented by tho senator for Increase of mall sorvico from two to three Mmos n weok betwoon Prlnovlllo nnd FIfo, 70 miles, as tho cost Is now $4800 a year, nnd It is msuinod thnt another dellvory would add $2400 to tho cost. Tho department prombica an Investi gation, howover, by a local Inspec tor. &2!:ig232 i UU riaac OUI We carry a complete line of goods FOR THE HUNTER Lool over, our stock of Rifles, Shotguns and Ammunition ijij::::: iiiiniUiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiinii :;$:j If Bend Hardware Co. Tho Company thnt put tho "Wunr" in Hordworo IF YOU DID NOT GET A CATALOG CALL FOR ONE TO coi to terms UTILITIES ENGINEER IS SUCCESSFUL!. liepiceiitiithc of Public Sonlro (.'oniinlsKou Persuades Pioneer and Deschutes M u t u n 1 Telephone Computes to Agico on Serie. Plondl'tg, cajoling, arguing but n'ovor threatening, K. T. HiishoIIp. an engineer from the Stnto Public Ser vice Commission, meeting with rep resentatives of thu Pioneer and the Mutual telophono companies on Mon day night accomplished a great deal toward settling differences between tho two rompnulcs In tho matter of bettor and cheaper toll service bo twecu Redmond and Ilend. As proposed by Mr. Hustiollo the arrangement to be mndo calls for tho construction by tho Pioneer company of a metallls circuit fiom llond to Tumalo and by tho Dosclnitos Mutual of a similar lino to Tumalo from Redmond. Tho lines, meeting at Tumalo, will be Independent of tho oxchangt) there, providing through service betweon Ilend and Redmond. For this n charge will bo tnado sub scrlbors on each lino of 10 cents, which will bo divided equally bo twecn. the two companies. A higher charge will bo mndo to non-subscrlb-era. 1'iiHcuve Tangle. Moro thnn onco In tho courso of tho evening It seamed as though Mr. HusBello was working In n hopeless causo and that It would ho necessary to havo a formal complaint to tho commission filed nnd tho enso fought through. Ho never gavo up, howovor, nnd when tho meeting adjourned, nn hour after midnight, tho tentative agreement had been reached to bo put up to tho govcnrlng bodies of tho 'Wo companies for ratification. Inasmuch ns prominent olllclnls' or both companies woro present Monday night nnd gnvo tholr own assent to tho proposition, It Is oxpected thnt no dlmculty will he experienced In get ting tho npproval of tho othera. Mr. llussolle enme In to mnko a preliminary study of tho situation for tho commission, following the request of tho committee of tho commercial club appointed last month. At that time representatives of tho Deschutes Mutual were seoklng for nn entry In to llond with tho Idon of putting In n Bcconil exohnugo hero. Objoctlon to this was mndo nt tho club lun cheon when It was first proposed and tho commltteo wno appointed to Bee If somo other arrangements could not bo worked out. Asldo from members of Mice om- mltteo.nnd n number of rltUons thoro were present on Monday night W. V , King and J. F. Popo, roproaontlng the Pioneer Company nnd J. J. El- I -&2a!fcg!25 Of s (3 ft ClS3 ft c ft yy ft ift kSJ iji 'Jin"' lm ft k linger. C II. Miller and 11. J. Har ris, representing the Deschutes .Mu tual. County Judge Springer nlso at tended the meeting nnd J. A. Itlggtt, .vlleu Wlllcoxon, (1. I.. Hrnzce and .1. h. (Jlhson of Powell Ilutte. -- - ECLIPSE TONIGHT. Therow 111 bu a partial eclipse - of tho moon tonight visible In Ilend. The moon will enter the penumbra about 10 o'clock and tho shadow about 11:50. At 12:35 the middle of the eclipso will be on. Tho eclipse will be over about 3:10. Tho next eclipse will bo one of the sun on February ,1. --- - - BIG INCREASE IN SCHOOL ENROLLMENT IS EXPECTEO X'cvr Semester Opens Monday Two JIiiic Tenrheis Added Registra tion May Reach JIBO Pupils Soon Preparations nro being made to nc- commodato about iiO boglnncrs in tho llond public schools next Monday hen tho second semester of tho school term opens. A aurvoy of tho recent census of school district No. 12 rovenls that Micro are. approxi mately no children eligible to cuter school. At a mooting of the board of direc tors this week Miss Mildred Mersdort and Miss Grace Vandovert were elect ed grndo teachers, hut the grades tl.oy will teach has not been deter mined. F. S. Francis or Portland, recently elected head of tho commer cial department of tho high school, will arrlvo this week to mnko ar rangements for opening of tho courses noxt Moriday. Superintendent II. L. Hopkins be llovcs thnt tho enrollment In tho Bchools will reach r.50 pupils by March 1. Tho congested conditions In the, schools has mndo It necessary to lit up ono of tho bungalows near tho high school whoro classes will bu heard. Tho school authorities nro ex pecting a big Influx soon after March 1 and nro beginning to consider ac commodations for this oxpected In crease in tho school population. STRAHORN SURVEY BEGUN Chief Engineer llogun Now In Meld With Largo Parly. t t Actual work on tho aurvoy for tho Strnhorn lino put of llond wns bogun this week wlion Mr, Strnhnrn's chief ouglncor, N. II. Ilogtto, arrived with a crow nnd started Into tho field. There nro 1 1 men in tho party. Thoy nro working south and east of town In tho vicinity of tho McNntight mill. Work will bo carried on ocst to tho Junction 'point In the Mllllcau valley and from there on toward Hums or south toward Lnkovlew, de pending on the depth of tho snow und tho condition of tho weather. Anoth er party Is now working northward In tho vicinity of Pnlsloy, The work of tho Btirvoy Is mndo dllllcult nt tho present time because of tho Inclement weather. It Is un derstood, howovor, that Mr. Ktrahom In anxious to complete tho work as soon as possible In ordor to proceed with the noxt steps In bis plan and lias, theroforo, put tho crew Into tho Held nt this time. C. 8. HUDSON, President E. it i ctv iri i),.ci, i.i i. E.'a. BATHER, Vice Pros. II. . VTv il VWMW0 J.'S Tu TTitrtcf ftlatvrunal Rsittlr AllO H'IIOI 11UlbVAAUA WMH U,,)) n t- at vv ni J V O E Vi U , UCh", UIV.I,VIWli Capital fully paid Surplus Savings Department 4 paid on Savings Deposits- Com pounded. Inutility and July. Call or write lor particulars. THe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND wp WW? t-fp c V 'fZZ' ""ess ZZZf" I !" p "GgyP x? "tf aSa ETO BE BUILT HERE COUNTY COURT WILL DO WORK To Ho Located nt II. W. L. At P. Coi Dam Plans Call for HO Foot Stieet Which City Will Impiovc Piopeity Ow iters Dourle. An ndoattnto steel bridge connect ing tho onst and wast sides of tho . Deschutes at llond and In a sultnblo location, whoro It will corvo a largo portion of tho people, will bo built by thu county ns soon as possible. Promises thnt this will bo done woro ii'ittio by .ludgo .SpiliMir nnd Com missioner Overtttrf on Monday. Tho slto soloctod Is tho present brldgo of tho Ilend Water Light & Powor Co., over Its dam abovo tho power plant. Tills Is now n prlvato brldgo hut has been maintained by tho company for tho benellt of tho peoplo tIiioo Its cousti not ion r.ovorut years ngo. It Is generally agreed that It is usod moro than any other brldgo In town nnd the recent pint Mug of a largo ncrcngo on Its west ond ob well as tho development of Mio wholo wost side section will greatly Incrcnso tho uso In tho near future Plans under consideration by Mm powor company look to Increasing tho height of the dam to glvo a greater bend for powor production. Tho new bridge will bo over tho dnm nnd n fow feet higher thnn tho pres ent brldgo. A pormnnont ensoment for the Btructuro will bu given by tho company. Ulght of way for tho brldgo ap proach on tho east sldo will also ho given by tho power compnny and oth er land nocosBiiry for Mid connection with Wall stroot hns boon promised. Of this tho largest pnrcel will bo do nated by tho now owners of tho Pilot Ilutto hotol property for tho pur pose of squaring up tholr lot and giv ing a utreet dlroct to tho, rlyor. As plaunud the street to the brldgo will bo 80 feet In width conforming to Greenwood nveinie, of which It will ,bo practically nn extension, and to rtfmbnrk avonuo. Tho city will Improvo tho stroot on tho east sldo making tho maximum grado not over Ave per cent, and tho county will mnko tho necessary approach on tho west sldo. Plans for tho brldgo nnd connect ing street havo boon workod out bv Deputy County Surveyor Itobort II. Could. When In town on Monday .ludgo Springer wont over the ground and gavo his npprov.il to tho proposi tion. HAXSOX-STIIAXD. Edward Hanson, n homesteader of Imperial, and Iloslo Mny Strand worn united In marrlago nt the homo of Itev. II. C. Hartrnnft .Innunry 12, 101(1 at eight thirty p. in. Thoy will lonlde on tho claim of the groom nt Imperial. M LARA. Cnsliler h S5,) n MMM.'VVMI.Iifl Aonf Pnalitnr A. STOVER.AsBt CiiBhler . J Xi) - mw sxnfSNAI "tJ'S - - :'J5,000 J25.000 W IJ xxiJ ij ( &ZA nt2i' i?i' "jCMK i .:$ 4 A ti n 1 d tr JRi n &W&)F&:&:&:F? ci i i kSv