The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 12, 1916, Page PAGE 10, Image 10

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    pack to.
DeaMiiber 'Iitiii, 101.",
Cor ct.'ened this r3ty-sovetiMi
Hay of December. 1918, nt the hour
of ft!) o'clock In the morning; whon
Sfsre present th following officers:
3. F. Mannlmrd, president, II.. .1.
Overturf, Commissioner. Wnrron
Drown, County ('lurk, K. H. Knot,
Wlmroupon Hie following proceed
ing wero lml, to-it:
In thn matter of the nmnnlcatlon
Of the Ochoco Irrigation District:
On petition of F. Fred llnelschsr
Bd others onlpr modo Iiv Couit
granting mid petition, declaring thu
ImmiilHrli'i ir said Irrigation district.
tho regularity of nil proceeding nnd
directing that five directors lie elect
d for nald ditrlct.
The Com i furilinr ordered an rder
Uon to lie Imld in said proposed Irri
gation district on tho filh dnv ,f Fob
ruary, 191G, and that nnllro (hereof
lio given hb required by law, and ap
pointing Judges thurufor.
M. It. Hlggs. nttoriicv for himself
ltd OtlleiM, entered objections In
Upon Court to the proceedings of tho
Court In this mutter, mid to the
Mlgnlng of thu above mentioned or
der mill gave uotlcn of an appeal.
Court adjourned for Him term.
.Iiiuimiy 'I'i'iiii, ill Id,
1Ih It Ileiiininliflrpil a regiilnr lerm
Of the County Court of the Sluto of
OreKon for the couutv of Crook, wiih
lieguu hiiiI lipid In the court Mouse
lit PrltiBVlllo, Oregon on Wfldnemlav,
tlio Ilflh day of Jammr. 1910, Hip
Wttic tieliiK thn llrst Wednesday in
Mid month nnd the Hum nlllxod iy
law for holding n regular term of mild
Court, when were present fit the hour
Of I fit o'clock In Hie morning the
fOllowlllCtlltlcr (!. SlU'lllKev. Judge,
presiding. J. F lllnnrhurd. Comtnls
lonor, II. J. Overturf. Cnmmlsiilnii
or, Wmreti llrown, Clerk, K. II.
Knox. RliHrlff.
Vlift(iiiHiii Hip fiillowliiK proceed
!nm whio hud, to-wlt:
On) hi- waircut In the sum of $3!i
drawn In Tuvor of Thomas M. Aiuliir
wiii Cntiip for the euro of an Indlgoni
Mliltar: $S0 of mild amount lo lie
for lllercliiinill-e furnished lv T. 11.
McCllncy. $f for ewdi fuinlHliPil liy
.lolm II. Hell, and $10 for ndlef for
liioulh of .liinuiiry, 1010.
County road inutterH.
The following road imiiIIoi-h woro
continued until tho tlrst day of tlio
logulur Mm eli term: Preliminary
lumrliiKH on tho Tuinalo Project No.
I Subscribe Now for the ; ' I i
1, and S, V. Hardin No. 2, proposed
county roads, l'inal hearing on the
C II Dealy proposed county road.
Order wurrnnt In the sum of $fi00
drnwn In fax or of John Tuck for use
on the Prlnovlllo-Hcdmond county
Petition for county road presented
hy Walter A. Poster, et al, bond ap
proved in tho sum of $200, opinion
filed by District Attorney approving
proceedings. Viewers ordered out on
day of , l'JIC.
Widow's pension. Order granting
widow's pension to Kmma .1. Marlon
In the sum of $25 per month.
Indigent. Order wurrant drawn In
favor of Statlrn lllggs In sum of $lii
for use of cortHln Indigents
Tiilierciilur cattle. It appearing to
the court that certain nllldavltM In
the matter of the Indemnity claimed
liy J. .1. Klllnger for tubercular cat
tle slHiighteted under the litis law
linvo been lost onlered that when
like Hllldavlts lime been filed with the
Clerk and approved bv the District
Attorney the said Clerk shall Issue
a warrant to tne snlu .1. J. Kiiniger
In the sum of $12.f0 and shall enter
order grunting Indemnity In tho sum
of $2!i for one cow slaughtered.
Court convened this sixth day of
January, 1910, at the hour of nine
o'clock In the morning; same o 111 corn
present ns yesterday.
County roads. Viewers repot t
rend for the first tlmo In the chnngo
In the Irwfn D liasey road, nnd the
Kvlnson Atkinson road.
Court ndjourned for tho day to
Iiurm nun
In Culver,
Court ci
meet with the Jefferson county court
(invened this seventh day
of January. 1910, at the hour of nine
o'clock In the morning. Same olllcerH
proseiit ns yostordav.
(Inge In Squaw Creek. The mat
ter of Installing a recording gage In
Squaw Creek nt the tdto of the pres
ent government gage, continued un
til llrst dav of March term.
Wntor muster. Order olllre or
water master lelnstated In Crook
! couutv nt n mihiry of $100 per
month, beginning JHiiunry 0th, 1910.
(.'ouiily roads. Prellmlnarv henr
Ing coming on In Hie Chan. A. Sher
man road, evidence before tlio court
of pioper notice to property owners,
nnd no objections appearing: order
Surveyor lo make llnal survey and
report at tho first day of thu regular
March term, noxt.
Vlewor's report rend for a second
time In the chnngo In Irwin I). Ilasey
road and appioved, ordor road open
ed as a public highway as soon ns
f nils are available.
Viewer's report read for a second
time In the Kvlson Atkinson road,
nnd approved. Order road opened ns
n public highway as hooii ns funds
me available.
Preliminary hearing coming 0n In
the nintter of the O. I'. Wnlloiihurg
thi: m:i iiL'M.imx, iifnd, ore.,
road, appearing that a change should
ho made In location of present sur-
vey, Surveyor ordered to mako final liminary report oi surveyor mou ni
survey locating road 20 feet east of 'this time. Order setting Wedncs
orlglnnl description, nnd report ut' day, tho first dr.y of March, 191C, nt
regular March term
Resolution ndopted recommending
tho establishment of tho extension or
tho Klllott road and directing tho
Surveyor to make a preliminary re
port on tho same forthwith. Pre
liminary report of surveyor filed at
this time. Order setting Wednesday,
the first day of March, 1910. nt hour
of 10 o'clock In tho morning ns tlmo
of hearing on said preliminary report
and directing that proper notice
thereof bo given to proporty owners.
Payment for llghu Court agrees
to accept the sum of $30 from !'. Ir.
Cloyd ns pnyment In full to tho coun
ty for nil light used hy Mr. Clloyd nt
the county court house, nnd directs
ssld amount to be paid to the Treas
urer. Payment to school districts.
Court orders that warrants be
drawn In the amounts nhown tc be
due and owing by Crook county by
the roport of Crandall and Roberts
as follows: to the City of Madras,
$7R..".l; to Madras Union Illgn,
$:); to Madras school district No.
22. 2nf)2 fl!
Crook Couutv Journal. Upon Hworn
statements of their circulation sub
mitted by newspapers In Crook coun
ty, tho circulation of tho Crook coun
ty Journal found to bn the highest,
nnd It Is hereby designated tho of
ficial paper for the county of Crook,
stato of Oregon.
Contrnct. The Crook County
Journal agrees to print tho proceed-
lugs of the County Court nnd all
legal notices of n llko chnrncter to
those published under Its contract
with tho county for l!)lfi, for the
vear beginning January 1st. lltlfi,
for tho sum of $2i"0; tho Court
agreeing lo furnish tho pnner with
till copies for publication. The Ilend
llillletlu agrees to publish nil the pro
ceedings and notices nforettnld for
the sum of $ 1 "i 0 for tho yonr of lttlft
the Court furnishing nil copies for
Contrnct. The Crook Countv Jour
nal ngreos to publish tho dellno.uont
tax list for Crook county ns required
lij Inw, nl the rnto of five rents per
Hue; nnd the said Cronl; County
Journal further ngrees to have said
delinquent tux list published In Tho
Ilend llillletlu in full.
Ilrror In tux receipt. An error ap
pearing on tax receipt No. 2f,2 for
1U11, order warrant drawn In fnvor
of i:. A. Smith In thn sum of $7.30.
Court convened thl.i 8th day or
January at the hour of nlno o'clock
In thn morning. Snmu olllcors pres
ent ns jesterday.
County road. Hesoliitlon ndopted
recommending tho Oeo. W. Huberts
chnngo In the Wlnzer county ronil,
-"" T- 1 -1' ""
Wednesday, jancarv 12. into.
and directing tho Surveyor to maRo
a preliminary report forthwith. Pre-
tho hour of 10 o'clock In tho morn
ing ns tho tlmo of hearing on said
preliminary report.
Indigents. At the request of Com
missioner Overturf, Judge Springer
lo hereby directed to Investigate per
sonally tho condition of certain In
digents in the City of Hend.
Rond work. Order warrants drawn
in fnvor of Commissioner lltatichard
and Commlslsonor Overturf, each In
tho sum of $f.00. to bo used for worn
on County roads..
Sheriff. OrdCr warrant drawn In
tho sum of $100 In fnvor of R. Tl.
Knox, Sheriff for official iieo for pos
tage, etc.
Court ndjourned this eighth day
of Jnnunry, 19 Iff, to meet In regular
(idjouined session on Thursday, tho
20th day of January, 1910, nt tho
hour of 10 o'clock In the morning
See Kdwnrds for paper hanging.
Adv. Ctet Itld of u Rucking f,u d'rlppe
Cough It Weakens.
For tho severe racking cough that
comes with In grippe, Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound ;s wonderfully
healing and soothing. H. (1. Collins,
ox-post ninstor, Hnrncgat, N. J., says;
"Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
soon stopped tho severe la grippe
cough thnt completely exhausted me.
It can't be bent. Sold overywhero. ndv
propi:r wav for Fi:i:nr.vo
PmiMoii for Songsters Should
lie lii Shclteied PJuco or
Spot From Which Snow
lias Iteen Cleared.
Don't throw tho food that la meant
to keep Winter birds from starving
Into tho snow. Klther sweep off tho
window sill or clear n place In some
sheltered part of tho garden whero
tho birds will havo no difficulty In
olttnlnlng tho food. This Is tho nd
vlco of William I,. Flnloy. stato bio
logist nnd ono of tho host lnf6rmod
men on blrdloro in tho country. Ho
snys :
"Tho Wlntor robin, or mountain
robin, ns well ns the Western robin,
commonly cnlled "red bronst," pre
fers fruit and worms to nil other
food. Since tho worms nre not nvull
nblo fruit and particularly apples will
prove attntctlrc.
"Feed tho snowbirds, or Oregon
Juncoes, bird seed, crumbs or othor
thlnUS Of thnt hfllll. Tim nnni'Mr,!.
huvo blnck heads, white bills, and can
rr fe"j&T-.
easily bo Identified when they fly, for
they hao two white tall feathers.
, "The song Bpurrow Is a plgin
brown bird with n light strlpo over
the eye. His breast Is whitish in
color nnd covered with brown spots,
one largo brown spot being In tho
center of tho breast. Sparrows aro
fond of crumbs nnd bird cccd, uuto
nnd bits or suet.
"The chickadee, which depends on
Insect eggs mostly for food, can bo
seen hanging from branches of tree3
and bushes, looking for Insects on
tho under sldo of the branches, When
i. hsssi '"-'
SBnf" "
IW&i BHUHE imillHf limns Mttr'attJ72A" r.
thmwnmiirrmimm?'mmwtdMWiTmii&Lj'-i vp
mw&wmMmwmmwwmw2i w .. ,.-d
iiNi'Afffiilfti a JtfbSiTOprafHi
-mi AtMAwraKtei9'S'!zrJarsB
, tSimfVi-n,
fcttfeaCr-. .xsauam
Headquarters for auto transportation ui "V
all Interior points. American
and European plans.
RntcH rciisoiinble. .1. F. TAOt.ART, Protirletor.
r a
Martin &
ii . 1.1 j
'he cntin t find Insect eggs he III nt
I. ..i i. Mia f i.m.r miet that can
. iruuicu iv '" " ..-- v
bo tied to tho
branches of tiees or
Cold Weather Aches nnd Pnliis.
Many aches and pnlns. tforc mus
cles, stiff Joints nnd much rheuma
tism nttrlbufcd to cold ueuthor hnvo
their llrst cause In fpllure of tho kin
novs to properly eliminate wnsto
nm'tter from the system Foley Kid
ney Pills tono up weak mid diseased
kldnevs. giving prompt relief from
nclies nnd pains.
.r sauaaw' k. st
2KSV. A.fl. r-v
wjisi'nj,. ; w.j '
B "- i"!
i.ii.r . si'ui
. i,. -.-;; i Ti-flit-i-iH
BS:. .'JLiirfSiCairtioVJKJ
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