"( rAGi: o. thi: ih:nd hullm-ix, iii:nd, ohk., vi:dni:sday, jantaiiv 12, idio. i ' i ; 0 THE BEND BULLETIN (Published I'Acry Wednesday) OEOUUB I'ALMKR PUTNAM I'll Ij' IhIict KOHBHT V. BAWYUIl lMltor-Maiiuger. nini) a. woi:lpli:n Associate IMltor. An Independent nnwspnpor stand ing for tliu square dosl, clean busi ness, clean politics find tlio best In .enBts of ItuiiU nnd Central Oroeon. Ic s wo of Oregon ilo our part It can- snow and winter conditions. It not bo built. 1 would ho hospitable to give thorn n Wlmt Orogon needs then for ItH Uno your $1.50 Hlx tllOllthH 80 Tbrco mouths CO All subscription aro duo nnd PAYAHLr3 IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration aro until' d subscribers nnd If renewal Is not ti ado within reason able tlmo tbu iaiur will bu dlscou tlnuud. I'lean'i notify us promptly of any change of address, or of lallnro to re- celvo tlio paper rogjlnrly. Otherwise. ,A ...III ..... I... ............I I.I.. . l.. " win nut uu 1 uniitjiiniiuu iui uujJirB alPBOll. Make all checks nnd ordore pay able to Tlio Hond Bulletin. dovolopmont are nioic settlors and more capital. , To get the settlors we must be nhlo to show that our lands offer bolter kitchen porch. returns than olsewhere. To do this we must foster our Irrigation ss- Speaking of tlio new prohibition terns, our good loads movement, the law (loternor Wlthycombo Bald "Al v.ork of our agricultural collage, and most ! law Is about as effective or I the oYtaniton of railroads. Inelllclont as the neolilo Hvlnc undei To net additional outsldo capital B provisions deslro to boo It. Pub we must do our part to make Its om- uc olllclnle, If they are not backed by plovment safe and secure Htid not at-'nubile opinion, have a sorry time en ti'inpt to confiscate It by oxorbllnnt forcing the law." Which Is very, tuxHtlon nnd hostile legislation. Vory tine. And it is especially nppll- 1 many, we must an pun toioiuer onblo to tlio liquor onactniont. How forgetful of national Jealousies, and t WOrka is vory much to you, Mr. Ij 0110 ami bII, rontiv to lend ft lmnn citizen. v,herotor necessary for It Is not Has-1 . tern Oregon, not the lllemetlei volley, not Portland, lint nil Oregon I wo nro working for .MI'S. WOHXSTAKP PA.SHS AVY Mrs. Elmer Wornstaff, who has hand out" when wo enn, nnd cb-1 beon ill for several months, did Mon- pcclally the joung .folks well niny I day morning at her home east or tnko the trouble to scnttor n lilt of ' Hond, of cancer. The funeral wan crumbs on top of the snow from the held this morning and the Interment was made In the Pilot ilutto cemetery. classikhid ai)Vi:utisi.(;. l'OK ItKXT. WKDNKBDAY, JANt'AHY 12, 101C AML'.N A. L. Mills, president or the first Katlonal Hunk of Portland recently delivered n statement regarding Okh gon dovoloiimont which Is both force ful nnd pruetluil; also, it Is of special Interest to the Irrigated districts, So wo rop lug ov road It carefully nnd let Its truths soak In; and to Mr. .Mill's concilia Ions we offer ii lieiuly "Amen!" ... ', tgmuin Into this mnttor Intolligeiitlv. nini Hid most or It hero, rsk.ff,nK01 1ny ,(p ,,, HK rottB. xiryono In Central Oiegon to .. .wlml ,,,. , , ()f ,,,, First.- Ily oncoiuuglug by over) means within our power the great Irrigation projects tlint are absolute ly norossui) If we aro to mako two hladoH of ginss grow where none grew before, To do this wo must not only help ourselves, "llv tilth our own wings, hut wo must lento no stone unturned to get pioper assistance fiom the Hlnlo and national governments. Irrigation bonds have a had iinuie In llnnnclal circles hardly any inrm or investment Is n worse one -Inn such bonds are not Inherent!) wrong; they have gone had hcenuso the In to rent charges and maturities have ronio before the pioject lias had time to become an established earning i power, ir so hiicIi law Is onnciod fin Is proposed by the Jones bill, It will do much to rehabilitate Irriga tion bonds In the eyes of the Invest ing public. Although the Jones It'll Is a step In the right direction, I do not be lieve It will bo enacted at thin hob rtwi of CongroKH, as It Is not nn nd- tiillilstriitloii measure, mid all tlio strength or the Democratic party will be exerted llrHl to carry through leg islation looking toward preparedness, revenue Milt md a inerrlmiit marine. If these measures iihould become lows, then It Ih possible the Jones bill will have consideration. in me meantime we must ever keep hoforn us the terrltoilal motto nnd depend upon Oregon II) lug with Its own wings. In other words, I menu by this that we must put In motion the ne cessary machinery to have our Htnte mpporl our Irrigation projects. An Initiative measure should bo presented permitting Oregon to bono Itself up In say 1! per cent of Its ns hosboiI valuation, or. In other vvonis to about $ IS, ikiii. (inn. nun p mm iii nn supplemented ny n UKAL ASSETS. Pish nnd game as commercial as sets nnd good sportsmanship as ne gotiable In dollars and cents are not everv-ilav conceptions. Yet they nro well founded In fact. Comment along thlB lino applicable to Oregon Is contained In a recent Issue of the Saturday livening Post, as follows; "Any Just bnlunro sheet of sport ought to take Into consideration the f practical or commercial valuo or tlio game and llsh or the country for food purposes. The statistics compil ed show that one or two states have Oregon's resurrected Sunday clos ing law Ih an absurd Institution. Without doubt thero will ho nn ef fort made to rescind It at the next election, and cortnlnl) such nn effort dorforvos support. PropeV obsorvnnce of tlio Sabbuth Is desirable, but throttling of necessary huslnosc ne tlvltles nnd legitimate amusements Is another tiling. i TOR Illi.NT Furnished room with private family. Inquire Hullotin. 4 .". t f FOR KENT Forty aero ranch one mile and n half out of town. Inquire Itoynl Cafe. 41 tr FOH HENT Furnished room, with or without board. Inquire Hul lotin. H trc FOIl KENT One three room and one four loom house. J. It) an & Co. 37tf (M lllllllY SATHER'S GEN. MDSE. STORE After looking things over In Eur ope, nonry corn deemed to como home and tnko n (ling nt politics. What's the now Hlogan "Out of the White House by Now Years," por-haps? FOIl SALE. s stale amount to, purely from the meat standpoint'' Approximately '), 000 deer were killed In Oregon dur ing the past tear. Tills moat Is worth about 10 rents n pound, whether It Is on the table of the fanner, the mountaineer or the merchant. Theie were approximately one hundred and (irty thousand ducks and about fortv- llvo thousand Chinese pheasants kill ed during (ho past season. From n food standpoint n mallard or n pheas ant Is worth about seventy-cents. A pound or trout or other gnmo llsh is worth twelve rents from the meat standpoint. When we consider the approximate weight of the game fish not Including salmon nnd commer cial llsh--that nro caught bv tlio people of this state each year; and, in addition to the above, when we consider the numbers of grouse, quail geese, shore birds, nnd also the number or fiir-benrJng nnlnmls taken, we shall find that a low esti mate or these resources Is nine hun dred thousand dollars a year In the pockets of our people ' " 'I he other day n baby was left up on the door stop of a gentleman In Portland. A question of relation ship arises: Did the house owner be come the foundling's stop-father? Portland papers report over 30 feet of water over the Coluinbln bur. Wider open than over. Lost; A great ninny of tlio knock- erB ngnlnst county division. As u wr'tor of notes Lansing Beoing to bo tlio peer or llrynn. Just wlmt does Wilson menu by 'btrlci accountability?" i . What Is the mntter with Mr. II. A. Miller, retiring mnyor7 -i "Wnter wator everywhere, but not a drop to drink." ' There Is good reason to believe that the Pulled States ecological Survey will get out thu Hond quad rangle map If It reels there Is enough local Interest to Justify the action, The V. S. 11. S. nlrendy haB most ot (lie preliminary work done, only comparatively Inconsiderable trlan gulntlou remaining. These maps Is sued by the (luveriimout nro uolnbly excellent, and nro of the greatest value In the country they cover. Wo will be doing well Indeed to make It known how greatly wo shall appre ciate It If the Survey will isauo our locul map, ror most certainly thero Is need of It mid It will tlnd n vory considerable deninnd and Mil u very renl need. i Wlioro nro the bar tenders of yes terday? HOMESTEAD ACT PASSES IIOl'SE. (Tlio Oregonlnn.) WASHINGTON', Jan. 10. Tho House public Innds comnilttoo todav fi'vornbly reported the CIO acre stockralslng lionieBtend hill. On mo tion or Jtopresentndvo SlnnoU an ninendnient was ndoptod authorizing the Secretary boiero designating ar eas ror entry In CIO ncro tracts to resort e stock driveways n tiiiar'tor of n 'mile wide ucross those areas In or der that livestock niny ho driven to mid from the glimmer range In for est roborvea, The bill also wnBainondcd to 'per mit tho reservation of wnter holes nun watering places ulong ilrivowuya. FOH SALE rurnlture for three room house. Inquire Ilomoseekers Land Co. 4i"p FOH SALE Good working mare with real. Will weigh 1300 pounds when fnt Oood heavy double har ness. Price reasonable. Inquire The llnllotln. ICtrc FOR SALE Cheap. Sound saddle pony, broke to buggy, nlso saddle, buggy and hnrness. Will sell alto gether or sopnrately. Inquire Bul letin. 4Gp FOR SALE Ford enr In A No. 1 condition cheap. Inquire .Mrs. Icd I Estes, Kenwood. 4 Op I-OH SALE Team, harness and wagon. Inquire Royal Cnfe. 4 Itr FOR SALE Shelving, tables and lighting fixtures that vto are now us ing. Wnrnora. 4 ltr FOR SALE or TRADE Olio 1912 Ford car. See or wrlto P. 11. John- feon, Mllllcnn, Oregon. 4 ltr FOR SALE At Lowls ranch, Jan- uary 14, ono strny )enrllng Bteer, no brand, ror pasture nnd reed hill. 1 143 FOR SALE 'Jersey cow, 3 year old family cow. Inquire I. II. Fox, Raker's grocery. 41tfc , FOH SALE 1C0 aero deeded ranch on Ttimnlo project. Water available In 1910. Team of mares weight 1350 each, harness nnd wag on go with It. Prlcolll&O. Address llox 2, Tuinnlo, Ore. 4 ltr FOH SALE House nnd lot. Price right. Terms reasonable. Inqulro A. E. Edwards, Rend Sign Co. 37tf FOH SALE Saddle and cooking range. Inquire Ilullctln. 4-4Sp COLD WEATHER -We ivre not yet quite in the middle of winlfrwenlh- Kemeinbei' that 101 flnv: Vf't ()ll will still need comfortable wearing apparel mm Deciding- We have an abundant supply ot oo(l woolen blankets, nice soft, downy comforters, good, heavy woolen hos iery, splendid overshoes and winter footwear', nmeki niuvs, flannel shirts, woolen underwear, plenty of wool and leather mittens, sweaters, jackets, overcoats. caps, etc. Supply your needs now; have the satisfaction of beinff comfortable; enjoy this exliileriitiiitf outdoor climate. SMILE. Come to SATIIEH'S often and always. TELL YOUK K1UENDS ABOUT OUR LOW PRICES. DRY GOODS ; CLOTHING GROCERIES , ... . , i "c carry a very extcn- Our Dry Goods Defsl. is Wc car a met slock iVc sloc 0f frei gro. noto nr slocked in all of J. Capp & Sons ccries. We pride our the stvctal lines conned-! ready made, guaratu scloes on our excellent ed Kith this important1 Iced, all Wool clothing , coffee Values. L AN part of our business. I BLUE SERGES TA HON COFFEE:-. $15,518, $20 ii-iDcanzac I O ll 7C? jifi'AMife O-IU IJelll trie 10c!s5,S6.25,57.505-Ib"$1.25 Lancaster Ging hams, per yard.. Amoskeag Out ing, per yard.. .. SV- WANTED. ntock hystein or rural credits, ror the rar mer must hnvu more lime to meet his liiiiebledueim than Is gi anted by the orillimry farm mortgage. I believe this head Issue should be In the hands of a coniuilsslou mid entire!) dltoiced from politics. As n suggestion nierel). It would he well' if say the OrmiHO, the Oregon Detel epment League, and (lie State llirik era" AmsocIkiIoii each nominated three meiuberu for Oils commission, and from these nine no nominated tin Ootornor should choose three1 who should superintend the Irrlga linn and drainage projects. It Is not my thought ror n mo intuit that the Stale would make a donation or $ IS.nod.noo. nr nut pun of It, hut that the bond Itmuim would be similar In character to Portland street Improvement ImhuI. In other words, the Htnte, whti h could borrow mono) as low as I por rut on Iiik trm bond, would be Urwljt tti,uiilUI , 1mii,,. ers rir the Payment of irliiclMl and inierest. hut. In turn, the lands of he dlntrictn would l unilcr n lien n the jut (0r wliMtMoetttr bond bml hewn latid on that psrtlcuUr district, Mnil tho district In tu end would rep) the state It Is iMHuilhU- nnd prounbl that lhe Mat,, would tivir nil extt .tnd llfle mote h cbHrmng Did owners' f Ho luml within tb Ulstrlit s tthiu h.Khar rate tttnu I i.-r cent ' fHd. prr.ctlcsl plan for 'I mim rMtt trscts uf Uud Into .ul ' tiu iitHi ur now LthiK Idle, and u.'uij ad,) luimmtMlv to the weslth t iHipulattoM of our stuto. ' oini w musJ put the mar Xu of ih world within tuy reach r etitrt frtnr To lltat end wo ii mat b baa Ktnid roads) itr thlii io haul bis (irwtluov, and , 111 Ittl Uii. aUOAllMMnu..... , . It .-. m.. H,Hitti,Hvm ii, rail- i nt utvoioimMit. Mr Htruboru bus proiHunxl it ays- i of loo HtlliM oj railroad In Otm 'r. i Or, goo ma), u Uult will work ondr fr th ilHVolhimfnnt of our mule TtU road Iim ton onllwl hy senmor Ulr TImmummiii "The io. Central Oregon is a main road ot travel for birds going north ami South. Just now' lla in,. it, lnr.i r,.. the winged travelers to in-t m mnuir.. . - men! along the route, en arc u it of Silver Creek. .sriivnvnit at ituiiNs. (Ilurns Tlmos-llorald.) Knglueer lloguo connected with the Strithorii railroad projects, wns In Ilurns one night this weok. com lug in fiom Hond nnd leaving tho fol low lw? inoriilug hy horse back to look over the lorrllori between burn nmi WANTED Five or six horses to winter. Alfnlfn hay and good barn. W. M. Knickerbocker, Gist, Ore gon, 4 1-20 p WANTliD CJonn rags ct Tim Ilul- If.ln ofllcc. Goad price paid. tt 8A1.KS5IKX WAXTKD To sell our high grade stock. Kspcclally at tractive commissions on certain lines planted In tour section. Most lib eral offer wo have ever made. Snlcm Nursery Compnny, Snlcm,, Oio. 42-irc WANTKI) Paying good sired drug store In exchange for $420u Portland Income property nnd cash payment to balance. Address XYZ, this paper, 45c WANTKD Ono dozen turkeys nnd ono doen chickens. Cozy restnur- nnt. 4Cc Art Exhibit Zk JSIson art Exhibit dlvcii be tbc public $cbooIs nitO tbc , HJiflb Scbool Of JDcnO dommcrcinl diub iKoomo TOcencoOav!, CbutsOac nnO JTtlBafi 3nnunr) 20, 27, 28 proornm fivctc jSvcnliifj LOST AXII FOUND. STItAVKD- Itoan mare, weight A COMPLETE LINE OF FALL AND WINTER Millinery Going At -2 Price! A i 1200 stifle. or dollvor pounds. Ilrnnd 10 on left Whlto spot In forehead. Kind- Aune'B Darn. W. SI. to unss. itowara JIO. 44-4Bp LOST 18 months Holstoln heif er, slender build, moro whlto than black, with extreme tin nr nn, . clipped. Last seen nt La Plnn ni... Mlko Mayflold ranco mttin ,... hnvo followed rnngo Btork tn nJ .l .1 .. .. - - wiuun- u river, auitnoio covery. Oregon Address llox 41 I-a Pino, 44-4Cc ,,?ST '"tweon WrlKht Hotel ami Hrat .National Hank, ladlcB gold wntch. Kowanl ror return in u,.i 48c letln. TO LEASH Lots. Close In wnlor conneolnrl ti nn .. .. . r re-img. sVe Vm a l "'nl" "Z A sale meant to SAVE YOU MONEY on Hats. The latest models in shapes. Keen, nobby patterns. Fashionable m u d j 1 ' als' M s- The Stock SimPJy Must be Reduced to accommodate the spring shipment his is one opportunity for you to SAVE MONEY. Th Vini CK ci. i. , IS. If auwnnina.nl.. I.., I -i. ,.,. " '" """"," "u,c ccS,na iomorroii', ion. . II .. ... IF LATE WINTER HATS -nobby styles that Wete $7.00, now ';Lr.r:aff509t reductions A Large Assortment of 4'eally t'lmmeJ up-to-the-minute patterns yy ..iff una give setVm. $3.50 $2.30 FINE VALUES in plain and Neatly Trimmed Hats that tocre CSj.00, now ',. Frond, mn ,,t ,o ttlll clothe yo 'H'lter anil do t nMiPB clira , ",,s,,rc,, ' l .lone. You, , can hint. ,lcr ,,,, )f O'l'dlty ttlll las thereThe. e , , IK''l....l.M,fIIIly,IotllMor f "u hate no, made nil ,o,. ttlnter p,,,mKC!S , Kierjr ttwk vto have HO.MI7rill. N,:W cOMlvn In; Munethlng iho hk. , .... . . . TOM,- r........ ....... "" ", Mor" "1 Ihe city hIiovvIiik their customers this $2.00 THESE PRICES Will SAVE YOU MONEY Big Discount on HAIR GOODS. JJv,., 0FF on all First and Second Grade Natural Hair Goods. " H,k" " ' I I You may buy your j VELl'ETSHAPES i noii and lay them away Big Sacrifice In this line. THESE PRICES Will SAVE YOU MONEY centers aio Inijin,. m, MMMIll, aim: yoi- piti:p.ui:D to r.cr tup ,. The nooi.viiu, nniiiin, ,, " '" fout M""r- "-r.T -::c rail the best line. In M,... ,"0, Itntlentear. lleaitt w.... ........ """" " SIiIin, .-iiiiriK, ,,i "ri,, 1 me rm-s. '-WW!' Shoo, lt,U. Mrs. S. Mcintosh ' Vs A. L. FRENCH MEN'S FURNISHINGS ? plea Umi" ami u tft u fur uu-1 n- V , . v ..