The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 12, 1916, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    l'AHB .
Tin: ni:N ih'MiEtix, nnxn, our., wednksday, January 12, mm.
, -- - - -------'
(Special to The Ilulletln.)
TIJMAI.O, .Inn 10. Tlin homo tnl-
tnt piny "ItitriKlIi.s Tony" given
lure Snluiiliiy night proved n hut-
ctm. Tho iirirts wore verj well tak
en. In Riilto of the stormy weather
n good wired crowd tmnud out. Tlio
nuin of $3.1.70 wng taken In from the
May and tlio oys ir supper served
Immediately aftorwnrd hy the church
A IiIk lmprovcirtnt In Heon In the
It i' an morn of tli celling In put on.
Nell H.-iv, Tod tli-ck-r. II. C. Cnclv,
.TrB Hnrtnr, Hay lliuwn, Goo. Saml-il,
Alliort Harper and Mr. Mock all
1 "Ined with (ho work hint week
Mr. and Mrn. .1. K. WIlllnniNon,
ho formerly owmmI fc ranch here on
tlm Tutnalo project, Imvo ai rived at
llielr now honi In l.ion. Iowa, nfter
hpendtiiK two iiioiiMib vlnltliiK ruln
tiiiB in MontniiH ii'iii Noitli iJnhotn
They write thai Tutnnlo Isn't hucIi a
Lr 'I plana aflor all
The Concho, HowoIIh and Noll
Hav havo lie-n makltif! good use of
I'elr hob hIimIk tin- pant week. The
Hindu hiH'H lit'iMi hi bettor condlHin
foi RlnlKliliiK thin vlntor than for
(uvernl yeniH P'nt,
A iiuinher of tho ouiiKcr set Blith
ered at the Mock homo Tuemluy ovon
InC and Hpent Win time In ilniiclm;
n I playing enrdii. Tho MIhhoh I.u
tile, Netn and Nll Howell. Hugh
Dnnford, Hairy Mrdnlro and Charles
1 lew oil wore among Iho party.
Nearly nil I lie mill havo lieen lniy
imttliiK up ho the pant week. Klgh
ten toon wore cut Trom tho town
pond on Monday
Mr and Mrn John Coon have liotli
lieen Rulferlug from n wivorn eano rt
grippe, It wan feared for Nevnrnl
il'iyn thai Mrn Coon had contracted
Koy ItogetH spent Hiiudny vlslllug
lit the CnpiiH, as did Iro Mrs. Ilalihlt
mul dniigliler and Nell, Hay.
Mr and Mm. l-'retl N Wullnco ro
turned on Wodnoml'iy from I'nrtlnnd
Mr. and Mrn. .John Ktllen, Mrn.
Illlike Meeker. (I. V. Horner and
Judge Thorpe were liilHlneH vIsltorK
at llend I'rldny.
Mrs. C I'. Hooker returned from
l'rlnevlllo tho pant week.
Don't foigul Iho W. H. I,. Cluli
lueetlng next l-'rlilnv afleriioon for
the purpoHe of electing olllcera.
(Rpeclnl to The Ilulletln.)
CI.OVUItOAI.IO, .Inn. in. Ileiililn
Null and lirlde vlHltod Iho llrnt of
tho week at the home of IiIh hIhIit,
Mrn. Clyde JoIiiikoii, ami apent the
week end in HIhIith vlHltlng tho Tay
lors nnd oilier r"lallviH.
MIhh Violet McKluuey went to
lleduiouit Sattirdry. returning Sun
day J. 1'. Iluckelt In homo from n
pleasure trip to the Hound and mndo
u liUKlucHH trip to rrlncvlllo Huiiimy.
Heverai of the sen people gnth
eied at the home of Opal Kelly on
WcilixKd.iv evening for merry nmk
ny nnd all leport a iilensnnt time.
large ciowd of tho joiinger set
were rousting Hiindnv. The kIoIkIi
lug lh eood through thin seetloti.
Dr HoHcli v:ih out from Heilmouil
li ree Mr. (Vi-im I'rlday night.
J. O McKlnnev Iuih moved hta
family lurk to SIslerH.
Mm Willis Van Mitre hns hou
iillle III the past wok.
Mrn John MeKluuey Is on the
Kirk list.
A delialo on piepnreiluesH will on
flu n next I'rldny iiIkIu at Council
I'M i IIiik
Mewrs WnlMt. duller. Johimon nnd
mis nllHiuli'd tlm juarly IiiimIiimm
HKitlnt; of t It Hiiihw Creak Irriga
tion Co. at I'rliiKvllle last Hntiirtlnv
lllfrnn I In Ite ormmlied In
I'l.ilnv low next H.itlinlny iiIkIiI.
Thurmlnv will he tlm dnv of grade
ev.imlUHilo'iit Dale ('iitllp will go
to Sinter for Iho Sth grade iiuestlona
under I'mf. llnydtm.
very had condition, and travel
practically at a stand still.
Mr. and Mrn. George Mllllcan en
tortalned n few friends Informally
Thursday ovcnlng.
Mrs. A. (J. Allen spent Saturday
In llend, the guest of Mro. II. II. Do
I.. II. Schniorl and family moved
onto their homestead last weok from
tho Kogg ranch.
Joseph Mosher visited Mllllcan
friends Sunday night enrouto to his
fiilm In tho Hemstad valley.
.Mr. and Mrs. A. I.. Henklu woro'
visitors nt tho Norton homo Tuesday. I
Vernon Clovenger made a trip toi
llo'id Mondav for I. II. Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilniold 10. Smith of
PI ih; Mountain ranger station and
Chester A Smith, of Itlvors, were
dinner guoslM of Mrs. A. G. Allen on
Mondn) evening.
Ilnrcl Norton was confined to her
homo several days first of tho week
with a suvero attack of the grippe.
A homo talent plan lt one of the
attractions of tho entertainment
which will ho given nt the Horse
Illdgo school I'rldny ovonlng, Janu
ary 21. After tho school social, Mr.
arid Mrs. Jackson Cllngau will give
a dance at their home a' quarter mllo
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Itenm will give
another dance In tho McAdnw house
Saturday night. January lGth.
II. !'. Dyer spent sovornl days of
Inst week nt tho homo of his son
Dcnzll Dyer In east Mllllcan.
J. I.. Cllngnn nnd Alfred O. Al
len went to Mend Snturday to act as
witnesses for John llucholtz who
mado proof on his homestoad.
I.. Goodman was a visitor nt tho
Hurwltz homo Thursday.
Miss lOninm Itoherts spent the
week end nt the homo of her parents
near llend.
.mihs upni uonowny returned on
Tuesday from llend wherb sho had
visited her paronts, .Mr. and Mrs.
Ilnrney Conowny and hrothor, Oscar.
Mrs. Ada II. Mllllcan, who has
spent tho past two months In Cali
fornia where she attended tho two
expositions, returned to hnr homo tho
llrst of last week. Mrs. Mllllcan also
attended tho Irrigation Congress held
nt Portland December 28th to :11st.
(!. I'nrst of llend was n Mlllleun
huslnesn visitor Wednesday And
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Markey wore
visitors at tlw Johnson homo Tues
day. II. K. Smith and wife were visitors
nt the homo or .Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
r'j. Interment was mndo In tho Dry
I.ako cemetery Mrs. Kmnin Cordelia
Streetor was horn In Crown Point,
Indiana, December 1.1, 1861, ana
died near Hampton, Crook county.
Oregon, January 1st, 191G, aged Go
yearB 18 days. Sho loaves hor fath
er, two daughters, Misses Mabel and
Ktnol of Hampton, Oregon, nnd two
soni, Edward Zlesoness, of Atha
hnska, Canada nnd Murry leseness,
of Chicago, Illinois, nnd many warm
friends and nolghhors.
Ilurr Illack nnd J. I.. Owen spent
Wednesday ovcnlng at C. II. Har
mons. Miss Dnrlo Hurton visited Thurs
day at J. O. Whlttakors.
Mr nnd Mrs. !'. M. Peck nnd sons
Albion and llyron spent Thursday
with. Mr. nnd Mrs. WhlttaKor.
Mr nnd Mrs. 0. II. Harmon and
Miss Darlo Hurton took dinner with
Mrs. i. Illnck Friday.
Tho Hampton Vnlloy Utorary So
ciety met at tho homo of K. M, Peck
Now Year's Kve, It being tho first
nnnlvcrsnry of the Bocloty tho hou3o
was decorated with fonm and green
houghs. Aftor a short program those
present woro Invited to tho Hassctt
house whore n feast of oysters nnd
other good things to cat had heen
prepared. After supper the guests
wcro tnken back to the Peck homo
nnd enjoyed several games. At tho
first stroko of 12 o'clock Father Tlmo
mndo his nppenrancc to hid us good
hyo. At tho last stroko llttlo llyron
Peck dressed ns tho Now Venr ap
peared and hid us n Happy Now
Yenr. Kvoryono wont homo happy
nnd wishing everybody n Happy Now
Jntncn Hrlckcy had tho mlsfortuno
to hrenk his enr on his way homo
from llend Snturday,
Coioner Polndnxtor nnd Dr. Kd
wnrds of Prlnevillo spent Sunday
night with C. II. Hnrmon.
.Miss Florence Hunting spent Sev
ern! days with MIsh Darlo Hurton
tho first of this week.
.Mrs. Pursloy culled on Sirs. Crow
AMn Hunting went nut to llend
on his hlcyclo Tucsdny.
Miss Hurton visited with Miss Lorn
Crow Tuosdny.
Tho new barn at tho hall Is done
so nil horses wore under shelter.
There will be another dance at the
hall January 21,
.Mrs. A. H. Davis has Joined her
husband In Hend for a few weeks.
Clydo Ilalaloy nnd family have re
turned home for the winter.
Mr. Hnmlln has gono to Bend for
a load of supplies.
Somo of our neighbors are busy
these days poisoning rabbits.
(Hiwclnl to Tho Hulluttn)
lii'i HrlrkM) hiiUhmI to IImiiiI last
idiie(Uy, leturuliiK HHturday.
Mr HhWimiii leuUlered nt the
IlKukliiKH HuIhI lat WMdiiivulay
Mr lniilng NM4d tlinumb here
edntd,iy on hU way from Hnd to
Hlierrll VsIIhv
Mr Mild MrH J. M. Hiowu nnd
rhlldren aid Mr and Mm. Andrew
Mi'ke all) Now Year's dlnnor with
Mr and Mrs. J. M llrlrkoy.
CIihb J it 1 1 1 oh returned to the Gap
nmh a(tr upHiidlHg tlm luilliUys
Villi bU family
Miw Mart HtBiiltDr and Paul
lUookliiKH iHlurnwl to llend Hominy
, fttr Hteiilliift vanttluit with tholr
I M llrlckey l having i Ihh of
MrH Wuiim l.tlHrliM of tatnilfter
t tine up Haliirday and took n truck
u' t" lliiil, bttlDK on her way u
ll I Kill
I'lxle Nlrolimu l IihuIImk wood
for the district Mihool lhl wtHk.
(' .1 MiHiiffur toil llMldwIu Kit.
I i'ni CMllatm at thu Itoiun of N
Hiowu Kinida) -
tiiiiiilxtr or mlililMrM Hntlierod at
tit lienm of Will Ilolvt to WHtrh the
. ' din Md to wwloumo tlm now
' HtifrHahumulM were wrttul nt
' might. UxHrvoim had a nom time
mi in tlm mtrly hour every one
v !iicj H huiipy nnd pronprtnu
x r aMd ixturiifd to tlmlr rtwivne-
(e Iiouim
Mr lluntlnu wan a liunliimM xUltor
hi re Ut Titmklny
I'HHrt StauRor IUim1 with Hon
V.cVi mnerat dava lait wek.
Mr and Mr Oacur llulanln hno
it id to Unit Crok wlmr Mr. Ilut-
.it will touch Mihoool.
fSpoclnl to Tho Hullotln)
HAMPTON. Jan. fi. TIiIh com
miinlty was greatly shocked Satur-
day evening when word was receiv
ed that Mrs, Streetor hnd been found
dead In bed hy Miss Mabel Streetor
nnd A. Ames. Mlsn Kthel Streotor,
whom Mrs. Streetor had been staying
with, hnd left her mother Frldnv
evening apparently ns well ns usual.
Mrs. Streetor hnd boon In poor health
for somo time. It Is supposed that
Mrs. Slreeler mndo up hor mind to
end her suffering after hor daughter
left ns n strychnine hottlo was found
on a chair by Jier bed. Coroner
i olndexler wns notified nt nnrn nnd
came, bringing Dr, IMwnrds of Prlno
vlllo with him.
At Iho lniuont which was held on
Sunday evening vnvornl witnesses
were exnmlned nnd tho Jury brought
In n verdict of sulnldo. Tho Jury
consisted of J. P. Wlhiuet, O. I.ogan.
II. Wltmlow. IC. M. Peck. II. Purslov
Mild Mr. Lamb. Tho svmpnthy or the
neighborhood Is extended to the
MIsmoh Streetor In their sad bereave
ment Hon Iron were held Monday
at the home by lteverend C A. Ilur-.
i.ost cih:i:k.
(Spcclnl to Tho Hullotln)'
LOST CKKICK, Jan 4. The holi
days passed very quietly In our val
ley. Our rchool began .Monday with
Osl'21 Hutzolii c Hampton ns In
ch i "tor.
.Mrs. I.niprnne proved up on hor
homestead b o f o r o Commissioner
Stnuffer last week.
Mrs. W. I.csporanco who 1ms been
tlnylng with her mother during the
prst year, 'lib returned to hor homo
n i hlcngo.
M'tn M-iry Ptnuffor has returned
to nor schcio! duties at llend nftor
spending the holidays nt her homo
Goorgo Mehror drovo over to tho
Darrnh homo In Surprise vnlloy Inst
A number or friends surprised' Mrs.
C, C. Washburn Inst Rnturdny nnd
helped her celohrnto tho beginning
of n now year.
Oscnr Snnvoloy has tnken up his
residence on his claim nftor nn ab
sence ol scleral mouths.
Mr. nnd Mrs. lluUeln nro residing
In Miss II rook lug's cabin.
Mr. nnd Mrs. II, F. Ithodcs woro
tho guests or Mr. nnd Mrs, C. O
Ashhy Inst Monday.
C. H. Davis hns gono over to Sil
ver Creek lor tho winter.
(Spcclnl to Tho Hullotln)
iliinctt at the hall Now Year's Kvo
was well attended
(Rtwls. to The Hultetln.)
MH.I.IOAN. Jan. 10. SW Inohei
ct (now M In Mllllcttn valley ulnce
idn ulRhi Mint of it has blown
Intt.- the loud, which leaxea them In
Every Suck of Deschutes Spniy or True
Hlue Flour you buy from
The Bend Flour Mill
you boost Central Oregon be
cause every suck of flour manu
factured by the BEND FLOUR
MILL COMPANY comes from
the farms of Jefferson ami Crook
counties. We have faith in the
quality of Central Oregon wheat
because it grades high and has
the ingredients that make the
best flour. When you buy out
side you hinder the development
of the local market and hence
the Central Oregon fanner.
Therefore buy at home.
Bend Flour Mill Co.
a. j. kuoknkkt!
Pretldent-M-i linger
(Special to Tho Bulletin)
Hlggs. Lee Itlggs, Mrs. A. W, Havn
nnd Mrs. Peter Pauls nutoed to
Prlnevillo on Tuesday of last weok.
Miss Kdna Morsn returned to her
scnooi near Paulina the first of last
v.-eeK, after a two week's vacation
D. II. Irench, nnd D. L, Sawyer
or nenii spent Now Years with E.irl
Saunders and fnmlly.
F. L, Hnlley of Ochoco mines wns
visiting with aeo. Hobbs tho first of
Inst week.
J. A. Hlggs, Mr. nnd Mrs. Allen
Wlllcoxon and Mrs. A. W. Hayn vis
ited in Prlnevillo on Thursday.
Tho mombers of tho Powell Ilutto
Sorosls cntortalnod tholr husbands
on Wednesdny evening nt the homo
of Mr. nnd Mrs. N. p. Alley. Tho
rooms woro prettily decorated In
gold, old roso nnd greon festooning
nnd beautiful chrysanthemums dec
orated tho table. The hnnquet tnhlo
wns sot tho full length of tho house
nnd supper wns served nt 8:30. Whllo
Btipper was being served Mrs. Alma
Hnll read n most Interesting letter,
consisting of predictions ten years
iiuui-u nun nu momuers woro men
tioned In somo ridiculous mannor.
I.ntor In tho ovcnlng the men wero
roiiulrod to do somo stunts Mint not
only digested their supper hut tho
onlookers ns well, for somo of them
required consldornblo athletic null
ity which few fnrmers possess.
F L. Halloy. George Hobbs and
George Morgan went to llend on
Wednesday, returning Uio latter pait
of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Ilussctt, Mr.
and Mrs. Itoss llussett and Grandma
Drown visited with Mr. and Mrs. I-.
II. Hayn of Deschutes on 1-rlday.
A regular meeting of the Improve
ment Club wns held at tho Wilson
school houso on Thursday evening.
After tho business meeting tho la
dles present served coffee, sand
wiches, cake nnd pickles to Uiobo
present. ' . ., ,
Karl Snundors and J. I co at
tended tho meeting of tho Mutual
Telophono directors on Saturday nf
tcrnoon In Itcdmond.
D. A. Yates has been confined to
(Continued on pago 11 )
7 Whore do you trndo?
CUncy's Grocery. Adv .
At Mc-
When you uso n sack of True Dluo
Flour you nro helping to build up tho
tesourrcs of Control Oregon. Its
purity la unexcelled. Tho next Back
of flour you buy, try It. Adv.
VACATION In rortliuid,
with side trips outsldo, will
glvo you nn cnjoynblo occa
sion. Make tho Multnomah
your headquarters. Servlco
better, llntcs consistently
BO Itooins ,..$1,00
100 Kooms with bath. .$1.50
100 Itooms tilth bath. .$2.00
00 Largo outsldo rooms,
Ilnth $2.00
Kxtra person In room,
$1.00 additional
We will probably make
in about TWO
WEEKS. Please
let us know at
once what you
will have to ship
in n mixed car.
We Buy Everything.
(Farmers' Warehouse)
Redmond Warehouse
And Investigate our prices
beforo buying your groceries.
Wo can mivo )ou monoy.
Mllllcan, Ore. Tclcpliono
Brick is tho MOST ECONpMICAL Building Material there is.
AH who have used our product are satisfied.
The Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
Crook County
Last year Mr. Lawson imported into the county choice
hogs of a number of breeds, the best that could be
bought in the United States. The progeny of these im
portations is now ready for service. The gilts and boars
range from ten months to a year old. In buying these
hogs it was Mr. Lawson's desire to give the small ranch
owner a chance to weed out his scrubs
bred stock.
get pure
The gilts nnd boars will be sold tit one price, $20.00,
two gilts nnd one boar, unrelated, 550.00. " They will
be nlloted under the first come, first served" rule.
Kindly bear in mind (that these hogs are from the
finest sows of the breVid, mated with the best bonrs
that the country has; produced.
PRICES: Gilt or boar $20.00
Two gilts ajnd one Boar $50.00
Manager, Prineville, Ore.
shall not start State advertising for two weeks. During that
time the people of this county may buy at a 10 per cent discount