'"a,. f . T- TI1K HEND Ill'LLKTIN, IJEXI), 0P.E., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1010. PAGE" 7. 1 t- . Remember, we VICTROLA AND VICTOR RECORDS Wo now hao on display. nil nines iaitlnu f Idlll $13.00 to .SI IX). 00. Wo will sell those on easy tcniis. A stnnlt lmjiiii'iit down mill then 91.00 per' week ijlitil paid foe. ' Wo keep in Moek nil the latest and bust records. Como in and hear them. Wo will he ulad to play any ictottl )on wish. Reed huo The 5teag(L Store BUND LOCAL NEWS ITEMS II, C. Hills attended circuit court on Monday. J, Edwnrd Larson is In Ilurns this week on business. Mrs. A. J. Kroencrt returned Mon day from Portland. J. X. Hunter went to Ijortlnml on liUGlness last week. Mrs. II. P. Monlon 13 vluitlng with relatives In Seattle. Joseph Sullivan left Monday night for Scnttlo on business. Chns. W. Krsklno was called to Tumalo on huslness Saturday. V. V. Harpham inn do a business trip to Prinevlllu on Saturday. E. M. Thompson returned from a weed's huslness trip to Portland. Mrs. J. P. Keyes Is entertaining a few friends at tea this afternoon. Horn, on December 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Carter, a seven pound hoy. A. H. Schroodcr, a well known stockman, Is in town from Sliver Lake'. 1 " CLDflWEATOEI& BE SURE YOU ARE COMFORTABLE these cqld days and nights. Winter will be with us for several weeks. Do your winter buying now. Wool Blankets $4.00 to $1 1.00 per pair Cotton Blankets $1.50 to $3 00 per pair Comforts . ., $1.50 to $3.00 apiece Underwear in all weights, any material, values for winter 50c to $2.50 per garment , Everything in Footwear and Neckwear for winter. R. M. Smith Clothing Company General Merchandise OUR SPECIALTY weekly or monthly payment plan. Our goods are the best and prices lowest possible consistent with first class work manship and material. BEGIN NOW to furnish your home complete. E M. THOMPSON The furniture man If you don't trade with us w.e both lose money. are Agents for Horton OREQON Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Moon return ed from n visit to Missoula, Montana on Thursday. Mr. and Snp. C. S. Hudson return ed Monday morning from a two daya visit In Portland. A. M. Lara rcltjrncd on Thursday morning from a business trip to Port land and Seattle. C. M. McKay wont to Portland on business on Thursday, returning on .Monday morning. V. A. Forbes and II. II. Do Arinond v.ont to Prinevlllu on Monday to at tend circuit court. Rov. 12'. 0. Judd will preach at tlio Grango hall, cast of town, on Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Dr. J. It. Parr loft Friday for oprlngllcld, Oregon, whero ho was called on professional business. Harry K. Ilrooks left last night for Portland and will bo accompanied on his return by Mrs. Ilrooks who has Tlio inercuy dropped to flvo below Monday night, according to tlio ther mometer at the local woathor station. ,M. II. Horton of Ttced & Horton, has Jieon visiting with his parents, nY.'Wid Mrs. M. H. Horton of Ilurns. is furnishing homes on the h County Commissioner Ovarturf rc- lurned from I'riuovlito whero lie had been in attendanco at tlio county court. It. Anderson nnd 0. Uutler arriv ed from Spokane on Saturday to take positions at tlio Hrooks-Scanlon plant Henry WhUsott, who sold his ln t rest In tho Modern Oarage on Mon day, will remain In Hend for the rest of tlio winter. C. A. Xlchols -of Leavenworth, Washington, arrived in Hend this week and expects to open n pool nnd billiard parlor. II. C. Huell, who has been acting no draughtsman nt the Urooko-Scnn-lon plant, left for his homo In Spo knno on Saturday. Frnnk It. Prlnco wbb In Portlnnd over Sunday, returning on Monday morning with Jlrs. Prince's mother who will visit hcto. Phoobo Klnnlson who recently made finnl proof on her homestead near Alfalfo, loft Saturday for Seattle to mako her home. Sleigh ride parties have been a popular diversion during tho last week. Several parties havo been hold by ninny young people. A silver offering social will bo giv en Thursday evening In tho Presby terian church. A progrnm for tho evening has been prepared. Tho roccptlon planned to bo given Thursday by tho Pronbytorlan Guild has been lndellnitely postponed on recount of the cold weather. Harry K. Ilrooks returned Monday from n week end visit to Portlnnd whero ho visited with Mrs. Ilrooks Who is at tho Convalescent hospital. Miss Anna Ilurns of Seattle and Miss, Kato Hurk of O'Hrlon, Wash ington, arrived Monday morning to spend a few weeks with Mrs. James Ilyan. One of tho fiercest snow storms seen In Hend for many years occur red Sunday noon. Although lasting only about half nn hour consldornblo snow fell. M. L. Merrltt has rented hlo now houco In Park addition to Carl A. Johnson, cnshlor of The Shovlln Hlxon Company. Mr. Johnson's fam ily will join him here soon. Owing to a small attendanco, tho election of olllcors for Library Club to havo been held yesterday after noon was postponed until tho next regular meeting In February. It. A. Kelson has received tho con tract to do tho brick work on tlio nrooks-Scnnlon powor houso. Work will begin this week. Two car loads of II ro brick havo arrived today. A party of 25 friends of E. A. Grif fin surprised him nt his homo cast of town Saturday night. Tlio ovonlng was spont In vnrlouo amusements. Tho Hend bowlers, who matlo a cleanup In a recent tournnmont In Uend against tho bowlors of Prlno vllla 'are planniriK.toj participate in n return nintch at I'rlnevlllo soiiiq tlmo this month. A concort. under tho direction of Mrs. Dell Pnrkor, will ho given Fri day evening In tho Dream Theatre. Mrs. Parker has obtained tho assist anco of soma of tho best locnl talent for tho progrnm. F. W. Billllvon, who with Phillip Ilrooks, of Vnncouvor, recently pur chased tho Pilot llutto hotol arrived Monday morning. Ho expects Mr. Ilrooks to Join him hero soon when they will consldor plans for tho hotol. Robort Mooro returned Mondny morning from Minneapolis where ho accompanied Thomas A. McCann, who .'ns called thoro on account of .tlio death of Thomas L. Shovlln. Mr. McCann will return Inter In tho week. On nccount of tho recent snows Mrs. Edward Eggleoton, Mra. Wil liam Hanloy, Claronco Luckey, Ed ward Egloy, MIbi Gladys Holland nnd Dr. J. S. Saurman, all of Burns, were snowbound In Hend for severnl days Irast week. Every Back of flour manufactured by the Hond Flour Mill Company conies from wheat grown In Jefferson nnd Crook counties. Adv. January is Bargain MONTH FOR Photos Cabinet Photos that were $5 to $10 now $3.00 to $6.50 .' P ER 'DOZEN TODD& SYMONS Bond Street A farewell recoptlcn was given to Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Merrltt last I-'rl-i day evening at tlio Methodist church I by the Ladles Aid Socletj. A pro-, gram consisting of recltatlcns, music' nnd.tnlks were given, Refreshments weio served. Methodist Eplscopnl church: Sun day school lo n. in. Pionchlim 11 1 a. m. Epworlh League G.30 p. in,i Preaching 7.30 p. m. Prnver meel-i lug Thuisjlny 7:30 p. m. The pub lic cordially Invited. Franklin W. Keagy, pastor. i Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Stunts return-1 cd from a several week's stay in ' Portlnnd on Sunday." Mr. Stnats re-1 ports that thero is snow l'i Portland I for the llret tltno In several years and ' that weather conditions have been' unpleasant for several wcekB. b Settleis In tho Ornngo hall neigh borhood will meet at tho hall next Wednesday and put tho building In shape for tho rest of the winter. Wood will bo cut, the windows cased mid other needs attended to. All oio Invited to attend to help. The la dlcB will Inlng lunch. On Friday evening, Jnnunry nth, thero will bo a Jitney Fair at the homo of Miss Margaret Thompson. Thero will bo various side bIious be sides refreshment booths where you can easily dispose of your "faro '. A Jolly time Is promised to nil who como. This Is given by the Epworth League Presbyterian church: To the fol lowing services wo extend a cordial wolcomo to any who nro looking for a church homo. Sunday Bchool at 10 a. m. Prenchlng nt 11 n. m. Theme: "Tlio Lovo that Will not Lot Us Go." Preaching nt 7:30. "Tho Civil Trial of Jesus" will bo the themo for tho evening dlscouiBc. II. C. Hartrnnft, pastor. I have designed tho most attrac tive live room modern bungalow, hav ing 13x18 foot living room In fnct overythlng thnt goes to make a de lightful homo. Can bo built for $1500. If Interested nddreon Hutld er, llox 303. Adv. 4c Dr. J. G. Turner of Lowe & 2 Turner, oyo specialists of Port land, will bo In Hend again on Tnursdny and Friday, Jnnunry 117-28, at ThorBon'B. Jewelry storo. Don't fnll to consult Dr. Tumor about you? eyes nnd glnsses. Headaches reliev ed, cross eyes straightened. Satis faction guaranteed. Adv. UYMKAHIL'SI PLANS PROGRESS. Tho bu'ldlng committee, having In charge plans for tho now gymnasium, is to have estimates prepared of tho cost of different types of construc f n for report to tho DUbscrlbers at a later meeting. This Is the chief result of Thursday night's meeting, nt which plnns wero considered. Con- cldorablp tlmo was spent In talking over plnns for n swimming pool. Go to tho Royal Cafo for your dinner. Adv. 44 tf NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Tho stockholders of tho It. M. Smith Clothing Company will hold their annual meeting nt tho o(!lco of tho Company in Uend on Tuesdny, January 18. 43tfc POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. 1 hereby nnnounco mysolf as a can dldnto for tho Republican nomination for District Attorney for Crook coun ty nt tho primaries to bo held May 19, 101,0. 44tfp II. H. DE AUMOKD. Depot Hotel. The homo of tho 44-47p homesteador. SlltS. SlYltTLE J. SCHLAPPI. Will givo Instruction In olocutlon, oratory, physical culture and drntnnt ic art, prlvnto or class lessons. Grad unto of tho Wcstorn Acndemy of Portland and hnB hnd 12 years teach ing experience. Itesldcnco second Plvnl houso north sldo cast end. adv Seo Edwards for good houso paint ing. Adv. VOn YOUR NEXT SUIT See DICK Tfie Tailor All Kinds of CLEANING AND PKESSLVO Phone Iilack 1481 FOR SALE A BRAND NEW FIVE ROOM Cottage Modern hi all of Its depart' mouth Thoroughly furn ishedA lurge Mirtlon of tho furniture lielng leather upholstered. A Npleudhl $130 plouo, Mono basement with cement door. Iargo septic tank, two lino low, SIcLneNM In cause of mile, therefore it can Im bought at n bargain. Itlght In con ter of town. See Jl. P. SIln ler of the lloineeeUers liuiiil Company. JANUARY Clearance SaleJ Jan 13 to 22 1 E have been busy all week tak ing stock and of course have found lfiany broken lines and odd lots after cur big business of the past three months. All these lots will be placed on sale, affording splendid opportunities for the thrifty buyer. Here is a value-giving event that will excell all our former sales in point of value giving- and in the face of a rising market in every line of textile goods. -All the goods are seasonable and worth the full original values but we do not want to carry these lines over, therefore we will give our customers the benefit. An Opportune Time to Stock Up on Bedding Requisites $1.25 lied Spreads ..... .81.03 $1.50 lied Spreads Ni.UI) $2.00 lied Spreads Sl.03 $2.50 lied Spreads su.13 $ 1.1ft Cotton IllankctB, 04x70 good weight, thoy won't hiBt long nt this special price .l)3c $1.00 Hlankcts 54xCS, reduc ed to 83c 75c Depondon Sheets 72xJ0 i educed to Olio Per dozen tjiH.oo Hi Cont Until Towels 18x3C Dler.clicd Hemmed Ends l-je Ccvornll Aprons, n big assort ment nt :H)e, 30c, hoc, 03c, 73c Dig lino of epihroldcrlcs, nil marked at nttractlvo prices. $1.25 Men's and hoy's sweaters reduced for this solo to ,.03c Men's Mncklnnws . .. . .Ud'r nr Ladles wool union Butts, gray or white, weie $1.75, noy $1.13 Ladles $1.00 cotton fleeced union suits, largo sizes on ly, suit Kite Ladles' 75c cotton llecccd un ion suits, largo sizes only suit 33c Ladles 05c cotton llccced un ion suits, large sizes only suit .'. 30c 1,000 yards 1214c Daisy cloth for this sale lo'i Limit of 20 yards to customer STOP AND MAI RIHMffiUMTFTE) L7J"" BROTHERS TO (JIVE JITNEV.PAIK. The Epworth Lcaguo of tho Moth odlst church will glvo n "Jitney Pair" nt tho home of Mrs. E. SI. Thompson, F-ldny evening, Jununry II, begin ning at 8 o'clock. Each attraction will cost n nickel, Everylwdy como. Adv. p- CAHU ()!' THANKS. Wo deslro to extend our heartfelt thanks to tho ninny friends In Hond and Tuninlo, who ho Kindly assisted us during tho sIckhesH and burial of our wlfo, mother nnd sister, Sirs. Evallno Hiinnoll. W. X. HUNNELL AND FAMILY. W. It. HOSE. "That diamond ring." Porhnps tho setting Is getting worn. Wo put on new points and romount dlnmoniis while you wait. Itopalrlug and man ufacturing of Jewelry. Slyrou II. Symons, watch InBpoctor 8. P. &. S., Oregon Trunk division. -Adv. MORSE FFHENDS WW ASdft WITrWTREM0VlrW5H0E. The Skuse Hardware Company iiclusive mKmB 'mMW MM ill! mm 30 In. Whiting outing was 15c now liiii 10c MiiHlIn 7!5 10c Cambric Muslin yd So 12'j Cretonnes for the snlo lor 30 in. all wool Amoskcag Serge reduced to yd .oe 10c Outing llnnuelH, good wt., now HJ4r $1.50 Pleached Puro linen DnmaBk, now, yd $ I. till $1.35 Hlenchcd Pino Linen Damask, now, yd $1.1." $1.25 Hleachcd Puro Linen Damnsk, now, yd J? 1. 03 $1.00 Hlenchcd Puro. Linen Damask, now, yd Hoc AH Ladies' Coats at Half Price Our Spring Hues of wash goods, white goods, glng hums, etc., ovor 11,000 yards In nil, will arrive this week end, SHOP AT HrilOOIj HENEPIT. An ontertaluiiient will bo hold nt tlio Homo Itldgo school houso Fri day evening, January 21st. Follow ing the program there will be n dauca nt the homo of Sir. and Sirs. Jackson Cllngan. Receipts of the evening for refreshments will be iibcd for mcIiooI biippllos. Adv. n IIAI'TIST CIIUHCII CONCHIIT A contort will bo given under-tlio direction of Sirs. Dell Pnrkor assist ed by JIund'H host talent, for tho honellt of tho HnptlHt church on Fri day evening, January 14th, In thu Dream theatre. Admlslou 25 cents. Adv. itiavAiti). Tlireo stn.ys, two red yenrllfltw. one 2 year HolHtelu Bteer, long horns brunded NL cr N2 connected on left Hide. Knngo on tho Tumalo. (I. L. Hrazeo, Powell llutto. 43-ISp Protect your Horses from FALLING while the ground is slippery. A "Never Slip WILL DO IT. f : J) 1' i (I T t i