THK UKND nULLKTIN, BUND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1010. TAOK . G. 0. 1. REQUEST RAISES ISSUE COMPANY WOULD SGLL SMALL TRACT 1 tliat theso lands hove not been Bold and ore not Included In any potent Hat or In ony approved list for pot ent: the following order wos entered December 1C, 1914: Ordered, that the Central Ore Bon Irrigation Company shall not moke any stiles of land under the Centrnl Oregon Canal which have not boon patented or Included In lists for pntent horotoforo submitted to nna which In the records of the Board hns ever been nllowed tho C. 0. canal Is that reported by tho writer of -Mo second feet. Granting transmission losses of 40 (present losses 4C) which Is about tho best that can bo expected, this canal might safely sup ply 20,4 00 acres of Innd with 1 8 acre feet per aero, although In 1911 It could scarcely furnish 24,000 acres Applies 1 Deicil I.iiikI Itmilil for Permission ( IH'ipoM) of Tnut in Territory Wlirii' KhIch Hiuo Jlerii Forbidden lly Ifcrnnl. SAI.KM. Jan. C The Central Ore Bon Irrigation Company submitted a contract of sale of additional 80 acre tract under tho Central Orsnon canal for the Dosort I.und Hoiud's approv al. On December 11th, the Hoard's Inspector, John Diibuls, viih Instruct, cd to propare a statomont setting forth thu condition of this cpnal's ability to meet tho requirements of tho lands patented or listed for pat ent thereunder. Tho follow Iiik state ment was submitted to the Hoard on Jnntinry 3 nml copy of the same forwnrded the Irrigation Ompnny with tho ro(uest that they submit any additional dntn they may have show ing tho cannl'H nblllty in servo lands uddltloiml to those nlread patented or listed for patent. No action was taken. Whilo In this rape only KQ ncrrti Is Involved thu principal Is a big onu. as approval In this enso would vir tually mean that tho Hoard rescinds Its previous decision to permit no more sales, other than those patented or listed for patent. 'I Me Ihiliiilu .Statement. Mr. DiiIiuIfT stntuliiunt to tho Hoard was as follows: ''(lentlemen: ' In response to your order of the Iltli Instant, 1 hiiIuiiII the following HtntomeutH regarding tho lands In cluded In application contract No. 104 0 of tho Central Oregon Irriga tion Company, which has been pre xenteil for your approval. "1. The lands Involved In tho ap plication roiitrnct No. 10 IG are SV H NWVi and NHVi HWVi of Seel Ion :i:i, T. IT. H It. ll K., comprising so I res, .'II of which are Irrlguble. The Ho In tho Powell lliitto district anil must bo wnteied by tho Central Oie gon cnnnl. "2 Tho records of the Hoard show approed by this board, nnd that all , f Iftnd w,tl j g ucro fcet ,)er acro ln , said lands heretofore opened for on-1 ,JQ (a.R The 0!mr figure, there-1 try and snlo by this Hoard shall bo ' for0i whcll ,8 ,he t fllV0ra,Iu t0 nml tho same hereby are withdrawn .. rmnnn...B Pnni.ntlnn. shown the I from entry and sale.' "3. Tho records of the Hoard show 3S00 ncre9 that tho Central Orogon canal Is obliged to serve 30,208 irrigable acres Including unsold lands that are natentod or listed for patent, ir existing shortage of from 1100 to Tho time for tho completion of tho contract between the C. O. 1. i Co. and tho Desert hand Hoard ex pired on October 17, 1915, and no tho decision of the Supreme Court In I oxter8l()n hBg jMn Knlntcu ,,y the C. O. 1. Co., vb Whltwl Is accepted , ,,,, ,t tlloreforo appears that there ub deciding tho tiuestlon of tho recla- g no uxltlng nctlVo contract between mntlon of tho 'excess acres and lfU0 ,Jegcrt ,nml noan, nnd any par. tne warning oi mo uoniniisniuner ui .... .. ,,, r,.rinmn,inn 0f theso lands the General I.nnd Olllce regarding the Isstinnce of defoHslble deeds be dis regarded, these excs acres can be subtracted from the 30.208 acres above, leaving tho net amount or 27,803 ncres which must bo served by the said canal, and which are In addition to the lands In the applica tion contract No. 10 IC. This Is upon the assumption that water must eventually bo supplied for theso ox ccss ucres, but the cnnnl must bo en larged before this Is done. .Mr. Hos coo Ilownid submitted on June r, lOlfi, similar figures, which total 27,301 acres which arc tho samo as In application contract No. 10 10 "C. In vlow of the above It seems thnt to approve such application con tracts as No. 1010 which accom plishes the sale of unsold lands not Included In any patent list or ap proved list for patent, would further Increnso the existing shortage nnd de preciate tho value of tho water rights of tho settlers now on tho project. Respectfully submitted, JOHN DU1IUIS, Inspector." Tho latest fnd In Jowelry Is the T.'rli.mtglitn link. Add a. link of the Hoard's flguron. except that he, ,,,,,,,, ,,,. ,.,, vmi will excludes some 775 acres of Bold land ,, ,,, ,ini,n , a,riinp siivnr i.He. now being served by tho Central Orogon Canal but which are to bo served by tho North Canal when It If Hiilllclently constructed. The dif ference, between the Hoard's figures and those of Mr. Itownrd, when re duced to the samo basis, can readily bo accounted for In tho various ad justments of acreage In lists for pat ent and In the sold lands which hnve occurred since Mr. Howard submit ted his figures this past Juno. "I. Tho largest Intake rnpntitt ed nt 25 ccntB and engraved frco nt Myron II. SymoiiB, tho llond Btrcot Jeweler. Adv. Huy Deschutes Spray Flour, by so doing you boost tho Central Oregon fifrmor. Nono bettor mndo. Adv For sign painting seo Edwards. Adv. Depot Hotel tho homo of tho home steader Adv. 39-lip. The Label Wr!tttt$M$2 P Swastika is a pledge of quality. Look for it on the ends of every package ot smowiiaKe bouns. fit all tfrorer niut tfcnurnl stores PACIFIC COAST IIISCUIT COMPANY, Portland, Oregon "S2 iih . v ':.: J .-'.WW- -'-J.aKc'-v.- -.', & m , . I.v..( xw m rvfw, j m m m ran. tfk M K.. 'JfVrf; ,' V': -SM IMNKLYN PARK, TKOM EAST SIDE OF DESCHUTES Pinelyn Park On the River Front Pleasant Location and Building Restrictions which insure only high class development. For Prices and Terms address Pinelyn Park Co., Box 1 1 5. IT 11 1 lAI llll 1 rtRaftfOW IS THE opportune d time since the advent of ptL it the railroads for you to g3f build a home. Why &717 delay construction until it will cost you 20 per cent more for the same building? The far seeing man is availing himself of the opportunity of securing labor and material very cheap. We have the largest list of Resi dence Property in Bend. Come in and let us quote 3'ou prices, and you will soon decide that you can not afford to pay 'rent any longer. Bend Park Company OREGON STREET IRONING BOARD WITH EVERY G. E. Electric Iron (Guaranteed Forever) IRONS AT ONLY $3.75 r1 ' BEND WATER LIGHT & POWER CO. k; w 'k A 1 C ? sssr I. 1 " V. MHWWiWMkJnl' "r-