v r. ... reraaay Jf The bend bulletin. y?? or or ot 5J fw 11HXD, OKKOO.V, WKDNKSDAV AITintXOO.N, JANUARY fS, JIM (I. 41. nd hs lie for na ia. i to m in, en beer" NEW COUNCIL PROBLEM HAS Jin or Knstcs Tnkes Chair at Kli-st Meeting Vestei day Appointments .ti Imlc mill Alt I'nmiliiiotisly Conllinicil-Coiincll Piijh Hills Tho snloon mny bo (lend In Oregon lint It was npparent to Hiobo who nt lendod tlio council meeting yesterday afternoon Hint tlteio are yot n num- r of questions to bo settled In cl'os if5 the eBtntcr iiml attending to ho -aldunry bequests. "Whnt slmll lio one nbout tho anlo of so-colled 'nenr er?" was tho question up on Tucs- y rounrllmnn Caldwell started tlio rolling liy announcing thnt lio In favor of forbidding tho Bnlo "nenr beer" In Rend. Then sonic one naked If the city hnd power to lo tills nnd tlio suggestion wiib m..do thnt nt lniHt it could charge u high l'rrn'se fee for the privilege, of eolllng Vhntpver tho cltj s powers wore one of the council woro f"r linnieit rte -ictlon while others thought It lirst to ccineldor the question longer, vhkh was the course finally agreed upon. Yesterday's meeting was tho flrat of tho now venr and tho first to ho prended over by Mayor J. A. Uastea. lir'oro taking his seat Mayor Haste rend an address to tho council out lining IiIb Idor.H of work for tho coin lng venr nnd calling attention to par ticular ninttcra needing considera tion by tho city. Tho nddrosa la printed in full clHowhcro In this paper. Following this Mayor Hastes an nounced hla committee appointments, tliov being tho anmo ns reported in Tho Hiillctln boiuo weeks ngo, and tho names of tho nppolntlve offlcora. These, nro tho same na appointed by '(Continued on Inst page,) SHEVLIN LEFT 53,500,000. Widow ItccclH's Annual Tiu'onio of $(10,000 I'mler Will. ( Portland TeleKYnm.) M'WHAI'OMS, Jan. I. -Tlio will ) t e into Thniim L. Shcvllu, for ir .tlo football star, Illoil for pro 1 ate today, loaves the ostnto of $.1, 00,000 to tho widow and two chil dren, v large part of the estate la plac ed I j irest until tho two children re ich the age of 30. The monoy then v. 111 o equally dlvldod botweon thorn. Mra Shovlln will receive nn nnnual uroi.io of $00,000 in addition to nioncv from cortnln holdings. thougli Mr. Shevlin's llfo wni 1 ra. lv insured, only $. 1S,000 is J r n lo to tho widow, $1.1)00.000 go lng ir t.o luniiior compnn'ca of wlr ' he was hend. (7- W. L. COIHJ, Pros. TIIOS. COHD, THE CENTRAL OREGON BANK Capital $25,000, Fully Paid ft x NOW . OPEN . FOR C ,g .BUSINESS' ' . DIRECTORS B TIIOS. COBB D. B. HUNTER IaO'DOXXELL TO DISCUSS GYMNASIUM -PUNS TOMORROW NIGHT Subset Idem nro 1'i'ged to Meet ut Commercial Club Rooms To Con- aider Now Kent tit cm. A meeting, the purposo of which ia to (IIbcubs tlio pinna for tho proposed Mend gymnasium, will bo hold tomorrow evening In tho Com mercial Club rooms. All the buIi acrlbern to the stock nro asked to bo present at 7: lf o'clock. It ia expoctod that something def lulto ns to tho typo of building will be determined nt thla meeting nnd the rolntlvo advantages nnd costB of flamo nnd brick construction will bo considered. Tho mnttor of n swim ming pool will probably bo taken up, unexpected IntereBt being shown In this particular feature of tlio struc ture. It will be aBcortalncd whnt tho costs of ouch nn addition to tho pro posed Institution will ho nnd nn of fort will bo mndo to find out whether It can bo flnnncod In connection with tho plans as thoy nro now. Owing to tlio holiday business rush which tho buslno'8 men hnvo exper ienced this meotlng hns been post poned by tho men In charge of the gymnasium plans. It Is believed thnt It Is now opportune to commOnco def inite work rolntlvo to construction nnd selection of property for tho building. Moro than $3,000 hns boon subscribed nnd sums hnvo been prom ised by prominent persons In town in ovont that new fonturos nro doslr od. JUDGE MORROW TO TRY CASE Multnomah .1 in Kt to Occupy County llencli Xet Week. Judo Robert Morrow of Portland will occupy tho bench of the Crook County Circuit Court for a part of tho session of the court wlilch opens on next Monday moinlng ut l'rlnu vllle. Hoforo .Tudgo T. E. J. Huffy wont on tho Crook county bench ho wns Interested In several canes which conio hoforo tlicc ourt nt this session. Judge .Morrow will occupy tho bench during tho hearing of theso particular cases. SCHOOL OPIIXK. After tho usual Christmas vacatlonl scnooi opened again on .Mouuny. Ac cording to Superintendent Hopkins fifteen now pupils presented them selves . r tho ononliiK day nnd woro jiliulttaJtO cloti'-utraadv Xoruiod, Still moro are expected nt tlio open ing of tho now torm which boglns in u few weoks. TO IIOU) HKCUI'TIOX. Tho reception to be givon to tho now rosldouts of llond will tnko pluco on January 20, according to an an nouncement made today by Mrs. C. M. McKay, who Is at tho head of tho commltteo on arrangements. Tho nf fni'r will he held In the Commercial Club room on tho afternoon nnd evening of thnt day nnd nn invitation is Issued to nil to attend. TO KX.KUV OKKICHIIS. Tho annual mooting of tho Bond Commercial Club for the election or offlcora for the coming year will be hold In tho Commercial Club room Thursday evening nt 8 o'clock. All members nro urged to bo present. D. K. IIUNTKR, Vito-Pres Cashier L ROSS KARNH'AM LIE ARMOND IS VICE PRESIDENT IRRIGATION CONGRESS GIVES HONOR Other Crook County Men at c Xiimed RicMct- Klcctocl Picsldcut lieu oliitioim Cull for Government Aid Conference Is Called. H..II, Do Armond, of Hend, wnB olected first vice president .of tho Or.cgon Irrigation Congress nt ita fifth nnnunl session held In Portland last week. Other officers from Crook county nro Kred X. Wallace, of Tuni nlo, re-elected secrctnry, nnd Don ton O. llurdlck, of Redmond, appoint ed to the executive. .committee. J, W. llrowor, formei ly of Redmond, was olected president. Tho chief rosttlt of tho Congress was a decision to cull a confroonce to bo pnrtlclpatod in by v,nrloua stuto I bodies for the purpose of framing legislntlnn to bo presented to tho people to obtain nld for Irrigation. Tho last day of tho enn gross was roported in Tho Oregonlnti ns fol lows: "A sharp thrco cornered fight for the presidency of tho Oregon Irriga tion Con gross, resulting In tho choice of J. W. Ilrower, of Portland, the adoption of resolutions , the koynoto of which wan. tho endorsement or stnto aid for Irrlgntlonists, nnd n Parthian shot by J. T. lllnklo or Ilormlston, unsuccessful candidate for prosldent, na tho Congress closed, their business meetings at tho Im perial hotel, woro tho features of tho last day of tho Klfth Annual Irriga tion Congress of Oregon, which end ed It b thrco days' session with a ban quet Inst night at tho Chnmbor or Commerce. "A constitutional amendment was favored by n resolution submitted to tho Congress by the resolution com mittee which would provldo a stnto gunranteo for principal and Interest of Irrigation nnd dralnngo bonds, ns woll na for a state systom of rural credits - KiuH'fxl-Cinfoi'Ciu'u I'imhmm1. The resolution naked that a con ference ho called at wlilch the pro posed mensuies he formulated, thin gathering to be widely reprosnntatlvo of tho state's varied Interests. "The resolution voicing a recom mendation for stato aid was drafted by I. X. Dav nnd O, C. I.olter, acting as a subcommittee of tho resolutions commlttoo. Tho commlttco had ask ed that Mr. Day meet with It mm holp frnmo tho resolution in line with tho Ideas expressed In his address. "The resolutions submitted by the commlttco were adopted unanimous ly by the Congress, after strong sup port was given them by various dolo gatea In short talks. "Other resolutions endorsed tho Jones Hill, providing for Government guarantee of interest on Irrigation (Continued on page S.) tt&bE&&3&&9E 1 ' We carry a complete i line of goods I FOR THE.HUNTER j Look over our stock of Rifles, Shotguns and Ammunition ::: tmmmmmmnmammti Bend Hard Tho Company that put the IF YOU DID NOT GET A CATALOG CALL FOR ONE TALLIN WANTS FACTS ON UNIT GIVES 90 DAYS TO MAKE SHOWING Lund Moiml AnIih Company null Set tleis for Statement on llcplinm Sog legation Commercial Club Ke ith cs Copy of the Letter. (Special to Tho Hullotln.) SALHM, Jan. I. Tho Commission er of the General I. nnd Office wilt ro- 1 ject the application for renewal or I tho Heuhnni Kails unit contract tin . less good reason to the contrary Is J shown within 0 dnya. A letter ho i stating wiib received by tho Desert iiLnnd Hoard and read nt Its mooting yoBtorday. Tho communication states that opportunity will now bo given the company nnd the laud board to show ovlduuco why further oxteusion ! should lio, granted. The board pre viously had oudortiOd tho extension , of list '10, ombruclng tho Houhum I Kalis 71, 000. The original, contrnct expired In October of this enr, nftor a life or ton yours. Under tho law tho laud office can extend such a contract for live yoars, but no longer. Among other Information which the eonimlaalouer nska for In hla let ter lio says "It should bo shown that the project can be completed by Oc tober 17, 1920." At tho meeting yesterday Frod Vullnro, mnnagor of the state's Turn alo project, present on other busi ness, wns questioned on the subject nnd apoko strongly In fnvor of grunt ing nn extension. Ho said he be lieved tho Hontlmont In Crook coun ty on tho question wns about oqunlly divided, nnd that many favored the oxtonslon In tho Prlnavlllo country. lie wiib of the opinion that success ful homeatcadlng of tho moat of tho lands on a dry farming basis would ho Impossible, and thnt settlement now would permanently romovo tho urea from possibility of Irrigation, Tlio I.nnd Hoard litis naked the C. O. I. Water Usors Association ana the company to stnte its case, prn Homing all available Information, it has previously recolved from the Hend Commercial Club n copy of resolutions passed by that body pro testing ngalnst oxtonslon, clipped from a newspaper, accompanied by a lotter stntlng thnt a complete stnto mtint would follow. Such Htntoment hns novor heon submitted, nnd Is al so bolng nwnltnd by tho commission er of the general lnud offico, na ho Intlmntos In his letter to tho stato olllclnls'lioro. A copy of Commissioner Taltman'a lotter was' recolved In Horn! oarly this wook and action tnken nt once by tho dlrectora of the Commercial jCluli to produce tho evldonco desired by him. To a cortnln cxtont Mr. Tollman's lottor follows the one ho wroto in (Contlnuod on laat pago.) 355!gg5&3 nn - ware Co. "Wear" in Hardware TO BE RIGIDLY ENFORCED Chief of Police llolierts Serves Xo. tkes on I'mlesli ulilcs to I,ouc Ton n Many (Jo. In order to rid tho town of any persons, who It may bo thought are undesirables, Chief of Police Roberts started this week to enforce tlio vng rancy law. Several notices were served on persona "without visible incline of support" to leavo town as soon ns possible. Chief of Pollco Roberts thinks thnt' much of the petty thievery that has been reported to him by residents In various parts of town havo heon done Jiy persons, principally translout, wlio hnvo been out of employment. A thorough Investigation wns mndo ho foro notices woro served on unem ployed men to nsccrtuln whoMior thoy woro attempting to obtain work. In thoso Instances whore it was found that rniiiio of the unemployed bnd not mndo nn effort to find work they woro told to lenvo town nt once. Chlor Roberto says that mnny havo nlrendy taken heed of hla warning. In ridding tho town of mon, who it la believed aye undcslrnblQ it Is thought that petty thlovlug as well na tho burglarizing that has been go ing on for sovoral weeks will be min imised. TO PORM NEW DODY State Chamber of Conmieico to Sne ered Development I,en;;ue. After nn all day discussion a plan for the reorganization of tho Oregon Development League wns tentatively agreed upon nt n meeting held In Portland on Krldny. Tho Idea Is to give up tlio development lenguo and to form a stnto chamber of commerce, the completo dotalls to bo worked out by n commlttoo appointed on Friday. II. II. Do Armond, of Rend, was clinlrmnu of tho mooting on Friday. Ho appointed a representative com mittee to work out tho plan agrcod upon, C, S. Hudson, or Rend, bolng tho reproscntatlvo of this section. "SETTLER PAYS. THE RILL" Governor Snjx litigation Siycerd Only Willi Success of Whole. (Portland Tolegrnm.) A wnrnlng that "Irrigation" is not a mngio word, and that success under a project can only ho found, through persistent work wns voiced by moro thnn one apenkor nt tho sessions or tho Oregon Irrigation Congress yos tarday. Oovornor James Wlthycomho Bald: "Wo have painted too glowing n picture In some Instances, nnd havo made tho coat of tho laud too groat. Tho settler first must bo hoard, for tho sottler on an Irrigation project, unlike tho fnrmer olsowhero, la only nn Integral part of a unit nnd Is not a unit In himself, so ho can succeed only ns tho wholo project succeeds." Ho deplores the maintenance of too many salaried men on Irrigation pro jects, "for after all, it Is tho settler who pays the hill." C. S. HUDSON, President B. u. i;. vun, vico i resiui-at i,. IS. A. SATHKR, Vice Pres. 11. "C Hdl lUbVrjU WU1I j5S,J OF BEND, BEND.OR.EGON Capital fully paid surplus 2fj Savings Department Jf5 puid on Savings ((W & UJs Deposits Com- , IjJ ft f poundedJanuary f?W r M and July. Call , M Vk ?1 or write for par- 7 J&j! ticulars. , M JJ TEe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND ut ($D) ' ' (fjy 9 Pz!sri 1 tiffin ttrLfifriTfH! SHULZ CRUSHED. NAT HIS BODY WAS BADLY BRUISED .Misjudges Distance lletuccn l,oail of Lumber and Kliiine Funeral Held Vest eiduy nt I.n Pine lied Men In Charge Relntlu's Mtirilvo. Ivan Shulz, of La Pine, employed by the Anno Brothers in hauling lum ber from tlio Griffin mill to tho HrookB-Scnnlon'Coinpnny's plant mot denth early Friday morning by bo lng crushed to death between n heavy lond of lumber nnd tho, Hume on the Arnold ditch nenr tho Scott-Horn mill alto. Death came almott Instant ly. According to nn eye wltuosa, Shulz hnd nn unusually heavy load of lum ber on his wagon. Ho evidently thought ho could clear tho Mil mo without descending from the wagon ao ho laid Hat on ,hla bnok and was caught between tho top of tho load and tho Ilumo when the load wni about half way under. Shulz callod to hla team which stopped, but too late to enable him to dislodge him self. Home mon nearby who heard the call rtiBhed to hla anslstanco Im mediately, hut It was Impossible to romovo him. Shulz was nenr death when tho men reached tlio wagon. , Dr. Coo was called immediately, but tho unfortunate man died hoforo hla hrrlvnl. An Investigation rovcnlcd that Shutz's chest wns crushed, ono of his arms were broken nnd his skull badly frnctured. Tho body wns taken to tho Nlswongor undertaking parlora nnd Monday to La Pino whoro tho interment wob made Tuesday morn ing under tho auspices of the Redmon lodge, to which Mr. Shulz belonged. Tho deconscd is survived by- hl3 mother who Uvea in Susnnvlllo, Cali fornia, two slstors, Mrs. Mnyftald and Mrs. W. (I. Fordhnm of La Pino, nnd n brother, nil of whom wero hero ror tho funeral. SETTLERSJOJE HEARD (oernor Will liihlst on Tlielr Pres ence lit C. (). I. Discussions. Thnt Oovornor Wlthycomho will Inblat on full nnd comploto hearings with nn opportunity for settlers to bo roprosontod before making any decision on mutters relntlng to tho C. O. I. project la tho report, brought back from Portland by sov-' oral who uttcmlod the Irrigation con gress and hoard tho Buvernor'B speech. Oovornor Wlthycombe has hoard consldoruhlo complaint as to tho man ner In which tho Bottlers hnvo boon fronted In the mnttor of hearing blthorto and will see to It that they hnvo nmplo chanco to bo heard on all matters In tho future. Ho jundo this clear In his speech ut tho congress in which ho touched on tho subject. M, LARA. Cashier (J $jA u. .uciir.. i .mji.i.io, jibdi. vusuiur. A. STOVEH.Asst. Cashier vf1P fl &,) M5.000 i&z aoc AAA -?WrVv PmltrJJ f( 3 V- J ?&&&$?&1&& kjMii HJKi'i'iiyi'iMJ h ft vVn 1 ffi."m