The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 12, 1916, Page PAGE 12, Image 12

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    IWC.V. 12.
thk iji:vi ijfrj.KTix, ni:xi), oni:., wkdnksdav, ja.ntahy is, mm
. r
CfcoiiS! S. Voinm Will lc Project Kit
glutei' d'lHtiih lew Punucr
IIiieoiilctI lly Outlook S'iiv
nort Olruii ly Muiiy Ultt Men.
Aseurance (bit the Suttlf Lakei
irrigation Project, or which George
8. Yonftget fiend Is project engineer,
wll be carried to Its completion with
In year after April 1, 1916, litre
been given by a large construction
company of Salt Lake City, Utah.
Tfcla company has signified it Inten
tion to nmrchase the 1600. Ann hnmli
recently voted !v tbe residents of the .'
.... .. . . i
Ordinance, tnopcnitlto fur Severn!
cnr, Itevlvcd.
Tt-e rirfew thai) ring tonight. The
r!tv rurfew ordinance which has been
Inoirattve for several years has iieen
revived by Mayor J. A. waste and
CONCERN ''" tnm aow o" tocme n actual-
, The curfew law will Rpply to all
Juvenile under the age of 1C years
I? lid they will be compelled to be off
'the street after S o'clock In thei
. evening from November to April In
clualve and after p. m. the rent of
,the year. The enforcement of tho
ilaw I In the hand of Chief of l'o-
! lice Holier'
' Tbe Baptist clmrch bell will be
used to denote the hour when the
1 law U effective.
'(am iPf Til
i Mil nilL I u
Public Sen ho Commission Coming
on .Momliij ( t). I. Co. .Vny Un
join Proceeding to Test .IihImIIc-tloii-Olllcen.
L'lecteil .Sulitiiliiy
Judge Motion on lleiirli C " I. C.
Vs. lliooks'Seitliloii Co. on I.M
Only One ImlUlcil b .liny.
PIMNEVILLK. Jan. 12. Circuit
Court Is In sossl'tu here this voo, rH o''V ASSOCIATION
.Multnomah district, on tho bench.
Judge Duffy Is sitting In Ju le Mor
row's court In Portland, the e:chflliz
having been ninde because of Judaje c iiiniuitil(j CliiMtinis lire Commit
1 Htfff'a nn h I.... 11. .iiIh m matt I
, i' G HOV. II. C. MnM
d first vice prenldent, j ' rVl
Min. second vlco in- i,l n't i I
M Thompson, treimut , .. ,"1
It wiih decided to ti'iZo .I,
flint u'nrn nnttanrl r,... . "Mi
chrlBtnmHTreo for purpose. ?'
Hie Honcvoleiit Associations,
cording tolho rentirt rt... ."'
t.-enBtiror, n lialnnco of'sjoA , I
22 Hiihscrllictl for tho cwl
line lint enlli.ntn.1 vu'nmii
lliiok-Siiiiton Co. Ilojs Stink I'ioiii
.1. X. MnMeii.
(lw Pine Inter-.Mountaln.)
The J. N. Masten Lumber Co . nf
Duffy's connection with certain owes
coming up this week, before Ills ap
pointment to the bench.
Cases of general intercut are lock
ing at the tirrwonf llm Those of
'chief local Interest are the suit of the
C. 0, I. Co. vs. Col.. K. Smith, ntnl
, . .... ... I C. O. I. Co. vs. Hrocks-Seanlon
w,,;'. "r.8l':u!""M Co-. th" '""or Involving the
..u...w ui me cuti.ti ureKOii ir-
J rigatlon Company, hold here Satur
day, officers were elected for the
coming year and arrangements ninde
for the hearing of the complaint
i against the company before tho Pub-
lie Service Commission, set for Mon
da morning.
Whether or not the benrltur will
tee rimN Need hir Hotly In M-
ti'iiKille (Jltlim MoiulicT-hlii
f .Mini SoWcllcs Sulltlled.
Prompted by n desire to aid Iho
New MiiKiilne Appeme.l ell
The first lastio of tho Central f
gon rntnoiic .Monthly under th..
torshlp of Pnthor Luke Slieehn .
peared In llend last Thursday,
ilio mngazlno Is well edited,
i.uinoer uo., the latter Involving the1 rrompieu o.v n ucsue iu am mu
right of the lumber companv to build needy fntnllleB In Head aim vicmit). ,.,, Wo wrtte, Cll,0r,.. '"
Its logging road across the Irrigation the committee which had charge orl "". etr
.n.nnr...n .. .,. o l... ran nnl nil I flrllCICS Of IOC I IiartSll Innnrt..
n,n rnninntnliv f'li rll inn tTeo railed I
..'. , . .1... 'nn.l nmw.i-nt
iiiiii ,uiii;i ft.
; . .' - - W me . ,. .iinsien i.iiionur i.o , o
Itnfllllll AimtTift mnA In aranl Mt.i t . fu.. ,.
th. coalct I. not r. to any oil r! ply li. iCfcnTo" Ib not fully , connection with which Sheriff ganlzatlcns In town.
romp Br thl. Halt Uke concern i tarw "n't " M t'6 KnX had n W,,I K"ose thasc f""l "-oclntlon will he knonn as
llllii to H wh cnBtructlon. w,t , t, e w lltaSffhoWn , R! nn TunctlM l" t f I,to ,0. " ,asl ful1 lhe 1,en" ,,",vo,'"' A"oelatoB- ".fl
conin.inv'n pntini.
Only three Indictments were a meeting Thursday evening for Iho
brought In by tho grand Jury, all purpose or nrgnnlisliiK a chnrlty as-
against D. II. Dunn, of Imperial, lias- sorlatlon. The Thursday evening
ed on nlleged thefts of horses by meeting wai well attended by repre-
hlm. Sheriff Knox nrrnntml iiunn lnt HDtitntlves of nlniost nil the frr.tcrnnl,
week. Tho chnrcn mrnlimt Aim Wnlf soplnl. cnniinerclnl nnil rellKlouc or
Pnll,rlln -1--I
...iUiv, oiurip.
110WB. ItB IldVOrtlalnC Collin,-. .
oxtoiislviily patronized by fiend i
v o r t I b era nnd other merclm
iiuuiiKouiii uiu pnnsii.
BMa for this work "111 be received
nlTL7., r ,hlH "H"'- M'- M"ten Mya. iuostiot. of Jurisdiction. So far as Is
i -... ...i. .....; tf.uuiii:.. i. i iir .nun. ii, in.. ii ,i iinpnnn i.nnnHni ..... 1.
. . imuutcj uciicim iiruu lias
.""""" r-' "" ib ini'ir nun i mining an injunction ocrlnst the mi.oi n.. i... .. . .. ---
i.itlldlng. at llend. At tho expiration ' commission In nr.l..r m i- .., ti-. ". '.."" """"" ng lounct
, .-.". .. : ... - ' " " me jury.
.tinny naturalization cases hnve
trlrt. Who was ii Flnd on Monde v
For aeveral months Mr. Chenowcth
Mr. Young and 0. Laurgaard of
Portland, with a tarae crew hae
nwn wora.nR on in pmimiMry sur- U Pine to llend. He loft last week
ya of tha project which Mere com- with aiKiut eight thousand feet, and
ifcl ..i-.t i-. . .' """"" ""nxiwrm to start with another loau
the contract la let construction work Monday
will commence, according to .Mr. ' .
Chenowetb. The conditions under
year after it is stitrted
ton .Mill will be ah I lined to llend for eivm. hu nnininn iu, .i: '
. . ' t.-.- w,....,wi. .imv ,1IU UUI1I11HS-
iiiHrKeiuig. 'K0I1 nn(, co,pet(, Jurisdiction.
A. It Donahuo has contrnctcd wltn Ponding action In this connection
.Mr. Mutton ti haul the (limber from , the nssoclatlon Ih proceeding with Its
ini-iuruiion oi ine, a committee
being In the Held this week gather-
Clilef of Police Unbolt- l!l(N Timu
of Lo.ifers.
I'niiuct. IhicniintBeii
Mr. Chennweth In eicouraied br
urn iniertwi wnicn mo project re- iiat.,1 i. . ...iM-. . L. .
nrfverf at lh recent sJlon 'oftUe lof U olw . arteT'Vh. ,w
Orwm Irrlllon Cangresa held last L, ?!., J i? flm. rf
month In Portland. There wero many "' Jn'r'i ? ' 7i -. .i . f"
IiIk me,, he wld. throughout thelJ ",,"" H b,ow ls
Slate, who are looking forward to the tTa7hX orn t'l' ? ,l,an
t.pltl.m of the guttle Lake hrl'' ?,.,. ,'"
KOtlon project and eiect to a.ia.o ...C.h.1Rol'rU.U,, ' l'l'ort to
ml,-r ,,,ii. i... ,. . ... , ,,::i"m,ul wo "ave been about
.u. ..... " t''n without -any vUIIiIb iubbus nf
nil" In the (irandvlew dlitrlct
"The farment In our dlttrlct," said
lr. Chtnmwelh. "are all united and
M'e have good ai organisation now
k ran lie found. I am confident that
wo will mw the landH In the C.rand-i
View dlstrlnt under Irrigation within '
year after the work nn tho project
k compleUid. There are no serious
fibulae! to rTorcmo and enstrnr-1
Hon should I cmttarat'Yelv essv
e- the ennrev which has been mnde j
"Mr. Viiuiiir h lianilU nnp .,.. I
Ject work, as he la the man who is
ninet inttwaielv aconahiteil with the
fOttdltiotM The work he bos done mi
fr k eatlrelv atlcfactorv.
"We are told bv big Irrigation men
t th rtata thtt the Suttlea UXe
nroteet htt oerv nnaalbllltr (.,r
neceaaful undetiakn. and with a
lart conrorn alrendt eaaor to tako
our bond in vort
aiiiKirt'' and they were told to leave
and not return. He says that n vigil
will I kept for any others and Just
an aoon as they
they will be told to leave
Through this procedure It Is hnnmt 8U,'' tIlnt ,ho commission will make
that the number of disturbances will I ? K6nernl Investigation of conditions
Ing evidence lo be submitted to the
1 commission.
Olllcei-s l.lcrteil.
Tho new olllcers of tho nBsoclntlon
are: I'realdent.
president, r. K
. i. Howard; treasurer, A. Neff:
directors. N. p. Vineyard, J. Peder
soii and L. K. Smith.
At Saturday's meeting a commit
tee was appointed to work with the
iienn uonimorcinl Club for tho ro
onse of the Ilenhnm rails unit lands,
the members being: A. O. Wnlker.
r. ii. Dencer and W. W. Howard.
Another matter to bo tnken up by
the Public Sorvlce Commission nbnn
here next week will bo tho telephone
questions raised when n commltteo
frOlll till) DeSCllllteg Mlltllnl P.inmnnv
attended n Commercial Club lunch-
Whlli, n n
complaint has been filed It In timiar.
stood Hint tho commission will mnko
been before the court, six residents
of llend being admitted to cltlzon
ship on .Monday.
Tho Jurors who linvo hcen sum
moned for this tnrm nm- iiin.,.
vllle, I-'retl F. Hoelscher, 0. 0. Ad
ams, John .Mnttson. Alex Illnton,
ni. .MnBon, Chns. 0. ChrlBtlanl,
Lewis HodgCB. Italtlh llronon Pl-..
ence u. llnrvov: Itomi i.'nri n
tOn, C. II, Allnil. I! t llroaln.l...... !!, ...! I. ...... l. l,l . ..I.I...
S , . ' - "on;i iiwun, fsnio uiiii iiiiiii'iiuiu TiirtusBllie'. nuiH
I rn lil, ...11 I. . ... 1 ....
P. J. Young- vlco ii ii .. f , ' '-rnu81 "nrrot: I'ow- tiistrlbuted among moro than .".0
Mosler; secretary. Holer '. m " ,r,.V' '' Iroat; .honiw. brought to the attention of
,, ".iiciu. nurenco puiiuc spirnen men anil women or
iiri1,l81:o. 8tors' 'h K "whottJitown the need of a moro organized
Hodtiiond, Clina. W. Uhret. F. (. At- and comprehenslvo pba nf proceeil
I, ,l.nnu I)es?!,"te8 '' A- "rnnilen. Ing upon matters of charity. Tho
r.nL 1'. " "Z " '' Cllnso: Tor- inoniliershlp of lodges, commercial
T" ". , n Davidson. Cllbort H.lbodlos, rellglrtim orgsnliatlnns, lit-
Frnl.1 t',.,'1, ' 'V. A,l,erl " Shultsorary clubs will be solicited. In ninny
rrnesi l.ntkev: Pii ir n n. ....... i.i ., .,
v w v i i. "iiiiwn, .ui iiiesc orKiniuniinnB mere aro com
... ... .,.,. uuwani, itnrry Lan
Hib; Tumnlo, T. 0. lleckcr.
fContlnited from Pogo 1.)
bovernges aro malt liquors, bo undi
tho turtiiB of tho net thev ni- ,
hlbltPd by the stnto law. rnenri-
of whether they have moro or (.
Minn nun linlf nf rnn .,... nHi -. .
1 - .-..w ...... w. w..u iJLi luiil ui B .IV
mav be brnnd ami so that It nmv imi i.v w,i,,.,.
- ' I nui ". luiiinii;,
reach as many people as possible. t want It clenrlv tinderstnn,! ik.
Conditions found In nnd about i am In no way attempting to lnfl
mini uiiiiiiK me iiiiiniiiy neii-mn nneu Ciiro tho iictlon of the different tut
niclpnlltles with regard to tholr
tltudo In cnforcliiR the nrolilliliin.
tiipiiiliersblii wilt lie coiutiosed of all
those who were nctho In tho Com
munity Christmas tree movement last
month, together with thoao who are
Interested In this kind of sorvlco In
the conimunlt). Thurn will bo no
restrictions on membership. It Ih tho
desire of this Infant society to enlist
all the workers It can Hint the scopo
are found In town!0 "eyoral weeks ago.
bo leeaened.
hero as a nrellmlnnrv tn nnv lumrtm-
Hint may take place. From llend
tho commission will go to Prlnevlllo
to hear tho complaint against tho
teiepiiono companies filed' by tho
ivuBiy court.
p.iw..T.Ti..ciii:it.s aii:i:t.''.0 , ,Pnrent-Teachcr Association
will hold Its regular mooting Thurs
day afternoon nt rt:.?n n',.i.i, . .,.
Commorclnl Club rooms. Tho matter
t imoiic reception to bo given
January 20 and provlolon for serving
I V .. "-"uui cuiiiireii will bo
Bhcn fit I consideration nl tho moot
ing. A largo attPiuintiKn i .i.. .,
" io uuiiiruu.
mlttees which attend to charity mat
ters. The Ulan has been In mnnv hi
eiiin'Liuenis oi our Binto. I
protnptetl koIoIv liv the desire tt
mnko Crook county Mrv." nctniii
as well as In theory, and I am mitt
sure I have, thn united Riinnnrt nnv,
local authorities
"Hut you renllze that If tho salao
'near boor' Is nermltted or snnrilnnw
that tho low will bo violated and Uk
tnsg or enrorcltig It Is mndo muft
tllOrn tllUlciltt fnr lla nil In nnl..i
stances to proceed IndMduallv. TI ".' "J "r " "". . '" wneiw
... "" ' " ,luIMflHln If llAlir mnr 1V r tl n.illtinnnA A.
. ....... V, ..J U, U.1IIIIII.V, wi
greatly to bring about n better nr.
ganlzed idan of helping needy fami
Olllcers l.lcctcd.
Mrs. C. S. Hudson, who was chair
man of tho Community niiriitmn
(ireo movement was elected prcsl
jm " ,: """ ", "' i"ei- iaw io municipal purpos
aclt nt the Tl'''"la- venlng niect-BhouId enro to hnvo nmo.'
to enact tho stnto law na nn ordhi.
nilCO. I am mnklnir n nlmllnr mietrpt.
tlon to other municipalities in CrnoV
COlltltV. nnd I would tin l-lml In anK
mlt To you n drnft of an ordlnantt
nuapting tho provisions of tho statt
law to iminlclnnl nurnosos. If von
lo the outlook for the future '
l.e;no lit TjiKi- fi Xi'H" (oirrninciii
I Pol nt Portland.
M. L. Merrltt. recently appointed
Supervlaor of Improvement In all the
National Forest of Oregon, Wash
Ington .-nd Auwka. left with Mm
Merrltt Monday night for Portland tn
make tholr honu Mp Mnr.i,
- ..-.-.w. .... .,,D, ,,vi nui
t'mltlc as enter Immediately upon his new du-
Wo please 90 per cent of our ens
tomors. .Myron H. Symons, watch In
spector S. P. & s. railroad, Oregon
Trunk division. Adv.
Mr. Merrltt la not decided as to
Jut what tbe character of his work
will be for tbe nest few months, but
lltlfevea that It will b. in the n.
... . . , , . l '" of getting acquainted with tbe
HUb srtHml , m(v1 MlMlm, Hirf'.MAi of tbe lane district m Z
PihmetMe im Ittiimti; g. ParlOc coaat.
The Ileai high achool will meet1 . A" '' 0,hln ' done rata
tbe Madras high school In a delate iU l0 lh Kt of r. Mor
Friday eveala. Januar) SI. in the rtU M,ca" " e nocltlon of
HaptUt church In Rend aad will w- '"'rvlsor of the neacbutee .Vattonal
rue in qeeatlo. Keaoled. "That the u 'rul' mipervisor v. v.
United Mates Should Adopt the Bs- lr"m remalaa In charge of tbe
thttftl Features of the Swum Military "mc
The team rompriilng Margaret
Thoupeou and Mrgarut Shrader will
uphold the afflru atlve of the subject
t home Paul Renulda end Mrlle
PNSthw will take the negative
against th tTrook County high schoul
t PrinevllUt on the some evening.
"'no wm to have debated Ked
llulliliug lo U lleiiUHlelcil for Fur
nltiiro sinio.
K. F logan f the Logtm Furnl-
d bf but Hedtnond tlropM out the bulldlag formerly occupied by the
was sttlUtut4. from th. nt v..t...i u.-,. r
IT -"- .lKoU B"1' Hrlne- deal wa consummated through Mta
'."m ?,?. .,h "eV"1"' !M"0 f The HtimllLten.
tiii: i.ocviii: oph.vs.
The Louvre, rostnurant and grill,
under the proprietorship of A. O.
Arment. rpened for business last
night. The building formerly occu
pied br Myers & Wllkey. has been
remodeled on thn lniuri,,r n.i ...
.......... . ,,cn
fixtures have been put In The res
taurant is modern throughout.
Wealth In Middle Agra.
lUllam. winwe "View or im.. stntpof
KuroiK' Uuriiig the Mldd.e Agits" wiih
IMiblWbed Iu ISIS. iiiUul.iiod that In
the latter bulf of be thirteenth ceii-
lur niuiioy bad nt leat twenty-four
or twenty-live tlmeo mote iturvlinslng
power ihaii at the 1kIuii1us of the 1 . te . . a .
uMnirmiii. in iiwaru I s llH.V 11
kuutbt iMO'el "CMremely" on .Vi
a year, wh'le an iiiiiiunl liuimie of
betwmi flu a..d r.M ww-. reckoneil n
"eotuiH'leut eolale for a Miltlemuii.v
Itut lie Keuth-imiii of tlne dtiys Jiau
few. If any. ftirelan luxurlt. mid rare
ly left hit mvii eimniy-esttpt to tight
-lmliHi Mirror.
IVIuniiiU Hlver District of the Ore- I .aid Company
"ii it-uaia league
The conslderatlott
)MiHivimewt l.oMatue Cliuo.o Of.
BWl-.IUlWt P4mhIi .ShhhiI.
AI a ueetlug held lux week thj
MUlK-an Valley liupnivement U-ugu'
fbtteit tbe lollowing Utvra tor the
ensuing year. A l Norton, preai-j
deal, I. it, lluouo. vice president;
Ktio Kastelai'd. secrttary and P. II.
Johnson, treasurer
nnwrt was given on the reaults
. susswiii in wnicn the ree- nial
rs J2.700
Mr. Logan, whose furnliura mnn.
I now situated In ih l.u.ui
building. eiecta to occupy tbe bwlM-j ",J' Woll,r' ' ''W'l't wake nuylKulj
Ing soon and will make considerable ," '",' ,r-'"' Hume (Jumiwu
m order to give more floor space for !
uiapiajr ana storage purpoeea.
Uttle Violet luid been carefully
awi-betl an to Uh mveliy for quiet
in. upAM the M-vnsbtu i'f bor Brut
chunk attimtlauro. "She lememlHind
admlniltly. IVellug that b.-r Miavlur
was wwrtlty of rooie autliiilo recogul
tkn fat Kahl to bor mother ut thedo-e
oi tne kitrriro:
ay. tuuther. I dklii't wake nuylKuly
Stop Paying
A Narrow Escape.
"I'll eivv ytm a batuburg steak." lie-
can the kiwi lady, "if jou'll eboii"--Here
tbe hmu darted u-t uf the iml
"If you chop 1 1. Mm,!,- fche'eou-
eiiMletl. "Cow' latek If v..u inm....
""-' '" " - - ! i-3?-uKK' iSZ'Zr i,
llti on Mummy,
The Flaley lectures on wild'
me in Oregon, puatiioned from i
Its Place.
Idenu ol the Mllltr.u v.ii.. K.7. , ' :. m. uron- ixstned from 11H t the place. y.u stupM. tn
'et actlva for u..i ."J. :: "". l?r. win be given In llend ,w J-wir nmmmoditlaii on the
ulu o far. It ... 7,li iLTl "Ml "(l' at lh Dream Theatre. "h. THU U the city hMlib de
iKjru favorabi and it was docidd t J. . . y lu ,clUM l" ,rlisvllle
nv on the TVll. ur'Sror iXXT' '" "" m
prw oeiore .friug. oi(t h u 1(jni
MI-TauputlTA.N K.NUVHOIK. j uk t- . IT ( inaU Mrd
"Well, guebtn't I lv siJe to get In
frmatKtfl here on the liertb rater'
lUlilMere Aiuerlcun.
TH Mexftwolltan U maUsur- L ' ' .. . .v-rt,W lta of the state.
if tslgrs IU bari-rahtM, reparawry .7 Z?uZZLjTT w " lv
"' ivittlfic tn tw ejliMlliliuii ah-iij-l . "?T ?... ta tk ""ooa for
h' latemt to the Arm t J. iHties rteTTi Li: , w-
"How would you classify a telephone
Klrl? U hers a busiueiw or n profes
lant 4
"Xelthcr; It is a caUlg.-ChrlsUati
Itegtstcr. t
Provide for the worst; the best trill
save itself.
We have ten new houses to offer
you at a price and on terms of
payment never equaled in Bend.
These houses are of first class con
structor,, v-th fir floors, plastered
wa Is, electnc hglus throughout, city
water and built-in kitchens. Every
tlnngcomplete. No two alike. Prices
$800 to $900
and 15.00 a month thereafter
l on cnmiot nllbrcl to imv r,.t i ,.
Office corner Wall and Ohio Streets.
1 aaf
JIftwliW. rt
-Sai- t
4V . i