The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 12, 1916, Page PAGE 11, Image 11

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    -J t.-
.KitiZJz$'L&ESu '
the rend rulletin, in:xn, ore., Wednesday, jaxuary ig, 1010.
Napoleon Had Planned to Secur a
Homo ,ln This Country.
When Joseph Uonaparto 'eft inc. the
Inprosslon on my mind was tlmt had
o not uccii nnpuicuns urotucr no
L-ould hnvo passed for a very remark-
Iblc man.
I had nlinost forgot to mention that
mo conversation uavuig luciucntuiry
urncd townrd his chateau nt Ilordcn-
own bo mentioned as the principal
eason for choosing that situation a
onvorsntlon with npolcon, I think
wmcdlately or not long after Nnpo-
cou's return from Russia. They wero
Iilotio together, and his brother, laying
t Intro map of tho Untied States on u
I able, said:
" 'Joseph, It Is very probable tbnt tho
Itlme Is not distant when you and 1 will
Ibe forced to neck an asylum In the
United States. Come, let us look out
Itlie host Bpot.'
"After a careful examination they
decided that the most dcslrablo place
was somewuero between the Oelawaro
and Hudson In tha state of Now Jer
sey. Napoleon was detained to a slow
nud painful sacrlllcc, but Joseph found
refuge In the United States and was
governed In bis selection of a homo by
the recollection of tho prophetic Inter
view with his brother." From nu Un-
iubllhcd Manuscript of James K.
rauldlng In Harper a .Mngazltic.
Tha Bitt Way to 6irv Them la Daked
Whan Full Rip.
Children under tbrco years of ago do
not chew their food thoroughly; they
bolt IL For this reason they should
not linvo banauusi to cat uncooked,
llnnnnim aro nutritious, but they arc
mi Indigestible food unless they aro
well masticated. They are moro easily
ge8tcd when cooked than when eatcu
Tho most dlgcstlblo form of cooked
banana Is tho baked qnc. This Is pro
pared first by tvashlug tho fruit, then
cutting it small pleco from each cud
of the bauanaH ins when preparing a
rnvrct potato for baking). Place tho
bauauas to bo baked on a tin plo plate
or Hlmllnr dish In n hot oven. When
they feci tender after pricking with a
fork they aro well baked. Dark brown
or brown stained Imuanas (not the
tirlght yellow ones) aro best for eating,
i lthcr raw or baked.
After the fruit Is baked It Is placed
on n platter and nerved as n meat. It
Is not. howovcr. turned out of the skin.
'When ready to cat It split tho skin nnd
banana lengthwise of tho fruit: senson
it with salt, pepper and a llttlo butter.
In warm weather baked bananas
may bo used to take tho placo of incut
jt a meal. Philadelphia Record
"Plni and Neidlts."
After being for a long tlrao In n con
strained nttltudo n peculiar numbness
.and pricking uro oftcu felt In tho arm.
'teJT'br'foot. This Is caused by some
Interruption to tho circulation nnd can
usually bo removed by rubbing or ex
crclse. Tho reason of tho sensation,
which Is decidedly uncomfortable while
It lusts. Is that pressure for n certain
length of tlroo deadens tho sensibility
of n nerve. When this pressure Is sud
denly removed, as straightening out
tho leg after sitting with It doubled
underneath tho body, sensibility grad
ually returns to tho nerve, nud as each
ticrvo fiber composing tho trunk re
gains Its normal condition of sensibil
ity a pricking sensation Is felt, and
these successive prickings from thu
successive awakenings of the numer
ous libera liuvo not inaptly been culled
"pins and needles."
Why Wet Land la Cold.
C. O. Hopkins, soil export, fays that
five times as much hcut Is required to
-evaporate water from tho surfuco of
.u soil as would bo needed to raise the
'temperature of tho same amount of
water from tho freezing to tho boiling
point, says Furm und Fireside. This
explains why wet and poorly drained
soils uro cold.
Tllo drnluago removes the excess
of water. Then tho hcut of tho sun Is
.able to insko sdrao headwuy In warm
ing tho soil. lint If the soil is con
tinually saturated with water the con
stant evaporation keeps tho tempera
turo down in splto of tho sun's warmth.
Whan Your Eyes "Snap."
When you read in books and things
that So-and-so's eyes "snapped" with
excitement or anger you aro not to
supposo that bis (or her) orbs mado a
snapping sound as tbby glanced about
tho room: Wo bavo it on no less an
authority than tho Journal of tho
American Medical Association that tho
eyes of man "can move accurately,
noiselessly, with tbo greatest precision
to any object in any part of the field
of vision."
"Lend me $10, old man. I pledgo you
toy word of honor I'll pay ft back next
"Sorry, but I loaned you fifteen on
that security a month ago. I'll have to
ask you to put up something more tan
gible thlstlme." Pittsburgh Press.
In Motor Circlet.
"Now, ma," cautioned jio, "don't
force too much on your guests at din
ner." "What then?" sniffed ma.
"Mako it a sociability run and not
an endurance contest" Louisville Courier-Journal.
For Rough Weather.
I think I've cot a winner in ladies'
"What U Itr
"Vm working on a scheme to put
chiffon around tbe tops of overshoes."
Kansas City Journal.
Fanny Olekeni.
Fanny, the sister of Charles Dickens,
was ono of tho first Btudcnts entered at
the old Uoyal Academy of Music when
It opened Its doors' at Teuterden street
In 1823, nnd nt that tlwo tho students
lived nt tho neadetoy, only going home
for tho week end. "Every Sunday."
Dickens told Forstcr, "I was at tho
academy nt 0 o'clock In tho morning to
fetch her (Fanny), and wo walked back
thcro together at night." And the Sun
day Itself the two spent lu tho Mhr
shalsea prison, where their father and
mother then resided, owing to Mr.
Dickens having "fulled to propitiate
his creditors." While her father was
still In prison Fanny won a prlzo at
the ncademy, and the future novelist,
then engaged In pasting labels on
blacking pots nt 7 shillings a week,
wns piesent to see her receive it.
Westminster Oazette.
A certain amuteur uvlator talked re
cently nbout a tlylng trip with u pro
fessional, when bo roll 1,'JOO feet Into
tho wnter without knowing It.
"1 wasn't frightened," he said with a
smile. "1 thought that our swirt de
scent was a piece of fancy tlylng. 1
um, In fact, as Ignorant of avlutlon as
the little boy vnii ignorant of English
"'Describe the Order of the Until,
his teacher asked this llttlo boy.
"'It's very niictcnt.' heiiuswvred. 'It
goes back to the time when they didn't
take no baths except by order.'"
Washington Stur.
A Querulous Question.
"Tho sameness of tbese mould Is get
ting on my nerves."
"I can't think of anything else."
rasped his wlfo.
"You're strong for new styles In
shoes, hats and ways of fixing the
hair. Ain't there never uuy new styles
In eatables?" Louisville Courlcr-Juur
Fair Division.
Scene: Pollco court during dispute
over eight day clock.
Magistrate I uwurd tho clock to tho
Defendant Then what do I get?
Magistrate I'll give you the eight
days. Stray Stories.
Hindering the Proeets.
Doctor Well. John, how are you to
duyV John Verry bad: vcrry bad. I
wish Providence 'ud 'ave uiihh.v on mo
an' take me. Wife 'Ow can you ex pec'
It to If you won't take tho doctor's
physic? London ilnlL
Two years ago C. M. McKay sent
to tho Etato gamo farm at Corvallls
a fomalo mulo door which had been
caught in tho country back of PrltW
vlllo. Now tho stato gamo authori
ties want a mala to mato with It.
Governor Wlthycombo, who Is nlso
chairman of tho stato fish jtnd gamo
commission, has wrltton to Mr. Mc
Kay to this effect, asking him to pro-
euro a male It possible
(Continued from pago 2.)
lilo bed several days with a sovoro
attack of tha grlppo.
Misses Gladys and Hazol Dayn, Fay
Itussott and Gladys Pauls camo out
from Prlnovlllo on Saturday ovonlng
to mako, a short visit to tholr var
ious homes, returning to Prlnovlllo
on Sunday ovcnlng
Earl Saunders purchased 41! head
of slioop from Mr. Casoy of Redmond
last weok.
Mrs. E. A. Uussott, Miss Fay Rus
sott and Grandma Drown wont to
Prlnovlllo on Sundny to remain for
tho rest of tho school term.
John Tlngman sold his ranch last
week to Mr. Mayors, who recently
purchased tho Glonn Mustard ranch
and will soon leavo for Idaho whero
ho expects to mako bis futuro homo.
F, L. Ualloy, who has been visiting
George Hobbs, left for Portland on
Friday morning to mnke arrange
ments for getting machinery to de
velop gold mines up Ochoco.
E. A. Rus8ett mado a business trip
to Prlnovlllo on Sunday.
Jack Porry and Dowoy Johnson
took dinner at tho Hobbs ranch on
POWELL RUTTE, Jan. 10. 0. F.
nialr Is disposing o( a flno bcot
among his neighbors.
There Is a demand here for all tho
straw the farmers havo to spare to
outsldo parties. Many teams aro
coming through hunting It for feed.
Chas. Charlton sold all tho straw
he had to spare to frank Smith.
Chas. Lowe camo through Friday
Arrives 8:30 a. m.
Leaves 7 p. m.
O..W. R. & N. TRAIN.
Arrives 7:45 p. m.
Leaves 7:25 a. ni.
Leaves . ... . 8:45 a, m.
Arrives 5 p. m.
Cars to Burns, Fort Klamath
Fort Rock, Sliver Lake and
other points south and south
General delivery open dally
9:15 a. m. to 6 p. m.
No mall distributed on Sunday.
Night train mail closes C p. m.
Day train mall closes. 6: 30 a. in.
Western Union daily 7 a. m. to
7 p. m. Sunday and holidays
8-10. 4-6.
Pioneer Co., twenty-four hour
service, including Sunday.
hunting straw nnd took a stack of
A. D. Morrill.
Tho lack of water Is being folt
horo as the canal has been dry for
soino tlma owing to tha cold snap.
Only n, handful of children are at
school In tho Dutto Valley district
on nccount of tho cpldomlc of grippe
In tho neighborhood.
Notice Is hero' y given, by tho un
dersigned, administrator with tho
will annexed of tho us.nlo of George
W. Updlko, DecoasLd, to rll creditors
of s.i'd deceased and to all portions
ravli.g claims p.galitst ecld csj to to
present thu samo with tho proper
vouchers to tho undci signed nt tho
omco of H. C. Ellis, In Uend, Oiegon,
vlihln eIx months fiom tho first pub
lication of this notice.
Published tho first time, January
12, 191G.
4 5-4 9c. W. D, I1ARNES,
Administrator with tho will nnnoxod
Notice Is hereby given, by tho un
dersigned, administrator of tho estate
of John F. Vrledt, nlso known as
John Frlod, Docensod, to all creditors
of said decoascd and to all persons
having claims against sa'd ostnte to
present the samo with tho propor
vouchors to tho undorslgned at tho
o .ico of II C. Ellis, In Uend, Oregon,
within six months from tho first pub
lication of this notice.
Published tho flrot tlmo, January
12, 1010.
AN ORDINANCE rogulatlng and
providing for tho removal of snow
and Ico from tho sldowalks wtlhln tho
flro limits of tho City of Uond, nnd
prescribing f ho method of enforco
niont thereof.
Ito It Ordained by the Common Coun
cil of tho City of Item::
Sec. 1. That any porson or per
scnB, firm or corporation owning or
having control of nny real proporty
within tho firo limits of tho City of
Uond, as now constituted or as horo
after may bo constituted, which has
a sidewalk or sldownlks or parts of
sldowalk abutting along and upon
such ronl proporty, lot, lots or pnrcol
of land, shall keep such sidewalk or
sldowalks or parts thereof free and
clear of snow or Ico or either thorcof.
That such sldowalks shall bo cleaned
within 12 hours nftor nny snow shall
fall thereon, and nny Ico may bo
come collected thereon.
Sc-c. 2. If nny such ownor shall
full, neglect, or rofuso to clean such
sldowalks as herein provided within
said tlmo then tho city shall have
authority to have such sldowalks
cloanod nnd chnrge tho cost tlioreot
in tlin nwnnr nf thn nrnnnrtv. nnil In
Tcaso such owner or owners shall ro
fuso to pay Bald charges within 30
days aftor notlco of samo has been
given by the City Recorder, tho samo
shall becomo a lion upon tho propor
ty of tho ownor or owners against
which said charges aro made, and
such lien may bo onforcod In tho man
ner as Is provided by Chapter XIX
of tho Charter of Uond for tho en
forcement of Hens.
See. 3. Tho term ownor as usod
horoln shall include all persons tn
tho possession of any premises us
horoln described.
Sec. 1. Inasmuch as tho paflsago
of this ordlnnnco Is for tbo Immodlato
honoflt of tho health and wolfnra or
tho City of Uend, an omprgoncy Is
horeby dcclarod, and this ordlnnnco
shall go Into offoct Immediately upon
Its passago by tho council and ap
proval by tho Mayor.
Approved Decemhor 27. 1915.
Acting Mayor.
Department of the Interior, United
States Land Office, Lnkovlow, Ore
gon, December 14, 1915.
To Mary nocloon, of Uond, Oregon,
You aro horoby notlflod that Josot
Mosor, who gives Uond, Oregon, as
his post ofllco address, did on Novom
bor 9, 1915, fllo In this ofllco his duly
corroborated application to contest
and secure the cancellation of your
homestead Entry No. , Serial No.
07582, mado Juno 1. 1911. for Wtt
and SWW, Soctlon 25, Township 22
South, Range 10 E. Wlllamotto Mo
rldlan, and as grounds for his con
tost ho alleges that said Mary Uocloan
has wholly abandoned said tract for
upwards of six months last past;
that sho has nover established her
'residence upon nor cultivated said
tract or any part thoreor.
You are, therefore, further notl.
flod that the said allegations will he
taken as confessed, and your said
ontry will bo canceled without fur
ther right to be heard, elthor before
this ofllco or on appeal, if you fall
to file In this office within twenty
dnys after tho FOURTH publication
of this notice, as shown below, your
answer, under oath, specifically re
sponding to these allegations of con
test, together with duo proof that
you have served a copy of your an
swer on tho said contestant either
in nerson or by registered mall.
You should state In your answer
the name of the post office to which
you desire future notlcos to be sent
to you.
JAS. F. UURGESS, Roaster.
Date of first publication, Dec. 29,
Dato of second publication Jan. 5,
Date of third publication, Jan, 12,
Date of fourth publication, Jan. 19
1915. 43-4Cp
the undersigned petitioners whose
names are signed to the following
and attached petition and who are
more than fifty (50) of the holders of
title to lands susceptible to irrigation
from a common source which lie
within tbe proposed Squaw Creek
Irrigation District ns described In
said petition horoto nttached will be
presented to tho County Court of
Crook County, Oregon, on tho 20tn
day of Janunry, 1910, at tho hour of
10 o'clock In tho forenoon at the
County Court room of tho said coun
ty, said dato being tho tlmo nnd place
fixed by said court for tho hearing of
said petition, nnd all persons are
heroby notified to be present at said
tlmo and placo to mako objections
uiorcio, nnu to otnerwlso consider
said potttlon.
This notlco la published onco.each
week for the porlod of four weeks,
tho publication for tho first tlmo be
ing tho 22nd day of Decemhor, 1915:
In tho matter of tbo organization of
tbo Sipinw Creek Irilgutlon Dis
trict. To tho Honorable Tho County Court
of Crook County, Oregon.
Wo, tho undorslgned holdors of tl
tlo to lnnds within tho Stato of Ore
gon and within tho Counties of Crook
nnd Jefferson respectfully potttlon
tho Honorable County Court of Crook
County, Oregon, ns hereinafter set
forth . and each signer thereto for
himself says that ho Is the holder or
tltlo to lands susceptible to Irriga
tion from tho sources hereinafter de
scribed and sot out and situated with
in tho bondarles of tho proposed
Squaw Creek Irrigation District
hereinafter described; and sold peti
tioners whose names aro hereinafter
signed and subscribed to this peti
tion horoby proposo to orgnnlze said
irrigation district, nnd said signers
hereby declare that It Is the purpose
of snld signers to organize wild ir
rigation district under nnd by virtue
of Chnptcr 7, Tltlo 51, Lord's Oregon
Laws as amended by Chapter 223
Laws of Oregon for 1911 and ob
amended by Chapter 197, Laws of
Oregon for 1913, and bb amended by
Chnptcr 189, Laws of Oregon for
1916, nnd othor nets and parts of
acts amendatory thereof and con
formatory with tho provisions of tho
Inw providing therofor, petition said
c urt for tho purposo herein prayed
Tho proposed boundaries of said
Irrigation district nro sot forth and
described as follows:
Ueglnnlng nt tho northwest cor
ner of Section Flvo (5) Township
Flftcon (15) South. Rango Ton (10)
E. W. M within Crook county, Ore
gon, running cast to tho Intersection
of Squaw Creok with tho township
lino on tho north sldo of said Town
ship Fifteen (15) South, Rnngo Ten
(10) East, tlionco In n northeasterly
direction down Squnw Crook and fol
lowing tho mcanderlngn of said
stream along tho center of snld
stream to the boundary linn between
Jofforson and Crook counties; tlionco
following on down said stream with
in Jefferson county to Its Junction
with tho DoschuteB river; thence In
n southeasterly direction up the Des
chutes rlvor and following tho me
andorings of Bnld rlvor within Jeff
erson County to tho lino between
Jofforson and Crook counties; and
tbenco following on up said Des
chutes rlvor to tho Intersection of
said stream with the section lino on
tho south side of Section Fourteon
(14) Township Fourteon (14) South,
Rnngo Twelvo (12) East W. M. in
Crook County, Orogon; tlionco wes
terly to tho southwest cornor of said
Section Fourteen (14); thenco south
erly to tho quarter corner on tho east
Bldo of Section Twenty-two (22)
Township Fourteen (14) South,
Rango Twelvo (12) E. W. M in
Crook County, Orogon, tlionco wester
ly to tho southeast cornor of tho
southeast quarter of tho northeast
quartor (SEli NEVi) of said Soc
tlon; tlionco southerly to the south
wost cornor of tho southeast qunrtcr
of tho southeast quartor (SEVi SEVi )
of said Section Twenty-two (22);
thenco westerly to tho quartor cor
nor on tho south sldo of Section
Twenty-two ('22); thenco southerly
to tho Boutliwcst corner of tho north
west quarter of tho northonst quartor
(NWVi NEVi) of Section Twenty
seven (27) of said township and
rango; tlionco westerly to the south
west corner of tho northeast quartor
of tho nortbwost quarter (NEVi NW
Vi) of said Section; thenco souther
ly to tho southeast cornor of tho
southeast quartor of tho northwest
quarter (SEVi NWVi) of said Soc
tlon Twonty-sovon (27); thenco wes
terly to tho qunrtor cornor on tho
wost sldo of snld Section Twonty
sovon; thonco southerly to tho south
west cornor of tho nortbwost qunrtor
of tho southwest quartor (NWVi S
W Vi ) of said section; thenco westerly
to tho southwest corner of tho north
east qunrtor of the southeast quar
ter (NEVI SEVi) of Section Twonty
elght (28) Township Fourtoon (11)
South, Rnngo Twolvo (12) E. W. M.;
thonco southerly to tho southwest
corner of tho southeast quarter of
tho southeast quarter of said Section
Twonty-olght (28); thonco westorly
to the southwest corner of Section
Twenty-eight (28); thonco southerly
to the southwest cornor of Soctlon
Four (4) Townbhlp Flfteon (15)
South, Range Twelve (12) East W.
M., thence westorly to tho southwest
cornor of Section Three (3), Town
ship Fifteen (15) South, Rnngo
Eleven (11) East; thenco southerly
to tho southwest cornor or Section
Thirty- four (34) of said township
and range; thence westerly to tho
northeast cornor of Section Five (5),
Township Sixteen (1C) South, Ranse
Eloven (11) E. W. M.; thonco south
erly to the southeast corner of Soc
tlon Soventeon Bald township and
range: thenco westorly to the town
ship lino on tho west side of said
township; thence northerly to the
southeast corner of Soctlon Twelve
(12,) Township Sixteen (16) South,
Range Ten (10) E. W. M.; thence
westerly to the southwest corner of
said Section Twelve (12); thence
northorly to tho township lino on tho
north side of Township Sixteen (1C)
South, Rnnge Ten (10) E. W. M.;
thence westerly to the southwest cor
ner of said Section Thirty-two (32),
Township Flfteon (IB) South, Range
Ten (10) East: thenco northerly to
the point of beginning: excepting
however, from said district all and
any land embraced within the boun
dary and limits of the town of Sisters
In Crook County, Oregon, and lying
within the proposed Squaw Creek
Irrigation District, tho land ombrac
ed within the said Irrigation district
lying witnin both Crook and Jefferson
counties, tho major portion thoreor
lying within Crook County, Oregon.
Tho designation of said proposed
Irrigation district nnd tho namo un
dor which It shall bo known Is tho
Squaw Creok Irrigation District; the
source of supply from which tho
water to bo usod within said Irriga
tion district shall be tnken is Squaw
Creek and Its tributaries and Fall
Itlvor nnd Its tributaries within
Crook county, Oregon.
The signers of this petition who
aro moro than 50 of tho holdors
of title of lands siiBceptiblo to Irriga
tion undor tho proposed Irrigation
district from tho samo common
source or sources further petition
this court thnt flvo directors bo elect
ed as directors of said irrigation dis
trict: that Bald irrigation district Do
divided Into five divisions nnd that
ono director bo olected from each di
vision; nnd thnt tho proposed cost or
the organization of the aforesaid Irri
gation district Is tho sum of five hun
dred dollars ($500.00) and your pe
titioners nccompuny this petition
with a good nnd sufficient bond In
tho sum of ono thousand dollars
(?1,000.00), this sum being doublo
tho amount of the proposed cost of
the organization of tho said Irriga
tion district.
WHEREFORE Your petitioners
pray that Bald Irrigation district bo
organized ns provided for by law and
particularly as not forth nnd roqulr
ed by tho statutes horoln nbovo re
ferred to; and that said petition bo
heard ns required by law and Hint
said County Court shall do any nnd
everything necessary and requisite
to effect tho organization of said Ir
rigation district and for such othor
orders ns may ho necessary and as
may bo provided by law for tho or
ganization of said Irrigation district.
Rcfercnco Is hereby mado to tho
notlco accompanying this petition,
stnting tlto tlmo of tho meeting at
which this petition will bo presented
to the County Court, which said no
tlco Is made a part hereof.
E. R. Peterson. A. J. Weston, El
vah M. Elklns, Edgnr W. Glllot. C.
F. Chnlfon, Guy C. McCnlllstor, F. G.
Powers, J. W. Gibson, James II. El
klns. M. W. Knickerbocker, J. O.
McKlnnoy, C. P. Whlto. D. P. Moffott,
M. E. Uurkhard, P. Vnn Tnssol, D.
Wlnklo, C. L. Gist, J. P. Duckctt. H.
E. Vincent, Linda J. Qulborg, Ellis
11. Edglngton, P. Huntington. J. D.
Uowmnn, Jno Lister, II. P. Uolknnti,
Will Granthnm, John Stapf, a. O.
Rivet, C. M. Elklns. L. A. Hunt, Julia
A. Scott, Joo W. Howard, Jr.,
Wlnnlo M. Hunt, Joptba S. Hunt,
Ettn F. Howard, Emma Fuller, Mrs.
L. F. Rico. L. F. Rico. Frank V. Chap
man, G. E. Stadlg, Donnls D. Hunt,
John It. Howard, Chas. E. Hlscock,
Fred Waltor, Adolph Kotzman, Carl
II. House, Mrs. Martha Chapman,
Rob't Nltzscho. tho estate of O. W.
Fuller by A. J. Fuller. S. E. Wost,
Walter Ruble, Katlo Ruble J. A.
Wost, T. F. McCalllstor. Mntllda A.
McCalllstor, Roy L. Klddor, Goo. F.
8colt, Jorry Groszklnger, Jnmes Par
ker, Joo Parsons, C. A. Payno, E, S.
Payno, Alfred Loathloy. 42-4CC
Department of tho Intorlor, U. S.
Land Ofllco, at Tho Dalles, Orogon,
Decemhor 13, 1915.
NOTICE Is horoby glvon thnt
Naum Pnnoff, of Uond, Oregon, who,
on Decemhor ,20, 1911, mado Homo
Btoad Entry, No. 09800, for NV4 Sec
(ton 23, Township 20 South, Rnngo
Bend Garage
Our Motto: SERVICE
n full crew at your service duy or night.
Our repair department is unexcelled.
Bend-Silver Lake
and way points
A Seven Passenger Touring Car
Each Way Each Day.
Walter Coombs, L D. Fox, Pioneer
Auto Stage and Truck Co.
Freight Trucks in Addition
17 East, Wlllamotto Meridian, bus
filed notlco of intontlon to mnke Final
Three Year Proof, to establish claim
to tho land abovo described, boforo
It. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at
Uond, Oregon, on tho 17th day of
January, 1910.
Claimant names ns witnesses:
Turpo Elloff, John Todoroff, both of
Uend, Oregon; Orlen O. King, Frank
Porclval, both of Urothors, Oregon.
11-45 c. Register.
Department of tho Interior, U. 8.
Land Ofilco, nt Tho Dalles, Oregon,
Decombor 13, 1916.
NOTICE Is horoby given that
Turpo Elleff, of Uond, Oregon, who,
on December 2G, 1911, mndo Hoino
Btcad Entry, No. 09807, for NV4,
Section 22, Township 20 South,
Rnngo 17 East, Willamette Meridian,
lias filed notlco of Intention to mako
Final Three Year Proof, to establish
claim to tho land abovo described,
boforo II. C. Ellis, U, S. Commission
er, nt Uond, Orogon, on tho 17th day
of Janunry, 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Nnum Pnnoff, John Todoroff, both of
Uend, Oregon, Orion O. King, Frank
Porclval, both of Urothors, Orogon.
41-45 c. RoglBtor.
Department of tho Intorlor, U. S.
Land Olllco, nt Tho Dalles, Oro
gon, December 2, 1915.
NOTICE Is horoby glvon that Hu
bert A. Scoggln, of Tumnlo. Orogon,
who, on May 23rd, 1912, mndo Homo
stead Entry, No. 010345, for EV4
SEVi, Section 13 T. 10 8.. It. 10 E..
iLotB 3-4, Soctlon 18, Township 10
South, Ilnngo 11 East, Wlllamotto
Morldlnn, hns filed notlco or Intention
to mnke Final Three Year Proof, to
establish claim to the land abovo de
scribed, boforo It. C. Ellis, U. S. Com
missioner, nt Uend, Oregon, on tho
17th day of Jonuary, 191G.
Claimant names as wltnosscs:
Floronco Silvia, Uond, Orogon:
Grovor G. Pulllnm, Edwin II. Elling
ton of Tumnlo, Oregon; Ellis II. Ed
dlngton of Sisters, Orogon.
41-45 c. Register.
In tho matter of tho ostato of T. T.
Evans, decoascd.
Notlco Is horoby given by tho un
dorslgned, oxocutor of tho estnto of
T. T. Evans, doconsod, that ho has
made and Iliad with tho clork of tho '
County Court of Crook County, Oro
gon, his final account of his adminis
tration of said cstato nnd that tho
Honorable Judgo of said Court has
sot Thursday, tho 20th day of Janu
ary, 1910, at tho hour of 10 o'clock
In tho forenoon of said day nt tbo
County Court room at Prlnovlllo,
Orogon, ns tho tlmo nnd placo for
hearing tho final Bottling of said os
tato. Dated this 2nd day of Decombor,
Executor of tho ostato of T. T.
Evans, deceased. 42-45o